Fig (fig tree). All about the ancient plant in fig (fig tree or fig tree)

Figs, fig tree, fig tree (Ficus Carica) refers to the Family Family. Motherland - Mediterranean, Small Asia. It is believed that the fig tree is one of the first domesticated crops. The cultural forms of figs were exported from Arabia and Yemen. In his homeland, figs, or, as it is also called, a fig tree, is a rather large tree height of 8 - 10 m. In more northern countries, this plant is a medium-sized bush (depending on the cultivation conditions). For example, in Georgia, Azerbaijan, South Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, as well as in Crimea, figs reaches a height of 8 m.

What figs looks like (fig tree, fig tree): photo and description of leaves, flowers and fruits

The indoor plant of figs is a close relative of the ficus and is considered rather exotic for homemade cultivation Flower.

In the indoor culture of figs - a small plant with large dark green leaves, which, like shoots, distinguish Milky Juice. A fig tree leaf has a large size and thick input on the reverse side, which makes it pretty soft to the touch. Its form may vary - on the same tree, both whole and cut on the blades are growing. In the cold season, this tree completely resets its leaves.

In figs Flowers are small, the fruits of the pear shape. The plant is downtown, less often one-bedroom. The photo shows how the figures of figs look like, - women's copies have a much larger size than men and are formed in inflorescences:

Before there, the figs begins to be fruit, there is pollination of flowers with the help of OS-blastofa, which tolerate pollen from male inflorescences for women. Some varieties are not required. After converting the flower, a juicy and sweet fruit with seeds inside. Its skin is covered with small, barely noticeable hairs. The fruit of the fig tree, or figs, can have a color from black and blue to yellow, depending on the variety, but most often there are a soils of yellow-green. They are Siconia - the separated parts of the stem, fleshy hollow vessels. The pulp has a dark brown. The diameter of each fetus can vary from 2 to 8 cm. The shape of the pear-shaped or round.

Most varieties are fruitful once a year and matures at the end of August. The first figure of figs usually happens in early March on the old branches.

In the premises of figs grow well and fruits. At the same time, it is an excellent decorative plant.

Better than the grade of figs: photo and description, how blooms and fruits wood

The best figures of figs are popular not only in their relatives for them - in moderate latitudes the popularity of these plants only grows over time. It is possible that such a phenomenon is due to the exoticity of the tree in combination with his unusual unpretentiousness.

In room conditions successfully fruit varieties:

Dalmatsky, "Oglobin"

"Purple Sukhumsky", "Sunny"

"Kadota", "Smirnsky"


"Sochi No. 7" and "Sochi No. 15".

Dalmatian. Compared to others, this variety has a large number of advantages. It gives good crops does not need additional pollination. Very resistant to temperature decreases - without any effects, the temperature of -15 ° C can be transferred. The fruit of this variety can reach 180. It has a very rich taste and painted into the pinkish shade. This variety is considered the best among the figures due to its taste.

Sedesian Oglobin. As can be seen in the photo, this figure of figs has a small height when developing in room conditions, therefore is very popular among flower water. It is known that at home this variety gives a good harvest. It has fruits of yellow-green and small size. It is important that the grade does not require additional pollination and begins to be fruit pretty quickly after landing - after 2 - 3 years.

Purple Sukhumsky. It can be seen in the photo that the description of this grade of figs differs from the rest due to the rare color of the top of the fetal and pulp. The fruit itself has a saturated purple color, and juicy, moderately sweet pulp - red. True, the grade gives only one harvest a year, to collect which is necessary in mid-September.

Cadot. A feature of this variety is fruits. They have an unusually large size and can have weight more than 100 g. The fruit of the pear-shaped form, have a ribbed surface.

White Adriatic. The description of this figure of figs at first glance is no different from many others, but he still has several features. His yellow fruits are much sweeter than most of the other varieties, and it fertures twice a year - in late August and June.

Figs "Black Prince". The color of the fruit of this variety is dark blue and even sometimes coal. Pink-old flesh, and the taste is very sweet, juicy, sometimes even with honey notes, seeds are practically not felt and do not creak on the teeth. The variety is self-dodged and in additional pollination does not need, but if there is such an opportunity, then the yield will only be better. Fruits 2 times for the season, in the first - fruit larger, in the second - significantly less. Perfectly suitable for drying, as well as for the preparation of jam and jams, as it has a rather soft peel.

"Ok Brew gift." This variety is breeding, well absorbed at home. Outwardly, it looks like a variety of the cadot, but the taste of its fruit is much ahead of natural origin.

Figs "Brounswick". Another high-yielding grade is popular in latitudes with temperate climates. It is very well tolerating the winter even in garden conditions - frosts with a temperature of up to -28 ° C do not bring much harm to it. This figure has very large fruits weighing up to 200.

Room Figure Care at Home: How to Water Plant

On the conditions of growing figs as it is impossible to say the fact that this is a plant of southern origin, and therefore loves moisture and good lighting. Inzar need a warm and bright room, it is not afraid of the sun. It is best to keep a pot with a fig tree on the southern windowsill or at least closer to the window. Thus, it turns out to provide the highest possible natural light for the tree. If it is not possible to choose such a location for the plant, it is necessary to ensure artificial lighting with the help of special phytolamps. In case of insufficient lighting, the tree will cease to bear fruit.

In the summer, the plant is desirable to endure into the air, to put in a hot time in the pallet with wet pebbles, spray. In hot weather, so that moisture is not evaporated from the soil, it can be covered with a moss above or sprinkled with peat. The first option is also considered a good decorative solution.

Room care is not a challenging task, but it is necessary to arrange the optimal temperature conditionsSince otherwise the desired fruit can not be waited. In the summer, a moderate air temperature is best suited for the year - 21-6 ° C. The heat of the village carries well, but it is important to ensure that in such periods in the room there is a high humidity. Do not allow the flower for a long time under the scorching sun.

The substrate for figs is prepared from the turf and leaf land, humid and sand (1: 1: 1: 1). The soil reaction must be alkaline. You can use the purchase substrate by adding a small amount of humid and sand into it.

In order to ensure proper household care at home, it is necessary to carefully refer to the consumption of moisture. In summer, watering abundant, in winter - rare, only when driving an earthen coma. Especially carefully need to be treated with watering during the growing season - at this time the plant consumes the most water. When insufficient irrigation The leaves on the fig tree can begin to twist and fall. If you for a long time to overcluded the earthen com, the leaves will fall completely. In the period when the tree is fruit, before watering figs, it is necessary to constantly make sure that the upper layer of the soil deplying in 2 cm managed to dry a little. The fact is that abundant irrigation will make the fruit very watery, because of which they will lose their taste. For the root system of the plant, it will be useful if before irrigating a bit of the top layer of the soil using a wooden stick. This will help the water and the air is much easier to penetrate the soil.

During the vegetation (April - September), 1-2 times a month, complete mineral fertilizer contribute (with the predominance of lime). Since it is necessary to care for figs almost all over the year, in early February, you can feed the mixture of ammonophos in proportion of 5 grams per 1 liter of water. When the spring plant proceeds to active livelihoods, and the kidneys begin to swell, the phosphoric fertilizers and a two-week gap are introduced into the soil. If you wish, you can mix fertilizer for figs yourself. This requires 3 grams of superphosphate to dissolve in 1 liter of water and boil the mortar for 20 minutes. The bulk liquid must be replaced with boiled water so that the vessel remains, as before, 1 liter of fertilizer. After that, it is necessary to add 4 grams of urea to solution. Such fertilizer will help the plant to recover after winter hibernation and grow new healthy leaves. Before starting fruiting, it will not be superfluous to add feeding in the form nitrogen fertilizers. Such a procedure will contribute to the intensive appearance of large fruits on the tree.

How to transplant figs at home and from the container to the garden

For growing at home, care for the fruitless figs is necessary to care for an earthy room in which directly develops root system. To do this, there is plants transplantation from time to time. Up to 7-10 years, plants transplant annually, and then - once every 3-4 years. Home is best to spend this procedure In mid-January, February, when the village is still waking up from winter sleep and has not passed during the growing season. The new pot must be chosen by 2 - 3 cm wider than the previous one.

Before transplanting figs, you can add a small amount of crushed shell from eggs into the soil, calcium is very useful for a given plant with natural fertilizer. It is very important to put on the bottom of the pot drainage, which will help the soil faster get rid of excess moisture. It can be made of broken bricks and ceramisitis in equal proportions. The drainage is not needed too much, it's enough 3 cm. If the root system has fallen, it is necessary to cut the patients with the roots with a sharp knife and sprinkle the places of cuts with crowded coal. When transplanting, you need to ensure that the root neck is at the soil level.

If desired, the room figs can be transplanted into the garden. Some indoor varieties Well tolerate winter and frost. Before transplanting the fig from the container to open ground, you need to pick up a well-lit place for it, in which the plant will not get drafts. In the dummy yam, as well as in the pot, you need to pour drainage and a suitable substrate mixed with a soil from the pit. After landing, the tree should be abundantly pouring.

How to crop figs and video correct trimming

Figure, or fig tree, it is desirable to cut after each transplant to give the plant a more aesthetic type and improvement of fruiting. Interestingly, this flower with the help of circumcision can be given any kind of corrupt, or, on the contrary, - tree-shaped. For the formation of a lush bush, figs must be cut, removing the tops of the main kidneys. This is especially important to do at a young age, in subsequent years, trimming is achieved by the preservation of the size of the plant. If you wish to give a fig tree, the tree shape must be cropping all the lateral shoots of the plant, leaving only one main trunk. At the top of the trunk, Krona is formed. The size and shape of the crown is the case of taste. It can be seen on the video that when trimming figs, and especially mature copies, bare branches, almost no giving foliage, are strongly cut to obtain a young row:

It is best to produce at the end of winter, before swelling the kidneys and increased growth, when the plant is without leaves.

For a faster start of fruiting in the summer they are pinched young shoots. However, this procedure must be carried out before figs begin to bloom, because during the pinching you can easily damage the flowers. Before cropping figs for the first time, it is necessary to make sure that the village is already quite ripe enough, and at least 6 - 7 sheets appeared on the branches.

How to grow decorative figs from seeds

Because of unpretentiousness, the cultivation of figs at home is given a pleasure that many people have a desire to acquire many more copies so exotic flower. However, for this it is not necessary to run to the store, - the fig tree is well reproduced even at home.

Basically, the plant breeds vegetatively, but this can also be done with the help of seeds. The cultivation of figs from seeds is most often carried out for breeding purposes - the removal of new varieties and selection of copies with maximum fecundity. The fact is that the sprouts obtained using seeds begin to be froning only after 4 - 6 years after landing, while the figs grown from the sprout gives fruits after 2 to 3 years. However, in the case of planting a fig, this method can be used exclusively as a decorative plant.

In order to grow figs from seeds like decorative plant, you need to select the right amount seedlings at the mature plant fetus. It is not recommended to use misappropriate fruits, they contain the miley juice causing burns and nonsense seeds. Seedlings need to dry well in a warm place. They can fly 2 years and keep their germination, but it is not recommended to keep them so long.

Seed seeds need in a slightly wet soil to a depth of about 2 cm. After that, the container is covered with glass or food film. It is necessary to keep it in a well-lit place. You can put on the battery so that the soil remains warm. The first shoots will appear after 3 to 4 weeks. The planting of figs grown by seeds occurs after the sprouts will reach at least 10 cm of height and form 2 - 3 kidneys.

How to propagate figs with cuttings

Before multiplying figs with cuttings, it is necessary to circumcise the suitable twigs, sticking to several simple rules. You can cut green or slightly defeated shoots. The latter are rooted much faster. The length of the cuttings should vary within 10 - 15 cm. It is desirable that at least 2 - 3 kidneys be on the shoot. Conduct this procedure is best in the period from July to August, or in early spring. True, if you take the shilling in the summer, rooting shoots will be for a month longer. In order for shoots faster, it can be done in their lower part several scratches and process damage to heteroacexin.

To roighten the cuttings, it is placed in a moistened soil to a depth of 3 - 5 cm. After that, they are covered with a can or a food film. The cover must be removed immediately after the first sheets appear. For reproduction of figs with cuttings, it is necessary to provide plants optimal conditions - the room temperature should not fall below 20 ° C and rise above 24 ° C. Under such conditions, rooting will occur within 30 - 35 days. After that, the plants need to be seeded into individual pots with a diameter of 12 - 15 cm. It is best to choose wide, but at the same time low pots, since the root system of fig tree is close to the upper layer of the soil. After 2 - 3 weeks after the village was transplanted into a separate pot, it is possible to start processing the soil with mineral fertilizers. It is desirable to share it once every 12 - 15 days. It is necessary to water when the top layer of the earth coma begins to push. Until that time, until the plants fit well, they need slightly loose lighting.

Pests and diseases of figs when growing from seeds and cuttings

Figovy tree Although not a particularly capricious plant, but often subject to various diseases and pest attacks.

Most often, it is possible to detect such pests on the fig tree as a web tick. The emergence of these organisms on plants with sowed leaves is not at all uncommon. Fighting with them is carried out using chemical and biological preparationswho are more acceptable in conditions open soil subtropics and greenhouses.

The pests settled on the plant, says white spots on old leaves. Young leaves twisted in the "boat" and excavated by white cobweb. Custom tick - A small red bug - can be detected with the naked eye. Among folk methods To combat ticks use tobacco dust, garlic, economic soap.

Under the damage to the shield on the surface of young and old leaves, brown-gray brilliant rounded formation with a diameter of 3-5 mm is visible. They are placed along the veins on top and bottom of the sheet, as well as on the branches themselves. IN initial stage These growths are almost transparent, whitish color and poorly noticeable. With a strong lesion on the surface of old leaves, sticky gum appears, and in the late stage they are covered with a black sticky chain, which is very poorly flushed with water. You can get rid of this pest with the help of water-oil emulsions.

Figs of figs in the form of windows, brown spots on the leaves, as well as premature yellowing and fallout leaves are usually the result incorrect care Behind the plant.

Paper plant for large premises and winter Garden. It can be used as a decorative plant even in technical premises. In addition, well-groomed figs can give a few kilograms of fruits per year. The fruits of this plant have exquisite taste and possessing therapeutic qualities.

Sakura, most often, is associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics under the canopy flowering trees It has long been an integral attribute of the Spring meeting in the country of the Rising Sun. Financial and school year here begins on April 1, when magnificent sakura bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But Sakura is growing perfectly and in the cooler regions - certain types can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

Agriculture refers to such types of human activity, the successful outcome of which is not always directly proportional to the applied efforts. Unfortunately, nature does not necessarily protrude with our alliance when growing plants, and often even, on the contrary, throws all new tests. Enhanced pest reproduction, abnormal heat, late return freezes, hurricane wind, drought ... And one of the Spring presented us with another surprise - flood.

I will allow myself today to confess in love. In love for ... Lavender. One of the best unpretentious, evergreen and beautiful shrubs, who can be successfully grown in their garden. And if someone thinks that the lavender is a resident of Mediterranean or, at least South, then you are mistaken. Lavender is growing well in more northern regions, even in the suburbs. But to grow it, you need to know some rules and features. About them and will be discussed in this article.

Solding once such an invaluable product, like a pumpkin, it is already difficult to stay from finding all the new recipes for its feeding to the table. Pumpkin in Korean, despite its sharpness and spice, has a fresh and gentle taste. After cooking, you will need to cover the salad and give it to launch at least 15 minutes. I have a nutmeg pumpkin very juicy and sweet, so it is not necessary to mive it. If the pumpkin of another variety, then you can smash it with your hands so that it will slightly let juice.

Salad, as the earliest and unpretentious green culture, has always been in honor of gardeners gardeners. Spring landing Most dachensons usually start with sowing lettuce, parsley and radish. Recently, the desire for healthy eating and big choice Greens in supermarkets force gardeners to think, and which of these plants can be grown on their beds? In this article, we will tell about the nine most interesting, in our opinion, the varieties of salad.

Mixtai is best prepared in the form of casserole, separating fillets from the skin and bones. Fish pieces are mixed with a motley vegetable set, poured with cheese sauce, sour cream and eggs. Such a fish casserole has a presentable look, and its taste is a fancy mixture of thin nuances. Vegetables and fillets are impregnated with sour cream, cheese will freeze the ruddy crust, the eggs will connect all the ingredients. Pieces of fish are plenty of Italian herbs, and Mintai acquires an unusual piquancy.

Despite the fact that the calendar spring begins in March, to truly feel the awakening of nature, only with the advent of flowering plants in the garden. Nothing testifies to the arrival of spring so eloquently as the clearing of blooming primroses. Their appearance is always a small holiday, because winter has retreated, and a new garden season awaits us ahead. But, except for spring primroses, in the garden there is still something to see and admire in April.

Quickly smashed and turning into wild thickets, Borschevik violates the established ecosystem and suppresses all other plants. Essential oils contained in the fruits and leaves of Borshevik cause severe forms of dermatitis. At the same time, it is much more complicated to fight him than with other common weeds. Fortunately, today a tool appeared in a free sale capable of saving your plot from most weeds, including from Borshevik.

Carrots are of different colors: orange, white, yellow, purple. In orange carrots, beta-carotene and lycopene prevail, yellow color is due to the presence of xanthofilles (lutein); White carrot has a lot of fiber, and purple contains anthocyanin, beta and alpha carotes. But, as a rule, gardeners choose a carrot variety for sowing not in color of fruits, but in terms of their maturation. About the best early, medium and late varieties We will tell in this article.

We recommend enough easy recipe Pie with an appetizing filling of chicken and potatoes. An open cake with chicken and potatoes is an excellent diet dish that is suitable for tight snack, it is very convenient to take a couple of pieces of this baking on the road. Pie bakes in the oven one hour at 180 degrees. After that, lay it on a wooden surface, pre-released it from the form. Sufficiently cool the baking and you can start tasting.

Long-awaited spring for many indoor plants It is a period of start of active vegetation, and for most - and returning their decorativeness. Adopting on young leaves and outlined shoots, it is worth not to forget that spring is also a lot of stress for all indoor plants. Densitive conditions and universal, all indoor culture Faces much more brighter lighting, changes in air humidity and temperature modes.

Homemade cake on Easter with cottage cheese and candied you are easy to prepare, even without having any pastry experience over your shoulders. Bake cakes can not only in a special form or in paper mold. For the first culinary experiments (and not only) I advise you to take a small cast iron frying pan. The cake in a frying pan will not be so high as in a narrow form, but it never burns and always protects well inside! Curd dough on yeast is obtained by air and fragrant.

He is also interested in the fact that his fruits (Thaivin) are used in food with young, not matured (radiant). So, it is not necessary to wait for the crop ripening, and from the end of spring to autumn you can have fresh vegetables in the menu. On her beds, it is better to grow grade and hybrids of zucchini, resistant to diseases and to changes in weather conditions. It eliminates unwanted treatments and allows you to get a harvest with any weather. It is about such zashchka varieties and will be discussed in this article.

IN middle lane April is a time when the first bloom of plants in gardens and parks begins. Unchanging solts that have entered into their human rights - bulbous primroses. But among decorative shrubs, you can meet such that will delight with fragrant colors, animating the still inconspicuous garden. The main rue of beautiful decorative decorative shrubs is per month May, most of them, as a rule blooms in mid-May.

Figovy tree, or figs (lat. Fícus Cárica) - a bright representative of the ficus of the family of the mound. The Latin name comes from the name of the Motherland of the growth of figs - ancient karia in Malaya Asia. It has many different names, the most popular of which "ordinary" or "wine berry". The figs are widespread in countries with subtropical climates, in Georgia, South Ossetia, in the mountains of Armenia, on the Absheron Peninsula, in the Central Regions of Azerbaijan, in the Carpathians, in the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory, Crimea and Abkhazia, as well as in countries Mediterranean.

Curious fact about a fig tree: its fruits, all the familiar fruit -inges, not at all the fruit, and flower. Similarly, some other varieties of ficuses bloom.

In fact, the fruits of fig tree are flowers, and not fruit, as it is considered.

Properties of fruits and leaves

The fig tree is recognized as one of the most ancient cultural plants, the first mention of which is contained in the Bible.

Fig (otherwise fig) is widely used in food in the fresh, canned and dried. Also, a very tasty and useful jam is obtained from figs.

Thanks to the rich drug properties from ancient times, figs apply as a medicinal product from a cold. Fresh fruits are used as a means of cough and throat diseases. The flesh of figs has an excellent stiff and antipyretic effect.

The figs are also high, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium. In addition, figs are shown in rapid heartbeat, as well as at bronchial asthma. Dried fruits have a laxative effect on the body.

Dried figs are very useful for improving the operation of the intestinal and gastric tract.

Growing in the open soil

Through history cultivation The figs were withdrawn a lot of varieties and varieties of this plant. For its cultivation, gardeners are recommended to choose self-pollized varieties.

In addition, when choosing a variety, it is important to draw attention to how one or another variety will be adapted to the condition of a particular region.

For example, in regions with a temperate climate, it is better to plant winter-hardy figs. Such a variety will survive the winter and frost in the open soil.

Popular varieties among fans-sidelines include:

  • Bruunswick;
  • Kadat;
  • Crimean black;
  • Dalmatian.

Landing: soil, location and lighting

Smokery - subtropical plant. This means that the plant loves the sun, heat, and does not like cold and strong wind. These features need to be taken into account when choosing a place for landing in the open soil. It is best for this purpose a well-lit place on the southern side of the garden will fit. It is important that there are no high buildings, buildings and trees with a lush crown.

Figs are not capricious in the choice of soil. Almost any soil is suitable. The only need is sufficient moisture. Therefore, drainage at the bottom of the landing pit is made only under the condition of severe clay soil. Nevertheless, the ideal for figs will be a light sandy substrate or perlite.

The prepared substrate can be filled with organic fertilizer. After that, the soil pour into the form of a slide and the roots of the seedling are placed on top, and then they fall asleep their earth. The root neck is located on the surface.

In those regions where winter frosts are sufficient, it is recommended to plant the mixture in the trenches. The northern side of the landing trench should be sheer. To protect it from sinking, you can use a film or polycarbonate. The southern slope should be gentle to ensure that direct sunlight hit.

It is possible to plant a fig tree in the open ground in the fall, as well as in the spring. In winter, the tree must be covered, and with strong frosts "resettled" to the greenhouse. This also applies to winter-hardy varieties.

Finger care in open soil

Open ground care activities are in the following procedures:

  1. Watering should be regular and abundant. When drying the soil, the likelihood is greater that the plant will not be fruit. Exemplary irrigation periodicity - 8 -12 times per season. In one right, you need to pour into the soil of at least 1 -2 bucket of the average size. If drip irrigation is applied, it is necessary to regularly check the level of soil moisture.
  2. Crane formation. Among the gardeners is popular for the scab formation of the crown. Krone is formed from 3 -4 uterine branches. At the same time, the strab usually reaches a height of about 60 cm. Soothes during the season are cut off (this also applies to the strain). For 2 -4 years after landing, the ends of the shoots and conductors are a little clipped. This leads to the fact that the tree forms more side branches. In the end of the spring, you need to hold a pin at the length of the shoot of 50 -70 cm. After that, once in 3 -4, you need to remove the root piglets and cut the old branches.
  3. Fertilizer. In the spring, the figuction can be filled with mineral fertilizers. To make fertilizer in the soil, it is better to use the surface loosening method. You can also fertilize the nast of manure.
  4. Shelter. In the autumn period, when the temperature begins to decline, and in the spring, when the temperature has not yet risen, the tree needs to be lit by a greenhouse. For this purpose, a greenhouse from cellular polycarbonate is perfectly suitable. It retains the desired temperature and humidity well, as well as durable enough. In especially warm and sunny days, the greenhouse is recommended to open.

Prepare figs to wintering in the following way:

  • Remove the autumn greenhouse;
  • All branches come to the ground;
  • Put on the trench and clamp it tightly film;
  • The whole design must be filled with a layer of land, about 15 cm thick.

Growing and care at home

To grow a fig tree at home, not all of its varieties are suitable, but only low and self-polished. These include:

  • Shuisky;
  • White adriatic;
  • Malamon;
  • Black Pearl ;
  • Sighing of a oglobin;
  • Gift October;
  • Dalmatics;
  • Cadat.

Each of them is capable of fruit twice a year even at home. If you provide the necessary lighting and proper care, the fruits will be quite large and tasty.


By selecting the desired figs, it is also necessary to choose the right tank for landing and soil.

As mentioned earlier, the fig tree is not attracted to the choice of soil. For landing at home, the most common soil is suitable. You can mix it with ash or lime, but it is optional. As a fertilizer, you can use a crushed eggshell or add some peat.

Before planting plants, the soil must be prepared. It must be disappeared. You can do this in the microwave oven. Also to disappear need river sand. They are recommended to slightly sprinkle the upper layer of the soil after planting.

Pot is better to take a little. At the bottom of the pot, you need to make high-quality drainage and put in it in advance prepared Soil. The soil must be mixed with water and make a deepening. Next, the seedling is sitting in a small hole "sit down" and on top of the hole in the remaining soil and sand.


During the first years of life, the room figs are actively engaged in the development of a powerful root system. That is why it is recommended for 7 years annually replant the plant in a larger pot. It is best to do this in the spring before breaking the leaves.

Next, the transplant can be made once in 3 -4 years. Also do not forget about high-quality drainage at the bottom of the pot and abundant watering after transplants.

Temperature, lighting and level humidity in room

Everything characteristics figi. and features care per that plant. speak about tom, what figsouth plant and highly loves solar shine and increased humidity. Healthy plant and good fruiting 1 2 times in year can provide only thanks compliance these two points.

IN room need to arrange wood on the south side and put pot nearer to window. If a such capabilities not, that good lighting before need to create artificially from help phytolamp.
Humidity in room also recommended support artificially from help humidifiers.

It is best to arrange a pot with fig on the south side of the room next to the window.


Home fig tree loves not only abundant and regular watering, but and frequent spraying stems and leaves. For of this suitable warm water, but not hot. If a allow drying soil, wood can reset everything leaves.

Important reduce intensity and frequency glaze in time fruiting tree. Excessive moisture can to do fruit watery and tablery.


Fig wood oK reacts on the trimming. therefore for neat and timely forming wood can without labor give anyone desired form.

With the help of proper machine cutting machinery, you can give any form.

Period rest

Practically everyone subtropical plant it has its own period rest. Fignot an exception. For it period rest have to on the gap from november by january.

IN period rest wood things off foliage. Wood need to remove in dark and cool a place. Temperature in room should dress about from +15 before 0s. Also necessary gradually reduce number polivov before minimum.

Spring begins awakening and transition in active period. After appearance first kidney plant need to render in more lighted a place and start off renew regular watering.

Fertilizing and fertilizer

When plant transfers to active vital activity, but kidney start to swell, in soil enamel alternately from two weeks gap phosphorus fertilizers and infusion navigation.

Can alone cook mixture for fertilizers. For of this need to dissolve 3 gramma superphosphate in 1 lithra water and boil solution on the length 20 minutes. Bring quantity liquids before 1 liter, using boiled water. After of this in mixture need to add 4 gramma urea.

Two times in year, in beginning spring and in beginning summer, can spray leaves tree special solution. it will allow save leaves aesthetic brightgreen color. Solution for spraying prepare of 1 liter boiled water and 2 grammov iron kaper.

Before beginning fruiting not will be lish add podchar in video nitric fertilizer. Such procedure will be promote intensive appearance large fruit on the tree.

Problems and diseases

Fig wood though and not especially capricious plant, but often susceptible various diseases and attacks pests.

TO most frequent diseases fig relate:

  1. Gray roton the fruits fig appears white or grey flap from inclosures watery pain.
  2. Fusariosisdecay fruit from the inside.
  3. Cancer thingssick plot stemor things covered cracks and putting. Gradually this region decommiate.
  4. Anthracnoseon the fruits figappear spots dark colors, and they are fad.
  5. Zakisaniafruit fig change its own colorfrom pink before brother.
  6. Mosaic -on the leaves and fruits food brown spots various size, fruit and leaves die away and feed.

Pest, agrowing fig wood most often:

  1. Firework:appearance butterfly gray colors leads to planting fruit and leaves.
  2. Mole.leasting: yellowcaterpiles, but in furtherbutterfly brother colors, inhibits everything wood (leaves yellow and feed, fruit rot).
  3. Listoblushka: small insect from white tel and transparent wings saws everything juices of fruit and kidney, lisha plant life forces and prevents his growth.
  4. Loubohed: bug oval forms brown colors inhibits corre. tree, and she is gradually decommiate.


Home fig can successfully multiply two methods


Trenok for showing selected thus way, to on the nem. it was about 3 4 kidney. Nizhny half chenka wetting stimulant root formation and placed in in advance prepared pot from sand or water. If a for showing selected sand, that his necessary preliminary disappear in microwave stove.

On the first time, until trenok not starting, can to do for it teplichku. of glass banks or cut plastics bottles. IN room must be enough heat and light. Periodically recommended clean up teplichku. and spend room, to plant « raised» fresh air.

For successful showing and subsequent landing plants in permanent soil fig start fruit already in flow 6 months.

The most popular method of reproduction of a fig tree among gardeners is shower.

Seminal method

Seeds need to to choose of self large and beautiful fruit tree. After collection seeds necessary rinse water and dry out in flow 24 watch.

Sale seeds in beginning spring. Lay out seeds in capacity from soil on the depth about 2 3 cm and slightly wetting upper layer soil. Further do teplichku. of glass banks or plastic glass. After appearance first rostkov necessary spend plant, cleaning teplichku. on the some time.

When rostic enough grown and standing, them can transplant in more suitable pot from soil.
Seminal method not especially popular among sadovodov and lovers, so as desired result have to wait long. Fruit wood, modified seed fashion, start not earlier, than through 4 5 years.

Seeds need to be collected from the largest and delicious fruits.

Where buy

Acquire ready saplings for growing fig tree in garden or at home can in horticultural stores or nursery, but also through the Internetthe shops. Price sapitz will be strong vary in dependencies from sort fig. Scatter price per 1 seedling will be about such:

  • Crimean the black, Dalmatian (Russia) from 220 rub.;
  • Bruunswick (Russia) from 600 rub.;
  • Brown (Turkey) from 790 rub.;
  • White Adriatic, Kadat from 375 rub.

Seeds also available in wide access. Approximate price per packaging seeds (5 pieces.) make up 60 rub.

The fruits of figs will be decorated for the garden and beloved delicacy on the table.

Large green leaves and right shaped crown will be spectacular supplement Interior spacious living room or office. Delicious and useful fruit fig tree will be constant source joy and subject pride for homemade.

Smokery, Smirnskaya Berry, Wine Berry - Subtropic Tree Ficus Carica, from the same kind to which evergreen bedroom ficuses are not similar to them. They grow it in the Middle East, in Central Asia, in the Caucasus, in Italy, Greece, Portugal - everywhere, where the climate is subtropical or just enough warm. Humanity mastered F.Carica in Malaya Asia, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Karya, in honor of which she is named in Latin. The fig tree serves mankind for 5 thousand years, and left in the history of civilization a bright, significant traces.

Noble plant come from antiquity

This is the most fig tree that the Bible tells in the description of the paradise of Adam's life and Eve ("Fig Leaf") and in the parable of a barren tree. It is mentioned in the Qur'an, one of the Sur is called - "Mennica". Buddhists believe that the enlightenment, which made the Buddha Prince Gautam, conceded under the ficus of the sacred - with the tree of the same kind, though with inedible fruits. In ancient elda, these fruits along with grapes were among the main foods, on holidays in honor of God, Dionusia was placed in baskets as a sign of fertility and joy.

To describe the subtleties of flowering and fruit of figs - plants are absolutely unique - there is a complex system of terms used exclusively to the genus Ficus. Trees are divided into men's and female, that is, it is bombarded. Three times a year in the sinuses of the leaves on short stems, the inflorescences of the Siconiums are growing. They have a pear shape with a hole at the top, the flowers are located inside. Hence the error that the fig tree does not bloom.

Flowers with stamens are well developed on male trees in the siconiums, and pestles in female flowers are shortened, these inflorescences are called profies. On female trees - on the contrary, the sticky flowers are reduced, and the pestle is full, these are figs, and the achieping of them are also called.

All the inflorescences of the first generation in the season are called Profies, are formed in April, bloom at this time are mostly men's trees, that is, most profig - capricigi, but there are among them and a little female on the appropriate trees. The second generation is Mammony, blooming in the summer, this time women's inflorescences are much more, it gives the main crop. Then, at the end of September, men's trees form a generation of mamma, naturally, not giving fruits.

In the photo Tree figs

The complex cycle of F.Carica flowering was formed formed, it is perfectly fitted to the Bastophaga Psenes life cycle, with which this plant has a close symbiosis. The female of the tiny, size of 1 - 2 mm, the insect comes out of the inflorescence only in order to find new ones. The males exist only inside the capsifigs and do not even have wings. Yes, and female individuals fly no matter, they are for nothing. In the spring, overwhelmingly fertilized blastofares enter the men's inflorescences of the first, spring generation, lay eggs in the wounds of defective female flowers and die.

Of the deferred eggs, males are first developing, they help females to get out of the barriers, fertilize them, die. The females lay eggs, the cycle is repeated, by the time new females ripened for egg layout, pestile inflorescences waiting for pollinations are already formed on women's plants. The OSA, which was selected from the Siconium, is covered with pollen, which is in the male inflorescence - in excess.

In search of a place for egg laying, the insect is trying to master the inflorescences on women's trees, but it does not succeed, because the launch of women's flowers is not suitable for this. Instead, there is pollination required by the plant in order for the inflorescence to develop into a full-fledged nozzle.

When the female still succeeds in finding one of the few men's inflorescences on the appropriate tree, it lays eggs, and the second generation of the OS comes out. They no longer have long to look for men's flowers, because by the time of their maturity, the siconiums of the Mamma generation, consisting only of men's inflorescences. The females of the third generation winter inside the siconiums on the tree or on Earth and the spring begin the next symbiotic cycle.

Photo of figs

IN good conditions The fig tree grows as a tree and can achieve in a height of more than 10 meters. It happens, for example, in the valley of the river, on weakly alkaline soil, with a small humidity, warm, or in the garden, with constant, not very abundant irrigation and feeding fertilizers. If all this is missing, the tree is low. It can grow in the form of a bush - for example, when growing after frosts, or, if it is formed by such intention - when growing in trenches or indoors.

This is an extremely adapted plant like watering, but resistant to drought; Prefers subtropical humidity, but dry air tolerates well. To the soil, the fig tree is completely undemanding, albeit a responsive for fertilizer and loosening, at the same time grows in the mountains between the stones, in the crevices of the rocks, on a very thin layer of non-frosted land. Loves sunlightBut it grows well in shading, however, it affects the quality of the harvest. Well-kept garden gives 10 - 20 tons of fruit with hectares.

Some varieties freeze at - 5 ° C, others are withstanding - 10 ° C, for subtropical culture, good frost resistance. In cold areas, bushes are hidden for the winter, it is grown in trenches. This plant could move to more northern regions, not allowing it only the heat-lifting of the wasp, without which most varieties can not be in any way.

In the photo of fig

The situation was partially corrected by breeders, creating forms, satisfactoryly fruiting without pollination, they are good where, due to the cool climate, there can be no-symbionets, as well as for keeping in the room, as a fruit-decorative plant. Magnificent trees with a height of no more than 3 m, with bladed exotic leaves really look very impressive in the room. Room Fig is best kept on a well-starved windowsill, moderately water, to clean up in a cool room, because this plant is a leaf fall, it requires winter peace.

Gentle, Sweet Wine Berry, Treasury of Useful Substances

So, what we call the fruit of firing tree, in fact - its nozzle, besides, as if turned inside out, so that many small frods are located inside. Gentle, juicy flesh develops from an axis of inflorescence, outside it is covered with fine skin with finely chopping, giving roughness is very sweet, sometimes with sourness, with a specific taste.

The name "Wine Berry" Fruit was probably for the fact that it is spoiled very quickly, after a day after removal, fermentation processes begin. Therefore, no matter how tasty fresh fruits are, they are quickly recycled in jams, jams, marmalade, flip, compotes or drying. The main manufacturers of the FCBC - Turkey, Italy and Greece - supply them to the market mainly in a revised or dried form.

Video about the benefit of fig

Calorie and sugars content in "wine berries", especially dried, are so high that they give a marked tide of energy and a feeling of satiety. Alexander Macedonian warriors always wore them with them. On the content of iron, this fruit exceeds even an apple, according to Kalia is inferior only to nuts. There is calcium, phosphorus, copper, iodine, rich set of vitamins (C, B, PR), a lot of useful vegetable fiber.

The abundance of beneficial substances in the Smirnaya berry is favorably affecting the entire body - on the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, stomach, it is useful for anemia, lowers blood intake, has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties, brazers on milk - excellent folk remedy With a cold. Contraindicated with gout and diabetes mellitus.

It is difficult to find those fruits or vegetables that would not have a professional gardener. In its garden, there are many exotic fruits and berries, among which have long known, and less well-known - and. And, of course, there you can meet a fig tree, in our country it is more known as fig.

As a rule, to meet a fig tree in our country is more difficult than plants such as lemon, grenades, mandarin. But if the tree is caring, it is very good fruit. There is a variety of fig tree - fig house, in its own way appearance It is very similar to the ficus, the same lush treewhich can grow up to 2 meters. To crack wood in a healthy condition, you need to regularly perform molding.

How to grow figs - fig tree

Room varieties of fig tree also have many differences and varieties, the most famous of them are considered "Oglobusha", "Kedot" and "Purple Sukhumsky". All these varieties can bring wonderful fruits of large sizes (a little more than walnut), moderately sweet. Once the fruits of this tree in food, it will be difficult to forget about their taste features.

For growing figs at home, it is not necessary to make excessive efforts. This plant is quite unpretentious. During its growth, figs prefers to be warm, but at the same time it calmly transfers the cool temperature. In our apartments, where there is usually enough dry air, getting around without problems. In winter, a pot with figs best put on the southern windows of the apartment, but in the summer there is worth to give preference to the east side.

Fruiting. Before the appearance of the first fruits, there are about six months. Initially, foliage appears on the plant, then the zealing and ripening of fruits occurs, after the fruits are removed from the tree, it relieves the foliage and occurs a period of rest (this period takes about 3 months). When creating a plant right lighting It is able to bear fruits throughout the year, only occasionally producing relief of foliage and resting.

Watering. Regarding irrigation, here, the main thing is not to overdo it: the water should be in moderation, excessive watering is also harmful for this plant, as well as its insufficient amount. In the winter months, watering can be performed using a special pallet. When active germination of the tree occurs or the crushing of fruits occurs, it is worth fertile to the ground using complex mineral fertilizer. But if it was not possible to help Earth, it's not worth worrying - the fig tree will fully cope without it.

The soil. Selecting the soil for growing a fig tree, it is recommended to pay attention to the more easy and nutritious. If you do not understand the soil, then consult the sellers in flower shops, they will gladly help you.

Reproduction. If you have a desire to multiply fig, then it is very simple to do it. It is necessary to pick up the cuttings of the fig tree, which have 3-4 kidneys. Next, these cuttings must be carefully cut into the bottom side to dip in the previously purchased stimulator of the root formation, then the cuttings data are rooted in wet sand or water. There is a version of the reproduction of figs with the help of seeds, but this method of reproduction is not popular because the plant begins to be fruitful only for the 4-5th year after planting the plant. If you use cuttings, the first fruits appear for 6 months.

Forming. The plant reacts remarkably to circumcision, so it can be converted to any form, the main thing is to be desire and fantasy.

It is worth noting that the fruits of figs have not only excellent taste, but quite useful. In addition, if the tree is grown with their own hands, then in the benefits of fruits, you can not even doubt. The fetus of figs includes a large number of potassium, so if you eat several fruits of this tree during the day, you can improve the state of the vessels.

Also, the plant can sound blood, so in patients with blood clots, this plant is necessarily present in the diet. Eating is recommended to those people whose anemia or there are diseases associated with a blade or kidneys. Some doctors argue that the fruits of figs are able to cure even from cancer (naturally, if the disease in the early stage).

People with problems in the field of the upper respiratory tract, this plant is also suitable. It is necessary to weld the fruits of the tree in milk and drink this drink three times a day, the drink should be hot, and the dose is 100 grams. In addition, if there are problems with digestion or with the metabolism, it is recommended to eat jam from figs. If there are constipation of young children, then the jam from figs should be diluted with water and give this mixture a child, it gives a wonderful laxative effect.

The fruits of figs are not the only thing that can help people in the treatment of diseases: the juice of this tree is also used. Figing-tree juice is needed for the treatment of acne, processing of wounds, guncrows, and even with oncological diseases of the skin.

Fig is a plant that is not only an excellent tool for treating diseases, but also a wonderful creator of home coat.