Gloxinia: care at home, growing and reproduction sheet. Gorgeous Gloxinia - home care for an exotic Amazon flower

Gloxinia is popular among flowerflower house-grained flowering plants. Love it won his amazing beauty, which gracefully fits into every interior. This flower of all conquers its amazing and unique brightness, refinement.

Gloxinia. Appearance

The indoor plant refers to many years of which has cheer-like rhizome. Gloxinia stem is short with large juicy leaves in the form of oval, and juicy green. Flowers in the form of bells, large enough, lay on long legs. The structure of them can be a terry, semi-friendly and even with wavy petals. Flowers have a different monophonic color, as well as with different color transitions. Gloxinia, or, as it is different, cinema, has a fairly large variety of varieties that differ in the size of flowers and their painting, in the height of the stem, on the color of the leaves. Most popular home flower varieties:

  • gloxinia Avanti differs from other varieties large flowers Bright colors blooming together. Sheets of this Sinning region are dense and relatively small.
  • gloxinia Hollywood is widely known because of its large homogeneous purple flowers.
  • gloxinia Brockada is just an ideal gift for a flower plant. Sinningia of this variety with low stem and beautiful terry flowers. In order for the plant after the acquisition, the flower enjoy his lush flowering should be known how to care for Glokoxin at home.

How is the flower care?

Gloxinia. Home care

Like all indoor plants, Sinning has certain care requirements that flower are observed.

Lighting and temperature

Gloxinia, photo of which can be admired below, loves space and scattered, but bright lightIt should continue at no less than 14 hours (for this you can additionally include a daylight lamp at night). To find out enough of our beautiful light, you need to pay attention to its leaves: if they are located horizontally, it is enough, and if they stretch to the top (to the light), then the lack of it. But it is necessary to remember that the straight rays of the sun falling on the bedroom plant will be able to destroy it.

Gloxia is afraid of drafts, so putting on the windowsill home flowerYou cannot open windows often. Sinning should not spray, because this home flower will not tolerate moisture on the leaflets. But with this room plant, high humidity is necessary, this can be achieved if you leave the container with water on the windowsill next to the pot of Gloxinia.

In the period of growth and blossoms for synenga temperature needed room, only in winter, when home plant It is located alone, it is necessary to provide a temperature of about 10 ° C. If you look at the leaves, you can identify the problems of the plant (if any). Signs that Gloxinia show their temperature preference:

  • if the sheets are omitted, then the bedroom plant is cold;
  • if the leaves are raised up, then this overheating is a home flower.

Consequently, when a problem is detected, it is necessary to eliminate it.

Flowers Sinning in May-June. When this period ends at the room plant, it is necessary to remove the stems, the sheets, leaving only the bottom 2 or 4. Then stepsing will appear in the sinuses of this domestic favorite, it will be necessary to leave only a pair of persistent, and the rest should be removed.

Watering Gloxia

Moisturize Cindlange is necessary water slightly warmer room temperature. With the vegetation period of the plant, watering should be carried out in a saucer or from above, but to the water drops did not fall on leaflets and flowers. Water only when upper layer soil oars. By the end of the summer, it is necessary to water less often in order to the middle of the autumn the Sinninggia entered the state of rest.

Falker Gloxinia

The main rule for the cultivation of this plant - the oversupply of fertilizers will cause greater harm than their disadvantage. Gloxinia fertilize 1 time in 10 days by a specialized complex.

In preparing a home flower to the state of rest, it should not feed the plant. If it is not at all feeding, then bloom will be short and small, and the color will acquire a pale appearance.

After the resting period, the room plant can be fertilized. special mixtures For rapid growth, in the period of blossoming Sinning fertilize to improve the quality of flowers.

Glocking transplant

It takes more carefully after the rest period, as a rule, it falls at the end of winter. Room plant 1 time per year must be replant. It is better to purchase soil in special stores or prepare independently of sheet soil, humus, in proportion 2: 1, respectively. When transplanting you need to take a container for a home flower more than the previous one, to put drainage there, as well as a layer of soil mixture, and then shift the earthlom With Gloxinia, sprinkled with a soil, tamper. It is necessary to replant with Cindlange, so that the tubers in the ground are only half.

Gloxinia. Reproduction

Indoor plant can be multiplied different wayswhich are quite a lot. But the choice of the method primarily depends on the variety of Sinning. Therefore, acquiring a room plant, it is necessary to recognize his grade so that later it was possible to multiply it. Methods of reproduction of indoor Gloxinia:

Reproduction of seeds.

In special stalls, you can purchase any variety of gloxinia room. It is better to choose seeds in granules for self-landing. On the package will be written the timing of their germination, but, as a rule, it is from 4 to 6 months. And if sowing will be carried out in winter, even more - up to 10 months.

For sowing seeds of Gloxinia, you can use ready-made greenhouses or make them yourself. To do this, you need to take a deep container with a lid, you need to put there and wet the tablets from the peat, distributing the granules on them. To ensure ventilation, seeds must be done in the lid a couple of holes. Then the finished greenhouse put in a warm well-lit room. The temperature of this room should be approximately 23 0s. Moisturize ground only as needed. After the appearance of germs, it is necessary to wait when they fix them so that they can be planted into a constant container.

Reproduction sheet.

For independent reproduction of the Glocking sheet, you need to take the smallest leaflet and cut through the fattest lodgings, cut the petiole, leaving no more than 2 cm. For these manipulations, it is better to take a tool with a sharp blade so that the leaflet does not happen. This prepared material should be planted in a container with wet soil, covering the film until the first leaflets appear.

Team breeding.

This type of reproduction is quite painful for the plant, so it is rarely conducted. Choose a healthy tuber, when discovered on the club rot, it must be trimmed. Then cut them and treat the coal for disinfection. Each of the pieces of tubers should have a process. Then these tubers are planted in tanks with moistened soil.

Coloring coloring.

Having finished the flowering period, the plant needs to cut the blooming and put in the container with water to appear roots. Then, too, fall into the moistage soil and cover the film.

The reproduction of stepsing.

Place the process into the water for the appearance of the roots, then planted into the ground.

Reproduction of cuttings

This is the most elementary and fairly popular method of reproduction of homemade cinning. During the formation of buds, it is necessary to take a sheet of paper, somewhere 4 cm no more. If the leaf is awessel, then it is necessary to lower it to the water, then put in boiled water to 25 0s. Then, as in the previous ways, put it in loose wet soil. A month later, the advent of the tuber is already possible.

Problems in the cultivation of Sinning

Having considered the care of gloxinia, reproduction, it is necessary to remember that, like any room plant, it can destroy various diseases.

Sinning diseases and pests

Gray rot is the most famous disease that appears on the synneps due to improper care. Signs of its appearance are the stains of the brown color on the leaves of the room plant. In the treatment, it is necessary to remove damaged sheet fragments and process the fungicide.

Root rot. Also quite often found on indoor cinning. Signs of this disease are manifested on the roots of a home flower, they brown and the stem can be agreed at its base. The reason for the appearance of gloxins is an excessive watering or water, which was moistened to the soil, was cold enough.

Black leg, phytoofluorosis - these diseases are also destructive for Sinning. To do this, as the prevention of a room plant, phytosporin preparations should be treated. If the disease has already manifested itself, then treat the home flower follows the drug - Fundazole.

Cyclamen pincers. Unfortunately, these ticks are difficult to detect in Gloxinia. But, if there is a deformation and thickening of leaves, wrapped down, dried tops of shoots, tagged buds, then these are all obvious signs of their presence on the room plant.

TRIPS. It is possible to detect them on the gloccia on light points, the stains that appeared on its leaves. If you do not delete them, then they are dried. In order not to destroy the indoor plant, it is necessary to transplant, replacing the soil and processing the home flower insecticides.

To avoid damage or death of gloxinia as a result of damage to pests or disease, it is necessary to carefully examine the flower for damage and timely recognize the reason for their appearance.

Gloxy growing problems and their decision

Such phenomena occur:

Sinning can be bolder to call a fairly unpretentious home flower. The care of Gloxinia at home is quite simple, but there are some features that are required to observe flowers. And with due attention, beautifully combining Gloxinia will be bullied on the windowsill of any residential premises.

Glokoxinia care at home

Gloxinia - Beautiful Indoor Plantwhich requires the correct care, especially in autumn-winter period. Winter is a rest time for Gloxinia. If the flower does not provide rest in the fall and preparation for the winter, he will lose his attractiveness, it will begin to stretch and will not be abundantly blossoming in the spring.

In November or in December, when the plant ceases to bloom, It is necessary to stop watering and move it into a dry and darkened place.

In the place where the flower will be stored, should be good ventilation and temperature mode The air should be from 12 to 14 degrees.

After moving the aboveground part, it must be removed, leaving a small barrel of one centimeter. The flower comes the rest period.

Before sending a flower for a period of rest, his tuber needs to be cleaned from the ground, rinse thoroughly in the cold running water And dry. If he succeeds bad, the process of rotting will be inevitable.

It is advisable to store it before the onset of spring in the river sand with the addition of sawdust. River sand needs to rinse, rolling in the oven for the prevention, and then the sand mix with wet sawdust.

The prepared composition must be placed in the usual plastic bag and place the tuber in it. Store the tank with the tuber is needed in a cool and darkened room.

Preparation for winter and pruning

If the plant is a young one, then in the first year, it does not need to crush the flower to get the flower.

If the plant dropped all his leaves, you need to trim his stem So that the height of the remaining small truncology above the ground was not higher than one centimeter.

Then for a month, the plant is supplied with a minimum amount of moisture and do not feed. And only after that, the tubers carefully dig out of the ground and removed on peace.

If you correctly care for the bulbs of Gloxinia during the hibernation period, they will be able to preserve until the next season. After the proper rest, the plant will begin to give new processes and roots.

What is the rest period

People period is a statein which physiological processes in the plant are suspended or terminated. At this time, new shoots and leaves are not formed, no flowering.

If the Gloxinia does not provide the state of hibernation, it can even die. In this period, flower kidney formation occurs in the flower.

The state of resting period is usually from one to three months.

The period of rest in Gloxy from A to Z:

How to wake a plant

If the flower tubers are healthy, then they will awake on their own. But if for any reason this does not happen and the flower continues to relax, it is possible to wake the sleeping plant as follows:

  1. Prepare a polyethylene package.
  2. At the bottom of the package, put two tablespoons of the soil, which is based on peat.
  3. Soil is a little moisten cold water.
  4. Remove the tuber, rinse it well with the flowing cold water and carefully check if it rotted on it. If everything is fine, it must be dried and put in a plastic bag.
  5. The package tie well and place the place where light and heat can be lamp.

Two weeks later, condensate will begin to appear on the walls inside the package, and green sprouts will begin to appear from the club. The root of Gloxinia has already woke up and it needs to be planted in a flower pot.

The brighter the light that falls on the bowl of Gloxinia, the more new and young sprouts are formed on it.

Conditions and ways of wintering

There are two tuber storage methods during resting:

  1. Storage without soil, by selecting it from a pot.
  2. Storage and wintering with soil.

Important storage conditions of the tuber in winter are:

  1. No bright and sunlight.
  2. Temperature regime - from 3 to 15 degrees.
  3. Air humidity is not dry 60% and not more than 90%.

How to store a tuber without digging

In the autumn you need to stop watering. After all the foliage disappears, you need to put a pot into a cool place away from the battery or heating devices.

Sometimes it is necessary to make the top layer of the soil with water. The main thing, do not overgrow and do not overdo the soil.

A suitable storage location is a bathroom. To reduce the temperature of the soil, you can add ice cubes on its surface.

The tuber, which remains in the ground during rest, is less susceptible to rotting.

How to store dug up

If foliage begins to fade, it is necessary to stop watering and feeding fertilizers. When the leaves are completely reset, carefully get the tuber from the soil. Clean it from the ground and rinse in running water, and then dry well.

Store it is necessary in a polyethylene package with addition river sand and sawdust. Sand and sawdust must be slightly wet.

If the sand is overwhelmed, the tuber will perish from the overaction of humidity and from lack of oxygen. Keep it better in unheated room Or in the bathroom.

Sometimes you need to check the lows for the presence of rot. If you have rot, you need to trim it with a knife or razor. In the club should not remain dark spots, otherwise it can lead to relapse.

Scean scenes need to lubricate ash or wood coal . The straws of the plants should be searched for a day on fresh airto cut the cut.

Storage of Gloxinia tubers in winter:

How is wintering without resting

If the gloxinia does not fit to sleep on their own, the above-ground part of it begins to stretch, it becomes outwardly unattractive.

Blossoming will bloom bad because for good Development the tuber must be able to be at rest from two to four months a year..

If Gloxy is young and she still small tuber, I do not need to sleep yet, since the little root can perish.

If the Gloxinia is not at rest, she additional highlight required - 14 hours a day.

How the flower behaves at home in winter

- This is a homemade plant, which after flowering needs a period of rest, in order to restore forces for subsequent flowering.

If the gloxinia begins to yellow, do not worrySince it simply says that the state of rest comes. At the same time, the flower resets the foliage, and also dry the stems and even the roots.

If you correctly care for the plant before the rest period and during peace, then after wintering Gloxinia will repairs again good blossom and its beauty.

When the flower drops all the foliage, you need to trim the trunkSo that its height remains within one or two centimeters.

Then you need to continue to care for a flower within a month, but gradually cutting watering and not feed fertilizers. Only after that carefully you need to dig the roots from the ground.

If you do not remove the Gloxinian tuber from the pot, then during the rest Watering should be produced once or twice a month. If irrigated will be abundant, then the roots will refine and the plant may die.

Sometimes it happens that in the period of rest on a bowl there is a small sprout due to insufficient cool air temperature. Such a sprout should be removed, as it starts to grow and stretch.

If you correctly prepare your plant for wintering, Observe all the recommendations and advice, carefully look at the flower during peace, then in the spring of Gloxinia thanks you for careful blossoms.

Gloxinia, one of the most beautiful representatives of the Geesnery family (Gesneriaceae), in Europe, the flower of Gloxinia care at home began to produce for the second half of the XIX century. The plant comes from tropical forests distant Brazil. The Botanic Name of Gloxinia - Sinningia Hybrida (Sinningia Hybrida).


Tropical beauty received him in honor of Wilhelm Sinning - the Gardener of the University of Boston, who "fell in love" in the flower and a lot of time dedicated to its selection and hybridization. The name of Gloxy is like a German "glocke", which is translated as the bell. True, the form of colors in the plant is very similar to the bells.

Gloxinia-Sinning is a perennial tuber plant having a shortened stem and thick dark green velvety leaves. Flowers, as mentioned above, have the shape of bells and there are a wide variety of colors and shades.

Some types of Gloxinia have a bright, distinguished cracker internal surface Flowers, and others surprise the beauty of their turn edge of a flower painted into a contrasting color. Depending on the grade, the gramophilies can be simple either terry.

Gloxinia care at home

Gloxinia - the plant undemanding in care and grow it even inexperienced flower deaf. Flower loves a lot of light, but without direct sun raySince they can provoke burns on the leaves. Optimal temperature The air is 18-21 degrees in summer and 10-15 degrees in winter.

Gloxinia when careing at home in which it is very "afraid of" spraying and drafts. From entering her water leaves during spraying may appear dark spots And posting on leaves and flowers.

To ensure the necessary humidity, plants are placed on a tray with pebbles, filled with water. Water during evaporation and will moisturize the air near the colors.

Watering Gloxia

Watered with gloxy soft warm waterSo that it does not get on the leaves, nor on the flowers. You can pour water into the pallet and to leave the "drink" plants for half an hour. The remaining water is removed after the procedure.

In the period of growth and flowering, watering Gloxinia is carried out 2-3 times a week, and during peace - no more than 1 time per month. When watering the flower of Gloxy, it is necessary to monitor so that there is no excess of moisture, as the plant can be dried and die.

Glocking rest period

Gloxinia pleases its flowering from April to September, and then the period of rest comes. At this time, the above-ground part of the plant dies and the tubers "fall asleep" for several months (3-4). After completely eliminating the upper part of the plant, it is cut, leaving about 1 cm above the ground.

Pots with "swelling" tubers are rearranged into a dry, dark and cool place, following so that no soil swam. Accordingly, occasionally watered. It is possible not to carry plants, but simply fall asleep them on top of the soil with a thick layer of clean and dry sand and leave in the room.

Some flower, 2-3 weeks after the elevation of the aboveground part, dig tubers and, clearing them from dead roots, stored in sawdust or peat in a dark cool place. Tubers periodically examine on the subject of drying high humiditythat eliminate as needed.

Gloxinia after resting period

Walking in Gloxinia is starting somewhere in January-March. If the flower wines in a pot, then they dig it, clean from the soil, remove patients and dried tubers. If you are detected by fallen places, they are cut out with a sharp knife and sprinkle a cut into powder with coal. After these procedures, the tuber leave for a day for drying.

Gloxy planting tuber

Before boarding the tuber of Gloxinia, it is desirable to soak for 30 minutes in solution fungicidal (for example, Funzadol, Maxim) or a solution of dark-pink-rosary solid for the prevention of the formation of rot.

Pots are chosen such that they are in diameter by 1-1.5 cm more than previous ones, since, hitting in a very large pot, Gloxinia will begin to increase the tubers, and the flowering can not be waiting. It is necessary to plant a plant in such a way that the upper part of the tuber is slightly "peeking" over the soil.

Glocking ground

Soil for planting can be purchased in a flower shop. Senpolia is suitable or "violet". You can also prepare a mixture for planting yourself. To do this, mix in the ratio of 1: 4: 4 sand, humid and leafy ground. It is necessary to ensure good drainage. The perpendicled of Gloxinia is placed on the windowsill and water once a week.

Fertilizers for Gloxia

Be sure to fertilize the plant. When using liquid complex fertilizer, it is carried out every two weeks. If you use fertilizer in the form of sticks, then one such a stick is quite for about 2-3 months.

Gloxinia from seeds at home

Gloxinia can be multiplied with the help of seeds, leaf cuttings and tuber division. It is almost impossible to get seeds at home. It's easier to purchase them in the store.

Singing is carried out in November-February in low drawers, which are filled, taken in equal amounts and carefully mixed, sand, peat and leaf ground. The seeds simply sewn over the soil, not sprinkling, and put in a well-lit place.

It is necessary to regularly spray with warm water and maintain a temperature of 24-26 ° C. Shoots can be expected no earlier than in 2 weeks. When you grow up the seedlings and the appearance of 2 leaves, they are seated for a distance of 2-3 cm from each other, and when the third pair of leaves appears, the distance between plants increases to 5-7 cm. Pots are transplanting during the period when the plants begin to touch each other With its leaves. The diameter of the pots should be 10-12 cm.

The reproduction of Gloxy Chenkims

Gloxinia at home is enough just to multiply with cuttings. For this, the large and healthy leaves are taken, they are cut off with a sharp knife, and placed in a light pink milgantine solution for 8 hours. Then leaf cuttings are placed in cups with clean waterwhich change weekly.

With the appearance of roots, future beauties planted into the cups with a soil either on peat tablets And covered with polyethylene packages. Packages once a day for a few minutes are removed to ensure ventilation. After formation at the ends of the cuttings of tiny tubers, the packages are removed at all, and the grown plant can please the owner with their flowering in the same year.

Gloxinia reproduction sheet

It is also possible to reproduce the gloxinia and one slapted plate without a cut. To do this, they cut a healthy sheet and cut it along the central alone of the branches.

Next, the sheet is placed with cuts down on a moistened peat or sand and covered with a package. "Young" gloxy is formed from nottes on a sheet. Transplancing them in the pot when there are more than 3 real leaves.

Reproduction of gloxy division of tuber

To reproduce the Gloxy division of the tuber, it is necessary to take away the dried tubers. They are cut into a knife in such a way that each of them remains with 1-2 sprouts. Fresh cuts fall asleep with waste coal and planted in pots with wet soil.

Diseases and pests

Like all houseplantsGlocquia is subjected to diseases and pest lesions. From the last "lovers" of the flower are tripses, cobed tick, Tlla, caterpillars and nematodes. Destroy them with special insecticides.

At the same time, it is necessary to be very attentive when choosing a means, as some of them are capable not only to destroy pests, but also the plant itself.

Among the diseases are the most common are the rotting of tubers, a black leg, fusariosis and gray rot. Usually, the cause of their occurrence is excessive watering.

For the prevention of tubers before planting is treated with a solution of manganese, "immunocytocit" or other fungicide. For the "treatment", the affected plant tissues are removed with knife, the slice of the cut is covered with chopped wood coal and processed by suitable fungicidal agents.

Possible difficulties

For proper care Tropical beauty of Gloxinia can live to 10 years, pleaseing its owners with colorful blossoms. Moreover, the older and the plant is more developed, the more flowers will be on it. Sometimes their number reaches 50 pieces!

  • On the leaves of Gloxinia brown spots - This indicates water from entering them, as well as about using too cold water.
  • Gloxinia yellow leaves - a sign of a cured either too wet air, direct sunlight falling or re-fulfilled fertilizer.
  • In Gloxinia, the leaves are twisted - this is due to the excess subordinate and when exposed to drafts.
  • Extracted pale leaves - a sign of lack of lighting.
  • Flap gray On colors and leaves - this indicates the damage to the plant with a gray rot.
  • Flowers remain hidden under the leaves - this happens with a short light day or too low temperatures.

Gloxinia (Sinning) is an incredibly beautiful indoor flower with velvet dark green leaves and large colors-bells different shapes and colors. This article describes the care of Gloxinia and the cultivation of the flower at home.

Gloxinia is a perennial. Grow it from the tuber. Stem short, bending under the weight of numerous large colors. At the same time, 20 large bells can bloom on Gloxinia, from 7 to 12 cm in diameter. The leaves are located a rosette on long cuttings around the stem and have bright dark green and velvety surface. Flowers on long blooms have the shape of bells or shoes and there are all sorts of coloring: white and red, lilac and purple, in addition, single-color or motley, simple and terry, with a cut along the edge of the petal or to the speck.

Gloxy received its name in honor of the doctor and botany from Alsace Benjamin Petarat Gloxy. Belongs to Gloxinia to the Gesnery family. The birthplace of this flower is South and Central America. In the wild conditions, it is found in the leaf fall forests of Brazil, Mexico and Peru in the form of perennial herbaceous plants or low semi-stares, their more than twenty species. This flower is called sinning In honor of the other botany V. Sinning, who is engaged in its selection and breeding of hybrids at the University of Boston, became the second father of Gloxinia. The homely bedroom flower of Sinningia-Gloxinia was grown by them. Two types of wild gloxinia were the basis for selection: Gloxia is beautiful and Gloxinia Royal. Depending on the size and shape of flowers, terry, or ordinary, wavy or smooth, the hybrids of the Sinning of various varieties turned out.

Gloxinia varieties

Flowers of many Sinning varieties are decorated with a contrast cut along the edge of the petals. For example, Vilheim's variety Kaiser has very large flowers with dark blue or dark purple petals with white border along the edges, and the grade Kaiser Friedrich flowers with huge bells brightly raspberry color with a clear white border on the edge of the petals.

Blancher de moderate variety, on the contrary, has flowers with a snow-white middle and wide bright crimson border. At the grade of Gloxinia, the flowers are terry, burgundy or beetral color. At the variety Avanti, the bells have a velvet surface of the unimaginable color. For example, red Avanti has wine-red bells, an adult plant dissolves up to 15 large flowers at the same time.

The inner surface of the sinning variety Tigrin or sort satellite grade is littered with a column similar to the colors of some exotic fish. Tamara's grade has petals gently purple color with specks inside the middle of the bell. Petals white color There are Mont Blanc variety. Gloxinia Cleopatra variety is considered the most popular. Large white terry flowers with wavy edges are decorated with violet, purple or dark purple specks. A variety Sinningia Winter cherry is characterized by large flowers of white in a large dark cherry peas.

Kaiser Wilhelm Kaiser Friedrich Blanche de measure

If you like dwarf views of the room in Gloxinia - put the brand variety. He has wonderful terry flowers different shadeswhich bloom starting from spring to autumn. Or Royal Gloxinia. It happens just above 10 cm in height. On thick shoots there are 4 - 6 pairs of large dark green oval leaves. Silver streaks decorate the top of the sheet, and inner side Purple color. Purple flowers In diameter up to 7 cm stand on long blooms and look down.

Winter cherry
Mont Blanc

Beginner flows can recommend such gloxinia varieties as cracked. This is a perennial grassy plant up to 70 cm in height with fleshy cracked shoots. Beautiful oval leaves from above pointed. The surface of the leaf is bright green velvet, with a reddish tint on the bottom side. Purple flowers - blue color There are several pieces on a long bloomer and have a pleasant aroma of mint. This gloxy blooms usually in the fall, in September-November.

In addition, hybrid forms of gloxinia differ in the diameter of the crown:

  1. Standard has a krona more than 25 cm. In diameter
  2. Compact - from 12 to 25 cm. In diameter
  3. Miniature - from 5 to 12 cm in diameter
  4. Microiniature - up to 5 cm in diameter

Plant care

Lighting and location

Gloxinia - a light-affilome plant

Rooming Gloxia refers to light-loving plants. She loves the abundance of light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. Therefore, a place for a pot with a flower must be chosen depending on the season and climatic zone Your stay. For example, in the spring of Gloxinia feels great on the southern windows of the apartment, the buds are actively growing and recruits, and in hot summer days It is better to rearrange it on the eastern or western windows, if possible. If not, you have to rearrange the pot on the shelf in the depths of the southern window or somehow shame it. If you have all the windows come to the north, most likely your plants will not have enough sunlight. Their shoots will be pulled out, the leaves will become faded, the plant will slow down its height, stopped recruiting buds and may not be blooming at all. That this does not happen, it is necessary to create additional lighting for Gloxinia, increasing the light day at least until 12 o'clock. For this use special lamps for highlighting.

Temperature mode

When growing gloxy from the tuber, it is important to observe a special temperature regime. The rooting of the tuber is better at a temperature of 24-25 ° C. When the first sheets appear, the temperature is desirable to reduce to 22 ° C in daytime and up to 18 ° C at night. If the temperature is significantly higher in the room, and the lighting is not enough, as it happens in the winter months, Gloxinia will stretch, flowers and leaves on long cutters will be fine and lose their beauty and decorativeness. During the period of active growth and flowering, the temperature should not be reduced below 18 ° C, since in the cooler conditions the vegetation of the plant will slow down, and it will stop blossoming, and it can get sick and die. A long-term increase in air temperature in the room during the vegetation of Gloxinia to 25-30 ° C is just as destructive. Root system It overheats, the turgor leaves will weaken, the plant will cease to develop normally. During the resting period (autumn - winter), the gloxia feels normally at a temperature of 10-14 ° C.

But, it is necessary to remember that the drafts and temperature differences of Gloxinia transfers badly at any time of the year!

Humidity of ambient air

For successful cultivation Room Gloxinia is important high humidity in the room - in the range of 70-80%. About the lack of humidity will show you lowered down flower leaves. Air humidity can be raised by putting pots with flowers in the pallet with wet clay or pebbles. It should be borne in mind that the velvet leaflets and flowers of Gloxinia do not tolerate the spraying with water, so if you still decided to moisten the air in the room with a sprayer - try to make it a small sprayer around the plant, without falling on it. It is possible to place in the room next to our lamps wide water tanks - evaporated, water will increase air humidity in the room, and Gloxinia will delight you with a healthy and blooming view.


It is necessary to water the gloxinia carefully, it is better through the pallet or the pot of the pot itself, a small amount of warm, slightly warmer room temperature, an estimated water. Excessive moisture often leads to the reinforcement of the roots of the plant, and the fall of excessive moisture on the leaves and the tube center can lead to the reinforcement of the roasting neck, and then all the kestic.

The next watering is needed not earlier than when the upper soil layers will dry well. At the end of August, it is necessary to water Gloxinia even less often that it gradually prepared for the rest period, which usually comes in mid-October. Excess water from the pallet under the pot must be removed so that it is not stored and did not damage the roots.

The soil

The soil for growing of gloccia should be loose, light, moisture and breathable, containing the organic and mineral fertilizers in the necessary proportions. If you get to harvest the soil mixture yourself, take two parts of the leaf land, add one part of the river sand and as much peat. But it is better to purchase the finished land for flowering plants. Well suited soil for violet, sensipolia or begonia. At the bottom of the pot is obligatory good drainage. It is a clayjit, small pebbles, foam or pure eggshell The layer of at least 2-3 cm .. The roots in Gloxinia grow styling, pick up a shallow container, but wide.


Gloxinia is a very demanding feed flower. Fast growth Its leaves and lush flowering is achieved by an additional feeding. For this use special fertilizers for decorative-flowering plants. Preferably once every two weeks, alternately, feed the gloxia organic and mineral fertilizers. Time for feeding is better to choose after the main irrigation in the morning or evening hours, and you can also during the day if the weather is cloudy, so that the sun does not burn the gentle leaves and flowers of the plant. In the period of active growth of leaves, before the appearance of buds, Gloxinia needs more nitrogen fertilizers (But do not overflow the plant with nitrogen, excess nitrogen is even worse than its lack). After the formation of buds and during blossoms for feeding, only potash-phosphoric additives should be used. Then bloom will be more abundant and decorative. At the beginning of the fall, it is necessary to feed the plant for the last time this season with superphosphate or potassium monophosphate for the successful wintering of the Gloxinia tuber, and on this all the feeding stops - the plant should be prepared for the rest period.

Basic Life Cycles Gloxinia

As Gloxinia is tuber plantshe has a special life cycle. You can distinguish three main periods of life of this flower during the year:

  • Period of rest
  • Period of active growth
  • Flowering period

Rest period (winter hibernation)

In room gloxy, the period of rest is pronounced. She, unfortunately, is not able round year blossom and delight us with your magnificent colors and, even leaves. As we have already written above, by the middle of autumn, after the next flowering, Glokil ceases to drink water, stems and leaves are yellow and dry, the roots die. The plant begins at rest period. The stem is cut into a height of one - two cm. Over the soil. Watering the pencils stands for two or three weeks moderately, not to feed. Give Gloxinia to sleep. Only the tubers of this flower are alive, which proper storage Save until the next season.

Methods for preserving Gloxinia in winter:

  1. The strawberry is neatly digging, cleaned from the ground, processed by an antiseptic, laid into a plastic container with a slightly wet sand and remove to wintering in a dark cool place, for example, in a garage or basement with a temperature of 10-12 ° C.
  2. The tubers are stored in a plastic bag with a lock along with a vermiculite mixed with a substrate 1: 1. Package Buttons and placed in a fridge to a department for vegetables. So you will be calm that the tubers will not be dried.
  3. The tubers do not dig out of the soil and leave the winter in a pot, which fall asleep to the top of dry sand and put in a dark cool room - a garage or a basement. As a last resort - in the bathroom, where they store under the bathroom, covering the dark film. It is necessary to water in the period of resting Gloxinia very rarely - 1 - 2 times a month, just if the tuber does not dry. Pour it is even worse than to overcover - it will begin to start and can perish. In such a state of peace of Gloxinia will be from one to three months. To allow premature germination of the plant is not desirable, as it will grow weak and not capable of flowering.

If Gloxinia has no sufficient for storage of the tuber - what to do?

If the gloxia is still small, only grown out of seeds, then the tuber is still very small, and the rest period is such a plant just will not survive. To understand whether your flower can fall, count his leaves. If there are less than six steam - it is impossible to send such a flower on peace, it can die. Let in winter Gloxinia will continue his height. If you provide it with moderate watering and nutrition, humidity and large lights with highlighting - on next yearWhen your flower will grow at least six pairs of leaves and starts to score buds - it will enter the normal life cycle, as well as in all Gloxy, will flash and fall on the autumn.

Also, the tuber may not form when growing gloxy from a sheet or a cutlery, especially when the cuttings strongly blocked into the soil.

The period of the active cycle in Gloxinia

By the beginning of the new active cycle, with proper care for sleeping tubers, new roots and sprouts will begin to appear on them. Usually, Gloxinia is touched into growth in February or early March. The tubers get out of the old pot or from the sand container - depending on where they were stored, clean them from the soil, remove old roots.

Every spring Gloxy is transplanted into a new healthy soil in all respects!

Inspect each tuber, filled or dried areas are cut off with a clean sharp knife or scalpel. 30 minutes are immersed in a dark pink solution of manganese. Sections of sections are sprinkled with crowded activated coal. Sometimes flower products are treated with club stimulants. Then try not to immerse the plant deep into the solution so that the growth point is not exposed to the drug. After all the treatments give the time of tubers to dry well - it is enough during the day. Patients and wrinkled - throw away. This is a guarantee that the remaining tubers will give us healthy and strong plants capable of long and repeatedly blossoming with lush beautiful flowers.

The pot for Gloxy is selected depending on the size of the straw. It can be ceramic or plastic. For a small young plant, a pot is up to 10 cm. In diameter, for a long blooming plant with a large tuber, a pot is chosen up to 15 cm wide. In diameter. The height is usually taken as the same as the width. It is not worth buying a pot for the Gloxy, a plant will live in it, only thick foliage and the tuber will grow, and the need to form buds, our beauty can forget. In addition, too much moisture can accumulate in a large pot, which can lead to the booting of the tuber.

So, the tuber is planted into the soil into two third heights. We have already written above that a special soil mixture is suitable for soil for the soil - "SENPOLIA", "Begonia". At the stage of transplant and subsequent rooting of Gloxinia, there is a risk of loss of tubers due to their posting.

Therefore, do not forget about drainage, 2-3 cm. Ceramzit or other material at the bottom of the pot - a prerequisite for healthy roots!

The soil is slightly moisturized. Pot with tuber put in a light warm place under the film before the appearance of the first pair of leaves. Do not forget to ventilate him in the morning and in the evening. When the leaves are growing, the film is removed at all. The muscles fall asleep in the ground no more than one cm, just to cover it. Watering better through the pallet or carefully around the edge of the pot, so as not to pour the middle of the flower with a growth point.

Sometimes, on the sight of healthy strong tubers do not show signs of life on a par with others. Wait a little, perhaps these tubers need a little longer period to start an active life. If you put them in the ground, you will start to water - they are most likely puments, because they will absorb nutrition and watering them will be so far. Wait for the natural awakening of Gloxinia.

If, you need to wake the sleeping beauty - try to artificially activate the growth of the above-ground part of the plant. For this, well-processed, prepared for landing, sleeping tubers are folded into a package with a slightly moistened substrate from peat. The package is tightly closed and put on a bright, but scattered sunlight. If this is a problem - under the phyto lamp for 12-14 hours. The germination temperature should be high - 24-26 ° C. Keep in such a package of tubers without venting, until they start germinate. In a week, another, you will see on the inner surface of the package of moisture drops - these tubers have laid out, the point of growth was crossed. So, the tuber is ready for landing. It is possible that this flower will still catch up with the rest in the growth and will be perfectly blossoming not worse than them.

Gloxinia did not wake up after the winter peace, what to do?

Sometimes it happens that gloxinia did not wake up after wintering. First aid for her awakening - wrap the pot with a flower in a large cellophane package and moisten the soil. It is possible that wintering was too dry, and the tuber is dry. Then in the package from the artificially created greenhouse effect, the flower can wake up and go into growth.

Sometimes the wintering is sent to wintering too young, which in the first year did not have time to form a sufficient tuber. Such gloxy will no longer wake up.

If the Gloxinia's tuber was purchased last year in the store, but after last year's flowering, he did not survive the winter hibernation - it is possible in bad quality planting material. On the view of the tubers were decent, healthy, but in fact it could be that the tuber is old, or infected with infection, or amazed by pests. And perhaps it was simply overwhelmed by growth stimulants. Such tubers had enough strength to beat once, and during the winter peace, most likely he died.

Drop the tuber from the soil and inspect. The crossed tuber is likely to be thrown away. If there is hope that the tuber is still alive, cut it in half. If it is inside all brown - it needs to be thrown away. If the brown is only part of the tuber - you need to cut off all the rot, the rest of the tuber to handle with greenflash. You can soak in a short time in epine or zircon to increase the vitality of the tuber.

Gloxinia usually live no longer than four to five years. If you value with your Gloxinia variety, think in advance about its reproduction - after all, from the winter hibernation, the plant may not get out simply because the tuber is old and just died.


Gloxinia begins his bloom usually in the late spring. Sometimes, the plant awakens a little earlier, in early February, then at the end of March it can bloom. Although, for this you will need to create the most comfortable conditions - Sufficient lighting with highlighting, moderate watering, temperature in the range of 22-24 ° C, high air humidity. Then she will delight you with their stormy bloom, perhaps, not once per season.

Usually the first period stormy blossom It falls at the end of May - the beginning of June. By the end of the summer, Gloxinia will delight you with their amazing colors.

More about blossoming Gloxinia and what to do after, read in.


There are many ways to reproduce in Gloxinia at home:

  • Seeds
  • Leaves
  • Least Cherchet
  • List fragments
  • Delivery of the tuber
  • Coloros
  • Palecami

Learn more about the methods of reproduction of indoor Gloxy at home you can read in the article. .

Problems for growing Gloxinia

About common problems in growing room gloxinia, as well as about diseases and pests this flower You can read in the article .


Growing room flower Gloxinia at home is not a simple, but very interesting occupation. If you master all the wisdom of care for him, you can easily create a comfortable conditions for its existence, you will get a lot of pleasure. Gloxinia conquers its sophistication and beauty. You will get so many positive emotions from contemplation lush flowering numerous, most diverse in shape and color, colors-bells. Your window sills in the spring and summer will be the most decorated, and the atmosphere in the family is the most peaceful and comfortable.

One of the most important moments In the development of Gloxinia is a period of rest, because thanks to this, the plant can delight with its colorful bloom annually. The rested and swelling flower forces are tied more flowerons, and the bloom itself lasts longer.

When is Gloxinia goes to rest?

Powing period is not required to all gloxins. Young and small nodules still do not need it, but the bushes that have already produced the flowerons and reached adult sizes, go to the winter.

The tubers who have reached in diameter more than 2 cm, and which turned over for more than a year, fall into the hibernation at the end of October or in November.

How to understand that Gloxy is preparing for the rest period?

The fact that the flower wants to take a break, you can understand its appearance:

  • w. healthy Plant Gradually dry the lower leaves;
  • over time, the whole above-ground flower is dry.

Drying as a transitional stage of preparation for the winter may occur even in the case of a flower-seeker on the bush. They may not have time to bloom, but it is not scary - just the flower did not calculate their strength and threw the flowerons too late.

It is impossible to cut the remaining green top of the bush - it must be shocked on their own. So everything nutrients From green leaves, go to the tuber, and the flower is gaining strength before wintering.

How to prepare a flower for resting period?

As soon as Glockinia has external signs of falling asleep, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of irrigation and completely eliminate the feeding.

Since the bright light is now the plant will only interfere, the pot must be removed from the windowsill and put in a darker place.

How to keep tuber in winter?

When Glocking is completely dry (her green part), it's time to send a tuber for storage.

Keep the tube in the winter in two ways:

  1. Right in the pot without removing them from the soil. Dry dry leaves and stem with scissors, leaving a small penet. Slightly moisten the earth and cover the romp by the package, tightly knitting it. Once a month you need to remove the package to check the soil and, if necessary, moisten the earth again, watering only around the edge of the pot.
  2. In bag with peat. Gently remove the tuber, wash it, eliminating the remnants of the earth. Be sure to let dry. In the bag pour a little peat and put on top of the tuber. A little spray with water and tightly fasten the package.

Where to store tubers?

Prepared blocming clubs should be placed on storing in a dark and cool room. The maximum room temperature should be 15 degrees of heat, and the minimum is not lower than 5 degrees.