Apple tree grade Fuji is the pride of Japanese breeders. Apples Fuji.

Apple Fuji's grade is grown in North America, China and his historic homeland - in Japan, and Russian gardeners are divorced. Fruits are large, weighing about 200 grams, possess the correct rounded form. Surface smooth, skin dense. The main painting of apples is yellow-green, but it is almost not visible under a bright red-raised blush, spilled throughout the fruit. The flesh is light cream, very dense, crispy, juicy, sour-sweet. For good care grows tall treeIf it does not limit it in growth reaches 6 meters. Get the crown of the correct form can only with it proper formation. The trunk and branches are covered with a slightly wrinkled bark of light brown color, on which light is noticeable gray tint. Young shoots painted brighter, the bark on them smooth, shiny, leaning little. The leaves are oval or lanceolate-oval with a sharp tip. On young leaves, you can see the downcoming.

In the online store, the Royal Garden you can buy large-scale Saplings of Apple Fuji and other fruit trees in Moscow, see photos and descriptions on the apple tree Fuji.

The Japanese selection of fruit crops led to the appearance of Fuji apples on our market. They deserve recognition by their excellent taste, long time Storage. Culture is different late blossom, abundant fruiting. The popular apple tree in China, Japan gave impetus to create hybrids and spread throughout the world. The variety can grow any in its summer cottage.

Fruit description Fuji know many. But what a tree looks like, the features of its structure are not known to everyone.

Historical variety data

The qualities of Fuji varieties lie best characteristics Apple tree Red Delisheshes and Rolls Janet. Named apple tree in honor of the Fujisaki region, where it was produced. Culture quickly spread the world, and now it is cultivated in the Gardens of Europe, Asia and America.

Useful properties of fruits

Red Fuji apples are useful for a person. Especially it is necessary to include more fruit on the menu to those who wish to lose weight. To increase immunity, stabilization of cholesterol levels in the blood there is nothing better than apples. The fruits help to cope with anemia, gout, improve the condition of the bones, heart muscle. They are useful for strengthening nervous system, Stabilizing sleep.

Calorie Product

As part of Fuji fruits more than all carbohydrates. Caloriciness per 100 grams of apples reaches 70 kcal. Most of all in fiber fruits, pectin.

Chemical composition

The use of apples is associated with the vitamins contained in it:

  • retinol;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • pyridoxine;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • folic acid.

Many in the fruits of iodine, iron, enough magnesium, calcium, phosphorus.

Taste qualities

The taste of Apple Fuji is peculiar. In crispy white pulp, notes of real apple taste are felt. There are very sweet fruits, where sugar is diluted with a small amount of acid. There are copies with a large content of acids. But the taste is harmonious in any variety fruits. And the aroma of apples is neglected.

Similar products

There are similar to Apples Fuji products. They are fruits varieties. This is Kiku, and Fuji Aztek. Many consider these apples with a clone of the main variety.

Negative consequences of use

Rarely apples are contraindicated. This happens only when a person has gastritis. Fruit fiber will negatively act on the gastric mucosa, causing gravity, nausea. Many apples are harmful to have diabetics due to the high content of carbohydrates. Fruit juice negatively acts on the enamel of the teeth, destroying it.

Culinary dishes from Fuji

From the apples of varieties you can cook desserts. Good combined fruits with other fruits. They are added to salads, based on their baking. Get from apples tasty and useful juice, puree for baby food.


Besides excellent quality Fruit, Fuji is interested in the structure of a tree. It can be a garden decoration due to its original crown, green bright foliage, bright fruits.

Features of varieties

The main feature of Fuji is apples. They are:

  • rounded-cylindrical shape;
  • covered with fine elastic skin;
  • with subcutaneous bright dots;
  • pale yellow or greenish main color;
  • covered with completely blush;
  • weigh from 140 to 210 grams.

Seeds inside apples light brown, middle sizeare in narrow cavities.

Tree height

In height, this tree reaches impressive sizes, from 6 to 9 meters. The main shoots depart from the trunk at a right angle. They are covered with a brownish bark with a gray gun. The bark of the strain slightly wrinkled, covered with small lentils.

Krone width

Soothes form a thick crown. It can take the shape of the ball, the pyramids depending on the formation of the crown by trimming. Each year, the growth of shoots is up to 60 centimeters wide and height.

Areas of growing

Although the variety and is zoned for Asian states, but it is successfully grown by the gardeners of Ukraine, Belarus. In the south, apples are harvested sweeter than in the northern regions. It is best for a moderate climate to choose Fuji hybrids who will have time to grow in the central region, the Volga region.


An apple tree fruit can be abundant, and for another year - much less. After all high yield Sleets apple tree, and she needs rest. It is best to translate a tree to the middle yield. Make it thinning the strings. Then the fruits receive annually. Such apples have an excellent taste, they are longer stored in winter.

Winter hardiness

Apple tree of Japanese selection to winter-hardy cultures. The tree transfers frosts within 20-25 degrees below zero. But extreme cold culture will not survive. But Fuji hybrids are more resistant to low temperatures.

Resistance to diseases and pests

Apple tree grade Fuji has a medium immunity to a brummer. Therefore, most often planting culture can not resist the infection of mildew. There is also such pathology as a bacterial burn. Among the pests of the apple tree, fruit, leaflet. We need to prevent plant processing by burgue liquid, a solution of copper sulphate. Pests are struggling with spraying insecticidal preparations.

Life expectancy

For culture, a period of life in half a century is characterized. But the tree is actively fruitful for 30 years. As aging harvest, apples are declining.

Landing and care

Fruit cultures for a full vegetation need careful care. The duration of the planting of an apple tree, preparation for the event plays a major role.

Disembarking saplings

Apple tree seedlings Fuji for the garden are selected 1 or 2-year-old. They must have a root system, barrel without damage, 2-3 branches. Pre-prepare space under the landing with loose soil. Love an apple tree open places. But for them it is dangerous exposure to cold winds.


In the autumn, it is necessary to plant an apple tree in the first decade of October. If planted later, they may not survive the winter because of weakness.

In the spring, the landing is produced when snow comes down, warm weather will be installed. But the kidneys at this time should still be blossomed.


Roach landing points on the selected area in advance, no later than 3-4 weeks before planning. The diameter of the pit should be within 80-90 centimeters, the depth is 50-60 centimeters. Fertilizers add to the pit to the pit, mixing with the ground: manure, superphosphate, potash salt, ammonium salter.

If the soil is heavy, clay, sand or drainage add.

In the middle pounded hollyk humoring. It is planted with apple trees. Put in the middle, placing the roots. Then the soil is poured. After filling, the pit looks so that the root neck is above the ground surface of 4-5 centimeters.


The gap between the plants must be observed, otherwise they will begin to shade each other, and the roots do not have enough nutrition. Depending on the height of the tree, the distance of honey applebabs is selected. The usual tree height of 6 meters requires a distance from a neighbor of 4 meters. Dwarfs and semi-darkens are quite 2-3 meters.

Pollination and pollinators

To pollinate Fuji, it is necessary that during flowering in the garden more insects. The variety needs neighbors to help pollinate apple trees. These include the apple tree Grennie Smith, Red Delishes, Idared, Gala. Cultures begin to bloom at one time. And Fuji also participates in pollining a number of growing trees.


Planted on fertile, loose soils of the apple tree grow successfully if they are organized correct care Immediately after landing. In addition to watering, you need to inspire the rolling circle to peat, humus or compost. Then dripping it in the spring, the apple trees are performed. The influence and trimming of trees is affected. It can be formative, sanitary, rejuvenating.

Agrotechnical events

When the tree has created comfortable conditions, it will soon turn into a tree with a powerful trunk, a strong root system. And the grade fruiting will be annual and high. An apple tree agricultural equipment includes:

  • irrigation;
  • fertilizer;
  • pruning;
  • processing from diseases and pests;
  • preparation for winter.

Each season is carried out agrotechnical activities aimed at improving the growing culture.

Trimming trees

The main methods of trimming a young village include shorting and breaking. Annual shoots need to be shortening so that Krone turns out more extensive, had a rounded form. It is necessary to remove some of the boughs by a third of the length of the annual increase. Every year the cutting degree decreases, and if the increase reached only 30 centimeters, then they do not touch it.

As soon as the tree begins to be fruit, they are engaged only by thinning the crown, lightening it. The procedure is carried out in order to turn into fruitless shoots.

Features of ripening and fruiting

To properly care for the tree, you need to know about the features of the ripening and fruiting of the apple tree Fuji. All varieties have different time, they bloom rapidly. This is taken into account when leaving the plants.

Beginning of fruiting

Usually grated fruit culture Begins to fruit on the 4th year of life. If it is grown on dwarf and semi-caric colors, then the fruits appear before 1-2 years. Maximum yield Get from an apple tree age at 10 years old. Support such a state agrotechnical events, rejuvenation of landings.


Typically appear snow-white flowers to Fuji at the end of April until mid-May. Dates vary depending on climatic conditions Growing, weather. Flowering will begin massively when the air temperature is within 15-20 degrees of heat for several days. Longs the flowering period Fuji 1-2 weeks. If the weather becomes cool, it will delay for several days.


Name the duration of vegetation at the variety of Japanese selection. After all, starting to revive in early springThe tree is being developed completely in October-November, when the leaves fall out. And again weather conditions may intervene. When summer is roast and dry, apples ripen faster. With cool weather, the development of plants that the growing cycle of the growing season will last until mid-November. At the same time, the growth of wood is delayed, root system It begins to strengthen, preparing for winter.

The ripening time of fruits

Apple tree Fuji refer to late species. Ripeness reaches the fruits from the plant only in October. Determine the degree of readiness of apples on intense staining of fruits. After removing the harvest best taste Reach apples after being lit indoors. They become sweeter, disappears from the pulp of sourness.

Varieties Fuji.

Since the grade refers to gravity cultures, then not everyone can allocate a place for such a powerful tree. Hence the appearance of subspecies of the variety. It is best to choose Fuji on dwarf and colonum coloration.


To create a mediteral type trees take dwarf and floor dwarf apple trees. Such work leads to the fact that the tree:

  • reaches a height of 2-3 meters;
  • occupies a small garden area;
  • starts fruit 3 years after landing;
  • got abundant yields 10 years old.

The apple tree is easier to take care, and the crown compactness allows you to plant more trees, increasing the productivity of the variety.


The columns of apple trees Fuji, hung with bright red fruits look interesting. The subspecies also begins to be froning on the 2-3rd year of life, and already in 7 years it consistently gives crops of fruits. The landing of colon-shaped apple trees are carried out at a distance of half the meter from each other, which is important for gardeners with small in size.


The breeders are working with the apple tree Fuji to preserve the taste and quality of fruits unchanged, as well as reduce the timing of vegetation, increase the winter hardiness of the culture. Now you can choose to grow that hybrid of an apple tree that is suitable for a specific locality.


An apple tree was bred in New Zealand. She begins to fruit a little earlier "Parent". Apples are collected in September. They are red with a juicy flesh, sour-sweet.


One of the best clones Fuji ripens also earlier for 2-3 weeks. Apples with a pink blush reaches a mass in 200-250 grams. Fruits appreciate the aroma, excellent taste. The tree refers to the average, migratory.


Also fruits apple tree before the main variety for 2-3 weeks. It is characterized by large, 250-300 grams, fruits. A high-resistant look is often overloaded, so it requires breaking the strings. It is better to grown on dwarf and semi-darkened flows. The plant suffers from weak immunity to fungal infections.

Red (Nagafa)

At the end of September, apples achieve technical maturity. The tree is famous for bright red fruits weighing 300 grams. Apples can be used in the fresh form, they are suitable for billets. Fruits are well transferred to transport and are stored for a long time. Difficult doubling to frost.


One of the stronger types of trees is resistant low temperatures. Fruit apple tree fruit fragrant, tasty. They are also beautiful: pink-red, decorated with blond subcutaneous dots.


The variety of fertility is close to Golden Delishes. Large apples are valued for a delicate juicy pulp, sweet taste with small acids. The only disadvantage of the variety is the lack of self-absorption. Without pollinkers, there will be no barriers on the tree. The apple tree is resistant to the pasche, but often suffers with mildew.

From Yataka Apple tree obtained hybrid by Japanese breeders. The main color of the fruit is green, but with a bright blush over the entire surface. In fruit, the weight reaches 350 grams. Not only the fact that they have excellent taste, but also do not crack. Winter cold The tree carries persistently.

Storage and transportation of fruits

Latest grade Fuji is famous for the fact that the apples are stored for a long time. With properly organized storage may lie throughout the year. In winter, they are transported to distant distances, providing fresh fruit the population of the northern regions. This is one of the best varietieswhich is distinguished by excellent breeding and transportability.

As a result, it turned out a tree of indescribable beauty and exquisite, super-possession fruits. The grade is well tolerate frosty winter and roast, dry summer.

Worldwide, Apples Fuji are very popular and demand.

Attention! In China, 80% of all grown apples (approximately 10 million tons) make up Fuji's fruits and its clones.

Wood refers to winter varieties With a long shelf life (observing the storage rules, the fruits are good persist until the end of May).

Thanks to solid peel and dense sweet pulp even after temperature processing Fruits do not lose their taste, retain the structure in baking. therefore confectioners and cooks, simple consumers give their preference to this variety of apples.


The first fruits collected on next yearThey were only 5, but the taste awesome (better purchased 100 times), and the smell is the aroma of warm autumn throughout the cold winter. Now we will look for his varieties. "

Stepan, Saratov. "Laying fruit garden, I chose (getting information from the Internet and reading feedback from there) on the apple trees Fuji, Fuji Kiku and found more grade Fuji Beni Shogun. My impressions: Apple trees were not disappointed. Fruits delicious, beautiful. They became the most beloved of all in the garden.

The lack of one: as for me, so the harvest is not enough, I would like more. And so - apples are sweet, juicy, crunchy. Stored for a long time and without problems. Before booking, I do not cultivate anything, which is important, there is no extra chemistry. Easy apples Even in early spring.

In the departure of the trees, too, noncains, in principle, as well as the rest: watering, spraying from pests and diseases, do not forget about feeding, but I prefer the extraxornic, combining them with chemical treatments. Trees are low, so trim, collect harvest is very convenient. I recommend everyone to plant this variety, I am sure you will like it. "

Irina, Belgorod region. "I tried Fuji's apples, buying them in the supermarket, fell in love with the first bite. He tortured her husband while he found him on the websites of online stores and wrote it. We planted two Fuji trees and Fuji Kiku. Even more delicious purchased fruits - juicy, very pleasant to taste.

But, unfortunately, the grade of Fuji will get rid of, compared to Fuji, Kiku loses in taste. After reading about him on the Internet, I realized that he lacks the sun in our territories (I live in the Belgorod region). Instead, we will try to find other varieties of varieties, the benefit of the breeding work on one Fuji did not stop, choose from what: Red Fuji, Yataka, Kiku-8 and others. "

Galina, Kirov. "I would take this variety to the apple" elite "- for me the best. She conquered a delicate taste and aroma, and the juiciness of apples is generally a separate conversation. Moreover, after a long storage (the end of winter) remains the same strong and juice in the fruits, it does not become less. In baking are very good, do not turn into porridge. "



TO main features Apple trees Fuji include:

  • For normal development and aging fruits to this variety need not less than 3200 hours per year sunlight;
  • When joining fruiting the first two years are not indicative, the taste of apples is mediocre and uncharacteristic for a variety, for the third year, the fruits are gaining their exquisite taste and aroma;
  • The darker the red color of the fetus, thus are sweeter.

Tree height

Wood stronger height can reach up to 9 metersif there is no formation. The formed tree has a height not exceeding 6 m. The tree is well amenable to formation.

Apple tree Fuji.

When growing on dwarf or semi-class The height will be appropriate 2-2.5 m and 3-4 m.

Important! The variety is more intensively growing at a young age, with the entry into fruction, the growth is slightly slowed down.

Krone width

Krona Fuzhi. thick It may have a wide-grade, spread or rounded flat shape. Branches hang down.

Crown when forming easily acquires a compact spherical or rounded-oval shape. It all depends on the chosen type of crown when forming.

An annual increase is approximately 0.6 m in height and 0.6 m in width. For favorable conditions Growing growth can be more.


Thanks to its exceptional taste, Fuji fell in many countries of the world and grown it everywhere. IN southern regions he has big sugar and fruit dyeing with a promotion to the north in taste, light sourness appearsBut the taste of this does not deteriorate.

The south of Fuzhi grows, the eagles are sweeter.

Grow grade throughout Ukraine, Belarus and even under Bryansk. But better after all when choosing when bookmarking the garden preference to give more modern clones With a less long apegestation.


Fuzhi belongs to K. High-yielding grades with periodic fruiting. Alternation of yields and disadvantaged years.

It happens in more than from excessive harvest in one year.

Abundant harvest leads to the exhaustion of apple trees, so the next year the tree is resting, accumulating strength to bookmark the next high harvest.

Turning the wounds contributes to the removal of the turnover of the tree by harvest and the transfer of an apple tree for annual fruiting with an average yield.

For your information! The most high-quality fruits in an apple tree with an average yield, because for large quantities Apples on the fruit tree accumulates less nutrients And they are small, with a small yield, the fruits are formed large, accumulate many sugars, but at the same time they lose in the bleeding during storage.

Tasting evaluation

Fruits Fuji proper rounded shape with a smooth matte surface. Have an attractive appearance that emphasizes Bright pink or crimson-red painting of fruits. Past of such apples is unlikely to pass.

Apples Fuji.

Taste quality above all praise: white-cream, juicy pulp sour and sweet taste, dense and crispy.

Tasting score of 4.9-5 points.

Winter hardiness

Apple tree Fuji belongs to winter hardy grades , Fruits hang on branches to the most frosts. It is withstanding frost up to -25 ° С. Grade is resistant to return frosts after thaws, but extreme and protracted frosts in the middle winter period It is dangerous for him.

Fuji - frost-resistant grade.

Winter hardiness apple trees depends largely on hereditary factors. That's why all clones of this variety of frost resistant.

Resistance to diseases and pests

Variety susceptible to the damage to the powdery dew and bacterial burn:

Important! With a bacterial burn, it is necessary to fight, otherwise during the season, the maximum of two, it will destroy the whole garden (apple trees, pears).

To the common disease apple trees The resistance of the variety is average.

Fuji has a middle resistance to the paschers.

Apples affected by passions are not subject to long storage, so disease need to warn. This requires:

  • Spring before the dissolution of foliage - spraying trees and soil under them nitrafen or copper vitriol, proportion of 300g per 10 liters of water, or the drug of the day (1%);
  • In the end of April Trees spray with copper chloroks, a duplex or a 3% burgundy liquid solution;
  • 1% Bordeaux fluid solution is carried out two treatments - during the formation of buds and immediately after flowering;
  • Spray with suspensions of Kapptan, cinet or phthalan.
  • Apple blooming;

Trees in the fight against them are treated with suitable insecticides.

Life expectancy

Life of Fuji's life, like all apple trees, is up to 50 years, and fruiting period 30-40, subject to all major agrotechnical conditions:

  • Regular trimming;
  • Watering;
  • Processing against diseases and pests.

The basic principles of the care of Fuji.

Trees on dwarf and semi-class less durable, they are fruit up to 15 years.

Features of planting and care

To grow strong, healthy apple trees bringing annual yields, you need them and carefully for them.



Apple tree can be planted in the fall after dropping by a tree of foliage or before the blooming kidneys in early spring.


All varietal varieties of Apple Foods can be grown on dwarfs, the most common m 9 or semi-caric MM 106.

The height of the tree depending on the stock.

Benefits Cultivation of trees on dwarf flowing:

  • Height The tree does not exceed 2.5 m, so the process of trimming, spraying, harvesting is facilitated;
  • Compactity - one more of the advantages, because on the square occupied by the same apple tree, you can plant a minimum of 6 dwarfs;
  • Sealing landing we increase productivity square meter Gardenand therefore yield;
  • The trees on the slaughterhouses come into fruction from 3 years after the landing, at the age of 10 years they gain maximum yield, while the strongest varieties only at the age of 5 begin to be fruiting, and by 15 years they enter the phase of active fruiting. Saw "Dwarfs" we win at least 10 years.

Important! Dwarf apple trees have a surface root system, so trees need abundant watering and mulching surgeless circles For winter.


Colon's apple tree is an ordinary apple tree that does not contain lateral branches. From the trunk, the branches are departed under sharp angle And they grow along the entire main conductor. The trees really look like columns, although small, in connection with this and got their name.

Advantages of "Colonide":

  • Beginning of fruiting comes 2 or 3 years after landing, yield annually increases to 7-8 years of life, and then on the level achieved, it becomes a steadily high to 15 years of age, under the condition of proper growing agricanners;
  • Very saving the area in the garden, on the site of one ordinary apple tree You can plant 10-15 coloniforms, because they can be placed in 0.5 m;
  • They are very comfortable in leaving and harvesting;
  • High decorative allows you to use them in landscape design.


Selection work on the grade of Fuji does not stand still. Breeders are drawn up varieties in something similar to each other, but there are of course there are differences in them.. But the main thing is that they manage to keep it beautiful taste And the sweetness of the parent variety.


Winter New Zealand grade, derived in 1996

Apples saturated - red with crispy, juicy pulp, weighing up to 200g.

The taste of dessert, sour - sweet.

Maturation term - the second half of September.

Fuji Aztec.

Tree is a stronger, high-yielding. The best pollinator is the apple tree Gryn Smith.

Medium resistance to the paschers.

The shelf life of fruits in the cool room is up to 7 months.


Attention! It is considered the best clone Fuji.

Late period of ripening (second decade of October) and ripens 3 weeks earlier than the main variety.

Fruits are large (weight 200-250 gr), pink with a red-colored blush all over apple. Sweet-sour flesh, fragrant.

Fuji Kiku.

Wood spear, medium, yield is high.

Look at the video, what Fuzhi Kiku looks like:


Yataka clone ripens in the first decade of October, before Fuji for 3 weeks.

Apples are very large weighing 250-350 gr., Sophies - sweet to taste, the flesh of juicy white - cream.

Fuji Yataka.

Due to high yield the variety is inclined to overload harvest, Therefore, it needs to thin the ovary.

Trees are stripped, preferably growing on dwarf or semi-dwarf gold.

Like all clones Fuji, Yatakas inclined to defeat fungal diseases.

Red (Nagafa)

A variety with an earlier maturation (for 2 weeks) compared to Fuji and bright red painting fruits. Fruption begins from late September.

Large red - raspberry fruit weighing 250-300 gr. Have a sweet, juicy, flesh.

Fuji Rad.

The trees of this variety are average, have regular abundant fruiting.

Winter hardiness is good.

Fruits of universal destination, with good breaststroke and transportability.


Toshiro is the next Late Food Clone Fuji.

Pink fruits - red, weighing 200-220 gr. The pulp has a dessert taste.

Fuji Toshiro.

The fruits begin to collect at the end of September, a month later, the ly hot sourness disappears in taste.

The tree is high-voltage, but easily succumb to formation. Winter hardy.

The clone is not sufficiently resistant to the mildew and bacterial burn.


Blossom occurs simultaneously with Golden Delisheshes. Ripening of apples falls at the beginning of October.

Fruits are large stretched cylindrical shape. Blurred pink apples - red painting with delicate tight pulp, sweet and juicy.

Fuji cancer cancer.

Trees are spreadable, mediterlary, winter-hardy. Like all clones Fuji needs a pollinator.

The stability of cancer-cancer to mild growth is low, to the pasche - average.

Benie Shogun

Japanese winter grade with an empty crown is a clone from Yataka's apple tree.

The painting of fruits is yellow-green, but covered with a ski red blush. Apples are not cracking.

Fuji Beni Shogun.

Fruits big, weighing up to 350 gr., Taste quality excellent.

Beni Shogun is enough resistant to affecting rust and pulse dew and unstable to a brummer.

Grade winter art.

See how the tree and apples Fuji Beni look like on the video below:

Growing in the regions

A variety is derived in Japan, but now he has spread throughout the world. Particularly popular in China and Korea, but all more places He began to occupy in European intensive gardens.

To get delicious, sweet apples Fuji, there must be a lot of sunlight in the growing regionWith its lack, apples do not mature and do not recruit sugar.

For growing in the central regions of Russia, Belarus and the northern regions of Ukraine, it is not suitable.

But his clones (Fujik, Kiku, Yataka, Beni Shogun, Nagaf, Toshiro), ripening from 2 to 3 weeks earlier than the main variety and having a good winter hardiness, show good product quality fruits when growing in the above regions.


Grade Fuji and his varieties are worthy partners for growing in your garden. Check the description of the variety and photos - it is beautiful, tasty and aromate.

In contact with

Apple tree Fuji.

Beautiful and regular crop of delicious and perfectly stored fruit will provide winter apple tree Fuji. Its advantages are indisputable, and the flavors of the fruit will not leave anyone indifferent.

Apples Fuji Photo and Characteristics

The exotic representative of the winter varieties of apples is Fuji. It was brought by Japanese breeders in the Fujisaki region (from which he received its name) with the method of crossing apple trees Rolls Janet and Red Delishes.

Apples Fuji differ in the following characteristics:

  • form and color - fruits rounded, red-raspberry color with yellowish dots and greenish blurred stripes, skin without glitter dry and smooth;
  • the dimensions are rather large, on average weighing weight 200g;
  • taste qualities - the flesh of Fuji cream, crispy, has a gentle sweet sour taste and unique flavor. Since the content of natural sugars in this class is increased, it determines their high calorie content (71 kcal per 100 g of the product).

Apple tree Fuji has some feature: the first two yields may not correspond to the declared taste. The most tender and sweet will be fruit with bright color.

Harvest and its storage

Because Fuji grade apples late maturation, they collect them in the middle-end of October. So that they are completely seized, and the acids gone, it is advisable to leave their days for thirty to lie down. The crop perfectly tolerate transportation and is kept long enough:

  • no special cooling - about four to five months;
  • under adequate storage conditions (reduced temperatures: in the refrigerator or cellar) - it can fly to summer or even until the next ripening of fruits, keeping unchanged external characteristics and beneficial properties.

Thanks to its taste quality and excellent bleeding, Apple Fuji takes 60% of the overall global realization of fruit data in the fresh form. They are universal in use: they can be eaten in the food in the raw form, as well as make juice, cook jams, jams and jam, use in baking, prepare her grazing.

Apple tree Fuji Description

This is a stronger tree, distinctive feature which is elevated yield. True, the apple tree Fuji has a slightly pronounced frequency of fruiting - every second year. To avoid this experienced gardeners Recommend to cut the marrow.

Croon apple trees easily amenable to formation. Flowering falls on a medium-late period, which minimizes the risk of extinction of the wound. Fuji is characterized by a good winter hardiness.

Planting an apple seedling is better to produce in fertile land On the sunny side of the plot. Watering should be moderate. To save a good and stable harvest of Fuji, it is better to prevent the convergence and drying soil, especially for young trees.

It is worth noting the lack of this kind of apple trees: they have increased damage to diseases. Easily subjected to such diseases as puffy dew and bacterial burn. But they have an average resistance to the paschers.


Apple tree Fuji received the most eloquent and flattering gardeners, so it spread so wide around the world. Excellent taste of fruits, their excellent burning and high level Transportability attract gardeners to start this variety on their summer cottage.