What depth to drill a well for drinking water. How to determine the depth of the well for the country area

Owners country houses Do not have the ability to connect to centralized system Water supply, which means they are forced to look for alternative solutions to the issue of water supply. The most popular ways to supply the economy with water - dug the well on the site or dried well. Wells received the greatest distribution due to certain circumstances and advantages. However, the price issue always remains relevant. How much will the well cost, if its value directly depends on the depth of drilling? And what quality water will be in it?

Location selection for well

The choice of a place for the well is based on the geology of the site, the peculiarities of its relief, the analysis of adjacent territories. The depth of the water and the quality of the produced liquid depends on the aquifer in the thickness of the Earth. Specialists with a licensed firm who have permission to fulfill such work should be engaged in collecting information and study. But every owner who is going to boot the well, it is necessary to know some criteria for choosing a place. So, prohibited drilling near:

  • cemeteries;
  • spontaneous garbage dumps;
  • agricultural fields treated with herbicides and nitrate fertilizers;
  • industrial factories and factories.

How to measure the depth of the well? In the process of researching the site produces trial drilling to study the composition of the soil and determine at what depth is the aquifer layer. For each specific case, it is individually. Two neighbors depth of wells can be different. To determine whether water is from the reached source to drinking or technical, it is sent to check in the laboratory. The analysis will show the number of impurities, bacteria, ammonia, metal, insoluble substances, toxins, and so on.


To answer the question - to which the depth to drill a well, you need to deal with a variety of aquifers and their features. There are three main aquifers from which water is taken for hygienic and economic needs:

  1. The depth of the rigor varies within 4-7 meters. Due to the absence of a resistant waterproof layer, this water is mainly used for technical needs, watering. From this layer, water often goes muddy, with sand and other impurities.
  2. The depth of groundwater is 10-18 meters, but can be significantly higher. Used in everyday life and drinking water is more often taken from this vein. Groundwater, past filters in the well, have a higher quality than well. However, this does not exclude the presence of harmful and dangerous impurities. Water from any aquifer must be checked for compliance with SES requirements in special licensed laboratories.
  3. Third aquifer - artesian water. There is no accurate information that the depth of the natural surgeon of artesian water should be. It is believed that the depth of the layer of layer ranges from 25-40 meters, but it can deepen up to 60 m. Much depends on the terrain. Water from a third aquifer, referred to as natural, the cleanest and useful.

In accordance with three aquifers, three types of wells are distinguished:

In the sand

Used screw drilling Until the first along the path of the aquifer bora. The usual depth of the well on the sand is 15-30 meters. The design itself is a long pipe with a cross section from 10 cm. At the end of the pipe perforated and wrapped with a finelyeted gaynet mesh. The filter is installed in a layer of coarse sand. Debit wells on the sand, that is, the volume of recoverable water per unit of time is about 0.5-1.2 m³ / hour. The life of this type of well is quite small - 5-10 years in case of continuous use. If you drill it on a non-residential dacha or in a seasonal house, the device will be unusable for 2-3 years.


Wells on limestone can reach 100 meters deep. The goal of drilling is to reach the reservoir of porous aquiferous limestone carrying very clean drinking water. The latter passes natural mineralization, and therefore is useful for health. Represents a long closed casingSo that the propeller does not fall inside, and the perforated filter for the fence of the liquid. The bike of the artesian well is within 3-10 cubic meters per hour. This means that the water will not disappear on your site the next 60-70 years even with the strongest droughts. The only drawback is a high cost. Often, with the goal of savings, neighbors are a borehole on limestone into several houses.

Abyssinian well

The simplest and cheapest view of wells. It has another name "well-needle". It is long inch tube With a needle tip and filter for water intake. Deeperate by drilling or clogging into the soil at 8-30 meters. Removing water occurs with the participation of the pump, which does not raise water from the depth of more than 8 meters. Suitable for plots with light soils without stones. Piezometric level should not exceed 8 meters.

How to find out the depth of the well?

To find out the depth of water, conduct research work with trial drilling. It also happens that it takes several goals as long as the aquifer is removed. If you arrange on own plot Not an artesian well, but Abyssinian or on the sand, make the log of records. This is necessary to fix indicators in all stages of work on the well:

  • marks about changing rocks at a fixed depth;
  • depth of the rigor;
  • depth of grounding of soil layers of fluid;
  • depth of soil flushing;
  • the speed of absorption of the revolving fluid, etc.

The aquifer (if it is not an artesian well) consists of loose fine sand, on both sides of the fenced with dense loam and clay. If the car reached the veins, it is impossible to stop the work. It is necessary to deepen 1-2 meters from the beginning of the water layer, and the fluid itself take on the examination. The data on the well is important to preserve, because its service life usually does not exceed 10 years. If in the future you will need to drill a new one, the records can be useful. Upon completion of drilling and installation of the design, water needs to be checked for six months each month. If during this time changes will not be fixed, water can be safely used further.


Owners of private houses by law have the right to extract any minerals on their own sections, including water. Legislative, without the need to prepare the documentation and take permission, everyone has the right to dig well or drill a well to five meters. But now you know how to find out the depth of water in the thicker of the Earth, and therefore you know that five meters are not enough. At your own fear and risk can be drilled well without permission. But after, be prepared that one day the check will come up and the penalty will write down. Therefore, accommodate yourself - get permission and take water from the layers of dealer.

Equipment on panstone Water wells - a difficult task. Therefore, it is unacceptable to start it without attracting qualified specialists.

Well drilling - preparatory stage

Even on the territory of one land plot, the uneven arrangements of the aquifers are not excluded. Therefore, the choice of space for the drilling of the well is a rather complicated, multistage process, requiring the participation of highly qualified specialists.

And before it is to determine the depth of drilling well in the final version, special preparatory workcomprising, including the study of the specifics of the relief and the structure of the soil, trial drilling, a chemical analysis of water obtained during trial drilling.

The level of aquifer during the drilling of the well

The level of depth of the future well (artesian or sandy) is determined by the depth of the underground water layers, and based on the tasks that the planned hydraulic structure will perform (watering, technical goals, eating). It is important and the fact of accommodation next to the planned borehole swamps, industrial enterprises, burial sites, farmland, often treated with pesticides and pesticides.

Formed on the basis of sedimentary and melting water, the surface of the aquifer is called the rigor. The depth of its location is no more than 5 meters. It is traditionally believed to the category of unstable sources, since as a result of long drought or low winter temperatures, such water can "leave".

As for the quality of the waterpower water, it is very low, with the content of a significant number of unwanted impurities and microorganisms entering the water from the surface of the soil. Nevertheless, if necessary, and this aquifer can be used for equipment shallow wells for technical purposes (watering, cleaning, etc.).

At a depth of 10 m from the surface, the next aquifer is located on the upper waterproof reservoir of the soil - groundwater. This is the result of the filtration of waste and mavel Water, and so penetration into the soil of moisture from the nearby water bodies. Such water can be used for economic purposes, but is not always suitable for drinking and cooking. Since Telle I. wastewaterPenetrating on this depth is not filtered and may contain harmful impurities. As a result, water from the well depth of no more than 10 meters may be muddy, have an unpleasant color and smell. Most often this happens if the well is located next to the marsh or industrial zone.

Below, between two waterproof reservoirs, at a depth of up to 100 m, the following, third aquifer - inter-plastic waters are located. Such water is fully suitable for drinking and cooking. At the same time, its quality is the higher, the more significant the depth of the layer. Optimal option Wells are considered to be depth no more than 50 m. Such depth guarantees the excellent water quality and the durability of the well (over 40-45 years).

It is important to remember that when drilling wells depth from 10-20 or more meters, the upper aquifers are made to isolate with a pipe or special structures that hinder the water in the well of them.

About the useful qualities of artesian water

Water is recognized as the highest quality. This powerful layer is at a depth of 100 meters. At the same time, artesian wells are known for a depth of more than 300 m. For drilling of artesian wells applied special equipment. Water in them differs not only by exceptional purity and high taste properties, but also, often, the content of useful mineral salts.

However, regardless of the depth of the well, and the used aquifer, before using water for economic needs or cooking, it is necessary to conduct it laboratory research To eliminate the content of pathogenic bacteria and harmful impurities in it.

Many doctors say that the water from the well is the most useful. It passes natural filtration. Due to the fact that her river flows underground, there are no impurities of dust, dirt, harmful elements that are on the ground surface.

If you are owner own house Or cottages, you are very lucky, because you have the opportunity to drill a well. It is quite difficult to do it yourself. It is better to rely on specialists in this case. But the cost of such works depends on the depth of the well, and it is quite difficult to check the metra. Most people have no choice but to believe in the word employees. Of course, there is another option: following the advice, independently check the depth of the well after drilling.

In addition to controlling the cost of work, the channel parameters should be aware in order to properly install the pumping equipment. Specialists in the field of drilling of wells are mandatory guarantee the provision of a passport to it. It also contains opening parameters.

In order to check the depth of the well after drilling, it is necessary:

  1. The presence of a passport.
  2. The presence of the pump.
  3. Measuring tool.
  4. Weight for immersion meter.
  5. Rope.

The presence of a passport will help you navigate in exemplary well parameters.

In addition, it contains certain information:

  1. Water location level.
  2. Depth indicators.
  3. Casual tube in diameter.
  4. The limit of the water filling maximum.

If there are no passports in the presence, it happens with independent drilling without permission of the authorities, it will be a little more difficult to measure these indicators.

The procedure for measuring depth

So that measurements of measurements are as accurate as possible, it follows in such work at a certain time of the year at a certain temperature.

Best do it in the second half summer period With calm dry weather.


  • Measure the size of the hole radius.
  • Secure the cradle on the edge of the rope.
  • Immerse the rope until you make sure the weightlifier touched the bottom.
  • Extending the rope, you will see the water level and the actual depth.

Thus, you can define statistical depths. There is a concept - dynamic depth indicators.

To measure dynamic data, you need to use pumping equipment. The process itself is simple enough. Its essence is that the pumping equipment pumps all the water from the well, after that the rope for measurements is lowered into the hole. At the bottom there will still be a certain amount of water - this will be the dynamic data.

Important! Do not forget to wear hoses on the edge of the pump, the filtration grid. It is necessary that the dirt does not get into the equipment.

How to determine the necessary depth?

Determine the depth of drilling well for water is quite simple. When the first aquifer is achieved, water samples are examined. If there are no harmful elements in the results, the depth is considered sufficient. If they are, the depth continues to increase.

The location of natural sources in the context

If work is carried out by specialists, they are already familiar with the exemplary parameters, based on the geological map of the area. If you do this yourself, you will learn exactly the exact parameters when the final layer is reached.

Determination of the depth of the well using the logging cable

Check yourself, on which depth you drown a well with another popular method. For this method, it is necessary to have a logging cable with magnetic marks located with a specific interval. It is they who provide information on deep dive performance. The screen located on the top of the cable reads this data. If the depth is at the level between the marks, its indicators are determined using special cable marks.

Determination of the depth of the well withacoustic depthinera

The scheme of the device is very simple, but it is one of the most accurate ways. In addition, he is the easiest to work. This device can be leased.

The essence of the work is that the device sends deep downhole signal waves. They are reflected from the bottom and come back. Using the formulas made, the deep indicators are calculated.

Acoustic depth heel

Cost of work

When issuing a passport on the well, it is customary to believe the indicators specified in it, but it is better to check everything alone.

If you do not want to spend your time on rechecking parameters, it is better to contact well-known firms with extensive experience and good reputation.

The cost depends on the parameters. It is calculated only after the end of the work. Initially, you may say approximate costBased on the geological map and other data. The exact price is determined by how much special rod elements were used.

It is precisely the number of these elements that you should control.

The process of measuring the depth of the well using drilling rods is shown in the video below.

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The drilling of the well in the country site will provide its owners with water required for personal purposes and watering. Own source will make it possible to build an independent water supply. However, there are cases when the production of production does not give results. How to avoid similar "missing"? After all, the drillings will have to pay, even if the water is not.

We will tell you in small detailsHow to find water for the well. We introduce all possible methods for finding this mineral. Submit technologies used on an industrial scale, and folk ways determining the presence of underground water.

For a thorough study of the topic, we have collected and systematized the information deserving information available on the network. The information presented to consideration is supplemented with photos, graphic illustrations and video reviews.

Before you begin searching for water under the well, you should record the presence of such underground resources and determine which depth of grounding on the selected area of \u200b\u200bthe aquifer.

Depending on the location and depth of the groundwater, three types are divided:

  • Verkhovodka - Slies within 2-5 meters from the surface. It is formed as a result of the filtration of atmospheric precipitation. Due to the shallow occurrence, this type of water can fluctuate: it is increased after falling out of precipitation, then drop into a dry period.
  • Groundwater - aquifer horizons in sedimentary rocks that occur around the region of 8-40 meters from the surface. From above, they are protected by several layers of rocks, therefore do not depend on the change of seasons of the year. Sometimes they are in lowering relief, they independently make their way to sprinkles supplying delicious clean water.
  • Artesian waters - most often locked up at a depth of over 40 meters. They are distributed over cracks in rock limestone. Water is characterized by the presence of mineral salts and the absence of a clay suspension. Debit of artesian wells is quite stable.

The key value has high-quality and quantitative parameters of the aquifer.

The fatty of the Earth is formed from rocks, one of which prevent moisture penetration - waterproof, and others, on the contrary, form aquifer

To identify perspective parts of the sections, the electrical sensing method is most often used. It is carried out by vertical suction of the soil. Specific electrical resistance of rocks and underground aquifers vary.

So, saturated with water The soils have lower electrical resistance than the mineral skeleton of low-voltage rocks.

With the help of current recorders, you can define resistance on each horizon, designating the areas where the underground water layer is present.

The only disadvantage of this method is that there is always the likelihood of the calculation error subject to the presence of iron ore deposits in the soil or close location metal fences and railway networks.

Seismic intelligence technology

The method of seismic exploration is based on the measurement of the kinematics of the waves. Using devices, the places where an increased seismic background is observed, the peak values \u200b\u200bof which reaches frequencies from 4 to 15 Hz.

The essence of seismic exploration is that first measurements are carried out on the territory located in close proximity to the place of groundwater search, which has a similar geological section.

Directionally directed by the generated waves, reaching a rock, which differs from the above-visited layers, like an echo reflects up. Then, within an hour, the same measurements are carried out in the area of \u200b\u200bgroundwater search area.

The depth of the reflective boundary is calculated based on the obtained values \u200b\u200bof sensitive devices of seismic receivers. The presence of artesian waters is judged by an increase of 5-10 times the level of seismic background in the area of \u200b\u200bthe studied sites.

Frequency values \u200b\u200bwithin 4-15 Hz, which exceed the level of the natural background of the Earth, arise due to the fact that the water filled with water is a more dense medium for passing the acoustic medium.

When passing acoustic waves through liquids having a greater density, a change towards high frequencies occurs.

Drilling of exploration workings

This method allows you to accurately determine the formative sections of geological rocks. But since he implies great financial costs, it is used only in situations when it is planned to equip a large water intake designed for several houses.

To increase the reliability of research in the designated place for the search for groundwater, drilling two or three exploration wells

Experts allocate three methods of exploration drilling:

  • Column - It is used when drilling at great depths. The principle of operation is based on the fact that the rotating column tube, the end of which is equipped with a drilling crown, cuts through the breed. And then the destroyed breed under the pressure of the washing mortar tube compressed air Pushes on the surface.
  • Rotary - based on the transfer of rotational motion on the drilling column through the surface rotor. This type of drilling is accompanied by washing the bottom of the breed with a special solution or ordinary water.
  • Shock-rope - Works through the destruction of breeds under the action of a falling drilling projectile, the end of which is fixed on the rope. The tool simply chips the breed and grinds the soil, and then with the help of the ulcement extract it to the surface.

The choice of drilling method and depends on the type of breed, the depth of the reservoir or lens and the financial capabilities of the customer. But the speed of drilling and performance in this plan wins rotational methods.

The price of an exploration well is determined by multiplying the value of one running meter To the depth of the trunk. The total amount is calculated on the basis of the complexity of the penetration, the diameter of the trunk and the need to use casing.

Hydrogeological data obtained by bored wells are taken into account in the preparation of the forecast estimate of the perspective area. They help to explore the change in the properties of water-based rocks in a vertical section.

Stroke wells do it yourself

But drilling of exploration wells is a pretty expensive method. It can afford not many of the owners of country sites. As an alternative, trial drilling can be performed independently by applying auke fashion.

This method is similar to putting the hole in the thicker of ice during winter fishing. The vintage design is simply screwed into the ground. When removing the screw blades, the shredded breed is taken with them.

The screw way of drilling involves the burst of the soil and the immersion of it in it, with the help of which the soil and extracts outward

For work, a screw will be required with blades equipped with a drill head. You can purchase such a screw tool in any construction store. Includes a set of rods, which are convenient to use for building construction as the soil are gluable.

Work is performed in such a sequence:

  1. In the selected area, the guide pit of a depth of 60-80 cm is digging.
  2. The auger is lowered into the pit and start rotating, blocking the drill head.
  3. After the screw rod passes 1-2 meters deep into the soil, remove the bur, removing the loose ground. As the vintage structure is moving, it is important to monitor the verticality of the well position.
  4. When the auger reaches the depth, on which it is already inconvenient to work, the design is increased by a drilling rod. Simultaneously with the implementation of drilling under the action of centrifugal force, the walls of the well occur.
  5. Drilling is performed until the screw rod reaches the aquifer.

The generated soil is transported using the same auger, which is a single screw conveyor, to the surface. At the same time, the ground-up soil due to the friction force strengthens the walls of the barrel. This reduces costs when drilling plastic soils, since there is no need to use casing pipes.

But it should be borne in mind that a screw method is effective only when searching for groundwater, the level of occurrence of which does not exceed 50 meters, and the rocks relate to plastic and loose categories.

Folk ways to determine

It is possible to produce intelligence in the search for aquifer for or a well-needle, even if there are no landmarks on the surrounding sites.

Orientation by natural features

Signs of the presence in the soil of aquifer can be:

  • Observation of animal and insect behavior. Moshkara pillars go in the place where there is a source of water, and red-haired ants, on the contrary, try to settle from it away.
  • Large distribution in the districts of moisture-loving plants.

The indicators of the close arrangement of groundwater from herbaceous plants are nettle, horsetails, and sorrel, reed. Tree plants with rod root such as cherry, Iva, birch, black poplar, Sarsazan will indicate that water lies at a depth of 7 meters.

In a hot noon, the animals are digging the land in search of coolness in those places where groundwater is close to the surface

For soil and underlying its rocks, under the thickness of which the source passes, is characteristic increased humidity. It will certainly evaporate, forming the fog clouds in the morning; It is only necessary to observe the terrain.

Pay attention also to the relief. It is observed that the waterpaths occur almost horizontally. Therefore, in the area of \u200b\u200bVpadin, the likelihood of water is always higher.

With the help of a biological frame

It does not lose popularity and an old method based on the biological effect, in which a person reacts to the presence of water and other bodies in the ground, creating in its thickness of the inhomogeneity of various configurations and sizes.

When searching for water to choose a place under the area by a biological method, a wire frame is a wire frame or a wooded branch with a developer in the hands of a person operator. It is capable of determining the presence of aquifer, despite even to separating the soil layer.

Biolocation - the ability of the framework to come into motion under the influence of external factors, for example, vibrate and approach each other over the places where the keys beat

Biolocation frames can be made from calibrated aluminum, steel or copper wire with a diameter of 2-5 mm. For this, the ends of the segments of the wire with a length of 40-50 cm bend at a right angle, giving them a M-shaped form. The length of the sensitive shoulder will be 30-35 cm, and the handles are 10-15 cm.

The task of the operator is to provide free rotation of the "tool". To facilitate the task, put on the curved ends of the wire wooden handles.

Bending hands at a right angle and taking a tool for the wooden handles, you need to slightly tilt them from yourself so that the wire rods become like a continuation of the hands.

To achieve the goal, you must consciously tune in and clearly formulate the task. After that, you only need to slowly move around the site and monitor the rotation of the framework.

In the place of the site where underground water is hidden, the frame rods will crush each other. The operator should mark this point and continue the study, but already moving in a perpendicular direction relative to the initial line of movement. At the point of intersection of the found marks, the desired source will be located.

The biological frameworks will react, connecting between themselves the ends in the place where aquifers are held on the plot.

It's believed that best time To search for water by biolocation is summer or early autumn. Most favorable periods:

  • from 5 to 6 in the morning;
  • from 16 to 17 days;
  • from 20 to 21 pm;
  • from 24 to 1 o'clock in the morning.

M-shaped framework is convenient to use in field conditionsbut in the absence of wind. To work with the instrument, you need experience and skill. After all, the deflection of the frame may even depend on emotional state Operator.

For the same reason, before work with the framework it is better to refrain from use alcoholic beverages. Before you begin searching, you need to learn how to work with a biolocator and "hear" it. Due to this, in the process of searching for water for the well operator, it will not even distract even the presence of closed water pipes.

But it is worth noting that the folk methods cannot give a 100% guarantee of obtaining the expected result. After all, even with a successful outcome, there is always a risk of obtaining with low productivity.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Tips for beginners how to determine the place under the arrangement of the well and driving it with your own hands:

Intelligence drilling with the use of probe:

To such a responsible event, as a water search for a well, it is worth up with all seriousness, applying for this purpose. modern methods Intelligence, or entail this work to professionals.

Want to tell how to choose a place to drill well on your own site or ask a question? Please write comments below the block below. Here you can also subside with us and with site visitors if you disagree with the information provided.

Every person who lives away from the city tries to secure normal life. This will require: sewage, electricity and water supply.
The latter on the country site is possible only under certain circumstances. There are wells, but there are wells.
The depth of the well for drinking water May be different.

What is a squabble

Before disassembled, what depth should be a well to water on the country site, you need to determine what it is.

  • It is one of the types of well.
  • It is a pipe well.
  • It has a small diameter, but can have a greater depth, watch the photo.


  • It can be different, which is intended for various needs.
  • There are such: for washing, for watering, to provide water (drinking) and so on.
  • The depth of construction depends on this.
  • There are those that can not be used all year round.
  • For example, they can be seasonal, which are used only at a certain time of the year.
  • There are those that can be applied on the site all year round.

Council. Before designing a well on a country site, you need to determine which item will require a design and for what time it will be operated.

What depends the depth of the well

There are several factors that affect the depth of the well on the countryside:

  • The location of the aquifer, which is necessary to ensure the needs.
  • What quality should be water.

Read more:

  • Each site has its own places where the aquifers are located.
  • They can be located in each area at completely different depths.
  • The terrain plays a major role in the construction.

Note. If it is flat, then there is a high probability that water will be throughout the perimeter of the site. If the locality with the hills, then water is only in certain places.

  • For example, if there are hills on the site, it is not recommended to drill on top of the hill.
  • It is due to the fact that water relief area on the surface exactly repeats all the layers of soil at depth.
  • So the water will be at great depth.
  • It is best to drill in lowlands or on a small slope.

How to determine the optimal depth of the well

The depth of drilling wells on water can be different and immediately need to determine it for its needs.

As you can independently define the depth of the well:

  • In order to determine the optimal well depth on the country site independently you can use several methods.
  • There are many people will accept.
  • Also use a special framework, which will indicate the presence of aquifer on the site.
  • Only with such methods it is impossible to determine exactly the depth. There are some errors.
  • For this reason, exploration drilling began to use.
  • This method allows you to accurately determine the depth of finding aquifer.
  • It is performed using a bora and work only specialists.

Note. Why do you need to entrust exploratory drilling professionals? It is determined by the fact that only they can perform work in such a way that the ground and terrain requires on the site.

  • In the event that exploratory drilling work is performed not by professionals, that is, the likelihood that in the process it will catch up with sand after reaching the aquifer.

Council. In order to save time and money, you can use the services of geodesy service.

Read more about Geodesy:

  • What is geodesy? This is a complete analysis of the state of the soil and its layers.
  • It helps to determine exactly at what depth is a aquifer.
  • The price of such services is not too high.
  • It is not necessary to spend money on exploration drilling, but to shut down according to exact parameters.

Attention! Well, the presence and depth of the rigor helps to identify lakes or any other reservoirs that are close to country plot.

  • There are special equipment.
  • With it, the pressure on the shore of the reservoir is determined.
  • Then the device passes through the site.
  • If somewhere there is a deviation of 0.5 on the sensor, then there is water here.

Note. But here it is also not to do without additional exploration drilling.

What depth can be a well to water

The water well depth depends on what quality and in what quantity water is required.
Well can be:

  • Permitted depth.
  • The deep must be registered in the relevant state organizations.
  • The permitted is the depth of the structure that does not allow the use of natural and unique land of the earth.
  • The depth that will need to register can be quite large and for this reason the use of natural depth depths of the soil requires registration and a certain payment.

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  • As a rule, both the well need to register.
  • To use them, it is necessary to pay a fixed amount of tax every year.
  • Only it directly depends on what depth design.

Note. The allowed depth of the water well begins from 5 m and ends 20. In some regions, the allowed depth reaches 40 m.

There are wells:

  • Ripowing.
  • On the sand.
  • On gravel.
  • On limestone.
  • Artesian.

As a rule, the depth happens:

  • Ripper - 5-6 m.
  • On the sand - 8-10 m.
  • On gravel - 12-17 m.
  • On limestone - 15-45 m.
  • Artesian - 50-80 m.

Attention! From what depth is water and its quality depends.

Consider a Read more:

  • The most optimal for watering is the ridder. Water in it is not very clean, but quite suitable for watering of vegetable garden or garden.
    When it is arranged, you still need to use filtering equipment. Only it should be with coarse filters (see) so that abrasive particles do not lead it to disrepair.
    Also do not forget about the applied station, which will provide water supply.
  • A cleaner is considered a well on sand. It is due to the fact that the sand is a natural filter.
    It does not make it possible to penetrate the stones and impurities of metals into the water. It also recommended to use powerful filtering equipment.
  • In the third place for cleanliness is a well on gravel. It is also considered a filter.
    Water is already without impurities of certain impurities and sand. In some cases it is the hit to enter the source. But this may only testify that the well was drilled incorrectly or not so pumped.

Council. After drilling it costs to pump it well. Sometimes it is not enough of even several pumping water with sand goes for some time. Here specialists advise except one filter station to establish additional similar equipment.

  • A cleaner is considered a well to limestone. It goes not only without sand, but also without impurities of metals.
    Water quality is several times higher than that of previous types of design. It requires registration in some regions, as it is a natural source.
  • Artesian deep wells For water are considered the most clean. They also require the use of filter equipment.
    The designs of this type are used only for industrial production. Of these, purified water is extracted for the manufacture of products or for sale.
    Water from such a source is useful. It is saturated with iodine and has high technical indicators. Some doctors use artesian sources for the treatment of patients and so on.

Council. Artesian wells require special permission to build and state registration.
The tax for using such a source is quite high. For this reason, the design on the country site will be unprofitable.

You can get around all these bureaucratic procedures and make the artesian well with your own hands and do not register it, only then numerous fines for non-compliance with legislation and other compulsory taxes will be exhibited.

How to make a well yourself

Initially need:

  • Determine the depth.
  • Create its project with complete arrangement.
  • Determine the optimal equipment for its construction.
  • Count number required material and equipment for the full operation of the source.

The depth of the well on the country site

Immediately determined:

  • What period will the source be used.
  • What quality is required water.
  • For what purposes the well is used.

Council. It is best if the depth of the well under drinking water will be more and reach 20-40 m.

  • At a lesser depth are seasonal wells.
  • For greater - all year round are used.

Project preparation

In order to make a project, you do not need to have a special experience.
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  • Initially determines the depth of the well.
  • Then the material is determined for its internal and external arrangement.
  • Pumping and filter equipment for normal water supply is selected.
  • The project indicates the amount of material and its cost.

Equipment for well drilling equipment

In order to drill a well use:

  • Manual borants.
  • Drilling columns.
  • Drilling rigs.

  • Manual boys are used at a depth of 5 m and up to 10m.
  • Drilling columns are used from 15 to 40-45 m.
  • Drilling rigs are already used from 50 m and deeper. They are considered more powerful.

The process of the construction of the well

After all the work on the preparation of equipment and material for the arrangement of the well are completed, go to drilling.

  • For such works there are instructions. All programmed tools are used: shovels, scrap, buckets, and so on.
  • Initially, the surface digs up in diameter at least 1m and depth of 50 cm.
  • Then in the center is inserted manual bur And they work until it becomes difficult to pull out the land.
  • After that you need to use drilling columns. Only a few people can rotate their valve. One with such works will not cope.
  • The principle of work of the Bura is that it is able to push the ground to the surface
  • Buryat to the desired depth until water appears.
  • Then her with help pumping equipment pumped out.
  • Then the water is recruited again and check its quality.
  • After the filter equipment is installed and executed.

The video in this article shows the process of drilling well. It is necessary to drill a well one day.
Otherwise there may be structural collaborations, and you will have to perform all the work again, but already elsewhere.