DIY garden ladder. Garden stairs - options and manufacturing technology How to make a garden staircase with your own hands

Availability country house may also include a small, cozy garden, in which there must be garden ladders and stepladders, as well as other structures that perform and functional purposes and ennoble the site.

With regard to stepladders, it can be noted that these structures are designed for outdoor use, and are primarily designed for pruning branches and collecting tree fruits.

This device differs from a regular ladder in that here:

  • Larger steps.
  • The steps are adjustable, that is, the angle of inclination changes.
  • Can work on uneven surfaces.
  • The leg supports are also increased, which gives additional strength and stability to the ladder.
  • The overall weight is low enough to carry the structure throughout the entire garden.

There are several main types of ladders:

  • Professional ladder for gardeners... The production uses industrial, lightweight aluminum. Some characteristic technical additions make the design sufficient safe work, and most importantly, they fully meet the requirements of gardening.
  • A-shaped design... There are always several steps here, and most of them are used in working with small trees... With all the simplicity of the design, such a ladder can withstand a weight of up to 150 kilograms.


In general, a stepladder is always a fairly simple product, and it is quite possible to assemble it completely independently.

The simplest version of how a garden ladder is obtained with a step-ladder with your own hands is to assemble a step-ladder just from two wooden stairs... In this case, you just need to tie the top and that's it.

But one ladder will be enough, for which it is simply made additional support, which will replace the second staircase.

To make it you will need:

  • Bars 40x60 mm.
  • The board is at least 40 mm thick.
  • Bolts.
  • Wood screws.
  • Hacksaw, drill, hammer, tape measure, corner.
  • Varnish or paint.

The amount of material is calculated quite simply. The preferred height of the product is selected, for example, it is 2 meters, which means 8 meters of timber are needed on the support rails. (see also the article Making wooden stairs with your own hands using improvised means)

The width of the structure at the bottom point is 60 cm, and at the top - 50 cm.Thus, another 3.6 meters is added to the material with a margin and, it turns out, you need to purchase 11.6 running meters timber.

Choosing a beam is durable, for example, birch, and in some cases it can be combined, a stepladder, using metal pipes as supports.

Working process

The bars are laid on a flat surface and the steps are marked.

Fastening can be done in two ways:

  • Make special nests in the support bar.
  • Stuff the steps to the edge of the support bar.

Both methods have the right to exist, however, simple fastening along the edges of the backing board is simpler and takes less time.

After marking with your own hands, the steps are attached to the timber. It is important to use here not nails after all, but wood screws. They must be screwed in after drilling a hole with a thin drill, and driven into the wood at high speed.

When using nails, two nails are hammered on each side of the contact of the step with the timber, if screws are used, one is enough.

At the very bottom of the support bars, the second side of the stepladder, it is necessary to install a crossbar that will fix their position and give rigidity.

The upper ends of the structure are bolted with a washer. Holes are drilled and a bolt is inserted into them, which connects both support beams. Then the nut and washer are put on. Everything is being tightened, but not completely, so that the structure can be folded.

At the level of the last step from above, on the support bars of the back side, another crossbar is nailed. Next, you need to determine the step width of the ladder. To do this, you can use mechanical holders that determine the width of the step-ladder.

The platform can be made removable from a board 4 cm thick, and installed as needed, this is why an additional crossbar was installed on the back of the stairs.

The instructions for assembling such a structure are extremely simple, and in the end it will only be necessary to process the ladder, cover it with varnish or paint so that the wood does not rot.

Second option

It's worth noting, though, that when talking about garden stairs, it's not always about stepladders.

Another type of structure, which is also included in this terminology, are building construction using sand, stone, cement, concrete, and decorative materials.

These ladders are especially suitable for areas that are located on slopes. Ultimately, there are some awesome landscaping ideas that can be applied in the garden, and garden stairs will be a staple everywhere.


Depending on the purpose of the structure, the following types can be distinguished:

  • Main staircase... This type of staircase is created on the main path that leads to the main entrance. The decoration here is always pretentious, lamps, vases, sculptures can be used.
  • Secondary... There is always a simpler design, and such stairs are created on the side paths that can go from level to level, for example.
  • Path staircase... This is a kind of continuation of the path, and steps are created right in the ground, which can gradually change in size.

It is also worth giving another classification that will demonstrate the separation of stairs depending on the method of installation of the structure:

  • Free, specially erected retaining walls act as a support in them.
  • Mortise, in this type, the ground itself serves as a support.

There are several more classifications, although they do not play a significant role, but it is still worth mentioning them:

  • By type of material, stone, concrete, wood.
  • With or without side rails, handrails.
  • With retaining wall.
  • Straight.

Building stairs in the garden is easy enough on their own at least the initial, rough part can be built.

To do this, you will need to carry out certain work step by step:

  • Make calculations. It can be noted right away that the ladder must be wide enough for two people. However, this does not apply to the pathway option.
  • Carry out the markup.
  • Take off upper layer soil throughout the entire area of ​​work.
  • Fill up with sand and it.
  • Construct the formwork.
  • Pour concrete.

In this case, choose concrete, since this is the simplest version of the staircase device.
In addition, it interacts perfectly with any coating, and after it has set, it can be finished with tiles, bricks, or stones.

However, you can use and different options stone. For example, stones from the remnants of construction, broken bricks. Of course, a completely different option looms when it comes to the use of granite stone. But this is already finishing type finishing, which should be put immediately.

In order for the staircase in the garden to work well with your own hands when using any material, you must first of all strictly observe the initially specified dimensions.

As mentioned above, the ideal width is considered to be the one on which two people can stand at the same time, but the height of the steps is always commensurate with simple requirements for all ladder structures- 20-35 cm

Despite the possibility of using a simple brick in the final finish, it must be remembered that it can deteriorate over time under the constant influence of moisture and the staircase will not be able to demonstrate strength.

The most preferred material choice is concrete and stone. Moreover, with concrete, you can subsequently finish the staircase in any style. And ceramics and clinker tiles for stair steps, there are no restrictions at all!


It turns out that a simple term can characterize two completely different directions in determining the meaning of a garden staircase, and at the same time, in both cases, you can carry out all the work on your own. In the video presented in this article, you will find Additional information on this topic.

Dear visitors of the site "Visiting Samodelkin" from the presented material, you will learn and learn how to build garden stairs in your summer cottage or the garden of a private house.

Before starting work, the first thing to do is to mark the area on which the stairs will be located, this can be done using ordinary wooden pegs and twine.

Then we boldly take a shovel in our hands and begin to remove the sod layer.

Along the way earthworks we form steps.

Periodically check the steps with a level so that they are level and without a slope in any direction.

The approach is poured cement mortar and smoothed with a trowel, this kind of shallow foundation under the step is obtained.

Then it is necessary to allow the cement mortar to dry. We lay waterproofing in the form of roofing material and you can start laying bricks or blocks.

The gravel is laid with a slight elevation above the brickwork, check with the level.

The slabs should have a slight slope of the order of 8-10 mm - this is necessary for the outflow of water during precipitation. It was stated above that the fine gravel base should be slightly higher brickwork, it is for this reason that it is slightly higher.

When creating the second step, be sure to measure the height using a level and a tape measure.

The edges of all steps must be flush (see main photo). We also present to your attention already completed and time-tested garden stairs.

These are the wonderful steps in the garden and at the summer cottage you can do with your own hands. The business is certainly not easy and time consuming, but it's worth it. Step-by-step instruction presented to you, so we take it and do it. Go for it, friends!

This concludes the article. Thank you all for your attention!
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What a luck to be the owner of a flat area, which does not require alignment. But what if the relief of your site is not ideal and has significant irregularities?

There are 2 options for solving this problem:

  1. You may need to level your area, remove elevations and apply powder on slopes.
  2. Or it's easier to do - to make a garden staircase with your own hands.

Garden stairs attract attention because in addition to helping you navigate the area with a slope, they also serve as a good decoration for your garden. They can also become connecting link in the design of the site, giving the site an exclusive, extraordinary look.

Let's consider several options:

  1. option - stairs with retaining walls;
  2. option - stairs with steps laid directly on the ground.

Choosing a material for the construction of garden stairs with your own hands:

The material for the construction of garden stairs can be: wood, natural stone, brick or concrete. The main thing is that the selected material matches the style in which your wonderful garden is made.

For example, if your plot and garden are made in the Art Nouveau style, then the garden staircase can be made of concrete slabs, from which you can lay out original patterns.

Decorative spreading can be planted along the edges of the stairs, flowering shrubs which, in addition to the design, will hide the transition of concrete slabs to the ground.

Remember that the staircase fits perfectly into your garden design, in width it should correspond to the width garden path going to her.

And if your garden is in a romantic style, then the spreading bushes can be replaced with original flowerpots with beautiful flowers which will help create a more romantic atmosphere.

The design and style of your staircase will depend entirely on where it is located. Very often the stairs are equipped with additional railings, but if you have a staircase with gentle steps, then do the railings not necessary at all.

Remember the main thing when starting a project:

  • Do not violate the plastics of the site relief;
  • Think carefully about the arrangement of the steps of your garden staircase;
  • Additional lighting will betray special charm, as well as protect from injury;
  • Also, it is not bad to lay the heating of the steps.

To count the right amount steps and their exact dimensions, we need 2 slats, which we fasten at right angles. Free end of one we install the slats at the base of the lower step, and the free end of the second we install the slats so where should the top step of the future staircase be. Now we divide the length of the horizontal rail by the number of steps expected. We also calculate the height of the steps, taking as a basis the length of the vertical rail.

The width of the steps should correspond to the steepness of the rise.

Whichever option you choose, there are a number of points to consider:

For safe movement in the dark on garden plot... To illuminate the steps, it is better to use lamps that direct the rays of light straight downward, decorating your entire staircase with glowing stones. They provide enough illumination to confidently navigate the garden stairs.

Non-slip surface step

When choosing finishing material it is better to choose a material with a rough surface, such as natural stone or tiles, but with a relief surface.


If, when arranging a garden staircase to connect drops with a height of more than 70 cm, to increase safety, we recommend equipping the staircase with a handrail and making the finish from the same material as the steps themselves.

Tip: With a slight slope of 1 - 2% of the tread depth of each step will prevent stagnation of water in the soil.


Staircase made of bulk steps

Is one of the most simple options arrangement of a garden staircase with bulk steps. To install them in an inclined recess between the levels, fit under the steps, and the void between the boards is filled with soil.

In this case, the tread is compacted soil. To increase the rigidity of the structure, side longitudinal boards are used, which are placed on the edge to fix the steps.

Garden ladder made of logs

To build this ladder you'll need:

  • The logs are the same length;
  • Pegs from metal or wood;
  • Chopped bark or gravel.

Along its length of the slope, in the place where the ladder will be located, we dig a trench and press the soil. At the base, we drive 2 pegs into the ground, on which we will rely on the first step. We lay the log close to the pegs, and fill the space behind it with soil, without adding 5 centimeters to the top and press thoroughly.

Using this technology, we install all the steps of your garden staircase from logs. We separate each degree with a step of gravel or crushed bark.

Garden staircase made of stone slabs

A rock- one of ideal options for building garden stairs or decorating steps. Stone slabs can be of any shape that allows you to lay them as you like: as a solid covering or in intervals, the gaps are filled with earth.

Stone slabs, which are not lightweight, are laid on a base of crushed stone or sand 7-8 centimeters thick, while on top the laid stone slabs are fixed with mortar for strength.

In order to further avoid soil erosion and the collapse of the steps, it is necessary to make a retaining wall. It can be made of concrete or stone from which the staircase itself is made.

As you can see, build a garden staircase with your own hands not difficult at all, you just need a little desire. In further articles, we will analyze the construction of a garden staircase with our own hands in more detail, with step-by-step instructions.

Landscapes with big drop heights located on the slope can be safely called an ideal springboard for the imagination of a garden architect. This is where you can apply a lot of ideas, sometimes the most unexpected ones.

It should be noted that garden stairs have a lot of differences from interior ones. Only cast concrete marches repeat the technology of creating traditional structures.

Otherwise, garden stairs are prefabricated block structures, superimposed on each other with a certain shift.

The blocks for them are sawn stone, wooden beams, workpieces cast from concrete, boxes made of concrete, metal or wood.

In order not to complicate life with complex calculations, for those who decided to make garden stairs on their own, we will give several recommendations:

  • the depth of the tread of the garden step should be a multiple of half the length of the standard step (this is about 30 cm),
  • the height of the step can fluctuate within 8-17 cm (no more, otherwise climbing such a ladder will be difficult and the descent dangerous),
  • the lower step can be made slightly lower than the calculated one,
  • when forming a place for a step, the soil is cut off, and not filled up, so that the steps do not sag in the future.

Further actions entirely depend on the chosen design of the garden staircase.

There can be many options, and the ones presented below are just a small part of the vast bank of landscape ideas.

Monolithic white concrete steps contrast perfectly with the greenery of the garden. Landscape solution in modern style(modern).

At this garden staircase, the edges of the steps are lined with large stone slabs, the rest of the space is filled with smaller stones. The gaps are filled with a mixture of soil and crushed stone screenings.

Simple and sophisticated: the angle between the retaining wall and the lawn was leveled with an embankment, which is descended along stone steps.

Another non-trivial solution. If you won't surprise anyone with round staircases, then a combination of steps in the form of a concave and curved arc is not often found at the same time.

To the worshipers of the tree in landscape design will surely like this solution. A large timber (presumably oak) with a section of 15x30 cm was laid on top of each other horizontally and with a shift. These are the steps that fit perfectly into the terrain.

Fans of "eternal" solutions will surely appreciate this design technique: earthen pockets (cracks filled with soil) were left between the steps. Succulents will feel quite comfortable in them.

The riser of this staircase is made of bricks, fastened with cement mortar, and the steps themselves are faced with a stone slab. It is laborious, but, as they say, for the rest of your life :)

And this is an element of the Art Nouveau garden: paths and steps are made of wooden beam... The wood is treated with an indelible antiseptic and tinted to match the color of wenge.

Easy peasy? How to say, just try to lay these stone slabs on top of each other, so much so that you can walk on them without fear. Execution option exclusively for collective work.

Another option for laying garden steps using a wooden bar. True, in such cases, the crushed stone filling is done flush with the level of the step.

This stone staircase and the retaining walls that frame it look perfectly in harmony with the landscape.

The "green" steps of this staircase are made in the form of retaining walls made of ... iron (). But a similar option can be made from concrete with a pouring thickness of 4 cm and with a reinforcing mesh.

Well what can I say? An expensive solution for elite plots :)

And this option is also from the field of chic. But it is based on the rock of the site itself, and the bright lawn is already an artificial earthen embankment ... It is very similar to the fact that the steps were cut out of a solid massif. In general, it is indecently expensive.

Neat gravel run down. In order to prevent the loose stone from shifting on a slope, it was reinforced with a transversely laid wooden beam.

It is very likely that these retaining walls are made of artificial stone... Well, quite a reasonable solution, useful for the wallet. By the way. the artificial material gives many more design options and is much lighter both in weight and in work. The steps are made of sandstone slabs.

Beautiful limestone garden staircase. over time (under the influence of natural phenomena), this material becomes even more embossed and expressive.

Bright staircase in the spirit of a Japanese garden. It's just not entirely clear whether this is photoshop or really such an unusual color of the rock ... Or maybe it's gabbro?

Hello everybody!
How to get to an object that is at a height unattainable for you? How to collect fruits from the very top of a tree or paint at home? Such questions, most likely, have visited you more than once, it was for these purposes that a special device was invented, which is called the Stepladder.

Stepladders are perhaps the most popular and necessary ladders; they are used in everyday life and in other areas of activity.
This article will describe the manufacturing method ladder, with detailed photo report.

To make a staircase, we need:


Two beams 60 * 40 mm;
- timber 50 * 35 mm;
- self-tapping screws;
- dye.


A hacksaw for wood, or another available cutting tool;
- Sander;
- drill;
- a hammer;
- axe;
- mount.

Let's start with the fact that we take two vertical bowstrings with a bar section of 60 * 40 mm, we take its length at our discretion, in this case the length was 3.6 m.

In order to make the stairs strong and the upper edge of the steps when tilted was horizontal, we make special notches, we apply markings in those places where we plan to install the steps, the distance between the rungs is 30 cm. we make markings, we apply it on both sides of the bowstring. Next, mark the depth of the notch - 15-20 mm. We connect the resulting marks with an oblique line, as shown in the photo.

Then, using a sharp ax and a hammer, we remove part of the wood at an angle, but before that with a hacksaw, you need to make a depression along the marked line, this so that the bar does not split in an unnecessary place for us.

We use the ax as a plane, leveling the angle of the notch.

In a similar way, we make notches on both bowstrings.

Next, using a grinder, we process the surface of the bar.

We need to carefully align the notches we made.

Now we paint with paint inner part notches. We put them aside until they dry completely.

Next, we take a bar with a cross section of 50 * 35 mm for steps, it needs to be slightly modified. We take a plane and with it we remove a chamfer. We do the same operation on each bar.

Then you need to make one of the sides of the bars the base one, for this we take an angular ruler and use a pencil to mark up.

When everything is ready, with the help cutting tool saw off all uneven edges, after that we process the surface grinder, smooth the ends.

Now you can proceed to the manufacture of the upper and lower rungs of the stairs. In order to distinguish the top and bottom of the stairs, it must be done with a slight taper. The top should be shorter than the bottom. We take the width of the stairs 65 cm from the bottom and 55 - from the top. You can take other sizes at your discretion. Use a tape measure to mark the length.

With the help of a square, we apply markings in the place where the future step will be cut.

We start cutting.

When the steps are ready, we process the ends with a grinder.

Further, at the edges of the bar we find the center, for this you need to step back from each of the edges by half the thickness of the bowstring (20 mm).

Then, on the marked centers, we make holes for self-tapping screws. The self-tapping screw must pass freely through this hole.

We make a countersink using a drill larger diameter.

Now set up the top and bottom rails by placing and aligning them in the notch. We make the ends of the steps flush with the side parts of the bowstrings. After that, through the existing holes in the steps, we make a mark of the place where it will be necessary to drill a hole. They are needed so that the self-tapping screws do not split the wood when twisting. The holes were made with a drill 0.2-0.3 less than the thickness of the screws.

Now you can fix the step in its place, but before that the pressure side of the crossbar should be painted.

When the stairs are given the necessary dimensions, we add the missing steps, for this we lay out the prepared bars in the notches, setting the base ends flush with the side parts of the bowstrings.