Room repair 40 sq m. Starning of one-room apartment: Best design options

Allowed to acquire a large apartment may not everyone. Many are satisfied with small areas. That is why the studio apartment is 40 square meters. m. It is a fairly common type of housing, in which a full-fledged family of three can be seized.

The main problem of small-sized residential premises is the need for a rational organization of useful space. However, despite the small size, the apartment is a studio of 40 square meters. m. It is possible to organize so, after which it turns out convenient functional spacehaving its own unique style and appearance.

Start of work on the arrangement of odnushki

Start repair of an apartment of 40 square meters. m. It is worth starting with the development of the project. If there is no possibility to turn to professional designers, there are no designers, then simple sketches with a pencil on a paper canvase will be enough to produce approximate calculations And it is convenient to plan the useful space.

When drawing up a project, pay attention to the following points:

  • the budget, which already includes funds for unforeseen spending;
  • design features of the room, including all niches, protrusions, crossbars, etc.;
  • the number of households who live on the square are constantly, taking into account their needs and desires;
  • selected stylistic concept;
  • the location of the main furniture groups and accessories.

Taking zoning

Since the area of \u200b\u200b40 squares cannot be called very large, and people living with them want to feel comfort, when organizing the planning of an apartment of 40 square meters. m. It is recommended to use zoning techniques.

The construction of the septum in order to visually and virtually distinguish between functional sections. It is possible to build a hypocaronic design, which would overlap the area not completely, but only by 40 percent.

Racks with open through sections. Favorite books, pleasant souvenirs and other accessories easily place on such shelves.

And by purchasing plastic boxes, imitating rathanges, can be stored on such racks even linen kits or clothing. Wherein general form such furniture design It will not look cumbersome, and the room is littered.

The podium is not only a tool for zoning, but also a very functional solution. Such a design is very clearly divided by space, and in combination with the curtains it can be hidden a plated bed from prying views.

From a constructive point of view, the podium is good because the space floor is used as a full-fledged spacious storage system.

Stylistics of small rooms

Simple principle of apartment design of 40 square meters. m. lies in the use of light color. It is, based on this condition, and the styles of the room are selected, among which the most suitable are:

Classicism with its correct forms and symmetry, the proportions are clearly observed. For decoration of wall surfaces, a delicate wallpaper canvases will be suitable, it is better to ax a parquet or laminate on the floor.

Minimalistic directions are good with their right corners and simplest forms. These stylistics exclude personality, the palette of the tones is light, with the inclusion of bright details.

Loft stylization with an industrial character. By the way, it will be necessary for a small housing.

Choosing furniture groups

When choosing a furniture equipment for a small odnushki, it should be understood that standard furniture groups here are simply inappropriate. The most appropriate models will be modular combinations that can be selected by the desired sizeAnd the equipment will meet all the requirements.

Good modules by the fact that all items have the same stylist, thanks to which the entire design concept will be united.

Another very spacious and useful thing in the interior of a 40-meter odnushki is a wardrobe, built on the floor to the ceiling canvase.

Maximum convenient to use in small areas of transformable furniture. Among such items will be useful to be a folding type table that turns into a storage system, a bed that can be used in the afternoon as a sofa or a model that is removed during the daytime in the closet as in the photo of an apartment of 40 square meters. m. etc

As for the placement, the bed is better in the bed zone near the window opening. At the same time, it is advisable to replace ordinary curtains for short light curtains and blinds.

Camping Kitchen Preferences should be given to multifunctional headsets made of bright glossy materials. The light reflects from such surfaces will fill the space by air, creating the illusion of a spacious room.

In the angular part of the kitchen area can be placed soft sofachick and rounded dinner table.

To split the kitchen and guest zone, it is possible to use a wooden compact partition that will serve as an installation under television technique.

Putting a small soft sofa and a compact table to the guest zone, you can organize a cozy space for receiving guests and a pleasant pastime.

The dynamics and individuality will help bring bright accessories, aquariums, elegant fabric of paintings, suitable for stylistics of the interior to the interior composition.

Photo of apartment 40 square meters. m.

One-bedroom apartment is not only price availability, but also the field for experiments in the field of planning and interior design. Forty meters of the total area only at first glance, they suggest the thoughts about the claw in the kitchen and the erasely struggle for the place on the sofa one in the apartment. One-bedroom apartment is not a sentence, but an excellent opportunity to show a reasonable fantasy on the entire area of \u200b\u200b"non-residents" square meters.


Let's start with the fact that almost all one-bedroom apartments, even those are located in the houses of the construction of the middle of the last century, are equipped with balconies or spacious loggias. The union of the balcony with a room or kitchen has long been ordinary practice when making changes to the initial planning of the apartment. Moreover, the presence of additional square in the form of several (sometimes up to ten) square meters is a very important argument when choosing one-bedroom apartment.

The balcony in the 21st century is not just a place for storing seasonal things and old trash, but, first of all, additional space for original design and even architectural solutions.

Another feature of one-room apartments with a total area of \u200b\u200bforty-meters is enough a large room. After all, it is the only one in the apartments of this type, which means that the bedroom, the dining room, the game room and the working office should somehow fit in the same room and it is real. Need to understand that in small-sized apartments, the key role is not played by the area, but the volume.In the singular room, it is quite realistic to place everything you need for comfortable accommodation Families of three and even four people, not to mention a pair - you only need to carefully treat trifles and learn to win the space where it seems unlikely.

The project of a comfortable and spacious one-room apartment is a difficult task to which it is necessary to approach thoroughly using the advice of professionals. Below will be listed the most important aspectsTo be taken into account when implementing a project design of a one-room apartment.

Despite the fact that one-room apartments of small square are quite a single type, each of them can be made a kind of unique project for a comfortable stay.


There are several different ways Share an apartment with an area of \u200b\u200b40 square meters. m per somewhat functional zones. The choice depends on how many people will stay in the apartment: there will be a family with children or couple with a cat, a dog and a huge aquarium for a hundred liters.

So, the main zoning options:

  • The bathroom and the kitchen are usually isolated from the living room, you can combine with the rest of the apartment in such a way as to increase the size of the useful area and reduce the functional load on each of the zones.

  • If the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen allows you to place in it, in addition to standard furniture items, the dining table, which means it makes sense to think about the separation of part of the kitchen space under the dining room. It may be the most normal tablecapable of accommodating as many people as usual is going together plus a couple of guests. Most often, the wall between the kitchen and the room is replaced with a decorative partition (translucent or deaf), which allows you to significantly increase the useful space of the kitchen and create a comfortable food intake area that can also perform the functions of the living room.

  • Actually living (it is the only one in our case) the room performs several functions: a bedroom, a play area (if children live in the apartment), food intake area (combined with kitchen), as well as a working area with a comfortable laptop table, an ergonomic chair and a rack For books.

  • Total area of \u200b\u200b40 square meters. M, as a rule, does not include a balcony or loggia that are increasingly combined with a living room or kitchen.

In this case, an additional area is most often recommended to divert under the workplace or living area; The latter is especially true if the balcony or loggia is combined with the kitchen.

  • The bathroom in small-sized apartments is two types: separate and combined. Since we are talking about forty meters of a total area, it will be worthwhile to think about whether to combine initially isolated toilet and bathrooms. The combination of these rooms into a single bathroom will allow, on the one hand, to get an additional useful space, and on the other hand, it is more competently located furniture and interior items within the zone of the bathroom.

  • Do not forget about the hallway. Even if it is a small "patch" in front of the door, you should not neglect it with modest sizes. The hallway can be organically enter into the space of the residential room, thereby extinguishing the zone of placement of cabinets or wall racks. It is also possible to combine the hallway with the kitchen: in this case, we have a small living room, logically connected with the rest of the apartment.


The modest square does not mean the simplicity and unbelief of the finish. On the other hand, the rag of the materials and the riot of flowers is unlikely to be harmoniously combined with the main function of our apartment: maximum benefit at a minimum of space. Repair must meet expectations.

The color decoration of individual zones of the apartment has an important meaning: properly selected combinations of different colors allow you to visually increase the living space, which creates an additional feeling of comfort and significantly improves the psychological state of living in the apartment.

And otherwise your fantasy is limited only by your financial capabilities. Here are the three main directions of the decoration of the apartment.


Laminate or tree is a question of price and preferences, provided that you need to cover only 40 m2. If you prefer to do without floor carpets and other decor elements, color outdoor coating And its material has not only practical, but also a stylistic value. Optimum option - Floor color and style style are combined with a common style.which completes the finish of the entire apartment.

However, a variant is possible, in which the floor covering is straightened from the other elements of the interior. In any case, we should not forget that the main qualities of the floor covering are strength and durability.


One of the most popular (and affordable) wall materials and partitions is drywall. It should be understood that the presence of two or even three new deaf walls in a one-room apartment instead of one old, will not add any space nor comfort, but will create a feeling of closure and make it difficult for access to the adjacent zones. In modern urban apartments of the wall - a big convention, more and more designers are increasingly inclined to the fact that Instead of walls, it is better to use partitions.

It can be translucent and completely opaque designs of different heights (very optional on the floor to the ceiling), which are easy to handle paint and pasting with wallpaper, besides, such partitions are easy to move in the event that you wanted to make a permutation in the apartment.

Paint or glue wallpaper? There is no unambiguous answer to this question, and it is right, because it is the decoration of the apartment that allows you to reveal your creative fantasy as much as possible. In favor of coloring, you can say unequivocally: it is easier and cheaper. Simple design is fully combined with good taste. In addition, if you are tired of color, it can be easily changed, just repainting the walls.

If you are fundamentally speaking for wallpapers, Attention should be paid to the correspondence of color and style zones of the apartment. For example, the same or combined wallpaper in the hallway and residential room allow you to visually increase the volume of residential space.


In modern apartments, mounted ceilings are increasingly offering, but in our case this option is most likely not suitable. In significant limited spaceAs mentioned above, it matters volume, not the area. Therefore, the ceiling is better to leave on the initial height, while its color and coating material can be practically any. The 1-room apartment initially represents almost a single space, it logically will perform the ceilings in a single color scheme.


Since we consider the option relatively small, rather, even a small apartment, furniture that will be in it should have two qualities: functionality and compact sizes. Do not neglect the second tier to accommodate bedsEspecially if the ceiling height is at least 2.8 meters. In addition to the beds, the second tier is recommended to use also for storing seasonal clothes and other necessary things.

Furniture need to choose the most utilitarian: Cute stuff and coffee tables make sense to replace with racks and floor pillows; The latter is easy to clean overnight and during cleaning.

Studio Apartment involves the presence of elements of transforming furniture: a sofa, which is folded and folded into one or two movements, combined with a rack or workplace; Bed for two on the second tier, and on the first - a multifunction workplace with drawer for storage of bed linen and combined cabinet for clothes.

Descriptions of examples would be enough for separate bookIt is important to understand that the furniture in a small-sized one-room apartment must comply with all the requirements of this accommodation: there are few places, and there are many functions. Of course, in such cases, all sorts of cabinets, which can be placed both along the walls and in the corners, using the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment, from the hallway to the balcony (loggia).

If the height of the wall allows you to use the upper space under the ceiling, be sure to make yourself a mezzanine. This is not a warehouse of unnecessary things that are sorry to throw out, but an additional useful space for cabinets, niches and even sleeping places. And then your studio will become really comfortable, and all its elements are modern and multifunctional.

What is most important in the apartment for a man? That's right, the ability to store workers tools, sports shells and other useful skarb, which causes irritation in women. For storing such things (some of them can fully perform the function of decor elements) in a small-sized apartment, niches and built-in wardrobes are perfectly suitable, which are better placed in the corridor or in areas directly related to the balcony / loggia.


Small Square does not mean that creating ideas original decoration Will be limited to the painting walls and whitening the ceilings. A reasonable approach to the design of residential space always brings favorable fruits, regardless of how much square meters at your disposal.

For creating stylish design Apartments 40 square meters. m. It is important to take into account all the features of the planning and arrangement of functional zones. Competent zoning of small-sized and the choice of suitable style will fill the interior comfort and beauty.

  • Do not decorate the room too chast stands with large quantity Decorative elements, since, such registration visually lowered the ceiling. The best illumination option will be the multi-level point lamps.
  • So that the space does not look closed, it is desirable to give preference to compact integrated techniques and furniture with good room.
  • It is recommended to perform interior in more light gamme, for example, white, beige, cream, sandy or light gray, since the dark tones will visually reduce the space.
  • For the design of windows, thin lightweight curtains, rolled models or blinds will be better.

Planning 40 square meters. m.

In order to achieve maximum convenient planning and the original design, it is necessary to think in advance the creation of a deployed project, which includes a technical plan and scheme of the location of various communications and other things.

In a small apartment, it will be appropriate to use not too cumbersome, transforming furniture, a sufficient amount of light, finishes in bright shades, mirror and glossy surfaces providing visual expansion space.

For rectangular form Premises, it is important to correctly organize zoning to separate the living space into two parts to give it a more proportional view.

For one-bedroom apartment

In the design of odnushki, primarily take into account the geometric shape of the apartment, as well as the presence of structural angles, protrusions or niches. With such elements, you can zonate space without using additional designs.

In the photo of the design of a one-room apartment 40 squares, with a niche equipped with a bed.

For those who prefer comfort, comfortable design and measured life, the main part of the room can be left under a bed with a bed, a mirror, a wardrobe, a chest of drawers and other storage systems. The remaining area will be appropriate to equip under working area with a table, armchair or chair and organize a guest with a sofa, a mounted TV and a bed to accommodate different trifles.

For Studio Apartment

This studio apartment is a single residential space consisting of several functional zones with a separate bathroom, separated by walls. One of the advantages of a similar planning option is a significant preservation of the area, due to the absence of door structures.

In the photo interior of apartment-studio 40 square meters, made in bright colors.

Studio apartment is considered enough comfortable solution For a small family, a young couple or bachelor. When creating an interior, it is important not to disturb the harmony of the surrounding space and not overload it due to solid partitions, preferring them lighter and mobile models.

Also to preserve airiness indoors, it is better to use modular furniture objects or transformer designs, rather than install monolithic products. In the finishing, it is desirable to use natural and eco-friendly materials, since only one room is given under permanent accommodation.

In the photo Studio Studio 40 square meters, with a living room and a sleeping area separated by curtains.

For Eurodwushka

The two-bedroom apartment of the Euro standard is essentially a more advanced version of the studio apartment with a separate extra room. The most popular planning solution is the division of this housing for the kitchen-living room and bedroom.

Also in a separate room, sometimes children are equipped, and the combined space is occupied by sleeping, kitchen zone, dining room or in the presence of a balcony, equip the office to work.

In the photo the interior of a modern kitchen-living room in the apartment EuroDudshka 40 square meters. m.

The loggia can also be used at rest, dining area, bar rack or place a fridge or a brass cabinet on it.

In the photo, the design of the apartment of the EuroDevushka, an area of \u200b\u200b40 square meters.

Redevelopment 40 m2

The redevelopment of the apartment from one-room in one-bedroom apartment is quite common, which is performed at the expense of a complete renovation, separation of space by various partitions or installing new walls. For example, an additional room is often discharged under children's, dressing room, office or even a small living room.

The ideas of zoning

For clear zoning, apply the most diverse designer methods. For example, a differential or contrasting finish, plasterboard, wooden, plastic or glass partitions, which, due to its laconic execution, will not clutch space.

If there are high ceilings, you can give preference to multi-level structures, with the installation of the upper tier, intended for the bedroom equipment or the workplace.

On the photo odnushka 40 squares, with a sleeping area, separated by curtains.

An excellent delimiter can serve as curtains or mobile scrolls, which are outdoor or ceiling option. Not only achieve the separation of the area, but also to the unrecognizability to transform appearance premises will work with lighting and various backlight. Also for separating functional zones, racks, dressers or more massive furniture items are selected, as a closet.

In the photo zoning bedroom and the living area with a low rack, in a one-room apartment of 40 square meters. m.

This option, like a closet, will be especially appropriate as a partition for the sleeping area. In addition, similar furniture elements may differ in any design, be double sided or represent the coupling structures. No less than an excellent solution, are sliding doors from the most different materialswhich are very often used in the zoning of the kitchen-living room.

In the photo interior of the studio apartment of 40 square meters, with glass partition separating the sleeping area.

Functional area design

Options for designing different segments.


The kitchen space is a fairly important part of the dwelling and is distinguished by its own inner zoning. In a combined kitchen, special attention is paid to high-quality equipment and silent functioning of household items. When creating a project, primarily take into account the location of the ventilation, on which the placement of the kitchen depends.

In the photo Design of a separate kitchen in a one-room apartment of 40 square meters.

For greater practicality and capacity, sets should be installed with cabinets under the ceiling, for convenience, equip the work surface between the stove and washing, and also provide for the facilities in advance where the electrical appliances and sockets for them will be located. Enough original design has a compact kitchen island, which due to proper placementwill contribute to the real savings of square meters.


In the design of a nursery, it is very important to think about the number of furniture items, their quality and safety. For example, for small-sized room more rational use folding furnitureproviding significant savings of the useful area.

For a family with a child in the odnushka or apartment-studio, you can choose zoning elements, in the form of curtains, shirm or furniture, as well as distinguish between the space with the help of different floor lining or walls. To create a more favorable atmosphere in the nursery, it is recommended to install lamps having multiple light or reflective properties.

In the photo, one-room apartment of 40 square meters, equipped with a children's corner.

Living room and recreation area

In the design of an apartment of 40 square meters, the living room can be a part of the kitchen and be separated by partition, bar counter, or be a separate full-fledged room with a sofa, TV, audio, armchairs, puffs and other things.

In the photo interior of the living room in scandinavian style In the design of the apartment of 40 squares.

In a small room, it is not desirable to have too many furniture items so as not to overload the room. Guestrooms of the guest room have a special style and comfort, help a soft carpet, a variance and varied wall decoration, as well as various options Lighting.

In the photo Design of the guest room in the apartment of 40 square meters.


Housing 40 squares, suggests a sufficient number of space for organizing a separate dressing room or for a more simplified and economical solution, which is to install shelves with a curtain as doors. Such a designer stroke is characterized by a very modern and spectacular species and emphasizes cozy.

Sleeping area

In the arrangement of the zone for sleep or a separate bedroom, use the minimum number of furnishing. For example, we prefer built-in wardrobes, which occupy the minimum area, ultra-suite shelves and racks in the headboard or compact corner structures.

For a significant savings of the area, you can replace the sleeping bed, a folding sofa, which during the daytime assembled, will not take useful meters. In the odnushka or apartment studio, the bed is installed in a specially equipped niche or the podium, thus it turns out to achieve a beautiful, aesthetic design and practical design.

The photo is a sleeping area located in a niche in the interior of a one-room apartment of 40 square meters.


Workplace Often are equipped in a small niche, on the loggia, in the corner, combine with the windowsill or have along the wall. The most rational will add this plot, folding written or computer table, built-in rack, shallow bookcase or mounted shelves.

IN angular apartmentThe mini-cabinet can be located near the window, which will provide high-quality natural lighting.

Bathroom and toilet

For a small combined bathroom, it will be especially appropriate to use large mirrors, expanding space, square sink with a box under washing machine, Ergonomic shelves located above the toilet, compact shower cabins, suspended plumbing and other elements that preserve the useful area.

In the photo interior of a small bathroom in gray-white tones in the design of an apartment of 40 square meters.

Photo in various styles

IN scandinavian designThe finish uses bright, almost white shades, furniture items made from natural tree, sufficiently unusual storage systems, in the form of boxes, boxes and baskets, placed on the shelves, as well as different decor, such as paintings, photos, green plants, candles, animal skins, bright utensils or textiles.

The style is minimalism, distinguished by the interior in white and graphic gray tones in combination with chrome-plated steel, glass, plastic, ceramic, artificial and natural stone materials. Furnishing has simple geometric shapes With light bends and has no extra decor. The room is mainly present multiple lighting and lighting, in the form of neon or halogen lamps, windows decorated with vertical or horizontal blinds.

Special ease, ease and French romantics, is characterized by Provence, which involves elegant decor, Floral Print, Vintage Furniture with Starfish Rock and Gentle color gamutcontributing to the creation of indescribable comfort.

In the photo Design of the apartment-studio 40 square meters, made in the Loft style.

In the design of the modern direction, the presence of stylish accessories, the latest techniques in combination with neutral cladding is welcomed. It is appropriate for the use of perfectly smooth surfaces, soft furniture items, modular multifunctional structures and a large number of Lighting.

Luxurious, dear classic interioris the perfect embodiment of beauty. This style present symmetric and clear forms, furniture from high-quality wood, complex architectural elements, in the form of stucco, columns and other things, as well as restrained pastel shades in the decoration.

Photo Gallery

Apartment 40 square meters. m., despite such a relatively small metrar, is quite practical, convenient and ergonomic design, as relevant to the requirements of residence.

Good day, dear readers! Today's our article will tell how the planning of the studio apartment will look like, 40 square meters. m. Photo examples, of course, will help in this. In addition, we will provide several practical advice that will help make the right and aesthetic design.

We will help those people who are upset by small dimensions of their premises, but they simply need a comfortable area for recreation and work, reception of guests and food. Let's proceed to the study this issue Detailed.

First steps in redevelopment

First of all, you will need a plan drawn by hand on paper or using computer technology. The ideal option A three-dimensional model is considered that will reveal the future project from all sides. This drawing should take into account all your needs that are necessary for the apartment.

Do not forget that the main task of such rearrangements is an increase in the useful space.

Getting started to repair, make sure that all legal aspects are in order, and you have not encountered problems in the future. You will need to take permission from the relevant instances. Sometimes, it takes a large period of time, consider it.

The very first and popular option for redevelopment, which we can imagine - uninstalling partitions separating the dining room and living room. This is the first and important stage of change. The correctness of the execution is reflected in the future - the better the procedure will be performed, the more comfortable you will be. Our article presents several photos. ready projectsSo that you understand how it should look like this.

Color decoration

After performing all the "power" actions, you can begin more relaxed procedures. Let's start with the color selection for your studio design. You know that the colors differ in different ways to the psychophysical state.

For example, the abundance of yellow tone or orange will attract attention on the details. Brown and red shades are generally recommended to use in extreme cases - they may be tired if present in the abundance.

As optimal colors For small apartments, sandy shades, cream, beige and pastel-blue are chosen.

Come to the selection color decoration With all seriousness, because it is from this that you will be repelled when choosing accessories, curtains, etc. In our photos, examples collected several fundamentally different color solutionsSo that you can evaluate each in dignity.

Studio furniture selection

Now you need to choose which furniture you install in your room. First of all, it should be a small, comfortable and creating a feeling of harmony with the rest of the environment. Try to get rid of the overall cabinets or beds - in the small apartment-studio, they are if they fit, they will look very inappropriate.

The arrangement, by the way, has no less meaning than the selection.

Most. optimal option for small apartments It is considered to be a transformer furniture. Otherwise, they are still presented as a built-in headset. You can easily hide the bed into the cabinet, thereby freeing a little space that is useful when performing everyday affairs. Today, a hill-wall becomes more and more popular for studios.

Another idea that deserves separate attention is folding sofas that can immediately perform several functional tasks. For example, some sleeping places appear, bedding boxes, recreation area, etc. And all this within one element of the fittings.

If you or your family love dinner outside the house, big kitchen table You have nothing to do. Replace it with a folding option and you will only win.

As an apartment must welcome

Because Studios have small dimensions, the entrance doors can easily create deaf spaces. In this case, it is better to get rid of hangers or bedside tables that will be interpreted in any case. An easy way to organize things and shoes is to install a wardrobe or storage room.

Thus, the place of housing is not bad and the extra elements disappears.

Create a separate corner in which a personal computer will be. It will be not bad if all the necessary paper and folders will be located there. As an option - wall shelves, saving space.

A few words about harmony

Harmony - very important factor When repairing. It will help to avoid unnecessary irritations. In addition, coming home after a difficult day, you will relax. Here are some rules:

  • If your furniture has a dark walnut color, look at the curtains of yellow, green and gray tones. It will be ignorant to buy them in the same color.
  • For those who prefer black accessories, we advise you to select items in red, purple, raspberry colors. Purple is better to take pastel, so that it does not work too black and cowardly.

  • Shades of pine and beech harmonize with orange and gray curtains. Beige and yellow in this case it is better to avoid.
  • The finish from mahogany is badly combined, no matter how strangely sounded, with red shades.

Visual increase in space

As already stipulated more than once, for a visual increase free spaceChoose light colors And shades, like white, beige, blue.

If you can not do without dark color, try to not act as the basis. For example, using a dark shade for wall design, pick up white furniture that will expand your abode.

Light and all that is connected with it

Lighting Little Apartment takes an important place to create proper design. Adhere to the main rule in this matter - the more, the better. Do not use a huge chandelier, it is simply not needed here. The market represents a huge range of lamps of various shapes and sizes.

All the proposed tips are easy to implement with their own hands, without attracting specialists. We hope you will handle something for yourself and you will be proud of your own repair. Good luck!

Little one-room apartments 40 sq.m. usually acquire single young people or family couples With a child who can not allow themselves to afford a smaller apartment.

In such a tiny apartment every centimeter of the square in the account. What can be done in the planning of the apartment so that it becomes more comfortable and spacious?

Apartment 40 sq.m. - how to make it spacious

Apartment 40 sq.m. It may well be more spacious if competently approach its layout. First of all, you need to consider who will live in it. Young, energetic and active people can be invited to turn an apartment in the studio. Combining, kitchen with room, you will get a huge area, comfortable for living. At the same time, in the resulting large space, select individual zones.

In the bedroom zone it is best to install a folding bed,which greatly saves space. The kitchen is separated from the room with a small bar counter. Workstation or "Cabinet" can be separated from a common space using a rack, a light partition or sofa back.

If your apartment eats b balcony,it will allow you to add an apartment several meters of useful area. The former balcony can be turned into a wonderful area of \u200b\u200brecreation, put a small sofa room here or a table with armchairs. You can also create a podium and set it soft materials. Such a podium can be used for storing things due to the inner cavity. And on top there is a recreation area.

In order for the apartment 40 sq.m. became spacious, use sliding doors, instead of swinging. Also fit the doors of harmonica or folding doors. Their main advantage is that they do not eat unnecessary space, allowing it to use it rationally. Sliding doors can be installed in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the room.

Massive furniture - chief enemy Little apartment 40 sq.m.Standard cabinets, walls, beds, tables take too much space. Thinking the planning of the apartment, it is necessary to provide for the presence of a wardrobe. This is one of the best inventions for small apartments. Sliding doors, compactness, spacious shelves, height from floor to ceiling - make it very convenient for storage of things and save space. Pay attention to especially compact corner wardrobes.

Bedroom area in apartment 40 sq.m. - One of the most problematic places. Put a large bed in a one-room apartment quite problematic, so many have to be limited to sofas. However, do not forget about the existence folded bedswhich are easily hidden in the closet. In the afternoon, nothing gives their existence and does not occupy a useful area, and at night you get a comfortable sleeping place.

Cozy apartment 40 sq.m.

To make an apartment 40 sq.m. cozy and spacious Try not to clutter the space of excess furniture and appliances. Flat TV hang on the wall so as not to occupy the scenes and stands. Hang the shelves hang on the walls, they will use you for storage of equipment and various trifles.

The wonderful decision will be foldable furniture - tables, chairs that practically do not occupy places in folded. Instead of the table in the kitchen it is best to install a bar rack. It is great saves a place in the kitchen and looks very stylish.

Designers advise to combine separate bathrooms. Thanks to this, you will get a large bathroom, where the washing machine, and the sink, and the toilet, and the big bath will fit. Pay attention to corner baths.

Apartments 40-49 meters - examples with photos

Apartment 40 meters in Israel

Apartment 40 meters in Spain

Cozy apartment 40 meters

Apartment 40 meters with red accents

Apartment 40 meters in warm colors

Apartment 40 meters with white walls

Modern apartment 40 meters

Apartment 40 meters - Fresh solution

Apartment 40 meters with bright accents

Apartment 40 meters in berry shades

Apartment 40 meters - simple design

Apartment 40 meters with a male character

Apartment 40 meters in Scandinavian style

Cozy apartment 40 meters