How to restore an old wooden table? Do-it-yourself old table restoration (design idea, photo) How to grind a wooden table with your own hands.

The restoration of the kitchen table allows you to renew the structure and improve its appearance. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to continue to operate the favorite piece of furniture, and it is allowed to change the color of the coating, apply a drawing. There are many design options for the countertop. It can be any image, different types of techniques are used, including decoupage, artificial aging furniture, etc.

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Repair of table structures

To return the product to its former attractiveness, they resort to two methods of restoration:

  • simple;
  • with a change in design.

The next stage is the decoration of the piece of furniture. In this case, work is performed on prepared surfaces. Repair of the product without the need to change the design is carried out taking into account the type of material. For example, if kitchen table made of metal, the following types of work are performed:

  1. Dismantling the countertop is mandatory.
  2. The old coating is removed.
  3. Filling of individual sections or the entire surface of the product is performed, which is necessary in the case when the table is old.
  4. Grinding. It is carried out using coarse, medium or fine sandpaper. It is chosen taking into account the degree of roughness of the coating. For example, coarse sandpaper is used to eliminate significant defects. However, in any case, before proceeding to the next stage, the elements of the kitchen table structure are processed with fine-grained sandpaper.
  5. After sanding, priming is performed. Apply special formulations... It is important to choose a product designed to work with the type of material the table is made of.
  6. Painting is done with a roller or brush. You can proceed to this stage if the decor technique has already been selected. Application of the varnish after priming will improve adhesion to the surface. To obtain an even coating, staining is carried out several times. First, primary processing is performed, then it is required to let the first layer dry. After that, the procedure is repeated 1-2 more times.

The restoration of the legs and the surface of the table with a change in design is carried out according to the described instructions, but some points may be added. For example, set additional elements structures: legs, wheels, wooden fringes around the perimeter, carved parts, etc. You can change the shape and size of the table top, its thickness. For comparison, such work is not performed with a simple restoration.

If the wooden or metal legs are loose, the hardware can be replaced. In the case when the holes for fasteners have increased over time, you will need to use larger self-tapping screws.

An alternative option is to change the attachment points of the legs. Old holes in the worktop need to be filled with putty. These works are carried out on preparatory stage, just before finishing painting. It is possible to replace the countertop by choosing a different material: glass, chipboard, laminated chipboard.

How do I upgrade my kitchen table?

Various techniques are used for decorating surfaces. When choosing the material from which a piece of furniture is made does not always play important role... The difference in the process of finishing a wooden and metal table lies in the use of special primers and in the processing methods. If you plan to update your kitchen table with your own hands, you should consider popular decorating techniques. Most of them are performed using paints and varnishes, but there are also those that are realized using ceramics, tulle, etc.


This is the most common way to update pieces of furniture. Apply paint and varnish, it all depends on the type of material from which the product is made. For example, a painted kitchen table with a peeling finish is restored and varnished to preserve the natural wood grain. Painting will help hide minor defects and update a product made of metal, plastic, wood.

You need to choose a color. If the color scheme of the interior is bright, muted tones should be used, and vice versa, they emphasize the design, highlighting the kitchen table with bright colors... Pattern and dyeing technique are selected individually. You can use alkyd enamel, water-based, oil paint... The choice is made taking into account the type of material. If the question of how to paint the product is being decided, you need to remember that all surfaces are covered in several layers. paints and varnishes can be sprayed from a balloon or applied with a roller, brush.


In this case, paper elements with different types of patterns are glued to the surface of the countertop. Napkins are often used for this purpose. They purchase a special glue for decoupage, while the decor will not last long, if you do not apply varnish to the surface. It is also permissible to use PVA glue. Sequencing:

  • the surface is degreased;
  • the countertop is opened with an acrylic primer twice, each layer should dry well;
  • grinding;
  • coloring with a background shade;
  • the drawing is glued to the table, it is straightened in the direction from the center to the edges, it is better to leave the napkin to dry in natural conditions;
  • then acrylic varnish is applied, it is advisable to repeat the procedure 3-4 times, while you need to wait until the surface is completely dry.

Decoupage of the kitchen table can be done not only with the help of napkins - for this purpose, wallpaper and other paper-based materials are used.


Use a burning technique. This option suitable for working with wood. The decor can be anything: stickers, stencils, painting. Kitchen tables are decorated in different ways, how to decorate furniture to make it look stylish, you need to consider in more detail. Artificial aging of objects is a popular method. A wooden kitchen table can also be designed like this, the design is carried out according to the instructions:

  1. Surfaces are sanded. A large area can be processed with a sander, difficult areas are smoothed with fine-grain sandpaper.
  2. Wood dust is removed from the surface.
  3. They artificially create defects on the countertop: indentations from heavy objects, scratches, etc.
  4. The table top is stained twice.
  5. To preserve the effect of antiquity, tung oil should be applied immediately after staining the product. It is better not to use varnish for this purpose, since a glossy finish does not contribute to the maintenance of the old style. Tung oil should be thoroughly rubbed into the surface and left to dry overnight.
  6. On the last stage treat a kitchen stack with wax, polish.

You can use different shades of paint to give the product an antique look. The secret lies in applying another layer; to create scuffs, use a sponge soaked in paint, or a thin brush. In this case, the shade must be different from the background. A pattern is applied that imitates cracks or a pattern of peeling paint.

Decorating with tiles

This technique has many advantages:

  • improvement appearance old table;
  • the ability to install hot dishes on the countertop;
  • ease of care;
  • long period of service.

Do-it-yourself kitchen table restoration can be done using large tiles. They also use mosaics. In any case, the mass of the piece of furniture will increase significantly. Broken tiles are also suitable for decorating the table. Using pieces of different sizes will result in a mosaic effect.

Do you have an old wooden table lying around in your closet or in the attic of your house? Have you completely forgotten about him? But it can be repaired, restored and it will be no worse than new. And as they make furniture now, so old table will be even stronger than the new one!

From the old table you can recreate elegant table for writing or kitchen.

The contrasting combination of antique wood carvings and glass top will give the table an exclusive look when modernizing.

Table restoration

The restoration of the table begins with the removal of old tiles from the table top, which were previously inserted into the oak edging that runs along the entire perimeter of the table. The tiles must be carefully removed with a spatula or scraper.

If, in your case, the tabletop is not decorated with tiles, then the covering with which the old table was processed must be removed.

Then it is the turn of the table edges - it is processed with a high-quality grinding bar. This stage smoothly turns into cleaning all wood using wet sanding. It should be borne in mind that grinding is carried out strictly in one direction - along the grain of the tree. V otherwise unsightly risks will remain across the tabletop, which will only disfigure the old wooden table more.

Before proceeding with varnishing, it is advisable to open the wood with a stain. The base and color of the product is selected taking into account the type of wood, for example, light stains on alcohol are ideal for oak. If the wood is slightly moistened before processing, the staining will be more uniform.

The wood is well moistened with a stain, the excess can be easily removed with a brush. When using a water-soluble stain, the wood fibers tend to expand, which requires sanding with a fine-grained sandpaper after drying. It is better to apply the product on a wooden table with a piece of foam rubber, since smudges remain after the brush. When the stain is dry, the entire furniture surface should be treated with a transparent primer, or a layer of primer varnish should be applied to it.

Restoration wooden table ends with the application of a matting solution to the varnished surface using a swab.

Finally, good quality glass is installed on the worktop.

If the tabletop is badly damaged, it can be replaced with thick glass.

It is possible to build in a multi-colored illumination under the glass of the table. See what a beauty!

Decoupage table

Decoupage an old table will turn it into a wonderful piece of home art.

For us we need

  1. Sandpaper or sander
  2. Acrylic paint
  3. Putty
  4. Acrylic paint
  5. Varnish in a spray can
  6. Napkins, wallpaper or decoupage cards
  7. PVA glue
  8. File or plastic bag

Preparatory work for decoupage is the same as for painting: disassembly and cleaning with sandpaper.

After that, it is necessary to perform puttying, the composition for which you can buy at any hardware store. Remember to dry the product well for a few hours.

You can choose any drawing, make the item themed for a specific interior. For example, a chair can be pasted over with a geographic map. Wrapping paper or even wallpaper is perfect for decorating an old table. You can embellish furniture with clippings from napkins, most often in decoupage old furniture a floral ornament is used, however this is the easiest way. You can even make decoupage using old newspapers or pages from useless books. Anything can be used: cards, postcards, wallpapers, magazine clippings, deliberately printed illustrations.

If you want to add bright details to the image, paint with watercolors and a brush. You can not only highlight some elements, but also create shadows and volume for the picture.

You can also decorate a wooden table with PVA glue and paint. In this case, you will get shabby chic artwork... You can make a beautiful and unusual piece of furniture with your own hands. To do this, mix the glue and paint to obtain the desired shade, prime the prepared table surface, apply paint and, without waiting for it to dry, dry the table top with a hair dryer. In the process, you will see how shabby chic cracks begin to appear on the surface.

An old table, chair, chest of drawers, bedside tables, transformed using decoupage technique, will become the main decoration of your interior!

If you have an old dinner table, which is dear to you as a memory, or you just want to save reasonable money on buying new furniture, then you have to interesting job as a restorer or decorator.

Keep in mind that restoring a kitchen table with your own hands is not the easiest thing and, in some cases, not justified, because not every table can be repaired, and it is better to entrust antiques to professionals. But more often than not, the right "upgrade" can bring your old friend back to life and transform him beyond recognition.

What are the ways you can update the table?

To update your kitchen table with your own hands, you can use one of the following proven technologies:

  1. Traditional painting - we will consider this method in detail in a step-by-step master class.
  • An interesting way of decorating and painting furniture is painting through tulle - the table top is painted through it, and a lace pattern is formed according to the principle of a stencil.

  1. Ceramic tiles will allow you to decorate a dilapidated, badly damaged countertop and make it more practical - you can put hot on such a surface and wash it in any way.

  1. You can update the old table using decoupage technique. We will also talk about it in more detail.

  1. An easy way to modify the table with your own hands quickly and on a budget is to paste over it with self-adhesive film.
  2. Burning out will renew the undamaged wood surface.

Master class - 6 steps towards a new life

In this workshop on simple do-it-yourself dining table restoration, we will update, repair and repaint such an old veneered table with a moderate number of defects.

So, to update your kitchen table you will need:

  1. a sander or sandpaper of coarse, medium and fine grit, as well as glasses, a respirator and gloves;
  2. alkyd enamel paint of the desired color (or other desired coating, for example, wood stain), as well as a flat, non-fading paint or art brush;
  3. wood primer and small roller / brush for priming;
  4. wax paste or varnish.

Step 1. Inspect and repair parts

We carefully inspect all fasteners in the structure and defects of the countertop - how much the veneer has delaminated or the wood has been damaged.

If the table is a little loose, then you just need to tighten all the screws. If it requires a more serious restoration, then you need to completely disassemble the table, re-fasten all the parts, or clean and sand all the grooves and joints so that new glue better grabbed, fix the glued parts with clamps or self-tapping screws, and then remove them after 15 hours, when the glue is completely dry.

  • Sometimes the underframe needs replacing, not only because its parts are badly dilapidated, but also because the legs can completely transform your old table. For example, if earlier the legs were simple, now you can replace them with beautiful carved balusters.
  • When disassembling furniture, do not forget to mark the installation location of each of the parts, so you will not get confused and will cope with the task faster.

Step 2. Remove the old coating

Now put on your safety goggles and prepare 2 types of sandpaper: coarse - for initial processing and fine - for smoothing. Get ready for long and laborious work - delete old paint or varnish is not an easy task.

Step 3. Close up cracks and chips

After grinding, we thoroughly clean the table from dust, inspect the table top and look for defects. Keep in mind that even the smallest damage will be visible after painting. All chips and cracks must be locally repaired with wood putty or polyester putty, and then the entire surface must be sanded again when the patches are dry.

On a note - covering the table with a stain:

  • if the countertop does not have severe damage, then you can not hide the natural beauty of the wood and cover it with wood stain, and then varnish, shellac or wax. The photo below shows an example of a restored table with a stained top in Bleached Oak.

Step 4. Priming and sanding again

We continue to work. Now we need to not only clean the table, but also degrease it. And after the table dries out, we proceed to the primer. This stage is required, since without it paintwork will lie unevenly and quickly be damaged. You can use an alkyd or shellac wood primer. In this master class, a universal alkyd primer Zinsser Cover Stain (pictured below) was used, which dries in just 1 hour, protects the tree well and prepares it for painting. It costs about 500-600 rubles, but is not sold everywhere. The table can be primed in 1-2 layers using a small sponge roller, while each layer should dry completely.

When the primer is dry (within 1 day), sand the countertop again with an emery cloth or a medium-grit sanding sponge to smooth the primed surface and prepare it for painting. And don't forget to put on your respirator again!

Step 5. Now let's start painting.

It is very important to choose the right paint and its color. Avoid cheap paints, because this is a dining table, which means that the tabletop should tolerate well frequent washing, rubbing, hitting and so on. In this case, enamel is used. alkyd paint premium water-based with a satin finish, but you can opt for a more sustainable acrylic-based enamel. Also, be fond of choosing a quality brush so that it doesn't fade in the process. A large, flat art brush is perfect, not a paintbrush.

The paint should be applied in 2 thin layers, while it is better to leave the finishing layer to dry for 3-4 days.

  • If you chose dark color paint, then it is better to apply it in 3 thin layers;
  • To create scuffs in the style, paint can be sanded in some places, for example, at the ends of the table;
  • Also, to create a "antique" effect, the table can be patched.

Step 6. Apply a protective coating

As we said, you can protect the table surface with a varnish such as a water-based matte polyurethane (pictured left is a great varnish from Varathane). It should be applied evenly in 2-3 thin layers, lightly sanding each layer before applying the next layer of varnish. Of course, all layers must dry completely before sanding (4 hours).

The second option is protection with wax, which will make the countertop matte and can be rubbed to a shine. To do this, the wax must be rubbed gently into the wood with a cotton cloth, then let the first layer dry for at least 1 hour. Then polish the surface in a circular motion and repeat the procedure 2 more times within one day. Well, now, be patient and leave the table for 1 week so that the surface has acquired the necessary performance properties.

Well, that's all - the restoration is completed, and the old table has found new life in trendy white.

And here's another interesting video from the program "Cheap and Angry" on the topic of countertop restoration at home using improvised means.

Updating the countertop with decoupage

If you do not want to be satisfied with what has already been achieved or your table does not have serious damage, but just needs a small update, then you can decorate the table with drawings: paint it with acrylic paints by hand, use stencils and stamps, or update the table using decoupage. Perhaps, we will consider this very popular decor technique in more detail, because decoupage will not only allow you to budget and quickly transform the table or, for example, stylize it like Shabby chic (as in the photo below), but also hide some defects of the dilapidated surface.

To update the table with your own hands using decoupage technique, you will need:

  • acrylic primer and acrylic paints- if desired;
  • putty for beige wood;
  • grinder and sandpaper of varying grain size;
  • rubber spatulas;
  • flat and artificial artistic brushes;
  • matt or semi-matt varnish for wood;
  • decoupage napkins or decoupage card;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue or special glue for decoupage.

Decoupage decor can be started either after priming and sanding (see step # 4 above), or after painting and varnishing. Then you should choose a picture - it can be any image on paper or table napkins, as well as special rice paper for decoupage.

First, markup is performed, lightly marking with a pencil the places where the images will be located. Put the cut paper image “face down” in a container with water and keep it for half a minute. Then the soggy image is laid out in the same way “face down” on a polyethylene file, and all excess paper layers are rolled off. Then the picture is carefully coated with glue and attached to the tabletop. The file is not removed - through it the image is smoothed as much as possible.

The surface around the pictures is decorated with paint. The final stage of decoupage is varnishing with acrylic varnish. After three days, the varnish will dry out and the table can be fully used.

Finally, a selection of photos for your inspiration.

Do you have a favorite, convenient and comfortable kitchen table, but its appearance has not been pleasing for a long time? Do not despair, but give him a second life. Kitchen table restoration is a great solution to refresh the interior of your kitchen without parting with your favorite piece of furniture. Here are some tips on how to upgrade your kitchen table and save a lot of money.

Of course, if your table is hopelessly broken and beyond repair, all the efforts you make may not be justified. But more often than not, a correctly selected restoration method helps to bring your favorite furniture back to life, changing it beyond recognition.

This is one of the most proven and readily available technologies that allows some furniture elements to return to their beautiful appearance and presentability. To renovate an old kitchen table, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • grinder with different attachments;
  • mask, glasses and gloves;
  • putty;
  • putty knife;
  • primer for wooden surfaces;
  • brush for primer, varnish and paint;
  • alkyd enamel paint of the required color;
  • varnish or wax.

Now let's move on to the main stages of work.

Inspection of the table and identification of significant defects

At this stage, inspect the integrity of the table legs and mountings, check if the table top is defective or damaged. If the table is found to be loose, try tightening the connecting bolts. If such an action does not give significant changes, you will have to completely disassemble the table, sand the irregularities and gaps, grooves and joints, apply glue for greater reliability and fix the glued parts with self-tapping screws.

If the table legs are completely out of order and repair is impossible, you can perform a complete replacement with more modern ones, for example, metal or carved, wooden ones - it all depends on the interior design of your kitchen and the chosen style. Broken fasteners must also be replaced. Keep in mind that remodeling a table is not only about changing the look, but also about making the structure more robust. Don't forget about it.

Removing the old coating

Next, you have to remove the old coating - varnish or paint. Put on the mask, goggles and grinder start stripping. You can use coarse and medium-grained sandpaper, but then you need to tune in to a long and laborious work - removing paint or varnish in this way is not an easy and not quick matter. It is better to perform these works on outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. If you do decide to sand the table in the kitchen, open the windows fully and cover the floor and all the furniture around you with cloth or paper.

Cracks and chips treatment

After sanding, you need to clean the old kitchen table from dust and inspect the countertop for defects. All chips and cracks must be putty, and after the putty is dry, sand the entire surface again. The fact is that even the smallest defects will be clearly visible after painting. After much effort, the resulting cleaned kitchen countertop is ideal for creations and new designs.

Table surface priming

After polishing the countertop and other table elements, it is necessary to degrease everything, and after drying, apply a primer mixture. In no case should this stage be skipped, otherwise the paintwork will be uneven and short-lived. The primer mixture is applied in two layers, each layer must dry well before applying the next. After the second layer has dried, it will take about 24 hours, the already primed surfaces need to be sanded again.

Painting the kitchen table

This is perhaps the most enjoyable stage of work in the restoration of a kitchen table with your own hands, without dirt and dust. Each stroke of the brush takes you one step closer to the desired result. The paint must be applied in two coats, and the dark color in three. The last, finishing layer must be given 3-4 days for complete drying.

Protective coating

The final stage of work is the uniform application of protective varnish in 2-3 thin layers. After each layer has dried (about 4 hours) and before applying the next one, lightly sand the surface with fine sandpaper. You can instead of varnish as protective coating use wax - it will make the countertop matte or it can be rubbed until it shines. The first layer of wax is rubbed into the wood with a soft cotton cloth, and after drying, the second layer is applied with light circular movements. This can be repeated several more times within one day. This completes the repair of the kitchen table. Leave the product for one week and only after this time will it be ready for full use.

Countertop restoration with decorative tiles

Next, we will look at how to restore a kitchen table with our own hands using ceramic tiles or mosaics. Decorative tiles is one of the most popular materials used for surface cladding kitchen sets... The choice of many people is obvious - in addition to the availability of a variety of textures and colors, tiles are distinguished by their reliability and durability. In addition, it is very easy to maintain, easy to clean and resistant to high temperatures.

To refurbish a kitchen table with ceramic tiles You need to choose a tile or mosaic that suits the style of your kitchen, purchase special tile adhesive, grout for joints and an edge profile.

Surface preparation is carried out according to the same principle as for painting. After graduation preparatory work, glue is applied to the surface of the countertop using a notched trowel, which will allow the tiles to be firmly and securely fixed.

Tiled elements must be laid out in a pre-planned composition. The distance between the tiles is adjusted using special plastic crosses. When all the tiles are laid out and firmly pressed to the table surface, and the glue is completely dry, it is necessary to prepare the grout mixture and fill the joints between the tiles with it.

In order for the look of the restored table to be complete, the sides of the table top should also be decorated. For this purpose, special edge profiles are used that match the tone or style of the selected tile. Thus, by doing this easily accessible to everyone home master renovation, your furniture will come to life again and give the kitchen design originality and freshness.

Decoupage kitchen countertops

Consider another popular way to update furniture - decoupage. This modern decor technique allows you to quickly and, most importantly, to transform the table on a budget by making it bright accent Your kitchen.

To restore the table using decoupage, in addition to the materials and tools necessary for cleaning the table from old surfaces, grinding and priming it, you will need decoupage napkins, a container with water, glue, plastic wrap, matte or semi-matt varnish.

Repairing a countertop using decoupage begins after it has been primed and sanded, or after it has been coated with paint or varnish. First, using a pencil, you need to markup, marking the location of the images. Next, in a container with water, you must place face down cut paper image. After 30 seconds, the image is removed and stacked on plastic wrap, according to the same principle - face down, and all unnecessary paper surfaces are removed.

The prepared picture is smeared with glue and attached to the prepared worktop. In this case, using a file, you need to carefully smooth out the picture and only then take it off. If desired, the surface of the pictures can be decorated with paints, and at the end the resulting image should be covered with acrylic varnish and allowed to dry thoroughly. This completes the repair of the kitchen surface. After three days, your new exclusive table will be ready for full use.

Old-made furniture should not be scrapped if damaged or minor flaws appear. It is better to undergo restoration, which will allow it to serve for a very long time. long years... Consider how to restore an old table at home without a lot of effort and expense. Naturally, the types of restoration work will depend on the initial quality of the product, its design and your design imagination, so it is impossible to foresee absolutely all the subtleties of future activities. Therefore, we will confine ourselves to a description of the most common methods of restoration.

To cover the table, you will need enamel based on a solvent of two different colors and transparent varnish.

Required materials and tools

For all necessary procedures you may need:

  • sandpaper of various types;
  • paint brushes;
  • furniture varnish;
  • polish or furniture mastic;
  • stain or stain;
  • impregnation for wood;
  • felt;
  • putty for wood;
  • rubber spatula;
  • joiner's glue;
  • jigsaw;
  • veneer.

It should be recalled that restoration implies bringing the product to the state as close as possible to the original version. This is where it comes from main principle restoration, prohibiting design changes and color scheme products.

Before the start of restoration work, the old table will have to be disassembled (although many restorers do not resort to such an operation, arguing that reassembly will lead to a violation of the integrity of the table and will certainly harm its strength). Each detail has to be cleaned of the old coating (veneered products are cleaned only from varnish). Cleaning is done with ordinary emery paper in a circular motion over the surface of the part. Rough processing is done with paper with a coarse abrasive. Fine sanding is done with "zero" (paper with the finest abrasive layer). Next, you have to thoroughly clean all the elements of the table from wood dust and thoroughly ventilate the room. Such a measure is necessary for the reason that the dust settles gradually and during the period of further actions it can fall on the not yet hardened varnish, which is highly undesirable. Restoration does not tolerate a superficial attitude to work, therefore, little things cannot be neglected.

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Preliminary work, primary impregnation

The prepared parts must be impregnated with a special solution, which will significantly extend the service life of the entire product and protect it from wood pests and fungal diseases. The impregnation must dry in a dark and well-ventilated area for at least a day.

The impregnation will protect the surface of the wooden table from decay and different types mold.

After that, the parts are thoroughly visually inspected for damage to the wood or veneer. Cracks up to 3 mm are filled with a special filler. In case of damage large sizes they must be covered with veneer. To do this, a thin layer of any watercolor paint is applied around the damage and a sheet of paper is applied on top. The part of the sheet that remains unpainted is the ideal stencil for the patch. It is to be glued to a veneer sheet and using a jigsaw to cut along the resulting contour.

We make a control measurement for the compatibility of the obtained veneer part and the place of damage. If they match, then you can start gluing the part with wood glue. It is better not to use modern adhesives, as this will violate the effect of real antiquity. We remind you that the parts should be pressed tightly against each other and left in this position for gluing for 10-12 hours. After gluing, it is necessary to wipe the joints of the parts with the same fine sandpaper. Even a table with veneer inlaid on the surface can be restored using the method described above.

We will assume that small redecorating all details have been completed, but the restoration has not yet been completed. The table is to be assembled in its initial state and to check the strength of its position on a horizontal surface. We use the old old-fashioned way for this: threads are pulled on the opposite legs of an inverted table. For the stability of the table, it is necessary that these threads touch each other (but have no deflections at the points of contact!).

It is necessary to apply varnish only after the previous layer has completely dried.

Aligning the table legs in one plane, you can continue to restore the product. The restoration of an old table means covering it with varnish. But first, you need to cover all the details and the entire surface with a stain.

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You will have to tinker with the choice of color, as to achieve original color I want to, but the range of coloring pigments is not wide enough to satisfy the desires of all consumers. It is believed that you first need to experiment with in different shades for any wooden surface... Through trial and error, you can get a color close to what you want, although it will take a lot of time. For this reason, the restoration of an old table is a lengthy process.