Elements of plaster stucco molding. Do-it-yourself plaster molding: we make an elegant decor at home

Decor with marble chips. Master Class.

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Correctly selected texture, paint and shape allow simple products for many years not to lose its value and attractiveness. This technique is used for the restoration of architectural fragments, as well as in the design of theatrical scenery and shop windows. Marble chips on small pieces have a very good decorative effect.

2. Paint over all elements of the product with free strokes after 2 hours with light beige paint.

3. We process individual parts of the product with a rag before the paint dries, so that the main background appears. Drying time is half an hour. If the paint is too dry to remove, dampen the cloth with a little rubbing alcohol and proceed very carefully so as not to rub off the primer.

4. Cover the individual parts with light brown paint. We work in sections so that the paint does not dry out too quickly.

5. Wipe some areas vigorously with a rag to mix the colors. Drying time - 1 hour. If the primer shows up well from under the paint, the effect will become more realistic. Therefore, do not completely cover the product with any paint.

6. Dilute a mild alkyd resin varnish with a percentage of turpentine 70:30 and coat the entire piece with it. Make sure that the varnish does not lay evenly in the recesses. Leave the work to dry for 10 minutes so that it looks "plucked".

7. Apply marble chips to the product with a flute. Fill the grooves with free brush strokes to give the tracks new shapes. For this purpose, you can use other material, such as sand or earth, to create a different texture. Talc is also good, which can also give the desired visual effect. Use a rag to remove all excess marble chips piece by piece before the varnish begins to dry.

8. On very flat surfaces, randomly sprinkle a small amount of marble powder. Drying time - 24 hours.

9. Remove the remaining marble powder with a soft brushed, with different forcefully pressing on the surface.

10. To give the product different shades, very carefully go through several areas with an almost dry brush, taking a little dark brown paint on it.

11. In the same way create some light brown spots.

12. Finished work.

Decorating with stucco moldings is currently especially popular, as it helps to add nobility and restraint to the room. With this design, you can add unusualness not only to walls and ceilings, but also to decorate a fireplace, windows and the like. With the help of stucco molding, it becomes possible to hide uneven surfaces, emphasize the attractiveness of light sources or decorate upholstered furniture.

A characteristic feature of this decoration on the walls is the experimentation of styles from classic to minimalism.

In working with stucco molding, a special molding technique and an asymmetric arrangement of parts are used. Stucco molding can hide communication elements or beautifully decorate a niche in the wall.

Stucco molding is made from wood material, gypsum or polymer. The tree is environmentally friendly and high cost. Plaster molding requires certain skills during installation. Excellent material - polyurethane and polystyrene.

What to choose among such a variety?

Polyurethane is cheaper than polystyrene, it is also durable and does not cause allergic reactions. It lends itself well to priming and lamination.
Gypsum is able to expand during solidification and penetrate into small holes.

The process of creating plaster molding

Making plaster moldings is a pretty exciting experience. To work, you must have:

  • scalpel with a knife;
  • wire with shapes;
  • building gypsum.

Gypsum will be the basis of the structure, since it can be made of any shape, the material is flexible and can quickly harden.

In order to sculpt from gypsum, it is pre-filled with water and stirred thoroughly. It turns out material for creativity. The consistency of the solution depends on the massiveness of the future structure: for a larger size of the product, the gypsum must be thicker.

Stucco complex shape made on a copper wire frame, such a frame is flexible and durable.

  • First, prepare a template for the future product, then fill it with a plaster solution.
  • Let it dry and shape the constituent elements.

When several elements are connected, they are fixed to each other with a gypsum solution;
to give the product color and texture, additives and pigments are used.

After the material has frozen, plaster molding grind with fine-grained emery paper. Thus, the design will be smooth and matte.

For those who have not yet learned how to work with plaster, we advise you to buy a special mold for sculpting. It is made of plastic or silicone.

So that the interior has one stylistic direction, professionals advise to create the same patterns on the walls and ceiling. It is important not to visually reduce the space. Do not use heavy parts in small spaces, as the room will look unnatural.

First, select the location of the decor, taking into account the area of ​​the room;
fix large parts firmly with dowels and screws;
before starting the fastening, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the surface and remove the whitewash;
then the outline of the installation is outlined with a pencil;
notches are made on parts, wall and ceiling surfaces with a chisel;
it is required to install the cornice from the corner of the room, cut the stucco molding in two with a hacksaw at an angle of 45 °;
prepare a plaster solution, mix 3% glue for carpentry into it;
moisten the wall with water and apply glue to it;
put the structure in place and move it slightly;
Remove excess gypsum mortar with a plaster trowel.

First, make holes in the wall.
Place the plugs in them, then screw in the screws.
In contrast to the screws on the back of the eaves, holes are made in the wall a little wider in depth, they are filled with plaster and the structure is pushed onto the fasteners.
We fix the socket:
we form holes through and through in the outlet, they are placed in the ceiling opposite to the plugs with screws;
we fasten a flexible wire to a separate screw, cover it with nitro-varnish in advance;
we stretch the wire through the holes and screw it onto the screw;
cover the holes with plaster solution.

Plaster stucco molding is an infrequent guest in the homes of ordinary citizens. Primarily due to its inappropriateness in small apartments... And in the second - because of its rather high cost.

But if you like to experiment with the interiors of rooms, and besides, you also like to make various crafts and decorations for your home, then you can try to make small stucco details with your own hands. You can show your imagination and creativity, while the decoration will turn out to be inexpensive.

If you decide to start making molded parts for the first time, you should study the process and acquire the necessary tools and materials.

Properties of gypsum and the possibility of using stucco

The most suitable material for independent experiments with the manufacture of stucco decoration details is gypsum.

He has such advantages as:

  • natural origin;
  • environmental friendliness and hypoallergenicity;
  • fire safety;
  • resistance to the effects of microorganisms.

In general, it is not difficult to work with gypsum, but a novice master will need all his skill - the material hardens very quickly, literally in 5-7 minutes.

And after another 5-10 minutes, it completely loses its plasticity.

The main disadvantages of gypsum are its fragility and rather heavy weight, especially when it comes to large parts.

Basically, gypsum stucco molding is used to decorate interiors decorated in styles such as classic, baroque, empire.

If the house or apartment has a large area or high ceilings, then stucco molding is quite suitable as a decoration for individual rooms. Stucco details are used to decorate ceilings, doorways, walls and piers.

In small and low rooms it is better not to overuse stucco molding, using only individual elements or details, carefully fitting them into the interior.

What you need to make stucco decorations

Since gypsum is bulk material, then it is best to use a separate room to work with it. But if you need to make small details, then you can work in the house.

The workplace should be absolutely flat and fairly big table, the tabletop of which is installed strictly horizontally. It must be protected with a film or oilcloth.

To create your future jewelry you will need:

  • pencil and paper required to create a sketch of it;
  • plasticine (clay);
  • shovels, stacks, sculpting knives;
  • tape measure or ruler;
  • gypsum;
  • spatulas of various shapes and size;
  • stationery knife;
  • stirring container gypsum solution;
  • PVA glue;
  • gauze;
  • silicone;
  • silicone oil or release agent;
  • shallow sandpaper for final finishing finished product.

Before you start making stucco moldings, you need to make a sketch of the future product and a mold for casting it.

If you know how to draw and you are doing well with your spatial imagination, then you can draw a sketch and make a shape yourself. V otherwise you can purchase ready-made molds for casting plaster parts.

Having finished sketch life-size products, you will need to sculpt its model from plasticine or clay. With its help, a casting mold will be made in the future.

It is created as follows:

  • I cover the plasticine or clay product with a layer of release agent.
  • Then, using a brush, a layer of silicone diluted with lubricant is applied on top. Here you need to be very careful to prevent the formation of bubbles (they can spoil appearance final product).
  • After applying silicone, it must be strengthened using gauze as reinforcement, which should immerse a little in the silicone layer, and leave to dry for 2-3 hours.
  • The process is then repeated. Ultimately, the mold should consist of 2-3 layers of gauze and silicone with a total thickness of 3-4 mm.
  • After completely dry finished form separated from the plasticine model and placed in a wooden box.

How to prepare a plaster solution and cast a product

Keeping in mind that you will have to work quickly, you need to prepare everything you need in advance.

The preparation of the gypsum solution and pouring it into the mold proceed as follows:

  • Pour water into the container on the basis that the solution is prepared in a proportion of 10 parts of water to 7 parts of gypsum. Usually, gypsum of the G5-G25 brand is used for these purposes.
  • Gypsum should be poured into the water (and not vice versa, otherwise lumps will form in the solution) and let it settle to the bottom for a minute.
  • Then the mixture is thoroughly but quickly stirred with a mixer until a semi-liquid consistency is obtained. To obtain a more plastic solution, you can add a little PVA glue to it, this will help to avoid cracking of the finished part.
  • Next, the prepared form must be filled with a solution, distributing it with vibrating movements. This helps to remove air bubbles, from which shells can form on the stucco.
  • The last step is to level the top of the mold with a medium width trowel.

Usually the plaster product dries for about 20-25 minutes. After this time, it can already be easily removed from the mold.

Final finishing and installation of stucco molding

When the surface of the product begins to whiten, they begin to fine-tune and correct it (if necessary). To do this, small shells are sealed, and rough surface areas are sanded with fine sandpaper.

Gypsum elements are dried at room temperature from 24 to 72 hours.

To protect the stucco decorations from dust and moisture, they are painted water-based paint in 2-4 layers.

On the reverse side of the plaster parts, a notch is made, which, during installation, improves its adhesion to the wall. In this case, small elements are attached to the surface with PVA glue or liquid gypsum solution. Large and massive parts are additionally drilled and attached to dowels. Then the holes are covered with plaster.

Stucco molding with your own hands: photo options

Plaster molding was widely used in the times of ancient greece... Plaster products were used in interior decoration, facades, as well as bas-reliefs, sculptures and more. For centuries, plaster moldings were extremely popular, but in the 20th century they were replaced by similar elements made from cheaper and lighter materials such as polystyrene and polyurethane. But still, many connoisseurs of genuine, classic beauty today prefer this particular material. Let's take a look at a photo of stunningly luxurious modern interiors with plaster moldings and give it credit!

How plaster moldings differ from other materials

The main disadvantages gypsum stucco in comparison with modern counterparts, it is considered low water resistance and the fact that the material turns yellow over time. That's why stucco decor destined to come into frequent contact with water and direct sunbeams(in particular on the facades of buildings), today it is almost always made of or.

Another disadvantage of plaster moldings is the relatively large weight of the elements when they have large sizes, as well as their fragility, which is especially characteristic of small items. This leads to the fact that the installation of plaster decor takes a little more time and effort than the installation of products from other materials. So, in the manufacture large decor from plaster is inserted into it metal hinges, for which this decor will be attached to the wall or ceiling, or fix it with dowel-nails. Then, as a stucco molding made of polystyrene and polyurethane, it is enough to simply glue it.

Surprisingly, it is the "disadvantages" of gypsum that are considered by many people as its advantages. The yellowed surface, chips and cracks are evidence of the antiquity and authenticity of the stucco molding. The high weight of the material gives the products a powerful, expressive look and depth of each line. Therefore, you just want to touch the plaster decor with your hand. In order for you to have such a desire, you just need to look at following photos interiors.

Plaster molding in the photo of modern interiors

V modern design interiors, gypsum stucco molding is found, as a rule, as decorative finishing ceiling. The following 9 photos show us that plaster stucco ceiling decoration can look gorgeous not only in classic style decoration, but also in combination with modern and even minimalist furniture.

Gypsum columns and wall decoration in the interior (10 photos)

Moldings, cornices, bas-reliefs, columns and other elements of plaster stucco molding on the walls of the interior practically oblige to adhere, if not classic design then at least very elegant modern style... The last 10 photos in this article show us how plaster moldings bring a luxury effect to the design of private houses and apartments.

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How to make plaster molding with your own hands

Working with plaster is not very difficult when it comes to the simplest details. Almost any solid and hollow object can be turned into a mold into which plaster of paris should be poured. General procedure:

  1. Wipe the mold with soapy water.
  2. Pour in the 1st layer of plaster. Note that all layers of gypsum are poured sequentially, while each layer should not exceed 1 cm.
  3. The next layer is poured only after the previous one has completely solidified. When pouring, try to avoid air ingress and the formation of bubbles. Shake the mold slightly to ensure that it is completely filled with the plaster mortar. You should not speed up the drying process with the help of improvised means. If you dry the mold at temperatures above +16 degrees Celsius, the product will be fragile.
  4. After a while, carefully remove the decor element from the mold and process it depending on the goals set. Gypsum stucco molding is sanded with sandpaper and must be covered with a primer before painting - this will prevent the rapid absorption of paint, and also simplify the process of painting the surface.

When preparing stucco products from gypsum with your own hands, among other things, you need to take into account the fluidity time of the solution. It takes approximately 2-3 minutes. During this time, the gypsum remains pliable for work, and after that it becomes viscous. The final drying time of the gypsum mortar is approximately 40-50 minutes. Then the product can be removed from the mold. Please note that the drying time of the mortar can be slowed down by adding glue. Concentrated 25 percent adhesive solution will give the element of gypsum stucco molding strength.

How plaster molding is used in modern interior(20 photos) updated: July 26, 2016 by the author: Denis Avilov

The article discusses one of the most original and time-consuming ways to decorate the walls of an apartment: artistic modeling. It is believed that this phenomenon belongs to bygone eras, but reality shows that molding is also used in modern interiors.

Modeling in the interior

Modeling on the wall is considered an original, albeit not a popular option for decorating a home. Despite the large number of alternative and artificial products, classical art modeling has not yet lost its relevance.

What is stucco on the walls

Stucco molding and bas-reliefs on the walls are a way to decorate a room in an original way and add general view some charm.

Contrary to numerous misconceptions that stucco molding is not only expensive, but also difficult technological process, in fact, this is affordable way decoration that any patient and imaginative master can handle.

Stucco moldings on the walls are patterned, figured and, in general, artistic decorations that can be made from various materials.

Stucco molding on the walls in the apartment: where you can use

Stucco moldings on the walls in a modern apartment can be used in a variety of ways. First of all, these are, of course, living quarters, where such decoration takes up vast space on the wall. If desired, it is possible to vary the size and volume of the decoration, however you like. Stucco molding is less common in rooms for other purposes, such as, for example, a kitchen or a bathroom, because in such places there are more important role plays practicality, not aesthetic qualities.

How to make stucco molding with your own hands at home

It is quite possible to make stucco molding on the wall with your own hands, even without having construction skills or art education.

However, before starting this process, you will need to make preparations. This implies, first of all, the preparation of the surface of the wall, which it is desirable to level, and without fail priming and dusting.

Material selection

To create volumetric images on walls designed to serve original decoration the interior will need to use any plastic material. Among possible options you can note:

  • Gypsum.
  • Plaster.
  • Clay.
  • Alabaster.

The choice of material is carried out, first of all, starting from the cost of the material, as well as its characteristics.

Forming a sketch or wireframe

After the wall has been properly processed, and the material for sculpting has been prepared, you need to worry about the formation of the sketch. It should be noted that the sketch will be one of the most important points in the process under consideration, and it also affects the success of the entire decorating operation.

  • To create a sketch and future stencil, you can use thick paper or cardboard.
  • The required image is drawn, copied or printed on a sheet, and then cut along the contour.
  • After that, it must be placed under a film, cellophane or other similar coating. The resulting product will serve as a stencil for future modeling.
  • Attach the cut fragment with the necessary contours to the right place to the wall and using, for example, a pencil or other similar tool, push the contours of the image into the layer of putty.

Plaster molding on the wall

Gypsum is a ductile and flexible material that can be shaped into any shape; it hardens quickly. Before applying, the gypsum is poured with water and mixed thoroughly, after which, armed with a scalpel with a knife and a wire with shapes, you can start making gypsum modeling on the wall with your own hands.


Gypsum is prone to accelerated hardening, so it is not recommended to carry out complex parts that require long production... The duration and peculiarity of the drying process also depend on the thickness of the solution.

Opening with varnish

Final finishing will require security protective coating... This is necessary not only to preserve the aesthetic qualities, but also to protect the molding from shedding and destruction. Opening with acrylic varnish is considered one of the best options in this case.

Examples of stucco molding in the interior of the room

Stucco molding on the walls in modern apartments can be absolutely varied. It depends not only on the imagination of the owners or the master, but also on:

  • area allotted for decoration;
  • selected materials;
  • characteristics of the room and some other factors.


Flowers, vines and plant images often become images used in stucco molding on walls. As a rule, they are simple to execute due to the symmetry of the shapes and the simplicity of the lines.


The fauna is a less common motif in images created by stucco molding, since it does not fit into every room, and the involvement of a master will be required to create high-quality works.


Geometric lines, shapes, intricate patterns are original way decorate the wall of almost any room. These patterns are neutral and fit into most interiors, besides, they are simple to create.

Antique figures

They are among the most complex images. To create them you will need not only experienced master, but also quality materials, good tools and a competent preparatory process.

What do-it-yourself stucco molding on the walls is the fastest

As already mentioned, gypsum is one of the most "fast" materials, despite the fact that it requires a certain skill. It is easy and quick to apply, requires a minimum of effort and tools, and also quickly hardens.

What to consider

Depending on the specifics of the planned work, a list of advantages and disadvantages is determined, with which you should first familiarize yourself and make a decision.


Decorative sculpting requires regular maintenance, but it is not an easy process. It needs to be washed with soft detergents not containing abrasives or acids.


The restoration of stucco molding is carried out using the same materials that were used to create the pattern, in case of major damage. For smaller and minor defects, you can use gypsum or putty. Individual elements if necessary, cast separately or formed after applying the mixture.

Stucco molding on the walls is one of the most original and exotic ways to add solidity and originality to the interior.

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