How to calculate the cubic capacity of a brickwork calculator. Calculation of bricks for a house

The amount of material should be determined in advance. First of all, in order to more accurately calculate the estimate, and secondly, to reduce transportation costs - after all, an additional batch of building materials will also have to be delivered to the construction site. Before calculating the number of bricks per house, you need to determine the geometric dimensions of the building and the thickness of the enclosing structures.

Selecting wall thickness

When deciding on the thickness of the brick walls, the climatic conditions of the area are taken into account. So, for example, for the southern part of the country, you can use a thickness of only 1.5-2 bricks, which, taking into account the size of a standard element, is 38-51 cm. For a temperate climate, an option with 2-2.5 bricks is suitable. And in the north brick buildings are made in 3 bricks - although this option can be replaced with more modern materials with increased thermal characteristics (for example, foam and aerated concrete). Or the use of wall insulation to reduce the thickness of the brick walls.

It should be borne in mind that with an increase in the number of bricks in the masonry, a more solid foundation is also needed. And in order to reduce costs both on the wall and on the base, more effective materials... For example, hollow bricks, which have a lower thermal conductivity, and allow the construction of walls with a thickness of two elements in almost any conditions. Although this option requires additional facing of the building box from the outside.

Brick calculator

Brick dimensions

The tabular data is multiplied by the dimensions of each wall, obtaining a more accurate amount of brick than when calculating only the area without mortar joints. When determining the parameters of the walls, be sure to take into account the dimensions of the window and doorways... Their area is subtracted from overall value before multiplying by numbers from the table.

Calculations of bricks for interior work

Perform a preliminary calculation of how many bricks are needed to create internal partitions(if they are not made of foam concrete or drywall), they also follow according to their geometric dimensions. Most often, interior enclosing structures are half a brick or one brick thick. Bearing walls - up to 2 bricks if they are located at the junction of floor slabs.

Calculating the amount of material, first determine the total area of ​​all internal structures... Then the resulting number is multiplied by the specific number of bricks in a square meter of masonry (according to the same table that was taken for calculating the outer walls). The calculation takes into account the need for the device ventilation ducts that affect not only the execution features construction works, but also for consumption building materials.

Other features of the calculation

After calculating the total number of bricks, the result is multiplied by 1.05-1.07 - a parameter that allows you to foresee brick breakage in the process of loading and unloading, transportation and construction itself. The possibility of scrap in a batch of building materials is taken into account using a coefficient of 15 percent. Although to reduce the latter value, you should carefully choose the material, examining it for cracks and other external signs that do not correspond to normal parameters.

If carrying out mathematical calculations turns out to be too difficult, you can simplify the task of determining the calculated amount of bricks using online calculators. You can find them on special resources. In this case, it is required to enter all the parameters of the building into the forms, including the perimeter, height and thickness of the walls. And some calculators, in addition to calculating building materials, make it possible to obtain other values ​​- from the mass of the entire building to the volume of mortars for masonry.


Performing brick calculations according to the appropriate formulas, as a rule, allows you to get large quantity materials than is required for the construction of the building. However, the cost of purchasing excess items will still be lower compared to the cost of transporting the missing materials. Whereas the brick remaining after construction is in any case a more profitable option compared to downtime due to its lack. This means that compliance with all the features of the calculation, including safety factors, should be treated with great responsibility. The result will be time savings and precise adherence to construction completion dates.

Getting started building a house, first of all, you need to calculate the amount of bricks that you want to buy. Of course, it's good if there is a ready-made estimate.

Then you can do without calculations and take numbers from it. But, especially when construction is carried out by hand, often there is not only an estimate, but also a detailed project. What to do in this case?

The easiest way to calculate online calculator

You can purchase material as needed in small batches, but this is not profitable:

  • at the time of buying a large number we almost always get a discount;
  • delivery of a large batch is always cheaper, and many sellers make it generally free;
  • even bricks of the same brand and of the same factory may differ in shade from batch to batch;
  • the option is not excluded when the brick we need will not be available for sale, then our construction site will stop.

This is the simplest and most inaccurate method. We go to the corresponding site by googling, or, wanting to place an order (and all major sellers and manufacturers of ceramics have calculators).

We enter the dimensions of our house, and additionally the area of ​​doors and openings, the thickness of the masonry. At the output, we get the finished figure.

But she almost always does not coincide a little with reality. the right amount masonry material for the following reasons:

  1. does not take into account the fact that different elements of the structure may have different thickness, for example, the base is 2 bricks, and the walls are 1.5.
  2. the use of other materials for masonry is not taken into account, for example, insulation;
  3. scripts for calculators are often written not by builders, but by people who have nothing to do with the industry.

What you need to know when starting a calculation

The simplest basics are enough (we will talk about this below), the ability to read a drawing and take measurements from it, as well as school knowledge of geometry (at the level of 6-7 grades). Let's start with building knowledge.

Brick types

Not all bricks are the same. It is divided by material (ceramic and silicate), into hollow and solid, brands, as well as types (facing, facade, refractory, etc.).

Advice. For low-rise buildings, choose hollow brick, it is not only cheaper, but also has the best thermal insulation properties.

This is absolutely irrelevant to us for calculating the amount of material. But we just take into account that even if silicate is used on all structures of the house, you will still have to buy ceramics for the basement, since silicate is not moisture resistant enough for this building element. We are interested in its size. It happens.

  1. Single - 250x125x65 mm.
  2. One and a half (or thickened) - not 65, but 88 mm high.
  3. Double - height 138 mm.

Masonry thickness

In the drawings, dimensions are usually given in millimeters, but builders use a different designation tied to the number of bricks in one row.

Masonry happens:

  1. in half a brick- the brick is laid in one row with the long side along the axis of the wall;
  2. into brick- the wall thickness is equal to the long side of 250 mm;
  3. one and a half bricks alternating (depending on the method of dressing) styling with both the long side and the short side. The thickness turns out to be 375-385 mm (from the fact that the size of the seams can be added);
  4. in two bricks;
  5. two and a half bricks;
  6. three bricks, etc.

Note that in our climate, for the construction of a house, and almost any structure (except perhaps for old fortifications), masonry is thicker than two and a half bricks is rarely used. To achieve the required thermal insulation of the walls, it is more economical not to increase the thickness of the wall, but to use air gaps and materials with better insulating properties than ceramics or silicate.

Masonry mortar

Twenty or thirty years ago, for brickwork almost exclusively cement-lime mortar was used - the thickness of the joints was 10-15 mm. Today, glue is increasingly used (especially for silicate).

When using it (depending on the type), the seam will be minimal, and its thickness can be completely neglected when calculating the number of bricks in the masonry.

The number of bricks per unit of masonry

You can, of course, independently, based on the geometric dimensions of the brick, calculate how many pieces of bricks are in a cube or their number per square meter wall area. But it is easier to do this if there is a table for calculating the number of bricks.

I give ready-made data, they differ from different sources, but by no more than 2-3 units:

  • Number of bricks per square meter, masonry in half a brick:
  • Per square meter, brickwork:
  • The number of bricks in the masonry is one and a half bricks per square meter:
  • Per square meter, masonry in two bricks:
  • How many pieces of bricks in 1m2, laying in two and a half bricks:

It is worth noting that it is better to use the calculation per cubic and not per square meter. Then it is easier to avoid mistakes at the corners, where you can accidentally take into account the volume of the masonry already calculated for the adjacent wall.

What do we need to calculate?

Well, as we said, if there is good project, that is, an estimate for him. It is advisable to have at least drawings (and there are enough plans and sections, the detailed design of each detail is not of interest to us), or their sketches with detailed dimensions.

If you just copy the house of a neighbor, acquaintance, relative, take the time and remove exact dimensions... Moreover, having modern laser roulettes, it will not take more than half a day.

Even for us it is not necessary in many cases to make a cut - if all rooms are of the same height, then we simply mark it. Also, sometimes a foundation plan is not needed, it can be found out according to the scheme of load-bearing partitions. For our house, we should have sketches like these.

In addition, we need a pen and a sheet of paper, a calculator (or a computer, owning EXEL, it will be easier to count) and half an hour of time (if the shapes of the house are too complicated, then more).

Advice. If you have a good drawing, but some dimensions cannot be set, measure them with a ruler, and then multiply by the scale (indicated on the stamp in the lower right corner). Of course, there may be a not very correct figure, for example 1220 mm, boldly round up to 50 mm. Builders use a modular sizing system and jagged numbers do not occur.

How to calculate?

There are several methods, but I will give the most convenient, in my opinion, which I use myself. It is better not to take the area of ​​the walls, but to rely on the main indicator: how many pieces are in 1 m3 of brick. I describe all my steps.

To begin with, we will make for ourselves a plate with approximately such a heading, where we will indicate all types and types of bricks that we will use during construction. In my case, these are single and one-and-a-half ceramics and one and a half silicate.

Also, we will put the partitions not on the solution, but on the glue. For a brick laid on glue, we will provide a separate column.

It's a good idea to create it on your computer at Excel. Then it will be possible not to recalculate the values ​​on the calculator in the columns, this will be done by the program.

  1. We begin to calculate the volumes for all elements of the house, and we start with the basement. In our case, since it is rectangular, for it external walls you can just take the dimensions on the outside and inside, and calculate their areas. For example: on the outside 10 * 15 = 150 m2, on the inside 9 * 14 = 126 m2 (it is more convenient to take in meters). And the difference is the area of ​​the outer walls of the base of the basement - 150-126 = 24 m2.
  2. For basement masonry for partitions, the calculation of the base area is more difficult. It will have to be divided into rectangles and counted for each separately. For example: the length is 2 meters, for a thickness of 0.25 m, we get 2 * 0.25 = 2 m2. Then we sum up all the areas, and we get the area of ​​the base of the base - let's say: 56 m2. The same must be done for the outer walls of the basement, if it is of a complex shape.
  3. When we have calculated the area of ​​the base, we can find out the volume by multiplying it by the height. For example: height 0.5, multiply by 56, and we get 28 cubic meters - the volume of the base. But this is not yet the final figure. There are openings in the masonry for windows, doors, gates - their volume must be subtracted. For example, in the wall of the basement there are 5 windows measuring 1 by 0.6 meters with a wall thickness of 0.5. We consider the volume of windows: 5 * 1 * 0.6 * 0.5 = 1.5 m3. We subtract them from 28, and we get the final volume of the basement masonry with a single ceramic brick 28-1.5 = 26.5. We enter this figure into our table.
  4. We perform the same operations, calculating the volume for the wall and partitions of each floor.
  5. If the house has a gable or pediment, as in the photo below, then its volume is calculated as follows. We find out the surface area using the formula for calculating the area of ​​a triangle S = (A * H) / 2, where S is the area, A is the length of the base, H is the height. The resulting figure is multiplied by the thickness of the wall (do not forget to remove the windows and doors from the volume).

Attention. Brickwork may contain voids for insulation. Do not forget to subtract these volumes by calculating the number of bricks per wall.

  • In the end, we should have something like this table, the columns of which we summarize.
Item No. House element name Single ceramic brick, mortar masonry, m3 One-and-a-half ceramic brick, mortar masonry, m3 One-and-a-half silicate, masonry, for glue, m3
1. plinth 26,5
2. 1st floor walls 75,8
3. partitions of the 1st floor 117,5
4. 2nd floor walls 70,5
5. partitions of the 2nd floor 80,5
6. roof parapet 15,5
7. porch 10
8. balcony pilaster 8,5
9. balcony railing 4,5
Sum 26,5 184,8 198
  • Now we know the volumes of the masonry, and we can calculate the quantity according to the tables above, which indicate how many pieces are stacked per brick cube.
  • Single ceramic need 26.5 * 395 = 10467.5 pcs.
  • Silicate one-and-a-half for masonry for mortar 184 * 300 = 55200 pieces, plus for laying on glue (without seams) 198 * 380 = 75240. Total 130440 pieces.
  • But that is not all. It should be borne in mind that there are always unforeseen losses - a brick can be damaged during transportation and reloading, it can crack incorrectly during laying. For unforeseen losses, we add 5-7% to the calculation of the amount of brick. Therefore, we order for the construction of a house 10467.5 * 1.07 = 11220 ceramic, and 130440 * 1.07 = 139600 pieces sand-lime brick.

What is a conventional thousand bricks

In price lists and calculations, the price is most often indicated not for the actual thousand pieces, but for the conditional thousand. You need to be able to translate these units of measurement.

It's simple: a conventional brick is an ordinary single brick. Therefore, one and a half bricks per thousand conditional, it turns out 740 pieces, and a double one 470. Just multiply the actual number by 1.35 and 2.12, respectively. In our case, silicate bricks will need 139.6 * 2.12 = 295.95 - 296 thousand pieces of conventional bricks.

We will hope that with our article we have solved your problem - how to calculate the number of bricks per house in the absence of an estimate. We will be glad if we helped in the construction of the house with our own hands, or saved from the cost of buying unnecessary material.

Any construction is highly dependent on competent planning. Brick building is no exception to this rule. In addition to the competent organization of construction work, it is also necessary to be able to correctly determine the required volume of building materials, in the first place.

What affects the consumption of bricks when building a house

The consumption of bricks for building a house depends mainly on the type of brick and on the method of masonry (that is, the thickness of the wall). Distinguish between ordinary (single), thickened (one and a half) and double bricks. Even at the preparatory stage, it is necessary to decide on the type of brick used and the method of laying, the method of calculating the required number of bricks will depend on this.

Most often for load-bearing walls houses located in areas with a temperate and cold climate, choose a wall with a thickness of 2.0 or 2.5 bricks. In this case, masonry can be done in several ways:

  • you can use a single brick. From an aesthetic point of view, it is the best way for the wall, if you do not plan to plaster it or additional insulation from the outside.

  • You can use thickened or even double bricks together with a single facing. This method allows you to save on the cost of materials, since the cost of a double brick is much less than the cost of a single brick for the same volume of construction.

Brick calculation methods - easier than using a calculator

The most common mistake that beginners make during the planning stage is that they do not take into account the volume of mortar joints when calculating the number of bricks per house. Due to this, the result is 20 - 30% higher than the real need for building materials.

The thickness of the mortar joint is about 5 - 10 mm, due to this, in one cubic meter of masonry, about 20 - 30% of the volume falls on mortar joints.

When calculating the required number of bricks, you can go in two ways:

  • use the dimensions of the brick, but increase them by the size of the mortar joint;
  • use the average brick consumption per cubic meter or square meter of masonry. This greatly facilitates the task and gives a sufficiently high accuracy. Considering the number of bricks required for building a house, an error of 2 - 3% does not play a big role.

A task such as calculating a brick for a house is solved in several stages:

  1. The area of ​​external and interior walls(given that, most likely, the thickness of the walls is different, the calculation should be carried out separately).
  2. The area of ​​openings for windows and doors is calculated.
  3. The area of ​​external and internal walls is calculated taking into account the area of ​​windows and doors.
  4. Knowing the thickness of the outer and inner walls, a separate volume of the outer and inner walls is calculated.
  5. Taking into account the average consumption of bricks per cube or square meter of masonry, the required number of bricks for building a house is calculated.

Depending on the type of masonry, either the masonry area or its volume can be used in the calculations. They work with the area if lightweight masonry is used.

That is, 2 thin walls are being erected (from a single brick), and the space between them is filled with foam concrete, mineral wool or some other insulation. At the top, the walls come together.

The easiest option is to calculate the number of bricks required using an online calculator.

An example of calculating the number of bricks for a house

As an example, a project of a 2-storey house with a ceiling height of 3.0 m will be used, thus, the height of the load-bearing walls is 6.0 m, the length of each is 10.0 m.The thickness of the load-bearing walls is 2.5 bricks (or 64 cm ), 1 brick (25 cm) masonry will be used for the interior walls. For load-bearing walls, masonry of 2.0 bricks will be made of double bricks, the last row of 0.5 bricks will be made of single bricks facing brick... Single brick is used for internal walls (masonry thickness - 25 cm). The total length of the inner walls is 43 m.

Quantity window openings- 9, the dimensions of each are 1.70x1.25 m, the number of doorways (in the outer walls) is 3, the size of each is 2.10x1.20 m. In the inner walls there are 5 doorways (2.0x1.20 m).

  • the area of ​​external and internal walls is determined. For external walls - 6.0x4x10.0 = 240 m 2, for internal - 43.0x3 = 129.0 m 2;
  • area of ​​doors and windows. For the outer walls, the area of ​​the windows is 9x1.70x1.25 = 19.125 m 2, the area of ​​the doorways is 3x2.10x1.20 = 7.56 m 2. For internal walls, the area of ​​the doorways is 5x2.0x1.20 = 12 m 2;
  • corrected area of ​​external and internal walls. Outdoor - 240 - 19.125 - 7.56 = 213.315 m 2, for indoor - 129 - 12 = 117 m 2;
  • since for external walls 2 different types bricks, then the wall area will be used to calculate the number of bricks. For one square of masonry of 2.0 bricks (when using double bricks), 104 pieces of bricks are required, the consumption of a single facing brick will be 51 pieces / m2. The consumption of bricks for internal walls is 102 pcs / m 2;
  • For the outer walls, you will need 213.315x104 = 22185 pieces of double bricks and 213.315x51 = 10880 facing bricks. For internal walls - 117x102 = 11934 pcs of bricks.

Despite the fact that the sizes of bricks are standardized, different batches may vary slightly in size. However, it is undesirable to use different sized bricks. Therefore, it is recommended to order the required volume of bricks at once, this guarantees the same dimensions for all bricks.

When buying bricks from the same batch, the bricks are guaranteed to be of the same shade, this is important for facing bricks.

When a brick is delivered, its fight is inevitable, and during construction, not every brick breaks as needed.

Therefore, when calculating, you need to take into account possible losses. Usually they order about 5% more bricks than the calculated amount. In the example considered, 23295 double bricks, 11424 facing bricks and 12531 single bricks (for interior walls) should be taken.

From the point of view of costs, it is much better to pay once for the transportation of all the bricks than to buy the missing volume of building material later.

The correct calculation of the number of bricks per house is the most important component. preparatory phase to construction. In the event of an error at the most crucial moment, the builder risks being left without the most important thing, and the construction process will stall for an indefinite period.

In our time, individual construction is developing at an impressive pace. Despite the abundance modern materials, brick remains the most popular in the construction of a private house. It continues to be valued for its environmental friendliness, strength and durability. Often the owners build their house on their own... And if you have a house project, then the next important step at the stage of its construction will be the calculation the required amount materials. You can calculate how many bricks you need for a house on your own without using special construction calculators on the relevant sites. In this article, we will look at how to do this using the example of a house with an area of ​​100 m².

Material consumption depending on dimensions

Before calculating how many elements are required for a 100 sq.m. house, you need to decide on the thickness of the outer walls. So, for a square house measuring 10x10 m with a thickness of enclosing structures of two stones, much more material will be required than for the construction of a building of the same size with a masonry thickness of one stone.

Important: usually external walls are made with a thickness of 380 or 510 mm with insulation with outside or 640 without insulation. The choice of their thickness is made based on the characteristics of the operation of the building and climatic conditions region.

In addition to the thickness, the size of the block itself also affects the number of bricks. So, you can build a house from the following wall elements:

  • a single stone has dimensions of 250 mm x 120 mm x 65 mm;
  • one-and-a-half elements for masonry - 250 mm x 120 mm x 88 mm (they can be hollow and full-bodied);
  • double brick has the following dimensions 250 mm x 120 mm x 138 mm.

When choosing a size, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the enclosing structures. If you need to make a house as quickly as possible and the dimensions of the enclosing structures allow, choose blocks bigger size, so you save on mortar and speed up the pace of construction.

Advice: it is believed that with the use of a double stone, it is more difficult to obtain a beautiful facade of the house, and it is also technically more difficult to implement it. However, in this case, it is advisable to use beautiful cladding at home.

Many builders use a simple table with which it is easy to determine how many bricks are needed per square meter of masonry. You may also need such a table, so we provide data from it (the number of bricks is given in parentheses, taking into account the seam of 10 mm):

  1. To perform 1 m² of 120 mm thick masonry, that is, a stone floor, you need 61 (51) single blocks, 45 (39) one-and-a-half products, 30 (26) double elements.
  2. For 1 m² of construction with a thickness of 250 mm, you need 128 (102) single, 95 (78) one and a half and 60 (52) double blocks.
  3. For one quadrant meter of enclosing structures with a thickness of 380 mm - one and a half bricks you need 189 (153) single elements, 140 (117) one-and-a-half stones, 90 (78) double blocks.
  4. An area of ​​1 m² with a thickness of 510 mm, that is, in two bricks, can be laid out with 256 (204) single, 190 (156) one and a half or 120 (104) double elements.
  5. For a square meter of masonry with a thickness of 640 mm - 2.5 bricks will need 317 (255) single blocks, 235 (195) one-and-a-half stones or 150 (130) double elements.

We do our own calculation

Now, knowing how many blocks you need to complete a square meter of masonry for a given thickness, you can calculate how many bricks you need for a house. You can use a simple home calculation, which involves a number of calculations:

  1. To find out how many bricks you need per house, you first need to find the perimeter of the house. Since we are using a certain example for the calculation, namely a house with a size of 10x10 m, its perimeter is 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 40 m.
  2. Now we need to find the area of ​​all external enclosing structures minus doorways and windows. Suppose the height of the floor of the house is 3 m, the area of ​​the wall is 40x3 = 120 m². If your house has two or three floors, then the resulting number must be multiplied by 2 or 3. Then you need to find the area of ​​all openings and subtract it from the total area. For example, 120x2-16 = 224 m².

Important: if your house has pitched roof, then do not forget to take into account the surface of the pediments when calculating the area. Usually they have a triangular shape, therefore, to find the area, it is enough to multiply ½ the height of the pediment by the width of the wall, for example, 5: 2x10 = 25 m². If there are two gables, the resulting number is multiplied by two: 25x2 = 50 m².

  1. Further, to find how many bricks are needed for a house, you need to multiply the total area of ​​external enclosing structures minus openings by the tabular value of the number of bricks, which you can determine by the width of the wall and the dimensions of the stone. Suppose that the thickness of the walls will be 2 bricks, and we are going to perform the masonry from a single block, which means that we need 204 elements per square meter, taking into account the thickness of the seam. The total area of ​​the walls, including the gables, is 224 + 50 = 274 m². We multiply this number by 204: 274x204 = 55896, that is, approximately 55900 pieces. How many stones are needed for construction two-storey house with gables of 100 m².

Advice: if you need to find the number of facing bricks, then we multiply this area by 51 - facing into the floor of a brick from a single stone, we get 274x51 = 13974 stones.

  1. But it should be understood that we found only the number of bricks for the construction of the box at home, and besides that, you will need elements for the installation of internal load-bearing walls and partitions. We perform their calculation in the same way, that is, first we find the area of ​​the masonry with a thickness of 120 mm and multiply by the tabular value for the construction in the floor of the block, depending on the element used. We also find the area of ​​walls with a thickness of 250 and 380 mm and calculate the need for material. Adding all the found values, you will find the total number wall stones that you will need to build a house.

Attention: after defining the total elements to this value, you need to add 10% of the stock, because during transportation, the blocks may be damaged. And so you will definitely be sure that you have acquired all the necessary material.

Other payment methods

However, the mandatory calculation of bricks can be done in another way, if you know how many elements of a certain size are required to complete one cubic meter of masonry. To do this, you can use the ready-made values ​​(in parentheses are the values ​​taking into account the seams):

  • To make a cubic meter of masonry from a single product, you will need 512 elements without taking into account the seams or 400 blocks taking into account the seam with a thickness of 10 mm.
  • The same volume of masonry can be made from 378 (302) one-and-a-half bricks.
  • If you use a double element, then you will need 242 (200) stones to complete a cubic meter of masonry.
  1. First, we find the total surface area of ​​the house minus all openings and do not forget about the gables. How to do this correctly, we described in detail in the previous paragraph. Thus, we know that the area of ​​the outer wall structures of our house measuring 10x10 m is 274 m². This number must be multiplied by the thickness of the external enclosing structures (the value must be in meters). Suppose we are going to make walls 510 mm thick, which means we get: 274 * 0.51 = 139.7 m³.
  2. Since we will be masonry from a single stone, according to the tabular values ​​for 1 m³ we need 394 elements, taking into account the seam. Thus, we can find the total number of bricks for the construction of the house box: 139.7 * 400 = 55880 pieces. As you can see, this number is not much different from what we found by performing the calculations in the previous way.
  3. We find the number of facing bricks as follows: we need to multiply the area of ​​external enclosing structures by the thickness of the facing (1 brick): 274 * 0.12 = 32.88 m³. Next, the resulting number must be multiplied by the number of products per cubic meter of masonry, since we will use single elements for facing, we get the following number: 32.88 * 400 = 13152 pcs.
  4. Similarly, we calculate the need for brick for the implementation of internal load-bearing and non-load-bearing wall structures, as well as partitions. To do this, you need to find their total area with the same thickness. By multiplying this value by the thickness in meters, you will get the number of cubes. So we find separately the volumes of wall structures with a thickness of 120, 250 and 380 mm. After that, all the numbers obtained can be added and multiplied by the number of bricks per cubic meter of the structure, which we find taking into account the dimensions of the stone used.

The popularity of brick buildings is due to a number of positive characteristics of this building material. Durability comes first. Brick houses, if laid correctly, will last for centuries. And there is evidence of this. Today you can see the strong buildings, erected several centuries ago.

Dense brick perfectly withstands the "attacks" of bad weather. It does not collapse under rain streams, does not crack from temperature drops and can withstand both severe frosts and searing heat. Brick is immune to sunlight.

Atmospheric phenomena can damage the masonry, but this will take more than a decade.

The resistance to biological destruction speaks in favor of the brick. In addition, the brick is fireproof. Even after prolonged exposure to open fire, the walls do not collapse. Architects love this building material because it allows them to bring interesting architectural solutions to life.

Nowadays, not only white silicate and red bricks are produced, but also multi-colored, which makes it possible to create original colored facades. Brick houses look solid, reliable, like a real fortress from a famous saying.

What does it depend on?

First of all, the need for brick for building a house depends on the dimensions of the walls, more precisely, on their thickness. The thicker the walls, the more building material they will need. The thickness of the walls is determined by the type of masonry. Their variety is limited.

Depending on the number and location of bricks, masonry is distinguished in:

  • half a brick (masonry is used for partitions, since capital structures are not built in half a brick);
  • one (masonry is used for partitions, sometimes for garden houses where there is no heating);

  • one and a half (suitable for the construction of buildings in warm climates);
  • two (suitable for erecting buildings in middle lane Russia, Ukraine, Belarus);
  • two and a half (most often used in the construction of private houses and cottages in regions of the II climatic zone);
  • three (now practically not used, but it is found in buildings of the past, before last and earlier centuries).

The bricks themselves differ in size. By existing standards all manufacturers produce building material with identical dimensions only in length and width. The first parameter (length) is 25 cm, the second (width) - 12 cm.The differences are in the thickness.

The following thickness measurements are taken:

  • single - 6.5 cm;
  • one and a half - 8.8 cm;
  • double - 13.8 cm.

In masonry, bricks of one or different types. If, after building, it is not planned to cover the facade with plaster, a single brick will become the most preferable, as it looks great.

Often a single view is used for cladding, and interior masonry is made up of thickened (one-and-a-half) or double bricks. The combined use of the two types usually takes place if you need to save money. After all, a double brick in terms of volume is much cheaper than a single or one and a half.

When determining the amount of building material, it is necessary to focus on two parameters: the type of masonry and the type of bricks.


In order to correctly calculate the need for a brick for building a house, you need to know its dimensions. Usually, newcomers to construction make mistakes and receive significantly more building material than they actually need.

The mistake is that mortar joints are not taken into account. Meanwhile, the layer of mortar between the bricks is a considerable volume. If you omit the volume of the seams, the result will differ by at least 20 percent.

As a rule, the seams are at least 5 mm and not more than 10 mm thick. Knowing the dimensions of the main material, it is easy to calculate that in one cubic meter of masonry from 20 to 30 percent of the volume takes masonry mortar... An example for different types of bricks and the average thickness of the mortar joint. Practice shows that for one cubic meter of masonry there are 512 single bricks, 378 thickened or 242 double bricks.

Taking into account the solution, the amount decreases significantly: single bricks are required 23% less, that is, only 394 pieces, one and a half, respectively, 302, and double - 200 pieces. The calculation of the required number of bricks for building a house can be done in two ways.

In the first case, you can not take a brick standard size, and with allowances equal to the thickness of the mortar joint. The second method, in which the average consumption of building material per square meter of masonry is taken into account, is more preferable. The problem is solved faster, and the result is quite accurate.

The deviation in one direction or another is no more than three percent. Agree that such a small error is quite acceptable. Another example, but now not by volume, but by the area of ​​the wall - calculation taking into account the masonry method of 0.5, one, one and a half, two or two and a half bricks.

Half-brick masonry is usually laid out using beautiful facing marks.

For 1 m2, taking into account the seams, it is required:

  • single - 51 pcs;
  • thickened - 39 pcs;
  • double - 26 pcs.

For masonry of 1 brick per square meter, you must:

  • single - 102 pcs;
  • thickened - 78 pcs;
  • double - 52 pcs.

A wall thickness of 38 cm is obtained when laying one and a half bricks.

The need for material in this case is:

  • single - 153 pcs;
  • thickened - 117 pcs;
  • double - 78 pcs.

For 1 m2 of masonry in 2 bricks you will have to spend:

  • single - 204 pcs;
  • thickened - 156 pcs;
  • double - 104 pcs.

For thicker walls of 64 cm, builders will need for every square meter:

  • single - 255 pcs;
  • thickened - 195 pcs;
  • double - 130 pcs.

How to calculate?

In order to correctly perform the operation to establish the required amount of bricks required to build a house, you will have to break the work into several stages. It doesn't matter what you decide to build a house: a small low one or a large two-story one with an attached garage, winter garden or a terrace, the principle of calculation is the same. First you need to calculate the area of ​​the outer walls. A similar calculation of the area is carried out for the interior walls.

It makes no sense to make a joint calculation, since the thickness of the walls outside and inside is significantly different.

Then you need to calculate the areas of window and door openings. In the project, as a rule, not areas are indicated, but linear dimensions. To calculate the areas, you will have to use the formula familiar from school, multiplying the height by the width. If the openings are the same, you can find the area of ​​one opening, for example, a window opening, and multiply the result by the number of future windows. If the overall dimensions are different rooms differ, you need to do calculations for each separately.

All the resulting areas of the openings are added and subtracted from the area obtained for the walls. Finding out how much brick goes into a known volume or area is quite simple. For example, 200 sq. m of masonry in 1 standard (single) brick will leave without taking into account the seams 61 x 200 = 12 200 pieces, and taking into account the seams - 51 x 200 = 10 200 pieces.

Let's give an example of calculating the consumption of bricks. Let's say it is planned to build a two-story brick house... The width of the building is 9 m, the length is 11 m, and the height is 6.5 m. The project provides for a masonry of 2.5 bricks, and the outside is facing with 0.5 bricks, and the main wall is laid out of double bricks. Inside the building, the walls are one brick thick. The total length of all internal walls is 45 m. In the external walls there are 3 doorways 1 m wide and 2.1 m high. The number of window openings is 8, their dimensions are 1.75 x 1.3 m. Inside there are 4 openings with parameters 2, 0 x 0.8 m and one 2.0 x 1.5 m.

Determine the area of ​​the outer walls:

9 x 6.5 x 2 = 117 m2

11 x 6.5 x 2 = 143 m2

117 +143 = 260 m2

Doorway area: 1 x 2.1 x 3 = 6.3 m2

Window openings area: 1.75 x 1.3 x 8 = 18.2 m2

In order to correctly determine the completely solid area of ​​the outer walls, the area of ​​all openings must be subtracted from the total area: 260 - (6.3 + 18.2) = 235.5 m2. We determine the area of ​​the internal walls, taking into account the fact that brick walls are located only on the first floor with a ceiling height of 3.25 m: 45 x 3.25 = 146.25 m2. Without taking into account openings, the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe walls inside the room will be:

146.25 - (2.0 x 0.8 x 4) - (2.0 x 1.5) = 136.85 m2

double: 235.5 x 104 = 24 492 pcs;

facing: 235.5 x 51 = 12,011 pcs;

single: 136.85 x 102 = 13 959 pcs.

The number of units is approximate, rounded to one whole.

When external walls are erected with one type of brick, the calculation can be performed by volume.

With the same overall dimensions at home we will perform the calculation by volume. First, let's determine the volume of the walls. To do this, the length of one of the sides of the house (for example, a smaller one, 9 meters long) we accept it completely and calculate the volume of two parallel walls:

9 (length) x 6.5 (height) x 0.64 (2.5 brick thickness) x 2 (number of walls) = 74.88 m3

The length of the second wall is reduced by (0.64 mx 2), that is, by 1.28 m. 11 - 1.28 = 9.72 m

The volume of the remaining two walls is equal to:

9.72 x 6.5 x 0.64 x 2 = 80.87 m3

Total wall volume: 74.88 + 80.87 = 155.75 m3

The number of bricks depends on the type chosen and will be for:

  • single: 155.75 m3 x 394 pcs / m3 = 61 366 pcs;
  • thickened: 155.75 m3 x 302 pcs / m3 = 47,037 pcs;
  • double: 155.75 m3 x 200 pcs / m3 = 31 150 pcs.

As a rule, the building material is sold not by the piece, but in a batch stacked on a pallet.

For solid bricks you can focus on the following quantity in the pallet:

  • single - 420 pcs;
  • one and a half - 390 pcs;
  • double - 200 pcs.

To order a batch of building material, it remains to determine the number of pallets.

In our last example, the requirement for bricks will be:

  • single: 61 366/420 = 147 pallets;
  • one and a half: 47 037/390 = 121 pallets;
  • double: 31 150/200 = 156 pallets.

When performing calculations, the builder always rounds up. In addition to the material directly used in the masonry, it must be borne in mind that when moving and performing work, part of the material goes into battle, that is, a certain stock is needed.

It is generally accepted that all bricks meet the established standards in size. However, there are tolerances, and different batches of products may differ slightly. The structure will lose its perfection when using different batches of bricks. For this reason, it is recommended to order the full volume of building materials from one supplier at a time.

Only in this way is the guaranteed material purchased will differ in size and color shades (for facing brands). The estimated amount should be increased by 5%, attributable to the losses inevitable during transportation and construction. The correct calculation of the need for bricks will prevent unnecessary downtime and save the developer's finances.

For how much it costs to build a brick house, see the next video.