What can be done beautifully for your room. How can you decorate a room with your own hands, decorative interior decoration

Photos Photos provide exceptional opportunities not only for decorating an apartment, but also for its design. In the sense that photographs can optically influence the perception of space, visually expand the walls, emphasize the style, and make the interior more dynamic and individual. Everything is important in photographs: the plot, the color scheme, the decoration, and the location on the wall. Of course, it's best to decorate your home with your favorite photos first. But even ordinary posters will look just as good.

There is a paradox that you are probably unfamiliar with, but professional designers they know him well. Best of all, amateur, non-professional photos are suitable for interior decoration, the very ones that can be taken with an ordinary camera. But with professional photos in the interior it is much more difficult. A professional photo requires the perfect interior style. A professional photo should be the main accent of the interior, in fact, the interior should be built “around” this photo. In a room with such a photo there should not be unnecessary things and objects inappropriate to this photo; the photo must be highlighted in a special way and positioned so that it does not "glare" in any way.

But back to amateur shots. Here they are - for the interior, and not the interior - for them.

What are the photos... In general, photographs can be decorative, posters and photos from the personal archive. Decorative photos- medium in size, with some kind of storyline. Posters are very enlarged photos, there are not too many details in such a photo. Poster photo printing can be ordered from the respective companies, according to your picture. Well, pictures from a personal archive, or family photos, are photos of relatives and friends, creating coziness and positiveness in the house.

Selection of frames. As a rule, photographs are hung in frames that can be made from different materials... The frame is selected not for wallpaper or furniture, but only for the image. The most versatile frames are steel, gold, and wood. In principle, any picture can be inserted into such a frame. General principle: Color photographs look better in light frames, and black and white photographs appear best in black or whites. If the wall is finished "like a brick", then black frames are required. If the frames are colored, then they should be in the same scale (or only warm colors, or only cold). Any photo can be slightly illuminated with low-voltage halogen bulbs.

Where to hang... The subject of the photo should echo the functional purpose the interior and its style. Therefore, landscapes or genre scenes will look better in the living room, in the kitchen or dining room - flowers and still lifes, in the office - photographic portraits, in the hallway - subject macro photography... Naturally, if the room is decorated in country style, you should not post photos of city buildings, etc.

How to hang... You can group pictures on the wall. The best way- hang the largest photograph in the center of the proposed composition, and place the smaller ones around it. In this case, the level of suspension of the largest image is determined by a special rule. You need to draw an imaginary line on the wall, which is at the level of your eyes, then the suspension point (the center of the photo being hung) will be slightly below this line, since most often photos are viewed in the interior while sitting. For a person of average height, the suspension height is approximately 150 cm. In addition, all images can be grouped and enclosed in one large frame. Then the whole composition should be viewed as one big shot.

If you ordered a large-format poster photo, then you need to choose the most free wall for it. Please note that the space near this wall, any detail that is nearby, must strictly correspond to the style of the photo.

One more fashionable option- dismembered photo. A large photo is taken, cut into several equal-sized pieces, and all the pieces are hung next to small gaps between them. Another option is to duplicate the same photo.

How to arrange... It is best to make your photographs, especially small ones, wide mat. The wider the mat, the more effective the pictures. Wide mats will help to color-match images if they are very different in color. colors... They are also indispensable for small photographs. "Dismembered" pictures are taken without a mat and are not enclosed in frames, in extreme cases only the narrowest frames are possible.

How the photo will affect the interior... If the color scheme of the picture is close to the color scheme of the room, then the photo will make the interior more stylish, balanced and harmonious. If the color scheme of the photo contrasts with the room, then such a photo will bring dynamics to the interior. One large photo (but only one), or a group of small ones, with distances between them will increase the space. But "dismembered" photographs will especially increase the space.

Sometimes you want to start new life, something to change, and the first thing that comes to mind is to make a haircut or dye your hair in some bright color- so the mood will improve and there will be more beauty in the world. But if you already like your hair, we offer you another solution - change the design of your room! It may seem to you that this is very difficult: you need to ask dad to move the furniture, and before that you have to persuade mom to change something for a long time, and in general it is better to eat ice cream to make life more fun, but in reality everything is much simpler. We know 5 ways how you can decorate your room with your own hands without the intervention of parents and designers.

Floral lettering

Tired of family portraits, old drawings and posters of bands whose songs you don't like for a long time? Do you want something light, pretty and girly? Try to create a floral monogram! Something similar is used at weddings and festivals, but for large-scale events, decorators create whole figures from natural flowers, and you can create an inscription from artificial or paper flowers. Just draw letters on a Whatman paper, cut them out, make paper flowers and cover the whole letter with flowers. Place the resulting inscription in a frame and hang it on the wall. Voila, original decoration ready!

Photo gettyimages.com

Create a reading or relaxing nook

In general, psychologists say that every girl should have a place where she could take a break from everyone and be alone, but while you live with your parents, this is problematic, so we propose to organize small space for relax. Make a corner in the room, throw in some pillows, buy a cushion chair or ottoman, and you can also hang lanterns on the wall, like American teenagers do in the movie.

Photo gettyimages.com

Design your own night light

Do you remember how Rapunzel looked at the glowing lanterns every year and called them fireflies? If you also love flickering lights, and you liked the drawing on the wall in the Rapunzel tower, then you can create your own flashlight from the materials at hand. Take a tin can, for example, from under canned pineapples (eat pineapples beforehand), carefully make holes in it with your father's drill, and insert a garland inside. When you turn it on, you have a lamp with a flickering light.

Photo gettyimages.com

Create your own mood board or wish card

If American bloggers can, why can't you? Buy a board like you have at school for a timetable, plywood or something similar, collect all the magazines you like, arm yourself with scissors and create your own mood board! You can cut out actors, beautiful bows, inscriptions, attach photos with friends, various movie tickets and whatever you like to the board. Then hang it over writing desk- let him inspire you. We wrote in more detail.

The paper is versatile material for creativity, from which you can make many crafts. In addition, creating paper decor is good to do with children, which develops creativity and hidden talents in them. This article will discuss how to make a wall decoration with your own hands, as well as the technique of execution and various variations.

There are a lot of original wall crafts - these are pom-poms, garlands, flowers and papers, fans, etc. To create a decor, you do not need special knowledge and skills, the main thing is to allocate a little time and patience for this.

Paper pompons (MK)

The jewelry looks delicate and beautiful, besides it stands out against the general background. Pom-poms can be of different colors and sizes, which allows you to make them to match the style of the room or the holiday.

For creating paper decoration you need to prepare:

  • kraft or corrugated paper;
  • threads;
  • scissors.

You can make pom-poms in the following way:

1. Several sheets of colored paper are stacked on top of each other and folded into an accordion. If you need a small ball, 4 layers are enough, for a medium - 5-6, for a ball large sizes- 8 or more layers of paper.

2. When everything is ready, the middle of the folded sheet is tied with thread or wire. To accurately guess the middle, you need to fold the accordion in half and tie it at the bend. If this is not done, the ball may become skewed.

3. The edges of the accordion are trimmed with a triangle or semicircle. Next, the most difficult and patient work begins. Each sheet is individually neatly straightened so as not to damage the paper. First you need to move to the center of the sheet, and then straighten the individual layers. For convenience, it is better to split the layers in half - this is much easier than separating each sheet separately from the total mass.

4. After the work is done, proceed to straightening and stretching each sheet, thus giving the ball the desired shape... Received pompons will become bright decoration walls, table and other surfaces.

Stages of making a paper pom-pom

In the video: paper pompom.

Paper garland

These decorations will adequately decorate any interior, adding a touch of lightness and sophistication to it. To change the room, it is enough to choose the right garland of paper, which can not only act as a decorative element, but also become the subject of space zoning.

Before making a garland, you need to choose the shape on which the material used depends. It can be thin or thick paper. The first is suitable for creating fast and airy decorations. The products are light and weightless, creating a sense of spaciousness in the room. Thick paper- the material is reliable, but heavier and more difficult to work with. Weight to consider finished products when mounted on a wall.

Also, the material can serve as newspapers, napkins, postcards, and so on. Everything is fastened, as a rule, with glue, a stapler or paper clips, depending on the shape and type of the garland.


Rectangular elements are cut, which are then bent in half and strung on a thread. Everything is fixed with glue or double-sided tape... To create a bright garland, it is best to use as much as possible more colors... You also need to keep the same distance between the flags for a more attractive and aesthetic appearance.

In the video: garland with colored paper flags.


A great option for a romantic dinner or decorating a young girl's room. Blanks are cut out of paper and attached to each other by 2 pieces. In this case, the upper heart is bent in half in the middle. The elements are fastened with a thread, mainly with a sewing machine.

In the video: garland of paper hearts.

Circles and rings

A beautiful element created from cut out circles in different colors and sizes. Fastened to a thread using glue and will be an excellent decor for any room. Another option is a chain garland made of paper links. Cut paper strips 0.5-4 cm wide and up to 15 cm long. One ring goes through the other, then the strip is glued together.

In the video: a garland of paper rings.

Flower decorations

You can use flat or three-dimensional floral motifs as wall decorations. To create a flat decor, it will be convenient to use a stencil, which you can buy or make your own. Then you need to cut out all the details evenly and accurately. The range of colors and sizes can be varied.

Volumetric flowers are created by overlaying several layers, then fixing and straightening. The material can be ordinary office paper, tracing paper, wrapping and corrugated paper.

Paper fans will also be a good decoration for the room in which the celebration will take place. They are made by folding like an accordion, the strip is bent in half, the inner ends are connected with tape or a stapler. After blooming, a semicircle is obtained. Decorations are attached to the wall with double-sided tape.

Paper fans can be additionally decorated with beads, buttons and other small items cut out of paper.

Decorations can be of a wide variety of shapes - circles, flags, squares, birds, hearts and much more, depending on personal preferences. To create a real holiday, it is not necessary to buy expensive decorations, you can do everything yourself using the means at hand and you can be sure that the paper decor made with your own hands will surpass all expectations.

Any setting living rooms over time, it gets boring, the owners quickly get used to it, nothing delights the guests. Often, the design of the walls requires novelty, since the decoration is morally outdated. Original decor walls with your own hands from scrap materials is the best way to add novelty without overhaul and serious investments. It is enough just to create a decorative panel on the wall, update old furniture, breathe new life into unnecessary items, making them practical.

No matter how much time is spent looking for something original in hardware stores, nothing can replace do-it-yourself decor from improvised means to transform an apartment. And it will cost much less than the work of specialists who will try to impose some kind of technique or mastered technique. It happens that a designer or decorator will show sketches, tell in all epithets how great a room will look, but the end result does not live up to expectations. The best way is to do what you want yourself to do.

Do-it-yourself room decor from improvised means is a minimum cost with the possibility of creative self-realization. Interior designers have developed many simple and available ways interior transformations that are easy to do on your own.

DIY room decor

The most common DIY decor methods

DIY interior design decor

DIY room decoration

DIY room decor idea

The unusually decorated wall will be complemented by curtains and cushions, covers and capes, sewn with your own hands. The author's decor from scrap materials can be changed at will, for example, for a certain holiday or for a change of season. In the spring, it is wise to decorate the wall with a blooming twig or homemade flowers in vases made from bottles.

Winter decor suggests snow and New Year variations. He will change autumn leaves flying in a whirlwind along the wall, and in summer it can be butterflies or birds.

The easiest way is to cut out of paper or paint these objects on the wall using a stencil. This technique is available even to those who cannot draw. The main thing is to apply the markup to create an attractive composition. Individual objects can be of the same size and shape, but it is better when they are reduced or depicted from different angles.

Do-it-yourself wall decoration from scrap materials is performed in any available technique, but this is also a reason to learn something new. Stencil drawing is the easiest to do, especially with aerosol spraying. But you need to work carefully so that smudges and sags do not form from excess paint.

Interesting decoration of the room with your own hands

DIY room decor

Stencil panels often combine flat tree outlines and volumetric elements:

  • flowers;
  • leaves;
  • birds;
  • animals;
  • insects;
  • clouds, etc.

Thin plastic, cardboard and colored paper are suitable for the production of overlay elements. If your imagination is not enough, use examples from our photo gallery.

Decorative plaster from ordinary putty

Do-it-yourself wall decor from improvised means at home also implies replacement expensive species ordinary plasters building mixtures, but using original techniques or tools.

Everyone knows that if you attach an object to wet liquid plaster or paint on the wall and tear it off abruptly, you get a beautiful print. Flat sheet gives nodules, the grid - with its characteristic pattern, crumpled foil will give an unexpected do-it-yourself wall decor.

Working with a spatula, trowel, trowel or different roller attachments on a wet filler with dyes, you can get an effect similar to the "Venetian" or textured plaster... The plastic mass is washed out along the surface of the wall until the required pattern is obtained with circular movements or patting.

All excess is removed with a spatula. For additional volume, paint or varnish is used. After grinding it will turn out original design walls in the hallway, living room or bedroom.

We propose to master a master class on decorating walls with plaster.

DIY interior design decor

DIY room decoration

DIY room decor idea

We carry out decorative stone from facade plaster

There are many ways to add volume to your wall decor. In the hallway on a solid wall, it is easy to make yourself out of facade plaster some semblance of masonry or make an original panel.

First, on the fortified surface, you need to outline the contours of the future drawing, outline the future stones. These are objects of arbitrary shape, which need to be given volume in the process of work, so special artistic skills are not required.

It is advisable to cover adjacent surfaces with masking tape so as not to stain. To create a "stone" texture, a thick plaster solution is needed. You will have to work quickly to achieve the desired effect when shaping the shape of the stones. Roughness is processed with a trowel and metal brush.

The finished surface will become more believable after touching up. It is necessary to work out the seams between the "stones" and give volume to the entire decorative finishing... First, a light tone is applied with arbitrary spots, then dark colors will give depth, the middle tone will fill in the gaps in the wall decor with your own hands.

Interesting decoration of the room with your own hands

DIY room decor

Original wall decor with your own hands from scrap materials

For the embodiment of interesting compositions, large costs are not required, creative thinking man sees in everything a way of realizing creative inclinations. Just as stone cutters find a special angle of ornamental minerals to polish a "landscape" cut for a picture, so a beautiful piece of fabric or wood cut becomes a picture in a frame in the hands of a creative person.

The most interesting is perceived not one decorative canvas, but several similar objects that form a whole "gallery". Beads and necklaces self made beads and gems do not have to be hidden in boxes. They will be a great decor for a bedroom or dressing room if you place them in frames on black velvet against one wall. Alternatively, hang them on hooks, using a beautiful fabric as a background in the wall decor.

DIY interior design decor

DIY room decoration

DIY room decor idea

After sewing curtains and constrictions upholstered furniture pieces of upholstery remain with beautiful pattern such as tapestry, chenille or jacquard. Inserts of interior materials on the walls will not only duplicate a sofa, armchair or corner, they will create a kind of "roll call" in the overall composition.

Wall decoration in the form of paintings made of fabric fits well into the interior of the bedroom and children's room. Depending on the plot, you can play with the texture of the fabric. Striped jersey is suitable for a zebra, geometric figures Is a giraffe, a leopard will be spotted, and a panther will be black velvet. Sparkling eyes will complement pebbles or sparkles.

As a home decor with your own hands from scrap materials, use a composition of several objects united by a common color, plot or pattern. For example, bulky fruits can be sewn from bright fabrics, and the leaves for them can be made from general material... The common thing can be frames of the same shape, as well as the background on which all these berries, fruits and citrus slices will be located. It is not necessary to hang such pictures close, common topic compositionally will unite the entire interior.

A similar effect can be obtained by picking up scraps of laminate or veneer chipboard with the texture of expensive wood. Such decorative panels hand-made, will complement any interior design that uses the beauty of natural wood.

Fabric paintings that have something in common in materials look good. sofa cushions, upholstered ottomans and banquets. Painted scarves, handmade batik or Japanese silk with a typical Asian pattern can also become art objects, and not just DIY interior crafts from scrap materials.

Interesting decoration of the room with your own hands

DIY room decor

Tip: Not all fabric paintings require full frames. It is enough to stretch them onto rectangular or round plywood or foam templates and hang them on the wall in a specific order.

Beautiful embroidery in the form of icons, portraits or paintings is a great way to decorate walls. The embroidery is placed singly and as an exposition made by hand, even if some of them were done by someone else.

Talented children's drawings within the framework can also become worthy decoration interior design, especially if the child is in art school. Having selected several successful works and given them a certain compositional plot, it is easy to make a dynamic interior in a nursery or a hallway.

DIY interior design decor

DIY room decoration

DIY room decor idea

Mirror elements in the decor of rooms

In interior design, a mirror is a completely independent element that takes a worthy place in any room. However, it is not necessary to hang ordinary mirrors in every room, they look much more interesting in different versions:

  • mirror wall for visual expansion rooms;
  • rotating mirrors of an unusual shape on stands;
  • mirror tiles as wall decoration;
  • handmade carved frames for mirrors of different sizes and sizes;
  • foil and mirror paper stickers that form whole compositions.

An installation that includes clocks, mirrors and decor, united by a common idea or intricate geometry, will look good on a free wall. Other DIY home crafts and decor from scrap materials can organically fit into such an unusual solution.

Interesting decoration of the room with your own hands

DIY room decor

Framed photo as an element of decor

The photo - traditional way DIY wall decor for home from improvised means. At the same time, photos from a family album are not always used. A separate topic is travel or personal achievements, which are framed on the wall as "evidence".

No matter how unique the photograph itself, its presentation in the overall composition is important. You can choose white frames or wooden frames, they can vary in size and shape, but they should have something in common, including the background if the photos are small.

In the center of this composition, place the largest photo and the most significant event. Other photos will form around the central subject. It is interesting to study family photos that reflect changes over time - how the child grew up or how the family was created in terms of addition. If this is a family "board of honor", it should reflect the main stages of the ascent to success. The victories associated with creativity can be confirmed in the hand-made things along the wall.

The choice of a way to decorate an apartment should be somehow tied to the lifestyle of the owners, their tastes and preferences. Sometimes interesting decor seems completely out of place in one room, but he will find a worthy place in another room. If you were inspired by some idea of ​​decorating an apartment with your own hands from scrap materials, feel free to take on its implementation. Try to do everything with inspiration, slowly and carefully. Even if something didn't work out the first time, work on improving the technique, and everything will work out.

Video: DIY room decor

50 photos of interesting DIY room decor ideas:

No matter how many reviews we do DIY room decor, still there will be ten times more interesting ideas... Our task today is to acquaint you with the beautiful, fashionable, which has appeared recently. He will help you transform every room of your apartment for the better, whether it's holidays or weekdays.

DIY room decor ideas

Everything DIY room decor ideas you can do it without any problems, although if you look at some of the photos, it seems that it is quite difficult. Handsome must obey the only rule - to be done as carefully as possible. Even the most simple crafts that you carefully glue, paint or fold, will look expensive and relevant, especially since hand-made crafts are more fashionable today than ever.

For example, pay attention to examples of the use of unusual-shaped shelves, which today are under the brands renowned manufacturers often sold in shops and design studios. But in fact, there is nothing difficult in the manufacture of such shelves. The only difficulty, for example, in the manufacture of such a shelf with branch holders, is to find the most similar knots to each other. They are nailed to the wall using fasteners that pierce them through and through, and a large log is laid on top, sawn in half. Such a craft must be completely covered with a special paint - azure, which will protect the wood and make it more elegant appearance... But wooden slats can also be an excellent basis for implementation. design ideas, you just need to look at a very fashionable shelf, which is shaped like a branch. Such elements may well become central to the general, from which the whole further concept will be built.

Pillow letters or wooden inscriptions are already known to everyone and are used with pleasure not only in children's rooms, but also in the rest of the design. Today, not just letters or individual words have become popular, but whole phrases that can be placed on the walls using various expressive means... These can be puzzles, when the phrase embedded in the panel still needs to be able to read, or there can be short messages, simple and understandable. Individual letters can be used, or each word can be framed as a separate picture. Such decor "speaks" of what is important for the owner of the apartment, about his aspirations and life values and is also a great motivator.

If the living room or bedroom are rooms of a more classic, austere style and handmade crafts seem out of place for you, then there is a room in which any decorative experiments will be perceived with a bang - this is the kitchen. There is room for wall panels, a variety of colored textiles, handmade curtains and so on. Let's talk in more detail about that. For example, based on the most common cutting boards, you can make very useful organizers for kitchen utensils, cutlery and so on. In general, there are a lot of ideas with pockets, not only forks and spoons can be stored inside them, you can hang a similar organizer over your workplace if you like to sew and knit, and also use it when entering the house on the door table to store all sorts of little things, like keys or shoe spoons.

The abundance of all kinds of cups is always evidence of the hospitality and hospitality of the owners, especially since there are a lot of beautiful cups today, they are already fashionable by themselves decorative element... For them, it is worthwhile to come up with a separate place where it would be convenient to hang them, exposing them, and not hide them in a closet. You can place them on hooks, you can drive in special pegs under the kitchen cupboard, or arrange it all like an elegant panel. Such DIY room decor, photo which you can see above, will give the kitchen bright colors and make a good decorative accent.

DIY bathroom decor

There are also trends that relate to DIY bathroom decor... This area transforms from a tiled, sterile, but boring realm into a full-fledged small room, where the same design and decoration laws apply as in everyone else. For example, the bathroom was also affected by the fashion for an abundance of open shelves, on which almost everything is now placed, from photo frames to food in the kitchen.

In the examples, you can see how you can beautifully decorate the shelves and everything that lies on them. Of course, the nuance of using this fashionable technique is that, in order to open shelves you will have to follow much more carefully than choosing an obsolete closed pencil case.

Another trend is a new approach to the design of mirrors. More and more, they resemble not, in fact, mirrors, but vintage windows in exquisite frames. Maximum attention is paid to frames and their design, the richer they are, the more original they are, the better. Choose frames with forged elements, you can paste over the mirror with large shells, sea stones, cold porcelain flowers, wooden slats etc. The best decoration for the bathing kingdom is green plants, which contrast perfectly with light monochromatic walls. But you should take into account that not all plants in such a non-standard environment will be comfortable, especially if there is no window in the bathroom and there is not enough fresh air.

DIY children's room decor

It is always especially responsible to talk about DIY children's room decor... On the one hand, I want as much as possible to remain there. free space for children's games and placement of books, toys. On the other hand, it is necessary to instill in a child from childhood good taste surrounding him beautiful things... And when making any jewelry, you can always control their quality and the safety of all materials used.

Highly good idea, and at the same time very fashionable - a rug or a blanket made of multi-colored pom-poms. They are twisted with scraps of fabric, woolen threads, and so on. The advantage of such a blanket is that it can be washed if necessary (if you use woolen threads, then use the appropriate washing modes that are in your washing machine), which is mandatory for the entire interior of the nursery. For the little ones, a rug may come in handy, which is not made of classic fluffy pom-poms, but of balls of multi-colored fabric with a filling inside. It is both warm and soft, and it will be good to develop the tactile sensations of the baby.

In addition to the useful, inside the children's room there is always a place for decor with a certain meaning. For example, you can make metrics for each child, with his height, birth weight. You can also place family trees on the walls with photos of all grandparents, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters. Well, we offer you DIY room decor for girls- make prints of the palms of the whole family and arrange them beautifully. It can be an individual panel for everyone, common, in sequence from the largest to the smallest, or maybe even a tree, the branches of which will be the drawings of the palms of each family member. The thing is very inspiring and always reminds in any quarrels and discord (inevitable in children's relationships) that you are one big, loving family.

DIY room decor from scrap materials

In a small section DIY room decor from scrap materials I'd love to tell you about a few expressive techniques. Their area of ​​application is not limited to one room, because they will look great on tables, any surfaces, and on walls. Let's start with crafts that are made using the thread weaving technique, it is also called isothread.

Mastering the art of drawing with threads is quite simple, you need to watch a simple master class and try to repeat it. Another question is that in addition to possessing knowledge and skills, this technique requires considerable accuracy and perseverance. The drawing is marked out at the selected key points and small furniture nails are driven into them so that the caps stick out above the surface at a short equal distance. After that, between these same studs, they begin to pull a thread, one or more to get different colors, while such weaving can resemble the lacing of sneakers, if you want. Although it is not as easy as everything else, the photos posted above will surely inspire you to try in order to get the same beauty for your interior.

One more do-it-yourself room decor materials intended for installation in a vase. Such a summer of ripe ears, entwined with bright ribbons, is able to give bright colors gloomy autumn weather. The ears must be tied into bundles and each bundle must be wrapped with a piece of tape different color so that as many of them as possible are collected in one vase. The second idea is to use bright paint to turn ordinary branches from the park into a fashionable decoration. And in the third idea, you see how you can decorate several branches in an artistic triplex in an original way for the most beautiful decorative panel in the apartment.

DIY New Year's room decor

And we will end our article with a few ideas. New Year's decor DIY rooms, because without it you simply cannot go anywhere. And even if there will be 1001 ideas on our website, it will still be interesting to see what can be applied this year.

Of course, those examples of room decor on New Year do it yourself that you see in the photographs are only a small part of everything interesting. If we briefly touch on the trends, then for the selection of relevant ones, pay attention to the branch decor in its various manifestations (compositions, mobiles) and to wall paintings in the form of Christmas trees, illuminated or not with garlands.

Also of interest are the abundant ampelous compositions, whole coniferous garlands that fill the space of one piece of furniture, be it a large mirror, a chest of drawers, dressing table etc.