What is decorative in orchid. Forming room orchids

What does the flower look like? The appearance of the plant: Flowers form creeps or cooled inflorescences, less often solitary. Chassels are consisting of three identical petals of medium size, and the fourth is fundamentally different from others. It forms a lip - this is part of the perianth with intersecting two or three petals. Inside the lip is filled with nectar.

Orchid fruit - seed box with sash or berries. The box contains 4 million dusty seeds. Orchid leaves are simple, the next. On the stem can be placed one sheet or more, depending on the variety. Stem happens: long or short; Revitalizing or creeping.

Root exotic flower It is considered an important body that performs a number of functions: in a vertical position is strengthened in the substrate, together with foliage, participates in the process of photosynthesis, nourishes the plant minerals and water.

Attention! The dominant part of the orchids - perennial herbaceous plants, more rare semi-staples and large lianas.


Country of origin

Orchids - Ancient Plants on Earth. Their trail is visible for another 65 million years ago. Prehistoric flower remains were found in Verona. It can be assumed that the birthplace of Orchids is Italy.

Aztec, who lived in Mexico, also knew about the existence of wonderful colors, it was the Vanilla variety. The ancient people were preparing hot drinks based on cocoa, coffee and vanilla pods. In China, the first handwriting testimony for the cultivation of orchids, dotting XI century, was found. Or, nevertheless, the nature of this country presented the world an amazing plant.

Reference! In the XVI century, the orchid was brought to the European continent from West Indies. The first who completed the classification of colors was the Swedish botanist Karl Linney.

Read more about the history of Orchid and care for her.

Variety and features

Orchids seeds are like pollen, have very small size are easily dispelled by the wind. As a result, these plants can be found everywhere, grow throughout ground Shar., stern of parts of the world, where the eternal ice. The greatest variety boasts part of the Southeast Asia and the island of the Malay Archipelago.

Wednesday of exotic beauties is different. Some species grow at an altitude of 1,000-2,500 m above sea level, in tropical forestsfor which fogs are characterized, increased humidity, dew. Others - on the plains, in the fields, forests. Third - in rocky clefts, mountainous terrain, Savane. Form and appearance depends on the residence area.

To learn about what kinds and colors are wild orchids, where and how they grow in nature than different from home, as well as see their photos, you can.


Is it a houseplant or not? 15 years ago over orchid hung nimb mysteriousness and inaccessibility. And now, everyone can purchase such a day. Breeders succeeded in breeding hybrid varieties. Therefore, the cultivation and reproduction of colors at home has become a reality. Survived varieties for window sills are: phalaenopsis, zigopetalum, dendrobium noble, Wanda.

The biggest

In Indonesia, not far from Jakarta, in the Botanical Garden is located. It is epiphet, and grows on a ficus. The dimensions are impressive: the amount of inflorescence reaches 3 meters in length, which in turn consists of 100 flowers. The total number of them is several thousand, and the size of each 15 cm. Weighs such a miracle 2 tons. Blossom lasts a few months.

A huge plant of the type of cane orchidsBut for the colors got the name "Tiger". Giant loves a wet tropical climate, a lot of sun, frequent watering.


Scientists from the Spanish University of Vigo talked about two extraordinarily wondrous finds. In the mountains of Baracoa, who are in Cuba, near the rocky stream was discovered rare view Orchids Tetramicra Riparia. It is a fragile plant with flower size less than 1 cm. The second view of the dimensions is even less. He was found in the western part of the island. This ENCYCLIA Navarroi is bright purple, in shape resemble Narcissus. Escape length 7cm, it contains 20 smallest inflorescences.

Orchids - owners of the most unusual and unique forms of colors. For example, a variety: "flying duck", "Spider", "Angel", "White Heron", "Pigeon", "Monkeys", "Butterflies", "naked man". All of them really correspond to their name.

To learn about the unusual orchid varieties, and also see their photos, you can.

History of the name

Why did she name orchid called? One day of the Plato's student, the ancient Greek philosopher Theophrast drew attention to a wonderful flower. The roots resembled two raw bulbs. A scientist looking at the plant, called him "Orchis", which translated from Greek means "egg". Since then, orchid is called scientific orchidáceae.

Other names

What is it called differently? In Russia, the family of colors of the family orchid, received the names of the Yatryniki. One of the assumptions of the origin of the name is the word "Jatro", (egg) from the Stavropol Caucasus dialect. Also, the family is called "aristocrats". And in Latin, Orchidáceae means "that happened from God." The flower is exquisite and rightfully deserves a noble, lyrical name.

In nature, it often happens that the flowers are similar to each other, although they relate to different families and classes. That's how the schisantus flower looks like orchid, but this is not an orchid. This representative of Flora refers to the family of the Polenic, his closest relatives of potatoes and tomato. Shizantus grown on flowerbeds, balconies, window sills. There is one plant, which has an external similarity with exotic orchid - night violets. They look like a cymbidium from the orchid family.

Bearded Iris, refers to the genus of the irises. It has a wedge-shaped form. Color light purple with stripes on the lower petals. This plant also has an original appearance than similar to orchids.

Look at the photo, how similar to the orchid flower Schizantus:

And this photo of a flower called Bearded Iris.It also has similarities with orchid:

Admire the photo of the night violet, which is similar to the cymbidium (orchid family):

Life life

Representatives of the orchid family in the wild live up to 100 years. There are copies of 130 species that are 50 years old, and the life cycle is already 500 species of about 20 years. At home, the maximum life expectancy is 10 years, and on average 5 years.

How many years will the exquisite flower live, depends on the comfortable conditions in the room. It is necessary to maintain temperature and humidity regimen, carry out regular watering, feeding, as necessary to replant.

How much orchid lives, what it depends on and is it possible to rejuvenate the plant, learn.

Harm and benefit

With all the beauty and splendor, there are ambiguous reviews about the presence of orchid in the house. Holders of beautiful colors do not realize their benefits and harm.

  1. Decorations of orchid colors help to cope with insomnia, lack of appetite, depression, diseases of the nervous system.
  2. In France, the leaves of the plant are added to the ice cream.
  3. All the famous Vanilla seasoning, nothing else as an orchid.
  4. In Mexico, the roots of flowers are used for cooking.

Despite all the positive qualities of an elegant plant, there are a number of contraindications. In nature, there are varieties of orchids that contain a dangerous poison.

  • Aroma orchids.
  • Frequent migraines.
  • The emergence and development of cancer cells.
  • A strong smell can lead to dizziness, fainting.

Important! the best place For orchids - a well-ventilated room where regular air exchange is happening.

About whether it is possible to keep orchid at home, she is or not, as well as the benefit or harm causes the human body, you can learn.

Unfortunately, not all varieties of exotic flower are suitable for cultivation in closed rooms. The most suitable for home conditions are the following varieties:

What price?

Price on flowering orchids The pot varies from 400 to 3000 rubles. It all depends on the variety, the magnitude of the plant, the place of purchase. For example, in the store near the house, the cost will be higher than in network hypermarkets, but in garden farms - more choice. The average cost in Russia is 700 rubles. Flowers are sold mainly by the Netherlands.

Thai flowers in Russia are brought into hermetic transparent bottles. There are 3-5 processes and nutrients for them. But in our climate, orchids are not coming. There are similar beauties of 500 baht (900 rubles).

In online stores, you can buy Chinese orchid Faleenopsis Orchids. They are sold in bulk from 100 pcs., The price per unit from 30 rubles.

Room flower In the pot - the perfect gift, and orchid in the pot is a dream of any woman. But in order not to miss the choice, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

About how to choose the right orchid when buying, read, and from you learn about the appointment of a passport for a plant, where it is given and what is its content.


Acquire exotic plant In a flower shop, it is simply more difficult and more difficult to grow it independently. After all, the sowing material is much cheaper than the finished flower. Before landing, it is important to decide what you can plant: bulbs or seeds.

To buy seeds to fit with all seriousness. On Chinese sites, where they sell them, unscrupulous sellers can send, poor quality products. But even if everything is in order with the seeds, it is almost impossible to grow orchid from them. This process occurs in laboratory conditions.

Everything will be easier with bulbs. For the bulbous way of landing follows:

  • Choose a pot. The root system quickly masters the prepared space. Also need a regular visual inspection of orchids. Based on this, better suitable A small pot from inexpensive transparent plastic. No need to plant bulbs in clay vases. When transplanting, the plant is quite difficult to extract from them and the only way out is to break the expensive pot.
  • Prepare the soil. For bulbs choose a special soil. In its composition, such components must be present: bark, peat and coconut fiber, mainly in crushed form.
  • The procedure for planting Lukovitz. Initially, in the selected capacity we make drainage holes. After that, fill the pot with a mixture of the substrate and put the bulb. Top laying a layer of moss. No need to water or spray. About 2-3 weeks appear roots.

Further visual example lush flowering Orchids on video:

Diseases and prevention

Subject to many. The main thing in time to diagnose them and take the necessary measures.

Representatives of the orchid family suffer from diseases related to rot. Among them: gray, brown, black, root and fusarious rot.

Signs of such ailments are the rotation of the root system, the leaves are covered with gray, brown, black, stains. With the development of the disease, foliage begins to dry, rot. It happens on the background of an excess fluid in a pot, low temperature indoors, high humidity.


Reference! At the initial stages of the development of the disease, it is possible to fight with special solutions of fungicides, "Fundosol", "Topsin" with a concentration of 0.2%, solutions with copper.

If the disease is running, most likely, the treatment of the desired effect will not give. The plant is waiting for death.


It is necessary to comply with the rules for the care of orchid. Use drugs to maintain immunity that increase the stability of the plant to disease.


Sounded infectious diseases that manifest themselves on the leaves. These include: pulse dew, lettelliness of leaves, angrost. The main features of diseases are manifested in humid spotting on foliage brown shades, perhaps appearance white Nalea.


Diseases can be eliminated by solutions of fungicides, Toxin-M and "Sighter" preparations, copper-containing chemicals.

Development Prevention

Regular air ventilation, moderate watering, using properly selected fertilizers.

There are cases, orchids suffer from viral ailments. Alas, they are not treated with drugs. The plant will have to destroy.


Not less problems can deliversuch as TLL, whitefly, cobed tick. Most effective tool To combat them - drugs insecticides. Even use soap solutions, spraying with phytoverm, Akttellik. Do not forget to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, inspect, wash them under the warm shower.


Orchids various varieties And species can be cross each other. Such interspecific hybridization gave the right to live with many loved and popular varieties. Often used methods for breeding orchids are:

  • side shoots, kids. They create special conditions for growth, and after separated from the stem and transplanted separately;
  • air grains, which are also rooted on the parent plant in the greenhouse, and then plant in a separate pot;
  • vegetative method, separating rhizomes and seasy sprouts containing pseudobulb.

Next, visual video about how is happening using the root separation:

Orchids are unique in beauty flowers that need the appropriate conditions. Do not neglect the rules for care and get Asian exotic right at home.

Many people who live in apartment houses, decorate your home with various plants. Indoor flowers give the overall atmosphere of freshness and naturalness. Their appearance of the Namig raises the insistence, besides, living flowers will harmoniously fit into any interior.

Orchids are very popular. It is very beautiful, colorful and also unpretentious plant. With proper care, orchid at home feels wonderful and pleases with its beauty every day.

Orchid belongs to the flowering department, to the class - single-bedroom. In the world of flora allocated a separate family - orchid (on Latin - Orchidaceae). Such a kind is also called orchid and yatrynikov.

Experts note that orchids are one of the richest and variety of families in the plant world.

To date, anyone has the opportunity to purchase orchid in a flower shop. Lilac, white, yellow, purple and other colors for every taste. Especially popular is black orchids.

White orchids are often used to compile brides bouquets. The text is attached photos of orchids to familiarize themselves with their huge variety.

The name of the flower found in the distant past, in times ancient Greece. They chose the philosopher Theophratcher, the student of the famous Plato.

During scientific research, they found an unprecedented flower before this, whose roots resembled a bulb. In this regard, the plant name "Orchis", which translated from Greek means - egg.

Brief characteristic and description of the plant

Orchid that's perennialDue to which it became a popular decoration in the houses. They may be different in size.

The minimum flower size can be only a few centimeters, and the maximum up to 35 meters. Such huge plants You can meet in a natural environment.

Orchid leaves are another form. Their number can be diverse. Also different lengths may have an orchid stem.

Orchid flower there are two types of inflorescence:

  • brush from several flowers on the legs (they grow along the stem);
  • ordinary spikes with single location.

Some varieties of orchids have a trap for insects.

How to care for orchid

Orchid loves light. She needs at least 12 hours of light per day. IN winterWhen the length of the daylight is significantly reduced, additional lighting must be used.

To orchid felt perfectly, she needs warm. Tropical orchids grow at a temperature of more than 30 degrees Celsius above zero. In winter, the room temperature should not fall below the mark of +15 degrees.

The optimal indicator of humidity for orchids: from 60 to 70%. It is recommended to periodically perform spraying, but it produces a short-term effect.

During this procedure, try not to overdo it and do not fall on the flowers. It is best to use special air humidifiers.

The plant feels bad with wet water. When irrigating orchids, it is better to use Tluu, rain or other soft water. IN summer period It is necessary to water the plant no more than two or three times a week.

In winter, the number of times you need to minimize. Water only when the earth is covered by cracks.

How to transplant orchid

Specialists declare that the plant is necessary only in extreme cases. Orchid is not very well experiencing a change in the place of "living." Ceramic or plastic pots are remarkably suitable for orchids.

The soil must contain drainage, for example, crushed stone or brick fragments, which will be held at least 1/4 of the tank. To be sure as the soil is best acquired in specialized stores.

Many people like the appearance of the unusual roots of orchids, so they choose transparent pots for this plant.

Photo of orchid

Orchids are plants related to the orchid family, which occupies 10% of all plants on Earth. This Flora representative has about 35,000 species. Their name comes from the Greek word "Orchis", which means the testicle. The beauty of orchid people admire many centuries, in some countries it is even used as a national symbol. On all continents of our planet, you can meet representatives of this kind of colors, the main place of their habitat are the tropics. Plant dimensions can range from 2 cm to 2 m. All orchids, at the place of growth, are divided into epiphytic (growing on trees), lettuce (settled on the rocks and stones) and ground, and some species grow even underground.

You can rarely meet a person who has never heard anything about orchids at present. Indoor plants differ significantly from their wild fellow. Domestic orchids are presented in the form of pymbols with thin stems, on the top of which luxurious and wonderful flowers are placed. Thanks to this, orchids have become incredibly popular among flower water.

Also important factor is their unpretentiousness.

But the care of indoor orchids must meet the requirements, as well as obligatory there is an understanding of the conditions for their growing in natural conditions. Special attention should be paid to the selection of the appropriate substrate, the tank for landing, fertilizer, organization proper watering, lighting, temperature and air humidity. And also adhere to the recommended transformation and reproduction procedure. In the same way, it is not necessary to produce from attention what kind of orchid you are going to grow, as each of them has its own characteristics.

Views of household orchids


Famous by many lovers of orchids, this flower is not very whimsical in care. Prefers moderate temperature and high humidity. The orchid of medium-sized, has several sheets connected among themselves at the base of the pseudobulb and one linear on top. Flowers in hell bell-shaped red-orange color in an amount up to 12 on one bloomthat usually appear from January to May month and flourish about a month.


It is desirable for many flower products due to the beauty of its glossy white or the color of the ivory colors, which look like porcelain stars. Flowers pour an incredible fragrance that appears with the onset of darkness. But it is extremely difficult to achieve flowering at home, because for this we need specific knowledge about the leaving of the plant.

Angrech needs a lot of light, warmth, as well as in high humidity of air and soil.


This kind of orchids is not very common. But it is attractive with the fact that it has original flowers that their views resemble small babies, and some species have flowers like tulips. There are white, yellow, red and brown colors. Anguloa's care is not very demanding, but needs an abundance of air and sunlight, the temperature for orchids is needed not high with well-pronounced drops during the day and night.


One of the few representatives of deciduous orchidsThis feature arose due to the natural habitat - Africa, during drought the plant completely recesses the leaves. Multi-color inflorescences are placed on the top and painted in yellow With brown splashes. At home, it blooms at the beginning of summer for 5-6 weeks.

When growing at home, there is a good illumination and reinforced feeding during the actual growth.


Orchid received its name due to the similarity of her flowers on spiders. For normal growth and flowering at home, Arahnis must provide a very warm mode with high humidity, as well as bright sunlight. Abundant watering is needed during the active growth of orchids.


Representatives of this species are characterized by large sizes. High orchid inflorescences resemble huge candles of lilac-pink color, flowers in which are dissolved almost simultaneously. Plant blooms for three weeks, during which arpoophylloum must be picked up with a fertilizer with nitrogen and phosphorus, which help him in flowering.


According to many flower water, this orchid is most unpretentious and at the same time one of the most beautiful representatives of the family. Externally, the flower resembles gladiolus. Bletilla's leaves are folded and pointed, reaches 30 cm. Length of flowers from 60 to 90 cm on which it grows from 6 to 12 pink-purple flowers.


The plant is not very fortunate, needs high humidity. It has fleshy leaves up to 20 cm long. On the upper part of the stems are formulated with a maximum of 5 greenish tint flowers. The lip has a flower white color And his shape resembles a heart, Sometimes you can confuse a lip with a flower, as its petals, due to its shape and color, more resemble the leaves of the plant.

Bra grace

Orchid Bracusa is greatly cultivated when careing at home.

A feature of this plant is its unusual appearance of flowers.

They are yellow with brown dots and vice versa. CHASELISTICS EXTENDED TO Distance up to 15 cm. On average, the inflorescence is formed from 6-8 flowers, which in their aggregate resemble a large insect-multi-poppy.


The genus of this flower is the most numerous among orchids. His representatives differ significantly from each other. Therefore, highlight general characteristics external view, as well as the conditions for the care of these flowers is impossible. Most often in homes and apartments, Rothschild Bulbobilulum and Sick-shaped Bulbophillo are grown.


A plant is quite difficult in home cultivation. But seeing at least once, the desire immediately arises to make this orchid at home. It fascinates the exotic beauty of its colors, they are large, fragrant and have an original color. A feature of this orchid is the method of its cultivation: Having unusual root system, the flower does not need soil, and perfectly feels with bare roots.


For most people, it can become a discovery that everyone is a favorite spice is an orchid.

But the genus Vanilla includes more than 100 representatives, and only one of these colors is a supplier of this spice - Flusted. The remaining plants are used in perfumery. For successful cultivation Vanilla orchid home needs to recreate the conditions that will be very similar to those in which it grows in nature.


This plant is quite large, and for its comfort, there is a lot of space indoors. Its leaves grow up on the top of the stem, they are thin and tanning, reach a length of 15 cm. Flowers of all kinds of color are often large and fragrant. Flower for three weeks in the summer.

The main requirement for orchid has good lighting.


Very original orchid, the feature of which is embossed pseudo-bulbs with two folded sheets. The flower table has a curved shape, and a large number of colors with an elongated lip grow on the flowers. Have a pleasant aroma and painted in tone from yellow to brown. Do not require special care, as well as Wanda can be grown without placing in the soil.


This orchid can be called one of the largest among grown houses, as its minimum height is half meter. The curved shape patterns reach the meter long, it forms about 60 small yellow colors, covered with multiple specks.

Create grammatophyllum at home is incredibly easy.


One of the most popular and lungs in home care orchid. The growth of the flower is small: 40-90 cm. Cylindrical pseudobulb create a stem on which the leaves are alternately located. From their sinuses, the flowers sprout on which 1-4 flower with a pronounced smell and a variety of coloring: white, yellow, orange, purple.


One of the most interesting representatives of the genus. The features are flowers that their views resemble a face of a monkey or a small dragon. It is not very whimsical, although it has some requirements.


Very often this orchid can be seen in stores and houses from flowers. It has such popularity due to not high demands in care, as well as the unusual flowers that Zigopetalum have very dense, fleshy and with a pleasant aroma.


A distinctive feature of this orchid is an unusual shape of a lip., contrastingly different from the main flower tone. Very common among the flower products due to its beauty, carefully requires strict compliance with the rules of cultivation.


Flower of an unusual amazing shape - main feature Orchids.

In the cup of this fragrant flower, sweet nectar is going. The condition for successful cultivation is placing plants, it is desirable to choose the suspension baskets for it because of the features of the shape of the coloring and rapid growth rhizomes.


The irrefutable advantage of this orchid is its unforgettable fragrance. Rod Lelia is very multiple, which makes them difficult overall characteristics. The nearest relative is Cattleya, with which they are often confused. In the care of these flowers are quite capricious.


The presented view of orchids belongs to the category "Precious orchids"This means that the splendor is not in the flowers, but in sheets. Leaves silky, overflowing, crimson or yellow-green, having lightweight vascular. The size of the leaves is about 7 cm in length, 3-4 cm. Flowers about 2 cm in diameter White with yellow splashes are placed on a flower area in large quantities, but as already mentioned above, they are not decoration of the Ludius, they are rather unbalanced. Special conditions of content This plant does not require.


Along with Phalaenopsis, this orchid is also often found in the home collections of flowerflowers. This is a very light flower in growing. Orchid leaves reach 40 cm, their color is not entirely ordinary, grayish-yellowish shades. The flowers draw their sinuses, velvety flowers of various colors.


The original smell of the flower will love sweet tooths, because it exudes the orchid aroma of candy, which in the evening is stronger.

On the colorhouse is located from 3 to 15 flowers of white or pink color, less often yellow and greenish. Contrary to the fact that this kind of natural, and not artificially derived, it is good to get along at home.


One of the most popular types of orchids.

In connection with huge number Substitutions, give the overall characteristic is very difficult. Compared to phalaenopsis, this plant is more freakious, and more depends on the difference in day and night temperatures. Another name of this orchid has "dancing dolls" due to the similarity of flowers with a girl in a wide skirt, and the inflorescences of some species resemble moths.


This orchid can be called a miracle of nature. - The common name of the representatives of this kind, which they received due to the form of a flower, which reminds women's shoe. In addition to the original flower, PFFIOs attracts a glance and overflowing leaves. At home is not very demanding, although they have some features.


The whole genus, and especially some of it, very flexible to temperature, as they can carry both short-term decrees and increasing degrees and well adapt to different conditions . Sarcocilus has fleshy leaves of green color, and in short brushes there are numerous flowers that have a very pleasant smell.


The most frequently found from all representatives of the family orchid.

Meet the amateur of flowers, which does not have at least one phalaenopsis, almost impossible.

Because of the similarity of flowers with moths, they are also called "butterfly orchids". Coloring is very diverse. Juicy leaves, green, are arranged in such a way that they create a root rosette. Growing does not require strong effort and does not cause concern only subject to some rules.

Khabenarium Radiata

The unusual name of the flower in translation means "white heron". This name Orchid received due to the unimaginable similarity of the flower with a flying white bird. Khabenaria has narrow leaves, which are located on the stem alternately. The floweros reaches a length of 50 cm, it is located 2 to 8 flowers. For novice flowerflowers, it will grow such a flower very difficult, as it is very whimsical.


For cultivation, some knowledge is needed, but nevertheless it is one of the popular species that grow at home. Leather orchid leathery mild or linear. Coloros sometimes reaches long more meter And it is a brush with a small or large number of flowers. Depending on the species, the flowers are large or small varied colors, and the lip is usually spotted.

Orchid Orchidaceae.

Orchid family. These decorative-flowering plants are highlighted in a special group. Those who were conquered by the beauty of their magic flowers, rather will become a collector of these wonderful plants. Orchids are perennial herbaceous plants, originally from tropical countries with a hot and temperate climate. Orchids are appreciated not only for the peculiarity and beauty of flowers of a wide variety of shades and colors, but also for the fact that the bloom of many of them has to be mainly for the winter months. The indisputable advantage against all other flowering plants is the duration of flowering - orchid flowers hold about 1 month, in some species about 2-3 months on the plant and about a month, if you cut.

Single orchid flowers, in creeps-shaped, blurred and ear-shaped inflorescences. Flowers have a brown-colored perianth of two three-mended circles. The rear petal of the inner circle is called lip and differs from the rest and in shape and in color. Three stamens in the flower are attached to the column, only one or two are developed from them. Fruit - box. Seeds are very small, dusty.

Why is it believed that orchids are very demanding in the culture of the plant? First of all, according to the fact that they need a fairly high humidity. Orchids do not tolerate dry and dusty air. Even 2-3 multiple spraying only temporarily increases moisture. It is best to grow orchids in room greenhouses. All types of orchids, despite general requirements In care, may differ in the ease of cultivation. There are very capricious orchids, but, which is very pleased, there are many kinds that can be quite easily contained at home and make blossoms. In addition, the observance of the rest period is very important for orchids.

Orchid temperature and lighting:

I would like to say that the windows located on the south are the best place for orchids. However, this is not quite true. Orchids need a lot of bright scattered light, so it takes a shading in the hot clock of the day on the southern window. It is well suitable for the cultivation of orchids and the eastern window, and on the West window, if it is not shadped by trees, you can also need to shaping, as in South. The more light and fresh airThe better the orchids will grow, and develop. In order for the orchids to grow safely and blooms, it is necessary to provide them with the duration of the day of day about 12-15 hours. Therefore, in winter it will take additional artificial lighting.

The room with orchids should be regularly ventilated, but not any drafts and sharp drops Temperature! Before choosing, some kind of defined form of orchids, you need to take into account the temperature that he will be needed. Since there are orchids for cool premises (for example, dendrobium, pafioediliums, cellinia), for moderate (for example, Lelia) and for warm (for example, phalaenopsis, vandy, some dendrobiumams and cattleia). It is clear that the orchids needing in cool content will not matter to feel if they are grown in too warm. It should be envisaged that during flowering and transplant temperature in the room should be slightly higher than usual, however, in too warm the flowers are not solved for a long time.

Air humidity:

Orchids require very high humidity, while indoors with central heating In winter or hot summer, even a 2-3-fold spraying will not help. Although periodically orchids need to spray from hygienic considerations. Orchids do not spray if they are in the sun, and during flowering spray so that the water does not fall on the flowers. It is best to spray orchids in the morning or after dinner, you can spray at night if the pots with orchids are not on the balcony or a veranda, that is, if not expected at night decrease in temperature. High humidity, probably, the main and very important condition for the content of orchids.

Air humidity increase the content of orchids in room greenhouses, greenhouses, growing them in aquarium or near aquarium or terrarium with water. You can place the pots with orchids per pallet with pebbles and water. You can use a feline pot instead of the pallet, then pebbles or pebbles will not need, as there is a grille.

Watering orchids:

During the growth and flowering of orchids, they watered quite abundantly and regularly. No need to water so that today is more, tomorrow is less. Watering should be uniform. The lack of moisture will lead to the fact that the plant although it will grow, but the shoots are formed weak and are not sufficiently developed, which will be not corrected. Orchids are watered in the period of growth so that the soil has been slightly humid. You can water orchids and from the pallet. How abundantly or moderately water, depends on the type of oorchide and the development stage.

Water for watering orchids is suitable only soft, without any chemical impurities. Water for watering is either defended, or add peat pieces to it, to reduce rigidity (at the rate of 10g on the water bucket). Peat is placed in a wrapping bag and lowered a bucket one day. One portion of peat can be used no more than 2-3x times, then replaced with fresh. The most common way is watering with boiled water. It is even better to use water filtered through a household filter.

Plants in pots refresh the interior of the apartment or at home. It is difficult to present housing without small islets of greenery on the windowsill. Especially please the eyes of exotic flowers that resemble hot countries. Caring for orchid at home requires special skills, since it is rather capric. However, the result will exceed all the expectations and will pay off their efforts - the plant blooms for a long time and at that moment resembles a refined bouquet.

Features of the vital activity of orchids in the natural habitat

Orchids are growing at all continents, except for the snow-covered Arctic and Antarctic. The greatest number Their varieties are found in the tropics. These flowers love heat and moisture.

Mention of orchids can be found:

  • in ancient Greek scientists who considered the plant to therapeutic;
  • in the Indians, cooked from their pestle, fragrant drinks;
  • the peoples of Southeast Asia who distinguished them from their help from the housing of evil spirits.

There are more than 35,000 types of orchids. Color color varies from white to purple and black.

Also, orchids are divided into groups:

  • land plants;
  • underground;
  • living on the branches of trees.

The most popular in Falenopsis Orchid flower shops. In the wild, it grows in China, Malaysia, Philippines, in the foothills of Himalayas and even in Australia.

It refers to a group of plants living on trees. Most of their roots are chopping in the air, getting moisture out of it. Sometimes thickens are formed, resembling tubers in which nutrients accumulate.

Flower care rules at home

It should be remembered that Phalaenopsis is brought from warm countries, in connection with which it requires heat and well-humidized air. This orchid clings for trees and grow up in the shadow of their crown hiding the leaves of the plant from direct sunlight.

In a pot, it is necessary to plug a strong long stick that will serve as a support. It is impossible to use the usual land for cultivation of orchid. Special soil for this flower is sold in stores.

Proper care for orchids at home is easy, you only need to follow the basic rules.

Proper lighting

As mentioned, in the summer bright sun The flower is better not to put. It will fall out gentle leaves. The light should be scattered, so for the plant it is better to choose window sills that are east or west.

In winter and in the fall, when the day is short and outside the window it darkens, a special backlight is needed, otherwise the flower leaves will begin shirt, and the buds do not dissolve.

The tropical day lasts more than half of the day, so you need to think about how to reimburse the shortage of sunlight. For one flower there is a sufficiently included light bulb in 40 W, installed so that enough light falls on the leaves and inflorescences.


Houses Care for orchids is simple in terms of compliance with temperature. The apartment is always warm enough, however there are two dangerous factors.

  1. . It dramatically dries air and after its use you need to additionally spray the plant. In no case can not put orchid under the jet of the working air conditioner.
  2. Draft. The flower does not like the supercooling, so the plant should be removed from the windowsill at the time of air ventilation.

If orchid ceases to bloom, it takes a small stress. By reducing the daily temperature to +12 ° C, and the night lowered by a couple of degrees, you can achieve a kidney laying. Noticing them, one should not sharply interrupt the former regime.

It is necessary to switch to a regular room temperature gradually so that the kidneys fasten and soon turned into buds.

Air humidity

Tropical climate is different high levels humidity. The usual indicator is from 60 to 70%. In apartments and houses, it is much lower, especially in the heating season.

Save the microclimate suitable for orchid will help frequent spraying from the sprayer. And water should be room temperature And well-defined. Moisturize leaves and stem, avoiding inflorescences, should not be 3-4 times a week.

If the air is too rehensited, you can buy a moisturizer and put it in the room where the plant is located. The device will benefit not only to him, but also living in the apartment people.

Regularity of watering

Caring for orchids at home provides for a number of tricks. The flower can not be planted in a standard clay pot, but in a transparent plastic, through the walls of which the root system is visible. It is easy to make a few slots and not water the soil from above, but to put it for 5 minutes in a waters. So the roots are absorbed required amount moisture, and does not create her surplus.

If the walls of the pot are opaque, watering orchid relies as soon as upper layer Earth to the touch will seem dry. It is important not to pour flower. In the natural environment, the roots take the necessary amount of moisture from the bark of trees when it rains.

If there is too much water in the pot, the roots of the flower begin to rot, which leads to the yellowing of the leaves and the appeal of flowers.

Many get to fight this problem quite successfully. Orchid needs to be carefully removed from the ground, inspect the root system and sliced \u200b\u200bfiddling parts. It is better to replace the soil to a new one, because the old remains unnecessary wet and is able to reduce all the efforts to treat the flower.

In the cold season, watering orchids need to be reduced, and in the summer, on the contrary, more often check the condition of the soil. If the orchid lacks moisture, all of its leaves will swell, and the lower yellow will yellow and dismiss. When recovering the mode, it will quickly revive, but it is better to prevent such a situation.

Source requirements

If the room orchid belongs to the group of land plants, such as a cymbidium, then the care of it at home will be somewhat different than for phalaenopsis. The composition of the soil for different species These plants differ markedly.

Flowers growing on trees, no soil containing nutrients, but the Earth should allow excessive moisture to evaporate quickly.

The best option is to buy a soil for orchids in the store and add several components to it:

  • pieces of clay or foam;
  • moss sphagnum;
  • oak or pine bark;
  • husks from seeds;
  • charcoal;
  • perlite.

All these elements will allow breaking the soil and increase the influx of air to the roots, which has great importance For phalaenopsis. It should not be thoughtlessly mix all the components in the hope that the orchid will immediately begin to bloom.

The main secret of the selection suitable soil - Experimentation with different proportions of additives. A healthy view of the flower will show that the correct composition is chosen.

Elements require careful water and thermal cleansing. First, they are washed, and the moss is soaked on the day to get rid of insects. Then additives allowing treatment at high temperatures are dried in the oven. These actions will get rid of the roots of the plant from the fungus, which multiplies in the wet soil.

Cymbidium, living on Earth, will require nutritious additives in addition to the usual soil. In this capacity, the leaves of non-separated plants are suitable and a mixture of peat with charcoal.

Feeding and making fertilizers

The cultivation of orchid at home in a limited volume of soil implies special care. Cimbidium follows from time to time to feed to create comfortable conditions for growth.

Standard nutritious additives for indoor plants Orchids are not suitable. They need soluble mineral fertilizerscontaining phosphorus, nitrogen and iron. They contribute to the growth of leaves and flowering, and also give the plant immunity against pests.

Some orchid owners use organic additives, such as slices of a banana skirt. However, it is difficult to calculate the required amount of such feeding. Its excess causes the process of rotting the root system of the plant.

It is safer to dwell on finished fertilizers, among which is in demand and has positive feedback wand for orchids. It, impregnated with mineral supplements, is inserted between the soil and the pot of the pot. When watering gradually dissolves, fueling the flower.

Transplantation Plants

Any orchid requires a transplant every two years. During this period, the components are part of the soil collapse, making it difficult to ventilation of the roots. In addition, the plant can grow up its pot, and then its roots will begin to speak out. This leads to a shortage of mineral salts even with regular soil feeding.

Orchid carefully get out of the pot, shaking the roots from the stuffed lumps of soil. The flowering plant to transplant undesirable, but the process will not make much harm. Next flower move to bigger size Pot with fresh moistened soil.

Basic problems in the cultivation of orchids

The plant may be sick even with accurate observance of the conditions for its cultivation. Care of orchids for newbies must necessarily include the study of benefits and instructions. They contain recommendations of experienced florists and information about the features of the flower.

As already mentioned, the bay of the roots leads to their damage and falling out the leaves. The appearance of yellow spots can provoke direct sun rays on the greenery. In the improper treatment of the components of the soil, it develops a fungus that leads to the destruction of the root system. Slugged leaves They talk about the lack of moisture and too dry air.

Orchids are rather unpretentious, care for them is easy, if you know the basic rules and take into account the specifics of the climate in which these flowers grow in nature.


Scientists conducting experiments to study the life of flowers believe that they communicate with each other with impulses and feel the thoughts of the owner.

It sounds a little fantastic, although it is different to explain the reason for which rarely flowering plant Frams on the birthday of your owner or another commemorative date? It, like any living being, feels the love directed at him and tries to please the people who care about him with a juicy greens of leaves and bright inflorescences.

Well-groomed orchids growing on the windowsill demonstrate the attentiveness and responsibility of the owner and decorate any room.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman, I am the author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "Alma-Press" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently helping to promote projects virtual reality. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions that charge positive and give inspiration. IN free time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about the epoch. I offer you articles capable of captivate a new hobby or just give pleasant moments. You need to dream of beautiful, then it will come true!