DIY hand-held mini drill. Drilling machine for printed circuit boards do it yourself: drawings, photos, videos

A mini drill is an indispensable tool for a radio amateur. With its help it is convenient to drill holes in printed circuit boards ah when soldering electrical appliances... A mini drill will come in handy for modelers when creating miniature equipment. Making a mini drill with your own hands is not difficult if you have the necessary parts.

Hair dryer

There may be several options for the execution of a mini drill, created by your own hands. The flight of your imagination is limited only by the available details. The most convenient is a miniature drill made by hand from a motor from consumer electronics... You can use drives from such items:

  • Hair dryer. The most preferred option: the motor power is sufficient for drilling any material. Depending on the engine model, its power reaches 1500 rpm.
  • Record player. A motor from an ancient non-working cassette recorder or player can be used. Engines from CD players will do. Such a motor is powered by a voltage of 6 volts, so it can be used to make a portable version of a mini drill powered by batteries. The disadvantage is that the engine is not very powerful. A micro drill created on its basis is suitable for drilling textolite boards.
  • Radio controlled toy. The motor power depends on the manufacturer. Chinese consumer goods are usually equipped with low-power motors. Models famous brands such as General Silicone, Maverick or WLToys are equipped with high quality, reliable and, most importantly, powerful engines. A drill assembled on such a base will simply "fly". Second important element structures - the chuck used to fix the drill. To make a chuck for a mini drill with your own hands, you must first buy a collet. It is a clamping mechanism capable of holding cylindrical objects firmly. Having fixed the drill in the collet and firmly clamping it on the motor shaft, it remains only to connect the power supply or batteries to the engine. Such simplest option the mini drill can already drill holes. If you are too lazy to "bother" further and you will rarely use the tool, you can leave it that way. However, it is inconvenient to hold the "naked" motor in your hands, and the drill looks unpresentable. To get things done, you need a case and some controls.

Mini Drill Body Options

If, in order to make a chuck for a mini drill, you need to visit Aliexpress or another similar resource in search of a collet, everything is much simpler with the case. Trash is suitable for its manufacture, which in most cases is disposed of. Let's consider several options:

    • Antiperspirant container. Some plastic containers are ideal in size for a motor from a tape recorder or CD player. If the motor is slightly larger, you can insert it with a slight interference. In the lid of the antiperspirant container, it is necessary to cut a hole for the cartridge output. For greater convenience, you can install a power supply connector at the bottom, and a power button on the side. This allows the drill to be stored separately from the unit.

  • Electric chuck. The option is less acceptable: making a hole in such durable plastic will not work, so the power button will have to be fixed on the case with glue. As a back cover, you can use a container from soap bubbles.
  • The tube is the right size. Any material will do - metal, plastic or rubber. Not so aesthetic option as above. Keep in mind that there should be no gaps when attaching the motor to the body, otherwise the drill may run out during operation. For additional fixation cold welding or superglue can be used.

Power and controls

It's good if you have a power supply with a power supply regulator - this will allow you to change the speed of the drill during operation. If you are using a regular power supply, it is recommended to install a power button on the case for greater convenience. You can use either a two-position switch or an interrupter button - it all depends on your preference. It is also a good idea to equip the case with a connector that matches the power supply.

Electronics enthusiasts can use the USB port, which can be used to power the mini drill from a computer or laptop.

Mini drill bits

Conventional drills may not be enough if you are not a radio amateur, but are engaged in modeling or other type of creativity that requires the use of a mini drill or drill. Some attachments are easy to make yourself:

  • Milling cutter. You can use a twisting drum from a lighter. Plant it on suitable size bolt and secure with nut.
  • Grinding head. A small nail will do. Place a champagne cork over it or wrap a cylinder with duct tape. Cut out sandpaper a rectangle of the required grain size and stick it around the circumference of the cylinder head. For processing different materials several such heads are required.
  • A circular saw... For manufacturing, the upper or lower part of a battery of size C - the so-called "barrel" is suitable. The battery material is strong enough to make a circular disc. Use a compass to mark the hole in the center. The slanting teeth must be the same size to avoid runout during operation. To fix in the drill chuck, use a bolt, securing the disc to it with nuts. As you can see, it is not difficult to make a mini drill from a motor with your own hands if you are enthusiastic. Many of the materials you have to throw away will do. The only thing that will have to be spent is a collet: it is extremely difficult to make it yourself.

For the production of drilling works on miniature workpieces, engraving machines, the so-called "dremel", are usually used. The name comes from the name of the most popular manufacturer. It is comfortable hand tool, but its cost is usually high (especially for high-quality branded products).

The most common area of ​​application is in hobbyist modeling and PCB manufacturing. As a rule, an industrial design is redundant for such works: some of its capabilities are not in demand. Therefore, DIYers often create a tool with their own hands.

  • Of course electric motor... Power supply preferably no more than 12 volts: at least for safety reasons.
  • Power Supply, if possible with a voltage regulator (to change the number of shaft revolutions).
  • Frame(in the most primitive constructions, you can do without it).
  • And the second most important detail (after the motor) - drill chuck.

Everything except the electric motor can be made by yourself. Although, the cost of the rest of the components is so scanty that you can only limit yourself to assembling the power tool from ready-made assemblies.

Consider a few tested options

Full analogue of the factory "Dremel"

For manufacturing, you need a motor with a 5V or 12V power supply, which can be removed from a broken children's toy, a miniature fan, a printer, a tape recorder, or just buy on Aliexpress. If you plan to use the drill not only for drilling printed circuit boards, you can make a convenient housing made of polypropylene water pipe... We select the diameter in such a way that the motor holds tightly to the walls. The ventilation usually runs along the shaft. You can use an empty construction sealant tube.

End caps are cut from any material, such as PVC or acrylic. If the engine is powerful enough - Charger from an old mobile phone will not work. You need a current margin of at least 3A (for 5 volts). A good optionold block power supply from a computer (you can buy it for a penny on the radio market).

Tip: From a computer power supply, you can make a universal source for a home workshop. Stable power supply 5V with a load up to 20 amperes, and 12V with a load up to 8 amperes. You can connect both the "dremel" and the soldering iron.

Collet chuck is purchased in the store: the department of accessories for engravers and "dremels". If there is a need to adjust the speed, you can make a circuit yourself, or purchase a ready-made block.

The illustration shows a Chinese regulator and a power supply from an Internet router (12V, 1.2A).

With the help of such a homemade "dremel", you can not only drill miniature holes. By installing the appropriate accessory, you can work with a cutter, cutter, or cutting disc.

Toothbrush drill

At first glance, it sounds absurd. But we will talk about an electric brush, inside of which there is a completely reliable motor. It is enough to get to the steel shaft, on which the gearbox with rotating bristles is put on, and the workpiece is in your hands.

The same is put on the shaft collet, and batteries are installed instead of batteries. Or a suitable mains adapter can be adapted.

Drilling walls with such a device will not work, but holes in a printed circuit board are easy. In principle, you can use any compact electrical appliance with a conveniently located motor shaft. For example, an old electric shaver.

Economical option without housing

Let's move on to creating a mini drill with minimal cost... We don’t buy anything except the motor itself (although it can be found for free in old technique). Most compact electric motors are rated for 12 volts DC. We create a power supply unit under it.

Since there will be no additional options (speed regulator, voltage stabilizer), the power supply is stabilized by a constant load. A typical 12 volt micromotor operates at less than 2 amperes. A simple calculation shows that the output power should be 24 watts. Add 25% for rectification losses, we get a 30W transformer.

To get 12 volts under load, 16 volts must be removed from the secondary winding. You can make such a transformer in an hour, from any unnecessary power supply. Further - a rectifier bridge on any diodes: for example, 1N1007.

Our motor does not need rectified voltage ripples, so at the output we connect an electrolytic capacitor of 25 volts with a capacity of about 1000 uF. It will smooth out the output current. Despite its simplicity, such a tandem works stably, with only one drawback: when the load increases, the voltage drops. That is, with uniform rotation, the power supply unit outputs 12 volts. And if you are drilling "heavy" material - you need to monitor the speed, not letting them go down. Otherwise, the shaft will simply stop.

It is possible to complicate the power supply circuit a little by adding a suitable voltage regulator. For example, KR142EN8B or L7812CV.

In this case, there will be no voltage drop when the drill is loaded.

  • If you only drill PCB PCB, you will not need to change the drill. So we fix it permanently. Reducing sleeve can be made from anything: a tube from a telescopic antenna, a needle from a medical syringe, a rod from a gel pen.

Given the diminutive design, no clamps are needed. Everything can be fixed with glue or tape.

  • With the universal use of the drill, which implies changing the drill or installing other attachments, it would be more correct to purchase a universal collet chuck.

  • A standard jaw chuck can be used by attaching it to the shaft using an adapter sleeve.

The execution of the case depends only on your imagination. Most craftsmen leave the "bare" utilitarian design: the supply voltage is safe, the size of the motor allows you to hold it in your hands without a case.

If you want elementary aesthetics, there are many options: and they are all shareware.

Homemade tool does not just save money. It can be made exactly for your needs, as opposed to universal factory options.

When solving various household and radio amateur tasks, it is often convenient to use a mini drill. Such a device allows you to significantly save time for drilling holes with an awl or other improvised means, with much less risk of breaking any part. And the result of the work is incomparably better - with a flat cylindrical surface. The main stumbling block in the work of such a device is the high cost of a high-quality model, so many are wondering how to make a mini drill with their own hands.

DIY mini drill

All homemade mini drills that you can make yourself can be divided into electric (powered by electric motor) and mini hand drills (manually rotated). The first option has significant advantages due to autonomous operation, but at the same time, you need both a motor and a power source for it. The second version of the mini-drill does not require either power or an electric motor, so it is much easier to make it if you have all necessary materials... Having chosen which type suits you best, you can proceed to making it.


Immediately notice that this is precisely a reduced version of the classic drilling device, therefore, the work that can be performed with a mini-drill is limited to plastic, printed circuit boards, plywood, and soft woods. She will not be able to work on steel blanks and concrete, therefore, the power of the device is relatively small.

What do you need for a mini electric drill?

Each of us at home can find great amount improvised tools that he no longer uses, but they can still be used to create a mini drill.

Rice. 1: constructive components of a homemade drill

To assemble such a tool yourself, you will need:

  • Small engine- this is the most important part, since the capabilities of the mini-drill will directly depend on its parameters. Most suitable options are motors from old hair dryers - they have enough good power and the number of revolutions from 1000 to 1800 rpm, and the hair dryers themselves are often sent to the trash category even with a working engine. The motor from a blender or mixer is also well suited (you can leave the body from them), motors from a tape recorder and children's toys are less powerful, but they are quite suitable for a mini-drill.
  • Power supply- depending on the type of device, the motor can be powered both from a 220 V AC mains and from a 6V DC undervoltage. In the first case, it is enough to connect it to the outlet via the power cord. If the motor is running on DC with a nominal voltage of 3, 6, 12 V, you will need a power supply with conversion to the appropriate level or several batteries.
  • Cartridge- as a cartridge for a mini-drill, an ideal option would be the native element of a broken screwdriver or small drill. But not everyone can get hold of such a luxury, therefore universal option a collet is considered - a part for clamping round elements or a homemade metal tube grommet with bolt clamps.

Rice. 2: chuck collet

An important parameter of the collet is the inner diameter - it must clearly fit the diameter of the motor shaft. If the collet is with a smaller diameter, it simply will not fit on the shaft, if it is too large, it will dangle, which will affect the drilling process. Therefore, before purchasing a specific model, measure the shaft, as a rule, it is 1.5 or 2.3 mm, but the value may differ.

You can find most of the parts at home, but if you cannot find a chuck, it is better to purchase a collet or order a bushing from a turner. Do not solder the drill directly to the shaft, as some "craftsmen" advise. Such a mount can easily fail long before the completion of the first work with a mini-drill.

The procedure for assembling a mini electric drill.

Choose a dry place for assembly so that moisture does not get inside the device at this stage. Since water or condensation can damage your drill when turned on or give it an electric shock. The whole process is conventionally divided into several stages, following which you will get a mini-drill, which does not differ much in parameters from factory products:

  1. Solder two conductors to the terminals of the electric motor (if you did not leave them from the previous product). For DC models, it is important to observe the polarity of the connection, so it is better to mark the wires with different colors for convenience.
    Rice. 4: solder the wires to the motor
  2. Solder the button into the engine start circuit - this is not a required option, but convenient enough if you are going to work with a mini-drill for a long time.
    Rice. 5: button for electric drill
  3. Fasten the drill in the collet or sleeve, depending on the design of the chuck, it must be clamped so tightly that it does not turn by hand.
    Rice. 6: install the drill
  4. Place the assembled chuck on the motor shaft until it reaches the maximum depth possible. But be sure to make sure that the cartridge itself does not touch the motor housing when rotating, there must be a gap of at least 2 - 3 mm between them. Since at high speeds, it can loosen and cling to the engine housing, which over time can break the engine.
    Rice. 7: put the chuck on the engine
  5. Secure the chuck to the shaft with the bolts. Note that tightening should be done alternately by an equal number of turns for each of the bolts. If, during fixing, you find that one or more of the bolts can no longer be pulled, lower the previous ones to equalize them. In case of displacement of the head relative to the shaft, the drill and the mini-drill itself will loosen during drilling.
    Rice. 8: order of tightening the chuck
  6. The mini drill is ready, connect the device to electrical network or a battery and try to start.
    Rice. 9: connect the power supply

Please note that at the time of launch, you should never bring rotating elements to your face, and even more so to your eyes. V emergency situations the drill may fly out of the chuck, or the chuck may jump off the shaft.


For such a mini drill, you need any mechanism with transmission gears from a horizontal to a vertical plane. The most optimal option available in everyday life is a reel from a fishing rod.

Rice. 10: fishing rod reel

This option is especially good in that the entire mechanism is already making rotational movements, it has a handle, so you need to make minimal effort when making a mini-drill.

But, you still have to get a suitable cartridge. As in the previous version, for it you can take a part from an old unnecessary one, a collet or a sleeve. It is better to select a specific collet model after disassembling the coil, when you can measure the shaft diameter.

To shorten the handle, you need to saw off part of the shoulder, and re-fix the handle of the mini-drill with a pin. The mini hand drill is ready to use, but it should be noted that you should not press too much on the drill as it will break or deform easily.

Video instructions

A mini drill is an indispensable tool when working with printed circuit boards. There is a wide assortment of these devices in the store, but it is not difficult to make them yourself, because everything you need for this can be found in any home. You will need:

  1. A motor from a car radio (suitable for a hair dryer or a children's toy);
  2. Chuck or collet (drill clamp);
  3. Power supply or battery;
  4. Plastic or metal housing;
  5. Hot glue or cold welding;
  6. Drill;
  7. Wires.

First of all, it is necessary to fix the chuck or collet on the motor shaft. To do this, before buying a collet, measure the motor shaft, they come in two sizes - 1.5 and 2.3 mm, and buy the corresponding part. Secure the cartridge with hot melt glue to avoid unnecessary vibration. Using cold welding carry out work very quickly, it freezes almost instantly.

In the prepared case (for example, a plastic cylinder with a lid), cut off the bottom, you will need to insert a motor here. Make holes in the cover for the wires to exit. If this is a body from a lantern, then this is perfect option with ready-made output points.

When you put the motor with the cartridge in the case, check if it sits tightly there, because during operation the slightest vibration will affect the quality. Place on glue or cold weld if necessary.

Solder the brought out wires to the power supply or battery, be sure to insulate the connection points. For convenience in work, you can solder a button to turn off one of the wires. On this side, the body of the flashlight has another advantage - there is a ready-made hole for the button.

If the drill turns in the wrong direction, reverse the polarity of the wires. In case of strong vibration, check that the collet or chuck is securely fastened.

Mechanical Mini Drill + (Video)

If, in addition to electronics, you are also fond of fishing, then in your house there will certainly be an old fishing rod with a spinning reel. It will serve as the basis for a mechanical mini-drill.

First, remove the spool from the spool, it is secured with a screw on the shaft. Next, measure the length of the shaft and compare it with the length of the chuck hole. If the shaft is longer, cut it to fit the chuck bore. Place the chuck (or collet) on the shaft using hot melt glue or cold welding.

For the convenience of work, it remains to remake the handle of the reel, it is long enough and will interfere with the speed of drilling. Saw off a part of the long knee of the handle, and directly fasten the handle to the remaining piece. It is fastened with a fairly easily riveted metal pin.

Your power drill is ready to go.

Another modification of the mini drill

Consider a version of creating a mini-drill with your own hands using an antiperspirant container as a body. To begin with, select a motor that is suitable in size, a cassette from a tape recorder is the best option.

Cut a hole in the body for the button (use the switch from the old carrier as a button), cut off the bottom and make a suitable outlet for the chuck or collet in the lid.

Insert the motor into the body with the wires fixed to the socket to the cut-off bottom. If you have selected the size of the motor for the size of the case, no glue is needed. Put on and screw on the cap.

It remains to connect the button and the power supply. After all circuits are closed, secure the button in the hole made.

DIY materials for a mini-drill

There are many alternative options using your inventive abilities to create a mini drill with your own hands. The reasons for creating such tools can be:

  • DVD drive;
  • A motor from an old electric shaver;
  • Electric toothbrush;
  • Glue gun handle with matching motor;
  • Non-working screwdriver;
  • Washing machine motor;
  • Old hair dryer;
  • Plastic pipe.

All these seemingly unnecessary little things can serve good service and become the main detail for creating the necessary tool.

Important! When working with a homemade mini drill, try to keep the drill perpendicular work surface... This will protect the drill from damage and extend the life of your device.

How to make a mini drill chuck + (Video)

For a homemade cartridge, you will need a piece of metal or textolite pipe, the diameter of which is suitable for the motor shaft. The length of the self-made sleeve should be at least 2 times the length of the shaft and allow you to reliably strengthen the drill.

You can fix the sleeve with screws or hot melt glue. As a rule, the motor shaft has a diameter of 2-5 mm, and the drills for making boards have a smaller diameter. This means that you need to fill the resulting space with filler and achieve the alignment of the drill and shaft.

Take rosin as a filler and pour it into the hole in the sleeve. Use a soldering iron to melt the rosin and insert the drill. The rosin will harden and hold it securely.

To achieve perfect centering, melt the rosin again and turn on the power. While the rosin is still fresh, try to correct the drill position with tweezers. Repeat the operation again if necessary.

Small household work usually do not differ in scale, therefore the appropriate tool is selected for them. For example, it is not very convenient to form miniature holes for fastening compact decorative objects with the help of a huge perforator or drill, but what if there is no device suitable for these purposes in the house, and a professional drill is unreasonably expensive, especially since it will be used on occasion for the occasion? In this article we will tell you how to make a mini drill with your own hands, and what is required to make a high-quality homemade device.

Drill from the chuck

One of the most common homemade options is a drill, the main structural element in which the electric cartridge serves. This detail it is easy to find at home or purchase for a symbolic price, while the homemade product will more than cover all the funds spent on its assembly. Also in the process of work you will need:

  • engine;
  • plastic containers from soap bubbles;
  • sharp knife;
  • hot melt glue;
  • insulating tape;
  • soldering device;
  • toggle switch.

When all necessary accessories collected, you can start making mini drills.

Preparatory work

At the initial stage, the body of the future device is prepared, for which a neat small hole must be made in the lid of the soap bubble jar, the diameter of which should slightly exceed the diameter of the drill base. This procedure is usually performed using a heated soldering iron. The bottom of the container must be removed completely. Next, we construct the core of our tool from the motor and the cartridge. An engine of suitable power can be taken from old household equipment, which for some reason is no longer used. Before fastening the engine and the cartridge, it is thoroughly degreased with acetone. The bonding process must be carried out using the cold welding method, but hot glue can also be used if desired.


When the plastic case and core are ready, you can assemble the mini drill. The work is carried out in several stages, and the assembly begins with the fact that the connection from the cartridge and the motor is placed in a prepared plastic container from under soap bubbles. Make sure that the wires coming out of the electrical socket fit into the housing cover. After the cartridge is completely hidden in the plastic tube, it is fixed with hot glue, smearing the side voids with an adhesive composition, and wait until the binder is completely dry.

Next, you have to use the same glue to attach the toggle switch to the lid and connect the power supply wire to it by standard scheme using an ammeter if necessary. Wire insulation is performed as usual with electrical tape or hot glue. The cap with all the accessories is screwed to the tube, and the drill is fixed on its back side. A ready-made homemade tool of this sample can operate on batteries or from the mains.

From a ballpoint pen

A primitive drilling device made of ballpoint pen even a schoolboy can assemble, because there are no electrical elements and you do not need to have skills in working with a power tool, and this greatly simplifies the task. To make such a device, you need a ballpoint pen with automatic mechanism, hot melt glue, a stick with jumpers at the end, with which the drill rotates, and the drill itself of the required standard size. The main load during drilling, which is provided by the master's hand, falls on the body, so give preference to samples made of metal or dense plastic.

Build process

The ballpoint pen is completely disassembled, and then a drill is inserted into the lower part of the body, from which the rod usually comes out. The drill shank is fixed into a hole on a stick, which is inserted into the body along with the drill. In order for the entire working structure of the tool to become a single whole mechanism, the filling is fixed to the inner walls of the body using hot melt glue. The drilling process will be carried out by mechanical action on the stick, which serves as the handle of the device. The homemade mini drill is ready and you can try it out in practice.

Toothbrush device

The electric toothbrush has one significant drawback - it does not have the ability to change the bristles, while all other elements are in perfect working order, and this will be useful in our case. So, at the brush, you need to cut off all the parts, leaving only the body, and then you need to connect the shaft of the miniature motor with the drill using a conventional collet mount. The collet is purchased separately, taking into account the diameter of the engine shaft, and this is the main condition for the selection of the required element.

The biggest difficulty in assembling a mini drill from a toothbrush is the shrinkage of the collet clamp on the motor. The thing is that the chuck is suitable for a shaft with a diameter of 2 mm or more, and the motor supplied with the brush has a smaller diameter. You can overcome this complexity by first turning each fastener before giving it a cone-shaped configuration. This method will allow you to adjust the diameter of the engine shaft to the size of the chuck mount.

Of course craftsmen got the hang of making a home drilling machine from many other devices. There is a scheme for assembling such a device from a blender, and an electrical one can also be taken as a basis. manicure tool or other similar units. As for the device of the mini drill itself, it can be equipped with a speed regulator or other additional options, it all depends on the personal wishes and capabilities of the master.

We have selected for you the most affordable and simple methods creating useful equipment with which a printed circuit board can be drilled or any other delicate work of a similar nature, and also prepared a thematic video in order to make the workflow more understandable.

How to make a mini drill with your own hands: the most effective way

A mini drill is an indispensable tool for a radio amateur. With its help, it is convenient to drill holes in printed circuit boards when soldering electrical appliances. A mini drill will come in handy for modelers when creating miniature equipment. Making a mini drill with your own hands is not difficult if you have the necessary parts.

How to make a mini drill with your own hands

Hair dryer

There may be several options for the execution of a mini drill, created by your own hands. The flight of your imagination is limited only by the available details. The most convenient is a miniature drill made with your own hands from a motor from consumer electronics. You can use drives from such items:

  • Hair dryer. The most preferred option: the motor power is sufficient for drilling any material. Depending on the engine model, its power reaches 1500 rpm.
  • Record player. A motor from an ancient non-working cassette recorder or player can be used. Engines from CD players will do. Such a motor is powered by a voltage of 6 volts, so it can be used to make a portable version of a mini drill powered by batteries. The disadvantage is that the engine is not very powerful. A micro drill created on its basis is suitable for drilling textolite boards.
  • Radio controlled toy. The motor power depends on the manufacturer. Chinese consumer goods are usually equipped with low-power motors. Models of well-known brands such as General Silicone, Maverick or WLToys are equipped with high-quality, reliable and, most importantly, powerful engines. A drill assembled on such a base will simply "fly". The second important structural element is the chuck used to hold the drill. To make a chuck for a mini drill with your own hands, you must first buy a collet. It is a clamping mechanism capable of holding cylindrical objects firmly. Having fixed the drill in the collet and firmly clamping it on the motor shaft, it remains only to connect the power supply or batteries to the engine. This simplest version of a mini-drill can already drill holes. If you are too lazy to "bother" further and you will rarely use the tool, you can leave it that way. However, it is inconvenient to hold the "naked" motor in your hands, and the drill looks unpresentable. To get things done, you need a case and some controls.

Mini Drill Body Options

Lamp holder

If, in order to make a chuck for a mini drill, you need to visit Aliexpress or another similar resource in search of a collet, everything is much simpler with the case. Trash is suitable for its manufacture, which in most cases is disposed of. Let's consider several options:

    • Antiperspirant container. Some plastic containers are ideal in size for a motor from a tape recorder or CD player. If the motor is slightly larger, you can insert it with a slight interference. In the lid of the antiperspirant container, it is necessary to cut a hole for the cartridge output. For greater convenience, you can install a power supply connector at the bottom, and a power button on the side. This allows the drill to be stored separately from the unit.

Antiperspirant container
  • Electric chuck. The option is less acceptable: making a hole in such durable plastic will not work, so the power button will have to be fixed on the case with glue. As a back cover, you can use a container from soap bubbles.
  • The tube is the right size. Any material will do - metal, plastic or rubber. Not as aesthetic option as the ones listed above. Keep in mind that there should be no gaps when attaching the motor to the body, otherwise the drill may run out during operation. Cold welding or superglue can be used for additional fixation.

Power and controls

It's good if you have a power supply with a power supply regulator - this will allow you to change the speed of the drill during operation. If you are using a regular power supply, it is recommended to install a power button on the case for greater convenience. You can use either a two-position switch or an interrupter button - it all depends on your preference. It is also a good idea to equip the case with a connector that matches the power supply.

Electronics enthusiasts can use the USB port, which can be used to power the mini drill from a computer or laptop.

Mini drill bits

Milling cutter from a wheel from a lighter

Conventional drills may not be enough if you are not a radio amateur, but are engaged in modeling or other type of creativity that requires the use of a mini drill or drill. Some attachments are easy to make yourself:

  • Milling cutter. You can use a twisting drum from a lighter. Place it on a suitable bolt and secure with a nut.
  • Grinding head. A small nail will do. Place a champagne cork over it or wrap a cylinder with duct tape. Cut a rectangle out of the required grit sandpaper and glue it around the circumference of the head cylinder. Several of these heads are required to process different materials.
  • A circular saw. For manufacturing, the upper or lower part of a battery of size C - the so-called "barrel" is suitable. The battery material is strong enough to make a circular disc. Use a compass to mark the hole in the center. The slanting teeth must be the same size to avoid runout during operation. To fix in the drill chuck, use a bolt, securing the disc to it with nuts. As you can see, it is not difficult to make a mini drill from a motor with your own hands if you are enthusiastic. Many of the materials you have to throw away will do. The only thing that will have to be spent is a collet: it is extremely difficult to make it yourself.

DIY mini drills: assembly methods, required materials and work features, useful tips

Everyone knows that a drill in a household is a very useful and versatile tool. If you have a drill at home, you can hang a picture on the wall, fix furniture, fix a number of necessary items. But what if there is no drill at home, and it is already somehow inconvenient to constantly ask neighbors?

You can buy it in the store, but it's not cheap. Or you can assemble a mini-drill with your own hands based on scrap materials that are found in almost every home. How to do this, we will tell you in this material, presenting to your attention several simple ways DIY mini-drill assembly at home.

Mini drill from electric chuck

The first option for assembling this device with your own hands is based on the use of an electric cartridge, which can be purchased separately, or taken out of a light bulb. If you buy it, then it is very inexpensive, but this cost will be justified.

Also, to assemble a mini-drill with your own hands from a cartridge, you will need the following things:

  • motor;
  • a jar of soap bubbles;
  • construction knife;
  • insulating tape;
  • hot melt glue;
  • blowtorch;
  • household switch.

Mini drill body and core

The work must begin with preparing the body of the mini-drill, which will serve as a can of soap bubbles. This is done like this:

  • Prepare a jar lid. To this end, we heat the soldering iron and with its help in the lid of the jar we make small hole.
  • The diameter of this hole should be slightly larger than the diameter of the drill base.
  • The bottom of the jar must be completely cut out.

Getting started with the core:

  1. We connect the cartridge with the motor. Most often, motors are taken from different tools already used.
  2. Before the bonding process, the motor must be completely degreased with acetone.
  3. The cartridge can also be degreased, but you do not need to water it like a motor with acetone. Routine wiping will suffice.

The bonding method takes place by means of cold welding. If this method does not work for you, you can also use hot glue. Remember that the more complicated your future mini-drill is, the more serious materials will be required to assemble it with your own hands.

During planting for welding or glue, you need to work extremely carefully so that everything turns out as smooth as possible. It will not work to redo the work later, take this point into account.

You also need to consider the following:

  • there is a hole at the attachment point on the cartridge, which must be covered before connecting the parts;
  • putty is carried out using simple plasticine;
  • Only the holes need to be filled with plasticine; it should not remain on top of the cartridge.

Manufacturing process

When you have prepared the body and core, you can start directly assembling the drill yourself:

  • Place a cartridge with a motor connected to each other in a jar. This must be done so that the wires that protrude from the cartridge are then placed in the lid of the jar.
  • When the cartridge is completely in the can, fix it. To do this, fill the voids on the sides with hot melt glue, and wait until it completely seizes.
  • Fasten the switch to the cover and connect the power wires to it. It can also be glued.
  • We connect all the wires to the switch, the connection scheme is used as standard. You can use an ammeter for accuracy.
  • After connecting the wires, they must be insulated with electrical tape or hot glue.
  • We fasten the lid to the jar and attach the drill on the other side.

The good thing about the finished mini-drill is that it can work both on batteries and on electric power. We have considered the option of assembling a universal model.

Naturally, without the skills of working with electricity, it will be extremely difficult to assemble such a drill with your own hands. Below we suggest that you consider the options for assembling simpler drills for small household needs.

How to assemble a drill on the basis of the handle body with your own hands

One of the options the simplest drill- this is homemade device based on a regular ballpoint pen.

To make it you will need the following materials: automatic ballpoint pen; drill with the required diameter; hot melt glue; sturdy stick with handles at the end, with which you can rotate it.

Special attention pay attention to the choice of a handle for making a future drill, and specifically, its body, since during operation the main load will fall on the body.

The requirements for the pen body are as follows:

  • it must be as strong as possible to withstand the load;
  • the best option- body based on high quality metals;
  • if there is no handle with a metal body, choose a handle based on thick plastic.

The build process looks like this:

  • Disassemble the handle until only one body remains of it.
  • The lower part of the case, from where the writing rod usually sticks out, needs to be unscrewed.
  • Instead of this part, insert the drill into the body in such a way that its working part sticks out from under the bottom part, and the second part is inserted into the hole that is in the stick.
  • The stick is inserted into the body at the same time as the drill.
  • In order for the structure of the drill to be integral, it is fixed to the wall of the case with hot melt glue.
  • When you turn the mechanism using the special handles, the drill will rotate, providing the desired work by pressing on the handle body.

Making a drill based on a toothbrush

Electric toothbrushes are very convenient to use, but impractical in the sense that the bristles on them cannot be changed even after use, this expensive device, like a simple brush, has to be thrown away.

But you can not do this, using the case of an electric brush to make a drill with your own hands.

We take an old electric brush and cut everything down to the body on it. Next, you need to connect the motor shaft to the drill using a collet clamp, which must be purchased separately.

When buying a collet clamp (or chuck), be sure to find out in advance which shaft the motor has in the brush in diameter. The motors differ from each other in the diameter of the shaft to be fitted.

The collet clamp is inexpensive and can be purchased on the radio market or in a specialized online store. It includes a chuck and interchangeable drill bits with different diameters that are inserted into the chuck.

The most difficult thing in this case is to put a collet clamp on the brush engine. The chuck is designed for a shaft from 2 mm, while the motor has a smaller one here. To do this, each screw for fasteners must first be turned into a conical shape so that the minimum diameter of the chuck attachment can be adjusted to the diameter of the motor shaft.

Of course, a mini-drill with your own hands can be assembled not only on the basis of brushes or old handles, but also other devices, folk craftsmen come up with new ways of them every day homemade assembly... However, the options discussed above are suitable even for those who have never encountered such a thing and are engaged in assembling such devices for the first time in their life.

  • Print

DIY mini drill

For the production of drilling works on miniature workpieces, engraving machines, the so-called "dremel", are usually used. The name comes from the name of the most popular manufacturer. This is a handy hand tool, but its cost is usually high (especially for quality branded products).

The most common area of ​​application is in hobbyist modeling and PCB manufacturing. As a rule, an industrial design is redundant for such works: some of its capabilities are not in demand. Therefore, DIYers often create a tool with their own hands.

What materials are needed to create a mini drill with your own hands?

  • The electric motor, of course. Power supply preferably no more than 12 volts: at least for safety reasons.
  • The power supply unit, if possible with a voltage regulator (to change the number of shaft revolutions).
  • The case (in the most primitive designs, you can do without it).
  • And the second most important detail (after the motor) is the drill chuck.

Everything except the electric motor can be made by yourself. Although, the cost of the rest of the components is so scanty that you can only limit yourself to assembling the power tool from ready-made assemblies.

Consider a few tested options

Full analogue of the factory "Dremel"

For manufacturing, you need a motor with a 5V or 12V power supply, which can be removed from a broken children's toy, a miniature fan, a printer, a tape recorder, or just buy on Aliexpress. If you plan to use the drill not only for drilling printed circuit boards, you can make a convenient case from a polypropylene water pipe. We select the diameter in such a way that the motor holds tightly to the walls. The ventilation usually runs along the shaft. You can use an empty construction sealant tube.

End caps are cut from any material, such as PVC or acrylic. If the engine is powerful enough, a charger from an old mobile phone will not work. You need a current margin of at least 3A (for 5 volts). A good option is an old power supply from a computer (you can buy it for a penny on the radio market).

Tip: From a computer power supply, you can make a universal source for a home workshop. Stable power supply 5V with a load up to 20 amperes, and 12V with a load up to 8 amperes. You can connect both the "dremel" and the soldering iron.

Collet chuck is purchased in the store: the department of accessories for engravers and "dremels". If there is a need to adjust the speed, you can make a circuit yourself, or purchase a ready-made block.

The illustration shows a Chinese regulator and a power supply from an Internet router (12V, 1.2A).

With the help of such a homemade "dremel", you can not only drill miniature holes. By installing the appropriate accessory, you can work with a milling cutter, cutter, or cutting disc.

Toothbrush drill

At first glance, it sounds absurd. But we will talk about an electric brush, inside of which there is a completely reliable motor. It is enough to get to the steel shaft, on which the gearbox with rotating bristles is put on, and the workpiece is in your hands.

The same collet chuck is put on the shaft, and batteries are installed instead of batteries. Or a suitable mains adapter can be adapted.

Drilling walls with such a device will not work, but holes in a printed circuit board are easy. In principle, you can use any compact electrical appliance with a conveniently located motor shaft. For example, an old electric shaver.

Economical option without housing

Let's move on to creating a mini drill with minimal costs. We don’t buy anything except the motor itself (although it can be found in old technology for free). Most compact electric motors are rated for 12 volts DC. We create a power supply unit under it.

Since there will be no additional options (speed regulator, voltage stabilizer), the power supply is stabilized by a constant load. A typical 12 volt micromotor operates at less than 2 amperes. A simple calculation shows that the output power should be 24 watts. Add 25% for rectification losses, we get a 30W transformer.

To get 12 volts under load, 16 volts must be removed from the secondary winding. You can make such a transformer in an hour, from any unnecessary power supply. Further - a rectifier bridge on any diodes: for example, 1N1007.

Our motor does not need rectified voltage ripples, so at the output we connect an electrolytic capacitor of 25 volts with a capacity of about 1000 uF. It will smooth out the output current. Despite its simplicity, such a tandem works stably, with only one drawback: when the load increases, the voltage drops. That is, with uniform rotation, the power supply unit outputs 12 volts. And if you are drilling "heavy" material - you need to monitor the speed, not letting them go down. Otherwise, the shaft will simply stop.

It is possible to complicate the power supply circuit a little by adding a suitable voltage regulator. For example, KR142EN8B or L7812CV.

In this case, there will be no voltage drop when the drill is loaded.

  • If you only drill PCB PCB, you will not need to change the drill. So we fix it permanently. The adapter sleeve can be made from anything: a tube from a telescopic antenna, a needle from a medical syringe, a rod from a gel pen.

Given the diminutive design, no clamps are needed. Everything can be fixed with glue or tape.

  • With the universal use of the drill, which implies changing the drill or installing other attachments, it would be more correct to purchase a universal collet chuck.

  • A standard jaw chuck can be used by attaching it to the shaft using an adapter sleeve.

The execution of the case depends only on your imagination. Most craftsmen leave the "bare" utilitarian design: the supply voltage is safe, the size of the motor allows you to hold it in your hands without a case.

If you want elementary aesthetics, there are many options: and they are all shareware.

A homemade tool doesn't just save money. It can be made exactly for your needs, as opposed to universal factory options.