How to lay paving slabs - a complete guide. Laying paving slabs - how to make your yard and garden comfortable and beautiful? How to install paving slabs correctly

Many people who want to lay out paving slabs on their own in a residential area need to familiarize themselves with the step-by-step instructions for the technological process. Paving paths and part of the territory, creates an aesthetic appearance of the landscape, makes it possible to move in any direction, regardless of weather conditions.


The duration of the operation of paved areas, affects the quality of the material used, and the laying technology paving slabs in the courtyard of a private house or suburban area... It is interesting to do the work independently, getting satisfaction from the result of the work. Not every home owner will entrust the installation of the purchased source material to invited specialists, without making sure of their professionalism. Observing step-by-step sequence process, and the expert advice of this article, the end result will be achieved.

Material selection

It differs in thickness, color, shape and wear resistance. On construction market products for paving are offered, made according to different technological tasks, this is a method of casting or pressing.

  • Vibrocast. It loses brightness faster and lends itself to erasure. This material is cost effective. It is laid on sections of the path with low traffic.
  • Vibropressed. The pressing method makes the structure dense and resistant to wear, which guarantees quality and abrasion resistance. It is used for paving access roads to a parking lot.

Use the following tile thickness in millimeters:

  • Walkways, sidewalk and blind area from 25 to 40.
  • Driveway to the parking lot from 40 to 60.

The large size of the material is more difficult to do styling. A heavy slab must be lifted frequently to level the level. Working with small to medium sized pieces makes it easier to create ornamentation.


The new land area will require a preliminary layout of the tracks. When making the markup, take into account the standing objects that require an approach. Shortest lines messages are not always direct. They study the paths formed in a natural way, in their absence, lay new ones, leaving them uncovered for a while. After making sure of the correctness of the pattern of movement on the terrain, they begin work on cleaning the soil.

general information

Characteristics of the soil

The structure of the ground influences the choice of the base material for the tiles. The soil is subdivided into the following types:

  • Mobile. It requires additional concrete screed to provide rigidity to the pavement structure being created.
  • Dense. Limited to bulk sand.

Reserve space for pipes or cables

It is advised to complete all work on laying communications before paving paths. It is difficult to restore their level and drawing after dismantling. Option of preliminary laying is allowed plastic pipe with a diameter of 50 millimeters, for later use.

Protection against vegetation germination

Geotextiles are laid on the ground for subsequent layer-by-layer embankment or concreting. It will protect the weed emerging from the ground from destruction of the seams of the joint.

Conditions are created for the drainage of rain, melt or irrigation water

The sand base absorbs excess moisture through the joint seams, which cannot be said about the concrete pad. In any of the selected options, the track is made on a rise above ground level, inclined to one side, or oval. The size of the slope is 1 centimeter or 5 degrees per 1 meter of length. Water is absorbed slowly by the concrete. The lack of drainage will lead to its stagnation, and will cause swelling of the layers. On the side of the curb, a hollow is laid - a ditch, for the drainage of water, and its diversion to a specially designated place.


Laying tiles is possible under the following conditions:

  • The loose cushion is dried after precipitation. naturally... Excess moisture has a bad effect on the quality of surface leveling.
  • Used sand in pure form without clay impurities.
  • The planned walkway width is adjusted to the size of the paving slabs. Before the formation of the embankment on the ground, a model of the ornament is created according to the developed design project.
  • Geometric shape, laid out with a pattern. When paving creates a semblance chess board, diamond, fan, coil, wedge leaf, honeycomb, or sleeping butterflies.
  • Tile having 3Dthe effect, or illusionary volumetric perception of a drawing laid out with flat material.
  • Artistic mess... It is created using different colors, shapes and sizes.


  • Rope or nylon thread.
  • Wooden stakes.
  • Hammer with rubber knob (mallet).
  • Level.
  • Rammer.
  • Master OK.
  • Broom.
  • Grinder for cutting material or leveling concrete base.
  • Knee pads for a comfortable support of the legs while working.


Using the project for the location of the tiles, and the estimated width, adjusted for the size of the material, markings are made on the ground. Stakes are driven in along the contour. On straight sections, their number is limited. For rounded and oval shaped areas covered by decking, more marks are required. Pull on the thread using a level.

Before filling the embankment cushion, clean the separated area from weeds, plant roots, stones, and remove upper layer turf. Loose soil is watered and compacted with a rammer.

It is allowed to use geotextiles to prevent weed germination through the joint seams.

Stacking the restraints

The curb is installed in a prepared trench along the contour of the proposed paving, fixed with supports, and poured concrete mortar... After complete solidification, the excess parts are removed, and the resulting monolithic frame is sprinkled with sand or earth. The border protects the structure from deformation of the contours, fixing the initially set parameters, and makes the drawing complete.

The material for the contour limiter is tile, stone or plastic, installed at the level of the track, or slightly higher, with a reserve for shrinkage.

From the side of the slope (slope), lay a toad for water. It is effective when there is a natural slope in the walkway, providing drainage.

Substrate formation

Depending on the wishes and type of soil, it is made different in the composition of the material. It is proposed to consider each option in more detail.


The artificially created bed in the ground is filled. The first layer is sand, 10 cm high, then drainage bulk material... Use gravel or crushed stone, raise them to 20 for sidewalks, and 40 centimeters for the driveway and parking lot. Clean sand is poured onto the crushed stone, with a layer of 200 millimeters or more, depending on the thickness of the paving workpiece, filling the existing voids in the mass of crushed stone, and creating the basis for the tiles.

The ready-to-install base is leveled and water is sprayed on top. For the top layer, fine sand is used, which provides good fixation. After slightly moistening, allow the surface to dry, then level it out and maintain the angle of inclination.


Both components are combined into a single composition. A dry solution is made in the following parts:

  • Sand - 3.
  • Cement - 1.

The mixture, poured into the intermediate layer on gravel, is not moistened before placing the paving slabs.


Tiled paving on a reinforced base, or already existing early, is not desirable. Water does not seep into the ground, in the joints of the joint, the remaining moisture crystallizes in winter, increasing in volume. This property ice formed destroy the created structure, leading to deformation of individual sections.

Laying tiles

Keeping away from you ensures that the selected incline level is maintained. The master moves along the laid out surface without violating the integrity of the substrate. Begin laying in the following order:

  • Drawing in a circle from the center.
  • All others from the edge of the object in the paving area.
  • From the lowest point.

Leave a gap of 2-3 millimeters between the seams of the connection, fixing with wedges made of plastic or wood, each subsequent form. Technological process provides for the deepening of the lateral planes by 50% of the material into the mass of the base made of sand or its mixture. Therefore, when making the substrate, take into account the thickness of the paving slabs used for the flooring.

The level of control over the angle of inclination is constantly next to the worker. The stretched transverse rope becomes a reference point for height. Having laid out three rows, control measurements are made. Surface bumps are corrected rubber mallet or wooden block... Sand or dry mixture is poured under the sagging tiles.

On a loose sidewalk, move carefully until full fixation surface. Correct protruding material by tapping from above or from the side.

Video recommendations for correct styling paving slabs from specialists

Sealing joints

It is not difficult to complete the work begun with your own hands. Using clean sand for the first layer, dry mix with cement in a 1: 1 ratio for the second filling of the openings.

By forcefully directing the composition with a brush into empty spaces, they provide the density between the tiles set by the technological conditions. To ensure the quality of the work performed, a visual assessment of the surface will help, after cleaning from the remains of the solution.

Thoroughly cleaned surface from residues, it is irrigated with water. Moisture, combining with a mixture of sand and cement, spontaneously concretes the joints. Without allowing to completely solidify, the spacers are removed. After some time, re-sprinkle the surface of the track with a dry solution, evenly distributing it over the remaining openings, clean off the residues, and sprinkle with water without pressure, by spraying until puddles form on the surface.


Permanent element used in refining adjoining territory Is a paving slab. It is perfect for driveways, garden paths, courtyards, recreation areas. Many do not know how to properly lay paving slabs with their own hands, but if you know the technology, then even novice builders will find the process easy.

Methods for laying paving slabs

Such a coating used in landscaping, such as paving slabs, is very popular and is often used by many owners of summer cottages, cottages and country houses... The material is relatively inexpensive and the installation process is easy. The tile is distinguished by high quality characteristics - stability and withstand loads when long-term operation, therefore, it can be found not only on the streets / private houses, but also on playgrounds, cemeteries, and other places.

Many people ask the question: what to put paving slabs on? Construction experts distinguish three types of installation:

  • put on a concrete pillow;
  • put on the sand;
  • put on the ground (ground).

If you cannot lay the paving stones on your own, you can always use the help of professionals, but such work will not be cheap. Prices per square meter are different for all craftsmen, but the average price is approximately:

  • turnkey for concrete - from 2000 rubles;
  • turnkey for sand / crushed stone - from 1,500 rubles;
  • put on a finished base - from 500 rubles.

Given the high cost of work, it is best to learn this business yourself, because the installation process is not so complicated. You can find a lot on the internet / construction magazines useful information(photo, video, step-by-step instructions, diagrams) for laying tiles. The main requirements are endurance, perseverance, attentiveness. With these qualities, you can easily make beautiful track at your dacha or pave the floor for the gazebo.

The technique of paving tiles on concrete has both positive and negative nuances. Basically, this type of paving is used for the driveway in front of the garage, as it can withstand heavy loads. The thickness of the tiles also plays a big role. Concrete screed it is poured in the case when the cross-bar of stone bars is more than six centimeters. The pluses include:

  • greater strength of the coating, in contrast to the sand-cement pad;
  • even laying of paving stones due to the rigidity of the concrete base;
  • no shrinkage and dips at the time of hardening;
  • the possibility of landing on a special glue.

Before laying paving slabs on a concrete pad, you need to think about an important negative nuance - drainage. When installing paving stones on a sand-cement base, moisture goes through a hygroscopic layer into deep soil. If you use concrete without taking care of the drainage system, the liquid will have nowhere to go, and it will begin to push the tiles up. To prevent this from happening, it will be necessary to take care of the additional construction of storm drains or moisture receivers, and the installation of geotextile interlayers.

Laying paving slabs on the sand

The most popular method of installing paving stones, which is often used in summer cottages and in country houses for decorating paths, courtyard, floor in gazebos - this is laying on sand pillow... When thinking about how to lay paving slabs, many people decide on this economical, quick and easy option. When creating a sand-cement substrate, you should adhere to a number of specific rules:

  1. Create a mixture of dry sand (be sure to screen it out before this) and cement powder, counting the components six to one (best with a concrete mixer).
  2. Add water and stir well.
  3. Before laying the tiles, be sure to add gravel, pieces of clinker bricks or debris to the mortar to compact the future substrate.

On such a mixture, you can put paving stones from a variety of different materials: hard rocks (granite, basalt), less dense stone (shale, limestone), brick or ceramics. The choice depends on the desire of the buyer, price and intensity of use. For the driveway, it is best to choose a material that is stronger and wider, which can support the weight of the vehicle on a daily basis and not deteriorate over time. Paths, playgrounds and gazebos can be paved with any of the existing bars, the main thing is that the price and appearance.

On earthen ground

Another simple method of laying is directly on earthen soil. In order to make a path at the cottage or country house, it is necessary to use a large tile imitating a natural stone... The price of these decorative elements is small, but they look very attractive. Paving is carried out in prepared pits, and then ramming takes place using a special tool - a hammer with rubber tips (mallet). You don't need to be a craftsman or a professional to know how to lay paving slabs on the ground - this method is very easy and quick to use.

How to lay paving slabs with your own hands

So, how to properly lay out paving slabs with your own hands? First you need to prepare the tools:

  • Master OK;
  • mallet (rubber);
  • rammer (either manual or a purchased device);
  • wooden pegs;
  • lace-ordering;
  • level;
  • pipe of any diameter;
  • watering can;
  • rake;
  • broom;
  • mortar of cement, sand and stones.

How to properly lay paving slabs:

  1. Prepare the site for work: clear of debris, dig out the soil in the required area, place marks (pegs) in the corners.
  2. Stretch the ordering cord to calculate the amount of work to be done and adhere to it exactly.
  3. Plan the water flow, drainage system.
  4. Set the curbs to necessary order along the perimeter to the grout, thereby determining the stacking height.
  5. Fill the work area with a sand-cement mixture and spread it evenly with a rake (you can run it over the entire area with a thin pipe).
  6. Pack the sand tightly.
  7. Start laying the first row of tiles away from you, placing them strictly along the cord.
  8. Place the bricks tightly to avoid enlarging the seams.
  9. Use special crosses, inserting them between the plates, in order to accurately define the same spacing.
  10. In the process of laying, watch the level of sand under the paving stones - the excess must be removed, the missing one must be added.
  11. Level the paving stones with a spirit level and mallet.
  12. At the end of the work, fill the joints with a sand-cement mixture and pour abundantly with water.

Do you have a desire to improve the yard? In this case, you should figure out how to organize the laying of paving slabs. It may seem to you that it will take a lot of time and effort, however, in fact, everything is quite simple. You can pave the paths literally over the weekend, and you don't even need an auxiliary. Today there are many types of paving tiles, so choosing the right color and texture will not be difficult.

We decide on the tiles. Assembling the tool

When choosing a tile, focus not only on your preferences, but also on the operational properties of the material. What part of the yard do you need to furnish? Ask the manufacturer: can paving slabs withstand heavy equipment, such as a car? Or is it designed solely for the weight of a person? This is important because the path on which your car will drive must be especially strong, unlike normal garden path, on which only a person's foot will step.

To successfully pave paving slabs, you will need the following tools and building materials:

  • Cord-ordering.
  • Master OK.
  • Mallet made of wood or metal.
  • Manual or mechanical ramming.
  • Building level.
  • Any diameter pipe or I-beam.
  • Wooden or metal pegs.
  • Broom and rake.
  • Sand and cement.
  • Watering hose or watering can.

Before you buy the right amount tiles for the sidewalk, calculate the size of future paths and areas, as well as think over the layout of the site. For this you may need a drawing of the tracks. The easiest way to create it is to transfer the plan of the area adjacent to the house to graph paper, and then draw the intended paths on it.

It is very important that the paving slab paths are paved under a certain slope, with the calculation of 0.5 cm for each meter. In this way, the water will be freely diverted to the lawn or to the wells.

We mark the paving area

After the drawing is ready, and the required construction material and the instrument is purchased, you can start marking tracks and sites.

Try to stick to the created project as closely as possible. If we are talking about paving paving slabs in the garden, it is better to make the path winding.

To avoid cutting the tiles, make the length and width of the paving plane multiples of the tile itself. This will help you create a more durable pavement surface. Then mark the tracks. When doing this, use pegs, tape measure and cord. Remember to leave a margin that matches the width of the curb. Now you should dig a small ditch around the perimeter.

Walk along the planned route and think if you are completely satisfied with such moves around the site. Then you can proceed to the next step.

We start arranging the base

First of all, it is necessary to remove debris, stones and a layer of turf from the marked area. To even out the area of ​​the outlined paths, you should remove excess soil in elevated places and add it to the depressions. In the process, do not forget about the slope necessary for the drainage of rainwater. Better to do it towards the street, and not towards the house. Level the base using a rake. Then tamp it down. If you have to work with soft soil, dampen it with water before tamping. This will help you avoid uneven subsidence of the paving slabs.

Calculate the depth of the base with a margin, because during the compaction process, the sidewalk will shrink. Usually, a 20-30 cm depression is made for paving tiles, based on the layer of sand and the thickness of the tile. The angle of the track can be longitudinal, transverse or longitudinal-transverse. At this stage, if there is such a need, carry out all communications. Lay geotextiles on the base to prevent weed growth.

Now you need to measure the height of the sand embankment, which cannot exceed 7 cm. Pull an ordering cord between the stakes. Pour sand over the entire area of ​​the path, and then level it using a rake. Fill it with water, and so that puddles form on it. If you are lucky and it is sunny on this day, then you can start leveling the surface after 3 hours, do it with a profile. In gloomy weather, alignment should be started only after a day. As a result, you should have a smooth and even surface.

In the next step, you need to cook sand-cement mixture in a ratio of 8: 1. The stacking height of this mixture should not exceed 4 cm. For convenience, measure the indicated height of the mixture on the pegs and pull the cord again. Fill it up and level the plane using a channel. As a result, you should have a flat surface again. Tamp each layer thoroughly!

Installing the border. Laying sidewalk tiles

Even at the marking stage, you had to dig a trench around the entire perimeter of the track. This way you can emphasize the accuracy geometric shape laying platform. The ditch should accommodate 40% of the entire height of the curbstone, which also takes into account the five-centimeter layer of sand at the base of the trench. To improve the strength of the curb, install it on a concrete mortar, carefully pouring the base.

And again, before proceeding with the laying process, you should pull the cord along the chamfer, at a predetermined height. Start laying paving stones from the curb. Pay special attention to the first row, strictly adhere to the height of the cord. Stick to a diagonal direction. In order to avoid trampling the base by the paver itself, start the work "on your own".

Strictly observe the tightness of the tiles, gaps of more than 2 mm are unacceptable. Of course, it is impossible to comply with these requirements at turns and bends, however, here, too, you need to make minimum clearances. Press each tile firmly to the base, you can use a rubber mallet to do this.

When paving paving slabs, you can use crosses, this will allow you to create perfectly even gaps between them. If in the process you notice irregularities, then using a trowel, remove or, conversely, bring a layer of sand under the tile and tamp it. To carry out these processes, use a mallet and a building level.

When finished, check the treadmill for unevenness. If they are, then immediately eliminate the deficiencies. Now remove the crosses from the gaps and sprinkle them with a mixture of sand and cement. Sweep the paths and pour water over them. Re-inspect the masonry, and if the mortar has subsided in the seams, then add it until it is completely filled.

It is unacceptable to use sand with salt impurities, because during operation, white stains will appear on the paths and sites, which will spoil the appearance of the masonry.

Now the laying of paving slabs is complete! After three days you can start active exploitation of new tracks! Now you can think about starting a business, because you have already received a certain amount of knowledge on paving paths from paving slabs!

Experienced with sidewalk tiles? Do you have any difficulties in the process of work? What helped to cope with them? Have you come up with an innovative laying method that simplifies the process? Share your experience with us! We appreciate your skills and work! Write your comments to the article.


You can see below how to lay paving stones along a string:


This article discusses the principles of installation of curly paving elements (FEM), which will avoid mistakes and cost overruns.

Industry produces FEM different sizes, shapes, colors, produced using different technologies. Before laying the tiles, you need to select and buy them in sufficient quantities, taking into account the waste of the cut.

Manufacturing methods

Curly paving elements are made in several ways:

Color, shape and size

When buying a FEM, you should take into account some of the nuances of laying and operating paving zones:

Preparatory work

Before laying tiles in a parking lot or a path, it is necessary to replace the arable layer with non-metallic material, provide slopes for gravity drainage of drains, lay stormwater trays and storm water inlets, and mount curbs.

FEM is placed on granule sieve, punching machine or sand, adhesion to the base is completely absent. Therefore, before starting work, a rigid spatial box should be made from curbs or stormwater trays so that the tile does not slide around the perimeter.

Layout of paving areas

The main tasks at this stage of the territory improvement are:

Important! Breakdown is done with cords / strings on pegs or rags. For gravity drainage, a slope of 2 - 4 degrees on paths and recreation areas is sufficient, 4 - 7 degrees on the blind areas.

After marking with cords, the fertile soil layer is completely removed from the surface of the paving areas. After rotting organic matter inside it, the soil will inevitably sag, the plane of the FEM will be disrupted, and the coating will have to be repaired. When making a pit, you should consider:

Thus, for storm water and curbs along the perimeter of the parking lot or track, you will have to deepen the trench by 10 - 15 cm.

Underlying layer

For building underground structures, non-metallic materials are traditionally used as the underlying layer:

The soils are partially replaced by non-metallic materials, therefore, during the operation of the paving zones, the sand / crushed stone is intermixed with the adjacent soil. There is a loss bearing capacity, repairs required. To eliminate this process, a geotextile or dornite is laid under the underlying layer - an overlap of 10 cm, with a vertical walls pit.

Important! Each 10 - 15 cm layer of sand in the underlying layer must be moistened before laying and compacted with a vibrating plate. It is not necessary to wet the crushed stone, tamping is required.

Paving technology

The main nuances when laying paving slabs with your own hands on the site are:

  • installation of a space box - stormwater trays and curbs around the perimeter;
  • contact layer - washed sand, granite sieve or gartsovka (a mixture of cement and sand in a ratio of 1: 6);
  • alignment with beacons - filling the contact layer between the beacons and stretching with the rule;
  • laying tiles - in front of you in the direction of travel;
  • sealing and decorating the joints - ramming with an areal vibrator and filling between the sand tiles.

The main difficulties arise with layout schemes, facing steps and stairs, trimming tiles.

Curbs and storm drain

Without rigid vertical elements along the perimeter of the paving area, paving slabs will inevitably begin to slide and lose their shape. Therefore, the trays and curbs are deepened and mounted on the mortar:

  • laying the bed - the solution is leveled with a trowel;
  • installation of the curb - the upper rib along the stretched cord;
  • fixation vertical level- mortar is applied on both sides on the side edges of the curb.

On straight sections, the curb is mounted close to each other; when cornering, the concrete elements touch one corner.

At the same stage, storm water inlets and stormwater trays are installed:

  • the storm water inlet receives water from the riser of the roof drain, therefore it is mounted directly under it;
  • trays completely replace curbs, so there is no need to duplicate them;
  • there are trays with decorative bars that you can walk on.

Stormwater drainage inside the paving area.

Advice! It is forbidden to drain stormwater drains into the septic tank of the water treatment system of a country house in order to avoid overflow. The water is collected in a separate underground reservoir, then pumped out for reuse, for example for irrigation.

Ladders and steps

FEM elements, complete with curbs, make it possible to manufacture stairs and individual steps on difficult terrain and when terracing a site:

Advice! By analogy with sidewalks, it is better to adjust the width of the steps to the size of the tiles to avoid clipping.

Solid tiles and trimming

To put paving stones on their own without errors, you must perform the sequence of operations:

  • distribute the material of the contact layer along the base along the horizontal level, taking into account the thickness of the tile;
  • lay solid paving stones close to each other, according to the layout scheme;
  • cut the tiles to the size of the remaining unfilled areas at the junctions to curbs, trays, storm water inlets, walls, wells;
  • lay the pieces and cover the seams with sand.

The contact layer mixture is distributed over the beacons in two ways:

The second method is also used in the manufacture of dry screeds, the manufacturer produces kits, which include a special rule and lighthouse rails. These kits are ideal for paving with FEM elements and do not significantly increase the cost of production square meter cover.

Paving stones are laid from an arbitrary edge (usually from the bottom point) in front of you. You can walk on the surface right away, which is very convenient for increasing productivity and reducing labor costs. Exists :

At the intersections, any options for junction with trimming and using a FEM of a suitable format from other collections are allowed.

Backfilling and ramming

At the final stage of paving slabs, you must follow the rules:

When laying on a gutter or buying FEM, inside which the hydration process is not completed, it may be necessary to remove cement, white and other stains. Better to do it right away, treat the surface of the paving area special formulations that increase water, wear and frost resistance of the coating.

Thus, at each stage of paving paths and parking lots with paving slabs, several factors must be taken into account at once. However, technology is available for self-fulfillment, but only if you have a vibratory plate that can be rented.

Advice! If you need repairmen, there is a very convenient service for their selection. Just submit in the form below detailed description works that need to be completed and you will receive offers with prices from construction crews and firms. You can see reviews of each of them and photos with examples of work. It is FREE and non-binding.

Paving slabs in the design of the territory of a private house is always a winning option. The work on its installation is not cheap, but this is not a reason to give up your dream. Find out how to lay paving slabs with your own hands - embody the chosen design, saving a decent amount.

Arguments in favor of paving slabs

Advantages of paving slabs:

  • Big choice colors and forms;
  • Reliable and durable;
  • Convenient to install;
  • Creates a neat and well-groomed look.

This type of decoration is very attractive - the entire yard is being transformed, and the design possibilities are completely unlimited. You can lay out any pattern you want, in terms of colors, shapes and paving methods.

Choice of clinker tiles

The masonry looks especially beautiful clinker tiles or clinker bricks. Even one batch of this material, due to firing, has different shades, which allows you to lay unique platforms and paths. The laying of such bricks is also called clinker paving stones. Retro style always relevant and looks very solid.

Laying - step by step plan

The only disadvantage of paving slabs is the high cost of both the material itself and the work on its installation. But if you study the technology of the case, then you will see that there is nothing complicated about it. Laying paving slabs with your own hands on small area an interesting activity that keeps the budget.

Tools for the job

The set of tools and accessories for work is very simple:

  • Shovels;
  • Rake;
  • Rubber mallet;
  • Wooden boards;
  • Corners and channel bars;
  • Level;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Master OK;
  • Homemade rammer;
  • Construction line or nylon thread;
  • Steel bars.

This entire set can be found in any garage, so there shouldn't be any difficulties at the stage of selecting tools.

Expendable materials

Having prepared all the materials, you can proceed to the practical part.

Planning and marking works

The laying of paving slabs begins with a layout on paper. In order to embody your design project, you need a diagram of exactly how each element will be located. This is a color scheme and the very way you are going to lay the tiles - in rows, in a circle, etc.

After that, the preparation of the territory and the marking begins, the technology of which requires the use of steel rods, a strong thread and a level. To carry out work with your own hands, this set is enough to outline the contours of the site, heights and slopes. The pegs (rods) are placed in the ground and the string helps mark the height. It is necessary to outline the slopes so that the water leaves the house. If you lay tiles in this way, you will protect the foundation from moisture, but you should not make excessively sharp slopes and fractures.

Litter preparation

Now you need to decide on the removal excess soil, since the technology of laying tiles involves the device of a bedding (pillow) under it. The excavation is done in such a way as to bring the entire surface, along with the litter, to one level. For curbs, appropriate trenches must be dug.

How to make a litter correctly:

  • With dense soil - a layer of sand 5-20 cm;
  • With loose soil - a layer of gravel 10-15 cm.

Experts recommend even on dense soil to arrange a litter using gravel and crushed stone. This will help prevent deformation of the paved surface. If you put the tiles on a poorly prepared surface, subsidence is possible.

As a cushion for laying clinker or ordinary tiles it is best to use a triple bedding:

  • Geotextile (optional);
  • Coarse gravel layer;
  • Small crushed stone;
  • Sand layer;
  • Sand-cement dry mix.

Layers of gravel and crushed stone are carefully compacted, covered with sand and spilled with water. The last action is repeated until the sand stops shrinking. Correctly executed technology will create a reliable base for any masonry. Professionals use special vibrating plates for ramming, but when doing the work with your own hands, you can get by with a simple ramming from a handle and heavy tiles. The use of geotextiles is not necessary, but it prevents the germination of plants.

The last layer for laying is a dry mixture of cement and sand, which you can buy, but it is cheaper to prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to take cement and sand in a ratio of 1: 5 and fill it as the last layer of bedding by 3-4 cm. It is easiest to distribute this mixture with a rake, and level it with wooden planks and channel.


The curb helps to give the entire plot a clear geometry and a complete look. Tiles are sometimes used in this capacity. bigger size... The curb keeps the entire structure from creeping in different directions, especially when it comes to small areas.

It is correct that the tiles are placed not lower but higher than the curb by 3-5 mm.

The elements of the curb themselves are installed on a liquid solution of M100, the sides are spilled with this composition and covered with sand.


The main task when laying tiles is to minimize the gaps between the elements. Correctly work diagonally, laying each tile close to the previous one. The whole process takes place in the direction away from you, without disturbing the even layer of sand with cement.

You can start laying tiles only a day after placing the curb.

The mallet will help to put each slab in its place, and if it does not lay down properly, then you need to lift it and add sand and cement with a trowel. Upon completion of the paving of the entire area, it is necessary to adjust the position of the tiles, which have become out of level.

For the final compaction of clinker or stone paving stones, it is recommended to use a rubber-coated vibratory rammer. This step will give the surface perfect view however, this is not a necessary step, but a desirable one.

It often happens that some elements will have to be cut with a grinder, especially when the seme requires complex lines. But it will be correct to lay all the whole tiles first. Cutting by eye is not worth it, you need to clearly draw a line, attaching each element to its intended place.

The final stage

After elimination of surface defects, all cracks are filled with a grinder mixture of sand and cement. The excess must be washed off from the hose with a spray nozzle, and the crevices must be well moistened. The mixture between the tiles can sag heavily, then you need to add a little more. Such thoroughness is not in vain, because the joints take on a considerable load. Therefore, do not skip this step, even if you do it yourself for personal use. It is important to use clean sand, free from dust, impurities and salts. When filling the cracks with dirty sand, the site may begin to overgrow with weeds.

Immediately after installation, you cannot walk on the paved surface - you need to wait 2-3 days.

Whichever tile you choose, by doing the work with your own hands, you will save a good amount. This is much better than saving on the quality of the material, limiting your desires. Paving stones or clinker tiles look great, creating a stylish design. The paving technology for different materials does not differ, therefore, according to the described scheme, you can lay any tile with your own hands.

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