Features of different varieties of indoor roses. Indoor rose care and cultivation

Now there are many plants that can be grown at home. For example, this is a miniature, or, as it can often be called, a room rose. It is difficult to find a person who would not admire the fragrant flower of this species. She is rightfully called the queen of all colors. Poets and writers glorified in their works this beautiful plant in all respects. Men give their beloved whole bouquets of scarlet roses.

Now there are many plants that can be grown at home. For example, this is a miniature, or, as it can often be called, a room rose

But cut flowers don't last forever - they fade quickly in vases. Now lovers of this plant have the opportunity to prolong the pleasure of admiring flowering plant planting a rose at home. In this case, the room will suit almost anyone.

Miniature indoor roses are the smallest members of the Rosehip genus available in the world. They were bred in China. At the present time, several varieties of these beautiful plants are known to flower growers. There are flowers with delicate aroma, and some are completely odorless. Usually it is a graceful bush up to 45 cm high, dotted with small buds.

The largest of these plants are patio roses. They can be grown not only at home, but also in open flower beds.

The smallest are Cordan roses. This is a very miniature bush with small buds.

A distinctive feature of Turbo roses is a compact bush with more large flowers and a wonderful aroma.

Miniature indoor roses are the smallest members of the Rosehip genus available in the world. They were bred in China

Secrets of choice

In order not to get disappointed in further cultivation when buying this wonderful green creature, you need to know some subtleties and secrets:

  1. First of all, you should pay attention to the number of colors. According to popular opinion, there should be a lot of them. But experts advise nevertheless to focus on the number of unopened buds.
  2. Weakened plants should not be purchased. Only an experienced florist can return the rose to its former vitality.
  3. The number of young shoots indicates the state of the rose houseplant. This means that the adaptation of a flower to new conditions will be painless. And if, upon arrival home, remove several already blossoming buds, then this procedure will significantly reduce the load on the plant and increase the chances of successful adaptation to new conditions. Do not be afraid that the plant will lose its attractiveness somewhat: the buds on it will bloom quite quickly and replace cut flowers
  4. It is necessary to properly examine the leaves and stems of the plant you like: are they not affected by diseases and whether there are pests. Different colored spots on the leaves and stems of the bush indicate a fungal infection.
  5. Falling or yellowing foliage indicates depletion of vital resources or acidification of the soil from excessive watering. Such a flower will also be difficult to revive.

Some subtleties of the adaptation period

Having received a gift from friends or bought a miniature rose in a flower shop, you should not rush to transplant it right away. The queen of plants is a very whimsical flower and, like any beauty, is capricious. It is necessary to give time to this plant to adapt to new conditions. For this, two to three weeks are enough.

After buying and bringing the plant to your home, you need to wash it under a barely warm shower. This is a preventative measure that destroys spider mites. For greater confidence, it is proposed to additionally process the purchased bush with Fitoferm or Agrovertin preparations.

You can transplant by making sure that the plant looks healthy. it necessary procedure, since in a greenhouse, roses are grown in small pots and with a minimum amount of nutrient soil. The plant's vital activity is supported by special nutrient solutions. Therefore, in no case should you delay with a rose transplant. Otherwise, she can get sick and eventually die.

Gallery: indoor rose (25 photos)

How to care for a home rose

Many do not know how to properly care for a room rose. To transplant a plant, you will need to purchase a flower pot and soil mixture. The size of the new container should be only slightly larger than the existing one. Of all the pots on the market, of course, it is better to purchase simple ceramic pots without varnish. They have a porous structure, which facilitates ventilation of the plant's root system. All of these can be bought at garden centers or flower shops.

As a rule, 3-4 plants are rooted in greenhouses. Therefore, after the end of the adaptation period, the roses must be transplanted.

The queen of flowers is a very capricious plant and does not tolerate any impact on root system... Therefore, it is necessary to approach this procedure with special care. Before transplanting, the flower must be watered abundantly and, after an hour and a half, proceed to the transplant procedure.

You also need to prepare in advance flower pots for future "tenants". At the bottom of each, a small layer of expanded clay should be laid out (you can do with small pebbles) for better drainage from the nutritious coma. A small layer of sphagnum or charcoal should be laid out on the drain.

Then you should carefully divide the plants and plant them in the pots prepared for them. In separate containers, crops will grow better and bloom more luxuriantly than with a thickened planting, since they will be in more favorable conditions.

The size of the new container should be only slightly larger than the existing one

Any universal soil is suitable for transplanting, but it is still better to use a special soil mixture for roses or prepare it yourself at the rate of: 1 part garden land, 2 parts of humus, 2 parts of peat and 0.5 parts of river sand.

If the purchased rose is alone in a pot, or it is not possible to separate the bushes without damaging them dangerous for them, the plant should be transplanted by simple transshipment.

Indoor roses require proper care. By their nature, these are light-loving plants, and therefore those window sills that are illuminated by the sun for the longest possible time are best suited for them. But on hot days, it is still better to shade the plant slightly. Adequate lighting can be judged by seeing abundant growth and flowering. With a lack of light, the plant stretches, the leaves become pale in color. As a rule, in this case, the rose almost does not throw out the buds and is often sick. If there is not enough light, you need to make additional illumination. For this, ordinary fluorescent lamps are suitable.

The queen of flowers will respond generously to sufficient watering abundant flowering and its longevity. It must be carried out as the top layer of the earth dries up.

There is an easy way to determine the watering time. If, with light finger pressure on the ground in the pot, it remains dry, then it's time to water. If earth adheres to the finger, the moisture should be postponed. In no case should you go to extremes when watering. An excess of moisture contributes to soil acidification and the development of fungal diseases of the root system. Excessively dry soil does not allow the plant to receive adequate nutrition. As a result, it sheds leaves and grows poorly.

For a full-fledged, abundant growth and even more so, flowering miniature roses, like garden roses, must be fed regularly. To do this, you can use complex organic fertilizers with the addition of minerals and trace elements for flowering indoor plants... They must be brought in every week, according to the manufacturer's recommendations, throughout the entire flowering - from early spring to late autumn (March-November).

For full, abundant growth, and even more so for flowering, miniature roses, like garden roses, must be regularly fed

Pruning and reproduction

In November, when the sunny day has already significantly decreased, indoor roses should be prepared for the dormant period. For this, first of all, it is required to prune the bushes. First of all, weak and underdeveloped shoots are removed. Further - those branches that have grown deeper into the bush. On young shoots 3-4 buds are left, and on the main stem and the most developed branches - 2-3 buds. Leaves on shortened branches are not cut off.

Young shoots near a room rose will subsequently replace the old ones, and the bush will rejuvenate due to this.

Roses in flowerpots are propagated by cuttings. The best time for this - from May to August. Most suitable material for cutting cuttings - stems with a diameter of 2.5-3.5 cm. Cuttings are cut with 2-3 internodes.

The ends planting material dipped in a solution of Heteroauxin, placed in a glass filled with water about 4 cm, and placed in a well-lit place.

Cuttings take root within two weeks. An important detail: in the glass where the cuttings are placed, the water does not need to be changed, even if the walls are green. It is enough just to add liquid to the original volume.

From the moment a good root lobe grows, the cuttings should be transplanted into small pots and removed for 2 weeks in a place where they will not be exposed to direct sunlight.

With successful engraftment and if the room rose is taken care of, after 2 months a full-fledged plant will grow from the cuttings and the first flowering will occur.

Preparing for winter rest

From about mid-October, roses begin to feel discomfort, this becomes noticeable by the slowdown in the growth of new shoots, the appearance of underdeveloped buds. The foliage on the bush begins to turn yellow and fall off. Roses are not evergreens in tropical countries, they have their own biorhythm, similar in nature to the biorhythms of ordinary horticultural crops... The yellowing foliage on the bush lets the owner know that autumn has come for the queen of flowers and it is time for her to retire until spring.

To adequately prepare favorite plant by the dormant period, from the beginning of November, it is necessary to significantly reduce watering - up to 2 times a week. The bush is trimmed and placed in a cool place (on an insulated balcony, loggia or basement) until early February. It must be remembered that the temperature in the room where the roses "rest" should not fall below + 8 ° С. Optimal performance for winter storage indoor roses - + 12-16 ° С.

To maintain the humidity level necessary for this period, it is advisable to put the plant in a tray filled with expanded clay, slightly watered with water, and do not forget to periodically spray a clod of earth in a pot.

In the absence of time or desire to tinker with a rose in winter, it is enough to place the plant in a room with a temperature of 0 ° C.

Around the end of February, the flower will let you know about the onset of spring - the buds of the rose will begin to swell. This means that it is time to move it to its original place in the room. The watering rate must be gradually increased, stimulating the gradual return of the rose to the period of active flowering. Since in February the sunny day is not yet so long and there are often cloudy days, it is necessary to make additional illumination for the flower by installing a phytolamp.

Why indoor miniature roses dry (video)

Diseases and pests

Miniature roses are susceptible to the same fungal diseases as other indoor flowers. As a rule, infections affect either young or weakened indoor plants, those that received improper care.

The most common disease of most flowering indoor plants is a fungal disease called powdery mildew. Excessive feeding, poorly ventilated rooms, strong thickening of the plant itself - this is the environment in which this infection is actively developing. The appearance of white bloom on the leaves and stems of the rose is a signal for active actions to save the flower. It is necessary to remove the affected leaves, buds and shoots and treat the bush with Topaz or Fundazol.

Downy mildew is very similar to the disease described above. When a plant is damaged by this fungus white bloom appears only on back side sheet. From above, yellowish spots are visible on it. This fungal disease spreads quickly on wet leaves when sprinkled on a rose. Disease control is similar to the elimination of powdery mildew - it is pruning the affected leaves and stems and applying a fungicide.

The appearance on the leaves of the plant of red or bright orange spots with brown pustules indicates another often common disease - this is the so-called rust of roses. It affects indoor flowers that receive insufficient or improper care at home. Treatment of a diseased bush is to create proper conditions of detention. But first, you need to cut off all the affected areas and treat them with the appropriate preparations (Topsin, Oksikhom).

There are few people who would not like a rose. She is rightfully considered the queen of all flowers. Its sophisticated form and the most delicate aroma excite the soul of many women. A large number of different shades of the flower find their fans.

Today, a rose can be grown not only on your own personal plot... She also feels good in pots at home. There is only one difference. Indoor flower has a small size, unlike its relative, which grows in open ground... These are such mini-bushes that are not taller than 40 centimeters.


If you want to grow a flower at home, then you should first consider what types of indoor roses are. This is necessary in order to subsequently know which variety to choose. So, roses can be:


When your choice is made, and you become the owner of a luxurious rose, you will need to create all the conditions for the growth of the flower. The most important thing is choice correct lighting... Rose loves sunlight... The seat on the south side windowsill will be the right choice but in summer period direct impact rays of the sun should be avoided so that the flower does not get sunburn. To do this, it is enough to slightly shade the window. V winter period additional artificial lighting will be required.

Rose can be susceptible to various diseases with poor temperature conditions... Therefore, in the spring-summer period, the temperature should not be higher than 22 degrees, and in the autumn-winter period, it should not exceed 12 degrees. High indoor humidity is good for a plant. If it is not there, then spraying the bush during heating season and in hot summer days will help the plant to feel normal. Humidification is carried out with settled water up to twice a day. Also, once a week, spraying a flower at home is replaced with a warm shower.

Indoor roses, after they bloom, do not require frequent watering. It is done when upper layer the soil dries well. Excessive moisture will harm the flower when it is dormant. But with the appearance of the first buds, watering should be increased. In the summer, the indoor rose loves to be watered well with settled water and only at room temperature.

For normal growth, the flower is planted in soil, the composition of which includes humus, turfy soil and sand. You can also purchase all-purpose soil from specialized stores. Feed the rose mineral fertilizers once a week, but only when it blooms. The rest of the time, twice a month is enough.

When you bought a room rose, then it must be acclimatized with you for up to two weeks. Only then can it be transplanted into a pot with dense walls. When transplanting, one should not forget about the expanded clay drainage layer. The flower is transferred to a new pot by transferring it with the ground. At a young age, the rose needs an annual transplant before flowering. Adult plant transplanted when required.

Certain rose varieties need pruning. It is held in the fall. To do this, shears remove all shoots that grow inward, as well as those that are dry or have a weak appearance. All other shoots are cut, leaving a third part in length with six eyes. In total, up to six healthy shoots remain. After cutting, the flower pot should be kept in a cool place, the temperature of which will not be higher than 14 degrees. When the first leaves appear, put the rose again on the windowsill on the sunny side.

For flower propagation, cuttings are used. Only professionals propagate the flower by seeds and grafts. For this purpose, cuttings are taken, which are cut with a sharp knife up to 15 centimeters in length. The best period for the reproduction of the flower it will be spring. The handle must have live leaves and up to four buds. We put our material prepared for breeding in boiled water and wait for the first roots to appear. This usually takes up to three weeks. When there are enough roots, we plant it in the ground with the addition of phytohormones.

Proper care of a room rose should be done. Her appearance will indicate the presence of diseases, if any. For example, yellowness occurs if the plant has undergone a fungal disease. In this case, it requires treatment with a fungicidal preparation.

Aphids, scale insects, spider mites can attack a rose. Pests disappear if the plant is treated on time special means... A brown color at the tips of the leaves of a rose will indicate too dry air and a lack of moisture. A warm shower and vigorous watering will help.

Indoor rose at proper care allows you to enjoy flowers practically all year round, but this is quite difficult to achieve, since for it you need to create special conditions... Caring for indoor roses is different from caring for other indoor plants.

Indoor rose varieties

A lot, but for home cultivation mainly used miniature:

  • red bengal roses,
  • late blooming bourbon roses,
  • long blooming tea roses,
  • very tiny Chinese roses,
  • repair roses.

Sometimes you can find special varieties: striped, blue, green.


How to prolong flowering?

For a long flowering rose at home, it is recommended:

  • place a pot with a room rose at a distance from other flowers, the rose should not be crowded on the windowsill;
  • constantly monitor that the soil in the pot is moist enough;
  • change the frequency of watering depending on the season;
  • monitor the healthy appearance of the plant, at the first sign of the appearance of pests and plant diseases, take action;
  • if possible, place the flower in the south side of the room;
  • if the flower becomes cramped in the pot, transplant into a more suitable size;
  • add fertilizer during flowering and growth periods.

What can harm a rose?

  • injure the roots of the flower;
  • pour cold water;
  • leave dead stems, leaves, flowers on the flower;
  • put the pot in the bright sun.

How to adapt the rose after purchase?

After purchasing a flower, experts recommend creating a store-like environment at home. This condition will help the plant adapt better when changing location. Transplanting a flower right away is also not recommended. As soon as the flower gets used, it will be possible to create favorable conditions.

Try to water the plant warm water, exclude drafts and direct sunlight. Once the plant has adapted, it will be possible to repot the rose to its permanent location.

Transplanting a room rose

It is very important not to damage the roots of the rose when transplanting! If possible, leave the ground near the roots intact, add fertilizer and soil for roses to the pot. The soil for roses can be replaced with soil for indoor flowering plants.

When replanting, pay attention to the rose pot. The pot must be chosen bigger size both in height and width. Choose a pot with a hole in the bottom.

You need to transplant the rose into a new pot after watering. In a new pot, sprinkle the rose with soil on top, and place the flower on the shady side. A day after transplanting, it will be possible to put it in a bright place.

Care according to the season

Depending on the period of the year, caring for a room rose varies.

In the autumn period a room rose can be watered in a smaller amount, the pot can be moved to a warm room.

In winter instead, it is better to find a cooler room. Try not to put a room rose near heating devices... By winter, the branches of the rose are pruned as much as possible, watering the plant is reduced to a minimum.

V spring again you need to water more abundantly and do not forget to add fertilizer.

Diseases and pests

Indoor roses are prone to different types diseases and insect pests. One of the main pests is spider mite... This disease can be identified by the cobweb between the leaves; lesions are also visible on the leaves themselves. Spider mite can spoil not only the appearance of the plant, but also transfer additional infections.

At the first signs of any of the diseases, it is necessary to process the plant.

Another indoor rose disease is « » ... This disease in roses is caused by soil fungi. The plant's immunity decreases, the base at the roots becomes black and weak. Such a plant is most often impossible to save.

If you find that the indoor rose does not get sick, but does not bloom at the same time, try to create more comfortable conditions for growth.

Beautiful roses bloom today not only in gardens, they are well adapted to bloom in urban apartments. Thanks to the magnificent flowers of various shapes and colors, miniature elegant plants are gaining more and more recognition every day. Breeders continue to develop all new varieties of both garden and indoor roses, delighting their fans with unusual flower shapes, original combinations of petals, a variety of colors and a wonderful aroma.

Indoor roses: what varieties are there

Indoor roses are small bushes with big amount stems up to 30–40 cm high. Slightly lignified shoots of plants are covered with thorns of various sizes. Depending on the variety, the color of the leaves can vary from light to dark green, and their surface can be smooth, matte or wrinkled. Miniature roses, according to the classification, are representatives of one of the groups garden roses.

Bourbon rose

This variety can hardly be called miniature, since it forms a rather large bush with large full flowers and delicate leaves. Bourbon rose buds last quite a long time and have different shades: pale pink, cream, deep red. The plant begins to bloom late, in mid-July, but stops flowering too late. Your windowsill will be decorated with gorgeous flowers right up to the New Years.

Bourbon roses lose their foliage and release new twigs in March. Then they become overgrown with young greenery and gain strength. The only problem this plant can cause is rooting difficulties. Rose cuttings are best done in April, using a growth stimulant.

Indoor rose is a demanding flower to care for. To achieve a long and bright flowering, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for it and constantly monitor it.

Polyanthus roses

Roses of this variety have a pleasant aroma. They are not moody and do well in pots. Bushes of plants are highly branched and can reach a height of 50 cm. Flowers are usually red, pink, but sometimes white. Polyanthus roses were obtained by crossing multi-flowered and chinese rose. This group contains several different varieties.

One of the varieties of home roses - "Triumph". it lush plant with rounded leaves large sizes... It begins to bloom in the spring and continues until winter. The double flowers of this variety have a bright red color. The scent of flowers is barely perceptible. To keep the flowering long, it is important to feed the plant. In winter, a room rose feels comfortable on a cool windowsill.

Variety "Miniatures" is a miniature bush blooming with double flowers of pink or white... The peculiarity of this variety is that the rosette is ideal for indoor keeping, easily propagated by cuttings. Already on the fifth day, the stalk in the water takes root. The plant tolerates winter well and does not suffer in rooms with excessive humidity.

Clotilde bushes are of medium size. Freshly blossomed double rose flowers have a delicate light pink color and a bright middle. After a few days, the flowers seem to fade, acquiring a white color. "Clotilde" tolerates winter well, being at a cool window in a warm room.

Roses of the "Gloria" species are distinguished by a rare color of flowers, which is similar to the color of a smoldering coal. A small bush covered with small leaves. Small roses are odorless, but they last for a very long time. This variety is difficult to endure wintering in a warm room, so the bush must be provided with a temperature no higher than 10 ° C and long dormancy.

Miniature Rose varieties are famous for their abundant, almost continuous flowering and beautiful bush, always densely covered with graceful foliage. They, like garden roses, can have the most varied shape and color of flowers.

Miniature roses come from the Chinese rose "Minima", which was first brought to Europe from China in 1810. They soon disappeared from sight. All attention was paid to the emergence of new repair roses for that time.

The revival of mini-roses is associated with the emergence of two varieties: the dwarf small-flowered "Pompon de Paris" and that small rose "Rouletii", which ensured the existence of the miniature group in the future.

Dutch breeder Jean de Vinck began to use "Rouletii" in hybridization with the polyanthus rose "Gloria Mundi". Subsequently, the variety he bred received the commercial name "Tom Thumb" and in 1936 in the United States became the first patented miniature rose.

Among the varieties of miniature roses, there is even a blue rose "Lavander Jewel", variety "Green Ice" with a greenish tint (see photo below), and another, no less original - "Stars & Stripes", with large white flowers, red stripes. Some varieties are distinguished by an unusually delicate, delicate aroma, for example: "Lavander Lace", "Sweet Fairy".

Bushes of miniature roses usually reach a height of 15-25 cm. True, sometimes old plants grow up to 40-45 cm. Flowers - 1.5-2 cm in diameter, densely double, collected in inflorescences, rarely - solitary. One of the smallest varieties is the hummocky yellow rose "Yellow Bantam".

Among climbing "mini-roses" the variety "Hi-Ho" deserves attention, with the original coral-red color of flowers and "Red Cascade" are distinguished by unusually abundant flowering. They bloom on the shoots of both the previous and this year. The lashes of these miniature roses can be up to a meter in length.

Mini rose variety "Green Ice"

The photo shows a variety of miniature rose with a greenish tint "Green Ice" (Green ice). Densely double flowers, in old style... The buds and flower of this original mini rose have pinkish outer petals at the beginning of flowering. However, as it blooms, the flower turns white and takes on a greenish tint.

Rose bush "Green Ice" branchy, spreading, reaches 30-60 cm in height and width. The foliage is juicy, dark green, shiny. Blooms profusely in early summer, followed by repeated waves in summer and autumn. Strong resistance to powdery mildew and black spot.

"Green Ice" looks great in a rose garden, rock garden, can grow in pots and serve as a color accent on a balcony, terrace or front garden.

Characteristics of miniature roses

Bengal red rose(Rosa bengalensis) is the most common and perhaps the most adaptable variety of miniature domestic roses with small evergreen leaves. It is not particularly demanding in care, it is perfect for keeping in the house. It bushes well, grows low in room conditions, does not need pruning, only weak and dead shoots can be removed. If such a rose is cut short, it may die. This variety has a long flowering, up to the New Year, but artificial lighting may be required. Does not shed leaves for the winter. Flowers from bright red to dark red, medium-sized, semi-double, there are varieties with a pleasant fragrance.

Polyanthus roses (Rosa polyanta) have a pleasant aroma, are not capricious and feel pretty good in pots. Strongly branching bushes, on average about 50 cm tall. The flowers are usually pink, red, sometimes white. Obtained by crossing a Chinese rose and a multiflorous rose. This group of roses contains the following varieties:

  • "Miniatures" - the variety is a small miniature bush, blooms with double flowers of white or color pink... Its peculiarity lies in the fact that this rosette is absolutely ideal for rooms, it is easily propagated by cuttings, already on the 4th-5th day, the cutting, which is in the water, starts up roots, quickly takes root in the spring-summer period. Well tolerates winter in indoor conditions does not suffer from excessive humidity in the room.
  • "Triumph" is a more lush plant with large rounded leaves. It blooms from spring and almost until winter with double bright red flowers. The aroma of flowers is slightly noticeable. In order for the flowering to be long, the plant must be fed. In winter, a room rose feels fine on a cool windowsill.
  • "Gloria" - roses of this type are distinguished by a rare color of flowers similar to the color of embers. Small bush with small leaves. Flowers are medium-sized, non-double, odorless, last for a long time. This variety does not tolerate wintering in warm rooms. In winter, the rose should be provided with long-term rest with coolness, t not higher than 10 degrees.
  • "Clotilde" - medium-sized bushes with small leaves, double flowers and fragrant. The newly opened rose flower has a delicate light pink color with a bright center. After a few days, the rose flower seems to fade, becoming white. It tolerates winter well in a warm room by a cool window.

Bourbon rose- this variety cannot be called mini. Forms a rather large bush with delicate leaves and full large flowers. The buds last for a long time, have different shades: cream, pale pink, deep red. It begins to bloom late, somewhere in the middle of July, it also stops blooming late, until the very New Year's holidays your windowsill will look like a fabulous garden.

In March, Bourbon rose varieties lose almost all of their foliage. They release new branches, quickly gain strength, overgrowing with young greens. The only problem this plant can give you is difficult rooting. It is best to carry out cuttings in April using a growth promoter.

"Souvenir de la Malmaison"- late-flowering variety of bourbon rose with fragrant leaves on a few curved shoots, forms a fairly large bush. The flowers are large, from pale pink and cream to dark saturated colors, they last for quite a long time. Bloom from mid-June to January, then arrange little rest(January February). This variety of roses winters well in rooms and does not require a cool room. In March, it sheds foliage, after which it forms many young shoots, which very quickly become overgrown with new leaves.

It should be borne in mind that if in the spring you make a short (up to 5-7 eyes) pruning, then the roses may form fewer flowers, but larger in size. If the pruning is made small (by 2-3 eyes), then the rose may have more flowers, but smaller. Cuttings of this variety take root rather poorly, even with a growth stimulant. It is better to transfer rooting to March-April, so that the roots of the Bourbon rose can develop well by the beginning of winter. Otherwise, the fragile rose will die. You will need feeding once a week or two, from March to September. Resistant to powdery mildew.

Tea roses(Rosa tea) form lush bushes up to 30 cm in height. Young shoots are brownish-red, leaves are large. Some species (Marshal Niel) are characterized by the presence a large number thorns, both on the stems, and on the back of the leaf. They have a long flowering period. Terry flowers of various color shades with an extraordinary "tea" aroma. Tea roses overwinter in a cool temperature with t not higher than 8-10 degrees, do not tolerate dampness and cold.

Many varieties of tea roses are good for home growing, such as "Nifetos", "Marshal Niel", "Madame Falco", hybrid tea roses (fragrant "La France", "Ophelia", "Miss Rowena Tom", "Jules Boucher" , "Gruss en Teplitz") ...

Chinese rose- This is the smallest variety of indoor roses. Her flowers are very small, about 2 cm in diameter, and the bush itself grows no more than 15 cm in height. There are many varieties of the Chinese rose, differing in the color of the buds and the structure of the flower. Some of them smell strong, while others are odorless. Red, yellow, orange, burgundy, even silvery shades of the Chinese mini-rose have won the hearts of many flower growers. Most varieties require cold wintering.

Irish rose- differs from many other varieties by the unusual structure of the flower, resembling a tulip flower in shape. The color of the flowers is also unusual and attractive - a delicate apricot color, after a while it does not fade. Bloom from late April to September. Lush bush with thin shoots. The leaves are small and elongated with strongly serrated edges. Above the leaf of a rose is dark green, below it is green with a lilac tint. To make the plant stronger and the flowers large, the thinnest shoots are cut off, leaving 3-4 large branches. For wintering, it is preferable to choose a cool room. Already in February, the rose begins its growth period. Cuttings quickly root and take root in the soil.

Repair roses- large bushes are suitable for keeping at home. Flowers of this variety of roses are rare and large, white, pink or red. Prefers a cool wintering at t not higher than 5-7 degrees Celsius. It is very difficult to propagate a remontant rose by cuttings, therefore experienced florists graft it on a rosehip.