Astilba flower cultivation. How and when to plant astilba in open ground in spring

Astilba can be found in flower beds quite often, because this unpretentious perennial from the Kamnelomkov family has a very beautiful view thanks to the amazing shape of carved green leaves with a red tint and a jagged edge. And when its lush inflorescences bloom, consisting of small flowers of very different colors, the plant serves as an adornment of the site all summer. Moreover, some varieties are capable of reaching up to 2 m in height and look good when planted along a fence or in the background.

It is not difficult to grow astilbe, because the plant does not require special conditions for growth and care. It is enough to choose the right habitat for it, and soon the perennial will begin to actively grow roots and green mass.

It is noteworthy that the plant annually forms new buds in the upper part of the root system, while the lower one dies off.

It is necessary to plant astilba in the holes, leaving a distance between them of at least 30 cm.For tall specimens, you need more space- up to 50 cm.Immediately before planting, add to each well wood ash(0.5 tbsp.) And mineral complex fertilizers (1 tbsp. L.).

After planting, the bushes should be covered with mulch - it will help moisture stay in the ground longer, besides, it will reliably protect Astilba from frost during wintering.

Growing astilba - video

Decorative astilba is an ideal find for a picturesque suburban area... She is unpretentious, not afraid of shade and sun, does not require specific care. The history of cultivation and breeding of Astilba dates back to the 1800s. Since then, many new varieties and subspecies have been bred, and new ones are constantly appearing. They differ in size, appearance and living conditions, so you can decorate any area with astilba.

General characteristics

Despite the rich history, long years Astilba was underestimated. This is a common wild-growing flower - not very bright and attractive. It was first described by Lord Hamilton in 1825. This is how the name appeared, which literally means "without shine". But inconspicuous appearance did not stop Hamilton from bringing several varieties to Europe.

At the end of the 19th century, the botanist Emile Lemoine saw the potential of astilba. He received a number of new varieties and perfected for a long time. garden forms... Later, breeders and scientists from other countries joined him.

Georg Arends devoted more than half a century to astilba. He introduced 84 new species with different form and the color of the inflorescences, the size of the bush, the appearance of the leaves and the flowering period. So a full-fledged classification of a new garden culture... The Lemoine and Arends varieties are loved by gardeners to this day.

Astilbe groups

Botanists classify astilbe according to various criteria. Gardeners around the world use a number of common definitions. Such categories are based on the appearance, size and shape of the flower, not on its origin. After all, it is the characteristics of the plant that determine whether it can be used in a particular area.

Flowering period. Most astilba varieties bloom in summer, and the period lasts 1–2 weeks. There are three groups: early, middle and late.

Height. There are four groups: High - from 90-100 cm; Medium - 60–90 cm; Low - 30-60 cm; Dwarf - up to 30 cm.

The shape of the inflorescences. This is the main decorative characteristic.

- Drooping. Inflorescences on a flexible long stem droop to the ground. They look especially elegant and sophisticated.

- Pyramidal. Lateral branches with flowers that become thinner and shorter diverge perpendicular to the central axis. The inflorescence tapers from base to apex.

- Paniculata. As in the pyramidal inflorescences, the lateral branches diverge perpendicular to the axial, but in this case they also branch intensively.

- Rhombic. Twigs with flowers leave at right angles and form a kind of rhombus.

Types of astilba

Botanists estimate that there are over 350 varieties of astilba, and the number is constantly growing. However, only about 10 varieties are most often used.

A low bush of small diameter, 12x15 cm. Pink flowers bloom in June-July. The leaves are cast bronze.

It differs from most types of astilba in undivided leaves of a simple configuration. The plate is green and shiny, with a rough edge. White flowers are densely gathered in pyramidal drooping inflorescences. Other colors are less common. The flowering period is July-August.

Perennial fruitful plant with complex openwork leaves of several feathers. Height - up to 100 cm. The leaf plate is shiny, with veins, covered with red hairs along the edges. The largest are basal leaves on long petioles, stem leaves are smaller and shorter. Small lilac, pink or white flowers bloom in long dense inflorescences about 30 cm long. The flowering period is late June - early August. Chinese astilbe has been known since 1859. There are several subspecies.

It has been known since 1904 and comes from Korea and Northeast China. This is a relatively short herbaceous plant up to 60 cm. Wrinkled leaves light color, with brown villi. Inflorescences are relatively short, up to 25 cm, but firm and dense, slightly drooping. Flowers - creamy white. The flowering period is July.

One of the first representatives of the Japanese hybrid family, known since 1837. Herbaceous perennial in the form of a wide spreading bush. Height - up to 80 cm. Dark feathery leaves with a glossy plate grow on reddish petioles. Small pink or white flowers gather in dense rhombic inflorescences up to 30 cm. The flowering period is July.

She has been known since 1902, and her homeland is Mongolia and North China. It is a tall, fruitful perennial plant up to 150 cm. The leaves are light, with brownish veins, compound, pinnate and wrinkled. Lilac and pink flowers bloom in narrow pyramidal inflorescences up to 40 cm long. The flowering period is July-August.

A specific subspecies common in the East Asian regions of Russia and Japan. Germinates in deciduous and mixed leaves. This variety has been known since 1878. The height of the bush reaches 80 cm. The peculiarity is a brown woody rhizome. Oval leaves are compound and pinnate, oval in shape with jagged edges. White flowers are collected in racemose branched inflorescences of the apical type 25x10 cm. The flowering period is July-August. There are several subspecies of this variety.

Astilba in the garden is suitable for shady areas and requires constant moisture. In nature, it grows in shady deciduous forests or near water bodies, which affects its way of life.

Astilba is planted alone or in groups, in the ground or in containers. It fits gracefully into a mixborder or curb. Dwarf varieties will brightly decorate the decorative alpine slide... Most species thrive best near bodies of water. With a lack of moisture, the leaves wither, and the inflorescences become smaller.

Growth rate depends on moisture and heat. High varieties are planted at a distance of about 50 cm, low ones - up to 30 cm. First, you need to prepare the soil: dig up, remove weeds, apply fertilizers and mineral additives. Areas with high groundwater are ideal.

The sparse shade ensures a regular and intense bloom. The sun is best tolerated by varieties with light and white flowers. Their period is shorter, but much richer.

The bush lives for about 5 years. After that, it needs to be transplanted.

Transplant and reproduction

Astilba is a great backdrop for flower gardens. It gets along well with other deciduous plants and spring-flowering varieties like tulips, hyacinths and saxifrage. It also harmonizes well with daylilies, irises, bells, tall grasses, geraniums and other species. Complement each other and different varieties... For example, a coherent composition can be created from undersized forms for the foreground and tall bushes for the background.

When planting, depressions are dug up to 30 cm, where fertilizers, flour and humus are poured. The mixture is filled with water. It is imperative to mulch the soil to retain moisture and protect against overheating.

Gardeners use two breeding methods:

Renal buds. Most quick option... In the spring, carefully cut off the shoots with a fragment of the rhizome. Sprinkle the cuts with ash and plant them in a mixture of peat and gravel under a film. Astilba will be ready for transplantation in about a year.

Division of the bush. The simplest and good option... Dig out a bush, cut off the leaves and divide it into sections with 3-5 buds. Remove the dead rhizome and plant the cuttings at a distance from each other. Water them daily, and then, when planted in early spring by autumn, the astilbe will bloom.

Seed propagation used only by breeders. It is difficult, time consuming, requires high quality seeds and special care. First, stratification is carried out to accelerate growth. Then the seeds are planted in moist soil, but not embedded in the ground. In the spring, the leaves can be transplanted into the garden beds.

Pest and disease control

Astilba grows beautiful and healthy in almost any soil. The presence of potassium and phosphorus and their proportions are important. Peat and compost are used for feeding dry soil, complex additives for wet soil, and phosphoric-potassium acids after flowering.

Astilba almost does not get sick, and insects dislike her. The most common problems are:

Pennitsa. These are small cicadas that lay their eggs on leaves or young shoots. Due to the penny, the plants grow more slowly and the inflorescences do not develop. She can also be a carrier different diseases... She is not afraid of most chemicals, so you will have to get rid of the pest manually.

Crunchy and slugs. The easiest and fastest way to get rid of them is manually.

Another problem of Astilba, like other moisture lovers, is root decay. This is due to an excess of water or insufficient oxygen in the soil. For prophylaxis, before flowering, plants are treated with special antiseptics and Bordeaux liquid.

Astilba - photo

We have collected the best photos of Astilba so that you can compare and understand what a flower looks like and where to put it or plant it. Watch and be inspired!

Astilba planting and care in open ground which will be described in this article, is especially appreciated by gardeners for its unusual appearance, long flowering period, the ability to easily tolerate waterlogging of the soil and shade tolerance. This plant looks beautiful not only when it blooms. From spring to late autumn, astilba decorates the flower bed with openwork leaves on reddish petioles.

Our article presents detailed description and Photo plants. You can find out more about the methods of planting and the features of growing astilbe by looking video at the end of the article.

The plant is suitable for forcing and cutting. Astilba bushes are covered with lush foliage, which will be a wonderful decoration for flower baskets and bouquets.

What does astilba look like when it blooms

The herbaceous plant astilba is a member of the saxifrage family. The first representatives of this culture grew in Japan, East Asia and North America. There are about 40 species of this plant and more than 400 varieties.

  • The height of the bush can vary from 1 to 2 m.
  • Flowers are collected in panicle inflorescences 10-60 cm long. The color of flowers can be very diverse: white, red, pink and purple.
  • Foliage color can be dark green, burgundy, bronze.
  • In the form of a fruit - a box with small seeds.
  • The flowering period is from June to August.

Astilba varieties

More than 400 varieties of astilba, differing from each other in size, color of flowers and shape of leaves, have been bred by scientists. The most famous and popular types are:

David. The bush can reach a height of 150 cm. The inflorescences are horizontal, looking down, the flowers are lilac-pink. The flowering period is from July to August.

Naked. Plant height up to 20 cm. Flowering - in June, July. The foliage has a bronze tint.

Chinese. The bush can reach a height of up to 100 cm.The flowers of the plant are pink, lilac or white, and the leaves are covered with reddish fluff. Inflorescences are up to 30 cm long. The flowering period lasts from June to August.

Japanese. Reaches a height of about 70 cm. The bush grows well, forming a circle of wide diameter. Inflorescences up to 30 cm long, diamond-shaped, pink, red, white flowers.

The flowering period is mid-summer. This variety is distinguished by its resistance to cold, as well as the fact that it takes root well.

Thunberg. The height of the bush is up to 80 cm, the flowers are white, the edges of the leaves are serrated. Inflorescences are rare, looking down, panicle width 10 cm, length 25 cm. Flowering period: July-August. This variety belongs to the pyramidal type, differs in sprawling shoots, which are covered with dense foliage. The species does not react well to low air humidity and heat.

Preparing for landing

It is advisable to choose a site for planting astilba with a close adjoining groundwater. The plant can also be planted on the banks of the garden pond. Since the sandy soil does not retain moisture well, then the site must be mulched with peat on top.

If astilba was purchased in a store, then before planting, the rhizome should be soaked in warm water for 1 hour. It is recommended to add potassium permanganate to the water so that the solution turns out to be pale pink.

Watch the video! How to plant astilba

Landing astilba

Landing technology:

  1. The first step is to dig a hole 30 cm deep.
  2. Organic fertilizer (compost) should be poured at the bottom of the pit, which is used in a proportion of 2 buckets per 1 sq. M.
  3. It is recommended to add 1 tablespoon to the hole. complex fertilizer of any kind containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium (nitroammofoska) or 2 handfuls of ash.
  4. Then the fertilizer is mixed with soil.
  5. Then water is poured into the hole.
  6. Astilba should be planted in the ground, deepening the root collar by 5-6 cm.After the water in the hole is absorbed, it should be poured on top of 3-4 cm of dry soil, which will help keep moisture in the rhizome area for as long as possible.
  7. For a long time, the mulching procedure will help to keep moisture in the hole, and also to facilitate the adaptation of the plant. As mulch, you can use sawdust, humus, needles, chopped bark.

Astilbe grows very slowly, so it is recommended to plant it tightly: 20 * 20 cm. Planting on next year... It will be possible to thin out the plants in 2-3 years.

Combines perfectly astilbe flower with other types of plants. The easiest way to grow is in monoplants using one variety. You can also plant the plant in groups, using several varieties with flowers of the same tone, but different heights.

Leave cultivation

The main methods of flower care include:

  • weeding;
  • loosening;
  • watering;
  • mulching.


Astilba needs constant watering. It is recommended that you ensure that upper layer the soil was constantly moist, as root system can develop well only in wet soil. It is necessary to water the flower at least 1 time a week; in hot weather, carry out this procedure it is necessary at least 2 times a week. Astilba can be watered both under the root and using the sprinkler method, since this plant is resistant to the appearance and spread of fungal diseases.

Even a short drying out of the soil on the site can lead to the fact that the leaves of the astilba will wither, the inflorescences will become smaller, and the bush itself will look sloppy. In order to prevent these undesirable consequences, the plant should be mulched with any organic material:

  • dry leaves;
  • sawdust;
  • bark.

Advice! It is best to use compost for mulching, as it is an organic, concentrated fertilizer and maintains a sufficient moisture level in the area.


The main part of fertilizers must be applied to the site when planting astilba. The plant is very fond of organic feeding... It is recommended to add up to 1 liter of humus to the planting pit, after which the composition should be well mixed with the soil.

After the end of flowering, in the autumn, several buds are formed at the base of the shoot formed in the current year. They will subsequently develop rosettes of leaves. The next year, flower stalks will appear from the sockets. The small buds located below will begin to develop only in the next year.

Advice! The plant annually rises above the site at a distance of 3-5 cm. Therefore, every year it is necessary to bring fertile land to the site.


Astilba can be propagated:

  • dividing the roots;
  • cuttings;
  • kidney renewal;
  • seeds.

Dividing the bush

Even old bushes can be used for reproduction, since after the procedure dormant buds wake up on them.

The division procedure should be carried out more often 1 time in 3 years. The plant should be dug in early spring - in March, or at the end of August.

Propagating a bush by dividing, you need to make sure that each delenka has 3-4 buds. The rhizomes are divided into 4-5 parts and planted in a new area, observing a gap of 35-40 cm between the bushes. Places of cuts on the roots are treated with crushed charcoal.

Renal renewal

  1. In early spring, when young shoots have not yet had time to grow, it is necessary to cut off the buds with the beginning of the rhizome with a sharp garden knife, and then process the cuts with wood ash.
  2. The planting material obtained in this way is planted in a mixture consisting of 3 parts of peat and 1 part of gravel, and then covered with a film to create a greenhouse effect.
  3. Then you should wait for the rooting of the shoot, which occurs within 3 weeks.
  4. Young and mature bushes are transplanted to a permanent place early autumn, or next spring.

By cuttings


The method of propagation by seeds is used most often for selective work, since they do not germinate well.

  • Sowing seeds in the garden should be in the spring or in the fall, without covering them with soil. The location for the plant is best chosen in the shade.
  • The first shoots appear in 10-15 days, and if sowing was carried out in the fall, then in the spring.
  • After the plant has its first true leaf, the seedlings should be planted at a distance of 15 cm from each other.
  • Fortified bushes can be planted in a permanent place.
  • Young plantings for the winter are covered with foliage.

When propagating from seedlings, pre-stratified seeds should be sown in early or mid-March.

  • The seed is placed in a planting container 15-17 cm deep with a sand-peat mixture, covered with a layer of snow.
  • The melting snow will gradually moisten the soil and allow the seeds to sink to the depth required for growing.
  • Crops for 3 weeks should be placed in a cool place, previously covered with foil.
  • After the first true leaves appear on the sprouts, the picking procedure should be carried out.
  • Caring for the plant in the future, consists in watering and observing temperature regime 20-22 degrees.

Watch the video! Astilba landing and care. Astilba sowing seeds

Diseases and pests

The plant very rarely becomes a victim of diseases and pests, in rare cases it can be affected by:

  • slobbering penny;
  • rootworm nematode;
  • strawberry nematode.

The stump is usually located in the leaf axils of the plant. After some time, saliva-like secretions in the form of foam appear inside them, inside which leafhopper larvae are located. Affected leaves wrinkle and become covered with yellow spots. At the same time, the bush completely or partially withers.

In order to get rid of this pest, you should use:

  • Rogor;
  • Confidor;
  • Aktar (2-3 g per 10 l of water);
  • Karbofos.

Buds, flowers, leaves of the plant are susceptible to the dispersal of the strawberry nematode. The affected areas of the bush are deformed and covered with necrotic spots of brown or yellow color. The growth of astilba is deteriorating.

Gall nematode most often affects the roots of the plant and appears in the form of small galls (growths) on their surface, inside which the nematodes are located. Gauls are well distinguished already in the second growing season. The flowering and growth of the affected bushes deteriorates markedly, in some cases the death of the plant occurs. Therefore, shoots that have obvious signs of the disease must be dug up and destroyed.

Important! During the first growing season, it is very important to carry out the first weeding on time. In the second growing season, the overgrown root system of the plant will independently drown out weeds.

The young foliage of the plant sometimes suffers from frost, which occurs late spring, but this cannot be an obstacle to the emergence of new leaves and flowers. Astilba perennial tolerates severe winters well, but suffers from spring frosts and getting wet. The plant is suitable for growing in regions with unfavorable climatic conditions, including in the Urals, in Siberia.

Important! The varieties that have the greatest decorative value, with large inflorescences, can freeze slightly.

Preparing for winter

On bushes that have already bloomed, it is necessary to remove the panicles so that they do not set seeds. This procedure will preserve the vigor of the plant for wintering.

In winters with little snow, astilba must be additionally covered:

  1. In the fall, the bush should be cut off.
  2. Then install a light frame over it.
  3. Fill the frame with leaves inside.
  4. Lutrasil or spunbond is tightened on top.
  5. Then cover with plastic to keep out moisture. The edges are pressed with bricks.

Astilbe flower: combination with other plants

It is quite justified to grow astilba in group plantings with other plants. Ornamental bushes look great next to conifers... In addition, ephedra provide astilbe with sun protection.

Astilbe bushes are in perfect harmony with:

  • late tulips;
  • hosts;
  • periwinkle;
  • irises.

Single plantings of astilba on a green lawn look decorative.

Astilbe bushes will perfectly fit into the landscape design when planting in the shade. Also, the plant is used for single or group plantings, creating difficult decisions in the shade or partial shade.

Caring for the plant is simple, it consists in timely, moderate watering and will not cause any particular difficulties.

Watch the video! Astilba: growing, care, reproduction

8 minutes read

If private plot designed so that the sun rarely peeps into the garden, the flower garden located here can best decorate astilba. Planting and leaving in a shady corner will not negatively affect the plant at all. In such conditions, the flower develops remarkably and dissolves lush buds. This is one of those rare blooming shade-tolerant plants, which are equally valued in landscape design for its unpretentiousness, and for its luxurious look.

Astilba: varieties and varieties

In nature, astilbe is found in deciduous forests, on the banks of reservoirs North America, East Asia, Japanese islands. She is comfortable in a moderately humid climate and in the dense shade of tall trees. Well tolerates winter in open ground.

Chinese astilba

Astilba is a rhizome perennial of the saxifrage family. The height of the stems depends on the variety and can range from 10 cm to 2 m. The leaves are basal, on long petioles, often pinnate, but there are also varieties with simple ones. The foliage is bright green, with a reddish tint in some varieties. Small flowers are collected in apical inflorescences of a pyramidal shape typical for panicles. The buds bloom in different periods of summer, depending on the characteristics of the variety.

The most popular in landscape design are the following representatives of the hybrid group:

  • Astilba Chinese - represented by varieties of low-growing forms up to 20 cm, as well as more noticeable specimens about 1 m in height. Flowers in lilac shades are collected in long narrow inflorescences. The petals begin to bloom in mid-June, flowering lasts until the last days of August.
  • Astilba Arends - the bush has a highly decorative spherical or pyramidal shape. The height reaches about 1 m. Peduncles of such varieties as Diamant, Glut, Rubin are crowned with paniculate inflorescences; Gloria and Wise Gloria have a diamond shape. Flower petals are white, red, lilac, lilac. The flowering period is the second half of summer.
  • Astilba common-leaved is a representative of medium-sized plants. Its varieties are rarely more than half a meter. Distinctive feature- huge loose drooping inflorescences that envelop the bushes of plants in white, pink, carmine clouds. Flowering begins in June.

Landing astilba

There are some nuances that need to be considered for successful cultivation perennial astilbe. Planting and maintenance will be more successful if you plan the location of the flower bed near the walls of buildings that are oriented to the north, or in the shade of tall shrubs and trees. It is even better if there are any bodies of water nearby: artificial pond, fountain, pool. These outdoor conditions will provide longer flowering times.

Reference. Reproduction of some varieties is carried out in sunny areas. These include late flowering varieties. However, in this case, the flowering period will be approximately halved.

The moisture-loving nature of Astilba should not be confused with resistance to stagnation of water. it common reason decay of rhizomes in the open field. When the type of soil on the site is heavy, with a high clay content, then in order to improve its mechanical composition, rotted manure, peat or matured compost are added to the place of the future flower bed. To do this, you will need 2 buckets of organic matter per 1 square meter. area. In addition, the flower garden must be provided with a drainage layer.

Astilba common

Planting takes place from May to June. The planting hole is made up to 30 cm deep and 20 cm wide. Seedlings of plants in open ground are placed no closer than 30 cm from each other.

Plant care

Caring for a plant has its own characteristics, ignorance of which can greatly harm the cultivation of astilba. In particular, the grower must take into account that the bottom of the rhizome gradually dies off, and the system continues to grow new offspring from above. Therefore, it is important to hilling flower beds so that the roots do not dry out and are not damaged by the sun.

Advice. Create for rhizome comfortable conditions a care technique such as mulching also helps. Among other things, it helps keep moisture in the soil from evaporating.

Astilba is a moisture-loving plant. Watering the plantings should be carried out frequently, without allowing the soil to dry out. Perennial is especially demanding for irrigation during the flowering period. In the sultry summer days you have to moisten the soil twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Astilba Arends

Astilba belongs to cold-hardy plants. In the fall, before the arrival of stable frosty weather, the stems of the flower are cut off at the very ground. The rhizomes remaining in the ground with good snow cover can withstand temperature drops down to -30 ° C. However, if precipitation is not expected, pre-winter care should include covering the plantings with spruce branches.

Growing astilba in a permanent place without transplanting can last up to 5 years. Then the perennial must be divided and moved to another site.

Fertilizing and feeding astilba

Successful reproduction of astilba is unthinkable without top dressing. Fertilizers should be applied annually at least twice a season:

  1. In early spring, when new shoots appear on the soil surface, nitrogen compounds are used. You can feed it with a urea solution - 10 g of fertilizer per 15 liters of water.
  2. In the process of flowering, planting care should include fertilizing with potash and phosphorus compounds. To do this, use 2 tbsp. l. potassium nitrate per bucket of water, as well as superphosphate - at the rate of 20 g per plant.

In order for fertilizers to be absorbed faster and better, it is useful to combine this procedure with loosening, watering and mulching the soil.

Reference. Fertilizers will also be needed when planting astilba. When multiplying a perennial, it is recommended to add a handful to each hole bone meal and ash with humus.

Reproduction of astilba

Reproduction of astilba is possible in several ways:

  • sowing seeds;
  • dividing the rhizome;
  • kidneys.

They start sowing seeds in March, however preparatory work begin to be carried out in advance in winter - during this period, stratification is carried out seed... To do this, you need a peat-sand mixture (1: 1) and a container about 15 cm deep:

  1. The seeds are mixed with a damp substrate and removed to the basement, refrigerator, or dripped on the street under the snow for about a month.
  2. Naked seeds are moved into a larger container and kept at a temperature of + 20 ° C. Care consists in regularly moisturizing the substrate.
  3. With the development of 2-3 true leaves, seedlings dive into separate pots.

Seedlings are moved to open ground in May, when the weather outside the window is already warm.

Important. When propagating astilba seeds collected from hybrid varieties, decorative features the mother plant is not saved. In this case, it is better to use vegetative propagation methods.

Reproduction by buds is carried out during the beginning of the active growing season of the plant. As a rule, this happens in the spring and depends on the weather and climatic characteristics of the region.

Reproduction of astilba near the reservoir

The technology for this method is very simple:

  1. The buds and young shoots are cut off with a part of the rhizome peeking out onto the soil surface.
  2. Places of cuts on the cuttings and the mother rhizome are treated with crushed charcoal.
  3. Planting material is placed for rooting in pots filled with a mixture of peat and gravel (3: 1).
  4. Plantings are hidden under a film cover until rooting.
  5. Caring for them consists in airing and watering.

Young astilbe is transplanted to a permanent place in the fall.

They start dividing the bush in early spring while the flower is still dormant. To do this, the rhizome is removed from the flower bed with a lump of earth, which is gently shaken off the plant. Be sure to cut off dead and bent parts, and disinfect the cut sites.

The incision is made in such a way that there are at least three kidneys on each division. Planting in a new place is carried out according to the scheme of 30 x 30 cm. It is necessary to provide the transplanted plants with daily watering.

Diseases and pests

Another advantage that the perennial astilba has is that planting and care is rarely accompanied by the development of diseases in flower beds. The key to healthy plantings is strict adherence to care recommendations.

Astilba as a border culture

The rootworm nematode settles on the roots. To prevent its spread, the affected rhizomes are dug out of the ground, and the soil is treated with Fitoverm.

Astilba: combination with other plants

Astilba is enough bright plant, and pick up a combination of others flowering perennials it can be difficult. In order not to act rashly, it is better to plant it in solo plantings or surrounded by plants whose flowering is close in shade to astilbe or is neutral - with white petals of inflorescences. For example, badan, alissum, dicentra will do.

The combination of astilba with decorative deciduous plants

However, there is a combination that is not only successful, but also beneficial to neighbors:

  • It will be good to place planting of decorative deciduous hostas next to astilba - their wide leaves retain moisture in the soil.
  • The bright beauty of astilbe is emphasized by conifers: juniper, spruce, pine. Besides, tall trees and shrubs will provide the perennial with the necessary partial shade.
  • The combination of astilba in landscape design with such shrubs as lilacs, buldenezh, mockery will be successful.

A wide variety of astilba varieties - height, color of inflorescences - provides a wide field for creativity in landscape design. Low-growing specimens with a dense planting are excellent candidates for decorating flower beds as a curb crop. Medium height can be decorated trunk circles trees.

Astilba in landscape design

The coastline, on which tall astilbes are planted, takes on a picturesque appearance. Spot landings look good among huge rockeries boulders. Astilbes, planted at the walls of arbors and arbors, give them a very romantic mood.

Growing astilba is fun, and the result exceeds all expectations. Once sowing seeds, with a competent approach to reproduction, the perennial will decorate the site for decades. At the same time, you can move them to different parts of the garden more than once so that the design does not have time to get bored.

Astilba: planting and leaving (video)

In contact with

The flowering of astilba, the thin twigs of which at this time seem to be enveloped in a delicate cloud of thin rime, which is easily floating in the air, is a phenomenon that defies description. But besides beauty, this culture has other undoubted advantages. It is almost unpretentious and is able to grow (often throughout the season) in places that are uncomfortable for other plants (in partial shade and in the shade).

But in order for it to grow there, it must be planted there. And even earlier - to buy.

From here comes the recommendation of paramount importance: if possible, see the plant through transparent packaging you should choose specimens with an inexhaustible, juicy rhizome, with sprouts that have just appeared(or even just emerging). Good preservation of the rhizome is the key to the health of the future bush.

If the rhizome is not too depleted by the sprouts that are already noticeably elongated and repeatedly bent inside the package, it will take root (but you can no longer expect special beauty from such a bush in the first year).

Rhizome with visible damage, overdried, covered with mold or rotten, or with young sprouts and leaves that are already dried, and even more so - rotten is not worth buying.

Store purchased material until planting time should be refrigerator.

Astilba planting in nuances

When planting astilba in the ground, the hole digs a depth sufficient for the free placement of the rhizome (no deeper than 30 cm), with the obligatory embedding organic fertilizer or a complex of fertilizers (30 g / m2 of the garden), humus and bone meal(2 handfuls / m2 of beds). Highly recommended for use Bionex based on fermented chicken manure. With poor soil retention of moisture, it will be useful to apply to the planting hole hydrogel.

Planting astilba in the ground. Photo

It is extremely important in such a matter of how to plant astilba watering... If the purchased seedlings are kept in a pot, it must be watered on the eve of planting, be sure to repeat this procedure after planting the plant in the soil.

The rhizome straightened in the hole is covered with soil with its slight compaction, but without deepening the plant. It is planted at the level at which it was planted in the pot, otherwise - so that the root collar is flush with the soil, and in such a way that after watering and subsidence of the soil, the roots of the plant are not exposed.

The planted crop is watered carefully, but abundantly, filling a circular groove with water, dug so that water does not spread. In dry weather, watering is repeated at least every other day until the time of complete engraftment of the plant.

Planting astilba in the ground. Photo

Completing the landing of Astilba mulching soil with bark (crushed), or compost, or sawdust, leaving free space around the shoots.

The symbol of successful completion of the work is the installation of a label with the designation of the variety.

Main varieties

The genus contains at least 40 species and at least 400 varieties with heights from 0.15 to 2 m.The main decoration of the plant is the inflorescences-panicles or brushes with a length of 10 to 60 cm.The flowering time of the culture is from June to August (depending on the species and varieties).

The varieties include:

  • astilba
  • astilba
  • astilba
  • astilba

Each astilba variety differs from the other in its habit (bush shape), color of flower corollas and leaves, flower aroma or its absence, height, and also the time and duration of flowering.

For astilba David- a bush that blooms from July to August, a wide, lushly spreading structure, reaching 1.5 m in height, with light green (with pale brown veins) wrinkled leaves of a complex shape, flowers of a pink-lilac shade are characteristic, the axis of which is deflected towards almost right angle.

Astilba bush naked it is equal to only 12 cm in height, its diameter is 15 cm. The decoration of the plant is a bronze shade of leaves; flowering time (June - July).

Astilba flowers Chinese can be white or pink and lilac in color, while the length of the inflorescence can reach 30 cm with a bush height of up to 1 m. Shiny leaves of an openwork pattern are covered with hairs of light red color. Differs in long flowering (June - August).

Flowering astilba plant Japanese with light green feathery leaves with a glossy shine (up to 70 cm high) spread out in a wide circle, and white (or pink) fragrant flowers, collected in diamond-shaped inflorescences, reach a length of 30 cm; flowering time is one month (July).

Collected in long (25 cm) cluster inflorescences with a diameter of 10 cm, numerous white astilba flowers, together with complex leaves with serrated edges, form a plant up to 80 cm high, blooming from July to August.

Conditions for growing astilba

The culture does not cause much trouble when growing to its gardener - moreover, once planted, it survives any types of weeds from the place of growth and does not require weeding. But some of the features of agricultural technology should still be taken into account.

For planting astilba in open ground, the place should be with a light (sparse) shadow or partial shade - the open sun does not contribute to the health of the plant. But even when planted under large trees with thick shade, it also grows and blooms poorly.

Note. Some varieties of astilba of white and pale pink color, beautifully blooming in sunny places, should be excluded from the list of shade-tolerant ones. But at the same time, due to the intensity of flowering, its period is reduced.

Astilba feels good in places with increased humidity, near the water: by the pond, by the fountain. But moderate constant soil moisture is also sufficient. If groundwater in the place of planting they lie high and the soil is characterized by high humidity, then better conditions and it's not worth inventing.

In addition to depending on the level of occurrence of soil waters, Astilba respects the soil deeply loosened or dug up (in order to remove the rhizomes of weeds), fertilized with humus compost, peat (well decomposed) or manure (sufficiently rotted), based on the calculation of 2 buckets / m2.

When planting astilbe in a group, the distance between plants should be from 30 (minimum) to 50 (maximum) centimeters, depending on the height of the variety, which can be about 50 or about 120 cm.

How to propagate astilba

A feature of astilba is the steadily growing protrusion of rhizomes from the soil with dense, cords-like adventitious roots (with an annual increase in height from 3 to 5 cm), which requires adding soil. In this case, the parts of the rhizome that are deep below die off.

Therefore, every 5-6 years, so that the plant does not lose its decorative effect, it is divided with subsequent transplantation.

Dividing the bush- Astilba's breeding method is the simplest. The dug bush, after removing the lower, dead parts of the rhizome, is dissected into sections with 3-5 buds on each. Parts of the divided astilba bush are immediately planted, not allowing the roots to dry; they need watering daily. With this breeding option, astilba in autumn is quite capable of blooming.

Note. You can divide the bush, and without removing it completely from the ground, but only separating a sufficient part of it, dusting the sections on it and on the section with ash and replacing the free space with soil.

When propagating with the help of renewal buds, the growing shoots, cut off with a part of the rhizome, are placed in a mini-greenhouse for rooting in a mixture of peat and gravel in a ratio of 3: 1. Sections of cuttings and mother plant are powdered with ash. Young plants are planted in a permanent place either in autumn or in the spring of the next season.

To the reproduction of astilba with the help seed rarely resort - its hybrids are not capable of preserving varietal traits... With the method of reproduction by seeds, they are not embedded in the planting soil - they are sown over the surface, and stratification is used to accelerate germination - holding in the cold (for 21 days at a temperature of -4 ... + 4 ° C), followed by the usual method for seedlings - growing in a warm room.

Astilba in combination with other garden plants

Being flowering perennials, astilbe, planted in a compartment with other shade-loving crops, are able to decorate a garden area with both their large white, lilac, pink, red, burgundy, carmine, violet-red and cherry panicles, and shiny, delicate and lush foliage - colors from dark green to burgundy and bronze on reddish petioles.

Beautiful neighbors of astilbes, which dissolve leaves in May, can be both early flowering plants: corydalis, snowdrops, woods, and adonis adonis, lilies of the valley, irises, tulips, hosts, ferns, aquilegia, Kupena, Rogersia, Volzhanka.

Next to the openwork bushes of astilbe, bushes of podophyllum, bergenia, hellebore look interesting due to the difference in structure, color and density of their leaf blades.

The culture planted along the edges of the lawns, along the banks of the reservoir, in rockeries, in rabatkas, in mixborders located in partial shade, looks favorable.

Plant care (agricultural technology)

Immediately after planting astilba, the work on its cultivation immediately smoothly flows into the next stage - caring for astilba: if you are too lazy to water a plant that has not yet been taken, you can destroy it or significantly slow down the process of its development.

Watering should be regular, as frequent as possible, and in the absence of natural irrigation (rains) for a long time, the culture is watered both in the morning and in the evening. With a lack of water in the culture, the tips of the stems and leaves begin to dry out.

The only Astilba variety that can survive a mild drought is Chinese Astilba, this rule does not apply to all other varieties.

For rooting success, one should delete all the inflorescences formed on the plant both after planting (in the first year of the culture's life) and after division-transplantation, then a well-established plant or its divisions in the next season will fully manifest all their best qualities... To preserve the decorativeness of the plantation, faded inflorescence brushes are also removed.

Thickness mulch layer around the culture (created by humus, peat, straw, bark, sawdust, small pebbles) should be at least 2 or 3 cm.It is necessary to prevent moisture loss in the soil, reduces the degree of its overheating, does not allow it to grow weeds and creates a plant required degree warmth in winter.

In addition to the organic fertilizer applied during planting, for lush bloom it is important to keep astilba in the soil under the crop the optimal ratio phosphorus and potassium... For fertilizing dry soil, peat or compost is most often used, if it is wet, ready-made complex fertilizers. At the end of flowering, the plant must be fertilized with potassium-phosphorus compositions.

When growing astilba in one place without transplanting for more than 5 years, there is a danger of exposing the rhizome, recovery buds and young adventitious roots. Therefore, the planting of such plants should be shelter peat, spruce branches or compost, in otherwise the flowering of the bushes will not be as lush or as long. Astilbes of a younger age easily endure the warm winter uncovered.

Note. For Astilba, it is not so much winter frosts that are terrible as the often noted drop in spring temperatures, therefore soil mulching is a prerequisite for cultivation.

Such a method as weeding is practically not required when caring for astilbe, because in an adult state it displaces all weeds from its territory - the density of leaves on the bush is so great that they create a shadow impenetrable to the sun in which no plant is able to survive ...

Astilba is not affected by any of the known species diseases or pests, therefore, there is simply no need for protection measures against them.