Mosaic of wood on the wall with your own hands. Wooden mosaic in the interior photo

Tree mosaic - unique finishing materialWith which you can make the interior much more comfortable and more beautiful. Wooden mosaic is used to design a variety of surfaces. Despite the seeming simplicity, this material looks very impressive, which our selection of photos will help.

The wall covered with a wooden mosaic gives the design volume and serves as the main accent detail.

Often, this material is used when designing individual wall fragments, which allows you to expand the correct accents.

In the bedroom coating from natural material It will be very appropriate. Highlighted with mosaic headboard becomes interior decoration.

Despite the hygroscopicity of wood, mosaic from it can be used when designing kitchen Apron, of course, only with high-quality lacquer.

Another good example The use of a wooden mosaic in the bedroom, but already decorated in bright colors.

With the help of a mosaic of wood, it is advantageous to highlight the fireplace in the living room. Wood in this case should be impregnated with refractory compositions.

Mosaic on the floor always looks very impressive. Tree I. increased humidity The bathroom is well combined, but the problem is easily eliminated with varnish.

When designing wooden stairs Mosaic from the same natural material will be a harmonious addition.

When placing a ceiling mosaic from a tree used infrequently, but the result of the work pro is interesting.

With the help of a wooden mosaic, you can incredibly effectively arrange stair steps, turning them into the work of arts.

In this spacious bathroom, the harmonious picture is created using a mosaic repeating on the floor and walls.

Even small mosaic inserts will make the design much more interesting and original.

Floors covered with wooden mosaic, look great in the interiors of many styles, including modern.

When arranging the bedroom, a wooden mosaic can be used not only to highlight the head of the bed.

It looks very stylish a kitchen rack, lined with wooden mosaic.

The table top in the bathroom, covered with a mosaic, will give the interior in bright colors a specialty.

Mosaic as facing material Today is in great demand. She can handle the most different surfaces. Moreover, it allows you to pass various styles Registration. As for the wooden mosaic, this is real art.

This unique finishing material is used both for the processing of walls and during floor processing. For example, it can be used in the arrangement of the kitchen, sauna, cafes, bathrooms, restaurants, bathrooms and other facilities.

Great demand and popularity is explained by sufficient advantage. We offer you to learn more about what is a wooden mosaic for walls.

Wooden mosaic - what is it

This type of finishes will be accurate for you interesting if you no longer attract the usual wall decoration with wallpaper, painting and the like. Production of mosaic from wood with their own hands is carried out in small sizes. The dimensions of this tile are located around 10 × 10 cm and up to 86 × 86 cm.

What makes it made? Over the foundation is taken by solid wood. Also used chips from wood. The chips are mixed together with cement and water, and after the tile, it is possible to give absolutely any shape. Color finished product Fully depends on the used raw materials. For example, if a light mosaic attracts you, then, most likely, it is made of ash, if darker, then from oak.


The mosaic of wood has a number of advantages, including:

  • You can handle uneven surfaces Wall and floor.
  • By itself, the material is warm.
  • Ecology material.
  • Long service life.
  • The ability to combine with other finishes.

Mosaic styles

Intarsia - Florentine Style Inlaid Surface

Today is two styles of wooden mosaic:

In the first case, the complex and time-consuming technique is meant. I.e separate fragments Circled directly B. wooden base And they consist of separate fragments. They can be given absolutely different texture and color.

Marquetry - Set of wooden colorful plates pasted on the surface

As for Marketer, the complexity and uniqueness of this style lies in the special design of different compositions with pieces of veneer. To create a specific pattern, the direction of fibers, fractal properties of wood and color shades are necessarily taken into account.

Basis of mosaic

As already mentioned, solid wood is used for the manufacture of wooden mosaic. Right choice The material will largely affect the strength of the future cladding, as well as how long the surface will be operated.

So, when finishing the walls, the tile can be made of such breeds:

  • Cedar.
  • Ash.
  • Alder.
  • Maple.

Among other things, the wooden mosaic is manufactured from wood chip. Due to this, the shape of the tile can be absolutely different, differ in thickness, height, size, and so on.

This product has the following characteristics:

  • Soundproof.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Fire resistance.
  • The strength of the product.
  • It is easy to care who does not require serious measures.
  • Comparatively low cost.
  • You can create beautiful and unusual patterns.
  • Installation is carried out using special glue.
  • It has a gray-yellow-orange color.

Tip! After mounting, the surface of the wooden mosaic is treated with wax, butter and other compositions. This increases its life.

Wooden Mosaic Installation Features

As we saw, this facing material really has unique technical characteristics.

The most important thing is that when used it is possible to create beautiful decoration premises. The following is a consistent laying technology of wooden mosaic:

  1. Preferably a mosaic of 300 × 300 mm is used. This size is very convenient when working.
  2. For fixing uses special wood glue. The selection of glue also depends on the basis of the wall.
  3. If the basis is a plywood, then it is attached to the diagonal. In this way, the docking sheets of plywood is recommended. Otherwise, thermal deformations may form. That is, the glue mosaic will occur across the joints on the plywood.
  4. After gluing, it is necessary to process all formed seams. For their sealing, an ordinary grout will not fit, which is used when laying ceramic tiles.

Wooden mosaic requires the use of two-component epoxy grout. It is mainly used in all cases when it is necessary to process the seams between the mosaic from the solid tree. It is explained by the fact that the tile under the influence of moisture is not deformed. As a result, the grout remains in its place.

In the case of a wooden mosaic, then with the slightest temperature fluctuations, humidity, and so on, it begins to change its shape, that is, to deform. If you use the usual grout, then it simply cracks. For this reason used epoxy clamphaving the necessary elasticity.

If you decide to lay a wooden mosaic to the floor, it is important here to take into account some of the features of this work. First of all, a cork substrate should be a base. For floor, the tile should have a thickness of at least 7 mm. While for the walls, only up to 3 mm is allowed.

Paul preparation is a number of important technological processes. So, he must be thoroughly grinding several times. If in wooden floor There are joints or other flaws, they are leveled using silicone glue. Observing the installation technology, you can be confident that such a floor will serve not one dozen years.

Helpful advice! Caring for a wooden mosaic does not require complex manipulations. It is enough to treat it with a damp cloth, and after rubbing a napkin. This procedure is enough to spend once a week.

Thus, you can give a beautiful design of absolutely any coverage in the house, apartment and even when finishing the facades of buildings. At the same time, you can combine all sorts of colors, figures and much more.


So, a wooden mosaic can be put in one row with a wooden parquet. This coating has masses positive Parties. This is also proved by numerous reviews. Gradually, this method of finishing conquers more and more attention, and after a while, it can become the main one.

Tree mosaic (tick), laying on concrete base floor

After all, the technique of forming a sketch of a wooden mosaic is truly impressive. We hope that this material helped you get an idea of \u200b\u200bthis unique and unusual material. In addition to this material, we offer to see the familiar video, which will help you learn about other nuances of such tiles.

When on construction market An interesting novelty appears, it instantly attracts attention to both builders and ordinary buyers who want to make their home better. So it happened with a wooden mosaic. In addition, it looks very beautiful and unusual solutionShe also has a number of other benefits, such as simplicity of use and environmental friendliness.

Tree mosaic is plates different sizes (from 1 to 8 cm) and forms (most often squares and hexagon or octs). Wooden mosaic in the interior can easily replace the familiar wallpaper and various types of wall panels.

This tile is manufactured from different species Woods, including exotic trees. By the way, the color of the outlet tiles used to produce the wood. Most often it is all shades of brown. For example, more light colors Mosaics gives ash, and darker - oak. Mozipa of chips - quality for a smaller price

But, of course, with all the advantages of such a miracle of finishes, there is one, and a sufficiently large drawback. High price.

But this problem is also solved. It is possible to make tiles with equally outstanding properties, it is possible not only from solid wood, but from the same chips, which in tandem with water and cement becomes all necessary qualities.

This is one of the few cases when at a price it is impossible to say anything about quality. Because for little money you can get whole line Advantages:

Unusual appearance

Natural naturalness of form

Easy to lay down (shrinkage for glue)


Moisture resistance


Easy to care

Mosaic with his own hands. Engineering Marquetry

Palace wooden parquets became a prototype of modern wooden mosaic. Already then, many years ago, beautiful geometric and floral patterns decorated the floors of noble people. And by our time they did not lose their beauty, they were so qualitatively fulfilled.

In general, the craft of creating a solid picture from small wooden details called marquetry. It takes its beginning in ancient Egypt, but it got to Europe, where the furniture and musical instruments were decorated with the help of this technique.

Due to the fact that it was a very time-consuming occupation, only rich people could buy a thing decorated with wooden mosaic.

And nowadays, things decorated with the help of marketer remain relevant and unique. Only now they are much more affordable thanks to modern technologies. You can try this technique at home, learning from a veneer to cut the necessary figures.

It's nice to make something with your own hands, and making wooden toys is even more pleasant. Today I want to show how you can make a wonderful developing mosaic with your own hands, spending only a couple of hours of free time.

For work required hacksaw, manual Lobzik, sandpaper And PVA glue. And the carriage of patience, since it was used as a material furniture Shield 18 millimeters thick.

So, with the help of the circus and the line, there is a future mosaic. At the same time I remember the lessons of the drawing. We have taught him a very harsh director of the school, so the drawing was, almost the only subject that no one would ever stroll. :)

To begin with, we saw the workpiece on the sector. Then every sector divide another four components.

Now you have to cut the base for mosaic. To do this, you can use a thin paneur.

Well, some pair of thousands of reciprocating movements and everything is ready!

We grind all the details and glue the restrictive sides.

You can sum up the preliminary results and see how the mosaic is located inside the sides.

Now go to K. creative process And paint our mosaic in different colors.

Watercolor was used as paint. This, of course, is not the most the best way Wood coatings, but if not losing, it will be quite good. At least my children played with this mosaic without problems. As a last resort, you can cover all the parts of a safe water-based lacquer.

Who is a piece of "salmon"?! :)

As a result, quiet soft shades are obtained with a visible pattern of wood.

The pile rises during painting, so before applying the next layer, it is necessary to pass through all the details of fine-grained emery paper.

As a result, after two layers of watercolor, we get this result.

Many who have seen such a mosaic for the first time, asked me a question: what to do with it, how to play it?! I answer - very simple! This is a developing children's toy. You can pour out all the details and collect the circle anew in colors or in disagreement. You can change the geometry of the sectors, curvatched, thus lines. As a result, you can get, for example, these options.

From the details of the mosaic, you can upload various figures and everything depends on the fantasy of the child or his parents.

Well, in the end, no one has canceled the construction of all sorts of designs of various forms.

In general, the possibilities for playing and fantasy flight set! And if you add to this tremendous tree energy and its tactile properties, then at the exit we get a wonderful toy for the development and creativity, which will appeal to both children and their parents! :)

Here is a story. I hope that you liked, and you will find time to please your babies with this wonderful toy! Moreover, it is just done, and the joy delivers a lot!

Sincerely, Ivan Kruglov

An amazing mosaic on the walls can become a set pattern made of the same or different in the form and dimensions of solid particles. His separate elements Do not bear the semantic load and are only pieces of various materials. How to glue a mosaic on the walls, you can learn from the proposed article.

Mosaic is the most ancient way to decorate the interior. It was very often used to decorate palaces, cathedrals, buildings for nobility and nobles.

Currently, it is increasingly used when designing design in modern interiors And as an addition to the ceramic tiles. Art mosaic on the wall is used for interior decoration Any room and for outdoor building building.

Mosaics can be:

  • Glass. The most common type of material. In its manufacture, Venetian glass is usually used, resistant to mechanical effects and temperature fluctuations. Walls made of glass mosaic possess:
  1. waterproof;
  2. resistant to the effects of many chemical elements.


  1. the solid structure protects the material from the influence of microorganisms and various bacteria;
  2. huge selection color paletteWhat is achieved by adding a variety of natural dyes in the production:
  3. bora;
  4. cadmium;
  5. selena;
  6. mother of pearl;
  7. gold;
  8. avanturin.

Glass mosaic is used for cladding:

  1. bathrooms (see);
  2. pools (see);
  3. fountains.
  • Smalt. For its manufacture, small particles of painted glass are used, which are subjected to pressing and baking during the day at a temperature of up to 800 ° C. In this case, the material gets:
  1. increased abrasive stability;
  2. impact resistance;
  3. frost resistance.

A distinctive feature of the smalt is its opacity, but at the same time radiates light as if from the inside. Using modern technologies, You can get more than one hundred thousand colors of Smalt. In addition, each element of such a mosaic is distinguished by a tint, which allows you to create a unique effect when finishing large areas.

In this case, large sheets of smalts are split off with their own hands on separate elements of the necessary shape and sizes, with the help of smaltokol. The uneven and fairly traumatic edges obtained at the same time should be taken into account when choosing a room for finishing and placement of such a work of art.

  • Ceramic. This is a ceramic tile, but only smaller sizes. For the manufacture of such a mosaic can be used:
  1. glazed ceramics;
  2. a wide variety of effects that may be: enclosures of another color, divorce, cracker.

It looks implicitly a combination of polished and unpolished mosaic, it can be:

  1. row of basic plates of monoporosis or wall assembly;
  2. porcelain stoneware or outdoor collection;
  3. glue on a grid or a paper perforated substrate.
  • Stone. For its manufacture use natural natural stone:
  1. marble;
  2. granite;
  3. onyx;
  4. travertine;
  5. jasper;

Unique, non-refining color shades and textures of elements, make each panel from such a mosaic unique and original. At the same time, the stone is subject to:

  1. polishing;
  2. grinding;
  3. compile;
  4. pressing the material of the most diverse form.

Stone mosaic is applied to cladding:

  1. floor;
  2. fireplaces;
  3. countertops;
  4. for the manufacture of decorative inserts in the main background of the mounted tile.
  • Metal. This is a durable plastic or rubber layer, with facial side from brass or of stainless steel. Mosaic applies to design interiors in high-tech style. Metal mosaic requires special care due to exposure to its exposure chemical substances, temperature drops, abrasives. A variety of metallic mosaic - a mosaic of precious metals, which can be:
  1. silver;
  2. gold;
  3. platinum.

The price of such a material is high enough, so metal mosaic is used as decorative elements.

  • Wooden. It uses wood for her manufacture valuable breeds trees. A variety of textures, colors and shades of wood allows you to achieve a wooden mosaic of decorative and efficiency.
  • Pseudo mosaic. In this case ordinary tile covered with a pattern that imitating the mosaic, or cut the grooves on the machines, the thickness of which is equal pill Disk, they mimic intercutric seams. By appearance The tile resembles a real mosaic, and the value of the material is significantly lower and stacked as the usual tile.

The advantages of any mosaic material are:

  • This is elite decorative coatingindicating the wealth of owners.
  • Mosaic elements have sufficient strength, capable of withstanding the effects of abrasive elements and moisture.
  • Simple coating care - the surface is enough to wipe with a wet cloth.
  • Elements are not afraid of chemicals that are part of many detergents.
  • Drawings made using a mosaic may have a unique, unique view with patterns of any shades and palettes, which make it possible to make small parts of the details.
  • Mosaic is easy to put on flat and curvilinear walls of any non-standard form.
  • For many years, the coating does not change its primary species.
  • To create a material, a broken tile from different material is used.
  • Before facing the wall does not require its strengthening.
  • Mosaic can be decorating the room and mask defects, the existing walls.
  • Various colors and textures allow you to break the room on functional zones.

The disadvantages of the material include:

  • Small fragments adversely affect the perception of the coating - starts to riquette in the eyes.
  • Fixation of elements should be performed on a special glue.
  • The design of the wall is a mosaic - this is a long and painstaking work.
  • Cost coating more than usual.

How to use mosaic in different rooms

Tip: When choosing such a material for registration of any room, it should be considered its appointment. You can not use to create a picture on a wall of fabric, straw, beads. All coating elements must be high strength.

When creating an image in the bathroom, you can get an attractive room in appearance and ensure its cleanliness.

Several options for applying lining in the bathroom:

  • Multicolored wall coverings allow you to highlight the washbasin zone, shower, bathroom.
  • It looks great for the wall near the washbasin or bath with apron of mosaic.
  • The screen arranged under the bathroom well decorate a monophonic or patterned coating.
  • Bathroom decoration can be made mosaic for the mirror.
  • The coating perfectly replaces the tile, which is used to finish the shelves and niches (see).
  • Visually seems more window, when finishing with a mosaic coating of the rim.

Tip: Do not finish a completely mosaic to a small room. In this case, you should create a panel or combine the material with another type of coating. In a small bathroom you need to use small floral and decorative drawings.

How to lay walls in a bathroom mosaic, which use materials and patterns on the walls, shows in detail the video in this article. Here you can get acquainted with the technology of wall decoration from mosaic material.

For the living room:

  • A successful solution is placing a panel from a mosaic over a fireplace or a sofa, which will emphasize the hospitality of the owners.
  • The situation of beauty and harmony will help create a panel having a view of a luxurious carpet.

Tip: If you wish to bind the whole wall in the living room, it is necessary to use elements that will create a flicker effect - a pleasant pearl shine of the coating.

In the hall:

  • The plot panel or mirror lined with a mosaic is perfect on the wall (see), as in the photo.

  • Create an unusual atmosphere can be from small mosaic patterns on the wall.
  • Well looks decorated with glass elements of niche, columns, window sills.

In the kitchen should be used modern materialsEasily cleaned from any contaminants and opposing high temperatures.

With the help of such a coating:

  • Create kitchen aprons near washing.
  • The functional areas of the room are distinguished.
  • Locked small bright drawings on the walls.

Features of the technology of laying on the walls of a wooden mosaic

Such material has several advantages:

  • Great for wall decoration with irregularities and complex surfaces.
  • He is warm.
  • Environmentally safe.
  • With a long period of operation.
  • When combined with different original and unique ornaments, a sufficiently large multifunctionality is ensured.

Wooden mosaic can be two styles that are characterized by manufacturing technologies:

  • Intaria. Such an equipment during the design of a wooden mosaic is quite time-consuming and complex. In this case, all separate fragments of it or a set of separate pieces of wood are crashed into a wooden base or surface using a wide variety of colors and textures of the wood specifies.
  • Marquetry. In this case, unique and complex mosaic designs or compositions are created by pieces of veneer. Creating a future composition is carried out taking into account the direction of fibers, color shades and fractal properties of the tree.

The competent selection of wood allows you to make cladding from the mosaic:

  • Used strength.
  • Durability.

Tip: Such favorite woods like pine and linden with a mosaic composition cannot be used.

For walls and floor from wooden mosaic, solid trees are used:

  • Cedar.
  • Ash.
  • Maple.
  • Alder, in a small amount due to absorption into it negative energyBeing, as it were, a cleaner in nature.

Mosaic can be made of wood waste - chips, which is mixed with the composition of cement and water, after this mass is given the desired form, thickness and density.

At the same time, the material:

  • It has a gray-yellow-orange color.
  • Fastened to the surface on the glue.
  • Perfectly folds into a beautiful pattern.
  • Has low cost.
  • It has high strength.
  • Fire and moisture resistant.
  • Soundproof.
  • Pretty unpretentious care.

When used to protect the finished products from a wooden mosaic of special impregnations, from wax and oils, it can be laid in the kitchen and in the bathroom.

Tip: Do not cover the wooden mosaic sections of the walls and floor of a room constantly subject to water.

Tree mosaic laying technology has such features:

  • To simplify the installation of the Wooden mosaic section, there are 300x300 millimeters.
  • For such a material, ordinary glue cannot be used.
  • When gluing a mosaic tiles on the phaneer, the docking of the sheets should be performed on the diagonal to eliminate the visible discrepancy of the lining on the joint seams during the thermal deformation of the material.
  • When finishing seams, it is not recommended to use an ordinary grout used when processing seams between ceramics tiles. In this case, a special epoxy two-component grout is applied, intended for grouting seams between solid wood. This is due to the fact that when grilled ceramic tiles they are not bent and not deformed, but when using wood, from the slightest vibrations of the material - when changing the temperature and humidity, the tree begins to "breathe", the mineral grout will become cracking and turning, and it is necessary to wash it large quantity Water that can damage the wooden mosaic.
  • The floor is discharged with teak mosaic on cork substrate. The thickness of the flooring for the floor is 7 millimeters, and for no more than three millimeters. Such a floor should be grinding repeatedly, and all the butt seams in the floor should be filled with silicone glue.
  • The basis of the floor is calculated by decades.
  • When caring for a wooden mosaic, it is wiping wet, and then a dry napkin, every 7 days.

The harmonious combination of geometry of patterns and colors of the elements of the mosaic did not lose its uniqueness and is used for decorative decoration Residential premises and facades of buildings.