Maximum squaring of 1 warm circuit. Correct warm water floor in a private house

The main argument in favor of the "warm floor" system is the increased comfort of a person's stay in the room, when the quality heater the entire surface of the floor protrudes. The air in the room warms up from the bottom up, while at the floor surface it is somewhat warmer than at a height of 2-2.5 m.

In some cases (for example, when heating shopping malls, swimming pools, gyms, hospitals), underfloor heating is most preferred.

To the disadvantages of systems underfloor heating are relatively high, in comparison with radiator, equipment cost, as well as increased requirements for the technical literacy of installers and the quality of their work. Using quality materials and adherence to the installation technology of a well-designed water floor heating system, there are no problems with its subsequent operation.

The heating boiler operates on radiators at 80/60 ° C. How to connect the "warm floor" correctly?

To obtain the design temperature (as a rule, not higher than 55 ° C) and the specified flow rate of the coolant in the "warm floors" circuit, pumping and mixing units are used. They form a separate low-temperature circulation circuit, into which hot heating medium from the primary circuit is mixed. The amount of added heating agent can be set both manually (if the temperature and flow rate in the primary circuit are constant), and automatically using thermostats. To fully realize all the advantages of a "warm floor" allow the pumping and mixing units with weather compensation, in which the temperature of the coolant supplied to the low-temperature circuit is adjusted depending on the outside air temperature.

Is it allowed to connect a "warm floor" to the central heating system or hot water supply of an apartment building?

It depends on local legislation. For example, in Moscow, the installation of underfloor heating from common building water supply and heating systems is excluded from the list of permitted types of re-equipment (Moscow Government decree No. 73-PP dated February 8, 2005). In a number of regions, interdepartmental commissions, decisive question agreement on the installation of a "warm floor" system, require additional expertise and calculated confirmation that the device "warm floor" will not lead to a disruption in the operation of common house engineering systems(see "Rules and regulations for the technical operation of the housing stock", p. 1.7.2).

From a technical point of view, connecting a "warm floor" to a central heating system is possible provided that a separate pumping and mixing unit is installed with limited pressure returned to house system coolant. In addition, if there is an individual heat point equipped with an elevator (jet pump), the use of plastic and metal-plastic pipes in heating systems is not allowed.

What is the best material to use as a floor covering in a "warm floor" system? Can parquet floors be used?

Best of all, the "warm floor" effect is felt with floor coverings made of materials with a high thermal conductivity coefficient (ceramic tiles, concrete, self-leveling floors, baseless linoleum, laminate, etc.). If carpet is used, it must have a "suitability mark" for use on a warm substrate. Other synthetic coatings(linoleum, relin, laminated boards, plastic compound, PVC tiles, etc.) must have a "sign of absence" of toxic emissions at an elevated base temperature.

Parquet, parquet boards and boards can also be used as a "warm floor" covering, but the surface temperature should not exceed 26 ° C. In addition, a safety thermostat must be included in the mixing unit. The moisture content of natural wood flooring materials should not exceed 9%. Work on laying a parquet or plank floor is allowed only at a room temperature of at least 18 ° C and 40-50% humidity.

What should be the temperature on the surface of the "warm floor"?

The requirements of SNiP 41-01-2003 "Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning" (p. 6.5.12) in relation to the surface temperature of the "warm floor" are given in the table. It should be noted that foreign regulations admit several large values surface temperatures. This must be taken into account when using calculation programs developed on their basis.

How long can the underfloor heating pipes be?

The length of one loop of the "warm floor" is dictated by the pump power. If we talk about polyethylene and metal-plastic pipes, it is economically expedient that the loop length of a pipe with an outer diameter of 16 mm does not exceed 100 m, and with a diameter of 20 mm - 120 m. It is also desirable that the hydraulic pressure loss in the loop does not exceed 20 kPa. The approximate area occupied by one loop, subject to these conditions, is about 15 m2. With a larger area, collector systems are used, while it is desirable that the length of the loops connected to one collector be approximately the same.

What should be the thickness of the heat-insulating layer under the pipes of the "warm floor"?

The thickness of the insulation, limiting heat loss from the pipes of the "warm floor" in the "downward" direction, should be determined by calculation and largely depends on the air temperature in the design room and the temperature in the underlying room (or ground). In most Western calculation programs, heat losses "down" are assumed to be 10% of the total heat flow... If the air temperature in the design and the underlying room is the same, then this ratio is satisfied by a layer of expanded polystyrene with a thickness of 25 mm with a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.035 W / (moK).

What pipes are better to use for the installation of the "warm floor" system?

Pipes for a "warm floor" device must have the following properties: flexibility, allowing the pipe to bend with a minimum radius to ensure the required laying pitch; the ability to keep in shape; low coefficient of resistance to the movement of the coolant to reduce the power of pumping equipment; durability and corrosion resistance, since access to pipes during operation is difficult; oxygen tightness (like any pipeline heating system). In addition, the pipe must be easy to handle simple tool and have a reasonable price.

The most widespread systems are "warm floor" systems made of polyethylene (PEX-EVOH-PEX), metal-plastic and copper pipes. Polyethylene pipes less convenient in work, since they do not retain their given shape, and when heated, they tend to straighten ("memory effect"). Copper pipes, when embedded in a screed, must have a covering polymer layer in order to avoid alkaline action; moreover, this material is quite expensive. Reinforced-plastic pipes meet the requirements most fully.

Do I need to use a plasticizer when pouring a "warm floor"?

The use of a plasticizer allows you to make the screed more dense, without air inclusions, which significantly reduces heat losses and increases the strength of the screed. However, not all plasticizers are suitable for this purpose: most of those used in construction are air-entraining, and their use, on the contrary, will lead to a decrease in the strength and thermal conductivity of the screed. For "warm floor" systems, special non-entraining plasticizers based on finely dispersed flaky particles are produced. mineral materials with a low coefficient of friction. As a rule, the consumption of the plasticizer is 3-5 l / m3 of mortar.

What is the point of using aluminum foil coated thermal insulation?

In cases where floor heating pipes are installed in air gap(for example, in floors on logs), foiling of thermal insulation allows you to reflect most of the downward radiant heat flux, thereby increasing the efficiency of the system. Foil plays the same role in the construction of porous (gas or foam concrete) screeds.

When the screed is made of a dense cement-sand mixture, foiling of thermal insulation can be justified only as an additional waterproofing - the reflective properties of the foil cannot manifest themselves due to the absence of the "air - solid" boundary. It should be borne in mind that the layer aluminum foil flooded cement mortar must have protective covering from polymer film... V otherwise aluminum can be destroyed under the influence of a highly alkaline solution medium (pH = 12.4).

How to avoid cracking of the "warm floor" screed?

The reasons for the appearance of cracks in the underfloor heating screed may be the low strength of the insulation, poor-quality compaction of the mixture during installation, the absence of a plasticizer in the mixture, or too thick screed (shrinkage cracks). The following rules should be adhered to: the density of the insulation (expanded polystyrene) under the screed must be at least 40 kg / m3; the mortar for the screed must be workable (plastic), the use of a plasticizer is mandatory; in order to avoid the appearance of shrinkage cracks, add polypropylene fiber at the rate of 1-2 kg of fiber per 1 m3 of solution. For power loaded floors, steel fiber is used.

Is waterproofing required for underfloor heating?

If a vapor barrier is not provided for in the architectural and construction part of the project, then with the "wet method" of installing the "warm floor" system along the ceilings, it is recommended to lay a layer of glassine on the leveled floor. This will help prevent the laitance from flowing through the overlap during the pouring of the screed. If the project provides for an interfloor vapor barrier, then it is not necessary to arrange additional waterproofing. Waterproofing in wet rooms(bathrooms, toilets, showers) is arranged in the usual manner on top of the "warm floor" screed.

What should be the thickness of the damper tape installed around the perimeter of the room?

For rooms with a side length of less than 10 m, a 5 mm seam is sufficient. For other premises, the seam is calculated according to the formula: b = 0.55 o L, where b is the seam thickness, mm; L is the length of the room, m.

What should be the step of laying the pipes for the "warm floor" loop?

The step of the loops is determined by calculation. It should be borne in mind that a loop pitch of less than 80 mm is difficult to implement in practice due to the small bending radius of the pipe, and a pitch of more than 250 mm is not recommended, as it leads to a noticeable uneven heating of the "warm floor". To facilitate the task of choosing the step of the loops, you can use the table below.

Is it possible to install heating only on the basis of the "warm floor" system, without radiators?

To answer this question in each specific case, it is required to make a heat engineering calculation. On the one hand, the maximum specific heat flux from the "warm floor" is about 70 W / m2 at an air temperature in the room of 20 ° C. This is sufficient to compensate for heat losses through enclosing structures made in accordance with thermal protection standards.

On the other hand, if we take into account the cost of heat for heating the required sanitary standards outdoor air (3 m3 / h per 1 m2 of living space), then the capacity of the "warm floor" system may be insufficient. In such cases, it is recommended to use edge zones with elevated surface temperatures along the outer walls, as well as the use of sections of "warm walls".

How long after pouring the screed can the "warm floor" system be started?

The screed must have time to acquire sufficient strength. After three days in natural hardening conditions (without heating), it gains 50% strength, after a week - 70%. A full set of strength to the design grade occurs after 28 days. Based on this, it is recommended to start the "warm floor" no earlier than three days after pouring. It should also be remembered that the "underfloor heating" system solution is filled with floor pipelines filled with water at a pressure of 3 bar.


Correct calculation is the key to success in any business. However, it is not so easy to put all the ideas into practice. This statement is quite relevant to the conduct of communications to create. You can calculate everything down to millimeters, but all the same, checking the resulting data will be necessary at every stage of the work, since it is impossible to fully take into account everything. In addition, each apartment has its own characteristics of the floor surface, so it is often difficult to take into account all the curves and depressions. However, do not despair, because it is difficult to correctly install the underfloor heating system, but it is real.

How to arrange heating pipes

The underfloor heating system consists of many elements, the main of which are pipes that let heat under the floor of the whole house.

Based on how it is more convenient for the master, you can arrange communications in 4 options:

  • Snake.
  • Corner snake.
  • Double snake.
  • A snail.

The correct calculation of the heating system is a difficult task, but quite feasible with a step-by-step approach. It is problematic to take into account absolutely all the nuances when installing a warm floor, therefore it is worth paying attention to the most important characteristics, namely the length of the pipes and the volume of water in them. In addition, it is worth remembering that even a slight excess of the circuit length of 100 m can seriously harm the system and give out at the outlet far from the expected temperature. Double-circuit model, in turn, will be much more efficient, which will allow you to heat the house without much hassle and with less resource consumption.

One of the conditions for the implementation of high-quality and correct heating premises with the help of a warm floor is to maintain the temperature of the coolant in accordance with the specified parameters.

These parameters are determined by the project, taking into account the required amount of heat for the heated room and floor covering.

Required data for calculation

The efficiency of the heating system depends on a correctly laid circuit.

To maintain a given temperature regime in the room, it is necessary to correctly calculate the length of the loops used to circulate the coolant.

First, you need to collect initial data, on the basis of which the calculation will be made and which consists of the following indicators and characteristics:

  • the temperature that should be above the floor covering;
  • layout diagram of loops with a coolant;
  • distance between pipes;
  • maximum possible pipe length;
  • the ability to use several contours of different length;
  • connection of several loops to one collector and to one pump and their possible number with such a connection.

Based on the listed data, it is possible to perform the correct calculation of the length of the underfloor heating circuit and thereby ensure a comfortable temperature regime in a room with minimal cost to pay for energy supply.

Floor temperature

The temperature on the surface of the floor, made with a hot water heating device underneath, depends on functional purpose premises. Its values ​​should be no more than those indicated in the table:

Compliance with the temperature regime in accordance with the above values ​​will create a favorable environment for the work and rest of the people in them.

Pipe laying options used for underfloor heating

Underfloor heating installation options

The laying pattern can be done with a regular, double and angled snake or snail. Various combinations of these options are also possible, for example, along the edge of the room, you can lay out a pipe with a snake, and then the middle part with a snail.

V large rooms complex configuration is best done with a snail. In rooms of small size and having a variety of complex configurations, snake laying is used.

Distance between pipes

The pipe laying step is determined by calculation and usually corresponds to 15, 20 and 25 cm, but no more. When the pipe is laid out with a step of more than 25 cm, the person's foot will feel the temperature difference between and immediately above them.

Along the edges of the room, the heating circuit pipe is laid in 10 cm increments.

Permissible contour length

The length of the circuit must be matched to the pipe diameter

It depends on the pressure in a particular closed loop and hydraulic resistance, the values ​​of which determine the diameter of the pipes and the volume of fluid that is supplied to them per unit of time.

When installing a warm floor, situations often occur when the circulation of the coolant in a separate loop is disturbed, which cannot be restored by any pump, the water is locked in this circuit, as a result of which it cools down. This results in pressure losses of up to 0.2 bar.

Based on practical experience, the following recommended sizes can be adhered to:

  1. Less than 100 m can be a loop made from metal-plastic pipe with a diameter of 16 mm. For reliability optimal size is 80 m.
  2. No more than 120 m is assumed to be a maximum loop length of 18 mm of XLPE pipe. Experts try to install a circuit with a length of 80-100 m.
  3. No more than 120-125 m is considered an acceptable loop size for metal-plastic with a diameter of 20 mm. In practice, they also try to reduce this length to ensure sufficient reliability of the system.

For a more accurate determination of the size of the loop length for a warm floor in the room under consideration, in which there will be no problems with the circulation of the coolant, it is necessary to perform calculations.

Applying multiple paths of different lengths

The device of the underfloor heating system provides for the implementation of several circuits. Of course, it is ideal when all the loops are the same length. In this case, adjustment and balancing of the system is not required, but it is almost impossible to implement such a pipe routing scheme. Detailed video for calculating the length of the water circuit, see this video:

For example, it is necessary to carry out a warm floor system in several rooms, one of which, for example, a bathroom, has an area of ​​4 m2. This means that 40 m of pipe will be needed to heat it. It is impractical to arrange contours of 40 m in other rooms, while loops of 80-100 m can be made.

The difference in pipe lengths is determined by calculation. If it is impossible to perform calculations, you can apply a requirement that allows a difference in the length of the contours of the order of 30-40%.

Also, the difference in the lengths of the loops can be compensated for by increasing or decreasing the diameter of the pipe and changing the pitch of its laying.

Possibility to connect to one node and pump

The number of loops that can be connected to one collector and one pump is determined depending on the power of the equipment used, the number of heating circuits, the diameter and material of the pipes used, the area of ​​the heated rooms, the material of the enclosing structures and on many other various indicators.

Such calculations must be entrusted to specialists with knowledge and practical skills in the implementation of such projects.

Determining the size of the buttonhole

The size of the loop depends on the total area of ​​the room

Having collected all the initial data, having considered possible options creating a heated floor and determining the most optimal of them, you can proceed directly to calculating the length of the contour of a water heated floor.

To do this, it is necessary to divide the area of ​​the room in which the loops for water floor heating are laid by the distance between the pipes and multiply by a factor of 1.1, which takes into account 10% for turns and bends.

To the result, add the length of the pipeline, which will need to be laid from the collector to warm floor and back. The answer to the key questions of organizing a warm floor, see this video:

You can determine the length of the loop, laid with a step of 20 cm in a room with an area of ​​10 m2, located at a distance of 3 m from the collector, by following these steps:

10 / 0.2 * 1.1 + (3 * 2) = 61 m.

In this room, 61 m of pipes must be laid, forming a thermal circuit, in order to ensure the possibility of high-quality heating of the floor covering.

The presented calculation helps to create conditions for maintaining a comfortable air temperature in small individual rooms.

To correctly determine the pipe length of several heating circuits for a large number premises supplied from one collector, it is necessary to involve a design organization.

She will do this with the help of specialized programs that take into account a lot different factors, on which the uninterrupted circulation of water depends, and therefore high-quality floor heating.

The most common way to implement underfloor heating systems is monolithic concrete floors, made with the so-called “wet” method. The floor structure is a "layer cake" of various materials(fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Laying underfloor heating loops with a single coil

The installation of the underfloor heating system begins with the preparation of the surface for the installation of the underfloor heating. The surface must be leveled, irregularities in the area must not exceed ± 5 mm. Irregularities and protrusions of no more than 10 mm are allowed. If necessary, the surface is leveled additional screed... Failure to comply with this requirement can lead to “airing” of the pipes. If in the room below high humidity it is advisable to lay a waterproofing (plastic film).

After leveling the surface, it is necessary to lay a damper tape with a width of at least 5 mm along the side walls to compensate for the thermal expansion of the underfloor heating monolith. It should be laid along all walls framing the room, racks, door frames, bends, etc. The tape should protrude at least 20 mm above the planned height of the floor structure.

Then a layer of thermal insulation is laid to prevent heat leakage into the lower rooms. It is recommended to use foam materials (polystyrene, polyethylene, etc.) with a density of at least 25 kg / m 3 as thermal insulation. If it is impossible to lay thick layers of thermal insulation, then in this case foil-clad thermal insulation materials 5 or 10 mm thick. It is important that foil-clad thermal insulation materials have protective film on aluminum. Otherwise, alkaline environment concrete screed destroys the foil layer within 3-5 weeks.

The pipes are laid out with a certain pitch and in the desired configuration. In this case, it is recommended that the supply pipeline should be laid closer to the outer walls.

When laying “single coil” (fig. 2), the temperature distribution of the floor surface is not uniform.

Fig. 2 Laying underfloor heating loops with a single coil

In spiral laying (Fig. 3), pipes with opposite flow directions alternate, with the hottest section of the pipe adjacent to the coldest one. This leads to an even temperature distribution over the floor surface.

Fig. 3 Laying underfloor heating loops in a spiral.

The pipe is laid according to the markings applied to the heat insulator, with anchor brackets every 0.3 - 0.5 m, or between special protrusions of the heat insulator. The laying step is calculated and lies in the range from 10 to 30 cm, but should not exceed 30 cm, otherwise uneven heating of the floor surface will occur with the appearance of warm and cold stripes. Areas near the outer walls of a building are called boundary zones. Here it is recommended to reduce the pipe spacing in order to compensate for heat loss through the walls. The length of one loop (loop) of a warm floor should not exceed 100–120 m, the pressure loss per loop (together with fittings) should not exceed 20 kPa; minimum speed water movement - 0.2 m / s (to avoid the formation of air jams in the system).

After laying out the hinges, immediately before pouring the screed, the system is pressurized at a pressure of 1.5 from the working pressure, but not less than 0.3 MPa.

When pouring a cement-sand screed, the pipe must be under a water pressure of 0.3 MPa at room temperature... The minimum pouring height above the pipe surface must be at least 3 cm (the maximum recommended height, according to European standards, is 7 cm). Cement-sand mixture must be at least 400 grade with plasticizer. It is recommended to “vibrate” the screed after pouring. With a length monolithic slab more than 8 m or an area of ​​more than 40 m 2, it is necessary to provide seams between the plates minimum thickness 5 mm, to compensate for the thermal expansion of the monolith. When pipes pass through the seams, they must have a protective sheath at least 1 m long.

The system is started up only after the concrete has completely dried (approximately 4 days per 1 cm of the screed thickness). The water temperature when starting the system must be at room temperature. After starting the system, daily increase the supply water temperature by 5 ° C to the operating temperature.

Basic temperature requirements for underfloor heating systems

    Recommended average temperature the floor surface should be taken no higher (according to SNiP 41-01-2003, p. 6.5.12):
  • 26 ° С for premises with constant presence of people
  • 31 ° С for rooms with temporary stay of people and bypass paths of swimming pools
  • Floor surface temperature along the axis heating element in childcare facilities, residential buildings and swimming pools should not exceed 35 ° C

According to SP 41-102-98, the temperature difference in certain areas of the floor should not exceed 10 ° C (optimally 5 ° C). The temperature of the coolant in the underfloor heating system should not exceed 55 ° C (SP 41-102-98 p. 3.5 a).

Set of water heated floor 15 m 2

Underfloor heating set for heating rooms with an area of ​​15-20 m 2 with mixing unit with manual regulation of the temperature of the heating medium based on the mixing and separating valve MIX 03. Setting the operating temperature of the heating medium is carried out manually by turning the valve handle.

Name vendor code Qty Price
MP pipe Valtec16(2,0) 100 m3 580
PlasticizerSilar (10L)2x10 l1 611
Damper tapeEnergoflex Super 10 / 0.1-252x10 m1 316
Thermal insulationTP - 5 / 1,2-1618 m 22 648
MIX 03 ¾ "1 1 400
Circulation pumpUPC 25-401 2 715
Nipple adapterVT 580 1 "х3 / 4"1 56.6
Nipple adapterVT 580 1 "х1 / 2"1 56.6
Ball valveVT 218 ½ ”1 93.4
VTm 302 16x ½ ”2 135.4
Ball valveVT 219 ½ ”1 93.4
TeeVT 130 ½ ”1 63.0
BarrelVT 652 ½ "x601 63.0
Adapter Н-ВVT 581 ¾ "x ½"1 30.1

13 861.5

A set of water heated floor for 15 m 2 (with reinforced thermal insulation, with unheated lower rooms)

A set of underfloor heating for heating rooms with an area of ​​15-20 m 2 with a mixing unit with manual regulation of the temperature of the heating medium based on the mixing and separating valve MIX 03. The working temperature of the heating medium is set manually by turning the valve handle. Reinforced thermal insulation allows you to arrange a system of underfloor heating over unheated rooms.

With spiral laying of the underfloor heating loop (screed thickness 3 cm with floor covering from ceramic tiles) with a step of 15-20 cm and a design temperature of the coolant 30 ° C - the temperature of the floor surface is 24-26 ° C, the flow rate of the coolant is about 0.2 m 3 / h, the flow rate is 0.2-0.5 m / s, the pressure loss in a loop approximately 5 kPa (0.5 m).

An accurate calculation of thermal and hydraulic parameters can be carried out using free software calculations of warm floors Valtec Prog.

Name vendor code Qty Price
MP pipe Valtec16(2,0) 100 m3 580
PlasticizerSilar (10L)2x10 l1 611
Damper tapeEnergoflex Super 10 / 0.1-252x10 m1 316
Thermal insulationTP - 25 / 1.0-53x5 m 24 281
Three-way mixing valveMIX 03 ¾ "1 1 400
Circulation pumpUPC 25-401 2 715
Nipple adapterVT 580 1 "х3 / 4"1 56.6
Nipple adapterVT 580 1 "х1 / 2"1 56.6
Ball valveVT 218 ½ ”1 93.4
Straight connector with transition to female threadVTm 302 16x ½ ”2 135.4
Ball valveVT 219 ½ ”1 93.4
TeeVT 130 ½ ”1 63.0
BarrelVT 652 ½ "x601 63.0
Adapter Н-ВVT 581 ¾ "x ½"1 30.1

15 494.5

Set of water floor heating up to 30 m 2 - 1

A set of underfloor heating for heating rooms with an area of ​​30-40 m 2 with a mixing unit with manual regulation of the temperature of the heating medium based on the mixing and separating valve MIX 03. The working temperature of the heating medium is set manually by turning the valve handle. To ensure an equal flow rate of the coolant in the underfloor heating loops, their length and the laying pattern must be the same.

With spiral laying of the underfloor heating loop (screed thickness 3 cm with ceramic floor covering) with a pitch of 15-20 cm and a calculated coolant temperature of 30 ° C - the floor surface temperature is 24-26 ° C, the coolant consumption is about 0.2 m 3 / h, flow speed 0.2-0.5 m / s, pressure loss in the loop is approximately 5 kPa (0.5 m).

An accurate calculation of thermal and hydraulic parameters can be carried out using the free calculation program for underfloor heating Valtec Prog.

Name vendor code Qty Price
MP pipe Valtec16(2,0) 200 m7 160
PlasticizerSilar (10L)4x10 l3 222
Damper tapeEnergoflex Super 10 / 0.1-253x10 m1 974
Thermal insulationTP - 5 / 1,2-162x18 m 25 296
Three-way mixing valveMIX 03 ¾ "1 1 400
Nipple adapterVT 580 1 "х3 / 4"2 113.2
NippleVT 582 3/4 "1 30.8
TeeVT 130 ¾ "1 96.7
GonVT 93 ¾ "1 104.9
Direct driveVT 341 ¾ "1 104.9
Circulation pumpUPC 25-401 2 715
Ball valveVT 217 ¾ "2 266.4
CollectorVT 500n 2 out.x ¾ "x ½"2 320
CorkVT 583 ¾ "2 61.6
Fitting for MP pipeVT 710 16 (2.0)4 247.6
Fitting for MP pipeVTm 301 20 x "1 92.4
Fitting for MP pipeVTm 302 20 x ¾ "1 101.0

23 306.5

Set of water floor heating up to 30 m 2 - 2

A set of underfloor heating for heating rooms with an area of ​​30-40 m 2 with a mixing unit with manual regulation of the temperature of the heating medium based on the mixing and separating valve MIX 03. The working temperature of the heating medium is set manually by turning the valve handle. To facilitate the release of air, the system is supplemented with automatic air vents and drain valves. To ensure an equal flow rate of the coolant in the underfloor heating loops, their length and the laying pattern must be the same. Reinforced thermal insulation allows you to arrange a system of underfloor heating over unheated rooms.

With spiral laying of the underfloor heating loop (screed thickness 3 cm with ceramic floor covering) with a pitch of 15-20 cm and a calculated coolant temperature of 30 ° C - the floor surface temperature is 24-26 ° C, the coolant consumption is about 0.2 m 3 / h, flow speed 0.2-0.5 m / s, pressure loss in the loop is approximately 5 kPa (0.5 m).

An accurate calculation of thermal and hydraulic parameters can be carried out using the free calculation program for underfloor heating Valtec Prog.

Name vendor code Qty Price
MP pipe Valtec16(2,0) 200 m7 160
PlasticizerSilar (10L)4x10 l3 222
Damper tapeEnergoflex Super 10 / 0.1-253x10 m1 974
Thermal insulationTP - 25 / 1.0-56x5 m 28 562
Three-way mixing valveMIX 03 ¾ "1 1 400
Nipple adapterVT 580 1 "х3 / 4"2 113.2
NippleVT 582 3/4 "1 30.8
TeeVT 130 ¾ "1 96.7
GonVT 93 ¾ "1 104.9
Direct driveVT 341 ¾ "1 104.9
Circulation pumpUPC 25-401 2 715
Ball valveVT 217 ¾ "2 266.4
CollectorVT 500n 2 out.x ¾ "x ½"2 320
Fitting for MP pipeVT 710 16 (2.0)4 247.6
Fitting for MP pipeVTm 302 20 x ¾ "1 101
Fitting for MP pipeVTm 301 20 x "1 92.4
VT 530 3/4 "x 1/2" x3 / 8 "2 238.4
Shut-off valveVT 539 3/8 ”2 97.4
Adapter B-NVT 592 1/2 "х3 / 8"2 49.4
VT 502 1/2 "2 320.8
Drain valveVT 430 1/2 "2 209.8

27 446.7

Set of water floor heating up to 60 m 2 - 1

A set of underfloor heating for heating rooms with an area of ​​60-80 m 2 with a mixing unit with manual regulation of the temperature of the heating medium based on the mixing and separating valve MIX 03. The working temperature of the heating medium is set manually by turning the valve handle. To facilitate the release of air, the system is supplemented with automatic air vents and drain valves. To ensure an equal flow rate of the heating agent in the underfloor heating loops (hydraulic balancing of the loops), collectors with integrated shut-off and control valves are used. Reinforced thermal insulation allows you to arrange a system of underfloor heating over unheated rooms.

With spiral laying of the underfloor heating loop (screed thickness 3 cm with ceramic floor covering) with a pitch of 15-20 cm and a calculated coolant temperature of 30 ° C - the floor surface temperature is 24-26 ° C, the coolant consumption is about 0.2 m 3 / h, flow speed 0.2-0.5 m / s, pressure loss in the loop is approximately 5 kPa (0.5 m).

An accurate calculation of thermal and hydraulic parameters can be carried out using the free calculation program for underfloor heating Valtec Prog.

Name vendor code Qty Price
MP pipe Valtec16(2,0) 400 m14 320
PlasticizerSilar (10L)8x10 l6 444
Damper tapeEnergoflex Super 10 / 0.1-256x10 m3 948
Thermal insulationTP - 25 / 1.0-512x5 m 217 124
Three-way mixing valveMIX 03 ¾ "1 1 400
Nipple adapterVT 580 1 "х3 / 4"2 113.2
NippleVT 582 3/4 "1 30.8
TeeVT 130 ¾ "1 96.7
GonVT 93 ¾ "1 104.9
Direct driveVT 341 ¾ "1 104.9
Circulation pumpUPC 25-401 2 715
Ball valveVT 217 ¾ "2 266.4
CollectorVT 560n 4 out.x ¾ "x ½"1 632.9
CollectorVT 580n 2 out.x ¾ "x ½"2 741.8
Fitting for MP pipeVT 710 16 (2.0)8 495.2
Fitting for MP pipeVTm 302 20 x ¾ "1 101
Fitting for MP pipeVTm 301 20 x "1 92.4
Manifold tee for mounting an air vent and drain valveVT 530 3/4 "x 1/2" x3 / 8 "2 238.4
Shut-off valveVT 539 3/8 ”2 97.4
Adapter B-NVT 592 1/2 "х3 / 8"2 49.4
Automatic air ventVT 502 1/2 "2 320.8
Drain valveVT 430 1/2 "2 209.8
Manifold bracketVT 130 3/4 "2 266.4

Set of water heated floor up to 60 m 2 - 2. (automatic temperature control)

A set of underfloor heating for heating rooms with an area of ​​60-80 m 2 with a mixing unit with manual adjustment of the temperature of the heating medium based on the mixing and separating valve MIX 03. The working temperature of the heating medium is automatically adjusted by the valve servo depending on the temperature of the heating medium set on the scale of the overhead thermostat. To facilitate the release of air, the system is supplemented with automatic air vents and drain valves. To ensure an equal flow rate of the heating agent in the underfloor heating loops (hydraulic balancing of the loops), collectors with integrated shut-off and control valves are used. Reinforced thermal insulation allows you to arrange a system of underfloor heating over unheated rooms.

With spiral laying of the underfloor heating loop (screed thickness 3 cm with ceramic floor covering) with a pitch of 15-20 cm and a calculated coolant temperature of 30 ° C - the floor surface temperature is 24-26 ° C, the coolant consumption is about 0.2 m 3 / h, flow speed 0.2-0.5 m / s, pressure loss in the loop is approximately 5 kPa (0.5 m).

An accurate calculation of thermal and hydraulic parameters can be carried out using the free calculation program for underfloor heating Valtec Prog.

Name vendor code Qty Price
MP pipe Valtec16(2,0) 400 m14 320
PlasticizerSilar (10L)8x10 l6 444
Damper tapeEnergoflex Super 10 / 0.1-256x10 m3 948
Thermal insulationTP - 25 / 1.0-512x5 m217 124
Three-way mixing valveMIX 03 ¾ "1 1 400
Nipple adapterVT 580 1 "х3 / 4"2 113.2
NippleVT 582 3/4 "1 30.8
TeeVT 130 ¾ "1 96.7
GonVT 93 ¾ "1 104.9
Direct driveVT 341 ¾ "1 104.9
Circulation pumpUPC 25-401 2 715
Ball valveVT 217 ¾ "2 266.4
CollectorVT 560n 4 out.x ¾ "x ½"1 632.9
CollectorVT 580n 2 out.x ¾ "x ½"2 741.8
Fitting for MP pipeVT 710 16 (2.0)8 495.2
Fitting for MP pipeVTm 302 20 x ¾ "1 101
Fitting for MP pipeVTm 301 20 x "1 92.4
Manifold tee for mounting an air vent and drain valveVT 530 3/4 "x 1/2" x3 / 8 "2 238.4
Shut-off valveVT 539 3/8 ”2 97.4
Adapter B-NVT 592 1/2 "х3 / 8"2 49.4
Automatic air ventVT 502 1/2 "2 320.8
Drain valveVT 430 1/2 "2 209.8
NR 2301 3 919
EM 5481 550.3
Manifold bracketVT 130 3/4 "2 266.4

Set of water heated floor up to 60 m 2 - 3. (automatic temperature control)

A set of underfloor heating for heating rooms with an area of ​​60-80 m 2 with a mixing unit with manual adjustment of the temperature of the heating medium based on the mixing and separating valve MIX 03. The working temperature of the heating medium is automatically adjusted by the valve servo depending on the temperature of the heating medium set on the scale of the overhead thermostat. The system uses a manifold block with control valves with flow meters (optional) to ensure an equal flow rate of the heating agent in the underfloor heating loops (hydraulic balancing of the loops). The use of a collector regulated bypass allows the flow of heating agent to be redirected from the supply to the return collector when the flow through the collector loops decreases below the value set on the bypass bypass valve. This allows the hydraulic performance to be maintained. collector system regardless of the influence of the collector loop controls (manual, thermostatic valves or servo drives).

With spiral laying of the underfloor heating loop (screed thickness 3 cm with ceramic floor covering) with a pitch of 15-20 cm and a calculated coolant temperature of 30 ° C - the floor surface temperature is 24-26 ° C, the coolant consumption is about 0.2 m 3 / h, flow speed 0.2-0.5 m / s, pressure loss in the loop is approximately 5 kPa (0.5 m).

An accurate calculation of thermal and hydraulic parameters can be carried out using the free calculation program for underfloor heating Valtec Prog.

Name vendor code Qty Price
MP pipe Valtec16(2,0) 400 m14 320
PlasticizerSilar (10L)8x10 l6 444
Damper tapeEnergoflex Super 10 / 0.1-256x10 m3 948
Thermal insulationTP - 25 / 1.0-512x5 m 217 124
Three-way mixing valveMIX 03 ¾ "1 1 400
Drive straight B-NVT 341 1 "1 189.4
Circulation pumpUPC 25-401 2 715
Ball valveVT 219 1 "3 733.5
Collector block 1 **VT 594 MNX 4x 1 "1 4 036.1
Collector block 2 **VT 595 MNX 4x 1 "1 5 714.8
Dead-end bypass *VT 6661 884.6
VT TA 4420 16 (2.0) x¾ "8 549.6
TeeVT 130 1 "1 177.2
Servo motor for mixing valveNR 2301 3 919
Regulating thermostatEM 5481 550.3
Total 1

56 990.7
Total 2

58 669.4

** - at choice

A set of water heated floor with an area of ​​more than 60 m 2. (pump-mixing unit Combimix)

A set of underfloor heating for heating rooms with an area of ​​more than 60 m 2 with a pump-mixing unit with automatic maintenance of the coolant temperature. The maximum power of the underfloor heating system is 20 kW. The system uses a manifold block with control valves with flow meters (optional) to ensure an equal flow rate of the heating agent in the underfloor heating loops (hydraulic balancing of the loops).

An accurate calculation of the thermal and hydraulic parameters of underfloor heating hinges can be carried out using the free underfloor heating calculation program Valtec Prog.

Name vendor code Qty Price
MP pipe Valtec16(2,0) from the square
PlasticizerSilar (10L)from the square
Damper tapeEnergoflex Super 10 / 0.1-25from the square
Thermal insulationTP - 25 / 1.0-5from the square
Pump-mixing unitCombimix1 9 010
Circulation pump 1 **Wilo Star RS 25/41 3 551
Circulation pump 2 **Wilo Star RS 25/61 4 308
Ball valveVT 219 1 "2 489
Collector block 1 **VT 594 MNX1 from the square
Collector block 2 **VT 595 MNX1 from the square
Fitting for MP pipe euroconeVT TA 4420 16 (2.0) x¾ "from the square (1)
Servo *VT TE 30401 1 058.47
Programmable thermostat *F1511 2 940
Electromechanical thermostat *F2571 604.3

Today, the "warm floor" system is very popular among the owners of apartments and private houses. The vast majority of those who have heating system, or has already done the installation of a similar structure in his home, or is thinking about it. They are especially relevant in homes where there are small children who crawl and can freeze without adequate heating. These designs are much more economical than other heating systems. In addition, they better interact with the human body, because, unlike electric option do not create magnetic flux. Among them positive qualities fire safety and high efficiency should be noted. In this case, the heated air is evenly distributed throughout the entire space of the room.

The principle is that lines are laid under the coating through which the coolant circulates - as a rule, water, heating the floor surface and the room. This method copes very effectively with heating provided correct calculation structure and if its installation is done correctly.

System mounting options

There are two principles by which the installation of a warm water floor can be carried out - floor and concrete. In both versions, insulation is necessarily used under the contour of the water floor - this is necessary so that all the heat goes up and heats the home. If the insulation is not used, the space below will also be heated, which is completely unacceptable, since it reduces the heating effect. It is customary to use penoplex or penofol as insulation. Penoplex has excellent thermal insulation properties, repels moisture and does not lose its properties in a humid environment. It has good resistance to compressive loads, is easy to use and is inexpensive. Penofol also has a foil layer, which serves as a reflector of thermal radiation inside the apartment.

The first option is that we put the contour on the flooring made of insulation - expanded polystyrene, penofol or another suitable material... We cover the contour from above with a tree or other covering. The step-by-step process is as follows:

  1. We carry out a thin rough screed;
  2. We lay sheets of insulation with grooves for the highway;
  3. We lay the highway and perform pressure testing;
  4. We cover the top with a backing made of foamed polyethylene or polystyrene;
  5. We put on top a topcoat made of laminate or other material with good thermal conductivity.

The second option looks like this in stages:

  1. We carry out a thin concrete screed;
  2. We put insulation on the screed;
  3. We spread the waterproofing on the insulation, on top of which we place the contouring water floor;
  4. At the top, we fix it with a reinforcing mm and fill it with a concrete screed;
  5. We put the topcoat on the screed.

Temperature controlled with two thermometers- one shows the temperature of the coolant entering the pipeline, the other shows the temperature of the return flow. If the difference is between 5 and 10 degrees Celsius, then the structure is working properly.

Methods for laying the contour of a warm water floor

When we carry out the installation, the line can be laid out in the following ways:

For spacious rooms with a simple geometric configuration, it is worth using the snail method. For small rooms complex shape it is more convenient and efficient to use the snake method.

These methods, of course, can be combined with each other.

depending on the diameter of the line and the size of the room. The smaller the laying step, the better and better the housing heats up, but on the other hand, then the costs of heating the coolant, materials and installation of the structure increase significantly. The maximum step size can be 30 centimeters, but this value cannot be exceeded, otherwise the human foot will feel the temperature difference. There will be more heat loss near the outer walls, therefore, the line spacing in these places should be less than in the middle.

The material for the manufacture of pipes is polypropylene or cross-linked polyethylene. If you are using polypropylene pipes, it is worth choosing an option with fiberglass reinforcement, since polypropylene tends to expand when heated. Polyethylene pipes behave well when heated and do not need reinforcement.

Length of water floor contour

The length of the underfloor heating water circuit is calculated by the formula:

L = S \ N * 1,1, where

L - loop length,

S is the area of ​​the heated room,

N - the length of the laying step,

1.1 - pipe safety factor.

There is such a thing as the maximum length of a water loop - if we exceed it, loopback effect may occur. This is a situation when the flow of the coolant is distributed in the line in such a way that a pump of any power cannot set it in motion. The maximum loop size directly depends on the pipe diameter. As a rule, it is in the range from 70 to 125 meters. The material from which the pipe is made also plays a role here.

The question arises - what to do if one circuit of the maximum size is not able to heat the room? The answer is simple - we are designing a double-contour floor.

Installation of a system where a two-circuit design is used is no different from where one circuit is used. If the double-circuit variant does not cope with the task, we add required amount loops, as much as possible to connect to a home-made collector for a warm floor made of polypropylene.

The question arises - how much one contour in size can differ from another in a design, where there are more of them than one. In theory, the installation of a warm water floor structure assumes an equal distribution of the load and therefore it is desirable that the length of the loops be approximately the same. But this is not always possible, especially if one collector serves several rooms. For example, the size of the hinge in the bathroom will be clearly smaller than in the living room. In this case, the balancing armature equalizes the load along the contours. The spread in size in such cases is allowed up to 40 percent.

Installation of a warm water heating structure is allowed only in those areas of the room where there will be no overall furniture. This is due to the excessive load on it and the fact that it is impossible to ensure proper heat transfer in these areas. This space is called useful area premises. Depending on this area, as well as on the laying step, the number of construction loops depends.

  • 15 cm - up to 12 m 2;
  • 20 cm - up to 16 m 2;
  • 25 cm - up to 20 m 2;
  • 30 cm - up to 24 m 2.

Installation of underfloor heating - what else you need to know

When installing a water heating system, you should know a few more important things.

  • One loop should heat one room - it should not be stretched over two or more rooms.
  • One pump should serve one collector group.
  • When calculating multi-storey buildings served by one collector, the coolant flow should be distributed starting from the upper floors. In this case, the heat loss of the floor on the second floor will serve as additional heating of the premises on the first floor.
  • One collector is able to service up to 9 loops with a circuit length of up to 90 m, and with a length of 60-70 m - up to 11 loops.


Warm water heating systems are extremely convenient and efficient to operate. It is quite possible to install them on your own. An important role is played by the correctness of calculations, the accuracy and thoroughness of all work, taking into account all the features and details. After all the work, you will be able to enjoy the warmth, coziness and comfort of a perfectly heated room with a floor on which it is so pleasant to walk barefoot.