Soviets of professionals: Is it possible and how much to keep orchid in water? Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases.

Orchid is very different from the rest of the colors, because it is epiphet. This means that in natural conditions the flower grows on the trunks of trees, and does not develop in the soil. Root system It does not contact the Earth, and the nutrients produce from the surrounding space. In nature, the only source of moisture for orchid is raining.

Roots are not for a long time in a wet environment. Based on this important features, It is possible to formulate chief Principle Watering orchids in pots: it is impossible to leave plants for a long time in the water and pourTherefore, it is not necessary to plant orchids into ordinary land, they require a special substrate.

Basic rules for beginners

More information about the rules of irrigation orchid at home is described.


Below is a photo of watering colors growing in pots:

How to moisturize plants?

The procedure of watering depends on the nature of the container in which the orchid is growing.

In conventional or transparent capacity

The optimal capacity for the cultivation of orchid is a transparent pot with drainage holes. Plant in such a pot can be watered several.

If orchid is contained in an opaque pot with drainage holes, watering methods do not differ from the above. A serious lack of such a capacity is the inability to monitor the state of the roots. From this situation came up with output: wooden stick. Divide into the ground and leave half an hour. If in the end the wand will remain dry, it means that the time of the next irrigation has come.

In kashpo without holes

If the orchid grows in a cassto with missing drainage holes for draining liquid, it is poured from above using a watering can. The immersion method is not suitable, since there are no holes that ensure the penetration of water. It is possible to organize a plant with a warm shower, placing a pot into the bathroom and watering the soil with the help of the head of the soul.

After the procedure, it is necessary to get rid of the extra liquid, carefully tilting the container with the plant. Watering orchids in a pot without drainage holes spend much lessSince the land in such a container dries much slower.

Reference! Soil moisturizing is spent approximately two weeks, but the gap can decrease depending on the state of the soil.

What should I avoid?

What is dangerous dampness?

Excessive moisturizing harms not only the root system of the flower, which begins to rot, but also reflects in the state of the substrate in which the flower grows. It begins to be compacted and also exposed to putrid processes. As a result of excessive irrigation, the plant begins to hurt and eventually dies.

How to reanimate the flower during an excess of water?

  1. The plant is removed from the pot, shaking off the roots of an extra substrate.
  2. The root system is placed on fifteen minutes into the water, and then the sharp knife remove all damaged and rotten roots of the roots.
  3. Then the transplantation of plants into a new pot, which is pre-processed with soap solution. The horse system is neatly straightening among the substrate covered inside. About how to water the plant after a transplant in another pot, read in

The frequency of irrigation orchids is determined by various factors:

  • season;
  • life cycle of plants;
  • temperature and level of air humidity;
  • lighting;
  • the features of the soil;
  • growing method.

Attention! The smaller the illumination, temperature and smaller substrate, the less you need to water.

Orchids located in suspended system, require frequent spraying 1-3 times a day. Plants planted on the block are irrigated more often than specimens living in pots.

In addition, the speed of absorption and absorption of moisture different varieties unequal. Wet soil love:

Prefer to stay without irrigation, until the substrate is completely dry:

  • cattleya;
  • oncidium;
  • dendrobium;
  • odontoglosum.

How to determine the availability of humidity in the soil?

The need for watering is determined by the following features:

  1. If there are droplets of condensate on the walls of the vase, watering the plant is too early. Dry walls indicate the need for soil moisturizing.
  2. Bright green root coloring indicates that moisture is enough. Light roots - signal to watering.
  3. If, when picked up, the pot is felt of its severity, watering is not required. If the pot is lightweight, it's time to water.
  4. In an opaque vase, the presence of humidity in the soil is determined by the degree of immersion in it a wooden pod-support.

How many times should you moisturize at home?

There is no accurate moisture graph. For most types of indoor orchids, it is optimal to watering 1-3 times a week in summer period and 1-2 times during the week in winter time (?). In the heat, the substrate enhances faster, so it is more common to moisturize it. Suitable methods of immersion and irrigation (we told about the ways of irrigation orchids). B. morning timeSo that in the evening in the sinuses of the leaves there is no moisture.

More information on how to water house orchidsYou will find in, but it is said about what water and solutions it can be done.

Irrigation on the street

Garden orchid loves rain, it can be irrigated in the morning and in the evening. It is necessary to water regularly without giving the soil to dispel. However, it is impossible to move overgrowth. Garden orchid prefers to be in moderately wet soil. To do this, you also need to provide good drainage.

On a note. For orchid growing on the street, it is better to organize a drip humidification system.

Consider the frequency of irrigation orchids when the plant blooms and during peace:

Before flowering and during it, orchid requires a more intense watering than usual. It follows as the soil drying several times a week. Usually watering is required every 3-4 days.

If the orchid blooms, it is not necessary to wait for the complete evaporation of condensate on the walls of the tank. For the flowering plants, the complete drying of the substrate is not needed. It may negatively affect flowering. You need to water only the roots, trying to optimally saturate their moisture, but do not overflow.

If there is insufficient moisture in the room, it is allowed to spray the leaves warm waterThe temperature of which should be no higher than + 36 ° C. At the same time try to avoid moisture in the core of the flower.

Blooming orchid can be lowered into a container with water until the substrate is saturated completely. Or watered with watering can, directing water on the walls of the pot.

Attention! When the colors and reducing the painted zone at the ends of the root, the frequency of irrigation is reduced by two times and the substrate can be filled between procedures.

During rest

After the plant is swinging, watering should be reduced about a month. In nature, after flowering, the orchids begin to form seeds that should fly into different directions a few kilometers. This is possible only in dry periods. It is necessary to provide the plant conditions as close as possible to natural.

If orchid does not bloom, it is necessary to wait for the complete drying of the substrate and the roots. This is especially important when the apartment is cool. The amount of irrigation should be temporarily reduced and alternate with drying, but it is impossible to give soil and root to rehabilitate. Water orchid during the rest period is needed no more than two times a month.

It is necessary to give an excess fluid to lean out of the pot so that after placing it on the cool windowsill, the roots were not overcooked and did not get sick. If the flower is relying a warm shower, it should be done in the evening, and to leave the plant at night in the bathroom, so that the rot is not formed at the point of growth.

To restore orchids after flowering in water, you can add special liquid fertilizers. They contribute to the development of new leaves and root system.

The plant is seriously tolerated excess moisture. If we water, without waiting for the drying of the substrate, it constructs and the water will occur. Root system can be started. Losing the opportunity to fully eat, the plant weakens and can perish.

In this situation, urgent measures need to be taken to save orchid. Should:

  1. transplant the plant;
  2. trim fucked roots;
  3. process sections with activated carbon powder.

About how to water orchid after a transplant in another pot, we told.

When not enough moisture?

Orchids are pretty easily tolerated short periods of drought. These plants accumulate a sufficient amount of moisture in roots and leaves. However, rare irrigation can provoke the root system drying. If there is not enough water, orchid stops in growth and does not bloom.

On the blooming plantTesting a sharp moisture deficit, flowers and unacceptable buds dry out.

Competent irrigation is an important part of the care of indoor and garden orchids. How and how many times a week it is necessary to water the flower, determine the time of year, vitality cycle, content conditions and variety. Incorrect soil moisturizing can entail problems of growth and even the death of the plant. If you water orchid, taking into account all factors, it will safely develop and blossom to bloom.

Useful video

In this video, we will look at how to water orchids:

Very beautiful flower - orchid, and many women collect whole collections of his varieties. It's not so easy to care for him: it is very demanding, so if you always want to watch beautiful buds as in the photo from plant catalogs, then a lot of subtleties should be known, including how to water phalaenopsis.

How to pour orchid at home

Depending on how much right watering Orchids are ensuring that these plants will give you the joy of their beautiful inflorescences. Peer's pick-up roots do not like too much moisture, but at the same time they are very sensitive to drought. The slightest delay - and you lose the flower without a chance of restoration. To help you cope with this difficult case will be able to some recommendations about frequency, watering time and water quality. Knowing secrets about how often you need to water orchid, you will help the plant grow and multiply, decorating your home with gentle boutons.

How often watered orchid at home

Very often, this beautiful flower begins to love and care so much that often leads to his death. One of their main rules home care - Do not pour roots with water. Those who think that daily watering will benefit and the plant will rejoice again and again beautiful flowers, deeply mistaken. How many times watered orchid? In winter, there is enough once a week, and in the summer - a couple of three times in seven days. These numbers cannot be called accurate, since the conditions of the flower content are always different, and you need to focus on them. In a more humid climate, it is necessary to moisten it less often.

When watering orchid

Determine exact time Watering orchids will only be able to the flower owner. It is necessary to carefully consider the soil - how dry it is. For this plant often buy transparent vases so that it is possible to clearly see the state of the substrate and understand when it is finally drying after the last irrigation. This is very important: Falenopsis does not like a lot of water. If you have an opaque pot, then you can check the soil on the weight - the dried earth will become easy. If we talk about the time of day for watering, then there is absolutely no difference.

What water to water orchid

Another secret to which you need to know is what water to use for irrigation orchid at home. Never make it hot, boiled or carbonated water. It bedroom flower Need an ordinary driver room temperaturewhich contains all the necessary natural minerals and nutrients. Water rigidity should be adjusted and too tough is better to defend about a day, while the precipitate does not need to pour into the ground. Soft water can be moisturized almost immediately.

How to water orchids phalaenopsis at home

There are many ways to what could be watering orchids phalaenopsis at home. You can choose one or use different options. The main thing is to comply with the basic rules: do not pour, not moisturize too often and wait before watering until the substrate will dry. Another subtlety is that during flowering a room plant, another amount of humidity is necessary, so it is also important to take into account.

How to water orchid during flowering

As soon as your flower began to bloom, dismissed fresh buds, it is necessary to participate watering orchids during flowering. The drying process at this time is accelerated. When the warm period comes, it is better that soil moisturizing occurred 3-4 times a week depending on the local climate (in a more wet enough and three times, in a dry climate it will have to do it more often). In winter, the flower needs to be watering up to 2 times a week, but if central heating Very strong, then you will have to constantly monitor the state of the soil.

During the flowering of the soil should not completely die. The humidity level must be slightly higher than in the usual time for it. Remember that the air should penetrate well to the roots, so make sure that the substrate is not too dense, and lay with the lumen. For this, the dishes made of transparent glass is ideal, through which you can easily observe the condition of the soil.

How to water orchids in winter

Regardless of whether Falenopsis blooms or not, watering orchids in winter is significantly different from the summer. Here also plays the temperature of the room, and the number of sun hours. Depending on these factors, the irrigation rate should decrease or increase. On average, water indoor plant In winter, you need a maximum of once a week, sometimes - once every two weeks. You ourselves must determine when to water your plant by those methods described above.

Watering methods orchids

About how it should be watering orchids can be arguing indefinitely. Each owner of this noble plant is his own - as well as convenient. Each of the ways to be described below has its drawbacks and advantages, so it is necessary to take them into account when choosing one or another method. The main options for watering are superficial, with the help of immersion, hot shower or with a pallet. The final choice will depend only on you, because some of the methods require considerable time costs.

Surface polyv.

Agronomas are often arguing about whether it is possible to water orch at above. The answer is unequivocal: yes. To the surface watering the flower refers very well, it is only important to know the measure. A thin weaving from the watering can rather flow the flower, but the substrate in which he lives. The moisture gradually fills the pot, and then evaporates in a few days. This is the easiest and fast way glaze.

Spraying of leaves can be carried out daily, preferably in the morning so that during the day all the moisture from the surface evaporated. You should not overdo it with such a bathing, otherwise the leaves will become dull leaves over time. Pumping the soil from above is also recommended very carefully, literally as much as it is necessary to moisturize the entire substrate. Water in the dishes should not be stuffed, so make sure it goes through the hole at the bottom of the tank.

Watering orchids immersion

One of the common watering methods is the immersion of orchids into the water for a few minutes. A huge advantage is that the soil will not take water more than it needs, therefore the risk of flooding the flower decreases, although there is still such a probability in a humid environment. After the pot was lowered into the water for 20-30 minutes and pulled out, he must stand on the lattice so that the excess liquid sued. If you water in this way several different plants, then the water needs to be changed after each.

Hot shower for orchids

For quick adaptation after transplantation for reproduction or when changing the place, the ideal restoration will be a hot shower for Falenopsis orchids. This procedure can be performed once every 10 days, then the flower can be rearranged into a new place for it. Warm shower helps the plant to adapt faster in new conditions, in addition, it is well removing dust from the leaves. Those who do not like to wipe each leaf separately, you can use this method.

During the procedure, it is important to monitor the temperature regime: the temperature of the water should not exceed 70 degrees, but not less than 50. The optimal is selected taking into account the substrate and the acidity that it provides the plant. After bathing, you can leave pots in the bathroom so that they still be in a warm pair. Here's another one unusual wayhow to water orchid and give her to grow and multiply.

Watering orchids in the pallet

Another way - orchids water in the pallet. To do this, you need to pick up the sizes of the pallet on your windowsill or a shelf on which flowers are worth. All pots are installed directly into the container, and during irrigation it will be necessary to simply pour water into it. Flowers themselves will drink as much as they need. Such care is especially suitable for those who have no time to care, which takes a lot of time. Water in pallets can be poured from watering can or glass. The peculiarity is that at once you moisture all the plants in this container.

Video: Right watering orchids

Attention: Orchid is not a simple home flowerwhich is grown in pots. Orchid - epiphyte, a plant that lives on a tree at the expense of moisture from the air. At the same time, it is not adapted to absorb nutrients from the substrate.

So it gets food in most cases from the sun and water. In addition, it is worth considering that the roots of the plant after heavy rains are immediately blown away by the wind, and are in a dry state for a long time.

When watering at home should be considered very important factorsunlightthan it is more, the time of watering. As soon as the activity of the Sun and the Light Day is reduced, orchid falls in the period of rest and watering becomes moderate. It is not necessary to forget that epiphyts are able to accumulate moisture in the root system, and then gradually use it. And if at home in the pot with a plant is constantly being a wet substrate, the roots will begin to be affected by the rot (about how to pour orchid in a pot or in Kashpo, read).

In addition, there is another factor that should be considered when watering - type of plant. For example, Phalaenopsis, Veinehereen Shoe, Miltonia and Cymbidium practically do not carry the lack of moisture and dryness. Their roots should be constantly moistened, while they are not transferred stagnation.

But the dendrobium, oncidium, cattleya and odontoglos are preferred to watered them only after the substrate will dry.

There are several errors that make novice flower, which should be considered:

  1. Pereliv. Despite the fact that the birthplace of orchids - the tropics, they do not tolerate the convergence. For them, the humidity of the soil is not important, it is most likely to pay attention to the humidity of the air.
  2. Hard water. Watering a plant with water from under the tap, the flowerflowers lick it. Orchid got used to feeding soil moisture, which is enriched with mineral salts. You need to water only soft, melt, rain or boiled water.
  3. Watering from above. It is impossible that the moisture is stood in the sinuses of the leaves, they can be understood that lead to the death of orchid. Therefore, watering should be carried out special.
  4. Fine irrigationwhich does not take into account the period of active plant growth. As soon as the plant leaves the "hibernation", watering is reduced to a minimum.

Periodicity of watering

Answer uniquely to this question is impossible, since it all depends on the period of vegetation, air humidity and temperature mode. At certain periods of growth, orchid requires more moisture or less. You can only say one thing - it is better to water orchid rarely, but abundantly.

When cultivating orchids, without experience, you can focus on the recommendation: in the summer 1-3 times a week, during the period of rest 1-2 times a month. Gradually, you can develop your own ravage scheduleWatching your beauty.

About how often you need to water orchid, says.

How to understand that the plant needs moisture?

There are certain signs that allow you to determine if it is time to water or not.

  • The pot has become light. Often, newcomers consider this method very difficult, but if you develop a certain experience, then by weight it will be very easy to recognize whether to water orchid.
  • There is no condensate on the inner walls. This method is well suited if the orchid grows in a transparent pot.
  • Loss of roots. If the roots of the roots are green, then the moisture of orchid is enough - if they coil, then it's time to water.

Council: You can make a simple test on the humidity of the substrate. Take a wooden skeleton and pierce the soil, if after you pull it out dry - you can safely water the plant.

What water to use?

For orchids, the quality, composition and temperature of water is very important.. If in nature it is powered by rainwater in which there are practically no salts and acids, then the moisture entering the apartment in the pipes, contains almost the entire table of Mendeleev than it can affect the ability of orchid to bloom fully. What water to use for watering? For unpleasant surprises bypassing, only purified, soft water from which all impurities and heavy metals removed should be used for irrigation orchids.

You can boil water, then:

It is worth saying that the upset cannot give a positive result, since it takes a lot of time to get rid of impurities. As for the microflora, it will turn around the opposite. Do not use distilled water to water, as there are no no nutrients . Such a liquid can spray plants, breed in it mineral fertilizers. It will also be useful to warm water to a temperature of 30 degrees.

About what water is worth watering the plant, read.

Step-by-step instruction

Watering needs to be carried out strictly according to the instructions, otherwise the plant can be destroyed. To begin with, we will prepare everything you need:

  • a lot of warm water;
  • grille with holes;
  • transparent dishes, a little more in diameter than a vase with orchid;
  • plant in the pot;
  • watering watering can or mug;
  • old thick towel.

Orchid irrigation rules for immersion:

  1. Install a pot with a flower in the prepared, empty dishes.
  2. Gently begin to water the plant from above, trying not to fall on the leaves. At the same time, water flows into the container in which the pot is installed.
  3. As soon as the fluid level closes the pot with orchid by a third, we leave the plant for 5 minutes.
  4. Then we begin to water again until the fluid level reaches two thirds, stop and wait for another 6 minutes.
  5. Then we fill the water in such a way that 1 cm remains to the edge of the vase. Leave the plant for 9 minutes.
  6. In total, the pot with orchid will stand in water for 20 minutes, this is enough to ensure that the substrate is soaked in moisture.
  7. We take out the vase with orchids and install it on the grille, under which there is a thick towel. We leave the plant for half an hour - this is enough to the glasses of excess water.
  8. Watering orchids is completed, you can transfer it to a permanent place.

Important: It is worth strictly watching how much the flower spends in water, and how much is needed for the stack, since the moisture stagnation in the substrate will lead to the root of the roots and death of the orchid.

What watering is considered correct?

Proper watering is very important plants. In the case of orchid - it is better not to add, than to pour. If at home orchid is under constant conditions without temperature drops, it is possible to water at any time. If the night is cool, then watering is transferred to the morning. In this case, the frequency of watering depends:

It is possible to water whether to do so that:

  • the water was not stood in the substrate;
  • the plant was more time in dry ground than in wet;
  • watering was carried out by installing a vase with orchid into the water.

Watering is not correct if the orchid is constantly in a wet substrate, and at the bottom of the pot stood moisture. It is also incorrect to water the flower from above, when water is stared at the point and in the sinuses of the leaves.


It is not difficult to water orchid, the main thing to adhere to the instruction described above. It is also necessary to keep in mind that for each plant a new portion of water is taken so that possible diseases do not spread to all plants. Over time, you can develop your own watering system that is ideal for the conditions of the plant content in your apartment.

Having in the house orchid phalaenopsis, most of the beginner flower flows do not quite understand what watering is - how often it needs to be carried out and how to determine the need.

This negatively affects the development and blossom of the plant, and sometimes can take a ruin.

Specialists advise more carefully to the inhabitants of the windowsill, look at them.

Features and nuances

With non-standard cultivation

After insufficient irrigation, it is often necessary to reanimate the orchids of phalaenopsis, which have no horses at all.

How to water them? Than plant will absorb required amount moisture?

As you know, epiphyte plants can absorb moisture from ambient not only the root system, and leaves.

It is in this way that the Stack will eat during the resuscitation period, when he will have completely absent roots.

The process of watering is carried out in the following way:

  • In the container dial water acidic;
  • Above the vessel with water plants the plant so that it does not concern water;
  • As you evaporate leaves Orchids will absorb the required amount of moisture;

This method will help not only drink dried strabs, and make a new root system.

Sometimes tropical plants Grown without vases, it gives some exotic room.

In such cases, watering is carried out with the help of sprayerWater should be warm at any time of the year.

If we talk about how often Phalaenopsis orchid is at home, then this procedure repeat one or twice a week, Depending on the temperature in the room and its illumination.

In transplant

After the transplant of a young or adult plant to water it not recommended for 7-10 days.

After transplanting orchids, they do not watered for some time.

There are several reasons for this:

  • An adult plant in front of the transplantation is usually cleaned from the old substrate by abundant irrigation, during this period plant accumulates moisture in roots;
  • The filler in the pot or a flap is washed before laying and briefly soaked in water, the substrate is sewn enough moisture for several days.

If you start watering the plants before, risk of rotting on the roots increases.

If the substrate uses foam plastic, watering produces more often. Moss and Ceramzit Extends the time of stay of the plant without irrigation for 2-3 days.

Moss extends time between watering.

With dry microclimate

Dry air in the apartment It may negatively affect the growth of Falenopsis orchids.

Such a microclimate can destroy the plant. So that this does not happen, it is necessary to regularly produce and spray the strain.

Important! The gaps between the water wheels with dry air are reduced to 2 days in the summer and 4-6 days in winter. Spraying can be carried out daily, but before this should be well inspecting the plant.

With subordinates

For related strambes Watering can be carried out using prepared materials:

  • For insufficient watering Orchid leaves are withering, it is possible to fight with this with the help of sweet water, which is watered by a stack. Prepare it simple: a teaspoon of sugar is bred in liter Waters and water the plant once a week. If you do this more often, you can provoke a substrate microflora violation;
  • succinic acid Phalenopsis orchid will help to cope with the adaptation period after a transplantation, will help assimilate the useful substances from the substrate. Watering with the addition of this drug is carried out once a month, it is quite enough to stimulate the growth and distortion of the floweros.

In addition, others often use other effective means This is a topic for a separate article.

Useful video

Look at the video, how often watered orchid:

Look at the video, how to water the immersion method:

Look at the video, how to water phalaenopsis during flowering period:

Look at the video personal experience Flower on the watering of phalaenopsis at home:


Watering for orchid Falenopsis important, as well as for any other plant. The disadvantage or oversupply of irrigation negatively affects the development and life of the stammer.

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