How to decorate the facade of a house inexpensively: classic materials and siding - features of use and price comparison. The better to sheathe the walls inside a wooden house Exterior decoration of an unheated house

For any building, including for a country house, exterior decoration is an important stage that requires a careful approach to implementation. External cladding enhances not only the decorative component of the structure, but also helps to keep the walls from premature destruction and external influences.

There are many ways of exterior decoration, which depend on the material of the country house. Therefore, it is important to consider the most commonly used cladding options.

Exterior decoration tasks

External cladding country house performs not only the role of creating a unique appearance of the structure, but also has a number of other equally significant functions. First of all, it serves as a protection for load-bearing structures from adverse effects the environment... Such a shell will help to make the service life of brick, aerated concrete, timber, cinder block and other materials longer.

Often, when finding a summer residence on a hill or open area there is a problem of wind blowing. In this case, the walls cool quickly, and if there are cracks in the house, drafts may appear. The exterior decoration of the country house will become an obstacle to the wind and save households from its constant influence.

Heat in the summer months and frost in the winter - these are other tests for the owners of summer cottages. As a rule, it is the external decoration of the country house that takes the impact on itself, and the walls of the house do not overheat in the heat and do not freeze in winter.

Not the last place is occupied by the aesthetic component. Thanks to the exterior decoration, country house will acquire its unique look. For those who have purchased a ready-made building, it will not be a problem to arrange it as they wish. It is not even difficult to arrange wooden house so that the walls imitate brick. At the same time, it is easy to decorate a stone structure like a wooden one.

Finishing materials

The choice of one or another finish for a country house is a purely individual matter, depending on the tastes of the owner and his capabilities. Someone likes romantic wooden houses, someone gravitates towards brutal brick and stone ones. Among the huge range of finishing materials for country houses especially stand out and are most often used:

  • decorative plasters;
  • clinker brick;
  • plastic panels;
  • facing tiles made of stone;
  • wood panels, for example, lining or block house.

Materials are often combined to create an original facade. But not only the desire of the owner of the dacha is an indicator when choosing a material for cladding. It is worth considering and specifications the building itself. So, in any case, a wooden country house should not be overloaded with heavy clinker brick or stone panels.

Those for whom the country house is a temporary building often choose budget plastic panels for external decoration. They imitate any coating and can become a full-fledged cladding. But plastic quickly loses its decorative and quality characteristics. It burns out in the sun, cracks from temperature changes, and you can not talk about its environmental friendliness.

More expensive finishing materials are used if the country house is operated not only in the summer months, but also in the winter. If the budget is not strictly limited and there is an opportunity to decorate the cottage with another cladding, then it is better to do so. Exterior finishes, for example, made of stone or wood, will look attractive even after several years. But it is important to be prepared that the installation of the cladding will take a long time.

Block house and penoplex decoration

Many summer residents prefer to carry out the external design of a country house with a block house. But to really turn out high-quality cladding, it is necessary to carry out work in compliance with all recommendations. So, you will need:

  1. Conduct a competent calculation of the amount of material with a small margin.
  2. Leave the block house for a while after purchase, so that the material "gets used" to the new conditions.
  3. Build the crate so that there is a distance of no more than 50 cm between its elements.
  4. Fasten the material using the thorn-groove system.
  5. Cover the block house after attaching it to the outer walls of the country house with linseed oil or special impregnation that will keep its quality characteristics for a long time.

To save money, you can use vinyl analogs of a block house, with which it is easier and faster to decorate a country house from the outside. In addition, they do not require additional finishing after installation.

So, for example, penoplex allows not only to make a country house outwardly attractive, but also to significantly insulate it. Such a finish is considered to be as reliable as possible, bypassing even fiber cement slabs and siding.

But it is worth remembering that penoplex is attached only to the maximum smooth walls, therefore, before installation, you should make sure of this and, if necessary, correct the situation. Professional builders advise using penoplex with a thickness of about 5 - 6 cm to decorate the facade of a country house. Plates are fastened with dowels or special glue. After installing the foam boards, you can proceed to plastering the house.

Decorative plaster

The use of this finish will be an ideal option if, in the shortest possible time, at minimal cost, you want to bring the facade of the country house into a presentable look. So, when using decorative plaster can be achieved different effect on the facade. It all depends on the type of placeholder used.

There are several types of decorative facade plaster, among which are distinguished:

Acrylic for concrete and brick walls. This material completely safe, resistant to different types environmental influences. Due to its high elasticity, acrylic plaster is ideally applied and adhered to the surface.

Mineral, consisting of cement and polymer additives. It is most often used for finishing brick houses.

Important! The unique properties of the material allow you to remove excess moisture from the outer layer of the cladding.

Silicone. This is the most expensive plaster of the presented, but its high characteristics allow you to apply the mixture to the wall with maximum comfort and further use it. finished coating for a long time.

Facing stone

This finish is chosen by those people who want to show their status even when decorating a country house. Due to its unique natural shape, this material can in most cases be used without pretreating the walls.

Experts distinguish hard rocks, as well as stone of medium and low density. In addition, a wild stone can be distinguished, that is, one that has not been processed in any way and is sawn, which is a tile.

Finishing options by type of summer cottages

As previously noted, country houses They are now being built from a variety of materials, therefore their external decoration is different. That is why it is worth considering the most popular options for country houses and the cladding that suits them.

Houses from a bar

Undoubtedly, wood is considered a classic and one of the best materials for the construction of a country house. So, I immediately want to note that the exterior decoration of a country house from a bar can be carried out only after the structure has completely shrunk. And this happens after 2 - 3 years from the date of completion of construction work.

The greatest interest of the owners of country houses from a bar is caused by such materials for external decoration as stone, decorative plaster, wood and even metal. Many do not deviate from the traditional design and sheathe the dacha from the outside with clapboard.

This approach has its advantages:

  1. Reliability and durability of the cladding.
  2. Decorative appearance.
  3. Ecological cleanliness.
  4. The ability to disguise communications under the external finish.
  5. Uncomplicated installation that you can handle yourself.

In addition to natural wood, artificial analogues can also be used, which will come out cheaper, but in appearance they will not yield to anything. So, for example, siding helps to make a decent cladding of a country house and forget about painting it for a long time.

In addition to siding, fiber cement plates and thermal panels are often used for the exterior decoration of country houses. It should be noted that such panels are used only if the building has a solid and reliable foundation. But, nevertheless, siding is used most often due to the availability of material, ease of installation and the high quality of the receiving cladding.

In some cases, especially when the owner wants to see his house in a brick design, it is brick that is used. It is fireproof, environmentally friendly and visually attractive, which becomes the starting criteria for choosing. In addition, the use of bricks for the exterior decoration of a house from a bar will increase the heat and sound insulation qualities of the building.

Important! Brick finishes may shrink.

If as cladding wooden house bricks are used, it is important to make ventilation grilles that will be at a distance of 2 - 3 meters from each other. It is necessary to connect a wooden wall to a brick wall only with the help of metal elements. Many are stopped by the cost of such finishing, which is significantly higher than other similar methods.

Aerated concrete house decoration

Country houses are not only wooden, as it used to be in most cases. Now such material as aerated concrete is widespread, which is successfully used in the construction of country houses.

Usually such houses are plastered or used for their exterior decoration with bricks and tiles.

Important! The external decoration of the walls of the aerated concrete country house is carried out only after the completion of the interior decoration. This is necessary for couples to get out through the walls without restrictions.

Ordinary plaster is unlikely to be suitable for covering the walls of a country house from the outside. Professionals advise choosing mixtures that are water-repellent.

For those who wish to complete the finishing of a country house made of aerated concrete in the shortest possible time, we can offer to do this with porcelain stoneware slabs. They are attached to the lathing or to perfectly flat walls using an adhesive solution.

Now an increasing number of summer residents are choosing a metal profile for the exterior design of their house, which previously served as a finishing material for storage facilities... Manufacturers now offer a lot of varieties of metal profiles, so choosing the right one is not difficult at all. Moreover, this material is perfect for both vertical and horizontal finishing.

It is important not just to create exterior decoration a country house that will appeal to the owner visually, but also one that will be combined with the general landscape and style of the house itself. At the same time, not the last place is given to compatibility with the design of the roof of the house.

Professional designers advise using light shades for houses located in northern latitudes, and cold ones for those built in the south. For a harmonious design external walls country house, it is important to consider these recommendations.

Advice! If it is difficult to decide on the color of the exterior design of the country house, then it would be more correct to apply the one that was used in the interior decoration.

The exterior design of a country house can be carried out independently without the involvement of qualified craftsmen. It is enough just to decide in advance with quality material, by the method of its fastening and carry out work in accordance with the installation instructions corresponding to a particular cladding.


In order for the house to look aesthetically pleasing after the exterior decoration, a number of requirements must be taken into account and the right material must be selected. Only selection and installation in accordance with all the rules can guarantee that the facade of the country house can be operated for a long time without fear of losing its appearance and quality characteristics.

What to choose for facing the facade of a house, which material is better, how long will it last, how much does it correspond to the architectural features of the building and interior decoration? Perhaps these are the main questions that the owner of a private house on final stage construction or major repairs, when the time is right to choose materials for finishing the facade of a private house.

Decorating the house like a person's clothing - protects and decorates

Facade decoration as part of the overall idea - what to look for

Selection of materials for facade decoration depends on many factors. Of course, there is no universal answer to the question of what is the best way to revet the facade of a house. Here are just the main points to consider:

    the facade is the appearance of the building, which forms the impression of its architectural features;

    the exterior of the house should organically fit into the general space of the site, taking into account the rest of the buildings and the landscape;

    the style must correspond to the prevailing national traditions;

    design and materials of external and interior decoration should harmoniously complement each other and work for a common idea;

    the cladding should be carried out using energy-saving technologies.

Installation of insulation is increasingly perceived as a mandatory part finishing works

And the main task that needs to be solved is to keep within a certain budgetary framework.

Classics of style

There are such classic finishing materials for the facades of private houses: brick, wood and plaster. They also use natural stone, but tiles made from it are expensive, so they often choose a modern analogue - facade porcelain stoneware.


This finishing material cannot be called cheap in terms of a one-time investment.

Facade finishing can transform frame house in brick

But taking into account the service life of tens of years, the absence of the need to repair the facade and ease of maintenance, the situation changes to the exact opposite - this is one of the most profitable types of cladding. But it also has its own hierarchy:

    Facing ceramic bricks. The most inexpensive type - the price of a single starts at 7.60 rubles. and can go up to 17 rubles. per piece (depending on the manufacturer's plant and decorative texture front surface). The cost of 1 m2 is in the range of 390-850 rubles.

    Hyper-pressed brick. Price of one building block twice as expensive as ceramic bricks, but this type has its own formats, so it is better to compare prices for 1 m2 of masonry in half a brick. Relatively inexpensive option will cost 900-950 rubles, with a textured surface - twice as expensive.

    Clinker brick. The most durable, but also the most expensive look facing brick industrial production. If you round up the prices a little, then 1 piece. will cost from 20 to 90 rubles, and 1 m2, respectively, will cost 900-4300 rubles.

The variegated Bavarian clinker brickwork gives the house a special chic

    Hand-molded bricks. Like clinker, it is an elite material. Piece cost from 40 rubles. and higher (there are models that are four times more expensive than the lower price). But taking into account different formats, it is better to quote the price of 1 m2, and it starts from 2100 rubles. and can reach the mark of 14,000 rubles.

Prices shown do not include shipping, mortar and labor costs. And if you still carry out insulation, then you need to add on the costs for this part (although this stage is common for most facade cladding technologies).

If you choose hand-molded clinker or brick, then there is an opportunity to save money - choose a domestic manufacturer (the lower price thresholds are indicated for him). But the standard of quality is considered to be products from Germany.

And to dispel claims about the benefits of ceramic tiles under a brick - the price clinker tiles almost does not differ from brick, and the cost of 1 m2 of hand-molded tiles can reach the level of 8,000 rubles. And it all depends on the chosen brand. When choosing a tile, you can only save on the foundation due to the lighter weight of the cladding.

The weight of the tiles is clearly less than that of bricks.

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

Therefore, when it is necessary to choose what to revet the facade of the house with inexpensively and beautifully, it is better to use domestic facing bricks.


This material is also in demand for decoration. country houses in a rustic style, and for modern cottages in the eco-style that is popular today.

Therefore, all types of facade wooden panels are in use:

    Facade lining. It differs from the interior only in thickness (14 mm and above). The cost of 1 m2 depends on the type of wood, grade and humidity. Inexpensive pine lining of natural moisture costs 170-220 rubles, and larch of the "Extra" class will cost 1200-1350 rubles. (which is comparable to the cost of domestic clinker bricks). The width of the panel also affects the price of a "unit of area" - a narrow lining is cheaper.

Sheathing a house with clapboard is one of the most inexpensive and attractive options.

    Imitation of a bar. This is practically the same lining of the "standard" type (with a chamfer), but thicker. The minimum price for 1 m2 of "VS" pine is 220 rubles. (with a thickness of 18 mm), and for class "A" and a thickness of 21 mm you will have to pay one and a half times more. A larch panel with a thickness of 20 mm will cost 800 rubles / m2 (class "AB") and 1400 rubles / m2 (class "Extra").

There are practically no external differences from the usual facade lining in imitation of a bar

    Block house. The difference from the lining is the rounded surface "like a log" (imitation of a log house). Pine with a thickness of 27 mm and a width of 135 mm will cost around 300 rubles / m2 ("BC"), a thickness of 45 mm and a width of 230 mm - 650-750 rubles / m2 ("A"). The same house block made of larch costs on average 2.5 times more.

House block imitates the wall of a log house

    Planken. Another type of sheathing board, but without fastening to each other "thorn-groove". It happens with an oblique and straight profile, and the most characteristic difference is the gap between the panels. It costs approximately the same as an imitation of a bar.

Planken fits perfectly into the modern architectural style


This is the most inexpensive type of facade decoration. But here, too, there are "economy" and "extra" classes:

    Mineral facade plaster based on cement, lime and mixtures thereof. The simplest type of leveling plaster costs from 220-250 rubles. per bag of dry mix weighing 25 kg. At a consumption rate of about 12-15 kg per 1m2 (with a layer thickness of 10 mm), it is necessary to spend only 110-120 rubles per “unit of area”. Plus primer, work and facade paint.

Example of finishing with mineral facade plaster

    Mineral decorative plaster. If you plaster in two layers - basic and decorative, then they also use plaster like "fur coat", "bark beetle" or "pebble". A 25 kg bag costs 360-800 rubles, but due to a thin layer, the consumption is less - from 2.5 kg to 4 kg per 1 m2, and this will increase the price by another 60-120 rubles / m2. In total, about 250-400 rubles / m2 should be spent on all materials for inexpensive finishing of the facade of a house made of mineral plaster. But these are the prices of domestic producers, "foreign" decorative plaster can cost at least 3 times more.

Plaster with "bark beetle" effect is always available in assortment with any type of binder

    Acrylic plaster. It is sold ready-made or diluted to the required consistency with water. Consumption from 1.5 to 3.5 kg / m2 (the thinnest layers can be applied even with a spray gun). Depending on the weight of the package, 1 kg of domestic plaster costs 70-90 rubles. Taking into account the consumption, the cost of finishing materials is in the range of 100-300 rubles / m2. Plus it is necessary to add the costs for the leveling layer of mineral plaster, primer, work and paint.

Acrylic facade plaster looks good not only in one color, but also when combined

    Silicate plaster. Ceresite per kilogram costs 100-120 rubles, which at a consumption rate of 3-3.5 kg / m2 determines the cost of finishing materials at the level of 300-400 rubles / m2 (but this is not a purely silicate binder, but in combination with silicone resins ). And it is more expensive than finishing with acrylic plaster. If you choose a mix of imported production, the cost of finishing doubles.

Silicate plaster with a rough surface is not afraid of temperature drops and high humidity

    Silicone plaster. If you do not take into account the "hybrid" Ceresite and mixtures with a binder in combination with acrylic polymers, then in pure form the most inexpensive facade silicone plaster in terms of a kilogram costs at least 150 rubles, and on average - about 200 rubles. Consumption like the rest decorative coatings, depends on the grain size of the filler (layer thickness), and can range from 2.5 to 4 kg / m2. Therefore, this type is the most expensive - the cost of the finishing coating is 350-800 rubles / m2, and this is already comparable to the price of facing with domestic ceramic bricks.

Colors and textures of silicone plaster allow you to choose it for any artistic idea


This is the general name for a whole group of materials that differ in material of manufacture and performance. Many factors influence the formation of prices, and the range of prices, even in one category, is very large. Therefore, the statement about the low cost of this type of decoration is not entirely correct. Although there is a certain hierarchy here, and the question arises of how to decorate the facade from the presented types of siding:

    Vinyl wall siding. The price of products of a domestic manufacturer starts from 165 rubles / m2 and reaches 500 rubles / m2 (and this is with the same thickness of 1.1 mm). For imported siding, you will have to pay twice as much - up to 1000 rubles / m2.

Vinyl siding - inexpensive and aesthetically pleasing

    Vinyl basement siding. It differs from the wall in greater thickness and high mechanical strength. Therefore, for domestic manufacturers, the price starts from 470 rubles / m2 and reaches 1300 rubles / m2. To buy imported siding, you need to pay 1000-2000 rubles. more.

Clearly about vinyl siding look at the video:

    Metal siding. In terms of price, it doesn't cost much more than vinyl wall siding. Moreover, the cost is influenced not so much by the origin as by the thickness of the metal and the type of coating. But in any case, the range of prices is not so significant. For example, domestic siding 0.4 mm thick with a polyester coating costs from 260 rubles / m2, and Finnish siding 0.5 mm thick and covered with pural will cost 800 rubles / m2.

Metal siding can be made in many textures, including wood imitation. Video example:

    Fiber cement siding and WPC board(wood-polymer composite). Materials of approximately the same cost - 1000-2000 rubles / m2. The main reason for the high cost is imports. But when compared with foreign vinyl basement siding, then this is the same price category.

WPC siding visually does not differ from planken from natural wood, but will last much longer

If the task is how to decorate the facade of the house inexpensively, then domestic-made vinyl or steel siding as part of curtain facade- the most optimal option. Although here, additional costs for accessories will be required (up to 30% of the cost of panels).


The most popular types of facade finishing are given. In principle, in each category there are options that allow you to keep within 500 rubles. at the price of materials per square meter. And you just need to decide which one is better suited to the architecture of the house, landscape and interior decoration.

The design of the cottage inside is as important as the exterior of the building. The dacha is traditionally considered a place of relaxation and unity with nature. Here it does not matter at all whether there is a capital house or country houses made of block containers on the site, the main thing is to ensure coziness and comfort, without which a high-quality suburban vacation is unthinkable.

In this article, we have tried to provide an overview of the most acceptable options for interior decoration.

Preparatory work

When deciding what to decorate the cottage inside, it should be remembered that the specifics of a country house does not provide for regular heating in winter period ().

Moreover, if you plan to visit the site in winter, then the interior decoration of the summer house must withstand sharp drops temperatures during heating.

  • Facing or repairing the cottage inside refers to finishing work and should be carried out after the installation of all plumbing communications and electrical wiring is completed.
  • All work should be started from the back room, if the house is two-story, then from the top floor, gradually moving towards the exit.
  • In the case when there is a possibility of staining the already tiled surface, for example, when plastering, it is better to cover it with plastic wrap.
  • Plastering work, as well as whitewashing or painting, is carried out from top to bottom.
  • Naturally all necessary tool and materials should be prepared in advance.

Finishing options

Before decorating the walls inside the country house, think about how often you are going to change the interior. For a dynamic nature that does not tolerate monotony, it is better to plaster or coat the surface with drywall. If the dacha interior with your own hands inside is done once and for many years, then you can use the clapboard, laminate or plastic panels.

Ceiling cladding

  • The most common option for finishing the ceiling is traditionally considered to be whitewashing or painting. Absolutely any healthy person can make such a cladding. Its price, in comparison with the rest of the options, is the most acceptable, the painting instructions are also familiar to almost everyone from childhood.

Tip: the fastest option is to use a spray gun powered by a household vacuum cleaner, but with this painting, all other surfaces must be covered with foil.

  • The suspended ceiling can be made of plasterboard or stretch ceilings, but in any case, do not forget to leave a few holes around the perimeter to ensure proper ventilation, they can be easily decorated with special plugs. In plasterboard ceilings, the issue of ventilation is solved with the help of built-in lamps.
  • Nowadays, the lining on the ceiling is very popular. Thanks to the mounting brackets and the special shape of the board, the ceiling is sewn up completely, without visible gaps. In this case, the nails are used only for fastening the mounting brackets and are covered with a board.
  • For ecological style or country style, it would be appropriate to use unedged boards... Its rough shapes will give the room the appearance of a forest hut. Only in this case, the board must be sewn in two layers to hide the natural gaps between the planks.
  • Do-it-yourself cottage design inside can be done using so-called breathing beams. If such load-bearing beams on the ceiling, the structure is not provided, then a dummy is made and decorated with a natural wood. They will look especially beautiful on the broken ceiling of the attic.

Wall decoration

  1. V brick houses the arrangement of the dacha inside can be done by plastering. Such a coating will be versatile and durable. Plastered walls can be painted or pasted over with wallpaper, but the process itself requires serious professional skills and such facing will cost a lot.
  2. If a periodic change of scenery is envisaged, then the use of drywall would be the best solution.

This material is of two types.

  • GKL - gypsum plasterboard, consists of alabaster, pasted over on both sides with cardboard, the material is not highly durable and is used more for the installation of ceiling structures. Plus, the gypsum board is afraid of moisture, so it is not suitable for the walls of a country house.

  • GVL is a gypsum fiber sheet, the filler here is also alabaster, but it contains reinforcing fibers for internal reinforcement. Plus, instead of ordinary cardboard, a moisture-resistant cellulose coating is used. You can safely drive nails into such walls and, most importantly, they are not afraid of dampness.
  1. Wall decoration in the country with clapboard is one of the easiest and available options... The material is environmentally friendly. Initially, horizontal guide rails with a pitch of 50 - 70 cm are stuffed onto the walls, the strips are attached to them with mounting brackets. The tree should be pre-treated with an antiseptic, depending on the style of the interior, the lining can be varnished.
  2. In the same way, you can sheathe the walls with laminate, but as in the case of drywall, you need to take a moisture-resistant material.
  3. Plastic panels are currently one of the most popular materials. The installation technology here is almost the same as that of a laminate or wall paneling. But there are many more decor options, plus plastic is currently considered one of the most durable and unpretentious materials.

Tip: you can use wallpaper in the country, but there is a high probability that they will come off due to the temperature difference. Therefore, if you do not plan to re-glue the wallpaper every spring, it is better to just paint the walls with acrylic paint.

How to cover the floor

Initially, it is better to make a rigid screed on the floor from mixtures based on porous materials, such as expanded clay. On such a basis, you can lay a floorboard, laminate or linoleum.

It is better to take a tongue-and-groove floorboard, since after wintering it can lead. As mentioned earlier, only waterproof laminate is taken. But the most practical and easiest to install is linoleum.

Advice: in a beautifully finished dacha it is pleasant not only to relax in the summer, but also to meet the winter holidays. So that the holiday is not overshadowed by a sudden blackout, it is better to purchase a generator or use such a useful service as renting a diesel generator for a summer residence.

The video in this article shows some of the points of arrangement.

Finishing work will have a long-term effect, provided that the materials for the walls, floor and ceiling are correctly selected. The information provided below will acquaint you with the main factors affecting the quality of the interior decoration of a country house with periodic and permanent residence. The article describes all types of finishing materials: plaster, paint and varnish, roll, tile and rack; as well as the main styles of living room decoration.

Living room interior of a country house

Interior decoration: where to start

Most owners of country houses strive to create a comfortable, relaxing atmosphere in their homes. Whether the house will delight you with coziness is largely determined by the choice of wall decoration method. Until a few decades ago, interior decoration consisted of plastering walls; then the walls were painted or covered with wallpaper. Today, the construction market is filled with a variety of finishing materials, and you have every opportunity to create an original design.

When comparing finishes, it is important not to forget about the type of walls in your home, since what they are made of determines the choice of finishing material. The interior decoration of a country house is also carried out taking into account some additional factors, including:

    Seasonality factor... If you visit your dacha in the summer or on weekends, it is likely that the house does not have constant heating. In this case, for finishing, it is worth choosing materials that tolerate high humidity and low temperatures well.

Rustic living room

    Style factor... Certain materials and colors are preferred for different interior styles.

    Time factor... If you don't like frequent renovations, it is better to opt for high-quality finishes in natural shades. If you love change and start renovating every few years, think about budget materials that allow you to do it quickly (plaster, drywall, wallpaper).

    Preparation factor... It is necessary to carefully calculate (and not estimate) the amount of material required. This simple rule will save you from unexpected work stoppages and additional spending(which is very unpleasant).

    Order factor... Finishing internal surfaces counts finishing work... To do it, you should wait until the installation of electrical wiring and plumbing communications is completed.

How often are you ready to repair

The choice of material for a house with periodic residence

The interior decoration of the cottage is carried out taking into account the type of walls, the factor of seasonality and the personal preferences of the owners. If the house is used periodically, the following options will be preferred:

    Brick walls... It is not prohibited to use any kind of finish here. The classic way to give a brick wall a dramatic look is to use wet plaster. It should be remembered that without constant heating, condensation forms on the brick surface; in this case, choose a moisture-resistant cement-based plaster.

    Walls made of foam concrete blocks... Foam concrete is known for its high level of water absorption. This feature cannot be ignored, therefore a primer is applied to the walls in several layers. deep penetration that strengthens the porous substrate and reduces paint consumption. The next step is gypsum plastering and painting with vapor barrier paint.

Installation of sheet plasterboard on foam concrete

    Aerated concrete walls... For their decoration, lining, gypsum plaster, drywall is preferable. In areas with long winters, a layer of thermal insulation will not interfere.

    Frame walls... The surface is sewn up with OSB (multilayer oriented strand board). This will help increase the strength of the wall and improve heat and moisture resistance. The finishing of the cottage inside is done with paint, you can use wallpaper instead.

    Walls made of profiled or glued beams... If you want to improve sound and heat insulation, wall panels, slatted materials and drywall are suitable. Natural wooden walls usually tend to be left intact, covered with wax or varnish, unless the design requires a different solution. You should also remember about the shrinkage of the wooden structure, and do not rush to the finishing until the end of this natural process.

    Log walls, rounded beams... They also do not need special finishing.

Log walls are gorgeous in nature

Wall decoration in a country house with permanent residence

If a family plans to live in a country house all year round, then the possibilities of interior design expand significantly. In this case, the finish is chosen based on the type of building (wall material), the purpose of the room and the allocated budget. To decorate the walls of the premises, you can use the materials of the following groups:

Plastering materials

Plaster can perform two functions: protective and decorative. There are two types of plaster, differing in the technology of execution. The first is wet (monolithic) plaster, a plastic aqueous solution of several components. The second type is dry plaster, produced in the form gypsum boards(GKP), wall and ceiling.

Decorative plastering

Usage wet plaster has several advantages. It allows you to qualitatively level the wall surface, correcting minor defects. Thanks to coloring, you can easily get the desired shade of the coating, which (another plus) will be very durable. The disadvantage can be considered the process of plastering itself - long-term, requiring the maintenance of special conditions in the room until the end of drying. Water-based mixtures are divided into two types:

    Plaster... Depending on the composition, there are cement, lime and gypsum plaster. All of them are used to level the surface, after which the selected finish is applied to the prepared base. Depending on the specifics of the design, this can be wallpaper, tiles, paint or another layer of plaster, this time decorative.

    Decorative plaster... A topcoat that creates the effect of a natural texture on any surface - marble, velvet or leather. Acrylic varieties are popular, intended for protective and decorative treatment in rooms with a high content of water vapor.

Varieties of decorative plaster

    The liquid wallpaper... They are a kind of decorative plaster, used for walls and ceilings in any dry room. The mixture contains natural fibers (cellulose, cotton or silk), high quality dyes, additives (quartz chips, glitter).

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

paints and varnishes

Paints and varnishes finishing materials are the most extensive and demanded group for finishing a summer cottage inside, they are usually divided into the following groups:

    Water based paints... Safe for humans and the environment, they are great for internal works; also have other undeniable advantages: they dry quickly and are odorless.

    Water-based paints... The composition contains synthetic polymers, which does not interfere with diluting them to the required consistency plain water... Due to the wide range (as with water-based paint), they are the most demanded in construction.

Water-based paints are ideal for wood walls

    Oil paints... Although budgetary, it is not the best option for finishing. The composition includes linseed oil, which means a pungent odor, prolonged drying and relative fragility: over time, the paint fades, begins to crack and peel off.

    Emalevthpaintand... For wall decoration in the country they are rarely used because of the persistent pungent odor and the peculiarities of the composition - high toxicity and fire hazard.

    Varnish... The lacquer coating is valued for its spectacular appearance and sufficient wear resistance, therefore it is often used for finishing wooden surfaces. However, the varnish is toxic and fire hazardous; when varnishing walls, care should be taken to ensure good ventilation.

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About the choice paints and varnishes for the interior in the following video:

Tiled materials

This category includes a wide range of building materials... All of them, despite the differences in composition, quality and performance, are widely used for finishing. An impressive list allows you to choose an option for every taste and budget; the tiled group includes:

    Particle boards (chipboard)... They are used as the basis for wall decoration and for the manufacture of subfloors. The boards have limited moisture resistance, which is why they are used mainly in dry rooms (or additionally protected from moisture). Plates are mounted on the lathing or directly on the wall, if it is made of timber.

    OSB boards(oriented strand). Compared with chipboard, they benefit in strength and moisture resistance; they are used in flooring and as a base for any type of facing.

    Plywood... A budget material with decent sound insulation and moisture resistance, which makes it possible to use it for cladding a kitchen and a bathroom. If you are not fond of the natural look of plywood (although it can look quite stylish with proper use), finishing includes painting or wallpapering.

OSB boards in the interior of the room

    Polymer tiles... Proven material renowned for its durability and excellent steam and water resistance; the only limitation is that the tile does not tolerate heat.

    Ceramic tile... A well-proven material that is durable, waterproof, non-flammable and aesthetic. The convenience of ceramics is that it can be used for revealing any surface, from plaster to chipboard and OSB boards. You just need to choose the appropriate glue.

    A natural stone. Perfect option, suitable for both floor and wall decoration (usually partial). Natural stone, be it slate, granite or marble, has a common significant drawback - they cannot be called a budget option.

    Fake diamond ... A worthy replacement for a natural analogue. In the construction market, you can choose a material of any texture and natural color. A tile that imitates a stone can have a different base - cement, acrylic, gypsum or quartz.

Combined finish using artificial stone

Roll materials

Pasting walls with roll materials, among which the most popular are wallpaper, is considered the most inexpensive way of interior decoration. The main thing to do before gluing is to level the walls. Despite the stunning variety of colors and textures, roll materials can be divided into several types:

    Paper wallpaper... They are used for pasting walls and ceilings in all rooms, except for damp ones. On sale are thin single-layer wallpaper (the most budgetary option) and multi-layer non-woven wallpaper. The non-woven backing thickens the material and helps to hide minor surface defects.

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About the types of decorative plaster in the following video:

    Washable (moisture resistant) wallpaper... The top layer provides durability and resistance to water and detergents. This protective and decorative coating is made of vinyl, fiberglass or acrylic; meet wallpaper with cork top layer covered with wax. Washable wallpaper serves in a practical way finishes; they are often used as an alternative to tiles. This material is used to paste over the walls of the kitchen and dining room, hallway and corridors; use in the bathroom is allowed.

    Cork Wallpaper... Textured and environmentally friendly cork wallpaper belongs to the elite finishing materials; they are most often used to decorate living rooms and guest rooms. Wall cork cover made from natural bark of balsa wood improves sound insulation; it can be installed on surfaces with complex shape(convex). There are panel and roll material on sale.

Cork wallpaper in the interior of a country house

    Wallpaper from other plant materials... This wonderful decor with a natural base can completely transform the interior. Vegetable wallpaper, in addition to cork, is made of bamboo, reed, jute. In veneered wallpaper, the base is non-woven or cellulose, and the top (decorative) layer is a thin cut of valuable wood species. Environmental friendliness and design possibilities are somewhat offset by the high cost.

    Film roll materials... Two-layer finishing films with paper base and a top PVC coating, which can be textured (iso-foam and foam). A high-quality, but completely airtight option, which limits its use to technical rooms (storage rooms), corridors, and a bathroom.

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About the choice wall panels in the following video:

Rack materials

Most of the summer cottages are used in the warm season, and in winter they are periodically heated, which negatively affects the wallpaper and plaster. The best solution for interior design there will be rack materials, including:

    Wooden lining... The surface covered with natural wood clapboard is aesthetically pleasing; the material is environmentally friendly, durable and has many color and texture options. Before the start of finishing, the lining is treated with an antiseptic, upon completion of the work, if the style requires it, the walls are varnished or painted.

    PVC panels (plastic lining). A budget replacement for a wooden counterpart, a practical and unpretentious finish, not afraid of high humidity and easy to clean. Despite all the advantages, PVC panels are used mainly for finishing the ceiling of small rooms - they can be seen in the bathroom, kitchen and hallway.

    MDF panels. Inexpensive material, for which you do not have to pre-level the surface of the walls. You can choose from flat or embossed panels, with face decorated with wood veneer or colored polymer film.

Lining in a modern interior

Ceiling and floor decoration in a country house

Popular ceiling finishes include the following:

    Natural array... Ceiling decoration is performed with clapboard, block house or imitation of a bar; both coniferous and deciduous wood are suitable.

    Drywall... With this material, you can perfectly align the ceiling or create a complex multi-tiered structure.

    Stretch ceiling ... Ceilings in the country are increasingly being decorated in this way, which has a lot of advantages: it is installed quickly, has an ideal smooth surface, moisture resistance and allows you to hide irregularities and communications.

Video description

About the interior decoration of a wooden house in the following video:

The floors are finished using the following materials:

    Wood... Eco-friendly, heat-retaining and therefore a common finishing method, indispensable for some interior styles. A budget option is a regular and grooved board, a more refined and expensive one is parquet.

    Ceramic (tile) tiles. A practical choice for use in rooms with high humidity- in the bathroom and kitchen, as well as in the hallway or hall.

    Laminate, carpet... Distributed in suburban housing with year-round living. The variety of colors and textures on the construction market allows you to choose the material for any style.

    Linoleum... Practical and inexpensive finishing floor, which has one limitation - it cannot be laid on a heated floor.

Tiled floor in the kitchen

Decorating a living room in a country house

The interior design of a house is often determined by this largest room in terms of area. The family spends their evenings here, and holidays invite guests; therefore, the design of the living room is chosen especially carefully - after all, it sets the tone for other rooms. For the living room of a country house, one of the following styles is predominantly chosen:

    Classical... This finish is intended to emphasize both the status and the excellent taste of the owners. The walls and floor of the classic living room are sheathed natural wood, which gives the room a luxurious, aristocratic look.

    Rustic... Such trends as country and chalet are united by the possibility of using textured plaster, dark and light lining in wall decoration. Provence style makes it possible to decorate the walls with wallpaper of delicate shades with floral motifs or cover wooden surface light (even white) paint. A large living room can be zoned using multiple styles for visual separation.

Living room in Provence style

    Eclecticism... You can mix different materials, from brick and stone, to bamboo wallpaper or wood and plastic panels. In this way, you can combine a wide variety of styles, for example, loft and oriental, or Provence and modern.


The choice of materials for interior decoration should be approached carefully; this affects the service life of the country house and the frequency of repairs. To achieve a high-quality result, saving a lot of time and resources, it is better to choose materials and sheathing methods that provide not only a decorative, but also a heat-saving effect. This can be helped by the reception of a combined decoration, when various materials and textures are combined in the design of one room.

Represents facade coating the walls of the building, consisting of panels laid on the lathing.

The range of panels is varied: they can be made from various materials and come in a variety of shapes, textures and colors.

Installation of siding is quite simple, its operational period can reach fifty years.

In this article, you will find out how you can sheathe a house from the outside besides siding.

The popularity of siding cladding is primarily associated with its characteristics, which are inherent in this kind material. Siding houses are aesthetically pleasing and very neat.

Distinctive indicators of siding are:

  • Durability of the material;
  • a large assortment;
  • a variety of materials of manufacture (wood, vinyl, metal);
  • ease of care;
  • the presence of an air gap between the wall of the house and the cladding prevents the formation of mold or mildew;
  • quite easy to install;
  • UV resistant;
  • frost-resistant;
  • waterproof;
  • has resistance to mechanical damage.

rather fragile at negative temperature highly flammable and quite flammable.

It requires care during installation, since even with a slight bend, the material cannot be restored: the panel needs to be replaced.


In the presence of disadvantages, the advantages of siding are still much greater, which leads to a rapidly growing interest in this type of cladding.

Siding analogs

In addition to siding panels, it is possible to clad the house with other materials that are no less common in the construction market.

These include:

  • decorative plaster;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • sandwich panels;
  • natural and artificial stone;
  • wood;
  • brick.

Each type of house cladding has its own advantages and disadvantages. Before choosing a cladding option, one should be guided not only by the aesthetic appeal of the material, but also by its technical characteristics.

Decorative plaster

Decorative plaster belongs to budget materials, so it is widespread.

Plaster can be non-aqueous or non-aqueous.... Mineral plaster is popular, which is made on the basis of cement and additional components.

Decorative plaster can be polymer, silicone or silicate.


The material is presented in the form of a dry mixture, and for application this mixture must be diluted with water. Various colors and admixtures can be added to the plaster mixture to achieve the desired color and effect.

The advantages of decorative plaster are:

  • lack of toxic fumes;
  • high adhesion ability;
  • long shelf life of dry mix;
  • no special care required;
  • ease of manufacture and application;
  • does not absorb dirt;
  • big variety color solutions, textures;
  • vapor permeability of the material provides a comfortable microclimate in the room;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • good sound and heat insulation properties.

The plaster perfectly withstands atmospheric and mechanical influences.

Decorative plaster has disadvantages, but they are not decisive when choosing a cladding:

  • in the absence of a reinforcing mesh, plaster is prone to chips and cracks;
  • repair work must be carried out at temperatures above + 5 ° C;
  • the cost of decorative plaster is much higher than usual.

When using decorative plaster, you should follow the recommendations for its application.

Creating a textured relief requires professionalism and a lot of time.

Decorative plaster

Porcelain stoneware

Porcelain stoneware is a compressed and fired clay mixture with the addition of quartz, feldspar and natural-based dyes.

The main quality of the material is strength.

Porcelain stoneware is produced in the form of slabs of various thicknesses, textures and colors. It has properties that are not inferior to natural stone.

The main indicator of the color, structure and texture of a material is its composition, which includes manganese, chromium, iron, zirconium or cobalt salt. The surface can be matte, polished, embossed, sanded or glazed.

The features of porcelain stoneware are:

  • high strength;
  • durability;
  • independence from weather changes;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • no fading;
  • soundproofing;
  • thermal insulation;
  • fire safety and protection of walls from fire;
  • resistance to microorganisms;
  • ease of installation;
  • with a ventilated facade, a comfortable microclimate is provided.

The aesthetic appearance of a building made of porcelain stoneware is provided due to the textured color of the material, it is easy to maintain and easy to repair.

The disadvantages of porcelain stoneware are the heavy weight of the slabs, due to which it is required solid foundation buildings and load-bearing walls and high cost.

Porcelain stoneware

Sandwich panels

Sandwich panels are a thin aluminum sheet with a heat-insulating layer. They are used to decorate office, administrative, sports and social facilities.

Panels are glossy, matte, varnished with color coatings, and also processed with powder or polymer mixtures.

The advantages of sandwich panels are:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • soundproofing;
  • good thermal protection;
  • a light weight;
  • resistance to corrosion and decay;
  • ease of installation;
  • durability;
  • low cost.

Sandwich panels are easy to install and the structure itself is not heavy, which does not require additional reinforcement of the walls.

  • the possibility of the presence of fire-hazardous heaters in the panels;
  • limited assortment;
  • areas of joints during installation are required to be pasted over with a special sealing tape.


The installation of sandwich panels should be entrusted to professionals, since minor mistakes can reduce the thermal insulation qualities of the cladding.

Particular attention should be paid to the places where the slabs are connected.

Sandwich panels

Natural and artificial stone

Facade stone can be natural, which is classified by rock, and artificial, which is an imitation of a natural rock or organic mineral.

Natural stone

There are several types of stone cladding for masonry:

  • "From the plate";
  • Castle;
  • "Plateau";
  • Shakhriar;
  • "Assol";
  • Rondo.

Texture natural stone can be granite, marble, limestone, slate, sand.

The advantage of natural stone cladding is durability and strength... The material is environmentally friendly, frost-resistant and fireproof.

Natural stone cladding requires processing protective equipment to prevent the formation of salts on its surface.

The disadvantage of natural stone cladding is its cost and severity.

Natural stone

Fake diamond

It is produced by mixing polymer and mineral components, which are poured into molds and hardened under a vibrating press.

It happens:

  • clinker;
  • concrete;
  • architectural;
  • polymer sand;
  • resin-based;
  • ceramic.

Artificial stone has similar characteristics natural material, but much easier.

Compared with natural stone, the resistance of artificial to external influences is much less, in connection with which the service life is reduced.

Fake diamond

Cassette facade

Cassette fronts are facing material in the form of slabs. Cassettes can be composite and metal... The design of the structure is worked out by a computer method, based on the shape, size of the building and the material of the cassettes.

Small cassettes are made of aluminum. For large forms use composite materials.

Cassettes differ in color, size and texture.

Positive characteristics of the cassette facade:

  • strength;
  • resistance to atmospheric and mechanical influences;
  • resistant to corrosion;
  • ease of construction;

A high degree of decorativeness provides individuality to any building equipped with cassettes.

A significant disadvantage of this type of facade improvement is its high cost.

Cassette facade


Wood is used as cladding to give the home a natural look.

Wood can be used modern species cladding:

  • lining;
  • block house;
  • facade board (planken);
  • imitation of a bar.

The lining is solid board... Has a different quality class. Differs in ease, availability and low cost.

Block house is a high-strength material, which is a covering in the form of a bar... It is classified by color, texture.

Facade board is a profile material that resembles siding panels. The peculiarity of the installation lies in the technology of the permissible distance between the boards to ensure ventilation.

Imitation of a bar looks like a board... It is mounted using the tongue-and-groove technology.

The advantages of wood are environmental friendliness, non-toxicity and good thermal and sound insulation properties.

A significant drawback of the tree is its susceptibility to decay and fragility. However, with regular processing of a wooden facade, its service life is significantly increased.


The brickwork that is used to clad the building is designed to give the building strength and protect the internal load-bearing wall.

The structure of facing brick can be:

  • ceramic;
  • clinker;
  • silicate;
  • hyperpressed.

Brick on the front surface is classified into:

  • smooth;
  • raised;
  • glazed;
  • engobed.

Brickwork can be different color, and the material itself differs not only in texture and composition, but also in color.

The main advantages of brick cladding are strength, resistance to external influences, and protection of the house.

In addition, the brick has:

  • fire resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • frost resistance and low thermal conductivity.

The disadvantage of brick cladding is its considerable weight. In addition, the price of bricks is quite high.


Thus, quite a few alternative options cladding, in addition to siding panels, can be used for facade decoration. It is possible to determine what exactly is suitable in a particular case, based on the price, characteristics of the material, the ability to mount it yourself, as well as in accordance with design ideas.

Useful video

In this video, we will consider all the analogues of siding:

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