Is it possible to feed tomatoes with fresh mullein. Top dressing of tomatoes in a greenhouse with a mullein

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) Chlorosis and other diseases. The popular belief that watering plants with tea or coffee stimulates plant growth is deeply mistaken. Vegetable oil is also not very effective, which, being applied to the leaves, only clogs the pores, thereby disrupting the breathing process.
Bird droppings

Accelerate the abundant and long-term flowering of plants and have a positive effect on the formation of flower buds.

If the roots of the plant have only braided with an earthen lump, but did not form a felt, then transshipment of the plant or mineral or organic feeding should be applied.

But excess copper is also extremely harmful to the plant.

With a lack of magnesium, the leaves turn pale, chlorosis is possible, flowering is delayed, the growth of the plant slows down.

In excess, the plant grows vigorously.

Mullein (fertilizer): application, composition, how to cook



Nitrogen - essential element promoting active nutrition of plants;

  • Mullein is the most popular fertilizer among summer residents and gardeners. It can be used to feed almost any plant. With its help, you can significantly increase the yield of various vegetable and fruit and berry crops... It is also used for ornamental plants.
  • - very moody plants, but very responsive to proper care, i.e. for food and fertilizers.
  • However, referring to the experiments of reputable Michurinists (M.P. Arkadieva, K.V. Solovyova, etc.), I can suggest the following home fertilization methods:

Gives an even greater effect than feeding with a mullein. In terms of nutritional value, bird droppings are superior to mullein and, moreover, are odorless. Before use, poultry droppings are diluted with water to a slightly turbid greenish shade. A solution of high concentration can destroy the plant.


Bed mullein

Potash fertilizers

  • Fertilizing watering is best done in the evening. You can only fertilize healthy plants during growth and flowering. During the dormant period and when the growth of some plants stops in late summer and autumn, the plant is not fertilized. You can also not fertilize non-rooted, as well as diseased plants.
  • Molybdenum

Mullein without bedding






Feeding indoor plants with fertilizers

Potassium is an essential element during flowering and fruit set; Phosphorus - contributing to the active appearance of young shoots and ovaries;

Of course, mullein is a fertilizer that needs to be used correctly. In no case should fresh manure be introduced into the beds on which any plants are already growing or will soon be planted. The fact is that, decomposing, such a mullein emits a lot of heat. As a result, you can simply burn the roots of the plants. Fresh manure can be applied to the soil only before winter. For several months (before spring) he will have time to overheat a little.

All summer residents and gardeners are familiar with mullein fertilization from bark dung, it is with the help of a mullein that you can fertilize any vegetable and garden plants, but before fertilizing roses with a mullein, it is better, of course, to make an infusion. Dilute fresh manure with 1 to 5 parts of water, then close it tightly and leave to ferment for 1 - 2 weeks, periodically opening and stirring. Top dressing with sugar. Although most plants get by with the usual full fertilizers, there are still species that require special fertilization.

The main elements of plant soil nutrition.

Promote plant growth. Together with phosphate fertilizer, potassium has a good effect on profuse flowering plants and flower color. For flowering plants, potassium fertilizer is most often used during the initiation and development of flower buds and when buds appear. Some other plants, in which leaf and flower buds appear from one axil, do not tolerate this fertilizer during the period of the appearance of camellia buds.

Fast-growing plants are fertilized more often, slow-growing plants - less often, tub plants are fertilized also rarely. Fertilizer must not be applied when the clod is dry. You must first moisten it well and then add fertilizing watering.

With a lack of molybdenum, spots appear on the leaves, the edges of the leaves curl, the flowers fall off. With a lack of iron, the formation of chlorophyll stops, the leaves turn light yellow (chlorosis). Potassium helps the plant absorb carbon dioxide from the air. Potash mineral fertilizers include potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, 40% potassium salt, etc. Fertilizers for plants.
Magnesium - helps to increase the productivity of plants, Only suitably prepared fertilizer is poured into the beds. The mullein is preliminarily kept in heaps for at least 2-3 months. First, you need to pour a layer of peat on the ground. Then a layer of mullein is spread on it, then peat again, etc. It turns out a kind of "layer cake". The approximate thickness of each layer is 20 cm. Instead of peat, it is allowed to use ordinary soil. It is with this solution that you can feed roses, such an infusion contains more all the necessary trace elements for nutrition, the development of roses. On a pot with a diameter of 10 cm 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar. Sand is poured onto the surface of the ground before watering once a week. It is possible in solution - 2 teaspoons per glass of water, once a week. Cacti especially respond to sugar feeding.
Azaleas, camellias Over-fertilized plants fatten, later bloom, underdeveloped buds die off. Cut flowers of over-fertilized plants do not hold well in water. Now fertilizers are produced in the form of insoluble powders and granules, tablets and sticks, as well as liquid fertilizers. Be sure to indicate the percentage of this fertilizer and instructions for use on the label. Powders and granules are widely used in horticulture, for open ground. V indoor floriculture it is better to use tablets or sticks that are submerged in the soil. But there are significant drawbacks here. Firstly, nutrients are concentrated in one place, and secondly, if necessary, for example, with the onset of a dormant period, this top dressing is difficult to extract from the soil. Therefore, the most effective liquid fertilizers. The concentration of fertilizing watering should be low, especially at the beginning of plant growth. Best Action have more frequent watering with a weak solution. For most indoor flowering plants, it is recommended to apply full mineral fertilizer at least twice - during the period of budding or flower bud formation.
Seed treatment in solutions of microelements Boron Potassium is especially necessary for flowers, with a lack of potassium, flowers are not formed or they are very small. With a lack of phosphorus and potassium, the leaves turn yellow from the edges and begin to gradually fall off, the growth of plants is sharply delayed. A characteristic sign of potassium starvation is a light border over the entire surface of the leaf. In addition, with a lack of potassium, plants are more easily exposed to fungal diseases.
Nutrients are found in the soil in the form of mineral and organic compounds... Plant nutrients are obtained from the soil in dissolved form through root system... However, it is possible to provide plants with nutrients to a certain extent through the leaves (foliar feeding). As well as calcium, zinc, etc. Cover the top with a layer of soil. This way you can avoid the appearance of unpleasant odors, as well as the loss of part nutrients.​
I personally grow roses myself - but I prefer to do without organic fertilizers, that is, manure. Top dressing with castor oil. And some other plants prefer acidic soil. For them, special fertilizers are produced, containing in the optimal ratio, first of all, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as all the necessary trace elements.
Even now, when you can buy almost any fertilizer in the store, many indoor flower owners fertilize their plants with organic fertilizers brought from their dacha or garden. Organic fertilizers improve physical properties soil, increase its ability to absorb moisture, reduce soil acidity, improve its aeration. Plants during the dormant period or at the end of the growth period before the dormant period,
Fertilizing plants through the soil and through the leaves during the period of plant growth and development; Boron< необходим растениям для нормальной жизнедеятельности точек роста, т.е. самых молодых частей растения.​ Sulfur
Substance In excess Cattle manure mixed with straw, hay or peat from the litter of these animals. Mullein is a strong fertilizer. Therefore, even in a rotted form, it must be used carefully. Dry fertilizer is applied to the soil mainly only in the spring, when preparing the beds. On the surface of the soil, rotted manure is scattered with a layer of 3 cm for tomatoes, peppers and cabbage and a layer of 2 cm for cucumbers and zucchini, and then dug into half a shovel bayonet. Dry mullein is sometimes used in summer as mulch (after watering and loosening the beds).
Before planting seedlings, the roots of roses must be dipped into the prepared special mixture fertilizers. A teaspoon of castor oil is poured into a liter of water and shaken well. Fertilized during flowering and fruiting. Epiphytic bromeliads and tillandsia Humus
A newly transplanted plant and a newly purchased plant (feeding no earlier than 2 weeks later), Introduction of microelements into a mixture of organo-mineral fertilizers.

Ways of using trace elements:

  • With a lack of boron, the apical buds die off and rot, and young plants die.
  • Sulfur is essential for normal plant growth and development. Special sulfur fertilizers are not applied to the soil, since sulfur is contained both in manure and in superphosphate, which are introduced into the soil.
  • Nitrogen

Peat as bedding - such manure is characterized by an increased concentration of ammonium nitrogen, which plants absorb better than normal nitrogen.

Signs of excess minerals are as follows:

  • Do not use it in this way only for carrots. If you fertilize a bed under it with manure, it will grow "shaggy". A slightly different fertilizer is prepared for this culture - liquid mullein. In the summer, when the plants have already been planted, other crops are fed this way. To get this kind of fertilizer, you need a container of some kind. It is filled with manure up to half, and then warm water is added to the very top of the container, covered with a lid.
  • But first, the rose seedlings are cut to leave 3-4 shoots with two or three buds on each shoot. The roots of roses should be pruned to 15–20 cm.
  • Some craftsmen fertilize flowers
  • Assimilate water and nutrients with their leaves. Therefore, a fertilizer solution for these species must be available for the absorption of nutrients by the scales and leaves of the leaves. For these plants it is better to use liquid fertilizer which does not contain any salts, as they clog the pores on the leaves. It is best to purchase a hydroponic fertilizer mix from a store. The nutrient solution is either poured into a rosette of leaves, or the plant is sprayed with it, or the entire plant is immersed in it.

When to fertilize.

- (rotted manure) - an extremely valuable fertilizer. An infusion is used as a fertilizing watering

Sick plants, when the cause of the painful condition is not established, Plants with a decayed root system ( root rot if the plant was heavily flooded, etc.),

It should be noted that the excess mineral substances adversely affects plants.


With a lack of sulfur, the leaves become light, the growth and development of the plant stops.

  • Nitrogen is a part of complex compounds from which protein is built - the basis of living matter. Nitrogen is also part of chlorophyll, which plays important role in plant photosynthesis. Nitrogen is used to feed plants with nitrogen. mineral fertilizers(ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate) and organic fertilizers (manure or slurry).
  • Straw and hay bedding - manure is enriched with sufficient potassium and phosphorus. These elements are necessary for development, full-fledged growth, imparts resistance to changes in air temperature.
  • This mixture is left to ferment for 1-2 weeks. During this time, it is thoroughly mixed several times. The result is a liquid mullein, an extraordinarily effective fertilizer. For watering, the resulting composition must be diluted. 3-4 buckets of water are taken on a bucket of such concentrated slurry and the beds are watered at the rate of 10 liters per square meter... If the soil is damp, the solution can be made a little stronger.
  • And now we dip the roots of the roses into the fertilizer solution, which is prepared like this

What fertilizers are there:

Milk, meat

Cactus Mullein It is not recommended to feed cacti with organic fertilizers. Drooping leaves; Manganese increases the assimilation of carbon dioxide in plants, i.e. plays an important role in photosynthesis. Calcium

Nitrogen is especially necessary for the leaves, with a lack of nitrogen, the leaves turn pale green, plant growth is delayed, the leaves become smaller.

A solution of medium density consistency, there are no foreign impurities of peat or hay. This fertilizer contains on average 50-70% ammoniacal nitrogen. This solution is used to prepare a liquid mullein, which is used as a top dressing for fruit, garden trees and garden crops.In autumn, the dry mullein is crushed and scattered over the entire area at the rate of 4 kg per square meter. Potatoes are most often fertilized with mullein using a slightly different method. When planting, they simply throw a handful of fertilizer into each hole. This will be quite enough.Put a clay shovel and a mullein shovel in a bucket, add water to 3/4 of the volume, stir everything thoroughly. Or Out of steppe zones and deserts grow slowly. Therefore, they need not a large number nitrogen. If you feed the cactus with dung water or fertilizer for azaleas, then the accelerated growth will lead to the fact that the skin of the plant will burst, the plant may die (1 part manure to 10 parts water). Manure top dressing does not contain enough phosphorus, so superphosphate can be added to it at the rate of 12-15 g per bucket of top dressing. There are plants, for example Plants require different fertilizers at different periods of growth and development.

White crust on the surface of the soil and the outer wall of the ceramic pot (in areas with soft water); With a lack of manganese, the plants are low-leafed. Calcium is also very essential for plants. If there is a lot of magnesium and little calcium in the solution, then magnesium harms the plant.

Special fertilizers.

Excess nitrogen - the leaves turn dark green, flowering (and fruit ripening in lemon, orange, etc.) is delayed.

Liquid top dressing, which is often used for periodic plant feeding, previously diluted with water. To prepare a concentrated infusion from slurry, it should be placed in a fermentation vessel, this process takes about two weeks. At the end of fermentation, a working solution is prepared. For this, the concentrated liquid is diluted with water (1: 2). Such a dressing is poured under the roots of plants, in order to increase the effect, superphosphate can be added to the solution (for 10 liters - 50 g of substance). Mullein is a universal fertilizer. If it is possible to use it in your garden, this must be done. Manure is in any case preferable to mineral chemical fertilizing.Roses should be properly fed with Azofoskoy 5 grams, nitrofoskoy 8 gamma or compound fertilizer 10 grams per one bush at the age of 3 to 6 years. Roses will bloom more luxuriantly if you add half a glass of dry chicken droppings and ash. All this is introduced into the water There are so-called home remedies for plant feeding, if you are not a professional florist or botanist, it is better not to experiment, otherwise you will harm the plant much more than good.

Home dressing.

Nitrogen fertilizers

Dry brown spots on the leaves, dry edges of the leaves; Copper Lack of calcium weakens root growth, the tops of the stems and young leaves die off. Calcium is especially necessary for cacti with large or multiple thorns.


Mullein - fertilizer is used according to certain rules... It is not recommended to use fresh manure to fertilize the soil just before planting, as it can harm the plants. The decomposition of manure in the soil is accompanied by an increased temperature. For this reason, mullein is introduced into the soil in the fall before cultivation - 4 kg per 1 square meter; Mullein is a fertilizer that is used by many experienced gardeners and gardeners. Mullein is natural universal remedy suitable for almost all types of plants: vegetables, flowers and garden trees, due to the fact that it enriches the soil with unique nutrients. It is possible, like almost all plants, but you need to do it at the right time and observe the proportions. Mullein is a fertilizer rich in nitrogen and microelements. Nitrogen promotes the growth of the plant and the formation of additional shoots, but you can burn the mullein. nitrogen fertilizers at the end of summer and in autumn, the roses will not prepare well for wintering and may freeze and have good results, but this, as they say, is “tricky for invention”. It is easier to buy fertilizer than to be perverted, and what to do with it is written there.

So, for example, watering the plants with water infused with eggshells causes plants that are susceptible to calcium and magnesium salts (which are very fond of feeding with mullein. It is best to spread the walls of the pot with a cow cake when transplanting them, and then cover the earth. Contribute to enhanced stem growth and lush foliage.With an excess of nitrogen, plants fatten, the growing season lengthens, and the beginning of flowering is delayed, and the plant is easier to get sick with fungal diseases. In summer, plant growth stops, and in winter, weak, elongated stems can be seen. Copper participates in redox processes in plants, increases plant resistance to fungal diseases.

Can roses be fertilized with mullein?



A k s i n y a

Phosphorus is part of the so-called nucleoproteins - the main constituent of the cell nucleus. Phosphorus mineral fertilizers include superphosphate, phosphorite flour, etc. Regular feeding of indoor plants with fertilizers should become a common procedure for you, since many so-called plant diseases are caused precisely improper care... The most important thing to do is to give up fertilizers for garden plants, as the calcium carbonates they contain can cause significant harm to indoor plants.

Mullein is one of the most readily available organic fertilizers. It is widely used both on an industrial scale and in small areas... Many plantings respond well to the mullein, including tomatoes that are popular in our country. Mullein feeding of tomatoes is carried out several times per season. Fertilization allows you to get a more plentiful and tasty harvest, improve the structure of the soil and facilitate the care of crops.

What is mullein, fertilizer composition

Mullein is a cow dung-based nutrient solution. The fertilizer contains a complex of the most essential substances for the growth of green mass and fruiting of horticultural crops:

  • nitrogen - for active vegetation;
  • phosphorus - without it, ovaries will not form;
  • potassium - a macronutrient required during the flowering period;
  • magnesium - participates in photosynthesis;
  • calcium and other elements.

Nitrogen and potassium are predominant in mullein. Because of this, the timing and amount of dressings must be strictly observed so as not to overfeed the plant. Excess nitrogen forces the vegetative parts of tomatoes to outgrow to the detriment of the growth of ovaries and fruits.

The chemical composition of manure depends on the food that the animals ate. Nevertheless, mullein is in any case a complex of all macro- and microelements necessary for the normal development of plants.

How fertilizer works: when applied, the soil fertility increases significantly, as the amount of humus - the nutrient layer - increases. The soil becomes not only nutritious, but also looser. This facilitates the access of oxygen to the plant roots.

Benefits of feeding tomatoes and other crops with cow dung:

  1. Versatility - the fertilizer is suitable for both fruit and vegetable and even decorative plantings.
  2. Raw materials are very cheap, and if there are cattle on the farm, they are free.
  3. Manure is an environmentally friendly fertilizer.
  4. It is very simple and quick to prepare.
  5. The action lasts for a long time: the fertilizer is mineralized gradually, providing nutrition to the crops throughout the season.
  6. All substances in mullein are easily absorbed by plants.
  7. Diluted manure can be used even if the plants are quite healthy and do not need enhanced feeding.
  8. Mullein serves as food for beneficial microorganisms in the soil, helping them to reproduce.
  9. Insoluble compounds in the soil, after applying manure, easily pass into digestible.
  10. The soil with the mullein in the composition warms up faster in the spring.

How to cook mullein for tomatoes

In pure form cow dung it is dangerous to use as it has high fever decomposition. Incorrect fertilization ratios will burn the root system, which will greatly weaken the plant.

Mullein is often confused with slurry. Fertilizers are prepared from one raw material, but the slurry is dangerous due to the presence of pathogenic bacteria. Mullein is a fermented solution. While the slurry ferments, bacteria die. Mullein works no worse than slurry, but it is considered more in a safe way feeding.

How to make tomato mullein:

  1. First, a bucket of fresh manure is diluted with 4-5 buckets of water.
  2. Stir everything thoroughly.
  3. The solution is transferred to a warm place. Fermentation times vary from 3-4 days to 2 weeks. The container is covered with a lid. Every 2-3 days it is opened slightly to mix the solution.
  4. The cow dung will ferment, as a result of which dangerous microorganisms will die and uric acid will evaporate. Because of this substance, the root system gets burned. Signal that the fermentation process has begun, bubbles rising to the surface. After about a week, the color of the solution will begin to change to a lighter color. Solid particles will settle to the bottom.
  5. The fermented mass must be diluted again before use. There should be at least 2 times more water. Recommended proportions for tomatoes are 1: 4 or 1: 3.
  6. The solution is insisted and stored under closed lid so that valuable substances do not evaporate.

Advice! To enrich the mullein, some vegetable growers supplement the fertilizer: for 10 liters of liquid - 100 g of superphosphate and 500 g wood ash.

Rules and timing of feeding

The term for feeding tomatoes with mullein is spring. Fertilizer is most effective at this time of year. The first introduction is carried out at the beginning of the growing season. Repeat - with the beginning of flowering. The third fertilization is planned for the formation of ovaries.

In the second half of summer, when the plant redirects its forces to the ripening of fruits, watering with a mullein is undesirable: nitrogen provokes the bushes to build up green mass. Because of this, the harvest may not be as plentiful.

How to properly feed tomatoes with mullein:

  1. The approximate consumption of the finished solution is 10 liters per 1 m 2. For one plant, 0.5 l of fertilizer is enough.
  2. After the seedlings take root, the first dose of mullein is introduced. The approximate period is 15-20 days after disembarkation on the site or in the greenhouse.
  3. It is not necessary to water the beds with a solution; to introduce the mullein, shallow grooves are first dug. They are made around each plant on one or two sides. It is perfectly acceptable to dig out the grooves between the rows.
  4. After irrigation with fermented manure, the grooves are covered with soil.
  5. The next watering is carried out no earlier than 14 days after the first. It is good if you manage to guess and add the mullein on the day of blooming of the second, and then the third brush.

Precautions in fertilizing tomatoes

There are cases when the mullein did not bring the expected result. This does not mean that the fertilizer is useless, it just was applied in an inaccurate dosage or at the wrong time. Soil properties also affect the effectiveness of manure feeding.

  1. No need to pour mullein under tomato bushes for more three times for the season.
  2. Organic matter should not be overused if the soil for tomatoes is nutritious and loose.
  3. It is necessary to fill the mullein in the aisle only after abundant moisture in the beds.

Mullein alternatives

Cattle droppings are not the only fertilizer of this kind. Rabbit droppings are used to feed the bushes. How is he better or worse than a mullein?

Rabbit dung also contains nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and a number of other valuable elements. Even the heaviest clayey soils become loose after regular introduction of rabbit droppings for three years... This type of organic matter is used much less often than cow dung, but as an alternative it will also be useful.

As in the case of cow dung, rabbit excrement is introduced into the soil only in a rotted form. Tomatoes are sensitive to an excess of nitrogen, therefore fertilizer dosages are strictly observed: manure is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:15. You need to pour the liquid into the grooves around the bushes.

Despite the ease of preparation and availability of the mullein, its action can exceed all expectations. Three-time spring feeding is more than realistic to increase the yield of even a weak variety of tomatoes. However, fertilizing the beds with fermented manure should be done with caution: although in a dissolved form, it still remains a potent agent. In case of overdose, the mullein will cause harm instead of use. If you observe the proportions, the benefits will not be long in coming.

In order for a tomato planted in a greenhouse or greenhouse to please the gardener with a good harvest of tasty fruits, it is necessary not only to create in the greenhouse or greenhouse the modes of humidity, illumination and temperature necessary for the plants. For good growth and fruiting of tomatoes, a wide variety of nutrients are needed, which must be complete and balanced. If tomatoes do not receive any of the nutrients they need, then the cost of such a deficiency is quite high: their growth slows down or even stops altogether, it is difficult to set and ripen fruits. In the event that an excessive amount of organic or mineral fertilizers was applied to feed the tomatoes in the greenhouse, then the plants are inhibited and may die, as there is severe dehydration.At every stage of its development, the tomato needs various feedings, which we will discuss in more detail ...

What, when and how to fertilize greenhouse tomatoes

Quite often, home-grown tomato seedlings stretch very much, and by the time they are transplanted into the greenhouse they look, to put it mildly, "not very". (See How to fertilize tomatoes) If, despite all your efforts and a couple of weeks after transplanting tomato seedlings to a permanent place, it looks pale, thin and weak, then the first and second feeding of tomatoes in a greenhouse or greenhouse is carried out with an aqueous solution of a mullein, dissolving in 10 liters of water 1 liter of mullein and adding:

  • 50 g ash;30g superphosphate; and by 0.3 g (at the tip of a knife) manganese sulfate and boric acid .

Each plant should receive about half a liter of the working solution. The interval between the first and second fertilization should be at least a week, optimally - 10 days.It is important: you should not overfeed the tomatoes before setting the fruits with ammonium nitrate, mullein, or bird droppings, since an excess of nitrogen in the soil will lead to the plant "healing" - it will form a strong stem with abundant foliage, however, it will not bloom and bear fruit. if you have applied too much nitrogenous fertilizers with your own hands and your tomato has "healed", then here is an instruction on how to fix it:

  1. During the week, you must not water the tomatoes. At the same time, we increase the daytime temperature in the greenhouse to + 24 + 260С and night - up to + 220С To stop the development of green mass of tomatoes, root feeding is carried out with an aqueous solution of superphosphate, diluting 3 tbsp. tablespoons of the drug in 10 liters of water... The resulting solution is used at the rate of 1 liter per plant.

When to apply top dressing

Experts, answering the question of when and how to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse, recommend adhering to a certain scheme for applying various fertilizers during the growing season of tomatoes.

  • The first application of mineral fertilizers is carried out through 14-20 days after planting seedlings in the greenhouse. For this, 1 st is bred. spoon of nitrophosphate in 10 l of water.The second time the tomatoes are fed through 7-10 days after the first fertilization. For this feeding, a solution is used 1h l potassium sulfate in 10 l of water. Two weeks after the second feeding, a solution is introduced, consisting of:
  1. 2 tbsp. tablespoons of wood ash; 1 tbsp. tablespoons of superphosphate; 10 liters of water.
  • During fruiting, greenhouse tomatoes, to accelerate the ripening of fruits, can be fed the following composition: 1st st. l nitrophoska, 1 h. l of dry powder of sodium humate, diluted in 10 liters of water. For each 1m2, 5 liters of working solution are consumed.

Nutrients required for greenhouse tomatoes

Tomatoes grown in greenhouses or greenhouses need mineral fertilizers containing:

  • potassium;phosphorus;nitrogen.

Let us dwell in more detail on the question of when and how to feed the tomatoes in the greenhouse.


Nitrogen fertilizers are necessary at two main stages of tomato development:

  1. After transplanting into a greenhouse or greenhouse. After the formation of ovaries on the first two clusters in most tomato bushes.

As mentioned above, if the seedlings have greatly outgrown, and besides, they were grown in low light conditions, and after transplanting they remain weak and elongated, then after 10 days it can be fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Such root top dressing will give a powerful impetus to the increased growth and development of the root system and the bush itself. After the ovaries on the first two brushes have formed on most tomato bushes, you can carry out top dressing with nitrogenous fertilizers. At this time, nitrogen introduced into the soil will not be used to form green mass, but will be directed to the formation and development of fruits.


Tomato, a very rapidly developing plant, which requires potassium for development, which contributes to the formation of stems, the setting and development of fruits, the manifestation of varietal taste as well as beautiful outward appearance... Among other things, potassium contributes to the resistance of tomatoes to various diseases. (See Diseases of tomatoes in the greenhouse) The greatest need for potassium fertilizers in tomatoes in the following periods of development:

  1. During the opening of the third and fourth true leaves, when the generative organs of the plant are laid, from the moment the ovaries are formed, until the ripening of the fruits.

Signs of potassium deficiency on tomato leaves If a tomato bush is deficient in potassium, then, as you can see in the photo, the plant "signals" this:

  • twisting the edges of the leaf blade; color change from rich green to yellowish-bronze; uneven ripening of fruits.


Phosphorus fertilizers applied to the soil contribute to the resistance of plants to various unfavorable conditions, the development of a strong root system and good fruit setting. In addition, phosphorus is involved in the absorption of other nutrients by plants, in particular nitrogen. If tomatoes are deficient in phosphorus, then you can see this by the following signs:

  • the leaf blade begins to roll up along the main vein; red and purple spots appear on the underside of the leaf; slowing down the ripening process.

Tip: the first feeding of tomatoes in the greenhouse can be carried out while planting seedlings in a permanent place. To do this, add 10-15 g of superphosphate to each prepared well.

Trace elements

Table of macro and microelements necessary for tomatoes In addition to macronutrients, tomatoes need a large amount of microelements. In the opinion experienced gardeners for good fruiting and obtaining a high-quality harvest of tomatoes, you need about 20 trace elements.

  1. Video: seminar on growing tomatoes

Tomatoes are a plant that adorns almost any home garden. This is one of the most delicious and healthy vegetables that is planted both for seasonal consumption and for preservation for the winter. middle lane and in the southern regions of Russia, you can grow tomatoes in the open field. For example, in the Rostov, Voronezh, Tambov regions, there will be no problems, there is enough heat for the full growing season of these plants, but in the Pskov and Leningrad regions (and, moreover, to the north) growing tomatoes without shelter is a rather risky undertaking. But even here you can get good harvests in the open field, if you follow certain conditions:

  • Early planting of seedlings. Competent fertilization for tomatoes at all stages of growth and development. The use of agrotechnical methods to accelerate the ovary and ripening

Seedling tomato

Receiving, selection and disinfection of seeds

Seedling seeds can be purchased at the store. You need to choose well-proven, zoned varieties that have consistently passing from generation to generation genetic traits. For example, for growing tomatoes in open ground in the middle lane, the following varieties are suitable:

  • Verlioka, Katya, Arktika, Native, Nevsky, Yamal, Far North, Apples in the Snow. They are also recommended for greenhouse cultivation in the northern regions of the country.

There is more choice for the southern regions. Here you can plant nightshades with a long growing season and a larger fruit mass of the final product. It:

  • "Fifty", "Taman", "Salad pink", "Hi-Peel", "Shiva", etc. ...

Another way to get seeds is to get them from your garden. For this, strong ripe tomatoes are selected (it is better to let them ripen on a bush, without ripening) and kept on the windowsill until they become soft (rotting must not be allowed).

The prepared tomato is cut in half, the seeds are squeezed into a jar and fermented. To do this, they should be left in the bank for 2-4 days. Quality seeds will separate from the pulp and settle to the bottom.

Selection of planting material

Before planting, the seeds should be sorted by placing them in a glass of water for 10 minutes and stirring with a wooden stick. Seed material suitable for planting will sink to the bottom, and lightweight specimens will remain on the surface. Some sources advise to warm tomato seeds before planting, for the emergence of friendly shoots. The benefits of this procedure are doubtful, because by heating the seeds at high t °, you can deplete the moisture supply that they contain.

How to "pickle" tomato seeds?

Previously, for this purpose, a solution of potassium permanganate was most often used (1 g per 0.5 glass of water), in which the seeds were kept for 20 minutes, and then they were thoroughly washed with water. But now the drug KMnO? has practically disappeared from sale, and gardeners are using other methods to disinfect seeds:

  • For example, aloe juice, in which tomato seeds are placed for one day, and then left to dry without washing.

"Etching" is necessary, because even the best fertilizers for tomatoes will not help to get a good harvest from diseased plants, and after such treatment, adult bushes are practically not affected by anything.


The most popular among gardeners - amateurs were the following preparations for stimulating seed germination: "Epin", "Zircon" and "Guamat"... They are good not only because they are growth catalysts when growing tomatoes, feeding their seeds with useful microelements, but they are also environmentally friendly fertilizers with organic nature. The soaking temperature in these preparations should not be lower than 15 °, otherwise the effect of elements on the seeds will be incomplete. ...

It is best to use a solution with t = 20-22 ° C. But it is absolutely impossible to soak tomato seeds in a solution of ash.... This beneficial fertilizer will come in handy in the next stages of plant growth and development.

Now it will have a depressing effect, due to the presence of mineral salts in it. Potash fertilizers for tomatoes are not used at this stage. for the same reason. Tomato seeds need, on average, 18 hours to swell. After that, they are taken out of the water so that they do not suffocate, since during germination they need oxygen.

Germinating seeds

This procedure is simple and fairly quick. It is best to place the seed in a well-ironed gauze that can be dampened with water or a diluted growth stimulant (Epin, for example). They germinate within 1-2 days, the most important thing is not to miss this moment, otherwise roots will grow, which will claw into the fabric, and get stuck there.

Growing seedlings

It is necessary to take care of this issue in central Russia already at the beginning of March. In the northern regions, seedlings are planted at this time for subsequent transplantation into greenhouses. In the south, it is planted in April, sometimes even in May.

But here there is no fundamental need for it, you can plant nightshade seeds directly into the ground.

Soil preparation

First you need to prepare the soil for tomato seedlings. There are many recipes for this mixture. Here is one of the most popular: For 1 part of garden or sod soil (the land on which nettles grew in summer is ideal), 1.5 parts of humus, 1 peat, and 0.5 river sand are taken.

To ensure calcium balance, add 1 cup of crushed eggshells. Note that mineral fertilizers are not needed at this stage. They will be needed later, when it will be necessary to feed adult plants for ovary and pouring fruits.

Soil treatment

The resulting soil mixture must be steamed. This is done in a variety of ways, from heating a bucket over a fire to the oven.

Disinfection and destruction of fungi and putrefactive bacteria, as well as aphid larvae and the cessation of the vital activity of weeds is achieved using this procedure.Another way to cleanse pests from soil mixture for growing tomatoes is spill it with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. You will have to water in any case, after the soil is placed in the seedling containers, since the water helps it settle and compact.


After germination, the seeds are placed in the prepared soil to a depth of 0.5-0.7 cm, with the root down (if in doubt, put the seed on a flat side, the sprout and root will find themselves where to move). Before the first shoots appear, the pots with seedlings are placed in a warm place with a temperature of at least 25 ° C.

Some gardeners cover the pots with plastic bags to enhance the thermal effect. This can also be done, but do not forget to periodically air the plantings.

Seedling care

To ensure adequate nutrition you can water young plants with an ash extract. This is done no more than twice during the entire period of "home" growth. One more method of feeding young plants - yeast solution.

It can be prepared as follows: 5 grams of bread yeast is diluted in 5 liters of water, and left for one day. Then the seedlings are fed with this suspension, but not more often than once during the entire growth period.

You cannot store the resulting mixture for more than 2 days. You can also use fast-acting yeast as fertilizer for tomatoes. A mixture of them is made like this: One bag of yeast and two tablespoons of sugar are poured into a glass warm water, mix, waiting for complete dissolution. Insist 2 hours, and the resulting working solution is added during watering at the rate of 0.5 liters per 10 liters of water.

"Moving" seedlings to the garden

Tomato bushes, ready for planting, should have the first brush with ovaries and the second, flowering brush. You should not plant them directly on the garden bed. First, you need to harden the plants, this is one of the main conditions for growing tomatoes in the open field.

It is advisable to start on a cloudy day, putting the pots of plants outside for 15-20 minutes, increasing the time outdoors every day. There is another way (if you came to the dacha for one day in order to plant seedlings in open ground) - cover the plants plastic bottles or with plastic buckets. For this, a bottle with a volume of 5 liters or more is taken, the bottom is cut off from it. It is installed above the tomato bush in such a way that there is a gap on one edge between its lower cut and the soil for air circulation.

Scheme: an example of the arrangement of tomato bushes in the garden

Outdoor tomato care

Into the ground before planting seedlings, organic fertilizers must be applied... For one square meter, the following consumption rate per 1 square meter is recommended: wood ash - 0.5 l, compost or humus - 1 bucket, urea -1 tsp. After the plants take root well, top dressing should be carried out.

For this, phosphorus and potash fertilizers are used for tomatoes. At the first stage, it is better not to feed nightshades with nitrogen.

Its excess leads to a rapid growth of the vegetative mass, to the detriment of the formation of ovaries. Liquid fertilizer from ash can be very useful for development at this stage. It nourishes the plant with those elements that are necessary for the growth of the bush, and the formation of flowers and ovaries.

At the stage of flower formation, it is also worth feeding nightshades with ready-made fertilizers, such as Sudarushka-Tomat, a universal chlorine-free complex. It is used to prevent fungal diseases and increase yields. The method of introduction is as follows - 1 spoon (teaspoon), dissolved in 10 liters of water. Pour 0.5 l under each bush. In open ground near tomatoes sometimes a typical "greenhouse problem" appears - tomatoes bloom, but do not set... But the root causes of this phenomenon are different than those of plants in open ground:

  1. Early planting of seedlings.

Fertilizing tomatoes

Every gardener dreams that his tomato harvest is the best. To do this, you need to regularly feed the tomatoes with various fertilizers. Let's take a closer look at this process, discussing all the do's and don'ts.

The most important thing is choosing the right fertilizer for the tomatoes. For those who do not like to bother too much with this issue, you can simply enter the store and buy ready-made. As a rule, if there is a normal seller in the store, he will tell you which one is better and how to use it.

But if, nevertheless, you do not want to spend money, then you can make fertilizer for the tomato yourself.

  • The main factors that must be taken into account when growing tomatoes: Fertilizing tomatoes with mullein more than 3 times a season is highly not recommended; Do not grow tomatoes in excessively fertilized, oily organic soil; It is not recommended to put manure or bird droppings in the holes for tomatoes, otherwise you will get large green bushes, but there will be few tomatoes on them; At the beginning of the growing season, you can sprinkle with urea once, but you do not need to put it under the plant; Fertilizers cannot be changed, you need to redistribute to a specific complex of mineral and organic fertilizers and feed tomatoes in a strictly defined amount; Do not cost to grow different varieties on the same bed; Do not over-flood the tomatoes with water, this will interfere with the normal access of oxygen to the roots.

What minerals are needed for the normal growth of tomatoes

Despite the fact that tomatoes absorb from the soil many times more potassium and nitrogen than phosphorus. Tomatoes are still the most demanding vegetable crop to phosphorus nutrition.

Starting from the moment the seeds germinate, phosphorus helps to strengthen the roots, flowering occurs earlier than usual, the fruits ripen faster, and the total amount of the crop increases significantly. Thanks to phosphorus in fruits, the level of sugar content and dry matter increases. Scientists have found that 94% of the phosphorus sown in tomatoes goes to the formation of fruits.

Each kilogram of superphosphate powder contains 180 g of phosphoric acid, while the plant assimilates only 30-50 g, the rest goes into another form that is unacceptable for plants. It is better to fertilize tomatoes with granular superphosphate, in this form, phosphorus is better absorbed, which significantly reduces the cost of fertilization.

This is especially true for seedlings, young tomatoes still have a weak root system for the assimilation of sparingly soluble phosphorus compounds, so the use of granular superphosphate is very welcome. When planting seedlings, add 10-12 grams to each hole, this will accelerate growth and increase the yield by at least 10%.

Not an unimportant detail, there should be 2-3 cm of soil between the roots and the fertilizer. For normal fruiting, tomato also needs potassium.

But to obtain the proper effect from phosphorus-potassium dressings, it is possible only with a sufficient amount of nitrogen, preferably in ammonia form. Especially, nitrogen-potassium nutrition is necessary for a plant from budding to the end of fruiting, but everything should be in moderation.

The lack of potassium and nitrogen negatively affects the growth of tomatoes, the tomatoes become smaller. However, an excess of nitrogen leads to a delay in fruiting and the plants become more vulnerable to diseases. An excess of nitrogen or phosphorus leads to a lack of potassium.

Excess potassium - to a lack of calcium or magnesium. On light soils, with the introduction of potassium chloride, the need for mania increases in plants. Foliar feeding with microelements also has a good effect on tomatoes.

For example, spraying with boric acid has a positive effect on the spread of pollen, fertilization, and stimulates the ovary and fruit growth. Such top dressing is best done in the evening, at this time of day the nutrient solution dries out more slowly, and the morning dew on the leaves contributes to an even greater absorption of the nutrient solution by the plant. Thanks to manganese, the assimilation of carbon dioxide is accelerated, nitrate nitrogen is better absorbed and the growth of fruits is stimulated.

With a lack of boron and manganese, the buds die off. Copper improves metabolic processes. When growing early varieties of tomato in sandy soils, there may be a lack of copper and magnesium.

The process of feeding tomato seedlings

The key to a good harvest is strong and healthy seedlings. First of all, if the plant lags behind in growth, a white color appears, it is necessary to feed with bird droppings (1:10) or mullein (1: 8).

For 10 liters of such a solution, add 10 grams of potassium sulfate and 15 grams of ammonium nitrate. Pour half a glass onto the plant. After 8-10, we repeat the feeding only with the calculation of 1 glass per 1 tomato bush.

The third feeding is carried out two weeks later with a nutrient solution: 10 liters. water, 15 g of potassium chloride, 15 g of ammonium nitrate and 20 g of superphosphate. 2-3 days before planting seedlings, dry granular superphosphate is added to the ground, 2 g for each bush. Add new land and watered.

Fertilizing tomatoes

First feeding. For 10 liters of water, add half a liter of mullein, 2 tablets of micronutrient fertilizers, 1 tablespoon of nitrophosphate and half a teaspoon of boric acid. We feed this mixture in early June, pour one liter of the mixture under each tomato bush.

Held in early July. For 10 liters of water, half a liter of mullein, 2 micronutrient tablets and a tablespoon of potassium sulfate.

As in the previous case, also a liter for each bush. To prevent diseases, it is recommended to water with a solution of potassium permanganate (5 g per 10 liters of water) weekly for each bush. At the same time, before the beginning of fruiting in the ground, calculated per 1 sq. m. add: 5g. ammonium nitrate, 15-20g. superphosphate and 4g. potassium chloride.

During fruiting - saltpeter 10 g, superphosphate 10-15 g. It is best used in the form of a solution during watering. Regarding organic fertilizers such as manure or compost, it is better to apply it in the fall during digging 2-3 kg per 1 sq. m. And next year, already plant tomatoes on this site. Therefore, tomatoes are less responsive to direct application of organic fertilization.

Mullein is organic fertilizer which is made on the basis of cow excrement. There is no chemistry in the mullein, so many gardeners opt for it. Fresh it is used, added to compost. For tomatoes, diluted mullein is mainly used.


The amount of nutrients depends very much on the food that the animal eats and on the age of the cattle. It is noticed that the excrement of an adult individual contains fifteen percent more nutrients.

Manure contains a lot of nitrogen, which is responsible for building up greenery. Potassium and calcium are essential for fruit formation. And also phosphorus in small quantities. A substance such as magnesium is not found in all varieties of mullein, but tomatoes are also needed for full development. Manure contains small amounts of elements such as B, Cu, Mg, Zn, Co and Mo. Mullein decomposes for a long time, therefore it is able to nourish plants for much longer than mineral fertilizing.

Mullein species

it organic matter can be divided into three types, and all of them are successfully used in agronomy.

  • litter;
  • slurry;
  • litterless;

Litter- This is manure mixed with bedding materials, peat, straw, hay. If peat predominates as litter, it contains great amount ammonium nitrogen. Such dressing is better and faster absorbed by plants. As for the disadvantages, there is no magnesium in the litter manure.

If straw predominates in the substrate, it means that it contains magnesium, which is vital for plants, as well as potassium and phosphorus. This mixture is suitable for fertilizing the soil in the autumn and for composting.

Slurry- is a liquid fertilizer, it is not recommended to use it fresh. Since it can contain various viruses and bacteria that are dangerous to plants. It is used after the solution has fermented and all microorganisms have died. In it high rates nitrogen and potassium. Before use, it must be diluted with water. Some gardeners apply slurry in the fall for plowing, then during the winter it will have time to decompose and replenish the amount of nutrients in the soil. This fertilizer contributes to the active growth of tomatoes and an increase in yields. It is recommended to apply 5 kg of manure per 1 m2.

Litterless- by consistency of medium density, it has high nitrogen indicators. Mullein also contains other nutrients. Before use, it is diluted with water, used as irrigation for trees and various garden crops.

It is also worth noting that there is and factory mullein... For those who live in the city and do not have a farm, it can be problematic to get fertilizers. But due to the fact that progress does not stand still, various manufacturers began to produce it in convenient packaging. It can be a half-liter container, a liter or a five-liter one.


1 kg of dry granules can replace 4 kg of fresh substance.

Dry granulated mullein is packed in polyethylene and cardboard box... It is already disinfected and ready for use. Fertilizer should be applied to the soil strictly following the instructions. You can buy it at any gardening store. The most popular are "Radogor" or "Compost BIUD KRS".

Preparing mullein feeding

Rotten manure

During storage, water evaporates from the manure, and aggressive nitrogen decomposes. Substances are re-heated when composting. To do everything right, first you need to dig a deep hole, and cover its bottom with foil. Sawdust, foliage, grass are poured in the first layer and all this is watered with a mullein, then again sprinkled with sawdust. Alternate until the pit is full. Some gardeners recommend adding wood ash to the substrate.

Humus can be added to the soil during plowing; from 9 to 11 kg of the substance is usually used per 1 m2. You can also prepare an infusion for root feeding from it. For this, 1 kg of humus is added to 5 liters of water. Many gardeners from it prepare a substrate for growing seedlings. To do this, it is mixed with fertile soil, taking one part of humus and two parts of the earth.


In order to prepare it, you will need slurry or fresh manure. Upon contact with water and aging for 3 days, nitrogen hazardous to plants decomposes and becomes completely safe. Manure is added to water, observing a ratio of 1 to 5, then the liquid is stirred well and infused in a warm, sunny place for about 14 days. Bubbles are a sign of the onset of fermentation. Before watering the tomatoes, the mullein is again diluted with water.

This infusion is used in case of obvious signs of a lack of nitrogen, or when the growth of young plants is inhibited. To fertilize tomatoes at the stage of flowering and fruiting, experienced gardeners advise adding minerals to the solution.

Mullein with added minerals

At the time of flowering and fruiting, tomatoes are especially in need of elements such as potassium and phosphorus. Unfortunately, there are not enough of them in the mullein. But you can add them to the solution additionally. For example, half a kilogram of wood ash, or 100 grams of superphosphate, is added to 10 liters of the concentrated substance.

Thanks to such feeding, fruits will be actively set, and the yield will increase. The taste of the tomato will also improve.

Foliar feeding of tomatoes

With help foliar feeding useful substances are absorbed by the plant much faster than when they are introduced into the soil. But you cannot use a concentrated solution for this procedure, otherwise it can lead to unpredictable consequences. It is recommended to dilute the mullein with water at a ratio of 1:20. Tomatoes are sprayed in the evening or in cloudy weather, as direct sun rays after the procedure, there is a risk of getting burns.

Top dressing schedule

Top dressing at the seedling stage

Two weeks after the seedlings have appeared, you can feed the seedlings with a mullein solution. The substance is diluted with water 1:20, and the tomatoes are poured under the root. For the best effect, one spoonful of nitrophoska or 0.5 tsp can be added to the solution. boric acid.

Fertilization with mullein after planting in a permanent place

Tomatoes must adapt to new conditions, and after 14 days, you can add mullein in the same concentration as in the previous case by adding 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate. Such feeding activates the growth of the plant and brings the moment of flowering closer. For preventive purposes, add 3 grams of potassium permanganate to a bucket of substance. For undersized varieties, use approximately 500 ml of solution. For tall tomatoes, the dosage is increased.

Top dressing with mullein during the formation of ovaries

At this time, tomatoes especially need to add additional substances to the soil and experienced gardeners use the following recipe for this:

Add 1 liter of mullein to water (10 liters), 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate and 1/3 teaspoon of copper sulfate and mix thoroughly. Then the soil is fertilized with the resulting composition. Also, this dressing can be used at the stage of fruit ripening.

  1. Top dressing of tomatoes is carried out immediately after watering, in the morning or evening.
  2. To introduce the mullein, grooves are made next to the plant, into which manure is poured.
  3. Humus can be used as a mulch, it will simultaneously retain moisture in the soil, serve as an obstacle to growth weeds and will gradually saturate tomatoes with useful substances.
  4. Fresh manure can only be applied in the fall, before plowing the soil. Over the winter, he will repack and saturate the soil with vital microelements.
  5. If you use fresh, undiluted mullein, it will burn the root system of the plants.


Mullein is a universal fertilizer that has been successfully used by farmers for more than a dozen years. It serves as an excellent food for a variety of crops, not just tomatoes. Manure saturates the soil with various nutrients. But you need to use it very carefully, using it fresh or not observing the dosage can not only greatly harm the plants, but even lead to death.

Mullein is considered one of the most common fertilizers. It is used in the cultivation of fruit trees, berry bushes and vegetables, including tomatoes. The additive increases the level of humus in the soil, due to which the soil fertility increases.

Tomatoes, after watering with a mullein, grow more intensively, the ovaries form quickly, and fruiting occurs several days earlier.

Mullein is a waste of livestock. It is known and used as a fertilizer for a very long time. It includes:

Nitrogen compounds

They are responsible for the formation and development of new shoots, healthy leaves;


The substance affects the amount of the future harvest, improves the taste characteristics of the fruits, and is also responsible for their color and shape;


The element is necessary for the normal development of the root system, makes the stem powerful, and the tomatoes useful;


It is considered a necessary substance for the process of photosynthesis, promotes the formation of juicy pulp.

Such a nutritional composition of trace elements instantly affects the culture. Even after the first feeding on tomatoes, a positive effect is noted. Fertilizer can be bought in villages or summer cottages with livestock. Even though bad smell, the demand for mullein never subsides. Gardeners love feeding for whole line merits:

  • Natural origin:

Unlike many effective feeding obtained by chemical reactions, cow dung is obtained naturally and at correct use does not harm plants.

  • Good digestibility in soil:

The additive is well absorbed and quickly decomposes into many useful components, which immediately take effect.

  • Improving immunity:

In addition to nutrition, mullein helps to enhance the protective function of tomatoes.

  • Inexpensive cost.

Mullein species and uses

As you know, fertilizer can be liquid, solid, concentrated or diluted. Each fertilizer has its own characteristics, so you need to carefully study them before using.

Bed mullein

The substance contains solid cow excrement and particles of peat, straw, hay. The main element is nitrogen. It is represented by ammonium ions, which are better absorbed by tomatoes. Litter manure is used to prepare the soil in the autumn, as well as in the spring before planting tomatoes. They take 4-5 kilograms of fertilizer per square meter of soil and distribute it evenly in the soil. Then the earth is dug up.

The bedding mullein can be used to mulch the ground after watering. It helps to retain moisture in the ground, and during spring frosts will not let the tomato roots freeze. Dry mullein can be mixed with other supplements. Ash, crushed chalk or eggshells are added to it.

Liquid fertilizer

A liquid substance is absorbed in the ground better and faster than a solid substance. However, due to its high reactivity, the additive should be handled more carefully and carefully. So, too concentrated a solution can burn the culture.


Liquid feeding with cow dung must be diluted with water before use.

The main time for application is late spring and early summer. At this time, tomatoes are especially in need of mineral and organic elements. Usually, a mullein is watered under the stem of the plant. The breeding scheme is simple: 4-5 liters of water are taken for 1 kilogram of fresh manure. Stir the mixture and keep in a warm place for 5-6 days. Gas bubbles appear on the surface - uric acid is released. The acid is the main cause of root burn, as it is chemically aggressive. Every day the color of the mixture will become lighter and lighter, and at the end it will take on a greenish-white tint.

When about a week has passed, the liquid fertilizer is diluted 5 times more with water, poured into a watering can or bucket, and then the bushes are poured with infusion. One planting meter takes up to 10 liters of water. The average watering rate per bush is 1 liter. Top dressing is carried out 1 time in 10-14 days. For the whole summer, the amount of dressings can reach 4-5.

For decreasing bad smell to the additive, you can add a teaspoon of copper sulfate per 10 liters. It will make the smell less pronounced and will also strengthen the immune qualities of the seedlings. Copper sulfate prevents the development of harmful bacteria and fungal microorganisms.

Concentrated additive

In garden stores, you can sometimes find cow dung packaged in plastic bottles. It is produced in a special factory and goes through a cleaning stage, so the additive does not smell as strong as house manure. During production, the concentration of minerals and organics is significantly increased, which enhances the effect of the additive. If we compare the manufactured product with a conventional diluted mixture, the concentrate is five times more powerful than liquid mullein.

The concentrated additive should be diluted and used according to the instructions on the package. Top dressing is convenient in that it does not take up much space, and also does not take time to infuse the solution. Ease of use and efficiency have made the concentrate a favorite fertilizer for most gardeners.

Universal fertilizer best used before fruiting. The first feeding is carried out 2 weeks after transplanting the seedlings to a permanent place. The ground is fertilized a second time before flowering. A teaspoon of potassium sulfate is added to liquid cow dung. Repeat feeding after flowering. Then, when the tomatoes begin to sing, you can apply the dressing one more time for an abundant harvest.

If mullein is already used as a fertilizer, then the introduction of other fertilizers of a similar kind ( horse dung and chicken) is unacceptable. There is no need to use complex additives, the composition of which is also based on minerals and organics. An excess of fertilizer is bad for plants, tomato bushes wither away, and tomatoes are badly tied and ripen.

Sometimes inexperienced gardeners complain: feeding was carried out, but there was no effect and no. This can be caused for several reasons:

  • poor quality mullein. Perhaps the fertilizer has already fallen into disrepair, as it has been stored for too long;
  • insufficient concentration of fertilizer. When watering with a weak solution, the effect will certainly be, but it will take a long time to wait;
  • too early use of the supplement. If you water with cow droppings immediately after the tomatoes are planted, their development will be inhibited for several days. Transplanting is stressful for plants, and feeding increases it.

If you follow all the recommendations for preparing the supplement, as well as adhere to the tips, then cow dung will be a good helper in growing tomatoes. Its use is not difficult, but the result will surpass all expectations. Mullein even today is a serious competitor to many modern supplements with powerful chemical composition... Demand for it all year round does not decrease, and during the season, cow dung is difficult to buy.