Comfort in the home interior: how to breathe in the house of the soul and create a feeling of comfort. Creating a coziness in the house, secrets and important details of your interior idea for the coziness of the room

1. Get rid of unnecessary things

Your home is not a warehouse or a bureau of find, so it's time to finally disassemble the cabinets and in the name of the coziness throw away all the accumulated trash.

Disassemble your clothes: hopelessly spoiled and frankly old things in the garbage bucket, and those that look like it would be decent, but simply do not like, you can try to sell on Internet flea markets. Move order in drawers with cosmetics and household chemicals. Everything spoiled by a total, it is not worth using.

The same story with household appliances. A constantly overheating mixer, iron with a hurried cord, rotated tape, is like little things, but at frequent use, even small flaws begin to annoy.

At this stage, your goal is to get rid of everything that bothers you or acts on the nerves. The house is a place where we rest from the alarm and worries, so let it at least be incurred here.

2. Add unusual details to the interior

Sterile pure apartmentwhere everything literally literally on Lineberry is not for life. Get rid of the feeling that you are in a hotel room, you will help small details.

Photos, paintings, unusual tapestry or knitted napkin - similar trifles add individuality. Your home is a reflection of your interests and tastes, so feel free to self-expression.

The only thing to remember is - functionality primarily. For example, a long-pile rug can look nicely near the sofa, but you will regret the purchase a thousand times when you clean it. The same story with an abundance of statuettes on the shelves - you first need to be removed, then wipe the dust, then put everything in our place ... Try to find a reasonable compromise in choosing between beauty and convenience.

3. Watch for cleanliness

In order not to kill on cleaning all the weekend, break it into the stages - it's easier than the day try to cope with what has accumulated in a week.

Here sample plan daily affairs. You can add other tasks and change the order of their execution. The meaning is that maintenance of cleanliness is a permanent process, not a feat times in two weeks.

  • Monday: Commmise in the bathroom and make washing.
  • Tuesday: Move the wicked things.
  • Wednesday: Wipe dust.
  • Thursday: speuthes the floor.
  • Friday: Wash the stove and get rid of the products that have shuffled in the refrigerator.

Everything, by the end of the week you have pure houses. Only the little things are the type of bed linen and washing clothes that you plan to wear next week. Clothes better wrapping on Saturday to stroke her on Sunday and hang in the closet. Bed linen replace on Sunday, on Monday just run the washing.

4. Simplify the cleaning process as much as possible.

The smaller the effort is required in order to clean up, the better. Fight the right inventory: With him, even the general cleaning will not be in a burden.

Wipe dust with microfiber wipes much faster and more efficiently than old T-shirts or a piece of sisterboard. If you wash the floor with water with adding special tools, drop the dirt without much effort it will turn out the first time.

Hate sweeping floors? Buy a good vacuum cleaner, and the case with the end.

Vertical vacuum cleaner Scarlett SC-VC80H10

Conditions simple:

Science is proved that even an ancient woman tried to create a fabric in a cave, what to talk about modern hostesses, whose primary task was to ensure households comfortable conditions stay in native walls. Each woman wants all members of the family with pleasure to return to their home, where purely, cute and created such an atmosphere with which I do not want to part. Today, the "Dream House" site is the most interesting topic on how to create a comfort in the house and surround the home order and arrangement of life.

Before proceeding to creating a comfort in the house, let's decide on the main directions that we will follow in the process of alterations. It should be understood that even the most fashionable repair And expensive furniture will not give apart expressiveness and individuality. Probably, it will be wrong to say that the comfort in the house creates trifles, but in some cases it is exactly so homemade baubles, embroidered paintings and panels, cross-handed the towels give the room the very highlight, without which the apartment seems faceless. So we brought the main formula of the coziness - this is the presence of "soul" in a residential space. And now let's see how to make the house more cozy.

We use textiles to create a home coat

Turning around the idea to update the apartment, each mistress immediately recalls textile. It is with his help you can give a living room a certain mood without cardinal alterations and long-playing repairs. Start with curtains. it beautiful way inhale into the room new life And make it more comfortable. Cute looked curtains with frills, flocks and folds. Excellent optionwhich will allow the room to give a lounge, you can consider using. And in general, soft drapets is the best way to add a comfort room.

On sofas and armchairs - here is another way to make a lifetime of comfort in a residential premises. Gentle and pleasant to the touch fabric, which will be covered with upholstered furniture, will make their job and give the room as peacefulness. The main thing to choose not too bright coloring the fabric, which "cuts" the eye and makes a pronunciation of aggressiveness into the room. On the contrary, the situation must relax inhabitants and guests at home and tune in a lyrical way.

But what is allowed to be bright, so it is. Scattered by the sofa, they will not only become a bright emphasis in cozy interior Houses, but, thanks to its softness, they will add comfort to him. And in general, everything that might be soft, starting with a fluffy carpet and ending with a plush teddy bear, brings calm and comfort to the house.

Since we spoke about carpets, you need to stop more on this "paragraph" of our peculiar rating of cute eyes. Even if you already have a chic carpet on the floor, add some more bright rugs to the interior, for example, in front of the entrance to the living room or in the kitchen, in the corridor or in the bathroom. Firstly, on such mats it is pleasant to walk with bare feet, secondly, they dilute a homogeneous interior and help him gain individuality.

Comfort and comfort in the house

And another one cozy idea For the home concerns the update of furniture, namely the use of textile covers on the chairs. They can be sewn with their own hands or buy ready, the main thing is to choose the right color and texture of the fabric to make the renewed furniture to the room as accurately as possible. Even a strict ventilateral, if you put on the chairs beautiful covers with a gorgeous bow behind, and Country style will make even more homely capes on burlap chairs embroidered with a multi-colored ornament.

How to create a comfort in the house: more light and oxygen

In a lung way to transform the room can be considered using several types of lighting in the room. Cozy lamps, sconce and with soft and warm light will add beauty in the house and convert it for the better. By the way, the Dark Room is quite difficult to make comfortable, but with the help of or wall score you can "revive" even the darkest corridor.

Probably, you noticed how easily breathing in greenhouses and parks? Here is something like that we recommend that you arrange in your apartment. A beautiful green corner on the shelves and with different caliber and the leaves format will refresh any interior and make it calmer. Definitely houseplants Joy only to those owners who love to care for them. Otherwise, it is better not to implement this idea at all and replace them with cut colors in the vases.

Cozy cute little things "domesticize" interior

Probably the home interior is obtained at the design of the room in rustic style. And this style, as you know, determine the accessories. It will be useful for everything that is done with your own hands or at least remotely resembles man-made things. These are all sorts of baskets, knitted blankets, tiles near the fireplace or in the kitchen embroidered with a cross or crocheted Napkins, woven over the walls of dry grass bundles, housewalks, on the shelves faience and clay dishes, as well as all sorts of figurines, vases, caskets, decorative candles. True, with a large number of decorative elements exhibited on the shelves, it is difficult to observe the house in the house, but this task is quite fulfilled for modern owners.

Creating a comfort in the house

How to make a house more cozy

The photos also revive the interior, especially since the photos will watch joyful and favorite faces. It does not matter whether you will make a frame with your own hands or buy ready-made, it is important that they are made in one style, if, for example, chosen, then let them be decorated with pebbles, and are made in blue-white gamma.

Create a comfort in the house with your own hands is much more pleasant than buying a finished flooring or painted tray, but not everyone can make, sew and embroider. Therefore, in some cases, buy a ready-made souvenir is much easier than to suffer, trying to reproduce the masterpiece.

And the next idea will decorate even a small cozy house Minimalism style. Transparent round vases can be filled with decorative pebbles. They can be monophonic, multicolored and even have an inscription. They usually arrange such vases on the shelves and coffee tables, here the main thing is to harmoniously combine the shade of decorative elements with the color range of the room.

Very cozy in the house with the fireplace. Even if that small apartment, the cute charm of the room will give not a real, but electric. And if it will crack the lamps in it, then the quiet winter evenings such a living room will surely collect the cup of tea of \u200b\u200ball home.

What do you immediately pay attention to, being visiting friends, acquaintances or even unfamiliar to you? What helps you make the first, unconscious yet, the impression of every house in which you come? That's right - the atmosphere reigning in it. Any accommodation, and indeed any room, always causes certain emotions and associations. Some at home seek melancholy, some cause a desire to leave this place more likely, while others are called to stay longer, surrounding you with warmth, calmness, and raising the mood - this is homemade "In action".

It is very important that your home is for you the happiest and joyful place where you can relax, gain strength and positive energy. Therefore, you should not trust someone creating the appearance of your housing or any other personal space, because different people Understanding about the cozy may be different.

Cozy house

How to create comfort in the house?

There are two main points here:

  1. Choose style, Which is most likely to you, and try not to retreat from him, making up your "palace". Things selected by the nefple, who do not combine with each other will make dissonance in the interior of your home. But dissonance and comfort - the concepts are completely incompatible among themselves.
  2. Fantasize! You just need to sit down, close your eyes and present your future house in all the details. Ask yourself, surrounded by what things you will experience only the most positive emotions ... Imagine their color, quantity, shape, smell - all-all, to the smallest details. At this moment you will probably remember any suitable thing, accidentally seen in the store, or will come to mind the original handmade idea.

Start with color

Start from the main one: Choose the right colors of your interior. As you know, each color sets up our subconscious on certain emotions, and even can contribute to recovery (and vice versa). For example, from the interior in the pale green colors and fes the "mint" cool, which is very nice to hot summer days; The interior in solar yellow tones will raise the mood of cold and long winter; white color It is often associated with medical and similar institutions, and is not always suitable for home.

So let's consider all the basic colors, the moods that they give us, and the use of them in the interior:

  1. Red - Corrective and energetic color. Increases activity, but also increases aggression, so you need to do it very carefully. You can use this color in the bedroom, in your intimate personal zone, as it strengthens the desire and excites the imagination, but do not overdo it! Particularly sensitive nature under the influence of red can easily reach violence. Also do not apply it in the nursery or in the bathroom.
  2. Orange - Great color, which serves for many purposes. He burst, tones, pleases, heats, causes appetite, and stimulates the activity of the brain. Therefore, orange can be decorating any spaces, but in moderation, since a person will be uncomfortable in a completely "orange" room - too active color. It is especially good for the nursery, since the "sunny" shades (yellow, orange) have a favorable on the health and growth of the child.
  3. Yellow - He instills joy and optimism, configures on light communication, helps to get rid of depression and diseases, improve memory. Color truly happy people - after all, it's not for nothing that the color of the sun itself! It is perfect for premises, where little light is corridors, bathrooms, kitchens.
  4. Green - Beautiful soothing agent for people with increased nervousness. Contemplation of green shades will remove the tension, will return peace, create a sense of reliability, confidence and will help to gain concentration. Also this is a symbol of updates, spring and freshness. It will be good for the living room or kitchen, as well as for the office.
  5. Blue and blue - Romantic, gentle, relaxing, beautiful holidays for tired eyes, and the whole body. Perfect option For your bedroom or for children. Surrounded blue color Relaxing the whole body and thoughts. But that calmness did not switch to longing or melancholy - it is worth diluting the blue interior with bright colors stains (pillows, bedspreads, paintings). Dark blue is therapeutic, as it lowers pressure, helps to fall asleep and even removes skin itching in allergies, so it's worth stocking bed lover This shade.
  6. White- Creates a feeling of freshness, cleanliness and high costs. But, as mentioned above, excessive whiteness resembles hospital walls, so white interior Be sure to dilute and decorate with other colors. The room, designed in white, looks more and spacious than in fact, and it is easier to breathe.
  7. Pink - gives a sense of security and comfort, soothes and relaxes, perfectly removes aggression and tension. Excellent solution for the bedroom, or for the children's room.
  8. Grey - Not too suitable for housing, as inhibits and lowers performance. In the gray room of any, even a very active person, sooner or later, will begin to experience depression. Therefore, gray is used only in combinations with other bright and active shades.
  9. Brown - Elegant and "dear." Associated with wooden massive furniture, family traditions and high public status. Creates a sense of reliability, security, the word, "My home is my fortress." It is perfect for living rooms, libraries, cabinets, but in combination with light shades that die the activity of brown.
  10. Peach- Beautiful main color for your interior, which can be further completed by other shades. Creates summer mood, configures to a positive and helps to save good location Spirit. The intense peach color is good for the bedroom, as refreshes and helps to cheer up in the morning.

The most "cozy" traditionally considered warm shades (orange, sand, gold, peach, gentle-pink), which are associated with fire in the focus and warmth.

Go to the interior

Smaller plastic and gloss - more fabrics and wooden surfaces. Fabric is the easiest and true way Create comfort in the house. For example, soft cloth looks great on the walls, instead of wallpaper, but also stands for weeks. Let the windows decorate instead of office blinds decorate heavy curtains with fringe or light graceful curtains. Get around beautiful bedspreads For beds, pales and carpets - then your interior will become "soft" and very homely.

For really cozy room just needed natural materials. The tree radiates a special heat and aroma, which will not compare with any synthetic aroma of the premises. Wooden furniture It looks comfortable, reliable and very homely. After all, it is always pleasant to be in harmony with nature! Therefore, the next important point of the transformation of your home is flowers.

The house without living plants looks empty and "dead." Not in vain, after all, even in the offices, they pans with bizarre palm trees and fakes - a person is still part of nature. Choose plants by type of your room: sunny, shadow, dry air, wet, and so on. An optional to arrange the "Winter Garden", but in a pair of plants and colors in each room must be necessarily.

To pay attention wall Your housing. Empty walls create the impression of an unfinished repair, incompleteness, and the absence of the very comfort, to which we are striving. Here it is a huge space for your fantasies, for creativity, for imagination. Dare! Choose one of the walls, (corridor, for example) and make a gallery of family photos from it, but do not forget that the frames need to choose one style - high-tech and gilded carving will be strangely looked nearby.

Decorate each room suitable in style and color by paintings, panels and posters (poster here is not a photo of the idol, but a bulk picture without a frame). If you are an artist and love to create beautiful with your own hands, you can paint the walls as you like, thereby attaching the individuality of your home.

Create a song from the most curly mirrors today - they can be found in online stores in unlimited quantities, for every taste and wallet. And if you love to change something all the time - you are perfectly suitable vinyl stickers for the interior. If you do not know what it is and never tried, then do not refuse in advance of this idea. The choice of vinyl applications is huge today, and the plus they are that they are easily glued and easily removed without leaving traces. You will be able to change them or get rid of them as soon as they will be bored. Of these stickers, you can create interesting compositions on the walls, furniture and mirrors - it will surprise and impress guests.

Among other things, do not forget that the comfort is made up of such domestic things, surrounded by which is pleasant. Fill your home with small details like soft seats with ruffles on chairs and stools, a vaz with fruits and flowers, beautiful napkins on the tables, figurines of smiling angels and lamps with warm light.

Slipping your home furniture, remember that the comfort depends largely on its proper placement. Correct the shape of the rooms with the help of furniture, it's easy: the elongated room is not worth it to be even more elongated and narrow, in a large space you should not argue everything on the walls, creating a dreary emptiness in the center, and in a small room should not bargain a huge number of things and trinkets. Do not be drunk too, furnishing and decorating the space so that it does not look oversaturated and cluttered - it is unlikely that you will feel comfortable in a room where it is afraid to stand so as not to break the next vase or statuette.

Create the desired atmosphere

Create a pleasant and warm atmosphere in the house will help soft lighting. Avoid lamps that give cold bluish and bright white light. Get around the pair of sconce and floor lamps with fabric lampshairs, because lateral light is the most comfortable and relaxing.

Have you noticed that every housing has his own smell? So let the smell of your home be the aromas of delicious food, baking and freshness. Regularly ventilate your home and wipe the dust so that the edge smell does not accumulate, which is then very difficult to remove. Also for "delicious" odors and creating a good mood is useful to have an aroma with a set essential oils, nice you. This is an excellent way to create. cozy atmosphere and liberation from stress and depression.

In conclusion

In order for your house, there is always a positive energy in your house, and the entire negative brought from the outside world has not been delayed for a long time, you can "settle" there positive things.

  • Hanging flowers and herbs - for comfort in the house, health and wealth.
  • Soft toys with good and affectionate face - for peace and love.
  • Little pads made of tapestry fabric, with bright embroidery, guard you from separation from the spouse. With the image of animals - protect against dangers and evil goats, with flowers - you will protect your health, with houses and landscapes - will give good luck in the affairs.
  • Figures of different animals - protection against loss of money, troubles and evil spirits. Sloniki different sizeHelp - to cleanse the atmosphere in the house. And the statues of bears and dogs will guard the inhabitants of your home.
  • White furniture covers - Stranger protection negative energy. Soft furniture Very strongly absorbs all the negative manifestations and emotions of people sitting on it. It is believed that removable covers protect furniture from evil, and white color reflects the entire negative, received from the guest who came with unkind thoughts.

In addition, try not to use other people's old things, as they still keep the energy and the problems of their former owners. Do not keep at home old and worn clothes - it only accumulates negative fluids.

Well, in conclusion it must be said that welcoming, "bright" and hospitable hosts is the center of any house. Do not forget to yourself, avoid quarrels and conflicts in the family, do not copy irritation and hatred, forgive others and be kind. After all, where love lives - there will always be a comfort!

When decorating the house it is difficult to find the right balance between functionality, comfort and style. Regardless of how much money we spend on decent furniture, the rooms are always lacking something, and as a result they are not at all like the ideal apartments that we see in magazines.

Sometimes the situation can be solved using small tricks that take just a few minutes of your time and do not require cash costs at all. Read the following tips to find out how you can make your home more stylish and comfortable with minimal effort.

1. Take care of the entrance door

We should not forget about the entrance door, even if you live in an apartment building, since it is she who creates the first impression of your home. Take care of her as well as about interior doors. Put several pots with flowers, hang a seasonal wreath or decoration, update your license plate or paint the door in a bright color.

2. Set items according to the rule "Troika"

As in many areas and disciplines, the "Troika" rule is actively used in decorating and stylization. Trio objects looks visually more attractive and more balanced, especially when it concerns sizes, heights and materials.

Start with small and decorate a small corner in your living room or table. For example, put a vase with flowers, a basket with books and a clock. You will see how cute and comfortable such a composition. But do not overstep the room with such decorative trifles, otherwise the effect will be read incorrectly.

3. Disarm carpets in several layers

Put a small thick carpet over a large, more neutral rug. It is also a great way to check how you feel about bold experiments in the interior, and such a designer move will make a room more cozy and stylish. Thanks to this advice, you can divide the space on the zone or make accents at the necessary places.

4. Set books with alternative ways.

Vertical or slightly oblique stack of books is a canon for classic interior. Alternative accommodation indicates a grade and modern style. Try alternate the shelves, arranging the books vertically, then horizontally. Horizontal lines will disturb the pattern from vertical lines and attract attention. You can lay out additional items on the shelves with books. Just make sure that the order of the arrangement is random, since the rigid scheme is very striking.

5. Expose things about which there is something to tell

This advice is a bit more difficult than sounds, because not everyone wants to demonstrate the expensive heart objects and realize that no one else besides them, they are not impressed.

In order to attract the attention of people, your favorite things should allocate from the environment and immediately rush into the eyes. Do not forget that you do not need to cross the ocean to find an item to tell others. As long as you have an expensive memory related to the thing, you can pass through this topic of your guest.

6. Make a cute thing from the old bottle

The next time you remain a beautiful bottle of alcohol, milk or perfumery, do not make her throw away. Save it and use as a vessel for liquid soap or vase. As an option, fill it with beads and tie a bow from the twine. But for starters, soak the bottle in warm soapy water until all labels are mad. The transparent vessel looks very stylish and futuristic.

7. Frequently wipe dust

Nothing kills the style like dust. Maybe you were removed only yesterday, but the dust will quickly find their way back. Consider and find the surfaces on which it is most noticeable in daylight, and be sure to wipe these places between the "general cleaning". Thus, you can enjoy clean air and do not worry when the guests suddenly come out.

8. Arrange the colors in random

When you get bouquets, put them somewhere in the corner of the room, and never in the central place. Bonus glasses if this is field or garden flowers. Random accommodation creates the feeling that the flowers are an integral part of your home, and you are not trying to paint or make an impression on others.

9. Move furniture between rooms

We are accustomed to moving things within one closed space, and it is not natural to move furniture from the room into the room. In fact, things may look much better in a new space, or can serve more functionally. When you do not have time or budget to buy new interior items, the most fast way Refresh any room of your home is to rearrange the furniture.

10. Keep white towels in the bathroom

This is a personal choice of each, but the white color of the towel gives a feeling of freshness and purity. In addition, if you have more than one towel in the bathroom, it adds to the interior of casual hospitality and attention to detail.

11. Always keep several books on the coffee table.

The books instantly add style and serve as entertainment for guests. Be sure to put your favorite book and several works of different genres. You can put only books or mix them with magazines and photos. This is the perfect place to apply the Troika rule and combine books with decorative elements and small objects.

12. Serve water in a jug

It does not matter whether you drink water from under the tap or bottles, keep it in the jug. There is nothing nice than put it on the table during lunch with family or dinner with guests. If it is a transparent jug, you can add cucumber or lemon slices into the water.

Leave the jug on the bedside table, to simultaneously moisten the air and add some points for the style.

13. Paint some things in the color of walls or finishes

Most often things in the apartment are poorly combined with each other because of different style, colors and finishes. Color some furniture items in the same color as the walls, or pick up the curtains / carpet / pillows accurately in the tone. This will create a certain unity of space. Such items need to be scattered throughout the room, not too close to each other. There is no need to repaint everything - even a small dose will help to create a harmonious composition.

14. Keep napkins on the table, even if you don't eat anything

This may seem illogical, but in fact it creates the illusion of purity in the house and order in the family (especially if you have children). Napkins are also a great way to add colors and patterns in your kitchen interior. They can be inexpensive, plastic, rubber or paper. You can also make napkins own hands, cutting the cloth into small squares. The main thing is to take into account the color gamut.

15. Decorate the house with variations of one that element

Choose one type of product that you have enough. For example, fruits, and the brighter color, the better. You can also use some kind of vegetable or simple itemswhich are found in nature, such as stones or wood.

Put them in a vase or bowl and put them in a prominent place, but not in the center. The goal is to attract attention, so the vase should be a simple shape and ordinary material.

16. Gouping Candles

Collect all the candles that you have, and place them in small groups all over the apartment. The living room is first place. Healing candles in groups is much more efficient than individually, as they give more light, which is ideal for the evening in the company of guests.

When buying candles, avoid cleaning designs and smells. Best are white classic candles that are ideal for grouping.

17. Add indoor plants

Plants not only bring freshness and colors into the room, but are important decorative element. Place them near large furniture items or use to fill empty angles. Small plants can be mixed in the composition, guided by the Rule of Troika.

18. Delete some accessories

If you are a fan of small baubles, decorative items, works of art, carpets, pillows, your home, most likely resembles a museum folk art. Minimalism B. home interior It looks much better than an abundance of unnecessary things. Try to remove some accessories, replace them, add something else until you are satisfied with the result. It is best to decorate the house with one type of decorative items. It looks stylish and cozy.

19. Keep a small plaid on the sofa

Light blanket not only creates comfort, but also allows you to add textures and colors in a fairly flat or neutral room. If you want to add only one bright barcode, make sure that the plaid is not carefully folded, and carelessly moved through the back.

20. Establish the house basket

The basket is a rescue circle when you need to remove the mess before the arrival of guests or move things from the room into the room. They seem much more expensive and exotic than in fact. Baskets can be of different sizes and forms, but they must be made of one material or have a common color so as not to create too much chaos. They can be a completely unique and loud blot in neutral space Your room. If the interior of your home is made in bright colors, pick up the baskets of darker shades, and vice versa.

21. Store products in containers

This is the best way to organize space in your kitchen and add stylish notch to the interior. Keep cereals, spices, cookies and other food in containers. Glass containers look beautiful, but they can do expensive. Use inexpensive options. The meaning is not to have the whole set. The main thing is that the containers are from one material and one color to create a clean and ordered view of your kitchen or in the pantry.

22. Collerate things on the walls

Many people avoid decorating the walls, because they do not have enough money on expensive works of art. But you do not need fancy paintings, because everything can be art while it awakens feelings in you. Hang magazine pages, photos, own pictures in chaotic order to add speakers on the wall. From time to time, change the images to update the interior slightly.

23. Place your hobby

Do not hesitate to openly demonstrate your hobby. First, it will become the topic for interesting discussions. Secondly, you can hang the results of your work on the walls, or randomly place on the shelves or just leave on the floor. This is guaranteed to add uniqueness to your home.

24. Use unnecessary things unexpectedly

Whether a fireplace, old piano, large furniture, equipment, empty angles ... Place the book, vases, plants, and unnecessary items will instantly turn into stylish interior elements.

25. Allow your home to reflect your identity

Most stylish houses are decorated with photographs of their tenants. But at home from real life, in which interesting personalities live, are filled with things that like the owners. Musical instruments, books, old cassettes ... After all, the simplest and reliable way Make your home more stylish is to add more information about who you are, and what you like.

Take time and turn your home not only in stylish, but the most favorite place on Earth!

It happens so - you come to visit, and in the house it seems clean, and light, and the style is traced, and uncomfortable. Or, on the contrary, it seems to be nothing special in the house, but still cozy, good, I do not want to leave. What objects of coziness in the house create an atmosphere in it? What is the case? Is the owners only in the Radussi?

When the house is good

Lucky those who are endowed with the inner side of the style and intuitively understands what a comfortable dwelling should be. About how to create a comfort in the house is written many articles, there are master classes and lectures. But the topic is still relevant. This article contains all sorts of advice and tips on how to create a comfort in the house with your own hands.

Harmony indoors is created by adding simple, but necessary things to the interior. Goods for comfort in the house can be found literally in any store. For example, the usual curtain, selected by the rules, can create the necessary atmosphere in the room, and if simple conditions are not compared, only adds chaos.

If small rooms

If the rooms in the house are small, it is not worth clinging their heavy furniture. It is better to consider an economical, but an effective option, where all lockers and shelves will be strictly functional, and the space is designed as much as possible. In a small room, there is no need to hang a heavy multi-layer porter, it is quite a simple cute curtain.

Flowers as comfortable comforts in the house

If the windowsill is provided, then a small pot with a flower will be very appropriate. But if you do not "Live" with live flowers, if they are dying and dry, then you do not need to overpower yourself and try to urgently become a flowerflower. Slowing, neglected plants only spoil the impression. In this case, give preference to small bouqueturies of artificial colors, especially since they can be placed not only on the windowsill, but also on the upper bursts of lockers.

If you are noble flower, you come to the advice on the cultivation of various home plants and for seedlings, then you, like no one, know how to create a comfort in the house, and that the flowers are always customized on a positive way. Plants planted in the original flower pots, as well as the stands for them, artificial butterflies and ladybugs will give premises freshness and beauty.

Accordingly, if you owner large rooms, then plants you can choose any - even palm in the tub, even shy violets in small pots. In this case, it is necessary only to competently choose a place where the flowers will look at the most profitable. If your rooms do not differ in gigantic sizes, then prefer medium-sized plants and small. And remember the quantity - too much blooming representatives of the flora can turn your home in the arboretum, and this will clearly play not benefit.

Cozy windows

In addition to colors adorning window sills, competently selected curtains are needed for the design of the window space. The main condition when choosing window curtains is observing the overall style of the apartment. For example, if your home prevails japanese minimalism, Heavy multi-layer curtains will look very inappropriate, like simple paper blinds do not fit into a luxurious oriental interior.


Lighting in any room should be effective. For example, bright light is important in the kitchen, whereas in the bedroom it should be soft, intimate.

Light and bright illuminated rooms must be:

  • kitchen;
  • bathroom and toilet;
  • hall.

Soft, scattered light is preferred for bedroom and dining room. In the living room, as in children's rooms, it is better to have the ability to change lighting from bright to soft.


How does a cozy house begins? That's right, with the hallway. Even even earlier - from the front door and from her rug. Today you can purchase absolutely any rug: with inscriptions, with drawings, even with 3D effects, it all depends on your sense of humor and financial opportunities.

There is nothing easier to create a comfort in the house, if you start from the youngest. If the space of the hallway allows you to place a small sofa or soft puffs there, it will be more convenient to shift and sneak out both yourself and your guests.


In the bedroom, however, as in any room at home, the comfort creates small little things. Here, by the way, the multi-layer curtain will look profitable, even if it is being twisted visually space, because in this room you need a twilight and intimacy. The bedroom is a room where the corners are preferably smoothed as much as possible. Even the bed with straight corners can be soft if it is sealing it with a chic satin coat with a "soft" pattern.

In the bedroom you can abandon the chandelier in the center of the ceiling, it is most likely appropriate, scattered light. It is enough will be two desk lamps on or


And here it takes bright lighting at any time of the day and night. A large window and lamps across the perimeter of the kitchen are welcomed, the concentration of which should be mainly above the working surfaces.

The main rule of the kitchen is functionality. And, nevertheless, here you can implement various ideas for comfort in the house. It is only necessary to competently pick up the kitchen utensils in a single style, arrange kitchen apron and furniture. Salon, elegant stands for napkins, shelves with spices, croups and other things - these are the smallest things and details of comfort in the house.

Bathroom and toilet

In an effort to create harmony in the bathroom and the toilet, many make the same mistake - set various cute baubles, hang up a lot of shelves. As a result, the opposite effect is created, and the room looks littered and cramped.

If you want your toilet to always look comfortable, remove everything too much. In these premises, clear functionality and purity are important, and this is difficult to achieve if there are foreign things. Especially spoil the form of various items for housekeeping, buckets, brushes and rags that many stored in the bathroom or toilet. For these items, it is better to highlight some extraction in the house, possibly a cabinet penalty in the hallway. Either, if planning allows, make a special way and remove all the attributes for cleaning. If you prefer to accommodate these items in the bathroom, then make a special locker for them, better in the main colors of the room. The main goal is to hide everything too much. In such a cabinet, by the way, you can hide and dirty laundry basket.

In the bathroom he must remain only and for them there is more than two-three shelves. Accents will help arrange original holders For towels, floor mats, as well as cute stickers on plumbing, which you can choose to your taste.

Living room

This is the place where you can show all your fantasy and create a comfort in the house with your own hands. After all, it is often a living room is a seating area of \u200b\u200ball households, the venue of parties. Here, it is also important not to overdo it and withstand the space - it should be enough to all. Soft fluffy carpet, comfortable chairs, sofa pillows - That's what the cozy house is simply unthinkable. The main thing is not to overdo it.

How to create comfort in the house where little children live? This is the most burning issue for young families with children. of different ages. Even with their own kids room, prefer to play where adults are, so often the living room becomes a place of deployment of almost all kid toys. Highlight the space for games, put the puzzle rug there and place the basket for toys.


The fire in the fireplace always creates an atmosphere of festive and mystery, and muffled light only enhances the overall impression. Firewood burns, slightly crackling, and light from the fire falls on the lying fluffy carpet, cozy soft seats... Romance.

If you can't afford a real fireplace in your home, then who prevents you from making it imitation? One of the walls free the necessary space - and start to create! Here is a small master class to create a fireplace from ordinary cardboard boxes.

Take a lot of cardboard boxes of different sizes and fold the square arch. Boxes secure with a scotch. Puck them with wallpaper with a brick image or now it remains to attach your fireplace to the wall - and voila - a wonderful imitation of the fireplace shelf is ready! Make space in front of the fireplace, and put the garland inside. Overflowing by different lights, it will excellently replace the natural source of fire, and on the fireplace sheal, you can put photos in the framework, sear the teddy animals or lay the family porcelain.

Come up with the coat of arms of your family, draw it and attach it on the wall above the fireplace. So your house will find a special personality and charm.

System "Fly Lady"

The main rule of the cozy house is purity. For even if the situation of your home was developed by eminent designers, and embodied the ideas famous construction firms, dirt and dust in the house rushes all the impression of magnificent repairs. Many housewives adopted the Fly Lady system for cleaning.

Its essence is to spend on cleaning exactly 15 minutes a day. After all, cleanliness and comfort in the house - the condition of titanic efforts is not always. All space of the house is conditionally divided into zones, and every day you will be tested in one of the zones. As a result, the system will inevitably lead to the fact that there will be a constant purity in the house, and you will not spend a whole day off for troubles.

In addition, for cleaning there are many so-called Lifehakov (and this is the secrets of comfort in the house), significantly facilitating the life of a housewife. For example, everyone knows that special fatty kitchen dust and dirt and dirt are constantly accumulated on the upper surfaces of kitchen lockers and dirt, remove consistent effort. Shopping top of your lockers transparent food filmYou will make sure how much cleaning is reduced in this room. After all, you will only have to regularly change the pollutable film to the new one. You can store the inner surfaces of the kitchen cabinets as the same film, it will also help reduce the time to clean the kitchen. In general, almost any housewife has its own secrets to maintain purity in the house, and someone can even give a master class comfort in the house.

For the brilliance of glass and mirror surfaces, use the solution of ammonic alcohol. In the water, with which you plan to get rid of dust, add some air conditioner for linen. Then the dust will not bother you for a long time, and the house after cleaning will be fragrant.

But try not to overdo it with cleanliness, because museum sterility completely kills charm at home. Handing guests at the entrance of the boots and watching the things to which they touch, you risk more or never see anyone in your home, except for your own reflection in the perfectly clean mirror.


Perhaps the most important rule of the cozy home is the atmosphere, created by not atmosphere or things, and people. Cheerful, welcoming owners, fun guests, delicious food, laughter, live conversations - this is exactly what creates an atmosphere of any home.

And do not forget about the smells! Unpleasant odors All your efforts will be reduced, so do not give them a chance to lean into your apartment. All the gaps in the walls, the floor and the ceiling must be discovered and covered, so you get rid of obsessive basement odors or amber coming from the neighbors.

The kitchen of the cozy house is filled with flavors of fresh pies, coffee and cinnamon, in the bedroom and living room are dominated by light floral notes, and in the bathroom and toilet are a fresh aroma with tip of citrus or needles. Modern air fresheners will cope with any of these tasks.

In the kitchen, you can place a small picture made using coffee, cinnamon, dried lemon, it will have a thin pleasant fragrance. Flower petals, fastened in glass containers, will not only support the disinterested atmosphere, but will be able to become a stylish part of the interior.

In other words, a cozy house is a house where you pay attention to trifles, or rather, there are no little things in such a house. Everything in its place and everything is harmoniously located in space.