Modern homemade mini pailorams. How to make a simple tape sawmate with your own hands - instructions, drawings and materials Homemade horizontal belt sawmill drawings

If you calculate, from which components the final cost of lumber is the final cost - the price of wood + processing + transportation to the destination - it becomes clear what can be saved. Wood blanks (board, bar, rail) - one of the most used samples in the field of construction and repair.

Given the simplicity of working with the tree, it makes sense to engage in its "dissolution" directly on the site. It is enough to make a pail. With typical drawings, the procedure for manufacturing it with their own hands, this article will introduce its own design and some design features.

The feasibility of such a decision will be even more appropriate if you look at the rates for factory saws on the sites. They are available on sale, but the cost of installations is such that to purchase any model for use in everyday life most of us will want. Depending on the series (in rubles): "Cedar" - from 138,000 to 194,000, Taiga - from 116,890 to 172,400. And this is even relatively inexpensive samples. Only mini-machines (about 94,000) are cheaper, but they are unlikely to satisfy all the needs of the owner of a private house in woodworking.

Modifications of equipment this type There are several. But if we are talking about the assembly of the sawmills with your own hands, then the choice is a small one - a variant with a fixed position of the saw and a moving bed (trolley) on which the workpiece is located. It is it that moves in the process of woodworking according to a special guide (rails). Everything else is improvements, "Services", facilitating labor work and providing product quality. For example, a mobile saw.

Here are somewhat simple in the manufacture of models of homemade belt pylors.

Design features

Sawmill dimensions are determined depending on its location. Plots (house, country or other) differ in layout, so you will have to choose the optimal installation size of the installation. All drawings available in access (special literature, Internet) can serve only "landmarks" - according to the ratio of individual parts, their linear parameters, and so on. With their own hands, the pailorama is done as it is more convenient to work in a particular place and with a certain type of raw materials. Basically such equipment is used to dissolve logs and trimming boards.

What to take into account when designing sawdust

The design of this type of installation is good because it can be constantly refining and improving, more accurately "customizing" its characteristics and opportunities for the growing needs of the owner. For example, if it was originally planned for the dissolution of logs on the boards, it is quite possible that after a while the question of the organization will rise own production Bruus.

It is assembled on a block-modular scheme, and in the absence of practical experience in the manufacture of complex mechanisms, it is advisable to start with the simplest options. Ribbon panel with manual control subsequently easy to equip the automation elements (regulation of cut thickness, saw feed, programmer, and the like). That is why further - general instructions on the preparation of drawings of the tape panel and assembly. The author strongly recommends complying with the sequence and the first installation in its life on the simplified scheme.

There are many modifications of belt pyllars. The first question - in which plane it is supposed to carry out? This determines the location of the working tool. The second is the same product to be manufactured or will have to use the panel as a universal device? For example, not only for the dissolution of the timber on the boards, but also for trimming logs into separate segments. All this is taken into account in advance. It is desirable that the frame on which the working saw is attached, it was possible to reinstall.

Logs that bloom on tape sawing are characterized by considerable weight. In the process of working, its bed is also exposed to dynamic loads. The main attention is the stability of the lentopyl equipment. This is the quality of the cut, and the security of the service personnel.

Make a ribbon panel - it is half an end. Its competent operation requires certain skills in the setting. The main "underwater stone" is a wiring and sharpening saw. It is necessary to study this question in detail!

Preparatory activities

Choosing a place

If there is a suitable room, then you should consider that its effective area There should be no less than 18 "squares". This is enough to dissolve even dimensional logs on the belt panel.

In the private sector, rarely who can highlight an empty structure or at least compartment for installation. As a rule, woodworking has to be engaged in the street. It is unlikely that the neighbors in the wind are flying in the wind, the neighbors on adjacent sites will applaud. And its own territory is pretty quickly inspired. Conclusion - after assembling the ribbon panel, it will immediately have to engage in the construction of a solid type fencing. For example, from polycarbonate sheets or multilayer plywood.

In addition, you will have to decide in advance where the warehousing of the finished lumber will be organized. Consequently, near the panel there should be even a small, but free plot of land.

Here is from this and should be proceeding when the workplace is selected for the equipment.

Choosing materials and components

Engine. Materials.

Tools and equipment

Here is short - without welding machine not enough. With reference to pail bolt connections Practice is not worth it. Over time, one way or another, but they will break, and engage in daily control of state and suspenders - the prospect is not the best.

Piloram drawings

Below are drawings of a simple tape sawing, which you can easily adapt to your conditions and needs, observing the proportions and principles of work:

Features of the assembly of the belt panel

The algorithm of action is quite simple. Complexity - in the manufacture (with fitting in size) components.

Support platform

It will move the trolley with a sawn timber. Plus, the Rama is attached to the rails on which the working tool is located. The main requirements are the reliability of such support and alignment in the horizontal plane. What to fix it is a specially equipped foundation (for example, a column) or on racks covered in the ground - is solved on the spot.


It is already said about her appointment. So that in the process of sawing the log was in a fixed position, the mobile window should be equipped with a "clamp", which will reliably press the blank to the frame and not to give it to shift. Accordingly, the trolley must have wheels providing its mobility.

Frame for saws

Complexity - in ensuring the possibility of changing the situation cutting tool. If there is no regulatory mechanism, then all products are calibrated (one sizes, although the same). There are several engineering solutions, therefore it will have to deal with this question separately. To give something specific meaningless, not knowing what kind of modification of the panel is in question.

The general procedure for manufacturing and features of work in the article marked. The author recommends first to determine what purpose it is supposed to collect the belt panel. And only then look optimal option. You can simply copy the drawings available in access, and collect the installation of other sizes with your own hands, observing scaling. Or take a specific scheme as a basis, improving (modified) it under its own requests.

Good luck in constructing the tape sawmill!

When there is a need to handle a large amount of boards and wood, then the best option It is the use of sawmills created by itself. Many are confident that it is worth buying a finished device, but it is not entirely difficult to make it. In this article we will tell about how homemade sawmakes are made. Photos of drawings in large quantities are present on the Internet.

How to make a homemade sawmill

Before proceeding with this process, you need to decide on the volume of the upcoming work, as well as with the wood. After this, it is necessary to search the drawings of the homemade panel on the Internet and decide on the type of device for the successful implementation of the goal. When assembling the device with their own hands, the main attention should be paid to security issues, since such a device is an object of increased risk.

The homemade sawmill resembles the rotation of two coils with a stretched thread between them. This thread is drank, and the distance from one coil to the other is optimal size logs. The homemade panel, the video of the creation of which is presented below, makes it possible:

  • customized logs in one form and size
  • carry out the cutting blanks specific scheme After accurate equipment settings.

However, as a result, insignificant flaws are often obtained, which cannot be eliminated. For this reason, the tree must be additionally handled manually.

The homemade sawmaker works in this way:

  • the workpiece that does not move firmly on the platform
  • mobile trolley movement provides wood cuts
  • saw is horizontal
  • to obtain a specific size of the boards, you must initially set the appropriate parameters
  • the saw tape is a saw, so it should be highly stretched.

Homemade sawmill, video

Site for homemade panel

Since the homemade sawmaker is a large and fairly dangerous device, then before making homemade panels with their own hands (the video of their creation can be viewed on our website) you need to think well, and to solve in where you will use such a device.

The shed or garage is suitable for this purpose, as well as any utility room with concrete base. Pylorama room should have good system ventilation. It must be not close and well covered.

It is fashionable to place a panel and on the street, however, it is necessary to make a canopy for it. If you plan to create a sawmill with an electric motor, then you need to take particular carefully to the installation of wiring and all switches and automata.

During the assembly of the aggregate with their own hands, pay special attention Its cutting and moving parts. They are the most dangerous parts.

When working with four roller sawmills, it is necessary to carry out the sawing logs are not shorter than 3 meters. If there is a need to process shorter billets, the panel must be equipped with additional mechanisms. To work with the blanks less than 1.5 m, you need to use special eight roller frames. Additional safety guarantees the pylorama brake, which allows you to slowly slow it down.

At the end of the assembly and before use, you need to carefully check all fixtures and composite components, as well as the stability of the entire structure. Only after that you can run the device.

How to make the right choice

During the choice of perfect option Woodworking machine It is necessary to pay attention to the most basic advantage of tape sawmors in comparison with multi disk machinesThis advantage consists in a small height of the cut.

The amount of propyl disk sawmill, often hesitates within 5-6.2 mm. Tire sawmill makes even more cut. For example, you can see the card cutting a thin log section of 180 mm and the material with a cross section of 124x35, it turns out, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe propyl will be 4377 mm2. But if the log will be 90x90, then 17.2% of wood will become sawdust. If every month you will process 900 m3 and more, then such a loss of wood will not be noticeable, because the volumes performed compensate for the loss. But if the volumes of production are not large, then you need to use technologies that are distinguished by low productivity, but make it possible to paint blanks with minimal losses. Therefore, for small production volumes, it is better to use ribbon panels, but not tires.

Using ribbon Machine, the amount of propyl will be from 2.2 to 2.5 mm. With a cross section of 180 mm for the manufacture of sawn timber with a cross section of 124x35, the area of \u200b\u200bthe propyl is 1765 mm2. In the sawdust turns in this case only 6.9% of wood.

Tire devices that give a wide propyl applied, most often, by private traders or small farms for processing minimum amounts of raw materials, in which the output of sawn goods is not important.

Dear visitors of the site " « From the presented material you will learn how you can independently make your own belt panel. Each master person wants to have its own sowed in his farm, because it will reduce the cost of lumber to decrease in tensions. With the help of this machine you can spread the logs on the boards and bars, as well excellent option And, Ie, the boards can be made directly at the site of the construction of the future at home. And it is also possible to open its private panel and dissolve the boards for money and replenish the family treasury with an additional earnings. In general, the machines are very good from all sides, and independent of its assembly will again cost much cheaper than the factory analogue, because a lot of spare parts can be used used and available at the car enthusiast, for example: wheels from a passenger car, hubs, bearings, bolts and so on what can be freed in the garage)

The design of the belt sawmaker is 1. The railway 2. The face with a power unit 3. The web 4 adjustment and tension mechanisms 5. Carele 6. Smooth surface (preferably the foundation-stove)

And so, let's get acquainted with the list of necessary components for the assembly of the machine. As well as we will analyze the whole process in stages.


  1. corner 100x100, channel, rail from narrow-chain (for the manufacture of rail canvas)
  2. wheels from a passenger car
  3. hubs
  4. bearings
  5. profiter square cross section
  6. stud with carving
  7. jack
  8. dropper
  9. power unit (gasoline or electric motor)
  10. armature
  11. bolts, nuts, washers, engravers
  12. sheet metal 1 mm
  13. belt


  1. welding machine
  2. drill
  3. emery
  4. bulgarian
  5. a hammer
  6. roulette
  7. set of wrenches
  8. laser level)
  9. rule
  10. corner

The process of assembling the belt sawmill.

And so, first of all it is worth familiar with the drawings, because any case begins with markup, as they say "to death seven times, a rejection once.

So with the drawings got acquainted, and now I want to note that homemade sawmills are of several species

1 Ribbon panel with electric motor.
2. Ribbon panel with gasoline engine.
3 tire sawmills.
The principle of operation of a ribbon machine for sawing wood. The canvas is stretched into 2 horizontally located pulley, in this case it is the usual car wheels with a tire and a camera, an indisputable plus of this design in the fact that you can tension the tires in the tire. The limiter and supporting rollers are located directly at the bottom.
Well, the principle of work I hope is understandable, then it is necessary to take care of the placement of the railway on which the carriage with the saw blade will walk and dissolve the logs on the boards. The playground should be at least 3 x 6 m sizes, and the most important thing is even! Therefore, it is necessary to pour plate-foundation under the pail and align to the perfectly smooth surface. Digging the deepening, stacked sand pillow And the reinforced concrete plate is poured.
Next is the installation of the railroad itself, it is in best case can be made from the rail from the narrow-chain railwayBut it is difficult to get it, so you have to do from a channel or corner. Note!!! In the photo, the corner is located rib.
You can connect the corner with a welding between yourself, but when the metal heated it may be a story, and we need an ideal smooth road, you can also mount rail directly to concrete base With the help of anchor bolts.
Supported rollers can be made from ordinary bearings, or order a familiar turner.
After that, the sawing frame itself is made, where pipes are used. different diameter which can be inserted one to another. Due to which the slider can climb up and down.
The frame is welded from the proftrub square.
At the bottom, the support rollers are installed. They must fit the width of the railway.
Next is manufactured by the lifting mechanism.

After that, pullees and hubs are installed.

Connecting to a power unit.
Alignment and support saw blades It is carried out at the expense of bearings.

From above, it is mandatory to establish a protective casing of metal. Safety technique here is above all, because as a canvas can fly.
The tension mechanism can be made of a small jack.
After complete assembly of the sawmills, a trial start is running, if everything is in order, the engine is turned off and the log is attached and fastened.

Frams a log on the boards. You can also see the work of the sawmill visually on the video.

This is such a wonderful panel in general, now it turned out, now there is plenty of boards and bars for construction and repair as much as you like, just have time to uplift)

Thank you very much for your attention!

The edged board is environmentally friendly and simple in the material processing, but the cost of 1 cubic meter high-quality wood It will cost quite expensive. In the case when you need to purchase a large number of Building materials, many homemade masters are thinking about independently making lumber.

For independent manufacture of high-quality board or bar, it is not without the use of special woodworking devices. New equipment will cost tens of thousand rubles. Therefore, if you wish to do independent manufacture such a device will be described in the article step by step guideHow to make a ribbon panel with your own hands with minimal financial costs.

The tape sawmaker is a machine that performs longitudinal sawmill Breed. Due to the ability to accurately adjust the position of the cutting surface, you can make lumber of various thicknesses.

The design of the panel consists of the following main elements:

  • Ribbon saw.
  • Clamping mechanism.
  • Mechanism of movement frame.
  • Cloth height adjustment devices.

It is installed on the machine electrical engine With a capacity of at least 5 kW. A panel of the engine from the motor-block can be made, but the noise of such an installation will be significantly higher than when using the electrical unit.

During the operation of the installation, the torque is transmitted using belt transmission to work pulleys to which the saw tape is installed. The sawing mechanism must have a spring or hydraulic tensioner in its design to automatically adjust the pulley extension width to compensate for the thermal expansion of the metal tape during operation.

For processing round forest, frame with installed ribbon saw and the power installation moves along the fixed material on the rails installed on the concrete base. Adjusting the height of the saw blade relative to the lower point of the sawmill is carried out by the screw mechanism, which is designed in such a way as to eliminate the likelihood of the formation of distillates during the installation operation.

For the reliable hold of the log during the operation of the sawmills, the preparation is laid between the guides and fix with special horses. After laying and fixing the log, the operator produces a smooth movement of the moving part of the installation, during which the cutting part of the log occurs. After completing one cycle, the cutting surface is raised and the frame moves to its original position.

When using homemade sawmills, it will be necessary to move the carriage over a log manually, while factory settings allow you to almost completely automate the process of manufacturing lumber. Quality of timber or board, when proper manufacture Pilorams with their own hands, does not differ from the materials produced on modern equipment.

What will take for homemade sawmills

You can independently make complex devices and mechanisms from metal only if there is an use skills. The belt sawmaker cannot be mounted without welded connections.

In addition to the welding machine, you will need to prepare the following tools for work:

  1. Electric drill.
  2. Running along concrete and metal.
  3. Passatia.
  4. Spanners.
  5. Set of locksmith clamps.
  6. Building level.
  7. Nuts and bolts.
  8. Concrete mixer.

For the manufacture of the base of the sawmills, a concrete mixer will need. In the absence of a factory model, the device can be made independently made of steel barrel.

To mount a homemade woodworking installation, you will need to purchase the following materials:

  • Metal corner 50 mm.
  • Rollers or ball bearings.
  • Profile tube.
  • Steel pipe.
  • Electric or gasoline engine.
  • 2 long screws with nuts.
  • Chain gear.
  • Wheels and hubs from a passenger car.
  • Cement, sand and crushed stone for concrete solution.

When all the tools and materials are prepared, it is necessary to make the drawings of the saw seeds.

Drawings for homemade sawmills

To make drawing homemade machine, It is enough to draw on paper a reduced copy of the woodworking device with an indication of the size of each part and the mechanism.

When designing the belt panel, it is desirable to set the length of length not less than 6, and the widths are 3 meters. Only in this case can be produced on homemade device Timber standard length.

According to the sketches of the woodworking installation, it is easy to calculate the number of materials for the manufacture of frame and rail guides. In order to strengthen the design between two parallel corners of the guides, the transverse amplifiers are necessarily installed, the distance between which should not exceed 1 meter.

If the tape mini-softerama, with their own hands, the manufactured hand will be operated in the room, then it will be necessary to make a drawing of only the main device. When placing a woodworking installation on an open site, it is advisable to make a canopy, which should also be drawn up before proceeding to the practical implementation of this project.

We do the foundation

Only a properly prepared base for the sawmill will allow the frame with the saw mechanism evenly. The stove on which guide rails will be installed on the principle of the construction of a conventional tape basement.

The base is necessarily poured on a gravelinopese pillow with a thickness of at least 15 cm.

To increase the strength of the plate, a metal reinforcing mesh is placed before the fill of concrete on the base. After the fill of the concrete, it must be withstanding at least 2 weeks to achieve maximum base strength.

Piroram manufacture: Step-by-step instructions

Homemade ribbon pylorama With your own hands, mounted using wheels from the passenger car, belt transmission and engine.

A corner or channel is used as guides. The corner is applied by a cross section of at least 50 * 50 mm. The material is stitched strictly parallel, the inner edge up, at a predetermined distance.

Then the sleepers are installed between the corners, which are cut from the profile pipe with a cross section of 50 * 100 mm. When welding transverse amplifiers, care should be careful not to override the guides that may be high temperatures. When the sleepers are welded to the guides, fixation is performed metal design To a concrete base with anchor bolts.

After the end of work on fixing the rail to the concrete base, according to which the carriage will move, the bed is installed in the middle part of the "railway" canvase for fixing the timber. To hold a round forest, a n-shaped rack with side protrusions are welded to the swords. The minimum height of the rod of the retaining device should not be less than 100 mm.

Ball bearings can be used as the pylon rollers. For each axis of the frame, it is necessary to pick up 2 bearing larger diameter and 4 - 6 smaller. The difference in diameter depends on the height of the rib corner. For example, if a corner 50 * 50 mm is used as a guide, then the difference between the outer diameters of the bearings should be 100 mm. At the same time, the internal diameters of parts must be equal.

The manufacture of the frame begins with installation of 2 guides from steel pipe. Guides are installed in a vertical position, after which the sliders are mounted, the inner diameter of which should be minimally different from the outer diameter of the guide pipes.

The carriage bed is welded from the profile pipe. This element should be a reliable design of the rectangular shape, which will then be welded vertical guides, and at the bottom - axis with bearings.

Move the carriage in the vertical plane is carried out using the screw mechanism, which is installed on both sides of the guide pipes. The nut is welded to the slider, and long studs are fixed in the top of the frame. In order to ensure the slight rotation of the adjustment mechanism, it is recommended that the studs are recommended to be installed on both sides.

To ensure the synchronization of the rotation of the screw mechanism, it follows each stud "to weld small cycling stars of the same diameter, between which the chain transmission is made using cycling chain. To ensure the constant tension of the chain mechanism, in its design, there must be a roller, on the lever of which the spring is installed.

As pulleys in homemade pail Wheels and hubs from the rear-wheel drive car will be used. To ensure easy drive rotation, it is necessary to assemble the bearing unit, which will be welded on both sides to the crossbar of the carriage. The pulley is installed on one of the hubs, to which the torque from the electrical or gasoline engine will then be transmitted.

To improve the safety of using the saw mechanism at the bottom of the carriage near each of the wheels, the saw support node is set, which consists of an axis on which several small diameter ball bearings are installed. From the side of the hub to which the pulley was mounted is mounted by a power unit.

If an internal combustion engine is used, a spring-loaded roller is used to tighten the clinoremable transmission. For belt tension in the case of an electric motor, the unit is installed on a small platform, which can be moved in a horizontal plane.

At the next stage, a container for a lubricating fluid is installed on the sawmill, from which it is necessary to bring the tube to the cutting node. Then the casing is made from a metal corner and tin, after which it is possible to start the first launch of a homemade woodworking installation, after setting a ribbon saw between wheels.

Good day! We will not talk long and immediately proceed to the case. IN this material You are presented with a guide, with which the belt panel is made with their own hands. So, proceed to the description.

The pulles used in this device earlier had a combine similar to the "Neva", they possess a diameter of 300-320 mm. The pulleys are accomplished a little, it is done in order to achieve a little belt speech. In the future, the belts can be removed at all, it will allow the device to work more quietly and productively.

Turning works are minimized here. This became possible due to the fact that both the guides are used half a pipe and a pipe that is put on it from above with a gap of 1-2 mm.

For starters, consider the "rails"

In the quality of the rails, we use the corner of 5 cm, which is installed so that the side is from above, most often, install the edge of the angle to be up. It gives the wheel not to be labeled.

As a "sleeper" we use profile pipe 2.5 by 2.5 cm. Also welded as sleepers, between profile tubes, and the pipe is half theft, which is equipped with fasteners of claws. Movement and fasteners are carried out in free mode, the tree is clamped using a hammer of a hammer on a clamp, which, due to this, is encouraged.

Realized and speaking profile tubes outside the rail. These protrusions are equipped with adjustable bolts (M14 per 100 mm).

Profile tubes have "bridges", on top of which are placed by Palo. The distance from one bridge to another - 500 mm (for short blanks).

The pulley with its housings (the hubs from the car "Moskvich") are welded on the tubes, and the whole design in general moves along the horizontal tubes-guides (half-tie tubes) and is fixed with bolts.

  • The stretch of the right (slave) pulley is carried out by a machine with a spring (taken in the "Casiki" shock absorber).
  • The position of the left (the lead) is fixed, but there is a possibility of movement when the size changes in the tape saw.

The belt sawmaker cannot be made without rollers. Working out rollers, it is worth remembering that they should be hardened. The whole sawmaker can be produced in the garage, problems can only be with turning works.

Based on the considerations of simplicity, we carry out the execution of the "roller node" using for this set of bearings, the pair is the same and a little more.

Installing the "rollers" is performed on the pulling shaft to be able to install the washers between the bearings (if the saw width changes). The setting of the shaft is carried out in the same pair of pipes, which was previously described, the shaft and half thelum are welded so that the axes are displaced (shown blue).

The entire design is attached over the guide tubes in such a way that it is possible to adjust the vertical node and move from side to the side with the possibility of fixing (to adjust the opening in accordance with the diameter of the Polen). To the roller, which is installed where the slave pulley is fastened with a dropper for coolant. For the manufacture of the frame, a channel (100) whose height is compiled 150 cm. The tightening of the frame is made with the help of a kosnock. Rama can slightly "play", it is not scary. The backlash is present even in factory-made sawmills.

The movement of the "cutting unit" is carried out on top of the channels using screws-studs. In order for the installation of the "cutting block" to be tough, use bolts with locknuts. Details of the label mechanism on the images.