How to make a simple clock. DIY homemade clock - make your clock unique in the interior

Comfort in our home depends on many details and trifles. So, most interior stylists agree that well-chosen curtains, lamps and lamps, blankets, pillows, carpets and clocks are integral attributes of comfort. Our master class will be devoted to the latter.

Everyone can make them, and there are hundreds of ways to do this. The most important thing in such a matter is to install the clock mechanism (you can buy it in a specialized store or remove it from an old, no longer needed watch), and appearance the product remains at your discretion.

In this lesson, we will tell you about the most popular techniques that can be useful in designing an original watch.

Decoupage style watches

If you decide to make a watch using a similar technique, then you will need to purchase in advance in a specialized store already ready-made template blanks, hands and clockwork, patterns for the background on rice paper or napkin, acrylic paints, glue, varnish and other compositions necessary for decoupage, brushes, sponges.

To begin with, you should process the workpiece by covering it three times with acrylic primer and sanding it. After drying, it needs to be given the desired tone and texture. To make the surface of the watch look old and worn, it is better to apply the paint randomly with a sponge.

Next, you should outline a frame around the perimeter of the workpiece, stepping back a couple of centimeters from the edge, and paint it in a darker tone.

Now you need to paint the blank in the color that suits your interior. In our case, a light ocher tone was chosen (ocher mixed with white). Mix the paint and apply with a sponge. Let it dry completely, then sand the workpiece.

The bezel of the watch must be highlighted in color. For example, wood-like paint is suitable.

After that, you can apply the selected pattern to the workpiece. First, you need to cut it out of rice paper, and if the pattern is on a napkin, then soak it in water. Now we just apply it to its place on the dial and coat it with glue on top.

In the next step, you will have to use all your imagination and artistic skills, because you will need to remove the border between the napkin and the surface of the clock and achieve the integrity of the pattern with the background. To do this, you need to pick up paints of the appropriate tones and use a sponge to create a smooth transition from the pattern to the surface. You can also try to continue the pattern in the same style and use a brush to paint its elements along the surface of the clock and along the dark frame. This will definitely add brightness and liveliness to the image.

After drying comes the most interesting step in this process - the artificial aging of our watches. To do this, use special tool two-step craquelure. It is applied with a dry brush in two layers, allowing each layer to dry well.

After its application, characteristic cracks appear on the product, which should be rubbed with copper powder. On the final stage the workpiece is varnished.

Once the movement, numbers and hands have found their place, the clock will come to life and become a wonderful addition to your kitchen, living room or a wonderful gift for friends.

Quilling style

Quilling or paper rolling is an arts and crafts that works with strips of paper different widths twisting them into pattern elements, which then form a single composition. As a basis for future watches, a flat wooden board-plywood or thick cardboard is suitable. In our case, black paper was glued to the surface of the board, and the elements to achieve contrast were mainly made of white paper. You can choose any combination, as well as use any quilling elements.

The color scheme of the product should depend on where it will be used. At a minimum, it should fit into the already existing style of the room and not violate its harmony with its presence, on the contrary - strengthening this criterion. So the choice of color is the most important point in this case.

To work in this technique, you will need strips cut from paper, glue and a hook or knitting needle on which you will wind the paper. All finished elements are glued to the surface of the future product. You can mark the tick marks, but this is optional.

First you need to make the numbers. Suitable for this simple elements quilling in the form of tightly coiled spirals.

After the numbers, move on to creating the basic elements of watch decoration. In this case, flowers were chosen, consisting of the "drop" element.

Ready-made "drops" must be collected in flowers and all the blanks must be transferred to the surface of the watch.

Before adding the clockwork, you need to decorate the middle of the clock.

It remains only to place the finished watch in a frame under glass.

This version of the product is suitable for children's bedrooms.

From wooden sticks

In this case, you will not need a lot of materials, only wooden sticks, glue, sharp scissors and flat surface working hours. Cut out at least one hundred sticks and glue them like rays of the sun in several rows, making sure that the length of the sticks is relatively equal. It is advisable to make a second layer of longer sticks. This will create an interesting visual effect - the "explosion" effect.

This design will fit in an original way in the interior of the kitchen and living room.

False ceiling tiles

Such tiles, if, of course, they are made of plaster, will always look beautiful and with a special chic. Making our device out of this material is an excellent solution for creative and romantic people.

Gypsum ceiling tiles are called medallions among builders. A clock mechanism is attached to its back. A hole is made in the center for the arrows. In order for our product to have a laconic and at the same time sophisticated look, it is appropriate to apply an additional coating on it in the form of a matting paint or paint with a glossy effect.

You choose the color of the paint yourself, but it is worth remembering that initially the native color of gypsum, a material made to resemble marble, is beige, white, pearl, white-coffee and white-purple (pale pink).

Such an element of the room decor will perfectly complement the decoration of halls, living rooms, bedrooms.

Watch dial model. Master class with step by step photo

Suslova Natalia Viktorovna teacher primary grades MOU SOSH № 7 named. Admiral F. F. Ushakov, Tutaev, Yaroslavl region.
Description: this master class is intended for children from 6 years old, primary school teachers, educators, parents.
Purpose: didactic material for math lessons, interior decoration.
Target: watch dial manufacturing.
Tasks:- to consolidate the ability to work with paper;
- develop Creative skills, imagination, fantasy of children;
- develop fine motor skills, accuracy when working with glue, a needle;
- to cultivate patience, confidence in their affairs.

A man who is wasting his time
he himself does not notice how old he is.
E Schwartz
Even in ancient times, people knew how to navigate in time and space:
by the stars, by the sun, even then the first sundial was invented.
What kind of clock has not been invented by man throughout his existence: lunar, water, candle, sand, oil.
Such an ingenious invention could not fail to find universal application. Many of the first hours served humanity for a long time and faithfully, but over time, more modern and comfortable models hours.
In modern dynamic world you have to appreciate every minute, as the saying “time is money” becomes more and more relevant every year. In order to control yourself, you just need to be well-versed in time.
Teaching a child to navigate correctly by the clock is a real art. Such activities have to take a lot of time, to explain the variants of the name of the same designation. The main thing is patience and the ability to wait, not to demand skills and abilities from the child right away.
The first and best manual is a home clock with hands, which we will be making today.

They walk the whole century.
Not a man. (watch)
We don't sleep a day
We do not sleep at night
And day and night
We knock, we knock. (watch)
No legs, but I walk
There is no mouth, but I will say
When to sleep, when to get up
When to start work. (watch)
Here is a hut with arrows,
And inside there is a cuckoo

And shouts: "Ku-ku, ku-ku!
I guard the minutes! "(Hours)
When to go to bed and get up
When we start a game
When to sit down for a lesson
When there is a pie with raspberries -
All the clock will show us exactly
So that the question: "What time is it?" -
You could answer every time.
A watch is a mystical gift.
Time is not powerful over you
And you are above him - let it be bright
Your every day and every hour!
The clock does not tolerate inattention,
And in happiness, be a little bit by the clock.
They are wealth and recognition
At the appointed hour they bring us.

colored cardboard,
colored paper (landscape sheet),
thread, needle,
small flat button,
hole puncher.


Step by step description work:
We need templates to work.

1. Dial making. On the back of the colored cardboard, trace the outline of the dial.

Draw an inner circle on the album sheet.

Cut out the details.

Place parts on top of each other, glue.

Fold the album sheet "accordion" into 12 parts, draw circles (others geometric figures) for numbers.

Cut out the details.

Glue the details to the dial, draw out the numbers with a felt-tip pen. The dial is ready!

2. Making arrows. On the back of the dark cardboard, make 2 holes with a hole punch.

Align the holes with the pattern holes. Circle arrow templates.

Cut arrows.

3. Assembling the dial model. Put the arrows on top of each other, align the holes of the arrows, and put on the center of the circle.

Attach a flat button on top, sew to the dial.

The reverse side of the dial.

Mark the minutes with a felt-tip pen.

Dial models are ready in different options clearance.

Creative success!

The materials at hand can be used for a wide variety of purposes, including creating original watches that will decorate home interiors.

And the wrist-type watches, made on their own, will appeal to children and will allow them to quickly teach the child to navigate in time.

There are a lot of options for creating such crafts, and we will tell you about the most interesting solutions how to make a watch with your own hands at home.

DIY cardboard clock, photo

Wall clock ideas

One of the most popular do-it-yourself watch master classes is wall crafts. If you want to do big clock on the wall, you can use a large vinyl record or disc as a basis. How to make a clock from disks?

It's not difficult at all:

Attention! Make such a clock for the kitchen with your own hands - and it will be a great gift for loved ones. The record can be trimmed to the composition you want.

The original wall clock is made from coffee beans. Decor is also suitable for such a craft. wall clock do it yourself in the form of decoupage.

Coffee wall clock master class:

  • preparing a round base and clockwork;
  • choose a napkin for decoration. It is better to take the option with coffee-themed patterns;
  • priming the base - and painting the sides white and brown;
  • after drying, cover the watch with glue, diluted in a ratio of one to two;
  • glue napkins, remove air and dry;
  • carefully draw a scheme for applying grains to decorate the picture;
  • after about a third of an hour, we start gluing the seeds. They should fit snugly against each other. Instead of glue, you can use stained glass paint;
  • after such a watch has completely dried out, it will remain to design the dial and fix the mechanism from the materials at hand;
  • varnish your homemade coffee clock for safekeeping.

You can also make a wall clock out of wood. Such a craft is done in just a few steps:

  • we take a sawn-off piece of wood the right size... You can make a clock out of plywood if there is no natural fragment;
  • remove the bark, clean and remove all unnecessary. Give the tree the desired shape;
  • in the center we make a hole for the arrows;
  • varnish a smooth surface;
  • we fix the mechanism for the watch and design the dial.

Attention! A wooden wall clock can be made from tree cuts with a thickness of about three centimeters.

Do-it-yourself wooden clock, photo

Do-it-yourself stylish clock from a plate will complement the kitchen theme. All we need is to fix the mechanism and hands, as well as decorate the base of such a watch. Any wall-type clock can be decorated with homemade frames. For example, a watch made of tires is popular: it is enough to fasten it around the dial.

Hand-made watches made from spoons and forks are perfect for the kitchen. Take the disc box as a base and give it a round shape.

  • drill a hole in the center;
  • We wash and dry plastic cutlery. Degrease for ease of staining;
  • we glue them in a circle, observing the correct distance between the "divisions". Alternate spoons and forks with each other;
  • paint all the elements;
  • fasten the mechanism - and turn on the watch. They can now be wall-mounted.

There are many more ideas for creating bright and unusual clocks on the wall, and they are suitable not only for the kitchen, but also for other rooms. Therefore, see a photo of a wall clock with your own hands to make it even more original.

How to make a clock on the floor and on the table

Specificity of creation table clock associated with the need to use a reliable stand for the dial. The rest of the process is quite simple, and you can use many options for materials for such crafts.

It's harder to make a grandfather clock for home interior... It is better if you use the drawings to cut out the wooden case. Get the right movement and decide if it's a cuckoo clock or a regular model.

The dial of such a watch is made of a copper sheet. The hands for the dial can be made on a brass base, just like the weights in the central part of the case.

Step-by-step procedure for creating a grandfather clock:

  • making a base. The legs are glued to the lower frame, and only after that the body of the structure is assembled. Reinforce the walls of the base with pins and corners. Check that such a watch is stable;
  • cut a groove in the upper frame of the product - and insert the case. Fasten it to the plinth with screws. Insert glass into the door;
  • the watch case is assembled last. Check all dimensions carefully and adjust the parameters to match the rest of the parts. How such a clock is assembled, see the diagram.

When completely ready, install the clockwork, as well as the weights and the pendulum. For harmonious design, corresponding to the style of the interior, you can repaint the watch or varnish the surface.

Wristwatches for children and adults

Crafts of cardboard watches for children are made very quickly according to layouts. After reviewing different schemes, you can make cardboard clocks of any shape and size. The simplest cardboard watch models will help your child learn to tell the time faster.

So, here's how we make a watch with our own hands:

Advice: You can make a trendy textile watch by attaching a homemade strap to any watch face.

You can implement other watch ideas with your own hands on paper and cardboard. For example, a paper clock will turn out to be voluminous if done using the origami technique. This paper clock for children can be folded in just a few minutes.

Unusual watch crafts

How to make hourglass with your own hands? To create this unusual watch, let's take a pair of identical plastic bottles... Pear-shaped containers are ideal.

Sand watch making process:

  • we clean the bottles of all that is superfluous and wipe with alcohol;
  • remove the covers and glue them tightly together with flat sides. Use durable glue good quality, not regular PVA;
  • now make a hole in the caps. Depending on its value, the rate of sand pouring will change;
  • screw one of the glued caps onto the bottle. Now, using this construction, pour the sand into the second container, checking the time. So you can determine the right amount sand;
  • screw the empty container onto the filled with sand - and turn it over on a flat surface. Now you can check the work of the clock - and, if necessary, correct the parameters of the hole;
  • at the end of the bottle they are connected with tape and decorated.

Advice: instead of ordinary sand, you can use colored, as well as fine grains or glitters.

One more interesting option crafts - sundial for kindergarten or summer cottages that any child will like. There are several varieties of sundials, one of the simplest models is horizontal.

Here's how to make a sundial in the country for children:

  • on the basis of plastic or wood, make a triangular arrow (gnome) with a base at a right angle. The second corner of the hand should be the latitude of the settlement where the clock will be set;
  • now we make a base from durable material(it can be anything from ordinary cardboard to a stone surface);
  • we place all this on the ground, fix the arrow in the center. We focus on the north side;
  • we make divisions with numbers, focusing on the time of day and counting every hour on a timer;
  • after readiness, we turn the clock correctly.

How to make a sundial with your own hands - watch the video:

Do you want to know another way to create original watches with your own hands? Water clocks are also made with the help of bottles. To do this, the bottle is cut into two halves, a hole is made in the lid. This part of the bottle is turned upside down with the lid - and inserted into the second half of the container.

Next, you should measure the number of droplets that will pass through the hole in a minute. If necessary, you can make a clock that will help you measure other times as well. When the right time will pass, mark the water level on the plastic.

Now it remains to close plastic construction and also decorate the clock to your liking. An older child can be involved in the process of creating such a craft.

Read about how you can do the complete process for making a simple but comfortable pouf for the interior.

Read about making paintings from toilet paper and PVA glue - all the secrets and subtleties of manufacturing original panels and pictures.

Homemade watch decoration options

Now let's talk about how to decorate a wall clock, floor clock and any other type with our own hands. The most common way to decorate is to use paints, glitters, and watch face stickers and other striking details.

Advice: to create a cozy atmosphere, you can make a clock from photographs on the wall by sticking a photo on the dial, adjusted in size and shape, or decorating it with frames in a circle.

DIY wall clock design, photo

Immediately decide how to make a dial for a watch, since the possibility of further decoration will depend on this decision. For example, on the fabric you can embroider numbers or skip the tape, and on wood and cardboard you can stick the designations.

Modern loft-style clocks can generally be decorated with unusual coatings (for example, to imitate brickwork) or made in an unusual shape from materials that are easy to modify.

If these are models that stand on a shelf or table, a watch stand will serve as an additional decor. Depending on the style, even antique figurines or gilded paint can be used to decorate it for a luxurious effect.

Another element of do-it-yourself watch decor is the hands for the dial. How to make hands for a clock with your own hands? For example, from wire, cardboard, wood, and even pens and pencils. And the design of wall clocks can be supplemented with mirrors, glass frames or decorated with other stylish materials.

DIY clock decor, photo

There are a lot of options for decorating and decorating such crafts. You can involve a child in this process, who will push you to creative solutions... By the way, today even whole sets for creativity are sold, and you can make a beautiful clock with your own hands from scratch.

Use photos and videos - and you will definitely find bright ideas that you like.


Watch a master class on children's crafts to school - the lesson tells how to make a decorative clock from colored paper:

When you want to update the interior, there are a couple of free evenings, you can make an original wall clock with your own hands. Things hand made they fit well into the design of any style, and very small costs will be required - the clock mechanism can be taken from an old wall clock or purchased separately.

DIY clock decor

Of course, it's about children. And about the wall clock for the children's room, which will become bright accent on the wall. Children themselves can be involved in their creation.

Ask them to collect old pencils, dried markers. Size, color is not important. The more “variegated” the decor is, the more interesting it is.

You will need a watch - the simplest - round or square. Turn them over, attach pencils in the form of "rays" on the back side. It is better to glue them on a plastic case, previously degreased, with Moment glue. The "rays" should be different lengths, you do not need to observe the color neighborhood.

There is time!

You can make an unusual wall clock for the kitchen in different ways:

  • decorate with coffee beans;
  • decorate with small plates, cups from a doll service;
  • make a dial right on the wall out of ... spoons and forks;
  • taking a wooden or plywood board as a basis, decorate the dial with halves of wine corks.

This way you can update the old clock or create a new one.

DIY wall clock decoration

DIY clock decor idea

DIY clock decor

DIY wall clock decoration

Beautiful wall clock decor

Decorating techniques

You don't have to buy anything for a new watch - the old watch will share the mechanism, everything else can be found at home. Here are some ideas on how to decorate a wall clock, and it is not always necessary to use a base - fix the elements directly on the wall.

DIY wall clock decoration

DIY clock decor idea

DIY clock decor

DIY wall clock decoration

Beautiful wall clock decor

Decoupage technique - applique in a new way

An original wall clock with your own hands can be made using decoupage technique. You will have to purchase a plywood blank of the shape you like, napkins with a plot of your choice, a clockwork. You will need acrylic primer, varnish and decoupage glue (or PVA).

We process the workpiece sandpaper with fine grain (to a perfectly smooth state), primed on several layers, once again treated with "sandpaper". Cut out the necessary elements from a napkin or decoupage card, separate the most upper layer, compose a composition based on.

The most in a simple way glueing elements is "file":

    with a thin layer we coat the base with glue where the elements of the composition will be located;

    put on a napkin;

    put on top cellophane film(a clerical "file" is suitable for papers - hence the name of the method), we carefully iron the picture - from the middle to the edges in order to expel all the remaining air;

    when all the elements are glued, you can acrylic paints make a background, add details.

It remains to cover with glue for several layers, insert the mechanism. The clock is ready!

DIY wall clock decoration

DIY clock decor idea

DIY clock decor

DIY wall clock decoration

Beautiful wall clock decor

Craquelure, or the effect of an old thing

In this way, you can make not only a clock for the kitchen - everything will depend on the choice of the blank and the decoupage card. If you complicate the work a little, you can get even more original item decor - using craquelure technique.

You will need a special varnish, it is applied to a primed base - the primer is also taken not white, but colored. After that, a craquelure varnish is applied, which, when dry, cracks. Now, as in the first case, we glue the napkins and cover ready product varnish. To make the cracks more noticeable, creating the effect of an aged thing, they rub pastel or paint into the cracks.

DIY wall clock decoration

DIY clock decor idea

DIY clock decor

DIY wall clock decoration

Beautiful wall clock decor

Alter scrap, or the new life of an alarm clock

Is there an alarm clock in the house? On legs, with a “hat” and bells? You will have to work hard and buy something, but you will not find such a thing in a store. Decorated flower arrangements, others decorative materials(they are in scrapbooking stores), an alarm clock, abandoned on the mezzanine, will become the most fashionable interior detail in the styles of shabby chic, vintage.

There are a lot of options for decorating clocks for the interior that will decorate the walls of your home. The base for the dial can be knitted and embroidered, burned on wood, laid out with pebble mosaics, beans, painted with acrylics - only your imagination can create something that will delight your friends and decorate your home.

Video: DIY clock decor

50 interesting photos of DIY clock decor ideas:

Currently, do-it-yourself decoupage of watches has gained tremendous popularity! This is not surprising: in the age of stress, sometimes you want to do something for the soul, and if it still has a functional and aesthetic purpose, then this hobby is simply doomed to success!

Technique of decoupage watches

If earlier it was difficult to get materials and templates for decoupage, now they are in abundance in any bookstore or department for creativity. They can easily purchase stencils, dials, blanks, hands, accessories or other attributes for decoupage watches. Therefore, this newfangled hobby is an acceptable option for beginners.

Consider the do-it-yourself watch decoupage technique in stages.

  1. Stencil preparation. So, you bought a blank for a watch in advance in a needlework store (as in the photo).
  2. The surface of the workpiece should be prepared in advance: sand if the clock is wooden or degrease if it is plastic.
  3. Create a background image like in the photo. You can choose any style depending on your preferences or the interior features of the room that you want to decorate with a future masterpiece.
  4. We glue the selected picture onto the blank (see photo).
  5. Advice! Torn edges are easier to mask, so it's best not to cut out the image, but simply tear it off the paper with your hands.

    You can glue the picture onto the template either using PVA glue diluted with water, or special glue for decoupage. The main thing here is to act carefully, avoiding creases in the picture. After that, the workpiece of the future watch should be dried and covered with acrylic varnish, after which the workpiece should be dried again. Repeat this pattern three times.

    This technique is described in more detail in the video at the end of the text.

    Choosing a style

    Before proceeding directly to decoupage watches with your own hands, you should decide on the style of the future masterpiece. Now the following decoupage options are most popular:

  • provence;
  • vintage or "antique";
  • "Hollywood".

First, you should choose the room in which you plan to hang your future masterpiece. For example, if this is a kitchen, then some kind of romantic sketch, or a clock in Hollywood style will look inappropriate in it. On the contrary, Provence or vintage style clocks will perfectly fit into the interior of most kitchens.

Perhaps the Provence style is one of the most common and understandable. If the directions of Provence and vintage are somewhat reminiscent of each other, then the Hollywood style is fundamentally different from them. So, it is characterized by the following nuances:

  • Use as the main colors of the following: black, red, white, blue. Whichever colors you choose, they should, if possible, contrast with each other and stand out from the background.
  • Maximum shine, use of all kinds of rhinestones is encouraged.
  • Using images of famous Hollywood actors, preferably the Golden Era of Hollywood: Audrey Hepburn, Clark Gable, Marilyn Monroe, Greta Garbo, etc. In this case, you will partially get a retro style.

All styles are suitable for beginners. You can familiarize yourself with these options by watching the video at the end of the text.

Features of decoupage dial

You can freely buy a ready-made dial in a store, but it is much more interesting to make it yourself. So, the numbers on the clock can be made practically from the first objects that caught the eye. It all depends on your imagination and, of course, on the decoupage style of the watch.

Let's say you have chosen the Provence style. Then, for the dial, it would be appropriate to use corks from wine bottles, dried lavender branches, soap in the form of small hearts. In addition, it is not necessary that the dial has numbers: it is enough to indicate the divisions.

Idea for a watch on the Pink Floyd plate.
It is also convenient to make a watch on a plate because the center of the dial for the hands is precisely marked. However, it should be remembered that the circular print in the center is difficult to "overlap" if it is white... It will be more practical to take a plate with a red sticker for the base.

If decoupage of an ordinary wall clock may seem boring, then we have reserved another one for you. original version- decoupage hours for vinyl record... The technique of such decoupage is not much different from that described above, but it has its own peculiarities:

  • First you need to prepare the plate by priming it with white paint. Let it dry for a while.
  • To apply a picture, it is better to use special decoupage napkins. We tear off the two lower layers and apply only the upper one to the plate. Apply glue over the napkin with a flat synthetic brush. Let it dry, after which we cover our workpiece with a layer of varnish. After drying, apply varnish again.

Attention! You need to use special varnish and glue for decoupage.

  • We make dial markings. To do this, you can use wine corks, shells and any other objects for which there is enough imagination.

Advice! Apply paint with a dishwashing sponge.

  • We cover the watch with at least three layers of acrylic varnish.
  • We glue the sticker on the back of the plate with cardboard. We make a hole in the center and glue the clockwork. We attach the arrows, insert the batteries.

The original watch is ready!