How to paint the floor on the balcony of pine. Painting the balcony - how quickly and high qualityly separate any surfaces

The lining is very popular. It is used to finish facades of structures various destination, as well as interior premises. This material is quite often separated by balconies and loggia. However, it should be considered that this natural material Requires special care. That is why it is necessary to thoroughly think about how to process and how to paint the lining on the balcony.

This is natural finishing materialMade of wood. Covering from lining, especially on the balcony, requires protection against aggressive impact external environment. For example, it can be fungi, ultraviolet, increased humidity and other.

One of the options for protective events is painting. It also performs a decorative function. Depending on the designer tasks, painting will help to highlight the natural texture of the tree or, on the contrary, hide and enter the wall finishing and the floor of the balcony in common interior Apartments.

The lining on the balcony is usually treated using the following means:

  • moisture protection compositions;
  • different types Antiseptics: transparent and translucent, film-forming and impregnating;
  • Paints: dispersion and oil;
  • All sorts of varnishes.

Each of them performs its function, has its advantages and cons. Therefore, it is important before painting the lining on the balcony. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with the features of the coatings, their physical characteristics and evaluate the feasibility of using them.

Antiseptic processing is mandatory for the lining, which is used for balcony sheat. As a rule, this processing is performed before the installation of the finish, and the panels are processed on both sides. Let's see what you can paint the balcony overlap.


If you decide to put on the lacquer's luggage, it is important to know that the resulting coating may differ in its chemical and physical characteristics. Defining B. this issue is the basis of the composition.

  • Water. The main advantage of such compositions is their safety. Ecologically clean materialsIt is used in production, provide coating hypoallergenicity, almost complete absence of characteristic odor and other advantages.

Among the minuses include certain restrictions on their use, which are related to the fact that the coverage of the aqualaka is not sufficiently stable to directly affect the aggressive external environment, so the varnishes of this type are recommended only for painting internal trim From this material on a glazed balcony or loggia.

  • Alkyd. In contrast to the previous option, this varnish can be used in almost any room and in any climatic conditions, since after painting the wallboard, a water-repellent film is formed. Particularly valuable for locality with high humidity. It is also worth noting that due to the film the level of impact resistance of the coating increases.

Among the disadvantages it is worth noting the sharp smell of varnish and an excessively long drying period.

  • Acrylic. Provide trim good defense from direct exposure Ultraviolet and moisture. They do not contain harmful volatile components, that is, absolutely safe. Acrylic varnishes are distinguished by a low cost and a wide range of colors. Before use, the tool must be dissolved with essential alcohol or water until the required consistency is obtained. The composition of two layers is applied: the first is protective, and the second is necessary to obtain the desired shade of finishing. You can use it both outside and inside the balcony. Lacked layer dries quickly.
  • Polyurethane. It is intended exclusively for the exterior painting of the lining. It is concentrated important advantages varnishes on other bases: moisture and frost resistance, effective protection From UV radiation, fast drying, long-term operational period.

However, as noted above, polyurethane varnish is suitable only for outdoor skin, taking into account its toxicity and specific smell.

For reference!

While doing finishing work Using the means of protection, for example, respirator, and for the absence of such a dense bandage of gauze.

Criteria for choosing varnish for different rooms

Varnish for wooden panels Must meet the following parameters:

However, choosing a varnish for different roomsshould be taken into account their features:

  • Optimal option When finishing the inner cladding from the lining - aqualaki, since they do not represent any danger to people or animals. True, they are absolutely not suitable for premises, where the level of moisture is elevated, such as a bathroom or kitchen. The trim on the balcony is covered with aqualak double layer: the first - functions as an antiseptic, the second layer is decorative.
  • Painting lining B. country house First of all, plays a protective role. First of all, it protects the coating from direct sunlight and the effects of ultraviolet. Most suitable option For these conditions, an acrylic varnish is considered.
  • When processing the walls of the walls in the bath, the compositions are used, which are able to withstand extreme temperatures. Synthetic options for solving these tasks are not suitable, since in "bath" conditions they will allocate toxic harmful substances. For such cases, paintworks are more suitable, the main component of which natural oils are. They will retain the natural balance of this room.

Useful little things

  • Small defects before varnishing, it is preferable to eliminate, using a homemade spacing of sawdust mixture, which remain after cutting the wall panels, with PVA glue. After the adhesive dry, the putty color will not differ from the color of the walls.
  • As it was already noted to emphasize the texture of the wood use toned varnishes, which makes the pattern of lining more expressive. Alternatively, these varnishes can be predetermined by the Morilka panels.
  • When painting lining in two layers, the panels with the already dried first layer of paint or varnish are definitely grinding. If this is not to make a covering of Schelava to the touch, since with the moisturization of the wood on its surface, a small pile is risen.
  • Choosing a varnish, prefer the compositions containing the so-called UV barrier, because with direct contact of the straight lines sun ray Wood in these sites darkens.


Paint for lining is used in special cases. Under such a coating, you can hide the defects of the clap or its texture if the design requires.

  • Oil. For covering lining suitable oil paint Any brand. It is perfectly absorbed into the structure of the lining, provides durable protection against moisture, as well as ultraviolet, gives the tree to "breathe." After such treatment becomes more resistant to different aggressive effects, it does not crack.

Oil paint can be applied to the inner, as well as on outdoor trim From the lining. And yet it is not devoid of disadvantages: first, it slowly dries - the process lasts at least 7 hours and can delay even for a few days until it completely stops sticking, secondly, the paint of dark tones on the trim fuses over time.

  • Water based. This is an excellent protection of wood from moisture and ultraviolet rays. The coverage of aqualak is much longer retains the saturation of the color and shine, and it dries significantly faster.

  • Divorous alkyds. Paints of this type are based on high-quality oils. The composition is bred to the required consistency, it is desirable using the same substance. When the lining is finished with this paint, then a frost-resistant film is formed on its surface. It does not threaten neither deformation or cracking. Thanks to the film, the trim on long years Keeps its original appearance. therefore this method Particularly recommended for those regions where cold climate prevails.
  • Facade. These compositions are characterized by good elasticity, high moisture resistance. They are durable, easily applied, capable of masking flaws on the surface of the tree. Such paint is suitable for painting lining with an old coating or a hard-sawing layer of dust. The only drawback facade colors is strong not big choice shades.

For reference!

If you need to save wood texture and color, it is recommended to use transparent or slightly tinted varnishes. The paint will not only completely hide the texture of the tree, but also completely changes the color of the walls on any desired.


  • The easiest way to protect wood is impregnated by a verse. With its budget value it is quite effective. After high-quality impregnation, wood will successfully resist the processes of rotting, the occurrence of mold and the formation of fungus. True, the color gamut of the veils is no different diversity. For external treatment, use a special veil, which contains additives that prevent painting fading.

  • Wax-containing covering compositions are more suitable for locality with increased level humidity. After use on the wood surface, moisture-resistant, thermal protective film, resistant to ultraviolet, is formed. The resulting coating is characterized by good heat and frost resistance. In addition, it gives the surface shine. Depending on the composition, it can be either a gentle-matte, or glossy. it excellent option protection of cladding from lining on balconies of houses located in the regions with complex climatic conditionsFor example, with constant fluctuations in temperature or humidity.

For reference!

The lining will retain its natural tint if it is necessary to process it with colorless flaky-based compositions.

Sequence of painting clapboard

This process takes place in several stages:

  • Preparatory, which involves cleaning the surface from pollution, like old dyes, and grinding;
  • Processing with antiseptics or primer, close in color with the main dye;
  • Direct application of paints and varnishes.

Preparatory work

First of all, the planks are purified from dirt and residual coating.

  • Pollution is cleaned using such infirm materials like a rough brush, sandpaper or PEMZA.
  • Old paint and varnish are removed in several ways:
  • chemical - with specialized funds;
  • mechanical to which resorted in the case of too thick or strongly older layer of paint coating;
  • thermal, which involves a pre-warming of this layer.

Special attention should be paid to the presence of possible cracks and chips on the surface of the lining. These areas, as well as the locations of potential defects, carefully handle emery paper.

Work with antiseptics

Considering high level Humidity on the balcony, you can expect the appearance of fungus. Therefore, wood panels must certainly treat the antiseptic:

  • translucent lesing compositions that do not overlapping wood texture;
  • opaque coating compositions that overlap the texture;
  • In the case of an unlocked balcony, it is also necessary to apply a water-repellent layer;
  • It is desirable to further treat the wood with a flame retardant substance;

For reference!

Antiseptic solutions not only warn the occurrence of fungus and mold. They are capable of serving the decorating layer.

  • The resulting layer should dry, after which it is grinning.

Applying paintwork

Varnish (paint) is applied using a roller or brush. In some cases, the paintopult is also used. Applications along the strap thin layer, producing long continuous movements. The more complicated the conditions of operation of the lining, the large quantity The layers must be applied (at least three).

  • Before applying the dye to the previous, well-drying layer, its surface is treated with a zero eye, so that the dye lay down exactly and not formed.
  • Last layer Apply from top to bottom so that unwanted bubbles and divorces are not formed on the surface.
  • Works are recommended on warm days when normal humidity air. In this case, the paint (varnish) will dry uniformly.


Working S. chemical compositionsYou need to be especially prudent. Works are carried out by observing precautions: wear tight gloves, and their eyes protect the glasses, the room is ventilated.

Regardless of whether you are the owner of a glazed balcony or not, you will certainly be useful to learn how to cover the floor on the balcony when the arrangement of this is a small, but additional apartment area.

Not glazed

If your balcony is still not glazed, it is quite clear that the floor on it is constantly actively exposed to precipitation and strong busting of the wind, and in the winter it falls for a long time to hide under a fluffy layer of snow. Accordingly, in the spring snow melts, and the floor again falls difficult because of the significant layer of water formed.

Therefore, in this case it is very important to create a surface resistant to negative natural impacts. It immediately comes to mind that the floor can be raised due to the formation of a new screed, and on top to lay a reliable durable coating, in advance of your chosen. We propose to consider all the few more and in order.

Option 1: Painting

The concrete tie of the floor on the balcony can be simply taken and paint with special paint, which is designed to perform external work. Such paint, as a rule, keeps three or four years. So, during this period of time you will not have a need to update.

It should be borne in mind that, painting the floor on the balcony, you will not be able to create a durable coating, since the paint is not designed for loads associated with gravity pressure (furniture or other large-sized things).

Option 2: Tile

If you plan to make it an old one, but still suitable furniture, then in this case it is better to cover the floor with tiles. Setting the tile for all the rules, you will provide a concrete tie a protective layer, and it will not be collapsed from falling on the precipitation balcony.

Tile laying should be started from the outer row, and at the same time try to withstand smooth line. To gently put the tile in the corners of the room, it should be chopped at an angle of 45 °.


For a closed balcony, the decoration of the floor will be somewhat different. If you want to turn it into an extra room, where it is supposed to walk barefoot, keep in mind that then the floor should be necessarily insulated to ensure comfort.

Most likely, in this case you will be better to seek help from qualified builders. Work on flooring and insulation of gender is carried out thoroughly, in several stages, the first of which is the creation of high-quality concrete screed. The sheets of plywood or fiberboard are sticked on top of the screed.

Option 1: Linoleum

The easiest and affordable coating is linoleum. A variety of drawings depicted on linoleum allows you to expand the design opportunities at the design of the balcony.

Option 2: Laminate

Alternatively, you can consider as a flooring on a balcony laminated or wooden parquet or polished wooden board. The wooden floor is usually covered with varnish or paint. He has a huge advantage over other materials - walk on the wooden surface heat and comfortable, and does not harm health. But there is a significant disadvantage: the boards over time are breathable from the cold and dampness.

Option 3: Tile

If you decide to make a warm floor with electrical heating, then pay special attention Balcony waterproofing. Moisture in this case is unacceptable. With the help of seals, perform thorough sealing of windows and warming the walls and the floor. Any modern foamed material is suitable as a heater.

As you can see, the presence of even the slightest experience in carrying out repair will help you cope with assembly work on the laying of the floor independently without the involvement of professionals. No one says that repairs are simple. But, as they say, it would be only a desire and required tool Hand and everything will work.


We offer you a video of a warm floor on the balcony.

Before starting repairing a loggia, it is necessary to find out how to cover the floor on the balcony is better.

Balcony - place actively operated in household. Most want the selected floor coating material on the balcony complied with the following requirements: durability, reliability, beautiful appearance.

When choosing an finishing flooring for this attachment Experts recommend to take into account the fact that the loggia regularly occurs a large temperature difference and humidity indicator.

Factors influencing the choice of material for landscaping

The finishing coating on the floor for the balcony is selected taking into account, both aesthetic and practical considerations. So, for example, the contamination of this design has direct influence on the hygiene of the apartment. Especially if the floor is stacked on the open balcony. In this case, the question of choosing the finishing coating for an open loggia plays a decisive role in the purity of housing. The selected material for the landscaping of the floor must withstand both winter frosts and spring warming. Future flooring Loggia should not be deformed by excess moisture.

Use atmospheric paints with marking "1". They are convenient for outdoor use. Applicable indoors with low or high temperature conditions.

Most. simple method relief wet cleaning The floor is the painting of the finishing coating of the weatherproof paint. However, it should be noted that in the balconies, especially open typeThe wooden floor device is rarely laid. Pain in the same cement surface paint is inappropriate, because after a couple of years such a coating will again need painting. You can do it in one day. However, such a coating does not have a presentable look, although it performs its functions worthy. For painting the floor will be required:

  • capacity;
  • paint (depending on the parameters of the balcony);
  • tassel either roller;
  • diluent or Olife (depending on the recommendations of the manufacturer of paint);
  • gloves (if necessary).

Linoleum - Economical Option for Glazed Balcony

Linoleum, like a floor covering, enjoys considerable success due to its durability and relative strength. Modern linoleum is beautiful, muffles the steps, easy to use, has sufficient thermal insulation.

Some households believe that it is better to make the floor on the balcony with a linoleum than at the expense of paint. After all, such a coating is well amenable to care. However, his big minus is a gliding during wetting. In this regard, the specialists of the construction company recommend glazing the loggia. Compared with paint, linoleum is easily careful. However, even the most qualitative material This type does not withstand the temperature differences and very coldy. Because of the falling under the linoleum of water, he starts to rot. As for the installation of such an finishing, the linoleum is easily and quickly stacked. Unlike painting gender, linoleum requires the preparation of the foundation. To do this, it will be necessary to draw the following steps: Align the base, to project it and give time to dry. After that, you can proceed to the new screed and primer work.

Linoleum is attached to a clean and dry surface, usually in one piece, if it allows the configuration of a balcony or loggia. After the flooring after 10-15 days, the linoleum will completely straighten.

Next, the linoleum will need to spread and give it time for stretching. Specialists are recommended before mounting a linoleum to lay the Fanoire. It will allow the finish flooring, how to "breathe" and not absorb moisture. For such sex, the following tools will be required:

  • roller;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • level and metal line;
  • big scissors;
  • brush with soft bristles;
  • putty knife;
  • vinyl adhesive tape;
  • dry floor screed.

Ceramic tile and porcelain stoneware, what is better?

Ceramic tile is a great way to make an open balcony terrace. But in this case, it will be necessary to purchase ceramic tiles with a rough surface and high frost resistance. At the same time, glue for this material and grout for seams should also have similar properties. Specialists of construction companies know the ceramic tiles. Make this job more difficult than to lay linoleum or paint the floor.

Ceramic tile tolerates various atmospheric effects, does not break and does not bend like linoleum. Such floors with confidence can be called reliable and durable, if properly approach this issue.

This will require the following inventory:

  • slab
  • building level,
  • mixer and drill,
  • capacity for glue,
  • putty knife,
  • bulgarian with dryness
  • diamond spraying crowns
  • rubber spatula for grouting seams,
  • crossings.

Stop the tile on the floor of the loggia is better on the stretched thread. At the same time, the edge will be necessary to make an indent to one row. Baptists for tiles are better to buy according to its size. In the process of installing the first tile, it is necessary to check that it lay down in each diagonal, both across and along. The two following tiles are stacked near the ladder. They also need to be monitored by level. When laying subsequent tiles, carefully check their level is no longer required. Porcelain tiles are great for the improvement of an open loggia in areas with a harsh climate. This material has the maximum density and lack of a porous structure. It is perfectly withstanding frost to - 50. ° C and heat to + 50 ° C. This coat It has high strength and wear resistance.

The surface on which laying of porcelain stoneware or tile will be made, must be smooth, strong, without cracks and contamination, freed from materials that reduce its agidesevity.

Stacked the porcelain stoneware as the method as floor tiles. But, unlike painting, the foundation will need to align. Next to the floor and the glue is superimposed on the tile. It is necessary to choose it with the acquired porcelain tile. As for the inventory, then for the landscaping of the floor of the loggia from the porcelain stoneware will be required:

  • capacity,
  • drill and mixer
  • spatulas
  • slab
  • roulette, level,
  • rubber hammer.

From materials it will be necessary to purchase porcelain stonewares, cross, primer for the base, grouting for seams, tile glue, silicone sealant.

Decong and Carpet - Pros and Cons

Deoping is a durable and lightweight material that is made of solid wood breeds either wood-polymeric composites. The quality of Decing does not have a negative effect of precipitation and temperature fluctuations. Supply such a device is easily, as Decing is presented in the form of modular structures that are fixed with each other similar to the constructor. You can set such a floor to lag. Unlike tiles, Decing light material.

Benefits of the application of Decing ( terraced board): Lightweight and fast installation, smooth surface, easy care, a large selection of colors, high-quality imitation of the tree of various breeds, including valuable.

For this, the following tools will be required:

  • level;
  • chisel;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • tracker;
  • ruler and pencil;
  • screws, nails;
  • wedge.

According to experts, laying carpet better on a glazed and insulated loggia. However, it is necessary to put this device only on a flat surface. Double deviations should not exceed 4-5 mm. IN otherwise The reason must be aligned, and carpet to withstand on the balcony for three days.

Carpet is able to organically fit into any interior design. It provides pleasant tactile sensations. it perfect solution In the case when the loggia is construed into the rest room or the office.

To lay this material The following inventory will be required:

  • roller;
  • tool for cutting the plinth from carpet;
  • kickker;
  • iron for docking carpet pieces;
  • double-sided tape;
  • influenses;
  • glue.

There are other types of materials used for the landscaping of the floor on the loggia. It is better to choose the finish coating in each case individually.

When choosing flooring on the balcony multi-storey house The design characteristics of the construction of the plate itself should be taken into account. Balcony reinforced concrete design pinching one reinforced part in outdoor wall. The rest remains on weight. Therefore, it is not necessary to heat the surface of the plate. Before choosing a base coverage design, you can view the photo.

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We put floor

Ideal easy option The top of the balcony is a wooden floor. Before performing work, you will study all the information in detail. The device of this design is necessary from the laying of the lag. Selects wooden bar. 50x50 mm size. It stacked across the retreat from the structures of the fence by 3 cm. Before laying it, it should be coated with the composition of flame-traasty.

Since the lags are stacked on the balcony, it means that they are affected by temperature drops. For this, the ends of the lag are subject to additional impregnation with the composition of the compositional oil with a drying of each coating layer for 24 hours. It is necessary to cover at least 3 layers.

The board must be processed with back side The same compositions 2-3 times. If the board is not planed, then you need to think about the cleaning of the coating. For glazed balcony, protected from atmospheric precipitation, you can choose several types of coating:

  • - Linoleum;
  • ceramic tile;
  • - Laminate coating of moisture resistant-protective destination.

Paul linoleum coating

Linoleum is a material that is not exposed to moisture, racks for frosty temperature differences. It has positive abrasability characteristics. Conduct work with your own hands on the floor coating device after watching the photo.

To work, you need to buy tools and materials:

  • construction knife with an extended blade;
  • brush, roller;
  • composite Olif;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • drill with replacing modes of work;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • phaneur;
  • linoleum.

Linoleum should be chosen in the width of the floor covering to lay one piece without seams. Under the laid linoleum on a wooden basis, a moisture-resistant Phaneur with a thickness of 10 mm is needed. Pre-process the sheets of olifa, a special place to pay the ends. Fasten the Phane to the floor with self-draws. Seams cover with a putty on the tree, stick to their emery paper.

To lay linoleum, leave to give your form for 3-4 days. Only after that you can install plastic plinth. The plinth must be fixed not to the floor, but to the side surfaces of the walls, as the floors will play from the influence of the change in the temperature of the outer environment.

The textures of the finishes of this material and colors on the market building materials Exhibited for every taste. Therefore, the owner should stop his gaze on the design you like.

Metlah tile coating device

The following type of wooden floor coating on a glazed balcony is a ceramic tile. She is also produced different textures And shades. It is necessary to consult the seller on the frost resistance of the tile. Tile is not a slippery material. It is necessary to put it on glue for outdoor work.

Stacking must be carried out tools, devices:

  • bath for kneading makeup;
  • pelvis for soaking tile;
  • spatula flat is of stainless steel and ribbed;
  • rubber Middle Size Hammer;
  • meter level;
  • fishing line with a thickness of 1 mm;
  • rubber spatula;
  • rag.

Before laying metlah tile on the wooden base The floor is better to start after watching the photo.


  • ceramic tiles;
  • tile glue for outdoor work;
  • grout for seams.

Work is better carried out in rubber gloves. Carefully using a ribbed spatula to cry out the layer of cooked glue. Stacking should be started from the far edge of the balcony, gradually move to the balcony doors.

The tile falls into the floor with rows, each laid row must be checked horizontally. To comply with the mechanism of laying on the ranks it is necessary to pull on each row of the cord. It is best to use a cord from a fishing line with a thickness of 1 mm.

Tile seams rub the grout for seams with acrylic filler. Wipe tiles when applied rubber spatula Wet napkin. The floors from the coating tile must dry until the moment of operation within 10 days.

Ceramic tile tolerates well sharp drops Outdoor air when changing temperatures and changing seasons.

Laminate coating device

The laminate coating of moisture resistant-protective destination is laid on the laid lining. Styling is carried out by snapping locks in the designs of the groove, comb. This coating is protected from weather changes, but when hitting large number Moisture The coating may come into disrepair. Therefore, you must not forget to close the windows on the eve of the weather changes.

Coloring floor surface

Wooden floors need to be painted if they are made of finishing. On the balcony you can put the floors from the headboard. You can paint the surface after pre-training And watching video. The store needs to choose the paint of the appropriate shade for outdoor use.

Boards are ground with a solvent for degreasing the surface. Hydrogen peroxide to handle resin performance. After complete drying of the primer, apply the first layer of coloring composition.

Painting is best to carry out a brush. Thoroughly rub paint in wooden surface. The first layer is applied on the equity cut of the board. Give paint to dry, usually this process takes place in 24 hours. Then apply the second layer across the fibers. Then the third layer along the fibers. Giving time to completely dry each layer. Only after that you can install the plinth, in advance painted.

You can choose the type of coating and coloring of the sexual coating by the decision taken on the family council.

For painting floor on a balcony or loggia, you can recommend polyurethane paint Polymerstone-1.In case there are no color requirements, you can use wear-resistant polyurethane varnish Tistrom. Both compositions are one-component, easy and easy to apply.

Work on the color of the flooring of the balcony should be carried out at the surface temperature of the base and ambient air at least + 5 ° C.

Polyurethane paint can be used to repair balconies and loggia. Paint can be painted concrete, metal and wooden balcony structures, balcony plates and fences. As a result of applying, a durable and durable coating with increased abrasion resistance is formed.

Polyurethane paint You can safely paint and open floors of the balcony. The temperature of the coating from -50 ° C to + 100 ° C.

Flooring Balconies - On the site website.

Detailed information On floor coverings on the balcony (floor balconies, floor painting, balcony and loggia repair) you can find out on the pages of our site.