Comparison of building materials for walls. What is the best way to build a house

When choosing a project for building a house, each owner expects to fulfill two conditions: the efficiency of assembly and the comfort of housing. That is why manufacturers offer high-quality and practical modern materials. And the latest technologies are also used. For example, technology smart House, which meets all the requirements and requests of the modern user.

New materials and their features

It is worth immediately paying attention to the fact that the latest technologies in construction and high-tech materials are different concepts, although they lie in the same plane. In particular, such piece products as:

  • foam concrete blocks;
  • gas blocks;
  • rounded log;
  • OSB boards;
  • Sandwich panels;
  • SIP panels;
  • other ...

These are production innovations that have recently appeared on the building materials market, however, they do not determine new technological methods, but have features in terms of installation. For example:

  • Block products (foam, aerated concrete) has a larger format than block bricks, has increased energy consumption, low weight, variable density. Due to these indicators, the construction period is reduced, workability increases and all high rates strength, comfort and practicality of a private home. Another plus is that the price of materials is lower than that of a brick, and due to the low weight of the structure, the arrangement of a lightweight foundation is shown.

  • Rounded log- natural material with all the characteristics natural wood, which has high heat capacity, but the price of the material is lower than that of glued laminated timber, although the practical qualities remain at a high level. The developer receives a convenient piece of material of a stable shape, saving on procurement, and thereby reducing the total cost of the project.
  • Panels. The product is also a piece production, ideal for a private developer. Convenience of the material in its full readiness for installation, that is, the panels are already equipped insulating layer, windproof membrane and moisture protection. You just need to mount a box of walls, ceilings and a roof - the house is ready. In some cases, panel sections have external and internal finishing. The price of materials is much lower than any other piece products, a light weight elements require a lightweight foundation, assembly is carried out without " wet processes", Lifting equipment is not always required for installation, which allows you to build a house with your own hands.

At the same time, all of these materials are of invaluable quality - they are able to embody any forms and formats of buildings, without requiring large investments from the developer.

New technologies and their features

The use of materials of a new order does not negate the use of building houses using new technologies. The combination of the two indicators provides not only the efficiency of the construction of buildings, but also a significant reduction in the cost of housing construction.


Extremely popular technology, which also has the definition of "movable formwork". The process was developed by domestic scientists and, when used, does not require not only the use of special equipment, but also allows you to literally manage with just one pair of hands.

TISE principle

The method is characterized by the installation of pile elements or the arrangement of a columnar foundation, supplemented by a grillage. An obligatory tool is a drill developed for the TISE technology. Wall panels for this lightweight foundation are assembled from a block piece product formed directly on the construction site: the mobile formwork acts as a form and moves along the wall panels as soon as the completed module hardens.

Technology advantages:

  1. Complete absence of cold bridges;
  2. A team of professionals is not needed, it is quite possible to do with your own hands and a couple of assistants to move the formwork and earthworks;
  3. The variability of the composition of the blocks, which reduces construction costs.

Advice! Most often, TISE technology uses two building materials: concrete and brick. Concrete blocks are characterized by high heat capacity, cladding bricks will give the structure strength, shape stability and additional rigidity.

Frame construction

This is one of the simplest and convenient ways construction of a private house. Variety of options for arranging the frame, light foundation, the ability to build houses up to 2 floors, great amount projects and the practicality of the house are the main advantages of the technology.


The construction of the frame begins immediately after the foundation is installed. The whole structure consists of block elements located horizontally, vertically or diagonally, articulated with each other different options... Used lumber, metal - it all depends on the financing and preferences of the developer.

It is only important to remember that metal carcass, although it is more durable, but requires drilling tools for metal, welding - these nuances can complicate the process of erecting the frame. Lumber good quality is not inferior to metal in terms of resistance, while simplifying the assembly process. Most often, a good quality timber is used, due to which both the shown rigidity of the frame and its geometric stability are preserved.

Modern construction frame houses allows several options for filling the walls:

  1. OSB slabs act as wall panels and are filled with any help thermal insulation material, for example, mineral wool, foam concrete, expanded clay backfill, polyurethane foam.
  2. Prefabricated panelboard SIP panels, already completed with insulation, wind, hydro-protective film.

Advice! Practicing modern materials and technologies for construction, it is necessary to consider the convenient use of all elements. In particular, if you build a house with SIP panels, then in order to manage on your own, you will have to either choose lightweight elements or hire lifts, since wall panel elements are often heavy in weight. But it all depends on the preferences of the owner of the house.

Technology advantages

  1. The lightness of the structure does not require the construction of heavy and powerful foundations, which means that the construction of a house is available on any soil without additional earthwork;
  2. Minimum construction costs and the possibility of quick redevelopment, completion of the building;
  3. External variability, interior cladding- panels and sheets are easy to accept Decoration Materials, so you can change the look of the house at least every season.

3D panels

These are, perhaps, the latest technologies in construction, which are still little known and available to developers. Despite the cheapness, availability is limited by ignorance and nothing else, because construction using 3D panels is nothing more than a modified version of the frame construction of houses.

The panels are manufactured in industrial conditions, they are not a kind of prefabricated panel board element, but a monolith of a polystyrene foam plate, additionally reinforced with reinforcing mesh structures on both sides. Such systems are connected to each other by metal reinforcement rods, passing through the entire structure, due to which not only the stability of the shape of the panels is preserved, but also explains the high strength, resistance to any natural influences. At the same time, the extremely light weight of the structure is preserved, and the assembly does not present any difficulties.

Technology advantages

In the standard sense, a 3D panel structure does not have any "rigid frame"; instead, the developer receives a panel element connected with a rigid paper clip and thereby forms load-bearing Wall panels... After the installation of these panels, the entire structure is filled with a concrete "jacket", which only increases all the advantages of such a house:

  1. The polymers used to create the panels have high energy efficiency, which means that heat loss in such a house will be minimal;
  2. Ease of assembly ensures the efficiency of development;
  3. Manufactured in an industrial setting guarantees quality as individual element, and the entire building as a whole;
  4. There is no need to create a heavy foundation, 3D panels even in concrete pouring do not have a heavy mass.

Important! The material is much simpler than any block products in the sense that when hanging heavy cabinets no need to reinforce the wall with boards. At the same time, the price of 3D panels may well compete with foam, gas-block products.

Fixed formwork

Availability and ease of execution made this technology one of the most popular and often used in individual housing construction.

The principle of technology and its merits

As in the case of TISE, the use of non-removable formwork allows you to build a house alone. Other advantages are the following factors:

  1. The formwork is formed from block or panel structures, which, during the construction of the house, are located along the perimeter of the base and form a partition where the reinforcement is mounted and a concrete solution is poured, which gives the structure additional rigidity;
  2. The variability of the formwork filler allows you to save a lot on building a house;
  3. It is possible to build structures up to 2 floors, while the foundation remains lightweight due to the low weight of the entire building.

Advice! If you choose not only new technologies for the construction of private houses, but also the right materials filling, in this case, for wall formwork, you will not have to worry about additional heat-insulating materials.

Construction from SIP panels

As for this technology, the most modern materials are also used here, but the very essence comes down to a subspecies of frame construction. SIP panels are shield material of two chipboard boards, between which a heat-insulating and waterproofing material, an additional wind membrane is often present. The main advantage of such panels is their readiness for installation on site.

In addition, there are more pluses:

  1. Efficiency of assembly at home;
  2. The light weight of the panels, which allows the use of a lightweight foundation and do it yourself during construction.

Advice! Despite the seeming lightness of the panels, it is very durable material... The built house will not only be warm, practical, but also durable. SIP panels easily withstand hurricane winds, snowfalls and other influences external environment... At the same time, the material is easily assembled, bonded and, most importantly, the production of panels is possible only in an industrial environment, which, with a good selection of a supplier, guarantees excellent quality of piece elements.


Relatively new technology, used for the construction of private houses, the principle of which is also the use of fixed formwork. The difference from other methods is that the formwork is made not from expanded polystyrene block elements, but from slabs of chip-cement or cement-chip type. The outer plate has additional sealing and insulation made of expanded polystyrene. Permanent formwork can be different options thickness and is connected with a mortar of cement with an additive liquid glass, which gives moisture-repellent properties to the structure.

The advantages are the following factors:

  1. Light weight and thickness of wall panels;
  2. Lack of additional insulation;
  3. Efficiency of construction work;
  4. The strength of the building.

Applying new technologies in the construction of private houses, one should not forget about other nuances: as a rule, all modern technologies are not designed for multi-storey buildings, therefore, an accurate and high-quality calculation of the load and filling of buildings is required. And, of course, not the last point - materials. Manufacturers offer a huge range of products that are distinguished by excellent quality indicators at a reduced cost.

Each good host sooner or later comes across some kind of construction. Someone is building a garage, someone is a bathhouse, and some are aiming at self-erection a large mansion. Here the question arises as to which material is better to choose for building a house.

The main stages of construction include pouring the foundation, as well as the construction of walls. It is important for any owner that the aesthetic appearance of the structure is high level, the walls were warm, strong, and in general, the cost of building materials was not very high.

The most popular materials for building a house

Modern construction market rich and varied. Let's take a closer look at the top five most popular building materials for building a house.

  • One-piece profiled timber.
  • The log is rounded.
  • Brick.
  • Foam blocks.
  • Thermal panels.

What to give preference to? Each owner makes this decision independently, but for this it is worth studying all the pros and cons of each of the materials.


Wooden building materials for building a house have become very popular nowadays. Wooden walls have low thermal conductivity, but stable heat capacity. Even if the house has not been heated for some time, the resulting condensation will be absorbed into the wood when the stove is in operation. After that, the already heated air draws out moisture, and a special, favorable microclimate is created into the room. Conifers are often used in construction (pine, spruce, fir, larch, cedar). In addition to the popular one-piece profiled timber, rounded logs, glued, ordinary timber, carriage are used.

Solid profiled timber

Specially processed material. In a profiled bar, the content of wood resin is very high, thanks to this, buildings made of it are durable, not exposed to aggressive environmental influences.

Even in the last century, when choosing finishing and building materials, rarely did anyone stop at a profiled beam. When erecting the walls, manual adjustments were required. Now, thanks to modern technologies, the beams are processed on machines in such a way that they simply fit perfectly, the gaps between them are minimal.

This eco-friendly material doesn't cost too much. The walls keep the heat inside for a long time, they can be erected in a matter of days. Smooth, machined beams allow you to assemble a house like a puzzle.

Round log

When studying building materials for building a house, pay attention to the rounded log. Like timber, this building material is made from conifers... Unlike the first, a rounded log allows you to erect buildings that are more durable, all this is due to the shape of the material. Construction from rounded logs is also carried out in a short time.


The most popular building material for the construction of walls is brick. Outwardly, brick buildings are quite acceptable, they are very strong in strength, durable, and also environmentally friendly.

Silicate brick. This building material is very common. Buildings made of such bricks can last for more than a dozen years.

Clay brick. It has always been considered a symbol of something stable, indestructible. Such a brick has increased strength, frost resistance, immunity to aggressive atmospheric influences. However, the thermal performance of such a building material does not always meet expectations.

For the construction of reliable buildings, high-quality building materials are required. Brick factories offer a rich assortment of their products, which can be divided into three categories:

    1. Solid bricks, these include the following types: conditionally effective, ordinary, effective.
    2. Hollow bricks, the proportion of voids in them reaches 40%. Facing products also fall into this category.
    3. as well as large-format stones-bricks. The high thermal conductivity in this category is ensured by the honeycomb-shaped structural material.

Disadvantages, advantages of bricks

During transportation, especially over long distances, a small percentage of the product loses marketable condition, brick materials for building the walls of the house are crumbling. At the same time, their cost is very high.

The ability of bricks to retain heat is much less than that of wood. Walls built from conditionally effective or solid brick, additional insulation is always required. This problem is solved by three options: a ventilated facade - installation of a hinged insulation system, a heat-insulating plastering system, as well as three-layer walls with a heat layer.

The brick house is comfortable to live in. This design "breathes", provides air exchange, and at the same time has active thermal inertia. Having warmed up, brick walls keep warm for a long time and gradually give it to the room.

Foam blocks

If you need high-quality and at the same time inexpensive building materials for building a house, then pay attention to foam blocks.

Foam blocks are characterized by such qualities as heat resistance, high strength, low weight. Sharp drops temperatures do not affect the walls built from foam blocks. They do not crack or expand. There are many air bubbles inside the block, which increase the thermal insulation effect. For comparison: foam concrete walls have a thermal conductivity eight times higher than conventional concrete walls. The material is good not only for the construction of main walls, but also for internal floors. Thanks to this, the entire structure retains heat perfectly. Foam concrete structures do not require additional insulation. Heating costs are significantly reduced, by about 30%.

Pros of foam concrete structures

  • Due to the low weight, the pressure on the foundation is reduced.
  • Savings in finishing. Enough ordinary putty walls, plaster is not required.
  • Reducing labor intensity. One 15 kg foam block replaces 20 bricks, the total weight of which is 80 kg.
  • Honeycomb foam concrete blocks have excellent sound insulation properties.
  • Brick factories produce such building materials in sufficient volumes. The popularity of foam blocks is growing every day.
  • Environmental friendliness this material resembles a tree. The room maintains optimal humidity, the walls breathe. Unlike wood, blocks do not rot, burn, or rust like metal.
  • Foam concrete is often used as a heat insulator, it can withstand high fever(up to +400 degrees).
  • The blocks are very easy to handle with common hand tools.

Disadvantages of foam concrete

When we choose materials for the walls of the house, we try to study not only the advantages, but also their inherent disadvantages, there are those of foam concrete. These include:

  • The fragility of the material.
  • The walls must be reinforced every three rows.
  • Foam concrete quickly absorbs moisture, which somewhat reduces thermal conductivity.
  • To avoid dampness, you need to create waterproofing, moisture-resistant protection between the foundation and the walls.
  • Vapor permeability of foam concrete. Vapor barrier required.

Frame thermal panels

If you need inexpensive building materials for building a house, then you should pay attention to frame thermal panels. The advantages of this material include low thermal conductivity, relative strength and quick assembly. The downside is the lack of naturalness.

Thermal panels today are very often used for decoration frame-panel houses... Their design consists of extruded polystyrene foam(in the role of a heat-insulating substrate) and High performance properties allow the use of thermal panels in the construction of houses using Canadian technologies. To the most important characteristics of this facade material that ensured a wide demand, of course, there is no moisture absorption, low thermal conductivity, high compressive and impact strength, resistance to fire and any biological effects. The material is easy to install and use.

Finishing and for the construction of walls at home must meet all modern requirements, then the design will delight the owners long years... Frame thermal panels provide an attractive, aesthetic, solid appearance building. It is for this reason that this material is very often used for the construction of cottages. built according to Canadian technology, the finished one looks like a smooth, impeccable brickwork.

If the building is lined with thermal panels, heat loss is immediately reduced by 30%, all this thanks to the substrate, which consists of extruded polystyrene foam. Clinker tiles connects with insulation under high pressure extra strong glue. The finest cutting of expanded polystyrene sheet allows for high-quality tight joints. In order for the facade to acquire a finished look, in addition to the main panels, you can purchase various additional elements in order to neatly arrange the corners.

We have presented the most common building materials on the market today. How and what material to choose for building a house, to give preference to price, naturalness, aesthetic qualities or technical characteristics, you decide for yourself.

Starting the construction of your own home, I want to choose the most cheap stuff for building a house - in order to maximize savings. But the pursuit of a low price of building materials can result in both expensive maintenance in the future and an increase in the cost of construction as a whole. How do you build a cheap house?

What determines the cost of a house?

The final price tag for construction depends on several factors. Materials play an important, but not the only role here. So, construction estimate will include:

If you do a monolithic fill, you will need a large number of wood on the formwork. And working alone on weekends, construction is delayed indefinitely, which is also not always economically profitable.

The cheapest materials for building a house - made with your own hands?

It is believed that the materials made with my own hands will be much cheaper than those purchased from the manufacturer. Of course there are recipes different brands concrete, you can independently fold the straw walls or even fill the frame with sawdust.

It is economically justified in the following cases:

  • the presence of free assistants - it is difficult to interfere, fall asleep and press alone, which can lead to poorly performed work;
  • no need to travel to work five days a week - otherwise construction will often have to be postponed due to weather conditions;
  • the opportunity to obtain equipment and raw materials for building materials at very low prices - shipping sawdust from another region will not be cheap.

So, the cheapest construction options:

  1. Thatched walls with earthen plaster. They are distinguished by good thermal insulation, but require repair due to rodents that settle in the thickness of the wall.
  2. Abrolite or sawdust concrete. You can make it yourself or purchase ready-made blocks. In the first case, you will have to wait a long time for the sawdust concrete to dry, in the second - to erect walls as quickly as possible and do external finishing, since the wood concrete is hygroscopic.
  3. Earthenware or cordwood. Dry logs and lumps, peeled from bark are used. They are laid across the wall on a clay mortar. The ends of the wood must be impregnated with antiseptics or burned, otherwise they strongly absorb moisture.
  4. Backfilling with sawdust or expanded clay. To do this, the frame is made fixed formwork from edged boards, into which the insulation is poured.

The exterior of the house from these materials is rather unprepossessing. And if it is quite simple to beat the straw walls or peeping blocks of wood, you will also have to make a screed on top of the wood concrete. Another significant disadvantage homemade materials- they are not strong enough. But this is a problem with all frame houses. To hang shelves or install kitchen set, it is necessary to provide for embedded boards even at the construction stage.

Economical building materials - what are they?

If on common sense from self-production it was decided to refuse, it is worth taking a closer look at the prices on the market. What is the cheapest building material? Paradoxically, almost anyone:

  • wood - can be purchased extremely cheaply in the forest belt, but in steppe zone it's expensive;
  • brick - being built next to a brick factory, it will be possible to buy red brick at manufacturer's prices;
  • aerated concrete and foam concrete - lightweight and relatively easy to build material, has good thermal insulation;
  • frame construction is the most a budget option, suitable for any climate, but requiring the organization of forced ventilation.

Not every carpenter can assemble a log house well, so the cost of the builders' work will also have to be taken into account. The same applies to a brick house - the distortion of the masonry will result in a large-scale alignment of the walls.

So when choosing materials, you need to take into account the cost of working with them. For example, aerated concrete is laid on a special glue, due to which the gaps between the blocks are minimal.

This saves on fine finish, but requires care from builders. Foam concrete does not differ in the quality of geometry - blocks can be skewed and differ in size. It is unpleasant to work with such material, it is difficult to deduce the walls according to the level.

As a result, the cost of work is higher.

How to save money on construction globally?

Building costs can be reduced if building materials are not common own home... To save as much as possible, you must:

  1. Think over the plan of the future building. The simpler the layout, the cheaper it is to equip it. You should not install bathrooms at different ends of the building - laying pipes will cost a pretty penny. Placing the kitchen next to the bathroom will also save on pipes. Smooth geometry of the walls, the absence of non-functional niches and differences in floor heights, although they look simple, do not require extra costs... Together, this will provide up to 20% savings on the total cost.
  2. Refuse architectural excesses. Balconies, terraces and tiered roofs can increase the value of a home by 10-15%. It is much more rational in the future to build a small gazebo or attach an open terrace.
  3. Use building materials produced in your region, abandoning the popular and advertised ones. This will allow not only buying them cheaper, but also not overpaying for delivery. So, houses made of shell rock in the Altai Territory are among the most budgetary ones, but Moscow cannot boast of a low price for this material.
  4. Make it as easy as possible rafter system using lightweight roofing materials. Then, instead of a 10x10 cm beam, it will be possible to use a 5x10 cm board laid on the end, without reducing the step of the rafters.
  5. Give up basement... Filling, waterproofing and rough finishing of the basement will add another 20% of the cost to the estimate.

Selection of building materials

If the building materials market offers several types to choose from, this is great. Indeed, in this case, you can compare all the advantages and disadvantages and purchase materials that combine low price and good quality.

General characteristics to look out for:

  • durability - if the house will stand for a maximum of 10 years, the savings on materials are rather doubtful;
  • simplicity and availability of installation - the need to use heavy equipment at a construction site can negate all savings;
  • environmental friendliness - maintaining natural moisture in the house is achieved due to the "breathable" materials, in otherwise you will have to attend to forced ventilation;
  • heat capacity and thermal insulation are two parameters that are responsible for future efficiency, because the house should not only be cheap during construction, but also during operation.

Having considered the most popular building materials, you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Wooden houses

Houses from a bar are considered the most environmentally friendly and one of the best in maintaining an optimal microclimate. Wooden building has advantages:

But such a structure also has disadvantages. So, the quality of literally every log is very important - an undried tree will begin to twist, longitudinal cracks may appear, the ends must be “plugged” with an ax to prevent the tree from waterlogging due to precipitation. If we deviate from the classical processing of logs in favor of using modern antiseptic and fire retardant solutions, the house ceases to be environmentally friendly.

Ready-made kits are expensive, but only professionals can assemble an inexpensive log house from round timber. After all, you have to adjust each log! In addition, in regions with cold winters, the thickness of the walls of a wooden hut should be at least 50 cm to ensure minimal heat loss in heating season... Finding logs of this diameter will also cost a pretty penny.

To let the house "breathe", it cannot be insulated with foam, only vapor-permeable mineral wool... And so that the insulation does not get wet, a ventilated facade is sure to be arranged. For interior decoration there are also certain restrictions - it is better to use modern vapor-permeable membranes if you plan to cover the house with plasterboard or clapboard.

But the log house is beautiful in its original form... To get a cozy and clean house, you need to regularly check and caulk the cracks in the walls. Particular attention is paid to the system of corner locks - a simple cut in half a tree will not provide the required insulation and will lead to the formation of cold spots.

Brick houses

The brick has excellent heat capacity. This means that when heating is started, the house will warm up for a long time, but then cool down just as long. For permanent residence - great option... But for country house visited on the weekend, it would be a waste of money on heating. After all, while the house warms up, you already need to go back to the city.

For one-story buildings, 1.5 brick walls will be enough. But such a thickness of the walls is completely unsuitable for winters, where the temperature drops to -20 degrees.

In order not to increase the cost of brickwork, the house will have to be insulated from the outside. What is especially nice when building brick buildings - you can use any insulation! So, choosing foam with a thickness of only 5 cm, you can reduce the heat loss at home from 125 kW * h to square meter up to 53 kWh per heating season. In other words, you can cut your heating costs in half.

The disadvantages of brick houses include:

  • large weight of the structure - you will need a recessed strip foundation, which will significantly increase the cost of construction;
  • the duration of the construction - a team of five people can lift a box at home in three weeks, subject to continuous work, alone, the time increases significantly;
  • finishing work - if you can live in a log house immediately after construction, brick house requires mandatory screed walls and floors, followed by fine finishing.

Houses from aerated concrete or foam block

These buildings have all the advantages and disadvantages of brick houses. At the same time, they have their own characteristics:

Moreover, the price for cubic meter brick and gas block are almost the same. And given the need for insulation on the facade, the advantages of aerated concrete over ceramic bricks pretty ghostly. But at the expense of large sizes blocks to build a house is quite simple, and this is due to the low cost of work.

Frame houses

For those who are really on a budget, frame construction is a real salvation. Timber frame house with mineral insulation turns out to be several times cheaper than all the previous options. And that's why:

But, despite the clear advantages of frame construction, preference is still given brickwork... All due to no less significant shortcomings:

On the other hand, going up to construction frame house wisely and without saving on building materials, you can get a good and reliable structure that will last for more than a decade. And in the future, the frame is just as easy to disassemble and put in its place a major brick house.

Build the same small and cozy house it is possible in a few months, and this is confirmed by the video:

What are the best materials for building a house? What materials are cheaper and better? These questions are of concern to every person who has begun such an important period of his life as building his own home, and this section of our site will give an exhaustive answer to them.

When planning the construction of your own home, it is very important to choose the right materials, this will not only get the desired result, but also save money and time. You will learn not only what materials are on the modern market and how to use them correctly in construction.

If you are the owner of a construction company and want to keep up with the times and keep abreast of new products in this area, in this article you will find reviews of materials that are just emerging and starting to gain popularity.

The process of building a house itself can be divided into just 3 main stages: foundation, walls and roof. This is the so-called "box", which must be given Special attention since this is the main foundation of the house and the reliability and durability of the structure depends on its quality.

Also, the choice of materials for walls and roofs affects the aesthetic appearance of the house, so it is necessary to consider whether further exterior decoration or the walls will be finished additionally.

What to consider when choosing

  • Price- for most people, this is the main indicator when choosing. It should be understood that cheap materials are not always worse than expensive ones. Here, there may be brand promotion, imported material or domestic, etc.
  • Labor cost when using- it often happens that expensive material is easier to work with, and this saves on the work of the master. You also need to take into account the time of work with materials and all the costs associated with this.

For example, buy ready-made concrete or prepare it directly on the construction site? Ready concrete will be more expensive, but you will save a lot of time. Making the mixture yourself will save you money but wasting time. If you hire workers to cook it, spend money on paying their labor. So making an unambiguous choice is not always easy and you need to consider the situation from all sides.

  • Quality- the reliability and strength of the entire structure, as well as the overhaul period, depends on this. Therefore, it is impossible to save on this material indicator, although many construction companies often ignore this fact.

The issue of quality is also not always unambiguous, for example, a brick from one plant can be of different quality in different batches, it all depends on the clay used for its manufacture. Also, the manufacturer does not always follow the manufacturing technology, trying to save money. Therefore, the purchase of such materials should be carried out with an experienced specialist..

  • Additional expenses- this can include the cost of subsequent finishing, which in general can be more expensive than using a more expensive starting material that does not require additional finishing... You also need to take into account the need for delivery, handling operations using a crane, etc., which will affect the final cost.

What materials are there and what are the best to use

Brick house

A lot of materials are used to build a house. However, not all of them have stood the test of time and deserve attention. Let's consider only the most popular, reliable and affordable for a person with an average income.


Ceramic kerpich

The most common material for the construction of walls, used both in private construction and in the construction multi-storey buildings... It has been used for more than one hundred years, so the masonry technology has already passed all possible quality checks. But, any material has its pros and cons, let's look at them.



Durability and strength

Large material weight

Versatility in work

Labor-intensive when laying

Resistant to corrosion, mildew and mildew

Low thermal insulation, it is necessary to insulate the house

Inertness to rodents and insects

High cost of facing bricks

Fire resistance

The need for additional finishing of a private

Having looked at the advantages and disadvantages, you can already determine whether this material is suitable for your task and capabilities. But, you also need to know what types of bricks are.

Ordinary brick laying

According to the material of manufacture, the brick is divided into:

  • ceramic (red) - made of clay;
  • silicate (white) - made of lime and sand.

Red brick is divided into two types according to the type of use, these are:

  • Private- the cheapest, designed for laying walls for further decoration. It is the main building material where small chips, cracks or dents are allowed.
  • Facial- This is a brick without defects, intended for external, sometimes internal, wall decoration. It can be of various colors, with a smooth or decorative face. It costs several times more than an ordinary one and requires skill for its styling.

Silicate brick

Silicate is considered universal, it is divided only by grade, it can be used with or without subsequent finishing. The density of this brick is higher than that of ceramic, but it is more fragile. The disadvantage is its low moisture resistance and thermal insulation qualities. The masonry has a less attractive appearance.


Brick markings are the letter “M” and a number nearby (from 75 to 300). This is an indicator of the load in kilograms per centimeter square, which it must withstand. The higher this figure, the stronger the material, but also the heavier.

  • For the foundation and basement, use M150 or M175.
  • For building walls up to 3 floors M100 or M125.
  • For building walls above 3 floors M150 or M175.

Grades with higher strength are not used in private construction, as a rule, these will be buildings that require increased strength.

For brickwork, cement mortar or special ready-made mixtures are used. This is an additional cost item that must be taken into account when choosing this material.

Wooden house construction

By the age of use, only wood can compete with bricks. It is a natural material that began to be used for construction even before the advent of clay processing technologies.

Thanks to the development of technologies, the process of wood processing has become much easier and faster, which makes it possible to implement complex projects. Wooden house now it is no longer a log house with four walls, but a beautiful, modern building.

For the construction of modern houses, wood is used in the form of rounded logs or in the form of glued beams of a certain section. The technology of frame construction is also used. Consider the pros and cons of this material.



Environmental friendliness of the material

Weak fire resistance

High thermal insulation

Rodent and insect protection needed

Fast erection

Requires protection against mold and decay

Material cost

Long shrinkage


The material "breathes"

Low weight

As you can see, this material has much more advantages than disadvantages. However, some disadvantages can also be eliminated by using special formulations and impregnations, which can be purchased without problems on the modern market. It will not be possible to eliminate them by 100%, but it is quite possible to significantly reduce them.

Using rounded logs

Rounded log

The part is made of a solid log, which is processed on a special lathe... It is given a precise cylindrical shape of a given diameter, usually 200mm. Such a house preserves as much as possible natural view material, which makes the building very similar to the old frame in a modern design. It looks very nice, especially if you are a connoisseur of natural materials.

Disadvantages, as in all materials, they are... The log is processed as a whole, therefore, natural defects of the wood, such as knots, cracks, mold, etc., cannot be avoided. Select more quality material it is possible, but you will not see what is inside the log.

Using laminated veneer lumber

Glued laminated timber

Such material is more expensive than rounded logs, but it also contains fewer defects. A bar is made from already dried boards to dried up to 10-18% moisture, pre-processed to the required size and glued into a bar. Further, it is given a profile with a section of 200-230mm for milling machine and he's ready to go. The house is folded like a constructor, very quickly and reliably.

Cant decides main problem the use of wood is shrinkage. There is no need to wait 3-5 months for the material to dry and shrink, as it has already been dried. But, you need to wait at least 1 month before the next work, so that the material undergoes climatic adaptation.

Frame technology

The frame of the house is made from construction timber... Rafters, racks, trusses and other elements are placed. From they are connected using mounting metal corners and self-tapping screws.

  • wooden lining,
  • OSB boards,
  • siding.

This technology is the cheapest one to build a house, while being the fastest.

Dignity, in addition to all the advantages of using wood, frame technology has several advantages: easy dismantling and redevelopment of walls, the ability to hide all communications inside the walls.

Main disadvantages technologies: low strength relative to a bar or log, the need for additional front finishing.

Cinder blocks, ceramic blocks and foam blocks

Block types

These materials are often used in construction because they are relatively inexpensive. In today's building materials market, there are a large number of types of these blocks, I wrote in more detail about them in this article and now I do not want to repeat myself.

The block is 50 x 24.8 x 23.8 cm in size, weighs 25 kg, and is equal in volume to 15 bricks of 3.3 kg each. It is easier and faster to put one such plate, and less solution is needed. The blocks are 20-25 cm in width. Their length can be from 25 to 60 cm, depending on the type.

I will describe in general the pros and cons of using them, they are relatively common for all types of blocks:


  • Low cost of materials.
  • Fast construction erection speed.
  • Large selection of colors and sizes.
  • Resistant to corrosion, mildew and mildew.
  • Good heat and noise insulation.
  • Not flammable.


  • An experienced master is required for masonry.
  • Low vapor permeability due to the porosity of the material.

For laying blocks, as well as bricks, mortar is used or glue mixture, but in smaller quantities, since their size is several times larger, which means the number of seams is less.

Ceramic blocks

This material is considered the most environmentally friendly of all types of blocks, which is why it is so popular in many European countries. Made from clay, no chemicals added. Due to its cellular structure, it retains heat well, thermal conductivity ranges from 0.14 to 0.29 watts per square meter per degree Celsius ... This material is more expensive than other types of blocks, the speed of building a building is about the same.

Use of concrete

Monolithic construction

The technology is usually used for the construction of multi-storey buildings and is used by large construction companies. It has proven itself to be reliable, fast and inexpensive. But, in order to use concrete, it is necessary to have such equipment as formwork, with the help of which the form is built where the mixture will be poured.



solid construction strength

the need to use formwork

durability of the material

low heat efficiency

construction speed

the need for finishing

fire safety

low cost

The exception is the finished reinforced concrete products:

  • Foundation blocks,
  • Floor slabs,
  • Wall panels.
  • Beams, columns, etc.

They are delivered ready-made to the site and ready to use. With the help of such elements, you can significantly speed up the process, however, to use them, you need handling equipment, since the weight of them is measured in hundreds of kilograms or even tons. You can read more about the use of concrete in construction here.

Table of the ratio of the cost of material and the period of construction of the house

* It should be understood that the table contains approximate prices for a period of 2016. They may differ from region to region. Material or work may change in price over time (which is why the price is in dollars).

The price also depends on the thickness of the walls, the table was compiled based on the most common thickness of the masonry.

Video review of materials

The outer walls of a private house must be:

  1. Strong and durable
  2. Warm and energy saving
  3. Quiet
  4. Harmless to humans
  5. Beautiful

Which walls of the house are stronger

The loads act on the wall of the house in several directions. The operating forces tend to squeeze, move to the side and turn the wall.

Compressive loads- these are vertical forces from the weight of the wall and above the underlying structures of the house. These forces tend to crush, flatten the wall material.

Low-rise private houses are relatively lightweight. Wall materials usually have a fairly large margin of compressive strength, which allows them withstand the vertical loads of a private house even when.

Horizontal loads and torques act as a result, for example, of lateral wind pressure on the house or soil pressure on the basement wall, due to the support of the ceiling on the edge of the wall, due to the deviation of the walls from the vertical and other reasons. These forces seek to displace the wall or part of the wall from its position.

The general rule of thumb for walls is the thinner the wall, the worse it can withstand lateral loads and twisting moments. If the wall cannot withstand the specified loads, then it bends, cracks, or even breaks.

It is the small margin of resistance to displacement that is the weak point in ensuring the strength of the walls of a private house. The value of the compressive strength of the majority wall materials allows you to do enough for a private house thin wall, but the need to ensure the resistance of the walls to displacement, often forces designers to increase wall thickness.

The resistance of walls to lateral loads is significantly influenced by the structure of the walls and the house as a whole. For example, masonry reinforcement, device on walls monolithic belt at the floor level, strong connections of the external and internal walls with each other, as well as with the floors and the foundation, create the structural frame of the building, which holds the walls together and resists the displacement deformations of the walls.

In order to ensure the necessary strength and durability of a private house when reasonable cost for construction, it is necessary to choose the right material and structure of the walls, as well as the structure of the power frame of the house, This choice is most reliably entrusted to specialists - designers.

On sale there are projects of private houses with walls made of masonry materials with masonry thickness of only 180 - 250 mm. ... Thickness can be 100 - 200 mm.

The walls of the house are warm and energy efficient - what's the difference?

In order for a person in the house to feel thermal comfort, three conditions must be met:

The first condition is the air temperature in the room should be about +22 o C. To fulfill this condition in the house, it is enough to install a boiler or stove. required power and drown them.

The surface temperature of the outer walls in the house is always lower than the temperature of the air in the room. According to the requirements of the sanitary and hygienic rules, temperature difference between air and surface outer wall the house should be no more than 4 o C Is the second condition.

At the specified temperature difference, the surface of the outer wall in the house will be warm enough (+18 o C). There will be no “cold blowing” from the wall, condensation or frost will not appear on the surface of the wall.

The house will have thermal comfort if the temperature difference between the air in the room and on the surface of the outer wall is no more than d t<4 о C. Обе стены на рисунке не соответствуют этим требованиям при температуре наружного воздуха t н =-26 о С и ниже.

To fulfill the second condition, the outer wall of the house must have certain thermal properties. The heat transfer resistance of the outer wall must be higher than the calculated value, m 2 * о С / W... For example, for the district of Sochi, this value should be more than 0.66, for Moscow - 1.38, and for Yakutsk at least 2.13.

For example, an outer wall made of autoclaved aerated concrete (gas silicate) will be warm and provide thermal comfort in the house, with a thickness in Sochi - 90 mm, in Moscow - 210 mm., and in Yakutsk - 300 mm.

Third condition- the building envelope must have. If the "clothes" of the house are blown by the wind, then there will be no heat, no matter how thick the insulation is. Everyone knows this from their own experience.

Outside walls with the above parameters will be warm and provide thermal comfort in the home, but they will not be energy efficient. Heat losses through walls will significantly exceed building standards in force in Russia.

In order to comply with energy saving regulations, the heat transfer resistance of the outer walls should be several times higher... For example, for the district of Sochi - not less than 1.74 m 2 * о С / W, for Moscow - 3.13 m 2 * о С / W, and for Yakutsk - 5.04 m 2 * o C / W.

Energy Saving Wall Thickness from autoclaved aerated concrete (gas silicate) there will also be more: for the Sochi region - 270 mm., for the Moscow region - 510 mm. for Yakutia - 730 mm.

Aerated concrete (gas silicate) is the warmest material for masonry walls. The thickness of energy-saving walls made of more thermally conductive materials (bricks, concrete blocks) should be even greater. (The above figure shows the heat transfer resistance of a brick wall with a thickness of 2.5 bricks (640 mm.) = 0.79 and in one brick (250 mm) = 0,31 m2 * о С / W... Compare with the values ​​given in the examples and estimate in which regions such walls will provide thermal comfort?)

Wooden walls made of timber or logs also do not meet the energy saving requirements.

It should be noted that to comply with the requirements of building codes for the resistance to heat transfer of walls and other building envelopes not necessary for a private developer.

It is more important for a home owner to reduce overall heating costs.

It can be advantageous to sacrifice the energy-saving properties of walls, but to increase the heat-saving parameters of ceilings, windows, ventilation systems in order to keep within the norms of energy consumption for heating.

Heat loss through walls is only 20 - 30% of the total heat loss in the house.

Do not forget about one more condition for an energy-efficient home. The house should have a minimum- walls, ceilings, windows.

Which walls are better to make - single-layer or double-layer

From the above data, it can be seen that wall materials allow you to build strong, thin and reasonably cheap walls private house. But such walls will not provide thermal comfort in the house or have the required energy-saving properties.

Technologies for building walls of a private house are developing in two main directions:

  1. Relatively thin and strong walls are insulated with highly effective insulation. The wall consists of two layers- a bearing layer that takes up mechanical loads, and a layer of insulation.
  2. For the construction of single-layer walls, materials are used that combine a sufficiently high resistance to both mechanical stress and heat transfer. The construction of single-layer walls made of cellular concrete (autoclaved aerated concrete, gas silicate) or porous ceramics is popular.

It should be noted that wall materials for single-layer walls have mediocre mechanical and thermal properties... We have to improve them with various constructive tricks.

A combination of these two technologies is also used when walls made of cellular and porous materials are additionally insulated a layer of highly effective insulation. This combination allows to make wall masonry and a layer of insulation of small thickness... This can be beneficial for design reasons, especially when building a home in cold climates.

Single-layer walls of a private house

Not so long ago, almost all private houses were built with single-layer walls. The thickness of the walls of the house was chosen based on the conditions for ensuring thermal comfort. and thought little about energy saving.

Currently, materials with sufficiently high thermal insulation properties are used for the construction of single-layer walls, to make the house energy efficient.

What is better to make a single-layer wall of the house.

All materials for single-layer walls have a porous structure and low density 300 - 600 kg / m 3... With a decrease in density, heat-saving properties improve, but the mechanical strength of the materials decreases.

There are several types of aerated concrete, which differ in the method of creating pores (cells). The best properties for the construction of single-layer exterior walls of the house are density (grades) 300-500 kg / m 3.

Aerated concrete blocks can have precise dimensions, which allows them to be laid on glue with a seam thickness of 2 mm. The ends of the blocks often have a groove-ridge profile and are joined without mortar in a vertical seam.

Aerated concrete has an open porous structure and therefore absorbs moisture well, but also easily part with it.

Porous ceramics is made from raw materials and in a manner similar to the production of conventional ceramic bricks. The difference is that components are added to the clay-based mass, which form pores during firing.

Hollow blocks are made from porous ceramics. The voidness further enhances the heat-saving properties of the block walls.

Masonry thickness of single-layer walls made of porous ceramic blocks 38 - 50 cm. Blocks of porous ceramics are laid on a special heat-saving mortar with a seam thickness of 10-15 mm.

As a rule, it serves as an exterior decoration for single-layer walls. Natural stone or artificial products can be glued to the walls. The ventilated facade (lathing) is used very rarely.

Plastering of walls made of porous ceramics or expanded clay concrete from the outside is performed with a traditional plaster composition with a thickness of about 2 cm. In addition to plaster, it can be done in other ways (see link).

From the inside, the walls are plastered or.

Building a house with single walls is faster. In a new house with single walls you can start living without waiting for the facade finishing. This work can be left for later.

Insulated walls - two-layer and three-layer

For the construction of a wall with insulation almost any masonry material can be used- ceramic and silicate bricks, blocks of aerated and lightweight concrete, as well as porous ceramics.

The load-bearing layer of a two-layer wall can also be made of monolithic concrete or wood- timber, logs. The choice of material is much more varied compared to single-layer walls.

For walls with insulation materials with higher mechanical strength and density are used than for single-layer walls. This circumstance makes it possible to reduce the thickness of the masonry of two-layer walls.

Wall thickness from 180 mm. - depends on the properties of the materials used, on the construction of the walls and the box of the house.

Wall masonry is most often carried out on a regular masonry mortar, filling horizontal and vertical joints with mortar. The work is simpler and does not require special qualifications from bricklayers.

The mechanical strength of the wall material, as a rule, is sufficient for various structures without problematic attachment to the walls.

The thermal insulation properties of the wall depend mainly on the thermal conductivity and the thickness of the insulation layer.

The thermal insulation layer is placed outside ( two-layer wall) or inside the wall, closer to the outer surface ( three-layer wall).

Plates made of mineral wool or polymers - polystyrene, extruded polystyrene foam - are most often used as thermal insulation. Less commonly used heat-insulating boards made of aerated concrete and foam glass, although they have several advantages.

Mineral wool slabs for wall insulation must have a density of at least 60-80 kg / m 3. If used for facade decoration, then use mineral wool slabs with a density of 125-180 kg / m 3 or extruded polystyrene foam boards.

Mineral wool insulation is plastered with a vapor-permeable composition - mineral or silicate plaster.

Thermal insulation of the facade with mineral wool is usually more expensive and it is more difficult to work with it. But a layer of wool insulation allows moisture to escape from the wall to the outside.

A continuous layer of thermal insulation on the outside allows block all cold bridges in two-layer walls without the use of special constructive tweaks that have to be done in single-layer walls.

General thickness of two-layer walls (with plaster from 35 cm.) usually turns out less than a single layer wall.

The width of the foundation walls (basement) is also smaller, which allows save on their construction... This advantage does not apply to three-layer walls. The width of three-layer walls and their foundations is usually no less than that of single-layer ones.

Exterior finishing of two-layer walls is carried out thin-layer plaster on insulation... Insulation boards, preferably extruded polystyrene foam, are glued to the wall. It is not recommended to make the thickness of the insulation layer more than 150 mm. A layer of plaster with a thickness of 5-7 is applied to the insulation mm.

Wall surface with thin-layer plaster more sensitive to point mechanical influences than a single-layer wall with traditional plaster.

For double-layer walls, often use ventilated cladding on the frame... In a ventilated facade, mineral wool insulation slabs are placed between the frame posts. A cladding made of vinyl or basement siding, wooden materials, or various plates is mounted on the frame.

Fastening insulation to walls, arranging a ventilated facade - all these works consist of many stages and operations, require skill, accuracy and responsibility from the performers. A variety of materials are used for the work.

When installing double-layer walls in There is no risk that employees will do something wrong.

In three-layer walls a layer of highly effective insulation is placed inside the masonry or monolith of the wall. Three-layer walls also include walls with a lining of a layer of insulation with bricks or other masonry materials.

For the device of three-layer walls, single-row masonry is also used (heat-wall, silica granite, polyblock). Heat blocks have three layers of concrete-insulation-concrete bonded together.

Mineral insulation - low density cellular concrete

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