Medicinal properties of sweet clover honey. Melilot honey useful properties and contraindications

Melilot honey is valued not only as a delicacy, but also as a medicine. It is useful for many diseases.

Features of the variety

Melilot is one of the bees' favorite flowers. Their other names are burkun, bottom grass, wild buckwheat, Italian grass. Melilot honey is light or White color and a delicate aroma with hints of vanilla.

The benefits of sweet clover honey have been known since the time of ancient Greek doctors, who treated many diseases with it.


Sweet clover honey contains many nutrients.

The main ones are:

Substance Effects on the body
Protein Protein is the main construction material cells of the body.
Starch Starch is required for the normal functioning of the stomach and helps the absorption of many useful substances.
Organic acids Organic acids maintain a healthy acid-base balance in the human body. They are involved in metabolism and have disinfecting properties.
Glycosides Glycosides have antispasmodic, vasodilatory and antitumor properties.
Trace elements Trace elements are essential for all processes that occur in the human body.
Essential oils Essential oils are powerful substances. Most of them are not recommended for ingestion. The composition of beekeeping products contains only safe compounds that stimulate the immune system and tone up the body as a whole.
Coumarin Coumarin has anti-inflammatory properties and also relieves painful sensations in the joints. The substance is dangerous when taken in large quantities... Melilot honey contains the optimal concentration of coumarin to achieve a therapeutic effect.
Choline Another name for choline is vitamin B4. This substance supports the health of the nervous system.

In addition to the above, honey from melilot contains resinous, tannin and mucous substances that are beneficial to human health.

Beneficial features

Melilot honey has many beneficial features:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • vasodilators;
  • pain reliever;
  • expectorant;
  • sedative;
  • diuretic.

Medicinal use

Melilot honey is used in the treatment of:

  • diseases respiratory tract;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • hypertension;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • migraine;
  • insomnia;
  • dizziness;
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • abdominal pain and flatulence;
  • neuroses;
  • kidney and bladder diseases;
  • varicose veins and hemorrhoids;
  • myositis;
  • rheumatism;
  • lactation disorders;
  • cuts and abscesses.

The beneficial properties of honey make it possible to use it as a primary or additional medicine.

For indoor use

Sweet clover honey has excellent taste. It can be eaten in pure form or add to non-hot drinks. When honey is diluted in boiling water, some of the beneficial properties are significantly weakened. In the treatment and prevention of diseases, adults take it 25 grams per day, and children - 15 grams.

Melilot honey is used as an adjunct to the main therapy during the treatment of tuberculosis and in autoimmune diseases.

For external use

Most popular uses:


Sweet clover honey is a real treasure of beekeepers. It contains so many useful properties that even some modern medicines cannot. Moreover, according to outward appearance this sweet product does not even resemble honey, it rather resembles a thick creamy mass with a pleasant aroma. In addition, it is quite different from simple honey due to its delicate taste.


Melilot honey, like buckwheat honey, is a very popular product. As the name implies, this variety comes from the sweet clover plant. Despite all the features and properties of this plant, buckwheat is found much more often, but this does not prevent it from being one of the most useful plants... Melilot is not only a good honey plant, but also has medicinal properties that are used in medicine. This plant spreads like a weed, and in America it is planted on the sides of roads.

Melilot honey is light or white in color, so it can be confused with rapeseed honey. You can distinguish this product only by paying attention to the pleasant vanilla aroma and very rich taste. Therefore, in order to recognize this sweetness, it is necessary to taste it before buying. There is a yellow and white sweet clover, both of which are different. taste... You can buy this type of honey only from a beekeeper or at a specialized exhibition.

Previously, sweet clover honey was especially popular in European countries due to its exquisite taste and useful properties. And now these countries are planting sweet clover specifically to get good honey and to improve the condition of the soil. In the countries of America, such a delicacy makes up about 60% of all honey on the market, especially the Americans liked the white sweet clover due to its dietary, but at the same time very useful composition.

Useful properties of sweet clover honey

Why is sweet clover honey useful? People have known about its properties since ancient times. Therefore, it was used for treatment and prevention. different diseases... The special composition, which includes fructose and glucose, makes this product a good sweetness for diabetics. Its vitamin composition has advantages over other types of honey, therefore it is often used as a prevention of diseases and immune system... Honey with melilot has beneficial properties that help in the treatment of many diseases. He has the following actions:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • vasodilators;
  • pain relievers;
  • calming;
  • diuretics.

With such a positive effect on the body, it can be used as a main and auxiliary treatment. But for those who like to drink tea with this delicacy, it should be remembered that it does not need to be consumed with a hot drink, as it loses its medicinal properties... The beneficial properties of melilot honey can be used to treat diseases such as:

  • hypertension;
  • migraine;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • insomnia;
  • dizziness;
  • neurosis; abdominal pain;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • lactation disorders;
  • atherosclerosis.

Internal use of this delicacy especially helps with sore throat, because it was not for nothing that in childhood children were given tea with honey to cough when they cough. Since the sweet clover is medicinal plant, then honey from it retains the same properties through pollen. This delicacy has a positive effect on the work of blood vessels, therefore it is a real find for people with varicose veins. The benefits of sweet clover honey cannot be exaggerated. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, since it coats the intestines well and has a slight laxative effect. It has a positive effect on diseases such as bronchitis, laryngitis, headache and is even used in the treatment of tuberculosis as an additional remedy.

Besides, internal use the external use of white sweet clover in cosmetology is also very popular. It is used in various masks for skin and hair, which infuse them with essential vitamins, allowing women to look much more natural. Due to its anti-inflammatory effect, it is used in the form of a compress to treat suppurations and boils.

Application in traditional medicine

What is sweet clover honey and how to use it in folk treatment? Melilot honey, the benefits of which are simply limitless, have been used in folk medicine for a long time. Of course, this product is not a substitute for a medicine, but it is used to treat many problems. Only the attending physician can determine the benefits of such treatment, but not everyone is in a hurry to see him and at the same time continue to self-medicate.

Each person has the opportunity to independently decide whether it is necessary to use folk remedies in the treatment of various pathologies. However, having chosen this method, you should not, and forget about contraindications for use. Most often this product is used for:

  • improving lactation;
  • treatment of hemorrhoids;
  • cough treatment;
  • eliminate constipation;
  • treatment of inflammatory processes in the lungs.

It is possible to improve lactation in this way, however, it is necessary to remember about possible allergic reactions in the child, this can be reflected in a severe rash and redness of the skin. If there is no reaction to honey, you can use it on a dessert spoon after a meal. It is best used in conjunction with herbal infusions, which also enhance lactation. The use of this method should be discussed with the pediatrician beforehand.

For hemorrhoids, it is necessary to prepare a solution by diluting 20 grams of honey in 100 ml of water. This solution should be used as an enema. But it should be remembered that only a doctor can determine the effectiveness of such a method. With a strong development of hemorrhoids with all the symptoms, first of all, it is necessary to do all the preliminary examinations.

The well-known remedy from black radish and honey for the treatment of severe coughs, it is best to do it from blast-furnace honey, which has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Of course, the effectiveness of such treatment is confirmed by many years of use by previous generations, but it is impossible to treat a child in this way without consulting a pediatrician in any case, so that the disease does not progress.

The medicinal properties of this product are very strong, however, only their correct use will save the patient from problems. Therefore, the use of any folk remedies requires prior consultation with doctors who know exactly in what doses it should be consumed.


Despite all the properties of sweet clover honey, it also has a number of contraindications. Like any other honey, it should not be consumed by allergy sufferers. Because of the strong medicinal properties this sweet should not be used during pregnancy, because it can cross the placenta. There are other medical conditions for which this product should not be consumed, such as:

  • internal bleeding;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • strong blood clotting.

Of course, in the absence of contraindications, this product is not only possible, but also must be used, but one should not forget about the rules. Do not mix melilot honey with milk, as this can lead to indigestion and flatulence. In this case, it is necessary to remember about the diuretic property of blast-furnace honey, therefore, you need to observe the drinking regimen.

Melilot, the beneficial properties of which are used for preventive and therapeutic effects on the body, have some limitations. It should only be used in specific doses. This is to prevent an allergic reaction. Therefore, before using it, it is very important to take into account all the beneficial properties and contraindications so that its use will benefit the body.

If a person with diabetes mellitus decides to use this product, then it is necessary to approach this issue with all caution and consult a doctor first. Despite the fact that this product is dietary, overweight people should stop using it or use it in small quantities.

To use sweet clover honey, the beneficial properties of which are aimed at the prevention of many diseases, is very useful and healthy people... Indeed, in this way the body can receive the very necessary vitamin complex, which will have a good effect on the immune system, thereby preventing the development of many diseases.

Moreover, it is the benefits and harms of this product that determine the people who need this honey or are completely contraindicated. In any case, the use of this delicacy for any treatment should be carried out only with the appointment of a doctor, otherwise it will not be able to bring the desired result, and in some cases harm health. Since in some diseases, the use of honey is not enough for a complete recovery. This is especially true for cardiovascular diseases and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Honey is the most valuable natural product with many medicinal properties. His different varieties affect the body in different ways. Everyone knows that linden is indispensable for coughing, and sunflower is an excellent assistant in the treatment of heart diseases.

What is the difference between different types of honey?

There are a huge number of varieties of honey on Earth. Beekeepers claim that it even exceeds the number of melliferous plants on our planet. Workers-bees process the nectar collected from various flowering plants, shrubs and grasses, trees. Due to the fact that plants have different properties, the final product is not the same.

All types of honey have healing properties to one degree or another, but differ in:

  • smell;
  • color;
  • taste;
  • sugaring speed;
  • consistency;
  • chemical composition;
  • medicinal properties.

People who are well versed in this matter use honey in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases as an additional tool or to strengthen the body. Today we will consider one of the varieties - melilot honey. The beneficial properties of this product have long been used by traditional healers.

Donnik and its medicinal properties

Some types of honey are well known to many: May and linden, sunflower and buckwheat, chestnut and sweet clover. Most beekeepers believe that the latter is one of the most useful and commonly used in traditional medicine.

Melilot, whose photo is often printed in beekeeping publications, is a low shrub flowering plant... Its botanical name is Melilotus. It consists of two words - Meli, which translates as "honey", and the word lotus - "flower". Thus, a "honey flower" is obtained. The most popular types include:

  • drug;
  • White.

Outwardly, they differ only in that the first has more large flowers yellow color, and the second has small ones, and as the name implies, they are white. The leaves of the plant are trifoliate, so it received a second name - shamrock. Melilot is a honey plant that blooms almost all summer (from early June to late September). This is why the plant is considered a stable and long-lasting source of nectar.

Its value increases in lean years, when many plants of the main honey collection are lost due to rains or drought. The sweet clover plant in folk medicine is used for the following pathological conditions:

  • spasms of the heart muscle;
  • insomnia;
  • nervous excitability;
  • migraine;
  • inflammation of the respiratory system;
  • bronchitis;
  • cough;
  • constipation;
  • flatulence;
  • arthritis gouty;
  • to achieve the desired effect in different collections.

The sweet clover, the photo of which we have posted in this article, contains many minerals and nutrients that the nectar is saturated with, giving it most valuable properties... In the melilot, scientists have discovered:

  • melilotol;
  • coumarin;
  • fat-like and tannins;
  • cymarine;
  • protein;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • essential oil;
  • flavonoids;
  • carotene;
  • tocopherol;
  • various sugars.

Melilot honey: features

Melilot honey is considered by experts to be a first-class variety, which is distinguished by its excellent taste. This product is colored white or amber and has a subtle pleasant aroma reminiscent of vanilla. Bees collect it from medicinal and white sweet clover. Honey removed from medicinal sweet clover does not have a pronounced smell, and the taste of this type of sweet clover honey is softer.

Honey from white sweet clover has a rich vanilla aroma and bright taste. Honey crystallizes from melilot rather quickly, so it is almost impossible to buy it in liquid form. In its crystallized state, it is easy to confuse it with rapeseed. The vanilla aroma for which melilot honey is famous will help to distinguish these varieties.

Composition and nutritional value

The beneficial properties of melilot honey are due to its unique composition which includes:

  • vitamins - C, E, PP, B1, B2;
  • enzymes;
  • glucose - 36.78%;
  • organic acids;
  • fructose - 39.56%;
  • minerals and other nutrients.

It contains more than sixty health-promoting components. The nutritional value of this product is 314 kcal. In 100 g of honey, proteins are 0.8 g, carbohydrates - 81.5 g.

What are the characteristics of real sweet clover honey?

Buying any product, a person hopes to get it of high quality and fully consistent with the brand that the seller claims. When we are trying to choose honey from a variety of jars on the market, in most cases we hope for the honesty and decency of the seller: after all, quite often this product is purchased for treatment, which means that it is very important that the varieties of honey correspond to the declared ones.

For example, it is easy to confuse melilot honey with rapeseed. How to distinguish this nectar from a fake or low-quality product? The health benefits of these products vary. Moreover, rapeseed honey is much cheaper.

You need to know that this variety has a very subtle, light, and not persistent and rich vanilla aroma. It is this indicator that is decisive when choosing.

Pay attention to the consistency of the product: it must be uniform. If the density of honey is uneven, it means that it was drowned or different varieties were mixed.

Melilot honey: beneficial properties

Melilot is known for many medicinal properties, and therefore honey, which is obtained from the nectar of this plant, is effective and effective means for the treatment of many diseases. It is used in the treatment colds, cough, diseases of joints and veins, edema, pain in the stomach and intestines, headaches, some gynecological diseases.

Melilot honey, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are well known to traditional healers, has a calming, antibacterial, expectorant, diuretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Melilot honey increases hemoglobin, improves blood composition.

It is also used externally: in the form of compresses, honey cakes, it is used for boils and boils. This product is effective for rheumatism, hypertension and atherosclerosis.


Honey of this variety has a beneficial effect on the entire body, therefore it is used to prepare various potions. The beneficial properties of melilot honey make it possible to use it for:

  • stress;
  • gout;
  • migraine;
  • flatulence;
  • bronchitis;
  • neurosis;
  • insomnia;
  • varicose veins;
  • hypotension.

There are many recipes for cooking medicines using this product. We will provide you with a description effective ways treatment of various diseases based on sweet clover honey. I would like to warn you that before using the recipes below, you should know that the patient is not allergic to this natural product.

It is quite simple to check this: it is enough to eat a little honey (a tablespoon), and observe your condition during the day. If a rash does not appear on the skin in a day, the gastrointestinal tract is not upset, then most likely the patient is not allergic to this product.

Increased lactation

Melilot honey enhances lactation. This beneficial property has been experienced by many women. To preserve and strengthen education breast milk, it is necessary to eat one (dessert) spoon of honey after each feeding. The effect can be enhanced by taking honey with lactation fees, but always in a warm form.

This useful product can be taken during pregnancy, provided that it does not cause allergic reactions.

To boost the immune system

The use of sweet clover honey during epidemics of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections will help strengthen the protective functions of the body. White melilot honey has the ability to stimulate the immune forces, which helps to cope with the disease faster. To achieve the desired effect, it is enough to eat only 25 grams of a fragrant delicacy per day. For children, this dosage is reduced to 10-15 grams, since this is an allergenic product.

You need to know that the immune-modulating effect does not depend on the amount of food eaten. So don't overeat it in the hopes of getting more benefits.

Low blood pressure (hypotension)

Melilot honey will help to cope with this disease. In traditional medicine, there are very few remedies for low blood pressure, so folk medicine comes to the rescue for people suffering from this ailment. Melilot honey is known for its thinning and vasoconstrictor properties. The plant contains coumarin, so honey increases blood pressure. It is especially useful to use it in combs.

Treatment of bronchitis and cough

Modern pharmaceuticals offer a variety of expectorants. They should not be neglected (if prescribed by a doctor), but you should not be limited to them either. Natural remedies for these ailments will be milder and less harmful.

For the treatment of cough and bronchitis, you can use both sweet clover honey and a mixture of it with radish juice. Traditional healers consider the second method to be more effective. To make such a remedy, you need a black radish. Wash the fruit well, cut off the top, make a depression in the center. A spoonful (tablespoon) of honey should be put in it and set to infuse. The resulting juice is taken before meals on a spoon (dessert).

Antibacterial properties

Melilot honey is a powerful bactericidal agent. That is why it is used to treat abscesses and wounds. To do this, you need to make a cake from flour and honey. It is applied to the affected area. This variety of honey is effective for varicose veins.

Apply honey compresses to the affected areas: the veins and smaller vessels will narrow, and as a result, the pain will decrease.

With stress and insomnia

Everyone knows how difficult it is to cope with stressful situations on your own and defeat insomnia. And in this case, you are on help will come sweet clover honey. Dissolve in a glass overnight warm water one spoon (tablespoon) of the product. You will fall asleep faster, sleep will become deeper and more restful. This drink can be consumed in the morning. It will strengthen the body and calm the nervous system.

Use in cosmetology

All women try to monitor their facial skin. Regular masks made from natural products will keep you looking healthy and fresh. The simplest recipe for a mask based on sweet clover honey is not difficult to make.

Grate fresh cucumber... Add a spoonful of honey (teaspoon) from a yellow melilot to the resulting mass. Apply the mixture to your face and leave the mask on for a quarter of an hour. Then wash it off with room temperature water.

You can stir honey with water and wipe off with this mixture after a shower. The advantages of this procedure are obvious: the skin is disinfected, moisturized, softened, and dryness disappears.

How long does honey last?

Melilot honey retains its useful properties at home for about two years. It should be stored in earthenware, glass, wooden dishes in a dry and dark place at a temperature of +10 ° C. Metal dishes are contraindicated for this natural product, since honey causes iron oxidation. This will lead to a deterioration in the healing and taste qualities.


As you can see, sweet clover honey has many useful properties. And this natural product has contraindications. It should not be consumed by people who have an intolerance to one or more of its components. It is necessary to limit the use of a fragrant and sweet product for patients who are recommended to limit the intake of carbohydrates, as well as with a predisposition to allergies.

Doctors do not recommend using honey externally and for honey inhalations for bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, pulmonary sclerosis, emphysema, myocarditis, bleeding in the lungs, cardiac asthma, heart failure, damage to heart valves. For obesity and diabetes mellitus, you should consult with your doctor about the permissible dosage before starting treatment.

The variety of honey and its medicinal properties directly depend on the plants from which the bees collected nectar.

The healing properties of sweet clover honey have absorbed all the qualities of the sweet clover medicinal plant, which is popular among the people. This beekeeping product is not only able to strengthen the immune system, but also copes well with vascular diseases.

Vitamin and mineral composition

Melilot honey has a white or light amber color, sweet, vanilla with a bitter taste, coumarin smell and is a first-class product. It is well absorbed by the body: almost 90% of it immediately enters the bloodstream after ingestion.

Melilot honey contains many useful substances:

  • Glycosides are substances with vasodilating properties.
  • About 300 macro- and microelements, including: manganese, copper, zinc, chromium, fluorine, iron.
  • Vitamins: B, K, E, PP, C.
  • Coumarins - have an analgesic effect.
  • 40% fructose, 36% glucose, polysaccharides, organic acids.

Useful properties of sweet clover honey

  • Honey helps to improve blood circulation, removes edema caused by diseases of the cardiovascular system, expands the lumen of the coronary arteries, increases blood pressure.
  • The product has antiseptic and bactericidal properties, which allows it to be used in conjunction with various tinctures for the treatment of purulent wounds, cuts, cracked heels, burns, inflammation of the skin.
  • The delicacy is useful after intense physical activity, since its calorie content, a large number of vitamins and minerals help to restore strength and energy in a short time.
  • The anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties of honey help to cope with diseases of the upper respiratory tract: sore throat, flu, pneumonia, tonsillitis.
  • Sweet nectar is eaten during lactation. It helps to improve the quality and quantity of breast milk.
  • Sweet clover honey has sedative properties, due to which the product is actively used in cases of severe emotional shock, insomnia, regular headaches, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

How to distinguish from fake and other varieties

Melilot honey undergoes crystallization faster than other varieties, therefore it is very rare to find it in liquid form. Even candied nectar should retain a white hue, be of a uniform consistency, and not have grains.

Sometimes cheaper rapeseed honey is sold under the guise of sweet clover nectar. You can distinguish it by its taste: in rapeseed, it is sweeter, even sugary, without a hint of vanilla aftertaste. To give a fake product the required structure or color, unscrupulous manufacturers add molasses, flour, starch, chalk to it. Impurities are identified as follows:

Sample process


Test for the presence of flour or starch

Dissolve a spoonful of bee products in distilled water. Add 1 drop of iodine.

Blue color solution will indicate the presence of additives.

Chalk check

Dissolve half a teaspoon of honey in 1 tsp. water, add 1-2 drops of vinegar.

Efflorescence (emission of carbon dioxide) indicates a fake.

Molasses test

Mix alcohol, water, honey in proportions 4 * 3 * 1, shake.

The presence of sediment indicates the addition of molasses.

Sugar test

Prepare honey-water solution (concentration 1 to 1), heat. Add a pinch of silver nitrate.

A cloudy solution indicates a fake.

The use of honey from sweet clover

It is possible to consume honey from a sweet clover not only internally, but also externally in different areas activities:

  • Cosmetology: for the preparation of masks, cleansing scrubs, wraps, in the production of soap to fix the scent.
  • Production of alcoholic beverages: some brands of wine, vodka, liqueurs have a pleasant aroma thanks to the sweet clover.
  • Cooking: When preparing baked goods, sweet desserts, sauces, marinades of fish or meat.
  • Traditional medicine: for the prevention of colds, treatment of hemorrhoids, varicose veins, diseases of the digestive or endocrine system.

Treatment of cough and respiratory diseases

There are many expectorant medications for coughs, but natural remedies are considered safer, especially if a child has a respiratory illness. To reduce the viscosity of sputum, to improve its discharge from the bronchi, pure melilot honey should be consumed in 1 tsp. 3 times / day.

More effective will be a medicine made from black radish with honey:

  1. Wash the root crop thoroughly.
  2. Cut off the tip, make a depression in the center.
  3. Put Art. l. honey, let stand.
  4. After a while, juice will appear inside. It must be collected and drunk 1 dessert spoon before meals until you feel better.

Stimulating lactation while breastfeeding

To enhance the production of breast milk, nursing mothers are advised to eat 1 dessert spoon of a sweet treat after each meal. Honey can be combined with taking special decoctions, teas, medicinal infusions stimulating lactation. Important: the fees should be drunk only warm, so the desired effect will be achieved faster.

During honey therapy, mothers need to closely monitor the reaction of the child's body. If red spots or other signs of allergies appear on the body, it is better to refuse to take beekeeping products while breastfeeding.

Improving thyroid function

Melilot nectar is irreplaceable for diseases of the endocrine system. Only 30-40 grams of honey per day in a month normalizes the production of hormones, improves the condition of hair, nails, and the reproductive system. This medicine has also proven itself well:

  1. Mix 350 g of lemon crushed with peel with 500 g of viburnum juice, 200 g of medical alcohol, 250 g of aloe juice and 150 g of honey.
  2. Remove the resulting mixture and infuse in a dark place for 7 days.
  3. Take gruel in 1 tbsp. l. before meals for a month.

Immune system activation for ARVI prevention

To increase the body's defenses during an exacerbation of respiratory viral infections, honey from sweet clover should be taken at 25 grams per day. Children are recommended to reduce the dosage to 10 g of nectar per day. It is important to remember that increasing doses does not increase the immunostimulating effect, so you should not overeat to avoid side reactions.

Sweet clover honey for hemorrhoids and constipation

Enemas will help alleviate the patient's condition, reduce the manifestation of hemorrhoid symptoms, and prevent bleeding:

  1. Heat 100 ml of water to a temperature of 40 ° C.
  2. Dissolve 20 grams of honey in it.
  3. Use the prepared solution for enemas 1 time a day, preferably before bedtime, until you feel better.

If you suffer from indigestion, flatulence, constipation, prepare the following mixture:

  1. Peel the apple, grate it on a fine grater.
  2. Mix with lemon juice squeezed from half a citrus fruit.
  3. Add 1 tbsp. l. water, honey, crushed oatmeal.
  4. Take the medicine 1 time per day, 1 tbsp. l. at lunch time.
  5. The duration of treatment is 7-10 days.

With varicose veins

The following solution will help reduce the visibility of the varicose mesh:

  1. Grind 350 g of garlic.
  2. Mix with 250 g of sweet clover honey.
  3. Leave in a dark place for a week.
  4. Take the finished medicine one hour before meals, 1 tsp.
  5. The course of treatment is 1 month.


  • allergy to bee products;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • blood clotting disorder.

Storage conditions

For correct storage tightly closed containers made of ceramics, wood, food grade plastic, glass are suitable for honey. It is strongly not recommended to keep the beekeeping product in galvanized or aluminum containers, with the surfaces of which it reacts. The room should not be unpleasant odors. Optimum temperature storage: + 4-18 ° C.


Few people know, but beekeepers recognize melilot honey as a reference. This sweetness, bestowed by bees, is not only characterized by an extraordinary aroma and taste, but also is of great value to the body. Today you will learn how to distinguish sweet clover honey from sweet counterparts collected from other plants, as well as why it is so useful, and whether it can happen that it will be harmful. Read on - only the most interesting things about melilot honey are ahead!

Melilot honey: how to distinguish?

Sweet clover honey, as the name implies, bees collect from sweet clover. The sweetness is characterized by a delicate aroma with hints of vanilla and a delicate taste. This honey is either light amber or white. Melilot honey is very rare on the free market, mainly beekeepers sell it, you can buy it at the exhibition.

Some unscrupulous sellers sell rapeseed under the guise of sweet clover. Outwardly, it is difficult to distinguish them, however, the products are completely different in smell and taste, the latter is characterized by a more cloying taste and there is not even a hint of vanilla in it. Well, about the fact that in its useful properties rape is several times inferior to sweet clover, we dare to assume that it is completely unnecessary to speak.

Beneficial features

Sweet clover is used for the following diseases and pathological conditions:

As you can see, the range of application of the sweet clover is quite wide. This plant is a storehouse of minerals and nutrients, which then enter the nectar collected by the bees. Therefore, melilot honey has some chemical properties of this plant, and, therefore, the healing effect. In particular, in melilotol, scientists found: coumarin, melilotol, cymarin, tannins and fat-like substances, essential oil, protein, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, carotene, various sugars.

When sweet clover honey is useful

Many beekeepers (and I too) consider sweet clover honey special and even to some extent unique. It is the most useful of all varieties, as it has an immunomodulatory and antiseptic effect. In the article I will highlight the most basic areas therapeutic use of this product, as well as methods of use.

The use of sweet clover honey to enhance lactation

One of the beneficial properties of sweet clover honey is to enhance lactation. To achieve the effect, you need to take one dessert spoon of the product each time after meals. This will ensure a steady supply of milk for the baby. You can also use lactation fees with honey for such purposes.

You can also consume healthy sweet clover honey during pregnancy to give your body an extra portion of vitamins and minerals.

Boosting the immune system

The medicinal properties of melilot honey extend to human immunity. It's possible
use during epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections and flu. Taking honey from white clover, you will receive a powerful stimulation of the immune forces, which will help to quickly cope with malaise and illness.

To achieve the effect, it will be enough to eat 25 grams of healthy melilot honey per day. For children, it is desirable to reduce the rate to 10-15 grams, since the product is allergenic.

It should be noted that the immune-modulating effect of the consumption of sweet clover honey does not depend on the amount eaten. Therefore, you should not overeat in an effort to get more benefits.

Treating coughs and other bronchial diseases

There are many expectorants for coughing, but they should not be limited. After all, natural remedies for this sore will act more gently and will not harm. Also, you can always use both remedies for recovery.

For the treatment of such diseases, both pure melilot honey and its mixture with radish juice are used. The second method is more effective. To prepare the medicine, you will need to carve a depression in the black radish. You put a tablespoon of honey in it and leave to infuse. The resulting juice is taken in a dessert spoon before meals.

Skin improvement

Probably every woman knows that without proper support, even the most beautiful skin will lose its appearance. My wife also knows this, so she regularly makes face masks to which she adds sweet clover honey. She also mixes it with water and does rubdowns in the morning.

The easiest way to make a face mask is to grate a fresh cucumber and mix it with honey. The advantages of this measure are obvious, since the skin is simultaneously disinfected and softened without becoming dry.

Antibacterial effect

Melilot honey also has strong bactericidal properties. It can be used to heal wounds and abscesses. For this, as a rule, a cake of honey and flour is kneaded, and then applied to a sore spot. It is useful to eat honey from sweet clover for those who suffer from ulcers and gastritis. They will heal faster.

You can also apply honey compresses to areas affected by varicose veins. The veins and other vessels will narrow, which will reduce pain symptoms.

With stress and insomnia

To cope with stressful situations and insomnia, drink tea with healing melilot honey. It can also be stirred in a warm clean water and consume in the morning. About one tablespoon of the product is enough for a glass. This will strengthen the body and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Under reduced pressure

Melilot honey will help to cope with hypotension. This is a real salvation for those who suffer from low blood pressure. There is no cure for this condition, so help traditional medicine Is the way out. It is especially useful to use fresh honey in combs for these purposes.


In addition to useful properties, sweet clover also has some contraindications. It refers to poisonous plants which in huge amount have a negative effect on the intestinal muscles, and contributes to the depression of the central nervous system.

The use of sweet clover for a long time can provoke the appearance of dizziness, headaches, nausea, sometimes even hemorrhages in muscles, under the skin or in organs, liver damage can occur, paralysis of the central nervous system.

It is strictly forbidden to use sweet clover during pregnancy, internal bleeding, liver disease and poor blood clotting. If you do not follow the rules for using funds prepared on the basis of sweet clover and adhere to the proportions, then you can not only not get the desired effect, but also greatly harm your own health.

How to distinguish melilot honey from a fake

Fresh honey tastes good, but it has a pleasant sweetness, not sugary. V
Depending on the type of plant, the tongue will either have a tart or slightly vanilla aftertaste. The scent matches the scent - subtle and gradually revealing. A good quality undiluted product only slowly crystallizes only after a few months, starting to form small sugar crystals.

Storage features

Beekeepers advise keeping honey in a warm, cool place, although this can speed up the crystallization process in the product. Perfect place- cellar or refrigerator, but any other remote from central heating corner.