Horoscope for a year on the bodies. How to treat medication allergies

Beginning of January will bring Fresh Calves creative ideas Regarding what you should do in the coming year. Horoscope for 2015 Taurus calls to be prepared for the first week of the coming year comes large quantity Communication with friends and buddies. Easy mood will last until January 17. Love and personal life at this time will delight you with new acquaintances or the development of existing relationships. If you are already married, get ready for active rest with the second half.

February 2015 will strengthen your position at work, although you will actively plan changes. The first half of the month is suitable in order to return to the projects meaningful to you and bring them to perfection. Management will appreciate your employment enthusiasm for merits, but there is a danger to burn at work. So that this does not happen, try to alternate business with rest, find time for meetings with old friends.

In March, be prepared for updating the feelings, the birth of new sympathies and affections. Venus, this month will increase your attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex. During this period, visits to beauty salons will be especially good luck. Make a new haircut or experiment with hair styling - change in appearance will benefit you. For those tales, who is born in the first half of May, probably the emergence of new novels.

The April influence of stars will shift the focus of your attention on material issues. This month you can make a loan, mortgage, buy a car or postpone money for education. Think over the expansion of income sources - it is possible that your hobbies can be a good help for the budget.

In May 2015, the Taltsov comes a responsible period - be attentive to new proposals, especially coming from colleagues from other organizations. Do not rush to give up the inclination of profit and career growth. May holidays may go in thought regarding the choice of further path. Optimism will return Mercury, having pleased May 15 good news. In the second half of the month you can feel the determination to change something in your career. This time is great for moving to a new job.

June will seem not the easiest. Horoscope for 2015 Taurus argues that part of cases will move slowly on reasons independent of you. At this time, it is important to keep all the way in order, and at the same time not to lose sight of people from whom financial perspectives depend. New acquaintances during this period are mostly unpromising. If you are already in relationships, then use this month to achieve a greater understanding with those who love.

In July, wait for a successful coincidence. It is likely that you will be able to be in right place in opening time. Listen to intuition. On July 7, lonely representatives of your sign waiting for a bright acquaintance, the birth of love at first sight is quite likely.

The beginning of August will bring news and long-awaited changes both in affairs and in personal life. New people who come to your life can stay in it for a long time - as friends or beloved. If you are in relations that have accumulated discontent with a partner may pour out a frank conversation that will put all the points over "I" and bring relief.

The beginning of September will return to you a working attitude and a desire to achieve the goal as soon as possible. But it was in the first half of the month it is not worth a hurry - do the work thoughtfully and neatly, and the harmonious influence of Mercury on your sign will help bring the case to the end. In October, be attentive to what the intuition suggests you. At this time, old business unions are crumbling and new projects are born. You can change the work, get a long-awaited increase in service or count on the increase in salary. Nonlarity and creative approach will be your unconditional trumps in a dialogue with the manual. In love comes temporary calm, which can be used to analyze past love victories and lesions.

November will add to you charm and attractiveness. The Taurus Horoscope for 2015 shows that at this time many of the unseasonal representatives of your sign will be decided on a wedding, and married them will once again be killed in the correctness of their choice. In difficult situations you can seek support to your loved ones, they will not refuse you.

The first half of December will bring a sense of workload at work. Do not hurry to dismiss or resent the excessive amount of work - the leadership will certainly encourage you as a valuable employee. The second half of the month will prevent pleasant surprises in the form of an increase in the position or increase salary.

Health Horoscope Taurus for 2015

The first half of the year will have a beneficial effect on the state of health. Underhanded location of the planets will provide opportunities for getting rid of chronic diseases and recovery protective forces organism. Complete recovery will be associated with the use of the diagnosis and treatment of modern medical equipment and new medicinal preparations: Uranus, responsible for the use of innovation, during the first half of the year will be under the strong influence of a pluto that triggers the healing processes in the body.

From January 1 to January 14, chronic diseases may be aggravated due to supercooling. But already on January 11, the favorable aspects of the planets will give you vitality and will strengthen the protective reserves of the body. January 29 is suitable for both scheduled surveys in medical institutionsand to start treating chronic diseases. Throughout February, you will get a good chance of the rapid breakdown organs if you start therapy on February 7. From February 15 to February 19 there will be favorable aspect Between the planets associated with vital energy in the body. If you have a surgery, timed to this period.

In March, the horoscope for 2015 the Taurus recommends close to the appearance. From March 6 and throughout the month, visiting hairdressers, beauty salons and masseurs will be relevant for you. Hardware cosmetology will raise the desired effect if you proceed to procedures on March 18. April 14, Mercury associated with the organs of the respiratory system will have a strong influence on your sign. Treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases, started at this time, will give a good and stable effect. April 22-23 will be especially useful water treatmentsaimed at improving the body - hardening, hydromassage, swimming, etc.

The first half of May is perfect for the passage of medical examination, clarify the diagnosis and the start of treatment. Especially good to treat in this period will be the organs of the musculoskeletal system. Recovery will pass faster if we use new treatment schemes and combine them with physiotherapy.

On June 6, it is worth prescribing the beginning of the treatment of neurological disorders, depression, alarming states. From June 25 to June 28, it is not recommended to start physiotherapy, also be careful in working with electrical appliances and sources of open fire. On July 7, many representatives of your sign want to change the image, make the original hairstyle, bold makeup.

The first decade of August will be held under strong influence on your sign of Mercury and uranium responsible for the processes occurring in the nervous system. Treatment of appropriate disorders will be particularly effective if it starts to start its beginning to 8-9 August. The use of physiotherapy methods at this time will increase the chances of emergency recovery. The last decade of August is favorable for cosmetic procedures, small plastic operations, such as lip form correction using hyaluronic acid injections. The strong influence of the planets on your sign on August 25 will encourage some tales to decide on radical, including surgical, measures to change the image.

The passage of the Sun on the sign of the Virgin in the first 2 decades of September will help to form healthy image life, refuse bad habits, introduce right ration Nutrition. September 25, it is good to proceed to the treatment of diseases of the liver, pancreas, gastrointestinal tract. From 3 to 5 October your resistance to viruses and infections will increase. During this period, it is recommended to strengthen the immune system, hardened, begin to perform the exercises of respiratory gymnastics.

November - a month when needed to do prevention cold illness. Physical activity And sports will support your body in Tonus, if you start it on November 13th. This is due to the strong influence on your sign of Mars, responsible for energy and mobility. On November 27, a period of successful for rejuvenation and correction of appearance will come again.

On December 5, you will feel the tide of strength and vital energy. Sport classes will have a healing effect on your body. In the last decade of the month, the treatment of inflammatory diseases will be successful. December 21, operations related to vision correction will give good and sustainable results.

Holiday and Travel Horoscope for 2015 for Tales

The January festive mood will spread to everything related to hobbies and entertainment. At this time, you will especially worry the topic of travel, and it is very likely that this year you decide more time to trips and familiarizing with places in which we have never been. In February, many working issues will require an urgent decision, and on hobbies You will not have much time. During this period, there will be a chat with friends.

In March, pay attention to long forgotten hobbies, especially if they are associated with manual painstaking work - embroidery, knitting, weaving or modeling will help restore peace of mind And distract from problems at work. It is also recommended to improve the possession of foreign languages. April will be calm, and you can dedicate enough time to ensure that you care and interests you, at this time, successful finds can wait for you in bookstores, bukinistic shops and libraries. The second half of the month will bring the desire to plunge into the study modern tendencies In art.

In May, especially in the first half of the month, foreign trips will be successfully collaborated. At this time, the southern and south-western directions are especially favorable, and any routes will be suitable for domestic tourism. Foreign kitchen, exotic dishes will cause interest in you, but be moderate, as there is a risk excess weight.

June will return the relevance of previously initiated cases, including those associated with your hobbies or hobbies. If you in the past set aside for an indefinite period of knitting, sewing or unfinished embroidery - it's time to extract it and complete. In July, relevance will acquire issues of repair, garden and country work. This month you need to be in nature as often as possible. Fishing, tourist hiking and picnics on fresh air will contribute to the increase in the total tone. In August, you will feel the craving for the beautiful, you will want to visit museums, exhibitions, go to the theater or a concert of classical music. Be sure to satisfy this desire, and in return you will receive the condition of the inner harmony and a lot of pleasant impressions.

In September, trips in the north-western direction will be successfully collaborated. Gastronomic delights foreign kitchen At this time will not leave you indifferent. There is practically no risk of a set of excess weight at this moment, but still it is worth avoiding overs and too exotic food. In October, the field of your attention will fall on the issues of housing, the guidance of order and comfort. IN free time You will prefer to communicate only with the most close friends and members of your family.

November will continue the tendency of hobbies associated with the housing interior. You will be able to create original and cute things from handicraft materials that will decorate your home will make it comfort. In December, you can feel a strong need for a passive secluded vacation. Interesting book Or your favorite music at this time will help to relax and gain strength. For traveling, the second half of the month is favorable, preference is better to give the North-West direction.

© Horoscope For 2015 Taurus compiled by the Marina Astrologer Alexandrova specifically for the site

At all times, people made attempts to find the meaning of life! Someone tried to find it through religion, someone in love or in self-expression through art, but ... For some kind of mystical reasons, the meaning of the very human itself has always slipped away from us. So that we do to neither undertake, this ephemeral concept turned out to be too unstable to fix it in the static framework of human morality. Even when someone seemed to that he, finally, his postgue, then literally the next moment a man understood the insignificance of attempts to cover something immense. What to do is our fate. And for some unknown to us "people" reasons in 2015, the horoscope indicates that all the signs of the zodiac this year to seek the meaning of life is to have exactly the calves. Yes, it is representatives of the sign of the sign of the zodiac Taurus in 2015 to make another attempt to understand himself, to understand the world, understand your place under the sun. The search for the point in everything - this is what will be the leitmotif of the entire 2015 for the Tales. Of course, in 2015, many events that do not have a direct relation to this topic will occur in your life, but, anyway, you will be expensive to return to this issue in everything that you make, plan or reflect on to do in this year. Throughout 2015, the calves will search, find, lose and try to try to find the only faithful particle, hidden meaning, its sacred grail, capable of converting your life into something completely different, in what is still not available to your understanding! Do you think you will succeed? Will you be allowed to reach heaven, this time? Why, in the end, it should be so difficult?.

We must admit that the sublime questions have always worried partially cut off from the world of the Tales, but life goes to her to do and if they say, the Devil is in detail, "we should consider other aspects of 2015. Here it should be added that in addition to the eternal quest for life inherent in your zodiac sign, the Tales 2015 will give mixed results in different areas Life.

In the first half of 2015, you can note that slowness and measured rhythm of life are so comfortable that you are expensive to hold a whole eternity in such a state. If only there is such an opportunity, be sure to take advantage of it and relax, go to the resort, to the village to the grandmother, generally anywhere, the main thing is not staying in the city. By this you not only clean your mind, but also avoid some conflict situations waiting for you at home. In addition, it will not be possible to relax the opportunity to rest at all, since the events of the first spring months will require your personal intervention, and the situation around will be so administered that it will not let you be bored, lazy or idle.

Many calves will solve the ill-fated housing problem During 2015. Those calves who do not have their own housing will have the opportunity to acquire it. The same who is already a happy owner of real estate, will want to improve it. Tales can move to the apartment of a larger area or start a grand renovation. You will want to transform housing, make it even more comfortable and beautiful. Large shopping in the house is likely, as well as large spending for repairs, which you are likely to be gathering with a scope. Keep in mind that you should not store old things in the house, furniture, everything that you do not use. You will have a chance to purchase a new one, as soon as we free the space for him, removing all the unnecessary and old.

In the past months of 2015, the Taurians have to solve issues related to finance, loans and borrowed money. You may encounter a situation where money for the desired purchase is missing. At the same time, it will be difficult to get a loan or loan, as it will have to make up maximum efforts, collect a lot of papers and most importantly - to morally prepare for the fact that over a long period of time you will part with your blood earned.

Rejoice if you are not burdened with the idea of \u200b\u200bacquiring something for borrowed funds! In this case, the end of 2015, you will go smoothly, without hysterics and special oscillations. Everything is as usual, work plus family affairs and bustle on the eve of the New Year holidays.

Additional Information For the horoscope for 2015 Taurus

Tales, from among those who were born from 26 to April 30, may noted that they have increased interest in creativity. The representatives of your sign, who to any extent involved in the field of art and creativity will be able to create their main masterpieces during 2015. Tales who have not felt in themselves creative deposits, may noted that they began to be interested in painting, music, photography, needlework. I want to try yourself to realize something special, create something with your own hands. Dare! Perhaps you can sleep talent musician, artist or designer, and you have every chance awaken him from sleep.

Those representatives zodiacal constellation Taurus who was born in the period from 4 to 12 May may noted that they became more interested in issues related to other people. Free calves will have excellent opportunity For entry into the marriage relationship. And those who are already connected by the Uzami Gimenta may notice the increased interest in their legal partner on marriage. Love on the second circle? Why not! Perhaps it's time to think about getting a small reproduction of yourself and a loved one? Why not!

The calves born in the period from 3 to 6 May, in 2015 will be resolved for everyone! Your horoscope of 2015 is simply filled with events of different sense and directions - this is a clear evidence that in 2015 there will be a cardinal change in your environment, but you will have a unique opportunity to change your life for the better in the same way. This year, the calves of your group can understand that the life they lived until 2015, they are no longer satisfied. At the same time, the moment of awareness of this simple truth can be considered a point of non-return, behind which changes will acquire irreversible. True, as always, the fate for you is the trick in the form of "whip and gingerbread". It is necessary to take into account the fact that if you do not want to change anything in life, the circumstances can do it for you. Simply put, force you to change! However, this time, the changes will be brightly pronounced, in the sense that you will be difficult for you dear calves to adapt to those changes that they are not launched, and you, like a drunk horse, all 2015 will try to catch up hopelessly missed yesterday .

The rest of the representatives of the sign Taurus 2015 did not prepare "special" surprises, not counting the forecast in the main part of the horoscope for 2015 for the sign of the Taurus.

Taurus (lat. Taurus) - the second sign of the zodiac,.

In Western astrology, it is believed that the sun is in the sign of the Taurus from about April 20 to May 21, in Vedic - from May 16 to June 15.

Planet, managing sign - Venus.
The coming 2015 will become a turning point for the calves, which will free from the past and will open the door to the future.
Astrological horoscope for 2015 Taurus promises life bright, interesting and marginally filled with significant events. It is impossible to call boring and gray 2015. Representatives of this sign expects a series of pleasant adventures and unexpected meetings. Many of these wonderful changes are slightly spinning. But complain about such good life No need, perceive everything as a gift of fate.
Many can actively work on their own self-consciousness. This recommends a horoscope for 2015 by the Taurus, which ensures that any works will be rewarded in full. It is possible, for example, in the root to change its image, an appearance and even reset overweight. Believe that you have enough exposure even for the most rigid diet. Women tales can repel braid, make anti-aging masks, go to the pool and massage. All this will only benefit! As for education, you can do it thoroughly. Many will start learning foreign languages And master interesting items. The main thing is that all the knowledge gained in the year of the goat will be accurately visible in later life.

The Tales who were born from April 26 to April 30, in the year of the goats will manifest creative skills And hidden talents. They will be able to show themselves everywhere - in art, painting and music. During this period, many will take a new hobby - needlework, design, photography or modeling. Horoscope for 2015 advises the Cleans to be bolder in actions and decision making. Many at this time will deepen into the psychology of human relations, thanks to which they expand the contacts and diverse communication. Lonely Tauris Horoscope promises marriage, and family people are in love with their chosen one and plunge into passionate feelings. This is long years Strengthen the joint relationship.

Those born from 4 to 12 May, 2015 will seem rich in a variety of events, bright changes and large-scale accomplishments. Some calves decide to radically change their lives by making something radical and unusual in it. Horoscope predicts that many moments will suddenly appear in fate. They will even prepare for them.

The calves that appeared on March 3 to 6, the horoscope for 2015 did not prepare anything original. Their life in the year of the goat will flow in the former rhythm - without surprises and victories. Although, this also has its advantages.

At the beginning of the year, unpleasant surprises are possible, entailing serious problems. Do not blame yourself for the errors perfect during this period: It's all about adverse circumstances, external influencewhich you are mentioned. At the same time, the impact of positive trends will still affect - for example, in mid-January, when you can work fruitfully, to conclude some favorable deal or solve an important question of personal character.

And yet, before the beginning of April, many calves will be difficult. This period will be associated with significant financial losses, unsuccessful purchases. There may be problems in the family, and mainly because you care about your own interests and do not always take into account the desires and needs of those who are near.

We need limit caution in solving any legal issues, clashes with law and representatives of law enforcement agencies in this period are especially dangerous.

But the period from the beginning of April to mid-August will be mainly successful. This is the time of new plans, a variety of bold designs that you successfully implement in life, thereby strengthening faith in your strength. At this time (especially in mid-July), you can change something radically in the professional or personal sphere. The period is favorable for marriage.

From September to November, you need to be careful: there is a time of testing, tested for strength. It is difficult to maintain old ties, many calves seem seductive opportunity to start new life With a new man. But it is still better to make efforts to keep the already established relationship.

December passes relatively calmly, only at the very end it is possible some shocks and excitements, most likely - caused by your desire to quickly take the results of the outgoing year.

Care in affairs will be very useful at the beginning of the year and will avoid many mistakes. However, for those who are willing to work much, not expecting an immediate award, this period will be quite fruitful. It is important to be attentive at the conclusion of transactions, correctly evaluate your capabilities and carefully study legal party question. Summer will open up new opportunities, will give a chance to climb on the service staircase. Many calves at this time will increase interest in what they do, enthusiasm will appear, which was not enough before. The more you get at this time, the better, since the remaining part of the year will hardly be promising.

Love questions

Calm and not too promisingly pass the first months of the year: this time, although not deprived of interesting acquaintances and meetings, will hardly be associated with the events that will play important role In your personal life. But soon a completely different period will come, full of bright experiences and unforgettable moments. Relationships are developing rapidly, and in summer, many tales will seriously consider the issue of marriage. It is more difficult to develop the end of the year, which the calves brings the temptations, and the established union tests.

2015 Year of the goat (sheep) - a wonderful period for the Tales. Goat (Sheep) and Taurus - related animals related to each other, so the goat (sheep) will patronize the calves in all endeavors. Finally, the calves acquire the soil under their feet, stop suffering from uncertainty and feel confidence in the future. The main thing is why you will strive in 2015 and what can be achieved if you try well - it is a stable and relaxing existence. Most likely, throughout 2015, you will not set too bold goals in front of you and make overestimated claims to life, and you will be sincerely rejoice at what you have. But, despite the modesty of your requests, 2015 may be more than successful for you - the luck will be in your hands itself, and the surrounding circumstances will be fully and completely on your side, so you will only be able to use it and do not miss that moment When you need to start acting. If you are satisfied with everything and do not expect a change from life, 2015 will be an exceptionally calm period for you - you can relax and restore spiritual and physical forces.

Love horoscope for 2015 Taurus

2015 foreshadows favorable changes in personal life. If you already have a loved one, in 2015 your relationship will become more even, calmer, and, at the same time, more romantic. You will become less likely to quarrel in trifles, but you will often spend time together, for long soulful conversations. Most likely, in the year of the goats (sheep), you have and your second halves will appear new common interests that will help you get closer to each other, make our communication more rich and interesting. Lonely Taurians 2015 promises to bring a lot of pleasant surprises. Throughout the year, you will arrive in a romantic mood, and your personal charm will beat through the edge, so it is not surprising that new fans and fans will become in need of seeking your location. May, June, July and August - the most promising months in terms of romantic dating. April, September and October are the right time to improve marital relations, to find ways to reconcile with second halves.

Horoscope for 2015 Taurus (family)

In 2015, the Tales should have enough strength, wisdom and patience in order to gradually establish a good relationship With all members of your family, even with those with which it is difficult to find a common language. It does not mean that you have to go to someone to bow or under someone to adapt, while infrainmenting your own interests. But if you become relative to loved people more patiently, more softly and more carefully, and do not leave them in trouble in a difficult moment, so that they happily make you in an embrace, you will not need to apply any special efforts! In 2015, children will be more likely to delight you than to upset, well, you, in turn, must take care of their spiritual and moral comfort and do everything possible to be in any problems, they hurried to appeal to the wise council. you! January, April, July and December - the most favorable months to solvely solve intrameal problems. In August and September, you should spend more time with children. In October and November - the highest probability family conflicts in different reasons.

Horoscope for 2015 Taurus (business)

In 2015, the capricious fortune will be on the side of the Taurus - it can be great even in risky business endeavors. Do not rush to give up difficult professional tasks if they fill you financial benefits or career growth. Even if you won't confident in your abilities, the stars advise you to act on the principle of "the eyes are afraid, and the hands do." The main thing for you is to be able to overcome the insecurity and not to succumb to laziness! Remember: You should begin to start something to do, as you will not be stopped, and the first modest successes will soon replace more impressive achievements! 2015 Goat (Sheep) - a favorable time for calves that dream of self-funds in a professional plan and find their own niche, which would bring money, and morally delivered. If you have at least more or less outstanding creative abilities - this is your year! You will certainly be able to make this work that could only dream about and on which you can feel the most popular. January, March, May and December 2015 - the most favorable months for employment and for new business undertakings. February, June and July - the time of creative search. In April and October, it is better not to take anything substantial.

Horoscope for 2015 Taurus (Finance)

In financial terms, 2015 will be quite prosperous for the calves. In order to earn money on the most needed, you will not have to recycle. Even working randomly, you can earn so much money as it is necessary to meet all your needs. Well, if you become laid out at work on full, your earnings can increase at least twice, and then in 2015 you can not only make overhaul In the apartment or go to the expensive resort, but also postpone a considerable amount about a black day. January, March, August and December foreshadow big profits. In April, May and September should be refrained from risky investments.

Horoscope for 2015 Taurus (Health)

In 2015, the overall calm background of the life of the Taurus will help improve health and restore nervous system. Stressful situations in the year of the goat (sheep) in your life will be quite a bit, but the reasons for joy fate will give enough, and joy, as you know - the best medicine from all diseases! And if you, be the same, you will lead a healthy lifestyle and will not forget about Sport, then in 2015 you have all the chances to recover from many chronic diseases. From January to March, your energy background will be somewhat low, so take care of your health so that you do not have the causes to appeal to the doctor. In May and June, as well as in September 2015, lead the most active lifestyle - it will benefit you.

Attention, the above horoscope for 2015 of the blue goat - describes only general trends inherent in the owners of the sign of the Zodiac Taurus in the new 2015 due to your uniqueness, total horoscope For 2015, the Taurus sign may not reflect real events. The exact astrological prediction can be obtained only when drawing up a personal horoscope for the coming 2015. Get an accurate personal horoscope, you can click on the link below.

Accurate personal horoscope for 2015 goats for sign Taurus:

Year, full of change and new discoveries are waiting for people born under the sign of Taurus. The horoscope promises them significant changes in life in almost all areas - calves will be able to realize themselves in work, perhaps, even completely changed the generation of activities, in addition, compared with the previous year, the field of love will be important for calves family relationships. Most likely, 2015 will be the period when the calves completely change their life position - they are waiting for a grand reassessment of values.

This year for a female Taurus will be quite productive - new opportunities are waiting for it, new horizons open for its abilities. It is possible that the management will notice her success in the workplace and will instruct an important project for which they will have to travel a lot. There is a chance that the beloved woman's love man will not be too happy with such a future - but it will be quite quick to understand that it is important for half a half, and it will not oppose. The female Taurus should also show an understanding and frankly talk about it - a trustworthy conversation, during which it will be marked that the family is most important for her, will make her job.

However, it is categorically not advised to go on the partner to the partner to the Star Woman - it is fraught with the fact that he will feel his power, and then get rid of his pressure will be very difficult. Soft, but decisive upholding of their rights is the best that you can do if your favorite person tries to impose his will to the woman.

Stars strongly advise a woman in 2015 to significantly reduce the amount of alcohol consumed, and it is better to refuse him at all. In addition, it is worth a survey to identify inconsistent and chronic diseases - in the year of the goats, they can exacerbate at the most inopportune moment and significantly complicate life.

In the year of the goat, the Male-Taurus may not worry, which will remain lonely - if he has not yet acquired his family, 2015 he will surely take care of him. He is waiting for a new strong feeling that will change all his life and inspire new achievements - it is quite possible that, finding your chosen in early spring, By the fall, he will also want to go with her marriage. A family man-Taurus is also not because of what to worry - the man whom he once chose, will not disappoint him, but will do everything so that the feelings become still brighter and stronger.

As for the sphere of career and finance, the Male Taurus will finally be able to realize himself in work. For a long time, it was pursued by failures and disappointment, but in 2015 he would find his place. The most active of the calves will open their own business - and with their heads will go to work, which will soon begin to give return. The main thing is that at that moment I am attended from the outside - family and friends will try to do everything to help the Taurus men in his choice.

A male Taurus, who could not part with his bad habits, must still get together with the forces and abandon smoking and alcohol - this is his weaknesses, and the stars advise the man-tolets not to delay with it. The transition to a healthy lifestyle will be not so simple, however, improving well-being will quickly inspire the Taurus for further feats.