What to do if the cold water pipe sweats. Condensation forms on the cold water pipes - what to do? Causes of wet pipes in the bathroom

Whatever one may say, but condensation on pipes through which cold water flows is a common phenomenon. The same laws will have to be opposed to the laws of physics. It seems, well, you think, the pipe got damp once or twice. But then someone from the family asks: "Where do we get mold from?"

Condensation on pipes in the toilet

Moisture condensation occurs either due to the high vapor content in the air, or due to temperature differences. If condensation settles on the pipes in the toilet, first check the ventilation... The easiest way is to leave the toilet door open overnight. If you find dry pipes in the morning, the problem is insufficient ventilation.

The second common reason is a constant leak from the reservoir. The water in the pipe does not have time to warm up and is constantly replaced by cold water. The pipe cools down even more and becomes covered with condensation droplets. The tank inlet valve and taps should be checked and repaired.

Of course, the riser pipe can also "sweat". This means that one of your neighbors has the above leakage problem. As a temporary measure, several turns of a bandage can be wound around the pipe, and the end can be lowered into some container. The main thing is to pour out the accumulated water in time. Of course, there is nothing more permanent than a temporary phenomenon, but someday you will get tired of controlling the rescue can and you will take care of the thermal insulation of the pipe. It can be wrapped in unnecessary rags, but this is not very aesthetically pleasing. On sale there is a special insulation made of porous material that looks like foam rubber. The thick-walled soft tube with a longitudinal cut is easily installed on the crying area and the problem can be considered solved. Please note: thermal insulation should be installed on pre-dried pipes.

Condensation on the pipes in the bathroom

If condensate settles on, proceed in the same way. The riser gets wet - the neighbors from above are to blame, the pipe going to the plumbing device gets wet - the tap jams. Similarly, check the "culpability" of the ventilation in the suction hole. In the same way as in the first case, it is advisable to protect the pipes with thermal insulation. The chemical industry offers another option - the Grafotherm product. The dry pipe must be rubbed with a preparation and the formed film will prevent the formation of condensation. Chemical treatment nevertheless, it is worth considering as a temporary measure and not relaxing. If there is no condensation on the pipe, this does not mean that the air humidity has magically stabilized and there is no need to look for the root cause.

How to remove condensate from pipes

Thermal insulation deserves a separate discussion. As mentioned above, you can remove condensate from pipes if you put them in a special insulating material. But if you don't have one at hand?

Polyurethane foam can save the situation. You need to buy a corrugation with a diameter slightly larger than your problem pipes, cut it into easy-to-use segments and lengths to put on the pipes. On this, mockery of oneself and the material enters the home stretch. Fill the intertubular space with polyurethane foam and, in fact, the mission is completed.

There is another way to organize thermal insulation from available tools. You will need:

  • sanding paper;
  • rust converter (phosphoric acid);
  • thick strong thread;
  • strips of fabric;
  • epoxy putty;
  • putty knife;
  • acetone.

A great way to find use for old sheets along the way. They will have to be mercilessly cut into bandages 5-6 cm wide and rolled into rolls. The more bandages you prepare, the less interruptions you will have to take.

The pipe must first be sanded to ensure reliable adhesion of the material to the pipe. Then moisten a rag with acetone and wipe the pipe to degrease the surface. The next step is treatment with a rust converter.

After the pipe is dry, an epoxy putty is applied to it. It should look like thick paint and not run off. The material hardens quickly, so you have to work quickly. The prepared pipe is wrapped with a cloth, starting from the bottom and pulling the strip well. The turns of the fabric should overlap each other and be soaked in the putty. Tie the last loop tightly with a thread.

When the first layer of putty has completely polymerized (see instructions), two or three more layers of fabric insulation are applied in the same way. The work ends with the application of an epoxy layer. After that, you need to wait until everything is dry. Then the pipe should be sanded and painted to match the color of the wall.

A rare person has not had to deal with such a phenomenon as condensation on the surface of the pipeline. cold water... Although this unpleasant phenomenon can occur on other structures - windows, external walls, in the corners of rooms.

Condensation is caused by moisture vapor in the air. When they come into contact with a cold surface, they cool down and turn into drops. The higher the humidity in the room and the greater the temperature difference between the air and the cold surface, the greater the likelihood of this unpleasant phenomenon.

If the pipes and windows chronically "cry" in the house, then it is urgently necessary to deal with the causes of this phenomenon.

This mainly affects rooms such as bathrooms and toilets. This is where the risers of the cold and hot pipelines are usually located.

There are several reasons for water condensation on pipes:

  • poor ventilation of the bathroom and toilet, leading to high humidity in them and an increase in the overall temperature in these rooms;
  • in the toilet, the cause of the problem may be a malfunction of the valve that blocks the water in the toilet bowl - water leakage leads not only to its leakage, but also to constant cooling of the cold water pipe;
  • in the bathroom, condensation often forms for the same reason - a malfunction of the mixer valve that shuts off cold water;
  • high humidity in an apartment or house, which can be caused by many malfunctions - poor ventilation, leaking roof, incorrectly selected insulation.

If condensation has begun to form recently, then the cause must be found out immediately, and not wait for the problem to become chronic. Perhaps you recently changed windows or installed any equipment in the house that contributes to "warming the microclimate".

It must be remembered that although condensate is just water, it is it that is the main aggressive medium that destroys steel structures, including pipes.

In addition, excess moisture will sooner or later cause the appearance of mold and mildew not only on pipes, but also in any points of the apartment where there are cold surfaces.

And this is no longer just ugly, but often even dangerous for people living in the house, especially allergy sufferers.

How to deal with misted pipes

The algorithm is very simple - you need to find the cause and eliminate it:

  • You can start by checking drain system tank and stopcocks. To do this, you will have to watch them. Sometimes people, leaving the bathroom, do not notice that the faucet is undermining, and the toilet valve periodically opens due to a decrease in the float level due to a small leak from the tank.
  • Check that the ventilation is working properly with a piece of paper or by holding a lighted match up to the ventilation grill. If the piece of paper falls, and the match burns evenly, then the ventilation is not working.
  • If you did not find any faults in your apartment, then you will have to visit the neighbors upstairs and find out from them if they have encountered the same problem. A malfunction on any floor located above leads to a constant circulation of cold water in the pipe, which significantly reduces its temperature.

  • If in the bathroom and toilet you have forced ventilation, then it is worth checking the effectiveness of its work.
  • If everything is in order, but the pipes "cry", then the reason for this is that the temperature difference between the pipe surface and the ambient air exceeds 17 degrees, and special methods will have to be used to solve the problem.

Solutions to the problem

The main idea of ​​all of the following methods is the thermal insulation of the cold water pipeline to reduce the intensity of exposure to too warm air.

  • Pipe painting insulating paint... It is quite expensive, but at the same time effective method solving the task at hand. Here you should be patient, because to achieve the desired effect, you will have to paint the pipe at least 5-6 times. Each previous layer of paint must be dried well and only then the next one should be applied. In this case, the room will have to be forcibly ventilated - an ordinary fan is suitable for this.

  • Insulation of the pipe with foamed heat insulator liners. The linings are soft pipes with a longitudinal cut. They are put on a dry pipe like a cover, and the edges are then glued together. To achieve the desired effect, it is very important that the size of the pad fits perfectly to the pipe diameter. if it is larger, then there will be no effect at all, and if it is smaller, then you will not be able to glue the edges of the lining. You can combine the two previous methods: first paint the pipe, dry the paint and put on overlays, which can also be painted on top with heat-insulating paint.
  • Putting on a plastic pipe bigger size and filling the space with polyurethane foam, you can also achieve good results. But here it is important that the foam completely and evenly fills the space between the pipes, otherwise the method will not work.
  • Self-creation of thermal insulation on the pipe surface. This is an inexpensive but troublesome method and a completely reliable solution to the problem.

To create it, you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • epoxy putty;
  • Plain cotton fabric (such as old sheets)
  • strong thread or thin twine;
  • putty knife;
  • sandpaper;
  • means for cleaning pipes from rust;
  • acetone or other suitable substance for degreasing the pipe surface.

The fabric should be cut into strips approximately 10 cm wide and rolled up. Medical bandages of suitable width can also be used.

Then we proceed as follows:

  • We clean the pipe from paint and thoroughly degrease its surface.
  • Next, the pipe is treated with an anti-rust agent.
  • After the pipe has dried, a layer of epoxy putty must be applied to it and immediately quickly wrapped with a cloth from bottom to top. In this case, the turns of the fabric should be superimposed on each other and impregnated with a putty. Then the fabric is secured with a thread.
  • After the first layer has dried, several more are applied in the same way.
  • At the end of the work, I again coat the pipe with putty on top.

Once the insulation is completely dry, it can be sanded and painted in a suitable color.

In solving the problem of "crying" pipes, the main thing is not to miss the moment before the pipes begin to corrode.

If you cannot fix the problem by eliminating leaks in the valves of plumbing fixtures and good ventilation, it is better to immediately resort to thermal insulation.

Small droplets of condensate form on cold water pipes and sewers in apartments and private houses all the time. Most often, this process can be observed in summer period... Despite the fact that such a phenomenon is considered natural and quite natural, it causes many inconveniences to many. We are trying to come up with something, but still, seeing condensation on the pipes of cold water, we don’t know what to do. Why are these droplets so harmful?

It would seem that harmless condensation can create significant problems for the owners of an apartment or house:

  • Accumulating and uniting, drops of water end up on the floor and form whole puddles there, which can even flow to neighbors below. Flooring from this it can suffer so much that after a couple of years it will have to be changed.
  • Harmless drops also greatly reduce the operating period of the water supply system, because it is an aggressive medium for metal. Pipes rust, deform and after a while will require major repairs.
  • Condensation on pipes in the toilet, kitchen or bathroom can cause bad smell dampness. But the smell is not that scary. It is much worse that the consequence of this is the formation of mold and mildew. Bacteria also multiply much more actively in a humid environment, exposing people living in an apartment to the risk of disease.

Causes of droplet formation

Why does condensation form on the pipes? Most often this occurs due to the temperature difference between the surface of the pipes and the air in the room. And if there is no ventilation in the room, or it does not function well enough, then nasty drops appear necessarily. Too humid indoor air also contributes to this. Moisture quickly settles on risers and pipes that carry cold liquid. Each room has its own reasons for condensation.

Wet pipes in the toilet

In the toilet to the most frequent reasons the settling of condensate on pipes can be attributed to:

Condensation in the bathroom

To know how to deal with condensation on pipes in the bathroom, you must first find out the cause of this phenomenon. Some factors are similar to "toilet" ones, but there are some nuances:

How to get rid of moisture on pipes?

There are several ways to remove condensate on pipes:


Inspect air vent... If you find debris, cobwebs and deposits of dust there, it is necessary to thoroughly clean it all. After that, it is advisable to purchase a special fan, which is installed instead of the ventilation grill. Plumbing and building materials stores have a ton of such devices from various manufacturers. They can vary in power, price and design.

New tank

In the toilet, the condensation problem can be solved with a double cistern. Inside such a device there is an additional plastic container into which cold water is drawn. The outer walls do not cool too sharply, therefore they are not covered with water droplets. Of the minuses - the high cost of the cistern, which is most often sold only as a set together with a toilet bowl.

Natural ventilation

If your bathroom or bathroom does not have inflow exhaust ventilation, organize life in your home so that everyone who takes a shower or a bath leaves the door wide open when leaving the bathroom.

Thermal insulation of pipes

How to get rid of condensation on cold water pipes by thickening the walls? To reduce the temperature difference between the air and the pipe, it is advisable to insulate the pipe. Several items can be found in stores modern heaters... They are characterized by high fire safety, high thermal insulation properties, ease of installation, tightness and a completely low price. Special cases made of foamed polyethylene - energoflex are very popular now. This material is very flexible, so there should be no problems with installation. And multiple closed pores will be very good at protecting against temperature "inconsistencies".

To put a pipe in an energy flex, you need to do the following:

  • dry the pipe thoroughly, after wiping it with a dry cloth;
  • the energyflex pipe must be cut lengthwise;
  • starting from one edge, gradually put on the insulating material over the entire pipe with cold water;
  • the longitudinal seam of the energy flex is fastened with clamps or glued with glue;
  • if the pipe is long, then, using several pieces of insulation, you need to glue its ends together;
  • thereafter, the insulating material, if desired, can be painted with paint from an aerosol can.

Another pipe and polyurethane foam

How to eliminate condensation on a cold water pipe using scrap materials? If for some reason you cannot buy this modern insulating material, then you can try using a plastic pipe with a little large diameter and polyurethane foam... The plastic pipe is also cut lengthwise and carefully slid over the water pipe. Then foam is admitted into the annular space. This simple construction will last long enough, and will not interfere with the repair work.

Note: Instead of a plastic pipe, many use a metal corrugated pipe. You can also run polyurethane foam inside.


Another option is to use rags (bandages, any other cotton fabric) and epoxy putty. Before proceeding with the insulation of the pipe, it must be thoroughly cleaned of rust. sandpaper, and then - degrease with acetone and treat with a rust converter. Only after that the first layer of putty is applied, which is immediately "bandaged" with a cloth. When this coating has hardened, another coat of epoxy must be applied.

Isollat ​​and other similar materials

In the matter of thermal insulation of cold water pipes, a universal one helps a lot insulating material Isollat. This is a thermos paint in the form of a water-based suspension. After drying, the liquid mass solidifies and turns into polymer coating with excellent thermal insulation characteristics.

It is very simple to paint a pipe with Isollat:

  • clean well with a "sandpaper" and degrease the pipe surface;
  • apply one coat of insulating material;
  • wait until dry;
  • use silicone varnish to finish and gloss the pipe.

Moisture absorbers

In large construction supermarkets you can find wonderful household appliances- moisture absorbers. They will help you quickly and without hassle to cope with the problem. Their design is quite simple: an absorbent substance is placed in a plastic box. It will help not only eliminate condensation on the pipes, but also get rid of excessive moisture in the entire room.

Air conditioning

This is the most expensive option but some people use it too. Installing a climate controlled air conditioner will ensure a constant optimum humidity level.

What to do when the condensate of the water pipes keeps constantly on the pipes? When you see water droplets on the waterways of your apartment, do not ignore the problem in the hope that "it will somehow disappear by itself." Try one of the above methods, and the unpleasant consequences can be avoided.

The formation of water droplets on pipes in apartments and in private homes is quite common. This process most often occurs in summer and covers the surface of both gravity sewer and "cold" water pipes. The condensation phenomenon itself is not a problem. But its significant accumulation, followed by dripping, leads to the formation of puddles on the floor. The accumulation of condensate on pipes can significantly shorten the operating period of the water supply, resulting in unplanned repair work... Excessive moisture on the pipes is the cause bad smell and dampness in kitchens, toilets and bathrooms, contributes to the development of mold and mildew.

In this article, we will analyze the main reasons for the appearance of condensation on water pipes and ways to deal with it.

The main causes of condensation.

To begin with, we will consider the mechanism of the appearance of water droplets on a pipe from the point of view of physics. Let's remember the very nature of the origin of the condensate. This phenomenon is directly related to the temperature and humidity in the room. We all know that the human body is 80% water and all its vital activity is inextricably linked with the use of water. These are bathing procedures and taking a bath, preparing food and washing clothes. Plants and animals around us, and the bathroom rug are also sources of wet steam.

And if such humid air hits a sufficiently cold surface, then we observe this unfavorable effect - the appearance of condensation.

Back in school, in physics lessons, we studied that all substances can be in three states of aggregation: solid, liquid and gaseous. Illustrative example this is ice, water and steam.

As the temperature rises, the water turns into steam. And each room has a specific humidity, i.e. the presence of water in the air in a gaseous state. The transition of water from a gaseous state to a liquid is called condensation... And in order for this transition process to take place, it is necessary to lower the temperature. Since the cold water riser in the bathroom or toilet is the coldest point in the room, condensation falls on the pipe. Everyone probably remembers how drops appear on pipes or a cistern. This is exactly the case.

The temperature at which condensation begins to form is called dew point... The dew point is determined by the relative humidity of the air. The higher the relative humidity, the higher the dew point and closer to the actual air temperature. The lower the relative humidity, the lower the dew point of the actual temperature. If the relative humidity is 100%, then the dew point is the same as the actual temperature. That is, in other words, the humidity in the bathroom can be high, which means the temperature at which the steam turns into water is also higher. Consequently, having met the cold surface of the pipes, the steam will instantly condense, and then will flow down them to the floor.

1. The first reason is faulty plumbing. Leaking faucet, faulty toilet barrels lead to the fact that, as a result of constant and uninterrupted water exchange, the surface temperature of the pipe, mixer or cistern gradually decreases. The water simply does not have time to heat up in the pipe, being constantly replaced by cold water, which cools the pipe even more, as a result of which condensation appears on the pipes in the toilet. In this case, the taps and the inlet valve of the drain tank must be checked and repaired.

2. If the plumbing is working properly, but the riser still gets wet, your neighbors in the riser on the floor above may be indirect culprits for the formation of condensation on your pipes. It is because of their faulty plumbing that your pipes sweat.

3. Another reason for the formation of condensation can be the absence or poor operation of exhaust ventilation, which is often found in new buildings and apartments with installed metal-plastic windows where there is no extractor hood in the case of closed windows. Water vapor, accumulating in the room, cannot escape outside. In this case, the quality of ventilation can be checked by attaching a newspaper to the hood with open and closed windows... If there is not much difference, then the ventilation is not working well. In the absence of exhaust ventilation in the bathroom, in which the risers are located, sometimes even installing a fan does not help.

Condensate elimination methods.

So, we have found out the main causes of condensation. Based on the reasons, respectively, you can select methods of elimination.

  • If the pipe leading to the plumbing fixture gets wet, this indicates a malfunction of the faucet;
  • If the plumbing is working properly, but the riser pipe gets wet, it is possible that the neighbors on top have a problem;
  • If the check showed insufficient ventilation, remove the blockages formed in the exhaust hole, etc.

However, what if all the above methods of dealing with condensation do not give the desired effect? Remains the last, the most simple and effective way.

The use of thermal insulation.

The use of a heat-insulating layer gives the effect of a thermos, preventing direct contact of the cold pipe surface with warm humidified air. As thermal (or heat) insulation, we recommend the use of heat-insulating pipes made of foamed polyethylene. The KPR-DV company sells them under the Jermoflex brand. For pipe insulation, a selected thermal insulation material wrap tightly or put on the pipe and fix it. Cut the full length of the heat-insulating tubes. To facilitate work on pipe insulation Jermoflex already has a longitudinal cut. Then the water pipe is wiped dry and heat-insulating material is put on it, achieving complete tightness in such a way as to prevent contact with the air in the room. If this is not done, condensation will accumulate under the heat-insulating material on the pipe and serve as a source of its destruction. Then the put on heat-insulating material is glued along the entire length of the cut (edge) with special tape or glue. These materials can also be purchased from our company and you can carry out all the work yourself. It is advisable during the smallest drawdown, so that the water in the pipe is heated.

We hope this article was helpful. For all questions arising during the installation of thermal insulation, you can contact our managers for advice on a single free number 8 800-250-26-65 ... We will be happy to help you.

Condensation can almost always be observed on cold water pipes. This phenomenon not only spoils to some extent appearance bathroom, but can cause serious problems. Constantly wet tubing has a limited life.

Therefore, such a problem should be solved very quickly. In this case, questions arise, what to do if water drops are found on the pipeline and how to remove condensate from cold water pipes. First, you don't need to over-dramatize the situation. Secondly, you need to familiarize yourself with all methods of eliminating this problem. Third, choose the most the best option and put it into practice.

Reasons for the formation of condensation

Condensation on cold water pipes may appear for the following reasons:

  • Source presence in the room high humidity.
  • Insufficient ventilation.
  • Water supply pipes have poor quality thermal insulation.
  • Temperature changes. For this reason, in summer time more condensation can be observed, which simply flows down the surface of the pipes.

Most of the reasons for the formation of condensation are self-explanatory. As for the first item from the list, some clarifications are required.

Sources of high humidity include the following:

  • Problems arising in the process of functioning of communication systems and buildings. This can include steam generation during cooking, evaporation from wet laundry, a flooded basement, a pipeline accident, and debris clogged ventilation.
  • Building defects resulting from a violation of construction technology.
  • Geographical features of the region: close location of large reservoirs or high rates moisture combined with rocky soil, which promotes condensation.
  • Unfavorable natural phenomena: wet snow, prolonged rains or humid local climate.

Prerequisites for the appearance of condensation on cold water pipes

In most cases, condensation appears on the pipes located in the bathrooms. Despite the specificity of these premises, it is not only for this reason that the pipes become wet.

There are a number of factors that can cause condensation to form on toilet pipes:

  • Insufficient ventilation. To determine that condensation appears precisely because of this, it is enough to leave the toilet doors open at night. If the pipeline turns out to be dry in the morning, then repairs should be done ventilation system and make it better.
  • Constant flow of water in the tank due to valve malfunction. This leads to the fact that the pipeline begins to cool down, as a result of which a greater accumulation of condensate is noted on its surface. A simple repair of the inlet valve and tank taps will help to fix the problem.
  • Leaks in the toilet of the neighbors living on the top floor. In this case, you need to inform the owners about the situation that has arisen. If they are absent, you can temporarily eliminate the condensation with your own hands. For this, the section of the pipeline, on which the accumulation of water droplets is found, is wrapped with a bandage in several layers and one end of the winding is lowered into the container, the accumulated water is regularly poured out. Read also: "".

The accumulation of water on the cold water pipes in the bathroom can occur in the following situations:

  • Incorrect location of the water supply system. If the pipes for hot and cold water supply pass close enough to each other and do not have thermal insulation, then water droplets accumulate on the elements through which cold water flows. The way out of this situation is to ensure high-quality thermal insulation of pipe elements using suitable materials.
  • Mixer malfunction. If water is constantly dripping from the tap, then the overall temperature of the working environment decreases, which leads to cooling of the pipes and the formation of condensation on their surface. Repairing the mixer will help to solve the problem.

How to remove condensate, how can you wrap pipes

Those who are faced with such a phenomenon immediately have the question of how to wind the pipe so that there is no condensation. There are several ways to prevent the appearance of water droplets on the surface of cold water pipes, one of which is thermal insulation. This option is considered the most effective, since it eliminates the cause of their appearance - the temperature drop. The easiest and fastest way to solve the problem is by means of an insulating tube, cutting it lengthwise for convenient placement. Foamed polyethylene, energoflex or thermoflex are used for the manufacture of the tube.

There is another way to deal with condensation on pipe elements, but it is considered more complicated. Using this option requires the following materials: epoxy putty, acetone, rust remover, sanding paper, spatula, nylon thread and strips of fabric about 5 cm wide.

The process looks like this:

  • The pipe is sanded to improve adhesion to the surface.
  • Degrease the sanded area with acetone.
  • The surface is treated with a rust solvent and allowed to dry (read also: "").
  • A thick epoxy putty is applied to the pipe and wrapped with strips of fabric. The edges are fixed with a thread.
  • Another layer of putty is applied on top and wrapped again with a cloth.
  • Cover the fabric with a putty and leave to dry completely.
  • After all layers are dry, the pipe is sanded and painted.

In the event that water droplets appear as a result of a malfunction plastic pipeline, you can independently replace the damaged section of the pipeline with a new elbow. Metal pipelines can only be replaced by plumbing workers who have special equipment and skill.

To prevent condensation from forming on plastic pipes cold water, it is recommended to use the following types of insulating materials:

  • Polyfoam or expanded polystyrene is considered a universal insulation for pipelines made of polymer materials. It comes in the form of a shell, consisting of two halves. They are interconnected by means of a groove-ridge lock. The use of such insulation is quite simple: the halves of the shell are put on the pipe and fixed with adhesive tape.
  • Mineral wool for insulation of pipelines it is produced in rolls, which greatly simplifies the use of this material.
  • Polyurethane foam refers to insulation with high insulating characteristics. Temperature Range such material is wide enough, from -160 0 C to +150 0 C. Almost all polypropylene pipes have such a layer, it is formed on products during the production process. In this case, the thickness of the insulation reaches 5 cm.

Chemicals that help get rid of condensation

Chemical products such as Stermizol, Korund, Teplomett and others help protect cold water supply pipes from condensation.

The use of these insulating mixtures implies the following actions:

  • The pipe is cleaned of dirt and rust.
  • A layer of primer is applied for better adhesion of the insulation to the surface and left to dry.
  • Using a roller, brush or spray gun, cover the surface with a protective mixture. The most effective is the application of 5 layers of insulation, and each layer must dry well before the next application. The optimum drying time for such mixtures is about 1 hour.
  • A special fixer helps to extend the service life of the heat-insulated pipeline, which, in parallel, will make the pipes more attractive.

What method to use to combat condensation on cold water pipes depends on the reasons for the formation of this phenomenon and the specific operating conditions. It is very important to consider how often the problem occurs, as well as at what stage it is.

Condensate drain - condensate drain

A float steam trap is used to automatically drain the formed condensate. This device is installed at the outlet of an apparatus that provides heat exchange, including water heaters and air heaters. Through such technical device the water accumulated in the system simply evaporates.

Steam traps are divided into three main groups:

  • Combined type devices.
  • thermostatic.
  • Float.

Float type steam traps operate by exploiting the density difference between condensate and steam. These devices are very popular due to a large number positive characteristics.

The main advantages of this type of device are the following:

  • High degree of reliability.
  • Excellent performance indicators.
  • Ability to work at minimum loads.
  • No need for condensate cooling.
  • Resistant to sudden temperature changes.
  • Uninterrupted operation at increased loads.

Also, one cannot fail to note the optimal indicators of energy saving of thermal systems with float-type steam traps.

To combat condensation, you can choose any of the listed methods. In most cases, using them helps to eliminate unwanted moisture. If these options are insufficiently effective, it is possible to get rid of the formation of condensation on the pipes of cold water supply by waterproofing all surfaces of the room. High-quality performance of this type of work is possible only with special knowledge and skills.