Strengthen the slab overlap in the garage basement. What to block the cellar: Types of overlapping, monolithic and collection and monolithic plates, designs of wood, with beams, insulation ceiling basement

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The hatches for basements should:
  • Look good.
  • Reliably close the entrance to the basement.

How to build a hatch to the basement

  • Metal corners.
  • Rubber for sealing.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Electric drill.
  • Roulette.

Procedure for work

  1. tile tile;
  2. board;
  3. parquet.

Once a year it is recommended to open the hatch and clean it. What trivial hatches can be made independently well shows our instructions and videos on our portal. \u003d\u003e Luke in the basement with your own hands \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e Publish \u003d\u003e Open \u003d\u003e Closed \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e Lyuk-V-Podval-44 \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e 2019-03-27 20:07:08 \u003d\u003e 2019-03 -27 16:07:08 \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e 0 \u003d\u003e? P \u003d 676 \u003d\u003e 0 \u003d\u003e post \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e 4 \u003d\u003e raw \u003d\u003e index, follow)) \u003d\u003e 1 \u003d\u003e -1 \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e WP_POST OBJECT (\u003d\u003e 676 \u003d\u003e 2 \u003d\u003e 2015-06-12 20:14:15 \u003d\u003e 2015-06-12 16:14:15 \u003d\u003e hatch for basement Basement hatches are devices that provide entrance to the basement. With it quality manufacture It is possible not only saving space in the dwelling, but it allows you to hide and the presence of the basement itself. For many, this is a prerequisite. Here you can store unnecessary things, potatoes, preservation and other food products. A feature of the basement is to save the temperature at about the same level during the entire period. How to make a hatch in the basement with your own hands is invited to learn from this article.

Features of the structure of the hatch to enter the basement

The hatches for basements should:
  • Look good.
  • As you can fit into the surrounding space.
  • Reliably close the entrance to the basement.
  • Have a fairly simple mechanism for opening the cellar.
  • With even so large sizes The hatch itself, the mechanism for its opening should be convenient, and the device is opened with the help of a small effort.
  • Most often, the hatch is a conventional wooden square of a small thickness, rising with two handles.
  • With the weight of the product more than 10 kilograms, the motor and other elements of the automatic system will be useful.

Luke with electric drive
  • The size of the hatch must match the mine of the basement. Otherwise, numerous problems may arise, which after detection, will create difficulties and the process of the hatch structure will have to start from the very beginning.
  • The hatch should be such a design so that the passage is without any problems. In this case, its top plane should be located at the floor level.
  • The design of the device must be reliable, during the day it will be possible to step more than a dozen times.
Tip: How complex the hatch device will depend on its owner. In any case, it should well maintain a dwelling from dampness, which can lead to mold and fungi.

How to build a hatch to the basement

Before making a hatch to the basement, you need to purchase such materials and tools:
  • Metal corners.
  • Sheet rolling, thick up to 5 mm.
  • Rubber for sealing.
  • Welding machine and electrodes.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Electric drill.
  • Roulette.

Procedure for work

It is necessary to start building a hatch outdoor in the basement with creating a kind of frame for it, perfectly fit into the overall design. For this:
  • With the help of electrical welding of metal corners, a blank is collected under the main part of the structure, which can be square or rectangular.
Tip: At the same time, it is necessary to ensure a gap of up to five millimeters between the frame and the concrete opening fill in the seal.
  • For compaction, high density rubber is used.
  • The hatch cover can be wooden or metallic, it all depends on the preferences and capabilities of the owner of the basement and from the material prevailing in the interior of the dwelling. IN wooden house The hatches for the basement from above should be the same.
  • When making a frame from the corners on the cover, sharp edges should be bought and adjusted the sizes of the frame. The cover from above should be a little wider than the bottom.
  • Sizes are calculated, taking into account the thickness of the shelf corners, for a dense closing of the passage.
  • The hatch cover in most cases is put on the loop, which allows you to significantly save forces when opening it, and the density of the hatch should be sufficient and prevent the penetration of moisture inwards.
  • Outdoor loops are usually purchased at any construction store. The main thing is that they match the overalls of Luke. At the same time, the elements of the loop are fixed on metal corners, and the second are attached directly on the lid. To do this, it is better to use self-tapping screws.

How to use gas shock absorbers for outdoor hatch

Luke with gas shock absorbers Outdoor hatches on gas shock absorbers are used to access different roomsCommunications located below the floor. The features of such designs are:
  • For the manufacture of outdoor hatches, durable steel with protection of powder paint from corrosion is used.
  • Argon-arrow welding is used for the assembly.
  • Any floor covering up to 20 millimeters with a lining is taken for lining. It can be:
  1. tile tile;
  2. natural or artificial stone;
  3. board;
  4. parquet.
Neatly mounted and lined outdoor hatch will become invisible on a general background of floor coating.
  • A small height of the hatch opens with the help of the handle, the gas springs are used later.
  • The shock absorbers guarantee an air vent, smooth, and the mainly safe closing-opening of the hatch without unforeseen jerks.
Tip: The correct calculation of efforts for gas shock absorbers allows you to open an audit hatch without the slightest effort.
  • A special design allows the manufacture of sufficiently large revision palaces, fully maintaining their strength, and even a large mass of the hatch cover, with a device of gas shock absorbers and a special design of the loop, will open 90 degrees in one movement.
  • Device on floor hatches in a basement with gas shock absorbers rubber seal, Allows you to not pass into the basement moisture, extraneous smells and prevent the appearance of drafts.

What features of the mounting of the hatches in the basement under the trim tile

The hatches in the basement under the tile have some features of installation and maintenance, besides, the price of such devices is slightly higher than the rest: The order of installing a floor hatch under the tile with their own hands and filling its trough is as follows:
  • The lifting mechanism of the device is disconnected.
  • Marking of construction installation. To do this, the outdoor hatch gently stacked in the opening. In terms of level, both planes are regulated.
  • The top of the outdoor hatch must be in the same level with the bottom tiles.
  • Before filling the trough, it is necessary to disconnect the lifting mechanism and closing the hatch sash, it is necessary to put a flat belt for the subsequent lifting of its sash. Concrete is filled with a trough device.
  • After reaching the mixture of strength 90%, the trough opens. The residues of the solution, which remain between the trough and frame, should be removed and clean the outer edge of the trough and the inner side of the frame.
  • According to the attached scheme of the outdoor hatch, the lifting mechanism is connected.
  • Glued finishing materialAs shown in the photo.

Printing finishing material
  • To prevent gluing after sealing the seams, it is necessary to gently clean the gap between the frame and the trough.
Tip: To achieve the best heat and noise insulation and operational properties of the hatch, it is impossible to allow any hollow spaces between the opening and the hatch frame. They must be carefully close with a sealant or "mounting foam".
  • The rubber seal is glued along the perimeter.
Once a year it is recommended to open the hatch and clean it. What trivial hatches can be made independently well shows our instructions and videos on our portal. \u003d\u003e Luke in the basement with your own hands \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e Publish \u003d\u003e Open \u003d\u003e Closed \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e Lyuk-V-Podval-44 \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e 2019-03-27 20:07:08 \u003d\u003e 2019-03 -27 16:07:08 \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e 0 \u003d\u003e? P \u003d 676 \u003d\u003e 0 \u003d\u003e post \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e 4 \u003d\u003e raw \u003d\u003e index, follow) \u003d\u003e 0 \u003d\u003e -1 \u003d\u003e 385 \u003d\u003e 385 \u003d\u003e 0 \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d \u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e \u003d\u003e (\u003d\u003e Query_vars_hash \u003d\u003e query_vars_chaged) \u003d\u003e array (\u003d\u003e init_query_flags \u003d\u003e parse_tax_query))

How and how to block the cellar?

The cellar is an indispensable building for owners of private houses, ensuring the safety of food for a long time. It is a room located below the zero mark and does not take an extra room on the site. Celebrating the blocking of the cellar, taking into account the construction norms, will ensure the strength of the structure, will support a stable temperature over round year And it will not allow to form dampness.

Storage for food, preservation, vegetables, despite the seeming simplicity, will correspond to the appointment, if it is responsible to approach the performance and correctly overlap the cellar.

Work on the overlap of the basement and the cellar with their own hands can be done on their own

Preparatory activities

In order to fully fulfill the placed functions, before starting to build a cellar with their own hands, pay attention to the following points:

  • Execution earthworks Preceded the development of the planning of the room, which is thinking up to the smallest detail. This, in the future, will avoid unforeseen situations.
  • Rate the level of groundwater in place of construction. Perfect optionIf they are located low. At the location of the floor of the repository below saturated water Plastic, take care so that the water does not penetrate through the floor and walls.

Only after reliable protection From moisture you can equip the overlap for the cellar. The task of waterproofing construction is one of the main, as it determines comfortable mode premises. How to execute it correctly?

Protection against moisture

Reliable waterproofing in the cellar makes it difficult to penetrate moisture and is carried out as follows:

  • apply a layer of plaster with the addition of liquid glass on the side surfaces of the basement;
  • still 2-3 layers of rubberoid to a wet cement solution;
  • erect brick masonryWith the help of which press the walls of waterproofing.

Before the fill of concrete to create a basement overlap, you need to mount reinforcement and formwork

Floor protection is carried out in a similar way, it provides for the preparation of the "pillow" with a thickness of 20 cm from a grinding mixture and sand.

When the box is prepared (walls, the floor is concreted and waterproof), the overlap in the basement is built. It should be determined from which it is better to make a ceiling? After an answer to this serious question, you can calculate the need for materials and start performing work.

Conveniently when the basement is located in the room where the vehicle is stored. After performing all the work in the garage with your own hands, you will be able to save financial resources, as you will not attract professional builders. To reduce costs, define in advance necessary materials, find out prices for which they can be purchased. This will allow you to evaluate the overall level of expenses.

What types of ceilings can be installed on the cellar?

Types of overlap

To ensure the tightness of the basement applies various designswhich use:

  • whole reinforced concrete slabs;
  • reinforced concrete monolithic elements;

Quality Quality Increases Pouring With Vibrating

  • wooden structures;
  • beams.

Consider the details of their differences, the specifics of the arrangement.

Features of the installation of a monolithic block

If you think about how to make a cellar overlap so that it is practical and reliable, then we recommend the common option - monolithic reinforced concrete block, which is a reinforcement frame, filled with concrete.

The process of creating a whole reinforced framework requires the implementation of recommendations:

  • It is necessary to determine the size of the monolithic block and prepare a formwork.
  • Install the strong supports for maintaining the formwork, which when pouring the solution and during hardening will ensure the integrity of the array.
  • Check the tightness of the formwork board.
  • Implement the grid and knitting frame after the installation of the formwork. Build the amplification grid, ensure the interval between the rods 20 cm and the steplay of the steel frame for the edges of the plate for 4 cm.

    Scheme of cellar with insulation and water tap

  • When the formwork and frame will be ready, you can proceed to the pouring of the solution.
  • Concrete continuously, evenly feeding the composition until the formation of the array is completed.
  • Remove the air from the inner cavities of the liquid mixture using deep vibrators or ordinary fittings.

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Where would you prefer to live: in a private house, or apartment?


Where would you prefer to live: in a private house, or apartment?


Remember that a single-layer reinforcement frame provides strength, but to increase reliability, it is advisable to perform reinforcement in two layers.

After completing the fill of concrete, ensure the possibility of getting the necessary hardness and dry, which will take 30 days. High strength of the monolithic design allows it to be used as a basis for the construction of various buildings.

Such overlap of the cellar in the garage, which is scheduled, very practical. After all, due to a solid monolithic basis, it can be used as a foundation when the premises for transport storage.

Specifications of assembly and monolithic plates

Ceiling in the cellar can be formed using collected-monolithic plates. To fulfill building events, order special lifting equipment that will significantly speed up the work.

Cell-monolithic plates are blocks that fit between steel beams and then flooded with a small layer of concrete.

There are a number of difficulties associated with enlarged tolerances for the length and width of the plates. They may simply not correspond to the actual storage size. Considering that the slab length ranges from 9 to 12 meters, until the start of installation, you should compare them with the size of the building. If the use of monolithic collection plates is planned, it is desirable to consider at the design stage. The size of the basement of the basement in width must correspond to the parameters of the installed plate.

According to the sizes of the slabs, the basement is carried out with a crane. Perform events in the following sequence:

  • connect the design elements using steel profiles;
  • fill the heat insulating composition of the cavity in the compounds;
  • fill concrete solution the plane of the joints;
  • place the rubberoid on the surface using bitumen mastic.

Do you feel difficulty how to make a cellar overlap? Use the prefabricated construction of solid reinforced concrete plates, distinguished by a low price and allowing to reduce the construction time.

Use of wood

Planning to equip the cellar with your own hands? Apply wooden bars - proven in practice, easy-to-wear material.

If you build a house from a tree, you can overlap the basement with wooden beams

Events perform in the following sequence:

  • Process with antiseptic all parts of wood design.
  • Wrap in two layers of rubberoid supporting beam surfaces.
  • Set wooden bars on the upper surface of the cellar wall.
  • Fix the end part of the bars with small straps, ensuring the basis for the boards of the roll.
  • Place the boardwalk, secure it using the screws.
  • Form the heat insulating circuit, wake the mastic, cover tool or runner.
  • Fall off the structure of the earth, if the construction of any construction is not planned over the construction.

Pay attention to the presence of grooves in the basement walls required for the installation of BROUSEV carriers.

Application of metal

Decide how to block your basement? It is possible to apply ordinary rails. The dual-letter is used as beams and has high strength.

Installation of rail profiles is made in special grooves provided for in the walls of the structure. This allows you to securely fix the structural elements. The length of the beams must correspond to the sizes of the basement, the walls of which are the base for them.

Form the carrier surface according to the following algorithm:put the rod of steel reinforcement between beams, fix them with wire;

  • mount the wooden formwork, put a waterproofing coating on it;
  • set under the formwork power frame To maintain a concrete massif;
  • fill with a solution with a solution, observing the uniformity of the layer and continuity of work;
  • place the rubberoid on the surface.

Works on insulation

Climatic parameters basement Depend on the effectiveness of insulation. Use a mixture as thermal insulation wooden sawdust from cement mortarwhich is evenly applied to the surface with a layer of 4 cm thick. Make finishing events after drying. It is advisable to use foam, minvati or polystyrene foam.

Do not forget about the need for ventilation of the room. This will prevent condensate education.


How to make the overlap of the cellar, we found out. We recommend using high-quality raw materials, choose proven solutions, and the room will serve you not one decade.

Online: Author and editor of articles on site site
Education and experience: Higher technical education. Experience on various industries and construction sites - 12 years old, of which 8 years old - abroad.
Other skills and skills: Has the 4th group of electrical safety admission group. Execution of calculations using large massivers data.

The cellar of the illuminated type is built below the level of the ground surface. Such a design is good because it does not occupy the free space of your land.

Such a cellar does not freeze even in the period most likely winter cold. That is why it is very important to know how to block the cellar correctly so that it becomes a reliable storage of products, orders and other things.

When the pittal pod is flooded, and its gender and walls are equipped, it's time to think about how to make the cellar overlap? What materials are used for this and what is the price of these materials?

To understand how much the overlap you costs, you need to figure out which types of overlaps exist.

Monolithic plate

One of the overlap options is to use monolithic plate. Such a slab overlap for the cellar is done using reinforcement carcass and concrete ().

The instruction of creating a concrete monolithic plate consists of the following steps:

  • The overlap must have such parameters so that when installing it is located on the walls of the room. These are the walls and will serve as a support.
  • You need to install special support beams for formwork. They will allow to keep the integrity of the design during the fill with concrete and at the time of his frozen.
  • Formwork boards before the fill must be well sealing to avoid the leakage of the solution during the fill.
  • Only after it is produced full mount Formworks should be attached to knitting the frame of the reinforcement grid. During the construction of the reinforcement grid, it is important to observe proper distance Between the rods, which should be about 20 cm. Received iron frame Must perform on the edges of the plate for 4 cm on each side.
  • After the grid is ready, you can proceed directly to concrete. The height of the monolithic plate should be about 20 cm.
  • Concrete should be poured evenly and continuously until the end of the formation of the entire product.
  • To avoid the occurrence of inner cavities, a liquid solution is subject to the process of vibration. This is done with special equipment or ordinary timber.

Tip: One layer of the reinforcement grid will be quite enough, but for greater reliability, it is better to produce double reinforcement.

After the fill process is over, it is necessary to make the concrete to harden and dry. This process usually takes about a month.

When the question is better to block the cellar, many professionals will answer that it is the monolithic concrete slab, because such a decision is the most reliable, practical and high strength. The surface of this overlap can be used as a foundation for the construction of various buildings.

Collected-monolithic plates

With the help of collection and monolithic plates you can also create a flooded in the cellar. But when building such a design, it is necessary to take into account the need to use in the construction of the crane ().

Installation of collecting-monolithic overlap is made with the help of the lifting crane. This process takes some time.

But in such a technology there is one sad drawback. Plates are manufactured standard sizesand in a particular case may simply come.

The greatest length of the collection-monolithic plate is 9-12m. Before starting the installation using product data you need to make sure suitable parameters Buildings.

Note! The width of the basement should not exceed the width of the mountable plate.

If all parameters converge, an installation is made using a crane.

  • Collected-monolithic plates are connected to each other with steel beams.
  • The hollow parts of such compounds are filled with thermal insulating material. Thermal insulation allows you to hold warm air indoors.
  • After insulation, the location of the docking is poured with concrete;
  • Over the finished overlap, the layer of waterproofing is stacked (rubberoid on bitumen mastic).

Collected-monolithic plates are considered best MaterialTo create a cellar overlap in the garage. This design It has the smallest deadlines and the price of the material is not great.

Wood overlap

You can produce a camp with your own hands using wooden beams.

For this it is necessary to follow the following instruction:

  • Installing wooden beams on the surface of the basement walls.
  • To the side of the beams to attach a small bar of the bars to create the support of the roll boards.
  • To put the wooden rolls using self-tapping screws.
  • Create a vapor insulation layer, which is covered with a layer of thermal insulation.
  • On the resulting design to put Phaneru. Phaneru is treated with specialized antiseptics.
  • Design to lure with mastic or cover the rubberoid and fall asleep on top of the earth, if there is no construction of any structure over the basement.

Note! A tree as a material for construction has one very significant disadvantage - wood is amenable to decay.

Overlapping with carrier beams

How to block the cellar using the construction of beams? For this purpose, ordinary railway rails are best suitable.

You can buy such railings at the point of receiving scrap metal. You can also order similar products from steel in specialized workshops.

To install beams in the walls of your basement, special beds must necessarily be provided for a reliable fixation. steel construction. Steel beams should be tightly fixed in the walls and not pop up when any load occurs. For steel beams, the walls become a kind of foundation.

Instructions for creating overlapping with carriage beams Person:

  • Rail rods of fittings are stacked between steel beams and are attached to beams with knitting wire.
  • After creating the reinforcement grid between the beams, it is processed to create a wooden formwork. A layer of waterproofing is stacked on the formwork.
  • Under the formwork, frameworks are installed to hold concrete mass.
  • When the frame is ready, proceed to the fill with concrete design.
  • Concrete can be prepared independently, or order a ready-made construction organization.
  • Pouring is performed continuously and evenly.
  • The resulting overlap for the cellar must be insulated. For insulation will suit any insulating material, for example rubkeroid.

Heat ceiling basement

Such parameters as the temperature and humidity of the basement can be directly dependent on how the ceiling insulation was carried out.

The traditional cellar is arranged in such a way that all its room is located below the ground level. Such a design has a lot of advantages: stable temperature throughout the year, free place On the plot, the ability to store products. The overlap of the cellar at this location is at the ground level or slightly higher.

Before making any cellar, the level of groundwater is taken into account. If it is above the floor of the repository, then you need to do effective waterproofing The premises so that during seasonal water movements did not happen to flooding the room. As a rule, for this use the most simple materials - Ruberoid and brick.

The first thing the walls of the room are placed in cement mortar. This needs to be done on both sides. After that, the rubberoid is attached to the wall (best of all 2-3 layers). Then this simple waterproofing should be sealing with a brick wall. Similar building, despite all his simplicity, can withstand groundwaterwithout giving them to penetrate the cellar. The floor of the room can be isolated in the same way, but there is initially necessary to do good pillow From sand and rubble.

Pour monolithic concrete ceiling

Upon completion of work related to the construction of walls and the implementation of waterproofing of the room, the moment occurs when it is necessary to solve the issue with the overlap of the cellar. In some cases, this uses a regular monolithic concrete plate, which is made from concrete and reinforcement frame.

All work can be made with your own hands. It is very important before the fill of concrete to build a formwork from wood.

  • The overlap of its size should exceed the size of the room, because the walls of the cellar will be its supports.
  • Before filling overlaps, install special backups, which must keep the design of the wooden formwork at the moment of filling it with concrete and when drying it. In this case, the formwork must be pre-sealing so that the solution in the process of the fill did not flow.
  • The next step after the creation of the formwork is the knitting frame of the concrete slab. The frame, as already noted, is made from the reinforcement. The distance between individual bars should be about 20-25 cm. If the cellar is small in size, it is enough for one reinforcement frame, but when the storage size dimensions are considerable, it is better to carry out steam reinforcement of the stove. The reinforcement network should be behind the walls of the cellar for several centimeters from different sides.

As soon as work on the creation of formwork and reinforcement grid will be completed, it is possible to begin the process of filling a concrete solution, which will form a future slab. As a rule, the height of the plate does not exceed 30 cm. It is reliable, monolithic and quality ceilingwhich will serve you not one dozen years.

Concrete Pouring should be made as evenly uniform, without interruption until the entire stove is formed. In order to inside the design, cavities are not formed, the solution must be switched before the fill, which is done by ordinary board or special devices.

After the fill of the concrete slab, you need to wait for a while (about 3-4 weeks) so that it fully hardened and accepted the final appearance. According to experts, this overlap is the most durable and efficient. In addition, if you wish, it can even be used as a foundation of a small economic building over.

We use team-monolithic plates

Overlapping from collecting-monolithic plates is suitable for different types cellars. But, it is necessary to take into account that for conducting construction work It will be necessary to hire a special lift technique.

Installation of this overlap is performed by a crane, so do it yourself, in fact, do nothing. Enough to trust the work of an experienced crane film, which will install the slab on the required place.

In the case of using concrete slabs, the sizes of the cellar will have to correlate with their standard dimensions.

Certain difficulties are associated with the standardization of the sizes of the plates, so they will have to or adjust the sizes of the cellar under the size of the plate, or learn the dimensions of the design in advance, and on the basis of the information obtained, to make the storage of the desired length and width.

Several team-monolithic plates can be laid on the cellar. They are fixed with steel beams with each other. At the same time, do not forget about high quality heat insulating layerwhich must be paved in the hollow parts. Such an approach will allow you to maintain throughout the year. normal temperature in the cellar. Upon completion of all operations, some number of joints are formed that can be blocked by a layer of concrete.

This method of building overlapping is simple and fast, but it is customary to relate to very expensive (of course, if there is no familiar craneist). In addition to using special techniques, serious labor will be needed. It is worth noting that the storage ceiling can be separated at wisdom.

Option on beams

To make high-quality overlap for your cellar, you can use carriage beams. Metal beams Suitable for this best. If there is an opportunity, you can use even ordinary rails, which often can be purchased on construction warehouses or in places of receiving scrap metal. Often beams, of which it is expected to make a ceiling design, ordered individually at the factories.

Even ordinary rails will be suitable as bearing beams.

When choosing this method of creating a cellar overlap, at the stage of its construction it is necessary to provide for special holes in the walls that are required to attach beams. The ceiling of your cellar will experience significant loads. That is why the walls should also be as strong as possible, able to withstand the weight of beams and soil, full of top. By and large, the walls will be "foundation" for overlapping.

For laying beams in the walls are provided for special holes.

The procedure for performing work is as follows:

  1. Laying beams are made in advance prepared holes in the wall. By and large, this work can be performed on your own, but with several assistants, because even the rails are of considerable weight.
  2. The space that will be formed after laying the beams, it is necessary to mount the reinforcement rods, and then fix with a special wire. Next, the reliability of the connection and the resistance of the beam is checked. If all is well, then done wooden opal And the waterproofing layer is applied to it.
  3. After mounting the formwork, it is necessary to establish the backups that will be designed to take over the load of the cement mortar.
  4. Cement mortar can be seen with their own hands or order ready-made in any construction company.. The solution is needed as evenly and without long interruptions to fill metal carcass. Concrete must be filled with all the frames of the frame, it is impossible to miss something. Upon completion of the pouring, the solution is distributed over the entire structure.
  5. Overlap that is obtained after use this methodIt needs high-quality thermal insulation. For this, in principle, any heat insulation material.

As a result, you get a reliable slab overlap, which is able to withstand serious loads. The ceiling of the cellar in this case will be perfectly reinforced, is isolated and will not cause problems during operation. The resulting overlapping after all the insulation works must be filled with soil by making a small holly. In some cases, additionally installs gable roofwhich will protect the cellar from the penetration of precipitation.

We provide ventilation

After installing the overlap, you should think about the organization of high-quality ventilation systemFrom the work of which, in fact, will depend on the safety of products in the repository.

Ideally, you need to install two pipes at once, and one will be exhaust (its purpose is to eliminate overly wet and warm air out of the room), and the second supply (responsible for the flow of clean air into the cellar). When using two of these pipes in the cellar throughout the year, the optimal temperature and humidity regime will be observed.

In fact, the ventilation needs to take care of the block of the overlap device. For example, you can do two small holesIn which will continue to establish ventilation pipes. If your cellar is small, it is quite possible to do with one pipe.

When installing pipes, it is necessary to envisage the fact that the influx of air can make it difficult to precipitate or garbage, so a small cap is required above the pipe, and install inside metal gridwhich will also protect against penetration into the cellar of insects and rodents.

Warming overlap

Polyurethane foam evenly fills all the seams and cracks.

If you are a connoisseur of all modern and innovative, then pay attention to the polyurethane foam. Today it is one of the best materials that is able to provide the highest level of thermal insulation of the room. In addition, when it is used, it will not be necessary to additionally to isolate or filling out something. After spraying, polyurethane foam will fill all cracks and other wall defects. It is worth noting that the use of such a method is very expensive, because the spraying of polyurethane foam occurs with the help of special devices. And for this you will have to hire specialists.

In fact, with the insulation of the cellar, any thermal insulation material can be used, which is suitable in accordance with those or other conditions. After all, the specifics of the construction and operation of the cellars can be different. Therefore, it is necessary to choose exactly what will approach all the parameters. On all issues, it is best to consult in advance with specialists.

You may well make a cellar in the garage with your own hands to keep a variety of jam and pickles in it. The garage basement is a very useful economic premises, so it makes sense to engage in its construction and competent arrangement.

Types of cellars - what are they?

The basements in the garages differ from each other by the indicator of their plug in the ground. The most common option is the cellar with a depth of 1.6 to 3 m. Such a type of "garage pit" is called completely swallowed. It can store any reserves that are harvested for winter with rapid hostesses.

Semi-brewed basements are built a little less often. They are deepened into the ground no more than a meter. If you wish, you can make the so-called ground cellar - dig small pit On the floor of the garage and put any plastic container in it.

When choosing a type of garage basement, the depth of the soil waters in a particular area should be taken into account. Specialists advise to build a cellar, the foundations of which from the source of moisture removed at least 0.5 m.

Outflowed storages are usually erected under capital garages With relatively large areas. The dimensions of such basements, in principle, can be any. In practice, there are no more than 2.5 m wide widths and a depth of about 2 m. All work is carried out on a predetermined plan (construction drawings, heat and waterproofing schemes, a set of materials used and so on).

Outflowed basements are best done simultaneously with the construction of the garage itself. But you can quite build a cellar and in the finished construction - the technology of construction activities will be the same. Simply in the already exploited garage can not be used by special technique for digging pita. Work will have to be performed using a shovel and another tool without hoping for the help of cars.

Some important tipshelping to build a basement in the garage properly:

  • If the soil on your land plot is very wet or groundwater rises high, the pit is required to erect from monolithic concretewhich has great density and moisture resistance.
  • When building a garage simultaneously and the basement is best done ribbon foundation - It will become a "replacement" part of the cellar walls.
  • In dry soils, the construction of lightweight basements from roofing asbestos-cement slate is allowed.

Principles of flooring of the outdoor base in the garage basement

After the pit will be dug, it is necessary to thoroughly align its bottom and then tamper it. The bottom level is always taken by 25-30 cm. Less than the mark on which the future flooring will be located.

On the rammed floor laid a pillow of. Several layers are done in such a way that the thickness of the sandy layer is at least 20 cm. Each part of the pillow should be traaming using water in case of need. Professionals, in addition, recommend equipping an additionally gravel layer of similar thickness.

After that, we choose the form of the floor that we want to build. It can be concrete, soil or clay. When laying concrete base Be sure to use reinforcement rods. Hardware Will provide high strength surface. Floors with reinforcement are almost not afraid of soil shifts. The rods are poured with concrete, the surface thickness should be about 7.5 cm.

Then it is possible to waterproof the concrete layer using the rubberoid (it is desirable to make two-layer products, gluing two sheets of material molten bitumen). Insulation is made so that the foundation of the edge of the rubberoid was speaking centimeters by 12-14.

Instead of a concrete solution, when the bottom of the cellar is allowed to use ready-made plates from reinforced concrete. In this case, you have to very accurately align the base of the pit, using laser or ordinary building level. Plates are installed on a 15-centimeter layer of rubble and a 5-centimeter sand.

Dirty grounds are not recommended. It is reasonably inclined to this option only when the soil waters are located at a low level. Ground grounds are equipped with gravel-sand pillow. They are necessarily protected from moisture.

The most economical and at the same time environmentally friendly is a clay base. It is made of two layers. First, one plastic clay is placed (it must be thick enough), then - ruberoid, which will perform the function of the waterproofer, and on it - again the clay layer. At such a base in most cases, wooden boards are subsequently mounted. Their installation is carried out after complete drying of clay.

The walls of the basement - how to make them reliable?

To build wall surfaces in the cellar, it is forbidden to use lungs construction Materials - Chipboard, plywood sheets and so on. It is necessary to use strong and reliable products. Walls can be built from concrete, well-burned red full-time brick either from the most popular foam blocks.

When using bricks, you will have to spend seriously. This material is quite expensive. After mounting the brick walls, their surface, in addition, will need to be well shuffled. Working with foam concrete products is much easier. Their dignity is the lack of the need to perform measures for waterproofing the surfaces of the surfaces.

More often than the wall of the cellar makes from concrete. Step by step such a process looks like this:

  1. Impose reinforcement grid on the walls. It is made of trimming of its pipes or thick metal rods, which are fastened with each other with an annealed wire. The reinforcement cannot be welded, as the concrete when the temperature jumps will be crazy.
  2. We build a formwork from plywood pieces, rivers big thick or other wood material. The formwork is equipped with separate (40-centimeter height) by sections that are in layers are filled with concrete solution. Separate elements Constructions are connected by conventional nails.
  3. We mixed concrete (it is recommended to use the material with the M400 marking) and fill it with layers of 25-30 cm in the formwork.

As you can see, the instruction on the construction concrete walls For the basement is simple. There are no special wisdom in it. Any homemade craftsman can cope with such work. Please note that the finished walls of the concrete are undesirable to dry with the help of hairdryers and other thermal devices. Correctly wait until they dry naturally.

Ceiling overlap - a truly important stage of work

If you decide to make a very small basement, it is quite acceptable to make its overlap from wooden boards. It is only necessary to insulate it from the inside, using sweater materials. In other cases, the overlap should be made reliable and massive. Do not forget that it will have to withstand the mass of your car standing in the garage.

Durable overlap is usually made from a concrete slab. At the same time, it is necessary to apply a special reinforcing "skeleton" for it. Equipped with a double lid hatch. Purchase such a hatcher of any necessary size is quite simple. With a great desire, it can be done himself. The hatch is installed in the hole to do in concrete Plate. In this place you will have entrance to the cellar. Select it sizes yourself.

Overlapping S. inner It is always processed by hot bitumen and is insulated after cooling the bituminous mixture. A glass gamble is usually used as a warming material or more expensive (but, note, and more efficiently) polystyrene foam in the plates. His marking - PSB-C-25. This polystyrethist can heat up not only overlapping, but also walls, and the outer parts of the basement foundation.

Fresh air for cellab - we draw ventilation

The preservation of fruits and vegetables in the basement for a long time is provided by the competent organization of its ventilation system. It can be done natural or forced.

Natural feed fresh air It is simple:

  • One pipe (it is called the supply) mounted from the cellar floor at an altitude of about 25 cm and is removed on the street. Protection of the outer part of the supply pipe is performed using a metal cap.
  • The second pipe (exhaust) is installed below 25 cm from the cellar ceiling, where the most wet and warm air masses are always present, which constantly need to be displayed to ensure the required microclimate in the basement. It is removed above the roof of the garage by about 50 cm.

Efficiency natural ventilation Light. In the summer, she often simply does not function (the air on the street and in the basement has the same temperature), and in the winter the system can be clogged with the innese and snow, from which ventilation has to be constantly cleaned.

Forced air exchange systems at times more modern and more efficient. But their installation requires financial costs for the purchase of special fans working from household power grid. These devices are mounted in the ventilation pipes that are installed in the same way as during the organization of natural ventilation. A diagram using one double tube is possible.

Forced systems OT. climatic conditions Almost independent. They guarantee the optimal microclimate in the cellar. If you want to create the most reliable ventilation in your basement, buy a special monoblock managed by a mini-computer. Such a technique will calculate the required amount of fresh air supplied to the cellar, as well as pull out the necessary volume of wet and warm flows from it.

And do not forget to make the stairs to your garage cellar. It can also be the easiest - inlet, and stationary, made of metal, durable wood or concrete.