What do budgerigars eat? Complex feeding of budgerigars

Budgerigars are very active birds, in the wild they manage to quickly adapt to weather and territorial conditions. Therefore, the daily diet of wild wavy is extremely diverse: fresh shoots / buds of trees and shrubs, grass seeds and all kinds of grains from farm fields, fruits, berries, and as a drink, if there are no bodies of water nearby, parrots are content with dew or juicy fruits and young grass.

Budgerigars peel each grain of the shell, so the appearance of a full feeder can be created, although in fact it is already empty there.

The grain mixture must be kept in the trough at all times.

  1. Sprouted feed- a very useful and rich in vitamins "live" product. In this form, the grain is very well digested, and the bird receives great amount macro- and microelements, as well as vitamins.

Unlike everyday food, the soaking mixture itself has a more complex composition in terms of components: chickpeas, mung bean, green and red lentils, oats, wheat, alfalfa, barley, rapeseed, safflower, millet, sunflower seeds, vetch, sorghum, sesame seeds, buckwheat , chumiza and mogar.

How many times a week to give sprouted food depends on the age of the parrot: before the first molt -1 teaspoon 2 times a week, after it - less often, since the swollen nutritious grains stimulate the production of sex hormones.

Flax and hemp seeds should not be involved in soaking!

  1. Mineral mixture- necessary for correct formation skeleton and feathers. This irreplaceable assistant in improving the digestion of poultry.

Compound mineral mixture: 70% shell rock, 30% crushed chalk, fraction 2-3 mm, boiled egg shells and charcoal ratio 1: 1. You can buy mineral mix at a pet store. Sometimes it includes oyster shells, corals, pine nut shells, fine sandstone and sea shells.

During the molting period, sulfur should be added to the mixture (for 2 teaspoons of the mineral mixture - a small pinch of sulfur).

The constant presence of the mixture in a separate feeder (2-3 teaspoons with replacement every 1-2 weeks).

  1. Mineral stone and sepia (cuttlefish shell)- enrich the body of a parrot with calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, the bird also willingly grinds its beak about them.
  2. Porridge- improve metabolism, a rich source of trace elements, cook in water (buckwheat / oatmeal / rolled oats / lentils - cook for 10 minutes, but you can also steam it, pearl barley - 30 min., Barley / corn / wheat / millet / rice - 20 min.). Calculation: 2 teaspoons per bird, the porridge should be warm, in a separate feeder. Feed 3 times a week.
  3. Fruits and vegetables- an irreplaceable source of vitamins. you will find complete list permitted foods for budgerigars. You can feed them several times a day.

7. Greenery- tops of carrots, peas, hedgehog, barnyard, strawberry leaves, ivan tea, canary grass, chicken millet, flax, foxtail, mung bean, woodlice, clover, bluegrass, oats, dandelion, shepherd's purse, nasturtium, perennial chaff, plantain, marsh grass , millet, wheat, creeping wheatgrass, chamomile, lettuce, leaf lettuce, whitewash, knotweed, timothy grass, chicory, spring and autumn willow leaves, thin branches of young trees with buds and leaves. During the cold season, you can use your parrot's food to grow fresh greens.

If you are not sure whether it is possible to give this or that grass to the parrot, do not give it.

List of herbs that are not allowed for parrots: basil, St. John's wort, cilantro, onion, buttercup, parsley, tansy, wormwood, celery, yarrow, dill, horsetail, celandine, sorrel, hyssop.

8.Branches fruit trees - budgies are lovers of chewing on everything and this will be the best and most useful option for them.

Get "nibbles" should be away from roads and industrial areas. At home, soak the branches for 4 hours in water, wash well and pour over boiling water. The use of any detergents is dangerous to the life of the bird. There should be no tree resin on the branches.

You can branches: apple, currant, mountain ash, alder, citrus, birch, linden, maple, willow, chestnut, cherry, alder, rowan, plum, viburnum, beech, hornbeam, hawthorn, sea buckthorn, red chokeberry and hazel.

You cannot give branches: lilac, elderberry, conifers, bird cherry, acacia, coffee tree and oak.

9. Treats- it is worth pampering our pets only with natural products.

What can be fed: red millet with spikelets, chumiza, paiza, mogar and senegalese millet. If you give in excess, the bird will refuse to eat food, but will only wait for treats. If it is a spikelet, then it is enough to give one small sprig-ball per day.

It is categorically impossible: nuts, cones, seeds and grains (some of them are present in the main feed, but in minimal quantities, since they are very nutritious and contain fats and to a greater extent affect the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract). Also, do not buy all kinds of sticks (egg, honey, grain) - they contain a lot of sugar, dyes, dry vitamins, preservatives and grain of dubious quality.

What you can't feed budgies

List of prohibited foods: salt, sugar, bread, nuts and seeds, milk, dairy products, cheese, sausage, meat, fish, mushrooms, coffee, chocolate, chips, alcohol, fruits prohibited for birds, vegetables and herbs, canned foods, boiled vegetables, food from mouth of a person.

The diet of small chicks before the first molt (3-4 months) differs only in that it is added boiled egg and cottage cheese, as well as sprouted grains in much larger quantities.

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Birds often become favorite pets. Keeping parrots at home can be a daunting task. Experts recommend choosing the right type of bird and getting acquainted with the basic principles of its nutrition.

Which bird to choose?

All parrots that can be kept at home are conventionally divided into small and large varieties. The first group includes budgerigars, lovebirds, cockatiels; to the second - gray, Amazons, cockatoo and macaw. Now you can get acquainted with what each species eats.


This is the most famous breed, which is easily adaptable to domestic conditions, which also contributes to their breeding. Its representatives are different a wide range colors and get used to various tricks.

What is the food for this type of parrot? Food preferences and specific recommendations are presented as follows:

  • The basis of the diet is a grain complex. It should be 70% millet, 10% oats. The rest is a prefabricated blend of linseed, hemp, canary seed and wheat. It must be ensured that the base (millet) is compiled different kinds grains - yellow, black, white, red.
  • A portion of feed should not exceed two teaspoons, the bird does not need to overeat.
  • The high fat content of nuts and seeds prevents budgerigars from eating them.
  • What to feed budgies except food? Sprouted grains of wheat or oats can be fed to pets, which improves the absorption of vitamins and nutrients.
  • Birds should be fed with green food. This group includes young shoots of grass, lettuce, spinach, radish tops, clover, dandelion.
  • Fruits - apples and carrots - are an important part of a complete poultry menu.
  • Organic sand is a mineral supplement that is formed from crushed oyster shells. Inorganic sand realizes the functions of gastroliths and normalizes digestion. You can find similar substances at your pet store.
  • Sepia and mineral stone. These substances are necessary for a full-fledged metabolism, the growth of feathers and bones. They play a key role in the laying of eggs. Sepia is part of the skeleton of a cuttlefish. The substance must always be present in the cage, the birds replenish their supply of minerals and undermine the beak.


Playful, lively, beautiful and unpretentious birds. They are small in size and bright in color. Females and males choose each other for life, so they should be bought in pairs.

How to feed lovebird parrots:

  • The basis of the diet is standard - a cereal mixture, but lovebirds consume more food than the previous species, about four teaspoons per day. However, more mature pets will need a smaller proportion - 2-3 spoons per day.
  • The bird can be given several sunflower seeds per day (5-6 pieces). An excessive amount of seeds is very harmful.
  • Greens are a real treat for lovebirds. Such food for parrots can be represented by wheat germ, fresh grass, dandelion leaves.
  • As a mineral supplement, you can use shell rock, chalk, gravel. These substances must always be present in the cell.


This Australian bird is easily recognizable by its characteristic crest on its head. The pet easily gets used to people, but is practically incapable of learning.

How to feed cockatiel parrots:

  • A cereal mixture for feeding birds should contain not only cereals, but also seeds of wild herbs. This component makes up about 60% of the total diet.
  • V summer period young shoots of fruit trees and herbs are placed in the cage.
  • It is permissible for birds to be given berries, fruits, vegetables, a little rice, a boiled egg, and potatoes. When preparing such dressings, sugar and salt are not used. Parrot food should not be formulated with dairy and fermented milk products.
  • If eggs hatched in the family, and the parents for some reason refused to feed the offspring, the parrot chick should receive semi-liquid baby porridge, oatmeal and semolina.


The most famous parrot, as it grows up, acquires amazing abilities for onomatopoeia, speaking and memorizing phrases. Such birds are vulnerable and touchy, however, they are very strongly attached to their owner.

  • The basis of the ration is standard - a grain mixture specially developed for large birds.
  • The pet should receive tree branches daily. Plucking off pieces of bark and kidneys, it replenishes fiber and trace elements. You can use branches of apple, hawthorn, raspberry, birch, aspen, linden, maple, mountain ash.
  • Vegetables, fruits, berries. The bird loves apples, tangerines, bananas, pears, melons, watermelons, oranges, pineapples, limes, lemons, tomatoes, peaches, peas, carrots, zucchini, beets, green beans, cabbage, peppers. All of these ingredients can be incorporated into your daily diet.
  • Greenery. Jaco needs sprouts of dandelion, plantain, nettle. V winter time for the pet, you need to germinate chickpeas.
  • Porridge. Bird feed should be represented by oat, rice, buckwheat, millet, barley porridge. Occasionally grays are offered dishes cooked on legumes... All cereals are cooked exclusively in water, without adding sugar and salt.


They are very cheerful and playful birds. They show resistance to change of scenery and are not as sensitive as Grays. Amazons reproduce sounds surprisingly well and have an excellent memory.

What should be food for birds of this species:

  • The pet needs grain feed, but it should not form the basis of the diet. Under natural conditions, Amazons feed on fruits, buds, flowers. For this breed, it is advisable to mix ready-made mixtures intended for large and medium-sized birds in a 3: 1 ratio.
  • It is permissible to give sunflower seeds, but no more than 7-10 pieces per day.
  • The bird should receive sprouted wheat or chickpeas in autumn, winter and during the molting period. However, if the Amazons are brought up for reproduction or are experiencing a phase of intensive growth, young shoots can replenish the diet 2 times a week.
  • Branch feed. This component should be present on the menu throughout the year. Birds eat ripe buds with pleasure. If in the spring / summer period their extraction is not difficult, the rest of the time, especially in winter, the branches are cut off and placed in warm water... After a few days, buds will begin to appear on them. The species of trees and shrubs whose branches can be used are viburnum, currant, apple, cherry, linden, maple, elm, ash, elder, alder, mountain ash, birch.
  • Flowers. In May, you can bring your pet flowers, leaves and dandelion rhizomes. Before feeding, they are doused with boiling water.
  • Berries - you can give birds cherries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, gooseberries, honeysuckle, currants, rose hips, hawthorns.
  • Porridge. For cooking, it is permissible to use cereals such as rice, buckwheat, pumpkin seeds, corn. Two or three shrimps and a quail egg can be added to the mixture (every 15 days). These components are passed through a garlic press.
  • Clay. Amazon should receive pharmaceutical white clay without additives and impurities. The substance dissolves in water to a medium density and is placed in the cage. You can mix clean sand into the top dressing.


This bird is an excellent companion, despite the fact that it has average learning abilities. They are easy to distinguish by appearance thanks to the characteristic tuft that blooms on any appropriate occasion.

What cockatoo parrots eat:

  • Birds should receive mainly corn-oat grain mixture, which is pre-poured with boiling water for several hours. The water is drained, the food is cooled and offered to the pet.
  • Sprouted grains of wheat. The sprouts must be washed with warm water to remove the bitter taste.
  • Nuts. Due to its high fat content, this component should make up no more than 15% of the diet. These can be small nuts such as pine nuts, hazelnuts, and peanuts.
  • Vegetables, fruits, berries. Cockatoo can receive grapes, pears, bananas, peaches, apricots, cherries, sweet varieties of apples. Potatoes, necessarily boiled, fresh carrots, cabbage leaves are used as a vegetable dressing. Representatives of this species prefer hawthorn, rowan berries, black currants, gooseberries, rose hips.


Such birds have a high life expectancy, which can reach 80 years. In addition, most representatives grow to very large sizes and acquire a bright, amazingly beautiful color.

  • The main ingredient in the diet is cereal mix for large birds.
  • The pet's daily menu can be replenished with vegetables, fruits, berries, cereals, herbs, nuts. Macaws love apples, pears, bananas, cucumbers, raspberries, rose hips.
  • Fresh branches of trees should be present in the cage.
  • Once every two weeks, the pet is given low-fat cottage cheese, egg.
  • Twice a week the bird is offered germinated seeds of wheat, millet, oats.
  • Can parrots eat seeds? The menu introduces 10 seeds per day, no more.
  • Required are mineral dressing, the composition of which was discussed above.

Review of ready-made feeds of foreign production

One of best brands making ready mixes for birds is Versele Laga. It is a Belgian company that has been developing and producing a specialized diet for over 40 years. All products are of high quality and are packaged in strong, sealed packaging. The line includes food for large parrots and smaller bird species. The composition is composed large quantity cereals - yellow, white, red millet, canary seed, peeled oats.

NutriBird hand-fed food will help owners of those parrots who have hatched chicks, but parents refuse to feed them. In addition, similar mixtures are used when removing a large number offspring when adult birds do not have time to feed all the babies.

In Russia, Padovan has gained wide popularity. The product line includes special mixtures for budgerigars, complete feed for large and medium-sized birds. They contain optimal concentrations of vitamins, minerals and are composed of a large number of cereals.

Among the premium goods, it is customary to single out the Vitakraft product line. Favorite pets can get not only standard food, but also various delicacies. The brand's specialists have developed special products enriched with grass seeds, flax and methionine granules. Acacia flowers and dates are added to the mixture to mimic the diet found in their natural habitat.

Review of ready-made feeds made in Russia

RIO feeds have been presented on the domestic market for over 20 years. The food is positioned as high quality, but at a reasonable price. The brand produces food for all types of parrots.

VAKA feeds are presented in the richest variety. Any host can choose from cheap to premium. However, the products Russian production inferior in quality to imported ones, as evidenced by the reviews of bird owners.

General conditions of detention

How should parrots be kept at home? The feathered should have a spacious comfortable cage, equipped with crossbars, toys, a feeding trough, a place to sleep, a nest. The pet must be periodically released from captivity so that it can fly and walk around the apartment.

The bird must have free access to drinking water, and the feed is added as needed. Regular maintenance of the place of residence is important. Every day the cell is cleaned of debris and waste products. You can put a special powder or newspaper on the bottom.

They also willingly eat oats, canary grass, sunflower seeds, field grasses. I recommend buying ready-made mixtures immediately, it is simple and does not require any special worries. In addition to dry food, you need to give your pet a mixture of finely chopped eggs, grated carrots and dried chopped nettles two to three times a week.

When the couple is feeding the chicks, the mixture should be given daily. Of course, the components of the mixture can be changed: for example, instead of an egg, give homemade cheese, and instead of carrots - beets. True, your ward after such dishes will look like Dracula.

We will tell you how to feed a budgerigar at home.

You can feed budgies with germinated food. In the warm season, live vitamins are very shown: lettuce or dandelion leaves, dill, parsley. Only you need to give all this environmentally friendly, untreated with chemicals. I killed my Goshka with cabbage treated with chemicals. As I indicated above, at any time of the year, let the bird gnaw on the branches of willow and fruit trees.

What the parrot eats. From time to time, stick a piece of sweet apple between the twigs. I heard that it is recommended to give even a piece of banana, but it is soft and can clog the bird's goiter.

Before feeding the budgerigar, remember: Never give any bird salted food or salt. Kill the bird! At my friend's, a parrot flew freely around the room and pecked salt from a salt shaker. Everyone was happy. But not for long, the parrot died in torment.

What can you feed a budgerigar besides food

There is another type of delicacy:millet in spikelets. In pet shops you can find large, overseas. But we sowed millet in the field ourselves, dried the spikelets that reached it and gave them to the bird all winter. It is more pleasant for her to pluck millet from a spikelet than peeled from a feeder.

We continue the story about what you can feed the wavy parrot. The next treat was suggested to me by the saleswoman of the veterinary pharmacy. Take a crump of bread or a loaf (rye is absolutely impossible), thread the wire through the bread so that later you can fix the cage on the rods, dry it and the delicacy is ready. See how much joy there will be, especially for the females. Only it should not be given often.

Food for wavy parrots and treats should be given in dosage. When kept at home, birds do not move much and can become obese.

A few words about water. I have already mentioned that it needs to be changed every day so that it does not stagnate. From time to time, especially in winter, it will not hurt to add 10-15 drops of lemon juice into the water. Lemon juice kills harmful bacteria, plus a rich source

Budgerigars are rightfully considered one of the most famous and often demanded poultry. Bright, majestic, graceful decorative pets can cheer up with their pleasant chirping. And if you want to get such a bird, then the first thing you need to know is how to properly feed budgies.

After all, the health and life expectancy of these decorative birds depends on good nutrition. And besides, this problem is considered the most important for all fans of winged talkers, because it is very easy to make a fatal mistake.

It is for this reason that it is extremely important to get answers to such questions: "How should a budgerigar be fed?", "How many times a day do parrots need food?" and " Is there any standard food for the budgie at all?". Today we will try to answer these and many other questions.

Currently, in zoological stores you can buy a wide variety of cereal mixtures for feeding budgerigars, which perfectly help to establish the diet of domestic flyers and greatly facilitate their daily care.

As a rule, almost all food for parrots should be based on: canary seed, millet, raw sunflower seeds and different varieties oats. Usually, feed different brands contain different amounts of one or another component.

The main task of the owner of a budgerigar is to choose and buy the right food that his pet should like.

When choosing one or another food for your pet, you need to consider several important nuances:

  1. Garbage bad smell, dirt and mold are not allowed to the grain mixture.
    Therefore, you need to carefully check each grain mixture you purchase for the expiration date and the integrity of the packaging itself.
  2. Bird watchers strongly recommend buying ready-made mixtures in sealed containers, the storage of which is due to the lack of oxygen inside the package.
    Rotten grains and various kinds of insects are very rare in vacuum containers.
  3. You need to feed your flying pet when there are no food debris in its feeder.
    You should not give the talker as much grain mixture as he eats - a strict norm must be observed.
  4. It is highly undesirable for the male to eat the most delicious and nutritious grains, leaving the remains to his chicks.
  5. As a rule, a medium-sized budgerigar should be given no more than 1-2 tablespoons of grain mixture per day.
  6. Do not purchase foods that your pet eats without much enthusiasm.

To choose the right food, you need to spend only a few minutes of your free time.

It is clinically proven that no dry grain mixture can fully provide the budgerigar with adequate nutrition. Especially when it comes to feeding small chicks.

"Wet" food for budgies

To provide correct development and the growth of your pet, it is necessary to introduce into its menu all kinds of additives from fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits.

After all, the pet's food should not only be balanced, but also tasty. To do this, you need to figure out what you can eat and what is not recommended.

Fresh greens are the key to good health

Every day, fresh greens should be on your talking flyer's menu, as they are the most valuable link in proper nutrition budgies.

But before you feed your pet with fresh grass, you need to consider several important rules:

  1. It is categorically impossible to pick off armfuls of grass in your yard for feeding a parrot, because a poisonous plant can also be caught among them.
  2. Before "feeding" the freshly picked grass to your bird, you should thoroughly rinse it, as it is clearly covered with harmful toxic substances that threaten the life of your feathered friend.
  3. On the eve of winter, it is better to refrain from collecting herbs and leaves. This is due to the fact that in the autumn in vegetation of this kind nutrients practically not, even more, they begin to accumulate harmful substances... At such a time, you can give your decorative birds leaves of indoor plants.
  4. To organize feeding the parrot with herbs, you do not need to grind them, but tie them into small bunches, which will subsequently be suspended on the rods of its cage. How many such beams should there be? It all depends on the needs of your pet - as a rule, you need to hang no more than three bunches of greens every day.
  • plantain leaves and shoots;
  • dandelions - from leaves to seeds;
  • wood lice;
  • any kind of clover;
  • bird highlander;
  • Blooming Sally;
  • weeds such as wheatgrass, timothy grass, hedgehog, foxtail;
  • group medicinal plants- cuff, string, nettle (pre-scalded with boiling water).

Vegetable component of the budgerigars' diet

How many parrots do not feed with a grain mixture, but most of the vitamins and minerals he will receive only from fresh vegetables. Ideally, birds should have vegetables plucked from their own garden every day in their diet.

However, today, not every owner of such poultry has private plot, and if you can't buy food at the "grandmother's" market, then at least try to choose the freshest vegetables for your pets in the store.

So, the following vegetables can be given to parrots:

  1. Pumpkin, melon, squash, squash will be an excellent source of carbohydrates for your flying pets. Fruits with seeds inside are especially useful.
  2. Carrots, beets, turnips, grated on a fine grater and mixed with egg yolk or croutons will be an excellent treat for birds. How much of these vegetables can you give? Exactly as much as your pet will eat.
  3. Cucumbers, tomatoes are an integral part of the diet of parrots. It is important to remember that unripe fruits contain toxic substances, so you need to make sure they are ripe before giving them to your pet.
  4. It's good if your pet's diet includes at least one day a week. green pea, corn, cabbage and beans.
  5. Sweet peppers are rich in useful vitamins and a trace element, so it fits perfectly into the menu of parrots.

The main thing to remember is that before you give your pet any of the above vegetables, you need to make sure that it is thoroughly washed.

What fruits can be included in the diet of budgerigars?

To ensure the full development and existence of your feathered talker, you need to provide him good diet, in which fruits occupy one of the most important links.

Parrots eat apples and pears well. It is noteworthy that these fruits can be purchased in any month of the year, providing your pet with the vitamins and minerals necessary for it.

You can also buy oranges with tangerines in any store. You need to give these fruits only in a peeled form. But with grapes, you need to be a little more careful, giving only one grape every day.

Bananas are especially popular with parrots, which, by the way, are a source of starch and sugar. Due to the fact that this fruit cannot be stored for a long time, you should give several slices to your pet, and if he does not eat them completely, then the remains must be removed from the cage so that they do not start to rot.

You can diversify the diet of your feathered pet with cherries, plums, cherries, peeled kiwi, pomegranate seeds, peaches and apricots. However, it is important to remember that everything has its own measure.

Strawberries, blueberries, rose hips, rowan berries and other berries will also perfectly fit into the budgies menu.

What shouldn't be on the budgerigar menu?

It is important not only to organize the correct diet for your flying pets, but also to protect them from the harmful effects of one or another product.

In no case should the following list of food products be introduced into the diet of budgerigars:

  • roasted nuts and seeds can lead to pet obesity;
  • parsley, dill, cilantro and other herbs;
  • celery, radish, radish, eggplant, potatoes, onions and green onions, as well as garlic (they have a pungent taste, and eggplants and potatoes contain substances harmful to parrots);

Have a budgerigar appeared in your house? Now you just have to provide him good conditions for growth and development. The poultry health is based on many factors, the most important of which is the right feed. How to feed young budgerigars? This article contains all the information that will help you understand this issue.

Plant feed

Plant seeds are the staple food for all birds. Budgerigars are no exception. What can you feed a bird so as not to harm its well-being? Pet stores sell already completed packages of cereal mixtures, which are selected in the percentage ratio that is needed for budgies. Before packing, such feed is enriched with microelements useful for poultry. In addition, the mixture may contain fruits, berries, chalk.

If you still do not trust the feed industrial production, then you can develop a diet for your feathered pet yourself. Check out the list of What you can feed your bird to make it feel great?

  1. millet, oats, flaxseed and canary seed.
  2. Sprouted grain.
  3. lettuce, sorrel, vegetable tops. In the warm season, you can give fresh leaves and flowers of clover, dandelion, plantain.
  4. Fruits: pear, apple, banana, kiwi, citrus (without skin). Strawberries, strawberries and raspberries.
  5. Carrots, beets, cucumbers, radishes, cabbage (previously doused with boiling water), Bell pepper- all these products are very fond of budgerigars.

How to feed your little feathered friend in winter period, when there are practically no useful elements left in vegetables and fruits? It is recommended to give the parrot raisins, dried apricots, prunes, rose hips. Previously, these products must be steamed. The bird will eat them with pleasure, while receiving a lot of vitamins and minerals.

Animal feed

In the diet of birds, dairy products (cottage cheese, milk powder), chicken eggs, liver, honey can be present in very small doses. The parrot is given 2 times a week (10-12 pieces). Bloodworms are one of the favorite treats of these birds and can be fed in unlimited quantities.

Cereal porridge. Do budgies eat them?

What else can you feed your bird to keep it healthy? Porridge should be present in the bird's diet 2-3 times a week. It can be buckwheat, millet, rice, and any other porridge that you cook for yourself. Naturally, for a parrot this "dish" cannot be salted and flavored with any oil.

Minerals on the feathered pet's menu

A parrot's diet should always contain mineral supplements. Better to get them at a pet store. Manufacturers release them in briquettes, which can be hung in a cage or crushed and poured into a plate. The composition of the mineral complex usually includes the following components: shells, egg shells, chalk, sand, salt, wood ash, calcium.

How many times to feed the budgerigar

However, the bird should always have food, like water, in a cage. The feeling of greed is not inherent in the parrot, so he will not eat too much. It is important to keep food fresh at all times. If porridge or food of animal origin remains in the trough, then it should not be left overnight. She will still deteriorate by morning, and a bird, having eaten such a product, can get sick. It is best to give the food to the parrot in small portions and add as needed throughout the day.

You are still wondering what kind of pet to bring into the house. The best choice are budgies. You already know how to feed them. And the rest is a simple matter: buy and install a cage and study information on how to care for a feathered friend. But that is another story.