72 protein product for attack table. Belkovaya Dyucana diet - allowed products for stages

There are dozens of variants of carbonity diets, but the protein diet Dukhana is undoubtedly the most popular of all. Seductive simplicity and the opportunity to eat in large quantities, paying physical exertion to the minimum of attention - the dream of the absolute majority of losing weight people.

When you first get acquainted with a protein diet for Slimming Dukana, it may seem that the recommendations are mandated and complex. The idea becomes clear if, following the author's advice, divide the entire scheme on separate steps. All stages are four, each of them is important and required. Violation of recommendations at one of the steps reduces the effectiveness of a carefully thought-out menu. At the heart of Duucan diet 72 protein product, bran, vegetables and fruits, full list which is given by the author in the book "I do not know how to lose weight." According to the assurances of the French nutritionist, this method allows you to get rid of any amount of extra kilograms without harm to health.

The first stage combines the inclusion process in the diet and the beginning of an active weight loss. Duration varies from 2 to 10 days, depending on the desired result. If you want to remove a couple of extra centimeters in the waist, enough 1-3 days, if we are talking about 20 extra kg or more, protein products for dukan diet you need to eat 10 days in a row without breaks. There is no need to limit portions, you can eat any sense of protein food, replacing the shortage of taste diversity with the number of products. Mandatory hiking 10 min daily.

So, the protein. This is the basis of the entire diet, unshakable foundation. The author calls the protein the only vital person nutrient, counting carbohydrates and fats excess constituent menu. According to the protein diet in Duucan, the person is thinner, because it eats a lot of protein. A large amount of energy is spent on the absorption of protein, i.e. In the process of digesting food, the body consumes, and does not get (carbohydrates and fats, incl. vegetable, excluded).

The menu of the protein diet dukan during the entire first stage consists mainly of meat. The author considers meat (especially horseback) the most valuable, naturally useful source of animal protein for a person. Plant proteins are not taken into account at the first stage. Meat anyone, except for pork, lamb and fat slices. Processing any - fry, cook, stew, prepare on the grill, etc. The only requirement is no oil and a minimum salt.

Without carbohydrates and fiber in the meat diet longer delayed in the stomach and intestines, the body spends more calories to digest the product. But while the waste is inside, they are etched by toxins. In order for a protein diet for weight loss (according to Duucan), it is not harmful to drink at least 2 liters of fluid every day. Any, including coffee, mineral water, lemonade from the category "Light", juices, teas, etc.

The author considers fish for the second value of the protein product. You can eat any fish without restrictions, river or marine, fatty and "dry", processing the product in any way. In addition to fish, all seafood and dairy products have fallen into the "White" list as a cheap available protein source ("Sukolochka" only degreased).

Recently, among the huge variety of diets, the power method made by Pierre Duucan is noticeable. The French nutritionist did not regret 30 years for the development of his system, for which such celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez and Penelope Cruz were subsequently discharged. 72 DUKANA allow you to lose weight quite diverse and fully. So, what is the essence of the diet, and what is the list of allowed products?

What is the essence of dukana diet

72 Duket Duieta Product is protein products that are allowed. Numerous adherents of this diet most pleases the slogan power system in Dukanu: "Eat and do not consider calories!" Indeed: Calculation Counting is an incredibly tedious lesson for which you need a lot of time, and it is likely to be thinner, it is most likely not.

What is the advantage of this before others? Often, throwing weight, losing weight gaining it after a while again. Pierre Duan provided it: Duucan diet, the phases of which are calculated in such a way as to consolidate the result, will not allow one month or two recover again. Moreover, a person after a diet can eat more than 100 products in food and not be afraid that it will take weight again.

Diet Dukhana for every day provides a special diet that corresponds to a specific weight loss phase. Total four such phases.

Phase number 1 - Attack

Diet Duucana - the phases of which pursue different goals - begins with the stage of "attacks". This means that the first phase is the most effective and, in fact, during its main weight loss occurs. If you need to throw out only 1 kg, then the 1st day of "attack" will be enough. Diet Duucana, "Attack" in which lasts 3 days, will help reset up to 3 kg. 5 days are designed to get rid of 3 kg to 5. 7-10 days will get rid of thin weight from 5 kg and above excess weight.

No matter how much Duucan diet last, "Attack" is the only phase in which there are restrictions in nutrition. It is necessary to eat only meat, meat offal, fish and seafood, with the exception of pork and lamb. As seasonings, it is allowed to use herbs and seasonings, lemon, garlic, onion or mustard in moderate quantities. Dairy products, but skimmed, and egg whites are also allowed. From drinks - tea (including herbal), coffee, chicory and soda. One and a half spoons of oat bran per day (in the form of porridge or additives to milk) complete this list. Sugar can not, but you can use sugar substitutes. And, of course, any fat is prohibited: creamy, vegetable, etc. Cooking is done on the grill, pair or in the oven.

Phase №2 - alternation

At this stage, Duchana diet 72 protein product, which were resolved earlier, complements vegetables. In the period of "alternation" there is an additional weight loss, so the result of the "attack" period can be significantly improved. Pierre Duan advises to stick to the "alternation" stage until the thinner will receive the final result to which he sought.

The essence of the phase of "alternations" is a change of protein days of protein-vegetable. For example, one day thinning is powered only and the next day adds vegetable dishes to protein dishes, then again a protein day, etc. You can stick to the scheme 5 to 5: 5 protein - 5 protein-vegetable days.

The protein menu remains the same as during the "attack" period. But in Belkovo-vegetable days, not all vegetables are possible: it is better to abandon all legumes, potatoes and corn. Naturally, all other vegetables are allowed into the diet, only no need to abuse carrots and beets.

Phase number 3 - fixing

Dyukan diet for every day requires a special menu. Phase "Fixing" is no exception. First, it is necessary to calculate the duration of "consolidation" - it will depend on the number of lost kilograms (1 kg is equal to 10 days). For example, thinning lost 5 kg, which means its period of "consolidation" will last 50 days. Secondly, during the "consolidation", additional products are introduced into the diet, but at each stage - their own. If the "consolidation" phase should last 50 days, then 2 stages will take 25 days.

The basis of the diet is protein-vegetable dishes prepared according to the rules of the two previous phases of the diet. At the same time, in the first 25 days of the "fixing" phase, you can additionally contribute to the diet:

  • protein-cut or (no more than 2 slices per day);
  • fruits (no more than 1 servings per day);
  • cheese (no more than 40 gr. per day);
  • starch products (no more than 1 servings per week);
  • pork, lamb and ham (no more than 2 times a week);
  • From any products (once a week).

In the next 25 days, the consumption of starch products can be increased to 2 servings per week, festive dinners spend 2 times a week.

Phase number 4 - stabilization

At the last phase of "stabilization" you can use all the products previously introduced into the ration, but with some amendments.

  1. The basis of the further diet until the end of the life will be protein-vegetable food, as at the "fixing" phase. All other rules of the "consolidation" phase also continue to act.
  2. One day per week eat only protein food.
  3. Every day there are 3 tbsp. Spoons of bran.
  4. Give yourself physical exertion.

72 Diets Duieta Product

  1. Meat: Rabbit, horse, beef and veal, cooked without oil.
  2. Sub-products: language, kidneys, liver, cooked without oil.
  3. Fish and canned fish, the fat content of which does not exceed 10%.
  4. Any seafood cooked without oil.
  5. Chicken, as well as pork and turkey ham.
  6. Any bird, with the exception of geese and ducks.
  7. Eggs, etc.

Total, in the arsenal of thinning - 72 protein products, as well as more than 30 products that are introduced at the subsequent stages of the diet.


72 Duieta Duket Product will not allow the diet is not interesting and fresh. Here are examples of proven delicious recipes.

Baked tofu

Before cooking, the oven is heated to 230 o C. It is necessary to cut into rectangles or squares, to dip in soy sauce and lay out on a preheated baking sheet. Next to the cheese lay out sliced \u200b\u200bslices bulgarian pepper. 30 min The dish is baked in the oven as soon as the pepper covers the crispy crust, it is necessary to turn the ingredients on the other side. The finished dish is poured by a special sauce (lime juice + chili sauce + soy sauce). From above, you can decorate tofu kinse.

Mayonnaise on dukan recipe

Diet Duucan, recipes on which are made up day after day by adherents of this nutrition system, also has a specialties proposed by Pierre Dukan himself. This is a dish, or rather sauce - mayonnaise.

Of the 3 boiled eggs, it is necessary to extract yolks and cool. Add pepper to them, 1 tsp. Spoon of vinegar, 2 h. Spoons of mustard, salt, and then thoroughly crowned with a spoon. Gradually pouring 75 ml to beat a mixer mixture. Fluor with a mixer in the direction up / down and speeding up the pace, as a result we get white and thick mayonnaise.

Curd and cut cheese

It is necessary to mix in one container 350 gr. Cottage cheese, 2 eggs, a quarter of a tablespoon of the sweetener, 3 tablespoons of oat bran, pinch of salt and half a teaspoon of vanillina. Mix everything and shape cheese. To fry on a hot frying pan, while turning into hand to hand, so as not to be crumbled.

Physical exercise

Many celebrities believe that there is no more productive system of nutrition than Duucan diet - weight is lost relatively quickly and, subject to all requirements, it does not return. However, throwing over 3-5 kg, a person risks to face sail and fringe muscle. Do not everyone can do in gym with instructors can afford, so Pierre Duan recommends the most affordable of sports that ever existed - walking. 20 minutes a day fast, sports walk will ensure not only a pleasant walk, but also will increase muscle tone. If there is such an opportunity, you can add walking swimming, and excellent results from the use of a diet will not make long wait.

What does the Duucan diet do? 72 protein product - that is what the firmware is based on the diet. No need to consider calories, it is not necessary to disappear for hours in the gym, so the number of people who want to experience the wonders of the system of food from a French nutritionist every day only increases.

A diet Pierre Dukanan is easy to observe, since it does not imply a refusal of familiar dishes. The disadvantages are the absence of in the diet of carbohydrates, as a result of which the brain work is worsening, the liver and kidneys and kidneys are also functioning poorly, constipation often happens. The Duucan diet from 4 stages (phases), their action is certain processes occurring in the human body. Such a diet includes a list of prohibited and allowed products.

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    Phases diet

    Dyucana diet is effective and is assessed with the highest scores compared to other diets. It is based on four phases. Each of them contributes to the launch of the processes in the human body, aimed at getting rid of extra kilograms.


    It is the most complex and efficient phase to eliminate extra kilograms. It provides for the refusal of carbohydrate food in return for protein dishes. During the period of such a phase it is possible to get rid of 7 kg of fatty deposits.

    To determine the duration of the stage, you must first decide how many kilograms must be reset. For example, if you need to eliminate 20 kg of weight, then the duration of the stage is 5 days, if 30 kg, then 10 days is the maximum attack period. Over the phase, you can use 72 protein products.

    This stage provides for the acceleration of the metabolic process. Since carbohydrates in the body do not come, it is intensified by the energy that fats produce.

    Cruise (alternation)

    The second stage of the diet is quite complicated. Its essence lies in alternating protein and protein-vegetable days. The duration of the cruise stage is on average - 5 months.

    At the stage, the alternation in the human body is launched processes, warning exhaustion and atrophy of organs due to lack of vitamins and an oversupply of protein.

    Fastening (consolidation)

    At this phase, the losingser needs to return to the use of the usual meal. Purpose of the stage - fixing the results of the diet, which are achieved in the previous phases.

    In order for this stage to be successful, it is necessary to correctly calculate its duration. To secure 1 kg of weight dropped on the previous 2 phases, it will take 10 days. For example, if a person got rid of 10 kg of excess weight, the duration of the consolidation will be 100 days. During this period, there are sweets - desserts, cakes, cakes.


    The purpose of the stage is the return to the usual diet. During this period, some rules should be followed:

    1. 1. Drink a day to 2 liters of clean water.
    2. 2. A large amount of time is on fresh air.
    3. 3. Do not use elevators and escalators, it is necessary to give preference to stairs.
    4. 4. Each day starting with charging or sports.
    5. 5. Arrange unloading days.
    6. 6. Every day use oat bran in 3 tbsp. l.

    P. Dwan argues that after completing the diet, it is possible to return a dropped kilogram only if a person does not support its state and will lead a passive lifestyle. To avoid this, the doctor recommends playing sports.

    Table of permitted products

    Table of permitted and prohibited products for the attack phase:

    Beef Meat, Turkey Meat, Veal, Sub-Products, HamGoose or duck
    It is necessary to use protein. Eat yolk need in small quantitiesCanned oil
    All seafood are allowed. Canned natural and without oil. Smoked fish and crab wands need to be used in small quantitiesLeek
    Yogurt, kefir, ryazhenka, cottage cheese
    Teas (any), coffee, chicory, water, soda
    Onions, garlic, soy sauce, fresh and dried greens, tomato paste, basil
    Noodles "Shirataki", Tofu, San, Berries, Goji, Flax seeds, sunflower seeds

    Products for alternation (cruise):

    Phase fixing (consolidation):

    List of products for Duucan diet - Phase Stabilization:

    Weight calculation

    Of great importance during the diet has the use of bran. They must be present in a daily diet in certain dosages:

    • At the attack phase - 1 tbsp. l.
    • Alternation - 1.5 tbsp. l.
    • Fastening - 2 tbsp. l.
    • Stabilization - 2.5 tbsp. l.

    The duration of each of the steps depends on the weight of a person:


    Approximate attack phase menu:

    DayBreakfastDinnerAfternoon personDinner
    1 Cottage cheese Granular non-residential - 120 g, Fruit tea - 400 mlFish for a couple - 150 g, homemade yogurt - 120 mlCut off oats - 4 tbsp. l., Black bread - sliceBoiled turkey - 200 g
    2 Bran - 1.5 tbsp. l., green tea - 350 mlChicken minced chicketers - 170 gBlack Tea Without Supply Sugar - CupShrimps - 120 g, Fish baked in the oven - 110 g
    3 Omelet from one egg, cooked on non-fat milk, ham low fat - 120 g, fastening coffee - 300 mlBoiled beef meat - 120 gOat bread boys - 3 pcs., Kefir low fat - 400 mlFish cutlets for a couple - 130 g
    4 Cuts from oats - 130 g, Cheese - 140 g, Ham without fat - 150 g, Mint tea -300 mlChicken breast - 175 gCrab sticks - 5 pcs.Kefir Lady - Glass, Liver Beef for a couple - 200 g
    5 Egg Skump - 1 Piece, Bran (Small Quantity), Tea with Melissa and Chamber - CupTurkey steak - 150 gCottage cheese with low fat content - 200 g, oat flakes - 100 gSoup with salmon - 210 g
    6 Bran - 3 tbsp. l., Black tea - 320 mlBaked in the oven mackerel - 175 g, pancakes oatmeal - 120 gGreen Sandy Tea - 350 mlChicken fillet - 160 g
    7 Cottage cheese - 160 g or kefir - FullackBeef lean - 130 gMussels, fish or other seafood - not more than 170 gMeat meatballs - 150 g

    Menu Phase Cruise:

    DayMealDishes, products
    1 BreakfastFried eggs from one egg with ham - 130 g, unsweetened green tea - 300 ml
    DinnerFish baked in mustard marinade - 200 g
    Afternoon personLow-fat kefir - 350 ml or home natural yogurt - 300 ml
    DinnerCheesecakes - 5 pcs.
    2 BreakfastBoiled chicken eggs - 2 pcs., Salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, cheese - 200 g, greens
    DinnerRoast with vegetables and boiled breasts - 210 g
    Afternoon personFishing boob and without stuffs - 1 pc., Tea Fruit Salad - 400 ml
    DinnerVegetable soup with chicken meatballs - 220 g, kefir - 200 g
    3 BreakfastTea with mint - 300 ml, Natural yogurt should be mixed with bran - 170 g
    DinnerFish Cutlets - 3 pcs., Greens
    Afternoon personBran - 160 g, Malina Tea - Cup
    DinnerSalad with chicken eggs - 2 pcs., canned tuna, greens, onions, lemon juice - 170 g
    4 BreakfastCottage cheese - 0.5 kg
    DinnerHam with stewed cabbage - 200 g
    Afternoon personVegetable salad with yogurt - 190 g
    DinnerMackerel prepared in the oven with mushrooms - 210 g
    5 BreakfastBran with honey - 120 g
    DinnerSalmon baked with thyme and lemon - 170 g
    Afternoon personCinnamon Green Tea - 350 ml
    DinnerChicken breast - 200 g
    6 BreakfastOmelet from 2 chicken eggs, cucumber, tomato and greenery
    DinnerSoup with broccoli and cauliflower - 230 g
    Afternoon personRyazhenka - 400 ml
    DinnerSalad "Brush" - 230 g
    7 BreakfastCashroom Casserole - 170 g
    DinnerChicken chopped cutlets - 3 pcs.
    Afternoon personNatural yogurt - 400 ml
    DinnerFillet knights stew with milk - 130 g

    Phase Menu Fastening:

    DayBreakfastDinnerAfternoon personDinner
    1 Green tea - 300 ml, curd casserole - 140 gBread - 3 pcs., Ear of salmon - 200 g, herbal tea - a cupFruit or berries - 170 gBaked potatoes with vegetables and chicken meat - 230 g, a glass of red wine
    2 Cheesecakes - 6 pcs., Faint coffeeSolyanka with meat - 210 g, oat cakes - 3 pcs., Ohuhenka - 200 mlCranberry - 190 gChicken Meatballs - 3 pcs., Vegetable Salad - 120 g, Dietary Cola - 150 g
    3 Cake of cottage cheese with berries and fruit - 200 g, Orange Fresh - GlassEar of cod, fastening coffee - 350 mlSlicing from Orange, Kiwi, Banana - 170 gBaked with kefir and spices Turkey meat - 210 g
    4 Lapey - 1 pc., Cheese melted - 3 pieces, tea with herbs - 350 mlChicken broth - 230 g, chicken boiled eggs - 2 pcs., Apple Fresh - GlassCash casseled with raisins - 200 g, tea with mint - cupSquid or crabs - 170 g
    5 Fried eggs of 2 chicken eggs, yogurt home savory with bran - 200 gTurkey meatballs - 3 pcs., Salad with greens, tomatoes, cucumbers and cheese melted - 230 g, Green tea - 450 mlBerries - 140 gBaked vegetables with fish - 190 g
    6 Branbags - 3 pcs., Fried eggs with tomatoes, fastening coffee - 300 mlCottage cheese low-fat - 200 g, meat Solyanka - 220 gFruit - 200 gVegetable Salad - 120 g, Meat with spices Non-Own - 160 g, Fruit tea - Cup
    7 Whole grain bread - 2 pcs., Boiled eggs - 3 pcs., Salmon is weakly salted - 1 piece, tea - 250 mlSalad with cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, cheese, greens - 180 g, turkey cutlets - 3 pcs.Orange or banana - 1 pc.Boiled vegetables - 130 g, salmon - 100 g, red wine - 150 ml

    Menu for a week for phase Stabilization:

    DayMealDishes, products
    1 BreakfastOatmeal with honey - 200 g, fastening coffee - 300 ml
    DinnerVegetables with rice - 130 g
    Afternoon personGrapefruit - 1 pc.
    DinnerVegetable salad with tomatoes, cheese, greens, cucumber - 170 g, turkey meat - 200 g
    2 BreakfastSandwich with Cheese and Oil, Green Tea - Cup
    DinnerWailed potatoes with any vegetables - 230 g
    Afternoon personCottage cheese home with raisins and Kuragoy - 200 g
    DinnerFresh vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, greens, salmon baked - 120 g
    3 BreakfastFried eggs from 2 chicken eggs and tomatoes - 150 g
    DinnerBuckwheat porridge with chicken minced meat - 130 g
    Afternoon personBanana - 1 pc.
    DinnerChicken, chicken broth with vegetables - 160 g
    4 BreakfastCurd mass with dried fruits - 150 g
    DinnerChicken meat soup and potatoes - 130 g
    Afternoon personFresh Orange - 450 ml
    DinnerCod liver - 200 g
    5 BreakfastOatmeal flakes with raisins and Kuragoy - 100 g
    DinnerMacaroni with cheese grated - 130 g
    Afternoon personRyazhenka - a glass, orange or banana - 1 pc.
    DinnerBaked meat with potatoes - 160 g
    6 BreakfastSour creed with cottage cheese - 120 g
    DinnerPork meat with buckwheat - 170 g
    Afternoon personRyazhenka - 400 ml, boiled egg - 1 pc.
    DinnerFish Cutlets - 3 pcs., Tea Green - 340 ml
    7 BreakfastOatmeal with jam - 200 g
    DinnerBroth with potatoes, meat, grilled - 130 g
    Afternoon personYogurt - 300 ml, lingonberry - 100 g
    DinnerBarbage steak roasted - 170 g


    Popular dishes with diet are omelet with cottage cheese and greens, baked carrot cutlets, cottage cheese casserole.

    Omelet with cottage cheese and greens

    Required ingredients:

    • chicken eggs with yolks - 2 pcs.;
    • proteins - 3 pcs.;
    • cottage cheese low-fat - 150 g;
    • greens;
    • salt.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. The egg whites from yolks should be separated.
    2. 2. Add Eggs to the container - 2 pcs. And beat to the state of my omelet.
    3. 3. Cottage cheese must be squeezed and mixed with eggs.

    Carrot baked cutlets

    Required components:

    • carrot - 130 g;
    • milk - 25 g;
    • groat manna - 15 g;
    • butter creamy - 5 g;
    • wheat flour - 5 g;
    • sugar - 5 g;
    • chicken eggs - 1/5 pcs.;
    • sour cream - 5 g


    1. 1. Wash, clean and cut with a straw carrots, put it in a saucepan, attach milk, butter and bring to readiness.
    2. 2. In the last minutes of cooking with a thin jet, pour into the pan of the catace, stir and cooking 7 minutes.
    3. 3. The prepared mass must be cooled, add chicken eggsMix, make weight the shape of a kitlet, to panic them in flour.
    4. 4. Lay carrot cutlets on the baking sheet, lubricate butterAnd on top to pour sour cream, put jammed in the oven.

    Cottage cheese casserole


    • cottage cheese - 350 g;
    • egg - 2 pcs;
    • bifoxifier 1% - 170 g;
    • bran - 4 tablespoons;
    • sugar substitutes - 4 pcs.;
    • vanilla - to taste.

    Stages of cooking meals:

    1. 1. Saharo-substitute tablets need to be divorced in 1 tsp. Purified water.
    2. 2. Add all remaining ingredients to the capacitance to sugar and mix with the mixer.
    3. 3. Put the resulting mixture into parchment paper.
    4. 4. The casserole should be baked 60 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius.

    Advantages and disadvantages of diet

    The advantages of the diet are as follows:

    • a rapid decrease in body weight, due to the use of low-calorie, low-fat food is removed from the abdomen;
    • achievement good result and its fixing;
    • the absence of loss of muscular body body;
    • obtaining all the necessary amino acids by the organism;

    Disadvantages of the diet P. Dukana:

    • Since carbohydrates are not present in the diet, the body is able to split not only fats, but also the muscles, it can harm the heart.
    • Ketone bodies are accumulated due to the lack of carbohydrates, which can provoke metabolic acidosis and acetone poisoning.
    • The work of the kidneys is worsening, it is very difficult to normalize it. As a result, the smell of acetone in the mouth appears as a pair authority.
    • During the diet, depression may appear. This is due to the lack of carbohydrates in the body, it is they regulate the work of nerve tissues.
    • There is a threat bad work Brain, since the body does not receive an energy source - carbohydrates.
    • Neurodegenerative diseases may appear due to lack of adipose tissue.
    • I especially degrees me my weight, I weighed in my 41 as 3 seconds taken together, namely 92kg. How to remove excess weight completely? How to cope to cope with the restructuring of hormonal background and obesity? But nothing umbrellas or mans a man like his figure.

      But what to do to lose weight? Operation Laser Liposuction? Learn - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, Mostimulation? A little more accessible - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. Of course, you can try to run on the treadmill, before the breathtaking.

      And when to find all this time? Yes, and still very expensive. Especially now. Therefore, for myself I chose another way ...

Svetlana Markova

Beauty - how gemstone: what it is easier, the more precious!


If your weight is higher than the norm, the Duucan diet 1 stage will help to get rid of it - a phase in which protein products and bran run the fat burning mechanism. Hard restrictions do not concern the number of food and time of its use. You can at this stage there is any way so as not to feel a feeling of hunger. The main principle and essence of the system are to use only permitted food products, and how to cook them: for a couple, bake or just cook - the choice is yours.

What is Duucana Diet Attack

The initial stage of the diet developed by the dietist Pierre Duucan, received the name "Attack". During this phase, a sliming person should have exclusively protein products. Most of the allowed products are not limited by volume, it is possible to eat at any time. We are accustomed that for weight loss, you need to strictly control the calories, not in the evening and limit portions. Diet in Duucan Attack will definitely not let me die with hunger, and at the same time will save your body from 5 kg per week. You should only accurately follow the rules and the result of the diet will not wait.

Rules diet Dukana

The main rule that DUCAN diet 1 stage requires from thinning, is not exceeding the timing. Not more than 10 days can be used a diet intended for this stage. For normal operation of the human body, carbohydrates are needed, fats, and the attack diet recommends completely excluding them out of power. Do not risk health, even if your progress is pushing on the thoughts of violation of the rules of the diet. This is not the only condition of the first stage that requires strict compliance, still includes the following rules in the diet:

  • daily in the diet should be attended by 1.5 tbsp. oat bran;
  • daily water volume - 2 liters;
  • the amount of salt is minimal;
  • take pharmacy complexes of vitamins and minerals;
  • obligatory physical activityAt least the simplest: walks, warm-up.

Products on the attack on Dukanu

72 Product on Duucana diet You can have in any quantity without regard for a while. Prepare them for a pair, grill, grid, boil, stick, bake and roast without adding oil, the power system can all be allowed. Looking for lists of resolved diet products, the path of thinning does not impress the thorny. All products for the attack in Duucan need to eat often, but in small portions. Such food meals will help the stomach in volumes at this stage of the diet.

Allowed products on the attack on Duucan diet

At the very short and strict stage of Duucan diet, a sharp refusal of favorite products is a serious test. For those who like meat, fish, seafood and cottage cheese, which are included in the list of allowed products in Duucan Attack, this power will only bring pleasure. The table shows many products that you can prepare with different methods:


non-fat dairy products



crab meat and sticks



garlic (like seasoning)


soft cheese


onion (as seasoning)

melted cheese

ham (fatty 2-4%)





Diet Duucana 1 stage allows eating chickens and quail with a limitation of yolks at the rate of up to 2 per day. From drinks you can use the following liquids:

  • water;
  • coffee;
  • chicory drink;
  • grazing of herbs;
  • cheerful carbonated drinks;
  • low carb fluid protein cocktails.

The diet at the first stage requires a reduction in the amount of salt, the taste of dishes will help to give various spices and additives:

  • ginger;
  • cardamom;
  • sugar substitutes;
  • lemon (as seasoning);
  • tomato paste;
  • mustard;
  • greens (parsley, dill);
  • paraffin oil - up to 1 hour per day.

Prohibited products in Dukanu

In the menu on DUKANA 1 stage there is not a single gram of fat. The exception is 1 small spoon of paraffin oil, which can only be used as refueling to salad. We found out that he could eat attack Dukhana. It remains to answer the question that it is impossible to eat at Dukan diet. The category of products prohibited at this stage includes:

  • porridge;
  • flour;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • mushrooms;
  • pork and lamb;
  • nuts;
  • chocolate;
  • sugar;
  • ketchup;
  • mayonnaise.

Menu Diets Duucana Attack for a week

The main power mode in the 1st stage of the diet involves consuming in food products only from the allowed list. How to cook them - also important. You can bake, cook, stew, but not fry in oil. Food in Duucan in the first week can have several options, you can navigate the following menu:

first breakfast



omelet of 2 eggs with milk and greens, sandwich with ham, coffee

non-fat yogurt - 150 g

baked chicken fillet With lemon and garlic - 300 g

boiled shrimp

any fish - 300 g, kefir - 200 g

oat bran porridge with milk

chops of minced

oat bran cupcakes

baked turkey meatballs

boiled eggs, coffee

lemon Pie, Yogurt

mackerel baked in white wine

whipped protein dessert, mint tea

omelet roll with red fish

ham sandwich boiled egg, Tea

veal steam cutlets

ear of salmon

fish Salad.

omelet with cheese

baked chicken breast

beef Faste

fillet Salmon for a couple

egg with ham

fish Pie, Tea

steaks from beef

pancakes from Bran

oat bran cutlets


salad with crab chopsticks

coffee Cupcake

ear of salmon and boiled eggs

milk Cocktail with Vanilla

Recipes in Duucan on the attack

Most of the recipes in Duucan are preparing easily, it is only important to stock up the right products. For this phase, many dishes are developed. Protein nutrition of the first stage includes liquid, second dishes and even sweets. A variety of recipes for attack on Duucan do not allow feeling of hunger. You can use in dishes only permitted diets, they are mixed in different variations. Check out their step-by-step preparation.

Soup in Dukanu

In just half an hour, you can cook a hearty and fragrant soup, which will decorate your table not only on dukan diet in the 1st stage, but also in the subsequent phases of the slimming process. Duucana Soup Attack is prepared from the following products:

  • minced meat (beef or calf) - 200 g;
  • egg raw - 1 pc.;
  • boiled egg - 1 pc.;
  • water - 800 ml;
  • salt, spices, greens.

For the preparation of dietary soup, connect the mince with raw egg and spices. Form some small meatballs from them. Pour the water into the pan and after boiling, place meat balls into it. Let the soup be boiled about half an hour. If the soup is almost ready, grind the boiled egg to it and add chopped greenery. Give the dish to make up for another 2-3 minutes.

Recipe Bread in Duchano at the attack

It is very difficult to abandon bread for many, therefore in the diet dukana 1 stage there is a special recipe for solving this problem. To bake bread on Duucana Duchana, you will need such products:

  • degreased cottage cheese - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • basin - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • bran - 6 tbsp. l.

To prepare a bread, mix the wedge of cottage cheese and eggs, add a baking powder and bran. Mix the thick mass thoroughly, form the bread and bake in the oven at 200 degrees. The resulting bunch can be used with any of the dishes, to do from its pieces on the snacks sandwiches with ham, eggs, boiled meat, canned fish. To keep freshness, put bread in the refrigerator.

Cheese Duucana Attack

Even the hearty cheesens will not interfere with a thin waist if you cook them for special recommendations. Did you decide to use the recipe for cheese on Duucan? Then take the following products:

  • cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • bran - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • saharo substitute - 4 tablets;
  • vanilla or cinnamon - at will.

Connect products in a deep bowl, mix all components to homogeneity. Take a baking sheet and make it bakery paper. It remains to divide the mass into several parts and lay them on the baking sheet. Send a dish into the oven for 25 minutes, preheated it up to 180 degrees. You can still cook cheesery in a pan. To do this, we will have to lubricate the surface with vegetable oil. Use it in the minimum quantities and fry the cheese in a pan.

Duucan desserts for attack

Even sweet toes will not be difficult to overcome Duucan diet in the 1st stage. For them, a mass of delicious sweets has been developed that will not interfere with throwing weight and fully comply with the official rules of the diet. Pannakota, meringue, ice cream, casserole - all this is available for those who observe the diet, only the preparation of desserts requires special recipes. To prepare cottage cheese dessert, you will need:

  • cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • gelatin - 10 g;
  • saharo substitute, vanilla, cinnamon - to taste.

Preparation of dessert Start with milk heating. It should be not warm, but hot. Dissolve in it gelatin. How to prepare the gelatin mixture is specified in detail on the package. Thoroughly wipe the cottage cheese through the sieve, so it will become air and gentle. It was a turn of vanillin or cinnamon, a sugar substitute. Add ingredients B. necessary quantity To cottage cheese. Pour into the curd mass of milk with gelatin, take everything with a blender. Educated fluid run by molds or ordinary glasses. Send dessert to the fridge to frozen.

How to calculate the attack on Duucan

Effective, but the rigid diet dukana 1 stage cannot last long. After a certain period of time, the loudealing should be moved to the second stage in order not to harm its body. The duration of the first stage is determined by excess weight:

  • up to 5 kg - up to 3 days;
  • from 5 to 10 kg - 3-5 days;
  • from 10 kg - 6-7 days;
  • significant obesity 40-50 kg - up to 10 days.

The results of the attack

Excluding carbohydrates and fats from their dietary and fats for only a few days, you can achieve amazing results, the main of which is the launch of the fat burning. During this period, a deterioration of the condition can be observed: dizziness, dry mouth. If you carry the diet hard, limit the duration of the phase. After a week, the results of the attack on the dukan diet will be shown by a decrease in mass by 5-7 kg. Even if you follow the rules of only 72 hours, the scales will show that you lose weight 2-3 kg.


The results of Dukan diet are simply impressive. Looking at the photo on the Internet "to" and "after," it is difficult to stay in order not to try to lose weight on the recommendations of the famous nutrition. Before you start this path to your beauty and health, make sure that the contraindications of Dukana diet do not touch you. Limit itself in food is not recommended in the following cases:

  • in heart disease;
  • when problems with liver and kidneys;
  • under cholecystitis, gastritis, pancreatitis;
  • with diabetes mellitus.

Today is the majority modern peoplewho want to lose extra pounds, can not always find strength and time for classes in the gym. Therefore, they choose the most suitable way to lose weight - diet. Of course, no one will give up a diet that allows you to eat and delicious to eat and at the same time lose weight. Oddly enough, such options are possible, in particular ducan's diet Based on protein food. Its effectiveness has long been proven in practice huge number Slim people, among whom, at one time, also included a royal family representative - Kate Middleton.

A fairly popular protein diet today is the result of the work of French Dr. Pierre Dukhana. More than thirty years ago, conducting medical practice in Paris, Pierre Dukan faced the first case of obesity.
then the doctors converged in the opinion that the most effective way Slimming is moderate use of low-calorie foods. Pierre Dukan has developed a different way of weight loss, using which patients are no longer gained overweight. The doctor studied his four-step approach for twenty years of productive practice, relying on the results of which and wrote his book.

Table of contents: 1. Basic principles Duucana diet - Duucan diet: allowed products 2. Fully or partially limited products 3. The first stage of DUKAN diet: Attack - an approximate menu for the first stage - Attack 4. Second step: alternation (cruise) - approximate menu for the second stage - Alternation (Cruise) 5. Third Stage: Fastening (consolidation) - approximate menu of the third stage - fixture (consolidation) 6. Fourth stage: Welding stabilization 7. Positive moments Dukean diet 8. Contraindications Duucan diet and criticism

Basic principles diet Dukhana

Subject to observance certain rules and the corresponding diet diet dutoon is very effective and effective. It consists of four stages, after which not only the weight is reduced, but also the risk of reverse dialing of lost kilograms. Already at the first stage, which is called White attack , in very short time (about five days) the metabolism is accelerated and fat is burned, thanks to which stunning results do not make themselves waiting for a long time: for 3-4 days it can take up to 4 kg of excess weight.
second stage called Cruise Kilograms "Tyat" are somewhat slower - approximately one kilogram per week. Accordingly, the more excess weight, the last one will be the second stage. To secure the results of the result, Monsieur Duan has provided the third phase called Consolidation - This is a kind of "bridge" between a strict diet and time when all restrictions in nutrition are removed. The final phase is called Stabilization .

The whole process of weight loss takes several months, during which the main focus on proteins is made in nutrition and the amount of carbohydrates and fats is significantly limited. According to the doctor himself, the body cannot work normally without a sufficient amount of protein.

We recommend reading: - Sources of proteins of plant origin: Recommendations for vegans - Food for weight loss - Proper nutrition For weight loss

Throughout the diet, it is very important to use every day:

  1. Half a liter and more mineral or drinking water without gas.
  2. Oat bran, drinking them with water. The recommended amount of this product differs and depends on the stage of the diet you are now. Oat bran are good prevention of constipation.
  3. Vitamin preparations.

It is also necessary to pay attention to regular hiking.

Diet Dukana: Allowed Products

Diete Duucan implies a sufficiently diverse menu of 100 products, including 72 protein products and 28 types of vegetables - carbohydrate sources. In addition, the diet is based on the mandatory daily use of oat bran.

Dr. Duan's source is proposed to use such meat products such as non-large parts of beef, veal, horse meat and rabbit. You can include a lamb language and liver in your diet. At the consolidation stage, the use of low-fat pork ham (exception, ferocked) and a lamb chimney.

  • hen;
  • turkey;
  • game;
  • dove.

Weightful place in the diet can be removed with low-fat varieties of fish and seafood.

Important! Any meat can be consumed in boiled or baked. For cooking, it is impossible to use fat or any oil.

Diversify the dietary menu is allowed using low fat milk and fermented milk products that can be used even with flavors and artificial type sweeteners. Do not have to refuse also from chicken or quail eggs, which can be used in any quantity, but necessarily controlling your cholesterol level.

Improving the taste of dishes consumed is allowed using:

  • salts (in minimum doses);
  • lemon;
  • mustard;
  • vinegar;
  • garlic;
  • cumin;
  • any sharp seasoning;
  • parsley, Basilica and other aromatic herbs.

In small quantities, green and onions can be used as seasonings.

During the second phase of the diet in the menu, several types of vegetables can be included, which are the main source of carbohydrates for the body necessary for normal brain operation. In particular, it may be dishes from eggplant, zucchini, mushrooms, any kind of cabbage, celery, asparagus and asparagus beans, pumpkins, beets, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers of salad, turnips and radish. It should also be included in its diet sheet salads of all kinds, leeks, mangold, salad chicory, dill, spinach and sorrel. For cooking, vegetables are not recommended to use oil. Preference should be made fresh vegetables, as well as boiled and baked.

Fully or partially limited products

There are products that can be included in your diet only with certain conditions. Thus, vegetable oil can be used when cooking only in the amount of several drops, which lubricated the Teflon frying pan.

At the first two stages, any starch-containing products are excluded, and only at the consolidation stage in their diet twice a week can be included:

  • potatoes in the peel;
  • corn;
  • lentils;
  • beans;
  • pasta;
  • treated wheat cereals;
  • rice.

All other products containing starch are prohibited for the entire period of the diet.

Starting from the second stage, it is allowed to eat ice cream, but it is preferable to consume it as part of a milk cocktail.

Already at the third stage, it is allowed to eat cheese (no more than 40 g per day) and some fruits and berries, in particular:

  • apples, pears, peach, nectarine or grapefruit - 1 pc. in a day;
  • strawberries or raspberry - 1 saucer;
  • melon or watermelon - 1 slice;
  • apricot, Kiwi or Small Mango - 2 pcs. in a day.

Starting from the stage, the fixing is allowed two pieces of whole grain bread made of coarse grinding flour.

Important! Diet Duucana involves a complete exception to the diet of animal fats, seeds, candies and sweets.

The first stage of Dukan diet: Attack

At this stage, it is allowed to use exclusively protein products, but in any quantity that allows you to completely saturate the body. As a result of such a powerful body loading, the metabolism process is changing, and you lose weight very quickly.

The duration of the attack directly depends on how many kilograms you need to reset:

  • up to 10 kg - three days;
  • more than 10 kg - from three to five days;
  • more than 30 kg - from five to ten days.

As a rule, according to the results, the attack is usually lost from two to six unnecessary kilograms.

The results of the consumption of pure proteins are comparable to the results to which complete fasting leads, however white attack Lack of deficiencies in the second. So, proteins are digested for three hours, which gives a person a feeling of satiety for all this time. At the same time, the process of digesting protein products, a person spends thirty calories to get 100 calories as a result. While for fats, this ratio is 12 to 100, and for carbohydrates and is less than 7 to 100.

It is important to understand that all dishes should be prepared without fat, that is, it is recommended to cook, cook for a couple or grilled, bake. You can choose not only pure meat, but also various seafood, which have low calorie content and contain proteins. In the diet, such products like fish, eggs in cheese and boiled form, skimmed milk and fermented milk products should also be present.

Improve the taste of dishes is allowed with salt (in minimal quantity), various seasonings, onions, garlic, capers and lemons. Any other vegetable products are prohibited at this stage.

The obligatory element of the diet is oat bran, which at the first stage should be eaten in quantity - 1.5 tbsp. Spoons per day. One of the most simple options - Make a pancake from bran, yogurt and eggs.

Note: important role In Diet Dukan, as in principle, in any other method, consumption plays large number Liquids - 2 liters per day or more. It is better to give preference to mineral non-carbonated water, but it can also be a dietary cola, green tea or tea on herbs, coffee. Water helps to wash the fatty foods of fat from the body and speeds up the metabolism. With insufficient use of fluid after the fourth day, the attack may begin constipation. You can solve this problem by increasing the amount of water consumed and drinking a spoonful of paraffin oil at the end of meals.

It should be known that in the first days the diet can occur increased fatigue, dry mouth, weakness. Sometimes these symptoms can be combined with poor mood, nervousness and suddenly arising a sense of hunger. It is very important that you always have allowed permitted products in sufficient quantities. At the first stage, the diet should be abandoned by heavy exercise, but at the same time it is recommended to walk more often on foot, especially in the outdoor air. As a rule, after the third day of attack, the feeling of hunger disappears.

Approximate menu for the first stage - attack


  • boiled eggs - 2-3 pcs. (omelet with milk, pashota eggs);
  • a piece of dried meat or low-headed fish;
  • coffee.


  • cottage cheese or yogurt;
  • bran (as an option - a pancake from bran, yogurt and eggs, fried on both sides).


  • baked fish, seasoned with lemon juice, or stewed rabbit).

Afternoon person:

  • boiled seafood, spacious spice.


  • boiled language;
  • kefir.

Second Stage: Alternation (Cruise)

At the second stage, carbohydrates are allowed to include in the diet: protein days should be alternating with protein-vegetable. The duration of the cruise is similar to the first stage directly depends on how much kilograms you want to reduce your weight. If you need to lose less than 10 kg - protein days with protein-vegetable should be alternate in the sequence 1: 1, 2: 2 or 3: 3. If you need to lose more than ten kilograms, then the days alternate according to the 5: 5 scheme. However, it should be noted that last option Alternations Dr. Duan recommends applying only in exceptional cases and under the obligatory supervision of the doctor, since such a scheme is a fairly serious test for the body. The most optimal in terms of efficiency and safety scheme is considered to be alternating 1: 1 or 2: 2.

Weight loss on the cruise occurs at a slower pace than on the attack, since the burning of extra kilograms will be carried out only in protein days. but this option Slimming is characterized by stable results and security for your health. It is important to know what to experiment and change the ratio of protein and protein-vegetable days, trying to accelerate the process of weight loss, in no case cannot, as it is dangerous. The most actively decreases the excess weight in the first two months of the second stage of the diet, and then the rate of weight loss process is somewhat reduced. On average a week you will leave one kilogram. Stage Cruise must be continued until you reach the desired results.

At this stage, in protein-vegetable days, meat products can be combined with permitted vegetables, which in the Duchana diet list there are 22 types.

On the cruise, the feeling of hunger is slightly reduced, so the number of foods eaten will begin to decrease noticeably. However, it is worth noting that both protein products and products containing carbohydrates should be present in the protein-vegetable days in the diet.

During the second stage, the diet is forbidden to use:

  • starch-coating products;
  • cereals and grains;
  • any oil, including olive.

It is desirable to give preference to vegetables cooked for a pair, and all sorts of salads, since thus preserves vitamins and other microelements important to the body. But it is also allowed to use boiled, baked and stewed vegetables in meat or fish broth. You can refuel salads with yogurt, kefir, balsamic vinegar with the addition of mustard and various spices.

Daily on a cruise in the menu you can include two products from the following list:

  • cheese 10% fat content - 20 g;
  • cream 3-4% - 1 h. spoon;
  • soy cream - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • dry wine - 80 g;
  • vegetable oil in the amount of several drops on the napkin to wipe the Teflon frying pan.

The list of permitted products at the stage of the cruise also includes:

  • gelatin or agar-agar;
  • garlic;
  • seaweed;
  • soy sauce, adzhik, mustard and vinegar;
  • cornishons;
  • any spices, sugar substitutes;
  • tofu;
  • crab sticks - no more than 8 pcs. in a day;
  • drinks (caloric content of 1 kcal per 250 ml).

If protein products can be used in unlimited quantities, the volume of eaten vegetables need to be monitored: as soon as the feeling of hunger is satisfied, vegetables must be set.

On a cruise, you must use no less than two tablespoons of oat bran per day.

Exemplary menu for the second stage - alternation (cruise): Belkovo-vegetable days


  • omelet with vegetables;
  • cottage cheese;


  • zucchini pancakes and boiled egg.


  • boiled chicken breast or fish;
  • fish canned salad, Bulgarian pepper, eggs, podoli beans, seasoned with yogurt and spices.

Afternoon person:

  • boiled beef language;
  • vegetable salad;
  • green tea.


  • baked chicken breast;
  • grilled vegetables - zucchini, tomatoes, eggplants;
  • kefir.

Third Stage: Fastening (consolidation)

Highly an important stage Duucan diet is the third phase called fixing, or consolidation. If you think that the set goal has already been achieved, because the arrow of the weights shows the long-awaited numbers - you are deeply mistaken: the results need to be secured, since otherwise the lost weight is quite rapidly return. To avoid this, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules of the third stage of the diet, which will help your body find mutual understanding with a new diet.

The fact is that your body by any forces will try to restore the dropped weight - the so-called "effect of yo-yo" is turned on in the body, the symptoms of which is:

  1. A sharp exacerbation of the feeling of hunger.
  2. Reducing the consumption of energy, which is accompanied by increased fatigue and sensitivity to cold, growing drowsiness, worsening memory, slowing down the growth of hair and nails.
  3. Removing the body from food for 30% calorie is greater than in the usual state. This is explained by the fact that there are special enzymes in the intestines to split the incoming elements in such a way that the calorie can be removed as possible.

Unfortunately, the "Effect of Yo-Yo" is impossible to neutralize, but this period is still limited in time. The duration of consolidation directly depends on how much kilograms you loosened for the first two stages. For "consolidation" of each lost kilogram you need to spend ten days. That is, if you lose weight by 3 kg, then the third stage will last one month and three months at a slimming of 9-10 kg. In the event of unpleasant sensations, it is not necessary to panic, but just to accept them as a given and suffer a certain time. After the consolidation is completed, this unpleasant effect will leave. The main objective of this stage is not losing weight, but the taking control of excessive reactions of the body.

On the "fixing" obtained results, protein and vegetable products can be eaten every day, both together and separately. However, one day should remain protein a week. At the third stage, it is important to teach the body to restrained consumption of previously prohibited products, including fruits, starch vegetables, honey, grain and fats.

Now the daily menu becomes more diverse due to some fruits one serving per day (List of allowed fruits See above), two pieces of bread from flour of coarse grinding, solid cheeses, honey (1 tbsp. Spoon).

Also in the diet can include some starch-coating cereals and vegetables (no more than 2 servings per week). The safest starch products include:

  1. Potatoes . It is desirable to eat potatoes baked with peel: it saves more potassium.
  2. Wheat . It is better to give preference to such processed croups, like Couscous or Bulgur.
  3. Corn (in the form of cereals or flour).
  4. Fig . It is worth consulating under the abnormal form that maintains hardness. Best varieties - Wild rice, crude rice or bass.
  5. Lentil . Making the menu, it is worth considering that any beans always digested for a long time.

Note:pasta products are also allowed on consolidation.

When preparing dishes from starch vegetables and croups do not need to use oil. One portion is not more than 220. These products will be better assisted in combination with fresh tomatoes, onions and spices.

At this stage, the list of permitted protein products is also replenished: in its menu you can include conventional pork ham and lamb chims. You can prepare roast pork. However, the basis of your nutrition must still be non-large protein products.

Important!Do not forget about the daily use of oat bran: at this stage, their volume should be 2.5 tbsp. spoons.

A pleasant feature of the consolidation stage is a festive trapez, which in the first half of this phase can be arranged once a week, in the second half - twice. Festive meal is an opportunity to have everything that you lacked so much during a diet. But it is worth remembering that the interval between the two culinary holidays should be at least two days, and at the same time there is no additive. The menu of festive meals should consist of the first and second dish, dessert, aperitif and wine.

During this holiday, you must enjoy the taste and feel a feeling of satiety, thanks to which your body will understand that you do not infringe upon him in anything, and will stop striving to fill the lost kilograms.

Sample Menu of the Third Stage - Fastening (Consolidation)


  • curd casserole with vanilla or cinnamon;
  • coffee with milk.


  • Yoghurt, oat bran and fruits.


  • roast of low-fat pork;
  • vegetable salad with a droplet of oil.

Afternoon person:

  • cheese or cottage cheese;


  • steam chicken cutlets.

Fourth Stage: Weight Stabilization

After your body accepted a new condition and dimensions, it is necessary to consolidate the achievement so that the drop-down kilograms do not start returning again. The basics of the fourth stage of the diet may well become the principles of your daily lifestyle, since any strict restrictions are excluded here.

In order not to ride again to an uncontrolled weight gain, it is enough to adhere to just a few simple rules:

  1. You can not overeat. It is important to control the amount of food used.
  2. One day a week you need to devote a protein diet. You should choose those products that are recommended for use at the attack stage.
  3. The number of fruit consumed is still limited. Eat them no more than once a day.
  4. Fish consumption also should be reduced. You can limit its reception with one protein day. This restriction does not concern seafood.
  5. Starch-containing products need to be used with caution. For example, potatoes are better prepared no more than two times a week.
  6. In a protein day, it is recommended to limit salt consumption. Such a measure will make it possible to stabilize blood pressure and will contribute to the more qualitative purification of the body.
  7. Walk more time in the fresh air, go more on foot and exercise.
  8. Daily drink 2 liters and more fluid. With regular physical exertion, the volume of the fluid consumed can be increased to 3 liters per day.
  9. Do not forget to use oat bran daily: it is recommended to bring their volume to 3 tbsp. Spoons per day.

Positive moments diet dukana

The main advantage of Duucan diet is the ability to eat tasty, while not limited to the amount and time of food intake. It is also worth noting, its effectiveness: extra kilograms quickly go away, and if all the conditions and instructions are met in the future, they are not returned.

Contraindications Diet Duucan and Criticism

With all the advantages of Duucan diet, it also has certain contraindications. In particular, this method cannot be practiced to women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, children, as well as people with such chronic diseases, such as a violation of the cardiovascular system, gout, kidney disease, liver and gastroy.

In addition, it is worth talking about the ambiguous reputation of Duucan's diet in the scientific community. First, Dr. Luris Aronie was spoken against this methods. At a seminar on lipid metabolism and healthy eating, held in Austria, he stated that an excess of protein in food contributes to a serious violation of the kidney work, and over time it can lead to a severe form of such a disease as renal failure and dialysis.

The conclusion that Duucan's diet is one of the most harmful for the health of any person, was also made on the basis of the opinion of the US Health Experts Collegium, including nutritionists and specialists in the field of endocrinology, heart health, psychology. In the ranking " Best diets For healthy eating "2016 Diutan diet is located on 34 times from 36 possible (medium score - 2.0 of 5.0 possible: assessment of weight loss capabilities in the short period - 3.0; in long-term - 2.0; the level of admissibility - 1 , 5; Assessment of health benefits - 2.1).

Oleg Evtushenko, Medical Consultant, Endocrinologist


    Second phase. Alternation (cruise)

    Up to 0.1g inclusive - the day of restrictions. Not allowable product. If cholesterol is in a diet, it is recommended to eat one or two egg yolk per day and any amount of egg proteins, since proteins do not contain cholesterol. With an effective cholesterol content, we recommend limited to two egg yolks per week.

    72 protein product for Duucan diet attack stage

    Make an emphasis on diets, in particular, when cooking Duan recipes. Without restrictions from the alternation of Duucan bing days. When subscribing to coaching in a virtual apartment, you get an exclusive vegetable to the following information: for each of the allowed products: information about admitted, as well as nutrition and harmful products Nutrition.

    Before it started, enlist the support of your attending physician. The stage continues Duucan as long as you do not reach the optimal weight diet from two to six months on average. The alternation scheme you choose for yourself. During the Cruise phase, you can use all products from the attack phase, as well as any vegetables other than starch products. The artichoke is on the verge of allowed and unresolved products, so if you still decide to use it - remember the reasonable quantities.

    Diet Duan - Diet Ducks I Description of the technique | Diet Duan

    The main vegetables, which are Duucan to use: carrots and beets are in moderate quantities and not every day of food, since they contain sugar. Salads can be refilled by non-fascinated sauces. For diversity Duucana diet admits consumption in the second phase: however, only two products per day for example, 1 tbsp were selected from the vegetation of effective products.

    When preparing a diet, you can use: tomato paste in pb days can be used to 2 tbsp. In more days - without restrictions. Rules of the second phase 1 Consumption of oat bran increases to 2 tbsp. With the intolerance of the bran can be used 2 tbsp.

    Grocery list

    dukana because of the excess of the diet can be clouded. Prepare buckwheat at your discretion you can cook on the water, on milk or wandering.

    You should know that the introduction of vegetables will slow down weight loss. In fact, clean proteins chase water from the body, which increases the results. The return of water can delay several vegetables, which may seem the period of stagnation.

    Do not worry, weight loss does not stop, it can be just a disguised return of water. If this happens, do not despair, wait a few days and in the days of pure protein, all the excess water will leave. Do not forget that 1 liter of water weighs 1 kg. Products for attack products Products for the 1st stage Diet are painted in detail in the partition section of the diet.

    You most likely come in handy a list of these products or a diet that can be saved to the phone or print and walk with them to the store, cook and make a menu on a diet. With the smallest fat content. How Duucana can be since the attack.

    Up to 0.1g inclusive Duucan without restrictions. If cholesterol is normal, you can eat one egg yolk per day and any number of egg proteins, since proteins do not contain cholesterol. With increased cholesterol content, we recommend limited to two egg yolks per week.

    Make an emphasis on proteins, in particular, when cooking on Duan recipes. To the group of vegetables, I decided to attribute mushrooms and soy. In addition, you can use any greens: on the second vegetable, you can consume 2 products or 2 doses of the same allowed product per day on any day.

    Duucana diet products - this is: who else does not know about this DUCan, I recommend to read the source: a few days of the fleet diet necessary to start the weight loss mechanism.

    Weight stabilize, and metabolism passes in a calm vegetable, without jumps. First, a sharp change of the habits of food accelerates the metabolism. Protein at this stage is the main source of energy.

    Meat lean, fish, bird, skimmed dairy products can be eaten without restrictions and not feel hungry.

    The duration of the first phase is determined by you individually: the list of Duucan products is also seafood shrimps, diets, octopogproducts from soybeans, low-fat curd and eggs - food rich in vegetables, helps to restrain appetite. For those who have not previously familiar with such a power plan, the greest difficulty is preparing dishes exclusively from high-protein products, without adding vegetables or croup.

    Permitted products containing many proteins and minimum carbohydrates can be added to interesting taste nuances. The combination of various spices does not add calorie dishes, but creates unique flavoring sensations! Products and recipes Baked chicken with chili ginger This wonderful recipe is very easy to perform.

    List of allowed products at the stage of alternation

    The fragrant and unusual dish will save you Duucan monotonous vegetable vegetable vegetable meat will delight your guests! We recommend to remove the skin before cooking, because this part of the carca contains the most fat. The chicken in mo in the juice of one lemon, and put the diet inside the carcass. Put the cooking chicken. One pod of chili pepper cut into pieces, pre-removing seeds, and puff a carcass. Clean a small piece of ginger 10 g and cut into small plates.

    Cut on halves of 3 cloves of garlic. Put the cuts in a chicken diet with a large sharp knife and face ginger garlic pieces. Top season paprika 1 h.

    List of products for Duucan diet

    Bake the oven 1.5 -2 hours depending on the size of the effective carcass until a golden day appears. Eggs stuffed with seafood This is also a very simple recipe without oil use. It is necessary to weld g large or diet shrimp and 6 eggs. Eggs welded by screwing are cleaned and cut on halves. Shrimps need to finely cut, mix with yolks and low-fat mayonnaise, and peel into the resulting mass of egg proteins.

    Diet dukana products that can be

    Simple and fast dish! This diet is ideal for those people who, due to different circumstances, cannot restrain their appetite. In addition, Duucan diet, allowed by which include about a hundred positions, even gourmets, which are incredibly difficult to adhere to various alignment and unloading days. What can be there on a diet Pierre Dukana?

    Second phase. Alternation (cruise) | Ducan's diet

    dUKANA The main rule of the diet of Pierre Dukhana, as well as any protein diet diet, is the limited use of carbohydrate food. Since the processing of products, with increased content Squirrel, the body has to spend a lot of energy, using such food, the weight loss process occurs. Pierre Dukan has developed a list of products that are perfect for diet nutrition And at the same time a vegetable is well saturated.

    In this list there are 72 products with a protein content of animal origin and 28 types of vegetables. In addition, this diet is divided into four cycles, for each of which a special menu has been developed.

    72 protein products in Dukanu: List of permitted products for the attack phase

    Allowed products on the attack, which is the first cycle, should consist mainly of animal proteins. At this time, it is necessary to limit the use of fats and completely eliminate food with carbohydrates.

    DUCAN'S DIET. Recipes for alternation. A vegetable soup

    Full carbonate nutrition, of course, is not useful for the body, DUCANNA Since this phase lasts relatively not long from 3 to 10 days, it does not harm your health. Diet Duucana, allowed vegetables on the first phase, may look like this: breakfast - omelet with a piece non-fat diet, tea or coffee. Lunch is boiled chicken, freshly squeezed juice or tea.

    Allowed products on Dukana diet ⋆ Dyucana diet

    Afternoon snack - seafood and vegetables piece of cheese; Attention! Dinner is a boiled diet, low fat kefir. The Dukan menu at the first stage can be complemented by any kinds of meat besides porkyptic, except duck and goosea also seafood. At this time, it is necessary to alternate protein and vegetable days. From the list of allowed vegetables, it is necessary to eliminate those that contain many carbohydrates - potatoes, corn and peas. The exemplary menu of the vegetable day may include the following dishes: Also during this phase you need to use at least two spoons of bran daily.

    It often happens that loses on any diet, after some time the extra weight is returned. So that this does not happen, Pierre Duan is recommended to return to the former power regime gradually. On this dukana is no longer necessary in the fragmentation of protein diet and vegetables, so sample menu This phase may look as follows: At this stage, you can eat the usual food, excluding only excessively fatty vegetables, and products with a large carbohydrate content.

    In addition, every evening you need to eat two or three spoons of bran. In addition, the basic rules of healthy nutrition should be taken into account - drink a lot of fluids, do not eat in the evening and play sports.


    What is the essence of dukana diet

    72 Duket Duieta Product is protein products that are allowed. Numerous adherents of this diet most pleases the slogan power system in Dukanu: "Eat and do not consider calories!" Indeed: Calculation Counting is an incredibly tedious lesson for which you need a lot of time, and it is likely to be thinner, it is most likely not.

    What is the advantage of this protein diet before others? Often, throwing weight, losing weight gaining it after a while again. Pierre Duan provided it: Duucan diet, the phases of which are calculated in such a way as to consolidate the result, will not allow one month or two recover again. Moreover, a person after a diet can eat more than 100 products in food and not be afraid that it will take weight again.

    Diet Dukhana for every day provides a special diet that corresponds to a specific weight loss phase. Total four such phases.

    Phase number 1 - Attack

    Diet Duucana - the phases of which pursue different goals - begins with the stage of "attacks". This means that the first phase is the most effective and, in fact, during its main weight loss occurs. If you need to throw out only 1 kg, then the 1st day of "attack" will be enough. Diet Duucana, "Attack" in which lasts 3 days, will help reset up to 3 kg. 5 days are designed to get rid of 3 kg to 5. 7-10 days will get rid of thin weight from 5 kg and above excess weight.

    No matter how much Duucan diet last, "Attack" is the only phase in which there are restrictions in nutrition. It is necessary to eat only meat, meat offal, fish and seafood, with the exception of pork and lamb. As seasonings, it is allowed to use herbs and seasonings, lemon, garlic, onion or mustard in moderate quantities. Dairy products, but skimmed, and egg whites are also allowed. From drinks - tea (including herbal), coffee, chicory and soda. One and a half spoons of oat bran per day (in the form of porridge or additives to milk) complete this list. Sugar can not, but you can use sugar substitutes. And, of course, any fat is prohibited: creamy, vegetable, etc. Cooking is done on the grill, pair or in the oven.

    Phase №2 - alternation

    At this stage, Duchana diet 72 protein product, which were resolved earlier, complements vegetables. In the period of "alternation" there is an additional weight loss, so the result of the "attack" period can be significantly improved. Pierre Duan advises to stick to the "alternation" stage until the thinner will receive the final result to which he sought.

    The essence of the phase of "alternations" is a change of protein days of protein-vegetable. For example, one day thinning feeds only protein food, and the next day adds vegetables to protein dishes, then again a protein day, etc. You can stick to the scheme 5 to 5: 5 protein - 5 protein-vegetable days.

    The protein menu remains the same as during the "attack" period. But in Belkovo-vegetable days, not all vegetables are possible: it is better to abandon all legumes, potatoes and corn. Naturally, all other vegetables are allowed into the diet, only no need to abuse carrots and beets.

    Phase number 3 - fixing

    Dyukan diet for every day requires a special menu. Phase "Fixing" is no exception. First, it is necessary to calculate the duration of "consolidation" - it will depend on the number of lost kilograms (1 kg is equal to 10 days). For example, thinning lost 5 kg, which means its period of "consolidation" will last 50 days. Secondly, during the "consolidation", additional products are introduced into the diet, but at each stage - their own. If the "consolidation" phase should last 50 days, then 2 stages will take 25 days.

    The basis of the diet is protein-vegetable dishes prepared according to the rules of the two previous phases of the diet. At the same time, in the first 25 days of the "fixing" phase, you can additionally contribute to the diet:

    • protein-cut or wholegrain bread (no more than 2 slices per day);
    • fruits (no more than 1 servings per day);
    • cheese (no more than 40 gr. per day);
    • starch products (no more than 1 servings per week);
    • pork, lamb and ham (no more than 2 times a week);
    • festive dinner from any products (once a week).

    In the next 25 days, the consumption of starch products can be increased to 2 servings per week, festive dinners spend 2 times a week.

    Phase number 4 - stabilization

    At the last phase of "stabilization" you can use all the products previously introduced into the ration, but with some amendments.

  1. The basis of the further diet until the end of the life will be protein-vegetable food, as at the "fixing" phase. All other rules of the "consolidation" phase also continue to act.
  2. One day per week eat only protein food.
  3. Every day there are 3 tbsp. Spoons of bran.
  4. Give yourself physical exertion.

72 Diets Duieta Product

So, what products can be considered the favorites diet Dukhana?

  1. Meat: Rabbit, horse, beef and veal, cooked without oil.
  2. Sub-products: language, kidneys, liver, cooked without oil.
  3. Fish and canned fish, the fat content of which does not exceed 10%.
  4. Any seafood cooked without oil.
  5. Chicken, as well as pork and turkey ham.
  6. Any bird, with the exception of geese and ducks.
  7. Eggs, etc.

Total, in the arsenal of thinning - 72 protein products, as well as more than 30 products that are introduced at the subsequent stages of the diet.


72 Duieta Duket Product will not allow the diet is not interesting and fresh. Here are examples of proven delicious recipes.

Baked tofu

Before cooking, the oven is heated to 230 o C. Tofu cheese must be cut into rectangles or squares, to dip in soy sauce and lay out on a preheated baking sheet. Near the cheese laying the ball pepper sliced. 30 min The dish is baked in the oven as soon as the pepper covers the crispy crust, it is necessary to turn the ingredients on the other side. The finished dish is poured by a special sauce (lime juice + chili sauce + soy sauce). From above, you can decorate tofu kinse.

Mayonnaise on dukan recipe

Diet Duucan, recipes on which are made up day after day by adherents of this nutrition system, also has a specialties proposed by Pierre Dukan himself. This is a dish, or rather sauce - mayonnaise.

Of the 3 boiled eggs, it is necessary to extract yolks and cool. Add pepper to them, 1 tsp. Spoon of vinegar, 2 h. Spoons of mustard, salt, and then thoroughly crowned with a spoon. Gradually pouring 75 ml of paraffin oil, beat the mixture with a mixer. Fluor with a mixer in the direction up / down and speeding up the pace, as a result we get white and thick mayonnaise.

Curd and cut cheese

It is necessary to mix in one container 350 gr. Cottage cheese, 2 eggs, a quarter of a tablespoon of the sweetener, 3 tablespoons of oat bran, pinch of salt and half a teaspoon of vanillina. Mix everything and shape cheese. To fry on a hot frying pan, while turning into hand to hand, so as not to be crumbled.

Physical exercise

Many celebrities believe that there is no more productive system of nutrition than Duucan diet - weight is lost relatively quickly and, subject to all requirements, it does not return. However, throwing over 3-5 kg, a person risks to face sail and fringe muscle. Do not everyone can do in gym with instructors can afford, so Pierre Duan recommends the most affordable of sports that ever existed - walking. 20 minutes a day fast, sports walk will ensure not only a pleasant walk, but also will increase muscle tone. If there is such an opportunity, you can add walking swimming, and excellent results from the use of a diet will not make long wait.

What does the Duucan diet do? 72 protein product - that is what the firmware is based on the diet. No need to consider calories, it is not necessary to disappear for hours in the gym, so the number of people who want to experience the wonders of the system of food from a French nutritionist every day only increases.