How to choose a furniture stapler? How to use a furniture stapler: device, work, tips What is called stapler for furniture.

The furniture stapler is a tool with which it is possible to fix parts consisting of non-solid materials. Special brackets are used as the attachment. They have different sizes and can be made of different materials. The tool itself has many modifications and species. Sometimes the stapler is called a taker, a bobbin, a gun for scabing, etc. It enjoys great popularity and demand. After all, besides the work on the upholstery of furniture, with the help of a stapler, many different tasks can be solved. With it, you can attach the PVC panels to the ceiling or wall, secure the greenhouse film in the country and much more.

Types of furniture staplers

Furniture staplers are produced different species. Going to the store to make a purchase, you need to clearly represent for what purposes the tool is purchased. And what parameters it should have.

Before starting work with the tool, it should be understood in its functioning. So, before starting working with a mechanical stapler, it should be initially adjusted. To do this, you can use the draft material on which several trial shots produce. By changing the regulator on the instrument, follows achieve the desired result and only then start work At the clean material.

So that the staples are located at the same distance from each other, landing sites should be placed in advance with a pencil. Material must be held while performing shots so that the upholstery does not move. It is necessary to always follow the number of remaining brackets in the instrument.

If the stapler is not planned to be used in the near future, then it is better to put it on the fuse.

The choice of tools is carried out on the basis of the nature of the upcoming work. For example, for upholstery sofas or chairs suitable mechanical stapler . Soft wood applied for making furniture frames. The physical effort applied to make a shot will be quite enough.

If you have to work with a solid material, then the mechanics will not help here. For such work, you should get an electric stapler. Sure, pneumatic tool is even more powerfulbut it is better to use it during construction work.

How to choose a high-quality mechanical stapler?

The design of the mechanical furniture tool is not as complicated. But it has features that affect the convenience of work:

How to choose a bracket for a furniture stapler?

Choosing brackets in a store for a mechanical furniture stapler, you need to proceed from the information provided in the instructions on the device and be guided by certain parameters.

Charging a mechanical stapler

Working with a mechanical tool is easy. However, we will consider in more detail the process of charging a mechanical tool.

Safety technique when working with a mechanical furniture stapler

In any device, both mechanical and electric necessarily there is a stopper. It protects the device from unplanned triggering. Accordingly, in the mechanical tool, the design of the stopper is sufficient. Whereas for safe handling when working with an electric stapler, the instrument is provided only when pressed its working part to the material section.

In addition to the security system, electric stapler equipped with quality control function. It will be able to save from unnoticed errors in the work. And it lies in the fact that in the case of a non-cleaning bracket to the end or its curvature, the device is turned off. Thanks to this, you can see the defect in time and correct it.

Electric stapler

Working with a battery unit can be independent of the electrical network. That is, the device can be taken with you to the cottage or any other place where there is no electricity. The battery can supply the tool for a long time. Although rechargeable stapler and does not have big minusesBut it is still worth acquiring such a tool only when it is not possible to connect an electric tool to the network. The fact is that:

  • The device operating from the network operates with greater power than the battery analog.
  • Any battery is sooner or later discharged. Such a tool needs constant recharging.
  • The cost of the network tool is lower.
  • Weigh the battery stapler more, which means that it is not so convenient to work with it.

Charging a pneumatic furniture stapler

The pneumatic staircraft is distinguished by reliability, speed and impact force. He's on his shoulder any task. But, to work with it, you need a compressorwhich will create the required pressure. It is usually used only in production, but there are exceptions. If you decide to open your own furniture or construction companythen this choice is for you.

Pneummeteceler is easy. Primarily the device must be blockedTo protect yourself from accidental inclusion.

  1. Click on the button that opens the tray for the bracket. After that, the lid of the tray opens or the tray itself will be pulled out of the handle.
  2. Once again it is necessary to make sure that the device is on the fuse.
  3. The brackets are inserted into the tray with the "legs" to themselves. We check that the brackets lay exactly.
  4. The tray closes.
  5. The stapler turns over the workpiece to the material, the lock is removed and you can start working.

To repair furniture in the house better apply a mechanical tool. To carry out large-scale work, it is better to choose electric. If you are going to open own production, then you should stop your choice on a pneumatic device.

Building stapler enjoys extremely popular with furniture makers, masters finishing workas well as decorators. You can enable this tool using one hand, which is especially convenient when working on unstable surfaces or roof.

That construction equipmentIn its functionality, it is practically no inferior (and in some cases even surpasses) a hammer and is intended to perform the following operations:

  • drapery;
  • fixation of upholstery material and decorating elements;
  • bonding parts of the pallet;
  • cladding;
  • docking and fixation of chipboard panels;
  • installation thermal insulation materials and rubberoid;
  • laying various types of outdoor coating.

However, when choosing a stapler, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the works of work, as well as functional and technological features tool. How to choose a stapler and what indicators to be guided, we will tell in this article.

Depending on the principle of operation and character " driving force"All construction staplers are divided into the following types.


This type of staplers is the most popular among furniture makers and decorators. Such a tool is distinguished by a high degree of reliability and durability, since the only part that can fail - the spring, which is the basis of the mechanical stapler.

The main advantage of such equipment is its autonomy. It does not require any hoses or batteries. The pluses of this tool can also be attributed to its low weight.

When choosing a mechanical stapler, pay attention to the construction of the case. If his two half is fixed with each other with ripples, then it will be impossible to get to the insides of the tool for the purpose of their repair or replacement. Therefore, it is recommended to acquire a stapler, the half of the housing of which are connected by screws.

Also pay attention to the impact mechanism of the tool. It can consist of twisted or spring spring. In the first case, when you work, you will feel a strong return. However, the staplers with twisted spring are an order of magnitude cheaper.

Another important attribute of a mechanical stapler are brackets. In the standard version, the tool is completed with P-shaped brackets different sizes. But there are also staplers capable of working with rounded brackets or with two species at the same time. In addition, the last version of the equipment can also score small nails and pins.


The main differences in this type of staplers from the previous is the presence of an electric motor that performs the main work. Due to the fact that such models are equipped electric engineThe more powerful springs can be installed on them that can create greater impact power. In addition, electrical staplers can be equipped with batteries, which makes them more mobile.

Depending on the model, such a tool may have a number of additional functions, such as:

  • mechanism for adjusting the strength of the blow;
  • system of protection against accidental shots;
  • sensor setting the depth of shots;
  • simultaneous shot with two brackets.

The disadvantages of electrical staplers include limited capacity rechargeable battery (In the case of using the tool in the distance from the source of electricity), greater weight (up to 2.5 kilograms) and the cost, compared with the "mechanics".


These models of staplers belong to professional equipment and have the highest speed of shots. The principle of operation is as follows: with the help of the compressor, the compressed air is supplied under high pressure to the pneumatic cylinder, due to which the shot occurs. Air can be served by pressing the pedal (in more powerful models) or trigger (manual models).

Many people may seem that such equipment is quite cumbersome, but it is not at all. Pneumatic staplers have compact dimensions, and their average weight does not exceed one kilogram. As "cartridges" in such tools, wide (up to 50 millimeters) of the brackets, as well as the average nails in size are used.

The disadvantages of pneumatic staplers include their attachment to the compressor and, accordingly, to the power grid, which involves the use of such equipment only on an industrial scale.

As you can see, building staplers are the multifunctional equipment differing, depending on the model, high levels reliability, mobility and multifunctionality.

Top rating of popular staplers


Some features of the design

The minimum distance between the bracket and the wall, mm

Weight (without gear), g

professional 2,5 436

professional Repeated impact mode; distant emphasis; Safe recharge system; the mode of unstressed lever descent; latch for fixing the handle in the lower position; Plastic hook for suspension on the belt 5,5 1024
professional Shock absorbing rubber insert on the case; the mode of unstressed lever descent; Ring for fixing the handle in the lower position 4,5 886
professional Repeated impact mode; distant emphasis; the mode of unstressed lever descent; mechanism for fixing the handle in the lower position; Plastic hook for suspension on the belt 6,5 994
domestic Shock absorbing rubber insert on the case; Ring for fixing the handle in the lower position 3,0 566

domestic The mode of unstressed lever descent; Mechanism for fixing the handle in the lower position 4,5 356
domestic Wide bracket; Ring for fixing the handle in the lower position 6,5 664

domestic Wide bracket; the possibility of working round brackets; shock absorbing rubber insert on the case; Ring for fixing the handle in the lower position 3,5 800

Now that you know all the features of this tool, you can choose a stapler depending on the nature of your work.
The table above shows the most popular models for 2015

The stapler consistently falls into the list of tools that must be in every home. With it, you can attach almost any trim to all sorts of surface types: furniture stapler The same well copes with textiles, plywood, film, thin plastics. But that the tool really turned out to be useful and served for a very long time, it is necessary to correctly pick up. How to do it? What criteria are considered basic when choosing a furniture stapler?

How to choose a furniture stapler? Main steps

Before you go to the store behind the stapler, it is recommended at home to determine some of its parameters. First of all, such questions should be asked:

  1. Why do you need a stapler? It's one thing if the tool is necessary for the manufacture of furniture in the conveyor mode, and completely different - if the stapler will be used to carry out rare and minor home repairs.
  2. What type of tool suitable better? It should be studied existing species Staplers and, depending on the purpose of the purchase, choose the most suitable.
  3. Specifications - What should they be? Recommended to draw special attention On the pulp power parameter.
  4. What amount will it get painlessly allocate to the tool? The market is represented great amount Manufacturers offering high-quality furniture staplers under any wallet. It remains only to find the most suitable option for yourself.
  5. What is the price and quality ratio will be acceptable? Powerful tool equipped with additional featureswill cost more than his simpler "fellow". It is necessary to decide independently, where the line passes when even the highest performance features They will not be able to become a motivation to buy an expensive furniture stapler.

The last two points is the case of a purely personal ideas about what a tool should be. The recommendations of specialists make sense only about choosing the type of stapler and analyzing its main parameters.

Furniture Stapler: How to choose - Mechanical or electric?

Most often for household needs, either mechanical or electric stapler is purchased. What is better to buy?

Top view Principle of operation Benefits disadvantages
Mechanical (manual, spring) By clicking on the lever, the user causes the spring to shrink. At the time of its rally, the bracket is clogged.
  • relatively low price
  • simplicity and reliability of the design
  • safety in operation
  • compactness and mobility
  • the need to apply physical effort
  • slow job
Electric The bracket is clogged by influence electrical Energy. The user is enough to click on the button.
  • high power and speed
  • reliability of fixing brackets
  • process automation
  • the possibility of using the tool is even physically weak
  • high price
  • big weight
  • the presence of wires and constant dependence on electricity (if the model is not equipped with a built-in battery)

Manual models - perfect option For users who periodically need to perform a small volume. The price of mechanical staplers is quite acceptable and does not exceed 5000 rubles. (Basically, the cost is within 400-1500 rubles.) Due to the simplicity of the design, the risk of device breakdown is significantly reduced, which makes acquisition of a truly reasonable investment.

If the furniture stapler is needed to perform serious tasks (over-checking large number furniture, insulation of premises), it is better to give preference more powerful and productive electrical model. The cost of such a tool is slightly higher and is approximately 2000-10000 rubles. (But there are more expensive options).

There is another subspecies of the construction stapler - pneumatic. It is often used in production conditions and is a stationary installation. Staples rushed into the surface due to power compressed airThis ensures high performance performance. The cost of "pneumatics" is very high, since the tool is additionally necessary compressor. For home operating such a stapler to buy unprofitable.

How to choose a stapler furniture for the main parameters

On the features of the work of the furniture stapler affect its specifications. By choosing, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

1. Stroy force. It depends on the type of stapler: the smallest of the mechanical model and the largest in pneumatic. But among any category of tools there are staplers who clog the brackets better and worse. Looking through the range of building stores, you should stop on models that are able to work with a greater length of the bracket: it is this characteristic that indicates powerful power Strike. For example, choosing between the stapler for 4-8 mm and 4-14 mm, it is better to give preference last variant: It is possible to reduce the strength of the strike, but to enlarge - no.

2. Safety. Although the furniture staircer is easy enough to use, they can be injured. Usually manufacturers care about the protection of the user, equipping the tool with these functions:

  • inclusion only in the case when the stapler pressed to the surface;
  • autoCill with incomplete entry of the bracket into the material.

3. Ease of operation. If you have to work the stapler longer than fifteen minutes, the comfort of using the tool will really an important criterion. Such characteristics are most important in this sense:

  • features of the handle. Comfortable handle - an indisputable advantage When choosing a furniture stapler. It is recommended to hold the tool in the hands before paying for it;
  • the presence of an impact power regulator. This feature is almost in every staplete and allows you to adjust the tool depending on the type of surface treated;
  • the ability to visually monitor the number of brackets. It is desirable that the selected stapler is equipped with an observation window. The user will be able to control the stock of the bracket in the process of work and understand how soon will have to "refuel".

4. Staples. Conventional brackets are suitable for working with soft materials. If the upholstery is planned with a cloth, you should give preference to hardened. P-shaped volts of type 53 were the greatest distribution.

Among manufacturers producing furniture staplers for home use- Sigma, Bosch, Stanley, Novus, Neo, Topex, Ultra. By purchasing products of these companies, the user can be confident as a tool.

A good furniture stapler is always useful. Even repair work It is not so often carried out, the tool will justify the cost of the purchase: sooner or later it will be found.

The furniture stapler is a tool that is used to fasten or fastening parts that consist of not very solid materials. The mount is made using a special bracket for a furniture stapler. These brackets have many variations and differ in size, material and color depending on work. There are also various types of furniture stapler, every online reviews are on the Internet. This tool has many different names (tacker, sketching, bobbin, etc.). This is due to the fact that this tool is quite popular and distributed in the people.

Stapler Furniture Electric and Manual: Device and Tools Tools

Not everyone knows how to choose a furniture stapler. It is worth noting that choosing such a tool, you need to consider that it has many varieties. Therefore, you need to take into account the operating parameters and characteristics. technical detailsWith which you will work, as well as the device itself, the furniture stapler. After examining all the nuances, you can go to the store and buy a furniture stapler.

Hand-made furniture stapler is a mechanical tool, work with which is happening by applying physical effort. The main plus of the hand tool is its mobility and independence from electricity, as well as from other energy sources. The requirement of physical effort is the main deficiency of the hand-made stapler, as with large volumes of work on the upholstery of furniture, a huge amount of time is spent. This fastening tool can be used only for partial or full of furniture of the house, and not at factories with industrial volumes. These tools are better to purchase from companies like Gross, Matrix and firms like them.

Electric furniture stapler is a tool operating with electricity or batteries. The best thing this species The unit is used for medium-sized work on the upholstery of furniture. The main shortcomings of this type of stapler are: low mechanism rate, weak tool impact force, and its rather fast wear.

A pneumatic furniture stapler is used to work with an industrial scale. Since it is fast, durable and durable compared to other types of similar construction aggregates.

Video "Furniture Stapler": how to use how to charge, and what brackets need

In order not to be injured with a furniture stapler, how to use such a tool, it is important to disassemble thoroughly. If you work with a mechanical stapler, first adjust the screw controller. Adjustment should be produced on rough materialRotating a regulator from a minimum to the maximum. If the fastener is not included in the material from the first blow, then you will need to adjust your furniture stapler again, and if you come to work on the "finishing". It is worth learn how to charge the furniture stapler. This can be found in the instructions for the unit.

To climb the bracket at the desired distance, it is best to outline such places in advance with the handle or pencil. You can also use the retainer, which must observe the same distance when driving fasteners without pre-markup.

Do not forget the same to hold the material, making shots, in order for the material to be able to move when driven by a bracket. Do not forget to follow the presence of a bracket so as not to stay without them in the most inappropriate moment for you.

When the tool is not used, fix the handle by the fuse. So it is based on safety. When performing these simple recommendationsYou can easily handle the sofa challenge or another necessary task associated with the furniture stapler, the price always depends on the type of tool and its manufacturer.

Stapler furniture, instructions for use: how to choose brackets?

The instructions for the device have data to which you should rely on the choice of brackets:

  • The depth of the bracket - it can vary from 4 to 14 mm. This parameter is determined by the nature of the upcoming work. For example, the tapestry on the back of the chair can be "shooting" with 8 mm brackets, and for felt it will already be necessary to use a depth of 10 - 12 mm.
  • Type - everything depends on the model, the marking on the package must be the same as in the description of the device. For example, if there are small brackets for a specific instrument, then they can "shit" several pieces at a time. In addition, the brackets in the tray are almost inevitable.

In addition, it is necessary to take care of the recommendations of the Seller to replace the brackets of one type to other similar. Charges, similar in depth, may differ geometry, which can be imperceptible to the eye, but critical in the work of the stapler.

How to choose a furniture stapler?

Did you think how to choose a stapler for furniture? Everything is very simple: the choice is carried out on the basis of what kind of work we are coming. So, if you need a device for the upholstery of a sofa or chairs, then you can do mechanical instrumentBecause furniture frames are usually made, as a rule, from soft wood. The effort made by hand a mechanical stapler will be quite enough to work.

If you have to work with more solid materials, for example, with a chipboard, then the mechanics do not do here. With sufficient power will have an electric stapler for furniture. Pneumatic tools are even more powerful, but it will most likely be an unjustified waste of money. Pneumatics makes sense to buy for use in construction work.

High-quality mechanical stapler, what is he?

Mechanical stapler, furniture, no difficulty. However, its design has features on which the convenience and efficiency of the use of the device depends. Attention should be reversed:

  • Shop transparency. Absolutely not critical for the functioning of the device, but it will be very convenient to control the amount of brackets.
  • Screw to adjust the blow strength. Different density of wood and upholstery thickness - regulation here will greatly facilitate work.
  • A narrow work tip of a furniture, mechanical stapler. Provide greater accuracy in installing brackets.
  • Stopper on handles. This is a security question - you will be protected from a random shot.
  • Rubberized handle. More convenience when working, the device will not slide in the hand.

Electric stapler for furniture: network or rechargeable?

The rechargeable furniture stapler is very convenient because the person working with him is not tied to the source of electricity. That is, you can work the device at least in the country where there is no electricity. Typically, the battery capacity is enough for quite a long time. With frank minuses, such a stapler does not have, but it is worth purchasing it only if there is a need for wireless access.

In all other cases, it is better to choose a stapler furniture, electric, with a nutrition from the network. And that's why:

  • The network device will have a greater power than independent.
  • Even the most capacious battery is used to end.
  • The price of a network stapler is lower.
  • The weight of the battery device is higher, which means working for a long time it is harder.

Terms of use of a mechanical stapler: How to charge the device?

How to use the furniture stapler, it is not difficult to deal with. But let's consider more about the process of charging the device with a mechanical drive.

  • We put the stapler for the fuse.
  • In the rear of the device, we find a sash closing the hole "climb" for the bracket and fold it down.
  • From the hole stretch the rod with a spring.
  • We insert the block from the bracket inside the "backs" towards the instrument handle.
  • Return the rod to the place, clamping the brackets inside the stapler.
  • Lower to click the sash. Next you can proceed to work.

How to use furniture stapler: video contains a review of a mechanical model.

How to choose a furniture stapler to be safe?

For devices with any drive, mechanical or electric, the button is required - a stopper protecting against accidental response. Actually, for a mechanical stapler of such a stop is quite enough. But the electrical device to be considered truly safe, must have another protection from the triggering ". That is, "Shot" should occur only when the working part of the stapler is pressed to the working surface.

In addition to human security, there is still the concept of "quality quality control." This is a very useful feature that will protect you from unnoticed flaws in work. It lies in the fact that the electric stapler will turn off every time the bracket will not be clogged or crooked. So you can notice the defect in time and eliminate it.

How to fix the pneumatic furniture stapler?

Let's look at how to insert brackets into a stapler for furniture. The very first thing to do is blocking the device. So you will protect yourself from injury because of the random "shots". Next, the sequence of actions will be like this:

  • We find and press the button that answers the opening boat for the brake. After clicking either "erupt" the lid of the tray, or the tray itself is pulled out of the handle. It all depends on the design of the model.
  • I turn over the device, once again we are convinced that it is blocked.
  • Insert the brackets for a furniture stapler into a tray, "backs" to the device, and "legs" to yourself. We are convinced that they lie smoothly.
  • Close the tray before clicking.
  • I turn over the workpiece from ourselves, remove the lock.

After charging, the tester must be tested. After that, do not forget to block the mechanism again.

Household furniture stapler - a universal tool with which you can not only consolidate the upholstery, but also to perform many other works in household Quickly and neat. Before choosing a furniture stapler for personal use, it is useful to explore the information about this adaptation and the recommendations of the masters.

Principle of operation and the benefits of the stapler

Traditional tool of professional furniture makers found wide application at home. The furniture stapler (bracer, taker, pistol) is designed to perform a variety of operations that can be divided into two groups:

  1. Attaching a thin material (tissue, film) to a solid basis (wood, plates chipboard or MDF). The bracket is interpreted at the base, only the back of the fastener is visible on the surface.
  2. The connection of the two is equal to the thickness of the layers. The materials make their way through, and the edges of the bracket are bent.

The principle of operation of the tool is simple. The mounting elements (brackets) are charged to the clip, the working part is installed in the location of the fixation, when you press the trigger or the stapler button fits the bracket, which fixes the material.

List of homework for which you can use the device, is extensive and diverse:

  • fixing the upholstery on the furniture frame;
  • facing surfaces with finishing materials;
  • laying insulation, films, carpet coatings;
  • construction of film greenhouses and greenhouses on the site;
  • fixation of the strokes on the windows;
  • build packaging boxes and much more.

In the absence of such an aggregate in the household usually apply a hammer. However, the benefits of using a furniture stapler are obvious:

  • the work is fulfilled faster and with lower costs of physical forces;
  • free hand can be maintained fixed material - it facilitates the process, one person will cope with work;
  • the accuracy of the attachment does not cause the play or mechanical damage to the fastened parts;
  • the sharp ends of the bracket are inside the tool and cannot cause cuts or injuries.

Types of staplers

There are many varieties and modifications of bobbers for furniture - they can be divided into 3 groups depending on the structural complexity and performance.

  • Manual (mechanical)

The easiest I. mobile view A tool that does not need additional accessories and devices. To perform the operation, it is only necessary to attach physical strength. The simplicity of the design and the absence of the helpful elements is the guarantee of the reliability and durability of such a device. Care lies in periodic lubrication of parts. Manual tool service life - 6-8 years.

Mechanical furniture stapler is suitable for performing simple household operations. For large volumes of work, it is impossible to use physical strength, and it is impossible to achieve high labor productivity.

  • Electric

The device is designed to perform the work of the average volume at a professional level. The tool require connecting to the power grid. There are modifications operating on a rechargeable battery. The shock mechanism is given in motion by pressing the button, the physical effort is not necessary to apply.

The electric motor increases the strength of the strike several times. This allows you to quickly and easily pierce solid materials, and the fastening has increased strength. One of the subspecies of the electric tool is a building stapler, designed for fastening boards, lining, plinths and other finishing materials.

The disadvantages of the electrical instrument are relatively high cost, increased weight due to the engine and limited cord length work zone.

Electrical models quickly fail due to improper selection of brackets or violation of the rules of operation. Newcomers first better acquire simple and unpretentious mechanical staplers.

  • Pneumatic

The most productive, powerful and durable models. A compressor is needed for the operation of such tools, so they are used on furniture plants, where you can equip individual workplaces with compressed air and dedicated electrolyne. For home and household needs, their use is inappropriate.

Instead of a spring, the tool is equipped with a pneumatic cylinder. It leads to movement air entering the pedal or turmeric when pressed. Such a constructive solution allows many times to increase labor and carry out large amounts of work. The average speed of such pistols is 1 bracket per second.

Otherwise, the design of pneumatic models is quite simple and does not require complex maintenance. It is only necessary to periodically clean and cheat the sealing ring as wear. The main drawback is stationarity. The radius of the device is limited to the air hose length.

How to choose a stapler?

Depending on the type and volume of planned work, decide on the type of tool: mechanical or electric. Now you can go to the selection, focusing on the types of brackets, with which each considered model is compatible. This information is indicated on the packaging of the product. The cheapest I. simple models Usually designed to work with one type of brackets. For semi-professional household models, you can use fastening of several species, including nails and pins.

It is better to choose a more expensive universal stapler, which is useful for many types of homework. The price difference compared to the simplest models is minor, and the scope of application is much wider.

For household instruments The following sizes are suitable:

A typeThe formDimensions (thickness / width of the back / range of heights), mmFeatures and destination
53 P-shaped0,7/11,3/4-14 The most popular and frequently used type. Depending on the height, it is used for paper, cardboard, thin tissues, wood. There are 2 types of brackets: hardened (hard) for solid or glued wood and simple - for thin materials and soft wood.
140 P-shaped1,25/10,6/6-14 Thick brackets for fixing dense tissues on a tree and chipboard
28 S -Polucrolagla1,25/4,5/9-11 Fixing finishing materials
36 L-semicircle1,25/7,6/10-14 Fixing cable and wires are not thick than 6.4 mm
300 Nails with T-shaped1,2/10-14 Fastening to plywood, chipboard, array
500 Nails without hats1,2/10-14 For work S. various species Tissues and wood

The general principle of choosing fasteners: the thickness of the materials connectable, the higher the high brackets must be used.

Stapler for furniture upholstery - what better to choose?

Mechanical pistol - optimal choiceTo perform at home a drawing of wear or damaged furniture upholstery. The physical force of man and the possibilities of the mechanics is enough to securely fix the cloth on the soft wood furniture carcass. In addition, any adult man can use a manual aggregate, even without experience and skills.

When working with solid wood or daily use, an electric tool is needed - mechanical models will not be able to provide the required impact force. If you plan to open your own furniture business or workshop, you can think about the purchase of high-performance pneumonic equipment.

We collected advice professionals will help you choose the best way Among the wide range of sale.

  • When buying a furniture stapler, pay attention to the body of the product - it is better that it is made of durable light alloys, and not from plastic. Hardware Sustainable for external mechanical damage, random drops and will serve much longer than plastic analogs.
  • Prefer collapsible, not solid design. This will allow you to carry out minor repairs, thus extend the service life of the device.
  • The instrument handle must have an ergonomic shape and comfortably lie in the hand. The rubberized layer prevents palm slipping.
  • Transparent store allows you to control the number of brackets and change it on time.
  • The presence of a stopper for warning a random shot - a mandatory option safe use aggregate.
  • Qualitative hand tool Must be equipped with an adjusting mechanism of the punching force in the form of a switch or wheel. With it, you can adjust the stapler on a certain hardness of the material. If the bracket is not based on the first time, you need to gradually rotate the regulator from the minimum to the maximum until the desired result is reached. Test shots spend on the draft material.
  • The presence of a double-impact mechanism significantly increases the performance of the mechanical gun - if after the first strike the bracket did not enter the material completely, an additional impulse is supplied to it. Choose a hand stapler with shock mechanism On a spring spring, which almost does not give recoil.
  • The electric tool that is supposed to use for bulk work must have a high performance, that is, to perform at least 20-30 shots per minute. An important option that determines the mobility and convenience of using a taker is the length of the cord. When choosing a device with a battery, you need to pay attention to the container and the battery charging time. From these indicators, the speed of work is directly dependent.

Furniture Stapler is a simple, but very useful to the tool in the farm. For minor work on the house, mechanical models usually choose - they are easy to use and reliable. For large-scale and construction work use electrical deviceswho have high rates Power and provide the best performance.