All about the correct planting of strawberries in the fall (in August and September). The optimal time for planting strawberries in autumn Is it possible to plant strawberries at the end of September

With the end of the summer gardening season, with the appearance of the first yellow leaves, with the moment of recession summer heat in the garden, work begins to prepare for the new season. One of the tasks is the renewal and planting of a new generation of strawberries. It is better to do this in the fall, first of all, because the newly planted strawberries will harvest in the next season.

So how do you plant strawberries in the fall? Here are the main subtleties and steps.

Soil preparation

This is one of the most important milestones... Prepare a place for planting new bushes in advance. Strawberries really dislike heavy soils with stagnant water. If the soil is just like that, you need to dilute the soil with drainage material: fine expanded clay or sand.

An excellent technique for increasing soil fertility is to sow the area of ​​the future plantation with the Sederats. At the onset of maturity of lupine or colza, the greens and roots are crushed, the plantation is dug up, immersing the green parts of the plants deep into the soil, where they will rot, thus fertilizing the earth.

The area for planting must be selected adequate to the number of seedlings. They are usually planted at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other. A denser planting contributes to waterlogging and, as a result, the development of strawberry diseases.

The choice of planting material

Bushes with two or three formed and open leaves are perfect for planting. The root system of these bushes should be well developed, the roots should be about 6-8 cm long.

When buying seedlings in a store, they pay attention to their general condition, the color and height of the leaves, the presence of dried foliage, etc.

When planting outlets from strawberries already growing on the site, the very first, well-developed and rooted bushes are chosen. The maternal whisker is cut off and removed, allowing the rosette to develop until transplantation.

If strawberries were grown from grains / seeds, then by mid-August the bushes were already well formed and ready for transplantation to a permanent place.

Boarding time

A very burning question is when to plant strawberries in the fall? The most optimal period for planting begins in the second half of August and lasts until mid-September. Being planted these days, the bushes will have time to root well and get ready for winter.

Strawberries are also planted in the third decade of September and early October. But during this period, it is necessary to plant new bushes with a large earthen clod, avoiding as much as possible possible trauma to the roots.

The general rule of autumn planting is to choose a time at least one month before the establishment of the first negative temperatures soil.


How to plant strawberries correctly in the fall?

When the time for planting has come, the soil is prepared and the planting material is selected, they proceed directly to the establishment of a new plantation. A few days before planting, the soil is well moistened.

The day of planting is not chosen hot, rather cloudy, strawberries are planted in the evening.

A couple of hours before planting, the seedlings are abundantly watered or immersed in a solution of a biostimulant for root formation.

In folk practice, there is a method of immersing strawberry seedlings in a garlic infusion (5-6 heads of garlic are insisted in five liters of water at room temperature week). This measure is excellent at repelling pests and contributes to the healthy growth of the bush.

Planting under agrofibre

Recently, the method of planting strawberries under agrofibre is gaining popularity. Most often, a black covering material is used. They cover the beds, in the places where the strawberry bush will be planted, a cross-shaped cut is made, into which the strawberries are directly rooted.

Agrofibre perfectly permeates water and air, prevents weeds from growing, and the black color contributes to a slight heating of the soil, which allows you to get a crop a week or two earlier than similar plantings in the open field.

In addition, the berries with such a planting will not touch the soil - they will remain clean and practically unaffected by fruit rot even in the rainiest period.

Caring for new strawberries

After planting, strawberries need constant, moderate watering. Over time, the frequency of watering is reduced, while its volume is increased at the same time.

Two weeks later, when rooting has occurred, the strawberries are ready for wintering. When early landing in August it will gain strength for some time and grow inactively.

During this period, additional antennae or even peduncles may appear on it. Both must be removed without a doubt, as this significantly weakens the plant.

Before wintering, the bushes should be mulched with fallen leaves, needles or hay, this will help the strawberries to survive the winter successfully. The minimum thickness of the mulch layer is 5 cm.

After the snow has fallen, you can additionally sketch it on the strawberry garden. Snow is an excellent insulator and an additional source of water in spring.

In the spring, it will be necessary to remove the mulch and remove the upper 2-3 cm of the soil, since pests could hibernate in them. Loosen the soil around the bushes, providing air flow to the roots, and also remove dry dead leaves. And then enjoy the flowering and ripening of berries.

If you follow all the tips in the article on how to properly plant strawberries in the fall in open ground, strawberry bushes will winter well and will delight the owners with an abundant tasty harvest of fragrant berries next spring.

Photo of planting strawberries in autumn

Before preparing your strawberry garden, select an area where crops, garlic, beets, or carrots were grown. It is not advisable to plant where the potatoes grew; because they have the same pests.

How best to plant strawberries

The technology of planting strawberries is not complicated. In the prepared area, pits are made at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. Then 1-2 liters of water are poured into the hole, the seedlings are inserted and sprinkled with earth. It is important that the roots of the plant are not above the ground. After all, then it is difficult for the roots to endure the winter.

Correct planting of strawberries (video)

You can make small humps on the roots.

How to plant strawberries with a mustache

Planting strawberries under the film

Preparing for winter


Victoria care in the fall

Strawberries are not without reason considered the queen among the berries that grow in our climatic conditions... And this is due to its exquisite taste and unique aroma, which most of us like so much. The closest relative of strawberries - garden strawberries, or as it is also called, Victoria, has a special taste. Unfortunately, the ripening season of this beautiful berry is rather short - by the end of the first summer month, it stops bearing fruit. However, at the same time, it also requires considerable labor efforts on the part of the owner, and not only in spring and summer. Care is needed for Victoria and in the fall. And this, in turn, is a guarantee that next summer there will be a wonderful berry harvest on your personal plot. Therefore, we will tell you what to do with Victoria in the fall.

Generally autumn care for Victoria suggests, firstly, obligatory pruning bushes, and secondly, feeding it with fertilizers, and, thirdly, preparing the plant for winter.

How to care for Victoria in the fall: pruning bushes

One of the most important milestones in caring for your garden strawberry is pruning. As a rule, whiskers and leaves of bushes are pruned. The need for this procedure is explained by providing the plant with rest after active growth and fruiting, which will lead to the rejuvenation of Victoria and a set of strength by the next summer. In addition, such treatment of Victoria in the fall will help improve the condition of each bush. It is known that different kinds pests settle on the leaves. By pruning them, you will naturally heal the strawberries.

Regarding how to prune Victoria in the fall, it is recommended to perform this procedure immediately in the fall in September. Use a pruner, a sharp knife, or scissors for this. It is important to cut the leaves 10 cm from the ground so as not to damage the Victoria's growing point.

After circumcision experienced gardeners it is advised to treat the bushes with solutions from pests and diseases. It will also be very useful for the berries to weed the rows, loosen them and add fresh soil for the bare roots.

How to care for the Victoria berry in the fall: top dressing

But the autumn feeding is needed for Victoria's strawberries to accumulate organic, mineral substances and the formation of new fruit and leaf buds. Fertilizing Victoria in the fall should be after trimming the leaves and whiskers, that is, in September.

If we talk about how to feed Victoria in the fall, then humus, compost, chicken droppings, and a barn are excellent for these purposes. Use and mineral fertilizers(superphosphate, potassium salt). Excellent growth for the kidneys is provided by top dressing, for the preparation of which it is necessary to mix 2 tablespoons of potassium fertilizers and nitrophoska with a glass of wood ash, dissolving the mixture in 10 liters of water.

Planting strawberries in autumn

Such a chatterbox must be poured under each bush. After fertilizing, it is recommended to mulch the soil.

Victoria fall care: preparing for winter

In areas where winter is always snowy, Victoria's cold is not terrible. But the lack of snow for plant bushes can be detrimental. That is why strawberries should be covered for the winter.

Ordinary straw is especially suitable for mulching. She needs to carefully and completely cover each bush. But if you don't have straw at your disposal, you can use other materials. Fallen foliage, peat, tree branches or corn stalks are also suitable as a covering cushion - whatever you can find in your garden. In addition, quite often, to prepare Victoria strawberries for winter, they use a purchased covering material - spunbond or lutrasil.

Thanks to this care in the fall for garden Victoria, the plant will accumulate strength and give you a tasty and rich harvest next year.

In this article, we will tell you how to properly plant strawberries in the fall, what planting methods are, including agrofibre.
If you know how to plant strawberries correctly, then you can short term receive good harvest delicious berries that will be resistant to diseases, pests and weather conditions.

When to transplant strawberries

We will tell you about the timing of planting strawberries in the fall, because their yield and ability to withstand adverse conditions depend on this.
You can plant strawberries: in autumn, spring and summer. It is safer to plant in autumn, because the frosts have passed, and it is difficult to lose the bushes during the cold weather. But, planting strawberries in spring has a number of disadvantages:

  • Most likely there will be no harvest in the first year,
  • The bush will not be hardened, and not prepared for the difficult conditions that occur after winter,
  • The roots will take root faster, because it is planted in the ground, which is warmed up after summer. In autumn, the opposite is true - the ground is cold after the winter period.

So, most often they are planted either late in summer or early autumn, after harvest. It is only important that the landing garden strawberry occurred long before the onset of frost, so that the plant could take root.
The planting time for strawberries in autumn in the middle lane is approximately from the beginning of August to the end of September.

Why you need to transplant strawberries

Like most horticultural crops, strawberries, when grown in a permanent place, begin to hurt, pests pester them, and the yield begins to decrease.
Therefore, it is necessary to plant a culture in a new place every 3-4 years. Since, not always strawberries in the first year will give big harvest, you need to transplant the strawberries to a new place gradually, not all the bushes at once. Otherwise, in certain years, you can do without berries, which does not suit us.

How to prepare the soil for planting strawberries

Before preparing your strawberry garden, select an area where crops, garlic, beets, or carrots were grown.

Planting strawberries in autumn is the basis for your future harvest!

It is not advisable to plant where the potatoes grew; because they have the same pests.
The future landing site should be on a well-lit side. Avoid low-lying areas where the wet air and water.
Before planting, you need to add compost, humus (5 kg per 1 m2) or mineral fertilizers and dig up the soil.
And remember that it is better to prepare the planting site in advance, at least a month in advance.

How best to plant strawberries

The technology of planting strawberries is not complicated. In the prepared area, pits are made at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. Then 1-2 liters of water are poured into the hole, the seedlings are inserted and sprinkled with earth. It is important that the roots of the plant are not above the ground. After all, then it is difficult for the roots to endure the winter. You can make small humps on the roots.
If you want to additionally protect the plant from diseases, you can soak the roots in fungicides before planting.
It is important to choose the right time for planting strawberries. It should be either evening or a cloudy day. On a cloudless sunny day, the bushes take root worse.

How to plant strawberries with a mustache

Those who want to get new varieties buy garden material in trusted shops or horticultural institutes.
If you want to save money, then you can not cut off all the antennae, but dig them in. Those that take root will be excellent material for transplanting strawberries in the fall.

Planting strawberries under the film

except traditional technology, it is possible to plant strawberries under the film. For this, the prepared seedlings from the tendrils that produce old bushes are planted in greenhouses.
As with planting in open ground, here you also need to fertilize, dig up and moisten.
To obtain best harvest, it is desirable to organize artificial lighting, up to 14-16 hours daily.
You need to know how the varieties that you plan to plant are pollinated. And if they are not self-pollinated, then in greenhouses you will have to pollinate the plants with a bone.
Particular attention should be paid to diseases in strawberries that are grown in greenhouses. After all, here high humidity, here they are plagued by diseases, especially gray rot.
Therefore, if necessary, treat the bushes with a fungicide.

Planting strawberries under agrofibre

Planting strawberries in autumn on agrofibre is a good technique in order to protect the plantings from weeds, as well as pests and diseases that multiply in them.
Planting strawberries on film is simple: a film is spread on the ground, which is sold in garden stores. It can be replaced with large black trash bags in which one side is cut open.
After the film has spread, cross-shaped cuts are made in it at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other, where strawberry seedlings are planted. This technology makes it much more difficult for weeds to grow, and the berries will not come into contact with the ground. Accordingly, they will hurt less.
If you do not want to plant strawberries on film, then after planting the usual way, carry out mulching.

Preparing for winter

After the strawberries are planted in the fall, you need to remember about preparing them for winter. To do this, some summer residents cover the bushes with branches of pine trees, straw or fallen leaves. This will further protect the bushes from snow and frost.
Output. We looked at how to plant strawberries in the fall and told why it is better to do it in the fall than in the spring, after winter. In addition, you learned how to plant strawberries on agrofibre, which will save energy in the summer, and will allow you to get a good harvest with minimal effort.

It should be recalled that growing strawberries in the open field is planting one or several varieties in such a way that the crops and emerging bushes did not need to be covered with foil or made a greenhouse. At the same time, the land for growing strawberries must be well and correctly prepared by adding fertilizer. Only a well-groomed garden is capable of producing excellent fruits of any crop.

What do you need for outdoor cultivation?

Growing strawberries outdoors is not easy. When planting strawberries, you need to take into account a number of features:

  • Terrain;
  • Climatic conditions;
  • Illumination of the garden;
  • Neighborhood with other species.

Strawberry care must be carried out constantly. High-quality watering is required. It is better if the beds on which the berries are poured are weeded more often. This protects the crop from rotting. Have a large number summer residents have a good, well-groomed garden, but the berries grow unsweetened. The problem here is that the care was not taken in the right way.

We start from open ground

To get a great harvest, you need to prepare your garden before planting. Better to dig it up in the fall. The composition of the soil can be any, but the soil must be fertilized well. You should not overdo it with manure or potash top dressing of the soil. It is correct to choose a chernozem type of soil for growing strawberries.

To get the best strawberries, you need not peat soil, but soil with the addition of ash, preferably woody. If water periodically stands on the garden bed or groundwater is very close to the surface, black soil is poured to a layer half a meter high, and watering is carried out infrequently. Where there is little moisture, they add only up to 10 cm in height, or do not do it at all.

The width of the beds for planting strawberries in open ground, it is advisable to make about a meter. It is necessary to remove weeds and debris from the soil, remove the larvae of butterflies and other insects. If a bear, wireworm or May beetle is found in this area, it is recommended to choose another place for growing strawberries. By the way, in order to get rid of the above insects, which are not needed when growing any crops, you should plant kaloid lupinal in a corner. Eating its fruits, bears and beetles die.

You need to dig up black soil to a depth of 30 cm. After that, humus should be added, and you can leave the garden alone for now. In early spring, before starting to grow strawberries, it is imperative to burrow through the soil (depth - 20 cm). To get an excellent harvest, the soil is checked for acidity. The ideal value is PH5.5.

Which variety to choose and how to plant in open ground?

Growing strawberries in the open field involves the selection of elite varieties of this berry. It is recommended to take sorted seedlings. It is advisable to cultivate species with a lobe root system at least 5 cm in diameter.

Experienced gardeners in advance, in the fall, harvest seedlings. Seedlings are kept in winter at low temperatures.

When planting strawberries, you need to thoroughly loosen the garden bed, level it and tamp it a little. After that, it is important to water and process the soil with vitriol.

Among the features:

  • When planting strawberries, it is worth leveling the garden bed so that the ovary does not rot in the soil;
  • You do not need to plant seedlings in the lowlands;
  • A planting regime is required when the southern slopes for cultivation are neglected in order to protect the bushes from spring frosts;
  • The berry does not need wind and rain;
  • It should not be grown in one place for more than 3-4 years. The optimal time is 2 years, so as not to accumulate fungi in the soil;
  • It is correct to plant berries in open ground in the sun. This is one of those cultures that picks up sweetness only in the rays. bright sun... In the shade, the berries will be sour, even if well watered.

Do not plant berries in open ground too close to each other. This will crush the fruit, which will be quite sour. The distance of the bushes from each other should not be less than 600 cm, preferably more, since space is important for strawberries. In this case, the garden will not suffer, and growing will turn into a pleasure.

A couple of decades ago, gardeners could not imagine that there are early ripening varieties of strawberries, now it is possible. It is advisable to grow strawberries in high ground. So - closer to the sun and watering can be carried out regularly, without thinking about whether the garden has been flooded with groundwater, which can harm the strawberry bushes.

Strawberry planting is carried out both in spring and late autumn... In November, care is carried out, which involves the preservation of the bushes until spring. This method makes it possible to get a harvest pretty soon, already at the end of May (for the southern regions of the country).

In the spring it is worth planting very early, but it is better to take into account the climatic and weather conditions so that the crop does not die.

Prepared strawberries need to be transplanted in July. This method assumes a transfer even in the rain. Do it in the evening.

It is necessary to plant only bushes with the largest size, with good roots. Such a lump is planted not very deeply on the garden bed, but not on the surface either. The method involves straightening the roots during planting. After that, you need to carry out abundant watering.

How to care for strawberries outdoors?

Strawberry care involves frequent watering. It is important to do this even more often during hot periods. It is important to add nitrogen fertilizers at the beginning and middle of the growth of bushes. For open ground, reproduction is characteristic huge amount weeds. They should be weeded regularly.

Strawberries: planting outdoors in autumn, caring for strawberries in autumn

It is also important to fight pests.

The first couple of weeks after disembarkation is the most critical. During this period, strawberry care should be carried out most intensively. Strawberries need moisture. You can water it 2 times a day. After a crucial period, it is necessary to saturate the soil under the strawberries with moisture no more than once every couple of days.

Too much "watering" the berry is not worth it. This affects disease resistance and yield. It is important to weed the plant during the growth period, constantly monitor the presence of pests on the beds, and eliminate pathogenic weeds manually.

If the strawberry leaf becomes covered with yellow spots, begins to rot, it is important to carry out the treatment against rot on time, powdery mildew, mold. In order to identify a disease, it is imperative to constantly monitor the plant, conducting vigilant control. Copper oxychloride (1 liter per bucket of water) will help in the fight against the disease. For 1 processing time, it will destroy all pests.

Malophos is very effective against the weevil and the strawberry beetle. Enough 3 tablespoons of the product in a bucket of water. If the "enemy" has completely captured the crop, transplant strawberries to a site in the distance.

So that strawberries get the most best care and humidification, you can arrange an automatic irrigation system. The drip installation, in its system, resembles rain irrigation.

As soon as small berries appear, a little dry sawdust is placed under the fruits so that the berries do not rot. When the strawberry blossoms and is already beginning to bear fruit, the mustache of the plant is removed. At full harvest, it is worth leaving only 1 mustache extending from the main bush and saving it so that a new shoot of young strawberries is born. It is important to update every couple of years.

It is important to "pack" strawberries for the winter. It is important to remove the weeds after collecting all the berries and cover the sprouts with earth, all kinds of chips. The bushes are covered with dry leaves and straw, and in spring put everything in order again.

Strawberries are thermophilic and welcome a lot of moisture. Cultivating it is not as easy as it seems at first glance. It is worth choosing the most elite varieties and planting them in open ground. Treat the berries gently, letting them take in plenty of sun and warmth for sweetness.

Planting time for strawberries

Strawberries can be planted both in spring and summer, closer to autumn. When planting in spring, in May, it is necessary to choose a time in accordance with the current weather conditions so that, if possible, spring frosts that can damage the flowers are avoided. In this case, you should not delay planting and be in time before the onset of hot weather. A bed for strawberries must be prepared in the fall, while in the spring it is not necessary to dig it up in order to avoid soil sedimentation, leading to the exposure of plant roots.

In the autumn-summer period, strawberries can be planted until the end of September, but it is better to do this in August so that the plants have time to take root and prepare for wintering. For the autumn planting of strawberries, you need to prepare in advance. To do this, at the end of June, prepare a bed by digging the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm and carefully choosing the roots of the weeds.

Place for planting strawberries

For planting strawberries, it is necessary to choose flat areas, avoid steep slopes, on which in winter the wind blows off snow, and in summer the soil dries up. Hollows and lowlands, in which water stagnates in spring and cold air accumulates, which increases the likelihood of damage to flowers by spring frosts, are also not suitable for strawberries. The groundwater level should not exceed 1m.

It is better not to re-plant strawberries in the same place or after predecessors that are susceptible to the same pests as strawberries, namely, after cucumbers, asters, lilies, gladioli. The best predecessors are lettuce, peas, celery, beans, radishes, onions, cabbage, carrots, garlic, tulips, daffodils, etc. But it is not recommended to plant strawberries after potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers. If you plant parsley on the same bed with strawberries, you can get rid of the snails.

Strawberries are very demanding on the oxygen supply of the roots, therefore, it is necessary to avoid not only waterlogging of the roots, but also to ensure that the soil is breathable and loose.

Rules for planting strawberries in the fall in open ground

To improve the nutrition of the roots with oxygen, strawberries are planted not in small mounds - the rise of the soil, but during the summer the soil is periodically loosened. Mulching the surface of the bed will avoid the formation of a crust, which makes it difficult for oxygen to enter the soil.

Strawberries, especially remontant ones, require intensive nutrition, therefore, when preparing the beds, it is necessary to add 3-4 kg of manure, 20-30 g of superphosphate, 10-15 potassium chloride, 10-20 g of ammonium nitrate. If you are late with the autumn planting, then it is better to reduce the dose of nitrogen fertilizers or eliminate it altogether and transfer the nitrogen fertilization to the spring.

The distance between plants can be maintained in the range of 20-40 cm, choosing the most convenient planting schemes for further processing. In private plots, mechanization is usually not used, so large intervals between plants are not required.

When planting, the roots of strawberries are cut only too long (more than 7-10 cm) so that they all fit vertically.

When planting strawberries, it is important to maintain the depth of planting the plant in the soil - so that the soil level is at the level of the heart - the apical bud, because when deepened, the growth of the plant slows down, and with a high planting, the roots dry out, which slows down the growth of the plant.

The easiest way is to withstand the specified planting conditions by purchasing seedlings with a closed root system - in pots or cassettes.

After planting, each plant must be watered at the rate of 1-2 liters of water for each bush.

Mulching strawberries

To reduce the number of weeds in strawberry plantings, as well as to protect the soil surface from negative impact environment and reduce moisture evaporation, use strawberry mulching.

The easiest mulching material is to use straw, sawdust, pine needles or peat.

Planting strawberries in autumn

Strawberry bushes planted in spring will begin to bear fruit only after a year, with the exception of varietal ones, which can be purchased in nurseries. Also, the disadvantage of spring planting will be the fact that in April-May they will have to be planted in unheated soil. In order to get a good harvest of strawberries next summer, it is best to start planting in the fall.

Planting time for strawberries in autumn

In fact, planting strawberry bushes is not a big deal.

Planting strawberries in the fall video

The best time for planting strawberries in autumn is the period from the first decade of August to the third decade of September. Seedlings planted at this time will have time to take root and get stronger before the onset of frost.

It is advisable to plant strawberries in moist soil, preferably after rain or after thorough watering. A wonderful option would be to plant in black soil or dark forest soil. Other soil is also suitable, since strawberries are almost unpretentious to the soil. True, strawberries planted in peat or sod-podzolic soil give a lower yield.

It should be borne in mind that it is worth changing strawberries every 3-4 years. Planting 3 beds will be optimal. In this case, the replacement of the bushes will have to be carried out once a year, but the harvest will be constant. Experts also recommend changing the location of the beds.

Choosing a site

A rich harvest can be harvested from the beds on which grain was previously grown.

Strawberries do not like lowlands and confined spaces. The southwestern part of your site will be optimal. This will promote better ripening of the berries.

You should not choose an area where potatoes have previously grown. The main reason is the likelihood of soil contamination by wireworm and Colorado potato beetle larvae. These pests are the main "enemies" of strawberries. Also, a garden bed where cucumbers, eggplants, cabbage, peppers grew will be unsuccessful. Greens, garlic, radishes, beets, and carrots are considered good "predecessors".

How to plant strawberries in the fall?

Undoubtedly, fertilization will help to increase yields. When preparing the soil, you should fertilize the bed with manure per 1 sq. meter 5 kg.

Seedlings can be grown on their own or purchased in a specialized store. For growing at home, you need to dig in an outlet as soon as the mustache leaves the main bush. The rosette will have to take root. The mustache itself must be pinched in order to stop further growth.

For a week of planting in the ground (in no case earlier), the seedlings must be placed in a damp, cool room. The root system can be treated with fungicides, which are sold at any flower shop. For planting, holes are usually pre-made at a distance of 30-40 from each other. As a rule, 2 seedling bushes are planted in one hole. Strawberries are planted deep enough to protect them from freezing at the level of the growing point (the place where the leaves extend from the root).

Avoid sun exposure during planting to prevent drying out. After planting, the beds should be watered very carefully, avoiding overflow and taking care not to damage the seedlings.

To protect plants from severe frosts, it is better to worry about the snow retention system in advance. Sufficient snow cover will prevent strawberries from dying in winter and will provide required amount moisture.

How are strawberries processed in the fall?

In the second half of October, the bed is sprinkled with peat or sawdust with a layer of 5-6 cm. In no case should the bushes and leaves themselves be covered. Such a bedding (or otherwise mulching) will help protect the horse system from frost and destroy many pests.

Many summer residents are wondering how to fertilize strawberries in the fall. Processing should be carried out within strictly defined terms:

  • nitrogen - about 80 kg / ha - one part must be applied before planting and fertilized twice during the growing season, depending on the weather;
  • potassium - 100kg / ha - 1/2 fertilizer is applied before planting, and the rest during flowering;
  • phosphorus - 50 kg / ha - is applied, if necessary, just before planting;
  • magnesium - 100kg / ha - is used to prepare the soil for planting.

Having followed all the rules, you can get an excellent harvest and pamper yourself and your loved ones with a delicious berry every year.

Seasoned gardeners and novice gardeners are looking forward to the beginning of the spring-summer berry season, which is opened by strawberries - a fragrant and tasty bright berry that looks spectacularly from under the green leaves. It fills the body weakened during the winter with antioxidants and vitamins.

Planting strawberries correctly in the fall ensures earlier and longer fruiting. Experienced gardeners share the secrets of a successful autumn planting.

Possible freezing of strawberry seedlings and loss of yield during autumn planting scares many gardeners. However, the snow shelter allows this crop to easily endure even severe frosts.

Mulching can compensate for the lack of snow and then the grower will be rewarded with a beautiful strawberry plantation in the spring.

Autumn planting has obvious advantages:

  • the best survival rate of strawberries in the soil warmed up over the summer;
  • a wide range of planting material;
  • rapid development and growth of bushes;
  • early harvest of the corresponding varieties;
  • less attention and effort required by strawberry beds.

When to plant strawberries in fall?

The beginning of autumn is traditionally considered the most suitable time for planting strawberries: the summer heat is gone, but the soil is still well warmed up, the strawberry bushes will have time to take root and get stronger before the onset of cold weather.

The peculiarities of the climate and the variety chosen by the gardener can significantly affect the planting time.

In the autumn, you can plant strawberries on the following calendar dates:

  • early planting: from mid-August to mid-September;
  • medium: from late September to mid-October;
  • late: must be completed one month before the first frost.

Early and average fit are considered more productive, and the later one is more risky, since it is sometimes very difficult to guess when the frost will begin. Strawberry seedlings damaged as a result of early freezing bear fruit worse in spring.

The best planting time can be determined based on the strawberry development cycle. At the beginning of summer, antennae appear in most of the varieties, rooting occurs in the middle and at the end, and fruit buds are formed at the beginning of autumn.

Knowing these nuances and taking into account the peculiarities of the weather in a particular region will make it possible to plant strawberries in time, which, with proper care and watering, can get stronger and acquire fruit buds before frost.

In the Urals, a suitable time for planting strawberries comes at the end of July and lasts until mid-September, in the middle lane - in September. Weather conditions in Moldova, Ukraine, southern regions of Russia allow planting strawberries until November.

In Siberia, planting must be completed before mid or late August: all attachments will be lost due to early frost.

It is categorically contraindicated to plant strawberries on a hot sunny day. Landing is not recommended even in heavy rain. Perfect option- the next day after a short rain, when the soil is sufficiently moistened, but does not stray into clods.

It is best to land in the evening and in cloudy weather in the middle of the day. It is not recommended to plant in the morning: the bright daytime sun affects the seedlings negatively.

Choosing a landing site

For strawberry beds, it is recommended to choose an open, sunny area, sheltered from the wind. The berry grown in the shade ripens slowly and gradually. taste loses significantly. On black soil, loamy and sandy loam soil, you can get a higher yield.

Swampy areas are generally not suitable for growing strawberries.

An area where green manures (cereals, legumes, some crucifers) were previously grown would be an excellent option.

If you plan a place for the autumn planting of strawberries in the spring and break beds with these crops on it, you can get a harvest of siderates and at the same time save on fertilizer for strawberries by enriching the soil with nitrogen and other nutrients.

After cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, eggplants, peppers, buttercups and Compositae crops, you should not plant strawberries: these plants have common pests that remain in the ground.

Rules for choosing good seedlings

You can use purchased ready-made varietal seedlings or rosettes and antennae from your garden for planting strawberries.

It is important that the seedlings are grown locally, as seedlings grown in warmer climates are unlikely to survive in colder regions.

Suitable for planting a strawberry seedling with 3-5 healthy formed leaves and root shoots white 7-10 centimeters long. It is worth giving preference to bushes, the diameter of the root collar of which exceeds 6 millimeters.

Ready-made seedlings, taken from neighbors or purchased, should be planted or buried as soon as possible in moist, loose soil in a shaded place.

To get high-quality planting material from your garden, it is recommended to dig in the first 2-3 tendrils extending from 1-2-year-old well-fruiting strawberry bushes.

Subsequently, planting will be more convenient if the mustache is immediately dug into a separate container for transplanting (a plastic cup, for example). The antennae growing further after rooting must be pinched off so that the resulting rosettes are well fed from the mother bush.

The complete separation of young bushes is carried out immediately before planting.

Soil preparation

On a strawberry bed, there should be fertile soil with an acidity of 5 to 6.5 units. Groundwater should not rise above 60 centimeters. During the summer season, there is a noticeable depletion of the nutrient composition of the soil, therefore Special attention before the autumn planting, you should pay attention to the preparation of the soil.

For correct preparation soil for autumn planting it is necessary:

  1. Thoroughly remove weeds from the area.
  2. Check future beds for pests. Having found adult insects or their larvae, treat the soil with ammonium nitrate or special substances for pest control sold in garden stores.
  3. Dig the area to a depth of 25-30 centimeters 2 weeks before the intended planting.
  4. Simultaneously with digging, fertilize future beds. The quantity and quality of fertilizers applied directly depends on the quality of the land. On average 1 square meter the site uses 5-20 kilograms of rotted manure. You can use compost, humus, or potash and superphosphate fertilizers.

The amount of fertilizer applied depends on the fertility of the land: the more fertile it is, the less fertilizer will be required.

The soil immediately before planting seedlings must be loosened to a depth of 15 centimeters.

Preparation of seedlings

It is best to start preparing seedlings with a visual inspection a week before the intended planting.

After that it is necessary:

  • remove excess leaves on the seedling, leaving 3-5 pieces;
  • shorten long roots up to 10 centimeters;
  • to treat fungal infection with fungicides;
  • wrap with moss or lightly sprinkle with earth from drying out and leave in a cool, dark place;
  • water the seedlings about an hour before planting, soak the roots.
  • garlic infusion - to scare off pests;
  • clay talker - to ensure better survival and protect the roots from drying out;
  • growth biostimulator - promotes rooting and further development of the bush.

The process of preparing seedlings after that can be considered complete.

Planting methods for strawberries

Strawberries can be planted in 3 patterns:

  1. Nesting. Plant 6 more bushes at a distance of 30 centimeters from the central bush at intervals of up to 45 centimeters. For subsequent reproduction by antennae, such a scheme is ideal: it provides a place for their rooting.
  2. Private. At a distance of 40-70 centimeters, bushes are planted in rows with an interval of 20-30 centimeters. This scheme is most suitable for growing strawberries on a covering material and large plantations.
  3. Carpet. Plant bushes at a distance of 20-30 centimeters with a solid carpet. This scheme is optimal for small beds.

When planting strawberries in open ground, they consistently perform the following actions:
The soil is loosened, leveled, depending on the chosen scheme, a place is marked for holes and rows.

Dig holes 10-15 centimeters deep (no less than the length of the roots), be sure to watered if strawberries are planted not after rain.

If the soil has not previously been fertilized, mix the soil from the holes with rotted manure or compost.

In the center of the holes, mounds are formed from the ground. A sapling is placed on top of a mound, its roots are spread along the slopes.

Hold the bush and carefully cover it with earth so that the root collar is at the same level with it, from which the leaves grow.

Lightly compact the earth and gently watered abundantly. To ensure the access of water and oxygen, the earth is loosened. Top mulch with humus or peat.

When planting strawberries, the use of a covering material has certain advantages:

  • preservation of moisture and looseness of the soil;
  • protection of bushes from drought, rainfall, freezing, snow;
  • no weeds;
  • protection of leaves from decay and pests;
  • counteracting the rooting of excess antennae;
  • the purity of the berries.

Such material must be replaced only once every 3-4 years, when strawberries are transplanted. The most commonly used black, colored or transparent film, lutrasil, agrospan, spunbond, roofing felt or organic mulch.

The site is covered with covering material, reinforcing the edges with stones, boards or metal staples. When pulling the covering material, you need to pay attention to its adherence to the ground.

With insufficient adhesion of the material to the ground, all its advantages are leveled. Then, using a knife above the holes, you need to make cuts and plant seedlings in them.

Care after landing

After planting seedlings, you need to ensure optimal conditions, contributing to the rapid rooting of young bushes.

This requires the completion of the following tasks:

  1. Frequent watering in the first 10 days from a watering can in small portions warm water without getting on the leaves. It is considered the best for watering morning time... After rooting, it is sufficient to water the strawberries abundantly 2-3 times a week.
  2. Removal of tendrils, cleaning of weeds.
  3. Protection of bushes from diseases and pests. For the treatment of bushes, Bordeaux liquid, copper oxychloride, Karbofos are used. You can use an organic product: in 10 liters of warm water, dilute 2 tablespoons of wood ash, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 3 tablespoons of pre-fried vegetable oil, 2 glasses of liquid soap.
  4. Before winter, it is recommended to carry out additional mulching with peat, sawdust or straw with a layer of at least 5 centimeters. The most popular and convenient material is spruce branches.

Observing all these conditions, it is easy to get sufficiently strong strawberry bushes that will get stronger and winter well.

In the spring, it is necessary to remove the mulch and the top layer of soil 3 centimeters thick to get rid of possible pests, loosen the soil well, remove dry and deformed leaves. Efforts made in the fall contribute to getting the beds ready for flowering and fruiting in the spring.


Correct planting of strawberries in the fall ensures an excellent harvest for several years. Similarly planted and garden strawberries that needs a whiter shaded area.

By applying fall planting, even beginners get a stable normal yield. The berries ripen at different times, so they are harvested every 2-3 days.

It is best to pick strawberries in the morning after the dew has subsided. At this time, it is dry, dense, and keeps cool. Damaged and rotten berries must be removed from the site to prevent the spread of disease.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Today we'll talk about planting strawberries in the fall. Strawberries are the real queen of berries. Every gardener is waiting for her appearance. This tasty and bright berry has many benefits. She ripens the very first.

It contains a large number of vitamins, so it will be very useful for a weakened body. Thanks to the favorable content of antioxidants and trace elements, it can be used as a medicine. It will help with diabetes, anemia, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis.

But the strawberry is a rather capricious plant. Newbies face many challenges. The berry bush can dry out, bear little fruit. Often it is attacked by slugs. To have less problems with a plant, it is better to plant this crop in the fall.

Planting strawberries correctly in the fall

By planting strawberries in the fall, you can harvest your first crop in summer. At spring planting As a rule, there are no berries in summer. In addition, gardeners have more time in the fall. The weather is good, there is always a lot of planting material.

Thanks to the warm weather, young bushes will root well, take root in a new place and winter well.

Planting in the fall will result in less effort by gardeners to care for the plant. They will have the opportunity to restore neglected plantations.

Strawberries need to be planted not only on time, but also right.

Planting dates for strawberries in autumn

There are three dates for the autumn planting of strawberry bushes.

Early autumn planting is from mid-August to mid-September.

In late autumn, the plant can be planted a month before frost.

Each gardener can determine the planting date independently, taking into account the development cycle of strawberries and the weather conditions of their area. Typically, most varieties of berries throw off the mustache in June-July. They take root in July-August, and fruit buds form in September-October.

Most high yields can be obtained with early fall and mid-fall planting. I prefer to plant my mustache at the end of August, so I will just do it one of these days.

Planting strawberries with a mustache is best done in the fall. The optimal period is from August 20 to September 15. It is not recommended to do this later, since the berry bushes will not get stronger and will suffer from frost. Doesn't even help protective film... After that, the plant will be difficult to grow.

An auspicious day for planting strawberries can be recognized by the gardener's lunar calendar. You should know that strawberry beds are renewed every 3-4 years. In order for strawberry bushes to give birth well, they must be transplanted gradually.

If you transplant one bed each year, you will always have a good harvest. It is best to have three strawberry beds on the site, you will transplant them every three years. The places for the beds are periodically changed.

The best predecessors for strawberries are root vegetables - beets, carrots, radishes. It will grow well after dill, celery, lettuce, garlic.

It is not recommended to plant strawberries after potatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage. If the plants have been infected with viral diseases, they will move to strawberry bushes.

Preparing the beds for planting strawberries

Strawberries have no special soil requirements. All types of soil are suitable for it. The best harvest of berries can be harvested if strawberries are grown in sandy loam, loamy soil, black soil.

Productivity will decrease if strawberry bushes are planted in peat, sandy, clay, sod-podzolic soil. The berry bush will not grow on swampy soil.

Before planting a plant, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work, improving the composition of the soil. In heavy clay soil it is best to add a little peat, manure and humus. This will improve aeration.

You can also sow siderates. Mustard and lupine are planted on the beds where they plan to grow strawberries. In the spring, they are mown and buried in, mixing with the top layer of the earth. This procedure improves the structure of the soil, enriches the soil with nitrogen.

Thanks to it, less fertilizer is required. Weeds will be easier to control. In addition, these plants are afraid of pests. Growing green manures will help gardeners save money.

If there is no time to grow green manure, 100 grams of superphosphate, 60 grams of potassium salt, 10 kilograms of humus (per square kilometer of plot) should be added to the soil before planting strawberries.

Insect pests love to feast on strawberries. The greatest danger to her is represented by wireworms, colorado beetles and strawberry nematodes. It is very important to check the future bed so that there are no pest larvae there. If you find them, you need to treat the soil with water with the addition of ammonia. It is equally important to clear the area of ​​weeds.

Strawberries prefer well-lit areas. She is a "gluttonous" berry. For normal growth and development, she needs not only good land but also compost. Vermicompost or manure, ash should be added to the soil.

Strawberry seedlings need deep and wide holes. There should be a distance of at least 30-50 cm between them. An interval of 40 cm is observed between the rows. Having taken out the soil from the holes, it must be mixed with a bucket of compost, and two glasses of rotted manure. The prepared soil is poured back into the holes, making small mounds in the center of the grooves.

Selection of planting material, preparation of seedlings

To get a good harvest of strawberries, you need to choose the right seedlings.

Preference should be given to bushes with a root collar with a diameter of more than 6 mm. The seedlings should have a fibrous root system with root processes of more than 7 cm. Good seedlings have 3-5 formed leaves and white juicy roots.

If you buy seedlings from the market or from your neighbors, they should be planted quickly. If it is not possible to plant it right away, you can dig it into moist, loose soil in a shaded area or place it in a cool room, after wrapping the roots in slightly moistened moss.

If you plant young bushes grown from seeds, then a few days before planting strawberries, the seedlings should be placed in a cool place. Before planting, the roots should be dipped in a clay talker. This will prevent them from drying out, improve their survival rate in a new place.

Rules for planting strawberry seedlings

  • Seedlings of strawberry bushes must be planted in moist soil. It is best to do this in cloudy weather in the evening.
  • During planting, the seedlings should be in the shade.
  • Too long root system shorten to 7-10 cm.
  • An hour before planting strawberry seedlings, the seedlings are well watered or soaked in a growth biostimulator.
  • Many experienced gardeners keep strawberry bushes in a garlic infusion before planting. This procedure repels pests.
  • Excess leaves on seedlings are removed.

When planting, each strawberry bush is placed on an earthen mound so that the growing point is in contact with the surface of the garden. The roots of the plant must be spread along the slopes of the mound. Holding the berry bush, it is covered with earth and spilled with water. So that the soil does not dry out, the holes of the plants that have been watered are sprinkled with earth or humus. Immediately after planting, the soil must be loosened so that water flows freely to the roots of the strawberries.

Propagation of strawberries with a mustache

You can propagate strawberries with a mustache. When fruits appear on the bush, the most promising bushes with large and healthy berries should be selected to obtain new offspring. They must be one year old or two year old.

For reproduction, rather large sockets are chosen that extend from the bushes. They are planted in a seedling pot and pinned. Leave only the largest outlets.

The creeping shoots that connect the outlet to the strawberry bush are removed. You also need to get rid of the mustache of the second, third order.

When 4-6 leaves appear in July, the remaining whiskers are cut off, the bush is transplanted to a permanent place. In this case, there is no need to remove soil residues from the roots. After transplanting, the strawberry bush must be watered.

Growing under agrofibre

By growing bushes under agrofibre, strawberries can be harvested one week earlier. After the snow melts, the berry bushes are covered with agrofibre, which will protect them from severe frosts and drafts. Thanks to him, inside the bushes there will be optimum temperature which is essential for optimal plant growth and development. In stable weather, when planting material nothing will threaten, you can remove it.

Thanks to agrofibre and tunnel delicious berry will ripen two weeks earlier. To do this, wire frames are installed in length along the strawberry rows at a distance of one meter. For this purpose, use a thick wire (4-6 mm). The frames are deepened by 25-30 cm in depth. From above they must be fastened and covered with agrofibre, burying the ends in the ground. During warm weather, the ends of the agrofibre are slightly opened for airing. In normal weather, the material is opened completely. Cover the strawberry beds with agrofibre after the plant has faded.

You can not only cover the strawberries with non-woven material, but also plant strawberry seedlings on the covering material... I often use black covering material.

For this, the prepared beds are covered with agrofibre and cross-shaped slots are made in it for planting and bushes at a distance of 40 by 40 cm.

Strawberry whiskers or seedlings are planted in these holes, watered well.

Maintenance is minimized - you need to monitor watering.

  1. Weeds do not germinate under dense fabric.
  2. Agrofiber is air and water permeable
  3. Earth temperature is several degrees higher
  4. The berries do not touch the ground - they do not rot and are always clean

Rules for caring for strawberry seedlings

After planting, strawberries are difficult to care for. Planted strawberries should have a healthy and strong root system. If flower stalks and mustaches appear on strawberry bushes, they must be removed.

The first days after planting, the berry bush needs moderate watering. The plant is watered from a watering can in small portions of water. The top layer of the earth must always be moist. Moisture helps new roots grow. Old roots help support the shrub. After ten days of watering, the amount of water is increased, but the plant is watered less frequently so that its roots absorb moisture well.

20 days after planting, the bushes will be ready for wintering. At unfavorable conditions- after 50 days.

Strawberries are not afraid of rain and frost. Dry weather poses the greatest danger to her. Before severe frosts, the bushes must be well watered.

In winter, the snow cover will protect the plant from severe frosts. If you live in a region with little snow in winter, you need to take care of the plant in advance. After planting, the area with the planted strawberries must be mulched. It is best to use pine needles as a material for mulch. It not only repels pests, but also protects the plant from diseases. If there are no needles, straw, dry foliage, hay, sawdust will do. Without shelter, the plant will die.

In early spring, the old mulch, under which it hibernated, is removed from the site. Thawed strawberry bushes are cleaned, old and deformed leaves are removed.

To remove all kinds of pests and warm the soil, remove 3 cm of the top layer of the earth. The soil is loosened well.

Take a look

Video about planting strawberries with a mustache

Planting strawberries in autumn is a guarantee of a new harvest for several years.

Planting strawberries is a difficult and painstaking process that requires a lot of knowledge and skills from the summer resident. If you follow all the rules and recommendations, you will be able to plant this plant correctly and subsequently get a good harvest. If you don't know how to properly plant strawberries, be sure to check out this article.

Strawberries can be planted in spring or early fall. It is better to carry it out as early as possible, because if you miss the moment, the seedlings can easily die. In spring, strawberries are planted in April-May, when it is not yet very hot outside.

Spring planting has a number of features: firstly, you need to prepare the soil at the end of summer, and secondly, the mustache of the plant must be perennial. Planting strawberries in the fall is best done from August 15 to September 20, so that the seedlings have time to take root and get stronger before the onset of the first cold weather. This will allow you to enjoy its fruits next summer.

Site preparation

Before planting strawberry bushes in the ground, it must be carefully prepared. It is best to place seedlings in a well-ventilated and sunny place. You will get an excellent harvest if you have previously grown garlic, onions, legumes, or beets in the garden.

Thoroughly remove the weeds from the soil, then add some organic matter in the proportion of 3 buckets per square meter. Before planting, it is necessary to soak the strawberry rosettes in the solution copper sulfate in a proportion of 30 grams per 10 liters of water. This therapy will disinfect the plant and also protect it from fungal diseases.

The sockets that you dug out of the ground should lie in the cellar or basement for at least 12-24 hours. It is very important to wrap the plant with wet paper so that it does not lose precious moisture. After that, their root system is treated with an orange clay mash. It is prepared by eye, the dry component is mixed with water until a creamy mass is obtained.

If you decide to sprout strawberries from seeds, then they must be prepared in advance. To do this, you need to adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Soak the seeds for 2-30 days in the epin mixture and succinic acid... Store all this in the refrigerator.
  2. Fill a plastic container up to the middle with flower soil, then put the seeds in it and moisten thoroughly. Close the container with a lid and place in a warm place. The first shoots will appear in a few weeks.
  3. When 2-3 leaves appear at the seedlings, they are cut and planted in separate cups.
  4. After about a month, the seedlings, together with the earth, are planted out of the cups in open ground.

General boarding rules

Planting strawberries is only necessary in shallow holes, which must be filled with water in advance. If the soil has not received any fertilizers for a long time, you can add directly to the holes wood ash or rotted humus.

The bushes should be arranged vertically, make sure that their roots are neat and evenly spaced. After that, start filling the ground so that the core of the plant is strictly at ground level.

Planting strawberries too low can rot and die. A high seating position leads to freezing during the onset of even light frosts. When you fill the holes, compact the soil around the seedlings, water the plant, and spread rotted foliage or pine needles around it.

If, after planting the strawberries, frost may occur, cover the plant with a non-woven material.


Classic strawberry planting schemes

If you are unsure of how to properly plant strawberries, try the following most effective methods.

Freestanding bushes

Planting with free-standing bushes allows you to get a large and juicy berry. For this, plants are planted at a distance of 40-60 centimeters from each other. This allows you to exclude the interlacing of knots.

When a mustache appears, they must be removed immediately so that the strawberry can develop intensively and fully. This method requires constant care, since weeds appear very quickly due to the large distance between the bushes. To reduce the rate at which they spawn, you can cover the ground with soaked straw.

Planting nests

With this method of planting strawberries, you will need 6 seedling bushes: 1 is planted in the center, the other 5 are planted at the same distance from each other. Make a small hole, 8-10 centimeters deep, and plant a bush there. This will be the base of your nest. At a distance of 25-30 centimeters, make a row of seedlings - there should be a distance of at least 8 centimeters between them.

Carpet landing

Before you start planting strawberries in this way, you must prepare the site in advance. Usually small squares of 2 * 2 or 3 * 3 meters are chosen, which are fenced with boards around the perimeter. The land must be carefully cultivated, weeds must be removed, and then humus must be added.

After that, you can proceed directly to planting: you need to plant two even rows of strawberries tightly, make a border of 50-70 centimeters and plant 2 rows of strawberries again. If the variety you have chosen gives a lot of mustache, then the distance between the beds can be increased, if a little, it can be reduced.

In straight rows

Planting in straight rows is the simplest method and does not require special training. In this case, you need to plant strawberries as follows: make one row, in which the distance between the bushes is 20-30 centimeters.

The next row can be done at a distance of 50 centimeters from the other. This is a rather laborious process that requires constant plant care. However, the bush will bear fruit perfectly for 5-6 years without losing its varietal properties.

Additional ways:

Strawberries on agrofibre
  1. The use of agrofibre - we spread it on the ground, then sprinkle it with a small amount of earth. In the places where strawberries are planted, small cuts are made in which the seedlings are placed. It is best to plant the bushes at a distance of 20-40 centimeters from each other.
  2. In open ground - a common method of planting strawberries when the beds are located in the open air.
  3. Under a black film - this planting method allows you to get a ripe crop a few days earlier. The use of this method has a serious drawback: there is a huge risk of plant burnout. Despite this, the black film attracts the sun, and the heat that heats it up improves the plant's metabolism.
  4. Planting strawberries with a mustache is best done in the fall. In the course of its life, the plant intensively develops and lets out numerous mustaches - children, which, with proper care, can also become full-fledged seedlings. Keep in mind that exceptionally large and already developed processes are suitable for subsequent reproduction.

Care after landing

Complete and proper care for strawberries will allow you to get large and juicy berries for several seasons. To protect your seedlings from pests, surround them with beds of parsley, garlic, onions, sage, spinach, or marigolds.

In the first year after planting, it is very important to remove the formed tendrils and inflorescences that prevent normal rooting. In addition, such a measure will help the plant to fully grow stronger. 15 days after planting, it is necessary to fertilize with organic or mineral fertilizing.

Remember to mulch the ground around the bushes from time to time. To scare off various pests, you can add coniferous broomsticks to the ground. You can also use soaked straw that is spread around the plant. Water the strawberries 2-3 times a week using a sprayer - a strong jet can easily damage the core and leaves. Water for irrigation should be settled and warm.