Conductor for drilling holes. We specify the right coordinates! Drilling device at right angle What is a drilling conductor

FEBRARY 6, 2017

When furniture is created, almost all the items have to be joined. It is carried out with the help of the waders in which the holes are made. It is here that you will need a special item. It can be bought or make the furniture conductor with his own hands.

What is the furniture conductor

The conductor is a bar, which has several holes and sleeves. It is applied to the desired part, insert the drill to the sleeve and make the hole. To secure two details, you will need the help of one conductor, while the parts are fixed as reliable as possible.

  • accurate drilling;
  • simple and rapid creation of holes.

At the same time, conductors are used not only during construction, but also during mechanical engineering. Also, this device allows you to drill cylindrical blanks and pipes.

Different types of conductors

Depending on the industry, the conductors are divided as follows:

  • Overhead. They received their name due to the field of application. This device is superimposed on the workpiece and fixed, with which the holes are performed.
  • Swivel. With the help of them drill cylindrical holes. In this case, the rotary axes can be positioned and horizontally, and vertically, and under the tilt. The case here is equipped with swivel sleeves.
  • Tipped. They apply when the holes are created in several planes.
  • Sliding. Used to perform each individual opening. In this case, this model is not fixed on the surface, which means it is not the most convenient.

Conductor furniture with her own hands

As we have already written above, this product is needed when assembling furniture. Someone prefers to buy it, and someone do furniture conductor For drilling holes with their own hands. Such products are sold in any building stores, it is important to choose the finished products for a specific goal. The cost of the furniture conductor will depend on its size, destinations and manufacturer.

The easiest option is inexpensive, but professional equipment with various additional features It costs quite a lot. Therefore, today we are increasingly making furniture conductors and patterns with their own hands.

They produce them with a metal sheet or wooden board. They do holes that will serve as guides. This work is simple, anyone can cope with it.

How to create a conductor

So, create a furniture conductor with your own hands is easy. To start work, it will be necessary:

  • welding machine;
  • bulgarian;
  • drill and some plumbing tools;
  • also in advance you need to prepare the reinforcement 10 x 10 mm.

First, the workpiece is cleaned emery paper And markup is performed. The distance from the center to the center is approximately 32 mm. Next is drilled every template hole. After that, the focus is created - for this you can take a metal plate with a thickness of 1 mm. It must be bent and prepare a room for thread. Last stage is the connection of these parts.

The product needs to be made as accurately and neatly, otherwise the benefits will not be from it, and with a diligent scenario it can even damage the furniture. To learn more about how to make a conductor, you can, watching various video lessons. It is easiest to make it on a furniture template, which can also be brought up with specialists.

In order for the drilling does not cause complications, and need a conductor. This device is really needed when assembling furniture. Of course, you can buy everything today, but it is better to make a furniture conductor with your own hands, because then such equipment is exactly for each particular purpose.

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We do with your own hands the conductor for drilling holes

Description and Features

The conductor is a bar with multiple holes and sleeves. Such a fixture is fixed to the required part, and then in the sleeve gently paste the drill and the hole is performed. To secure two parts, one conductor will be required, so that the fixation is obtained reliable.

  • accuracy of drilling;
  • easy and speed of creating holes.

It is worth noting that the conductors are sometimes used in mechanical engineering, and not just in construction. Moreover, with the help of this device, you can perform holes in cylindrical blanks and pipes. Also the conductor allows you to do perpendicular holes.

Basic varieties of equipment

All conductors used in different industries, divided into several groups .

Methods and Conductor Application

There are many ways to use such equipment. Naturally, the main sphere is considered building sector .

Furniture industry

When assembling furniture it may be that some holes are missing. It is for this reason that the various details will have to drill with their own hands. To perform the work does not cause difficulties, it is necessary to use a conductor. This will make the furniture assembly accurate and fast. The use of such equipment is really relevant if you do not have a boring machine.

Although today exists big choice Accessories and fasteners, in the process of assembling furniture are still often used. They must be installed very precisely, otherwise the items will be shifted. To avoid such an unpleasant consequence, you should use the conductor.

Drilling pipe

If you need to prepare holes in the pipes and various blocking of cylindrical form, the use of drill will not better ideabecause it often slides, and hence the holes will not have necessary form. To facilitate the execution of work, you should use the universal conductor.

It is worth noting that there is special equipmentwhich allows you to perform perpendicular holes. And this is very important when processing rounded elements and edges of blanks.

Purchased or homemade conductor?

As mentioned earlier, such a product is indispensable in the process of assembling furniture. Some people create these devices with their own hands, and others prefer to buy.

Conductors are sold in almost any construction store, however, finished products may not be suitable for specific purposes. It is also important to remember that the cost of the device depends on the appointment, size and manufacturer's company. Self simple options Stand cheaply. what can not be said about professional equipment from large quantity Additional features.

Many consumers prefer to make a conductor with their own hands. For this purpose, a metal sheet will be required or wooden plank. Here you prepare holes that will perform as directions. In general, everyone will cope with such work.

Creating a conductor with your own hands

As already mentioned, it is possible to make a similar product for drilling yourself. To do this, you need to prepare a welding machine, a grinder, drill and several plumbing tools. Armature will also need 10x10 mm sizes .

  • The workpiece is cleaned with sandpaper and perform marking. According to adopted standards, the distance between the centers should be about 32 mm.
  • Next, template holes are drilled.
  • The next stage is the creation of the stop. This can be a metal plate with a thickness of 1 mm. It is neatly bend and prepare the place for the thread.
  • Then both details are neatly connected.

So that the process of drilling holes does not cause any difficulties, it is worth using a conductor. Similar equipment really indispensable in the process of assembling furniture. It can be purchased, but it is better to make it yourself, because homemade device It is precisely suitable for specific needs.

Furniture conductor for drilling holes, drawing of a kind of template, which allows you to accurately install the elements of the assembly and greatly simplifies it and speeds up.

With this device you can make holes under:

bolt bolt
Fastening holes for retold bar furniture loop
Fastening holes under the cup of furniture loop
Center for Flange Furniture Loop
Center Eccentric Scue.

The design consists of two parts:

Marking knot

It represents a "g" plate made from a thick-walled corrosion-resistant steel GOST 7350-77. Through the horizontal and verticals are drilled through holes with a diameter of 8 and 3 (mm). In order for the processing tool to be better in the holes, chamfer than 0.25x45˚ are made on its edges. The plate was hardened and ground.

Made from the steel circle of GOST 2590-88. Which allows you to install a furniture conductor for drilling holes to the required distance from the edge of the educated chipboard. The movement step is ten millimeters.

How it works? For better perception, open the article: "How to collect furniture cabinet" and see.

Suppose we want to install a furniture loop:

1. We put the template on the facade.
3. Drills for the desired depth hole with a diameter of three millimeters under the fastening screws of the cup.
4. Drills to the desired depth of a hole with a diameter of three millimeters for further processing. The prepared opening will be the guide center of milling of the hole under the flange of the furniture loop with a diameter of thirty-five millimeters.
5. We put the template on the body.
6. Drills for the desired depth hole with a diameter of three millimeters under the mounting screws of the response plate.

Suppose we want to install an eccentric screed:

1. We put the pattern on the horizontal surface of the part of the chipboard.
2. Install the retainer into the hole.
3. Drills to the desired depth of a hole with a diameter of three millimeters for further processing. The prepared hole will be the guide center of milling holes for eccentric furniture screed with a diameter of fifteen five millimeters.
4. From the end of chipboard, on one axial line, drill through hole diameter eight millimeters on the necessary depth

On the presented drawing

IN different colors Showing a center on a furniture conductor for various technological operations.

Do not need a caliper, ruler, pencil
Reduced labor intensity
Easy to use

For better memorization, the sequence of operations, milling at a depth of 0.25 (mm) numbers numbers on the furniture conductor.

Conductor for drilling holes: how to use and how to do yourself?

When working S. manual drillSometimes it is difficult to withstand the predetermined direction of the opening. Also, the conductors are applied if you need to perform a number of similar holes on the template. For example, at carpentry work. In this case, the wizard does not spend time on the marking of the tree, and is guaranteed to receive the same result.

The conductor is indispensable when drilling holes in pipes. But the main use is the passage of holes at a given angle.

Consider various options This useful device:

Conductor for perpendicular drilling holes

Simple furniture conductor for drilling holes when assembling furniture from metal. Details in video material

Purpose - receiving passes in thick blanks, strictly at an angle of 90 °. It is a set of sleeves in a single case, or a bracket with interchangeable workshops.

By installing a device above a drilling point, you can start work without prior to increasing. The drill accurately falls into the center of the bushings and does not deviate from the axis.

Important! The only problem - the tool must be held on the workpiece, especially at the beginning of work. Otherwise, he can shift from vibration.

Such a drilling conductor can be made with your own hands. A thick textolite or solid is used. Perfect option - Application of sleeves from the extruder for the wire pulling. Worn sleeves can be found at the factory.

The nozzles for the extruder are made of alloy steel, with the addition of winning. The service life is practically inexhaustible.

Conductor for cylindrical blanks or pipes

It is almost impossible to make a hole in the showing surface. Especially hard to start the process - the tip of the drill scores with specified point. The device will fix the direction, and will allow you to perform with high accuracy.

Adjusting the length of fixing bolts, you can drill a hole on the tangential for the center. If there is no similar tool at hand, it can be made of girlfriend. For example, from a solid tree bar and plywood strips.

So that the guides are not so quickly divided by sharp edges of the drill, they can be enhanced by the sleeves from the tubes of different diameters.

Separate description deserve furniture conductors for drilling holes

Conductor for holes at an angle

This type of drilling is not very common, but there are methods for fastening products between themselves when it is not necessary without this technology.

In fact, the hole is done by tangentially, which is practically unrealistic to perform, holding the drill with his hands.

Important! In metallic parts, such recesses can be performed only with a cutter.

And for wooden blanks exists ready set.

Any joiner is familiar with this way of drilling, professionals use this fixture constantly. Working with the conductor is easy: the height of drilling is exhibited, the blank is tightly pressed to the elbow, and you get accurate oblique holes.

The stop-limiter is necessarily put on the drill, otherwise the hole will be end-to-end. Then the screw head will fall. In addition, this fastener is best done with a special drill, with a double diameter.

Alone, such a device is difficult to make. Although there are simple options that are not distinguished by particular accuracy.

There is a separate type of fixtures: for drilling at an angle with adjustable inclination. This is a specific conductor that is not suitable for all billets.

The above fastener type is suitable only for the array. Pressed plates so do not connect.

Therefore, such a conductor is not suitable for drilling holes in the chipboard. To assemble the range and other components of the furniture from the organity, the splice fasteners are used.

Conductor Holes Under Sucks

The device is intended to observe the alignment of holes. Otherwise you will not be able to install spikes. Applying the conductor to both connectable details, you will provide an ideal dock.

If you decide to make a similar conductor with your own hands, look for drawings not necessarily. We present two options perfectly working homemakes:

Pattern template

Make it very simple. A sufficiently small piece of plywood, and a leaf of organice. With the help of such a device, you can always drill a pair of coaxial holes for the waders.

Orolet (or other transparent plastic) must be placed, and chop calibration holes. With their help you will easier to install a template for the right place. In the holes you need to score thin-walled brass tubes. Otherwise, the tree drill will quickly destroy the guides.

Important! This device is suitable only for fixed width blanks.

Then the spikes will be located in the center of the end. For the tree of other sizes, it is necessary to make individual guides, or universal template conductor.

Self-centered conductor

If you do not make furniture using standard panels, you need a universal tool. It can also be made with his own hands, and the materials are literally lying under their feet.

To make such a conductor for drilling holes, you will need a drawing and basic knowledge of geometry. Materials used: a piece of plywood 15-18 mm, a thin-walled tube suitable for drill, a few ducks, and a metal strip for the shoulders of parallelepiped.

We make three identical details: In the middle, the hole, reinforced with the tube, from the bottom side is symmetrically arranged by the thrust legs of the wanks. It is important that all three components are absolutely identical.

From the metal we cut three of the same shoulder with symmetrically located holes. It is they who determine the linearity of the conductor holes.

We drink the grooves in three blanks, and connect them with metal shoulders. The device is not worse than factory, with actually zero cost.

Another way to connect furniture is the use of the so-called confirm. This requires a separate tool.

Making a self-centered conductor - video

Conductor for confirmation - varieties and opportunity

Of course, such a device is on sale, and quite convenient and universal. With it, perforation is perforation of the first detail of the workpiece.

The second detail of the workpiece must have two rows of perpendicular holes. For this, a different design has been developed.

Of course, the home masters of the light paths are not looking, and make the furniture template of the conductor for drilling holes with their own hands. Moreover, it does not have to be universal, you can adapt it to a specific type of joint of furniture panels.

Important! Any universal device is designed to save money.

Make a mistake in drilling when large quantities Excess holes are simpler. Therefore, when independent manufacture Templates, make them narrowly profile.

Let you do not embarrass the holes of the same size. The confirmation is usually issued according to certain standards. Therefore, the diameter of the drilling is single.

How to make a conductor for drilling holes under fasteners, we have disassembled. When assembling wooden structures And the installation of doors / windows, hinged connections are used. Their attachments should also be standardized and synchronous among themselves. In order not to make mistakes with the markup, the conductor is used for the holes under the loop.

Install standard furniture hinge without this template, almost unreal.

Any fixtures with which you can standardize marking, or drilling holes, an order of magnitude increases the quality of work. In addition, the acquisition (production) of the conductors allow you to save a mass of time at carpentry work.

Step 25 - Furniture Conductors

To begin with, we'll figure it out, what is a furniture conductor? Each time, collecting some kind of furniture, the wizard performs many completely identical marking operations (for example, the markup of 20 minifixes when assembling a cabinet is the markup of three completely identical holes with the same indentation). So, the conductor is a device that allows you to optimize markup and / or drilling processes.

Conductors are two main types: votinge. and blinding. If the first serve to simplify markup, then the second allows you to completely remove this stage from work, starting immediately from drilling holes. Looking ahead, I will say that it is better to have both types.

Naturally, good conductors cost money, so the people are fading and invents their homemade optionswho are often not worse than factory.

Consider several examples.

Marking furniture conductors:

Homemade vehicle conductor. Probably the simplest and at the same time a fairly convenient and multipurpose marking conductor, which I recommend to make. It is a ruler with a strictly perpendicular to it, it is strictly perpendicular to it. The holes are angry at certain distances from the beginning (for example, 32 mm - for minifix, 100, 200, 300 mm - for police holders, etc.)

Alternatively, you can use the ready carbon carbon as the basis for such a conductor (I have this way). There are advantages (greater functionality) and disadvantages (less stable on the workpiece).

In addition, eats highly specialized conductors, for example, for marking holes under furniture handles .

For marking furniture loops - This is a factory conductor, but who prevents the same.

In general, using several pieces of plastic, metal and even plywood you can make a simple marking conductor for your needs.

Professional Marking Conductor Assistent - Serious multipurpose device. (he did not work with him, but it seems to me that it is possible to drill through it - it all depends on the bushings used).

The driving conductors are more complex devices. In them the hole should not only stand clearly opposite right place, but also be strictly perpendicular to the drill when working not to go aside (for this, for example, replaceable bushings of various diameters are used or the thickness of the conductor should be at least 10 mm).

Conductor Dubel-Profi of the company KVB - An excellent household driving conductor (for lovers), to which a bunch of adapts (ruler, clips, etc.) is available inexpensive, work simplifies. I have two.

Professional driving conductors. I think that the photo principle is quite clear. Sleeves replaceable - for drills of different diameter

Another option - conductor "Condor". It has a conductor positioning system on the workpiece, replaceable bushings.

Again, under your needs you can make conductors of similar functional with your own hands.

In short, the topic of conductors is almost infinite))). Everyone has its own for his. Highlights, as I think, I displaced - the case of your pocket and / or smelting.

By the way, order Condor's conductor in Chelyabinsk (or sending to the Russian Federation) you can at me at

In the process of assembling or repairing furniture, it is often necessary to perform work on the exact drilling of the holes for the confirmation, for the wrenches, aging and other furniture fasteners. In the case of a tree and chipboard, it is difficult to perform such holes with alone only: the input part of the hole is divided, and it can not happen at a right angle to the mating surfaces. Thus, a conductor will be required to drill holes.

Appointment and classification of furniture conductors

Purpose of the conductor for drilling holes - to accurately send the drill to the desired point, and ensure the rectinence of the tool throughout the depth of the resulting hole. In metalworking, such devices have been known for a long time, and often shipped with a machine. Due to the increased amount of closed compounds in modern furniture products, the need for such conductors on woodworking specialists is very relevant.

The following varieties of furniture conductor distinguish:

  1. Overheads that do not require fixation before use. They are simple, mobile, but forced when drilling to use only one hand (if the drill or bollard is not installed in a special bed). Make such a conductor with your own hands easy and simple. Use them mainly upon receiving holes in MDF or chipboard.
  2. Rotary, which are supplied with folding brackets, and allow you to drill on two adjacent planes from one to each other.
  3. Conductors for drilling holes at an angle. A highly specialized version of the conductor, which is designed to perform holes at different angles. Frequently combined with the overhead performance of the equipment under consideration.
  4. Sliding, with which you can, without changing the settings, perform several holes (including in several rows). More needed by professionals who have to often perform similar works. Require skills for competent use.

With sufficient rigidity of the conductor, it can be used for drilling holes in products that do not have a flat plane, for example, in pipes. Then fixing the conductor is made using clamp (for furniture this option is not suitable, due to the risk of surface deformation).

Conductor for drilling holes with their own hands

In principle, such a snap consists of the following details:

  1. The angular corpus element imposed on the surface of the products, which will subsequently be interconnected by the wanks, anticipation or confirm.
  2. Guide sleeves, where the drill is included.
  3. Clamping / fixing devices that are located at the end parts of the conductor.

For the conductor, which is supposed to be made with their own hands, it is important to design a device for the most common homemade Masters Fastening options. If a universal conductor is required (for furniture-makers), it is better to waste on the industrial version of the snap, which is characterized by the increased accuracy of the detail fixation, and has a better performance. Especially since manufacturers in the kit to the conductor often offer templates, stops and other useful little things. The price of the furniture conductor of industrial production ranges from 500 to 1200 rubles, which is determined by it functionality - Length and number of guide holes.

Design a furniture conductor for drilling holes will start from the selection of the corner. More opportunities for the product, where the corner will be inequalized, and with the maximum possible thickness of the shelf. According to the GOST 8510 GOST 8510, the corners of the NEQABLE "minimum permissible dimensions have the corner of L63 × 40 × 8: with a shelf thickness of 8 mm, there can be placed a guide sleeve with an outer diameter of up to 6 mm. The inner hole under the drill, therefore, may be no more than 3.5 ... 4 mm, but this is quite enough for most variants of the openings obtained. In extreme cases, they can be drilled, no longer using the device, especially if the hole is deep enough.

The next step is to design the guide sleeve. It can be chosen from any stainless pipe GOST 9941 (seamless) or GOST 9940 (all-welded). It is recommended to choose the pipe along the diameter of the inner opening. The 6 × 1 pipe will obtain the inner hole under the drill with a diameter of up to 3.6 ... 3.7 mm, and the pipe is 6 × 1.5 - under the drill to 2.7 mm (double-sided gap is taken taking into account the thermal expansion of the material). The sleeve length should be no less than the double height of the opening made in the corner. Planting each sleeve into the hole must be made with a tension or transition. The most appropriate is landing through the shaft system, when the already known is already known outside diameter The sleeve, and the hole in the corner is drilled under it. It is better to use landing with a small tension, for example, H9 / P10.

It happens that the conductor must be calculated under the drill of the deep opening. In such cases, the bushing must be a stepped (with a collar). In the necessary accuracy and sizes have sleeves for machine tools according to GOST 12214, the inner opening in which has a constant diameter value over the entire height of the sleeve.

The number of holes, and especially - the distance between them is chosen under the specific needs of the user.

When choosing a method for attaching a conductor, one of the following options are chosen:

  • Spring stop, which will presser the surface of the conductor to the part due to the elasticity of the material. As such a stop, any flat spring is suitable with the desired clamping force;
  • Fixing with self-tapping screws, which are screwed into the material of the part, and hold the conductor from displacement by friction. This option is convenient because the resulting hints can be further used as additional elements Centering the future hole. In the case of a chipboard, this option should be used with caution;
  • External clamps under which it is worth putting gaskets from corrugated rubber. In this case, the weight of the conductor will increase, and the fuel of rubber can disrupt the perpendicularity of the axis of the conductor sleeves. Therefore, using such a fastening method, the drill is inserted first into the sleeve, the hole is outlined, and only after that it is used clamp clamps.

Conductor for drilling under the sewage and confirm

The sequence and design of the simplest devices to accurately obtain holes are considered on the following two examples:

  1. Multiposition conductor with a clamp fastening (see Fig. 1). The source cabinet item is accepted in thick-walled aluminum corner. Due to the considerable length of the device, an intermediate fastening is provided in the midst. When the conductor is rotated, an enlarged wall thickness of the wall is successfully used at an angle of 90º, which is superimposed on the part surface. The distance between the guide bushings is selected at the most common distances for the wanks or under the confirmation.

Figure 1 - Multiposition Conductor for drilling holes with clamp

  1. Two-rolled furniture conductor, with which you can perform holes in two mutually conjugated parts. The design of the device is clear from the accompanying drawing (see Fig. 2). It consists of two guide lines, which are connected by fastener with the connecting plate. The presence of several holes on it allows you to install a bar for details of various widths. By rules, replaceable housings are moved with a set of guide sleeves with different distances between them. The fixation of the conductor is performed using a connecting plank, and from the opposite side - the stroke limiter, which is pressed by a barish screw.

Figure 2 - Multiplezunk furniture conductor: 1 - line guide; 2 - adjusting screw; 3 - body; 4 - Stubborn Planck; 5- displacement limiter.

When creating furniture, almost all parts are joined. For such a goal, the wrens are used in which the holes need to be made. It is for this that the conductor will be required. Such equipment can be purchased or done by your own hands.

Description and Features

The conductor is a bar with multiple holes and sleeves. Such a fixture is fixed to the required part, and then in the sleeve gently paste the drill and the hole is performed. To secure two parts, one conductor will be required, so that the fixation is obtained reliable.

Product Benefits:

  • accuracy of drilling;
  • easy and speed of creating holes.

It is worth noting that the conductors are sometimes used in mechanical engineering, and not just in construction. Moreover, with the help of this device, you can perform holes in cylindrical blanks and pipes. Also, the conductor allows you to make perpendicular holes.

Basic varieties of equipment

All conductors used in various industries, divided into several groups.

Methods and Conductor Application

There are many ways to use such equipment. Naturally, the main sphere is considered building sector.

Furniture industry

When assembling furniture it may be that some holes are missing. It is for this reason that the various details will have to drill with their own hands. To perform the work does not cause difficulties, it is necessary to use a conductor. This will make the furniture assembly accurate and fast. The use of such equipment is really relevant if you do not have a boring machine.

Although today exists large selection of fittings and fasteners, in the process of assembling furniture are still often used. They must be installed very precisely, otherwise the items will be shifted. To avoid such an unpleasant consequence, you should use the conductor.

Drilling pipe

If you need to prepare holes in the pipes and various blocking of cylindrical form, the use of drill will be not the best idea, since it often slides, and therefore the holes will not have the desired form. To facilitate the execution of work, you should use the universal conductor.

It is worth noting that there is special equipment that allows you to perform perpendicular holesAnd this is very important when processing rounded elements and edges of blanks.

Purchased or homemade conductor?

As mentioned earlier, such a product is indispensable in the process of assembling furniture. Some people create these devices with their own hands, and others prefer to buy.

Conductors are sold in almost any construction store, however, finished products may not be suitable for specific purposes. It is also important to remember that the cost of the device depends on the appointment, size and manufacturer's company. Self simple options are inexpensiveWhat cannot be said about professional equipment with a large number of additional features.

Many consumers prefer to make a conductor with their own hands. For this purpose, a metal sheet or a wooden board will be required. Here you prepare holes that will perform as directions. In general, everyone will cope with such work.

Creating a conductor with your own hands

As already mentioned, it is possible to make a similar product for drilling yourself. To do this, you need to prepare a welding machine, a grinder, drill and several plumbing tools. Armature will also need 10x10 mm sizes.

  • The workpiece is cleaned with sandpaper and perform marking. According to adopted standards, the distance between the centers should be about 32 mm.
  • Next, template holes are drilled.
  • The next stage is the creation of the stop. This can be a metal plate with a thickness of 1 mm. It is neatly bend and prepare the place for the thread.
  • Then both details are neatly connected.

So that the process of drilling holes does not cause any difficulties, it is worth using a conductor. Similar equipment really indispensable in the process of assembling furniture. It can be purchased, but it is better to make it yourself, because the homemade device is definitely suitable for specific needs.

Very often, when repairing furniture or its assembly, you need to accurately drill holes for the comfirmate, brazen and other fasteners. If you drill a chipboard sheet, then a simple drill is almost impossible to do it, because the hole is broken and it is not always possible to make a straight angle. Therefore, for such work, it is necessary to have a tool called the conductor.

Conductors classification

The main function of the conductors is to ensure straightness in drilling wooden surfaces throughout the entire depth of the hole. Such adaptations in metal processing are used quite often and, as a rule, are delivered directly to the machine. Due to the need to create such holes in the production of furniture in large quantities, such devices are very in demand among masters.

There are such varieties of conductors:

If the conductor has sufficient stiffness, it can be used not only on the flat planes, but also for curves of pipes, etc. In this case, it is fixed with the help of clamp. But in no case should it be used for fastening on wooden surfacesSince you can spoil furniture. It can be bought in the store, and also make it yourself.

The conductor on the fact is a template for doing holes, with which such work can be made with maximum accuracy. Due to the simplicity of the structure of the structure, they are often used not only in the spheres of furniture. In particular, they are actively used in the field of mechanical engineering to drill holes in various blanks, etc. Do not forget about the furniture industry, where such a device is used for a variety of needs when assembling furniture fittings.

Features of independent production

When designing a conductor under the confirmation, it is necessary to correctly calculate what functions it will be subsequent. You need to do it under the most commonly used attachments in the house. If such a device is required to be furnished for permanent work, it is better to buy a factory sample, which is characterized by great accuracy of work. In addition, manufacturers often include additional fasteners, stops and patterns.

The price of a similar device for professional use ranges from 400 to 1100 rubles. It depends on the immediate capabilities of a certain unit, the number of velocked holes, their length, etc. Many are interested in how to make a furniture conductor with their own hands. Drawings with dimensions are mandatory for beginners, since they allow you to make a design qualitatively with the first attempt. Similar schemes can be found on the Internet.

Basically, the conductor has such elements:

  • The basis of the product. It is directly applied to the plane of furniture, on which the holes will be drilled.
  • Guide sleeves. Through them passes the drill.
  • Details for climbing surface. As a rule, they are on the end of the conductor.

To start the design of your own conductor, you must choose the correct corner. It is better to do no equal corner, because it will have much more opportunities, and the thickness of the shelf choose the maximum.

Next, you need to take care of the right direction of the sleeve. It can be made of stainless pipe. The length of the sleeve must be at least twice as much as the hole in which it will be in the corner. The sleeve in the hole should sit with the tension. The easiest and most common option is a landing on the principle of the shaft. Under the already known diameter of the bushing drills the corresponding hole in the corner, and after that the landing is made. It is recommended to use landing with a small tension.

There are cases when the conductor needs to be done under the drill of deep holes. Then the sleeve is made with a collar. The number of possible holes, their length and the distance between them are chosen under certain needs of each wizard.

For fixing the device can be used by several options:

Construction for configmatics and waders

Furniture conductor for drilling holes for the wanking and confirmation - very requirement For furniture makers. Especially if the chipboard material is used.

For these purposes, two types of conductor are used:

  • Conductor for wrenches with a clamp fastening with a variety of functions. The basis of such a design is a corner of thick aluminum. Since the fixture is quite long, in the middle there is an additional fastening. When turning a corner on ninety degrees, an increased thickness of the device helps well. The bushings on the design are located at a distance of the most commonly used for the confirmates and the wrenches in the manufacture of furniture.
  • Two-rolled conductor, which is used to trigge the hole in two fastened parts. The design consists of two planks that are connected by fasteners. It has several holes, thanks to which you can install devices on different widths.

Usal scope

Furniture conductors are fixtures without a single furniture maker during work. Such devices make it possible to avoid the main problem in the production of furniture, namely the enhancing drill is not under the angle. If you do a similar error, it is later very difficult to correct or not at all. Such a device not only makes it possible to correctly send the drill when working, but also allows the tool to keep the desired trajectory (smooth, perpendicular or at an angle).

Such devices are used both in the design and production of furniture and when assembling, when there is a need to trigger holes for fastening elements among themselves. Often for such actions used conductor under the Comfirmates or Suckers, without which smooth holes It is impossible to perform. Also, without this device, it is not necessary if you need to trim holes at an angle or in the end of a thin plate (it is especially important to use the device when working with chipboard by plates).

When drilling holes with such a design, the process itself occurs quickly and simply. Fastening allows you to work on any distance from the edge of the plate, as well as regardless of its width.

The furniture industry is very often used as fasteners. But at the same time, this option has already existed for a long time, and their use requires a mandatory presence when working drilling conductor. The only condition and at the same time the problem is the factor that the parts connected to each other must have a direct angle when working. Therefore, such elements should be accurately perpendicular to each other. In the manufacture of holes for the wrenches and additive, it will be very difficult to do without a conductor.

Furniture production is not the only sphere of applying such devices. Often they can be used to trigge holes in pipes and other parts of the rounded form. Special devices allow you to make high-quality holes even in the smallest tubes.

The principle of their work and dimensions can be different. Some narrow-profile models are better to buy than to produce yourself. But, on the other hand, the price of such devices is not small, so it is a disadvantage, if compared with self-made models.

How to make it yourself

Self simple designs are cheap, and professional furniture makers are not puzzled homemade manufacture, but prefer to buy factory models. But there are also such masters who want to make such a device with their own hands.

For independent creation The conductor must be used by the drawings that there are a lot on the Internet. With your own hands you can make simple designs for configmatics and more complex for the waders.

For production you need to prepare a tool:

  • drill;
  • a classic set of tools for a locksmith;
  • welding;
  • bulgarian.

The simplest conductor can be made from undergraduated means, which mainly have in any farm, in the workshop in the country or garage. For its creation, the simplest materials are suitable, such as fittings, metal sheets and wooden bars etc. They allow you to significantly save money in the production of such a device.

The manufacture of such a device should be carried out in several stages:

In order for when working there was little dust, it is required to build half plastic bottle. It will also collect dust.