Primrose long-term planting and care. Diverse primroses: garden groups, species, varieties

The genus Primula (Primula) includes about 500 species and belongs to the family of primroses (Primulaceae). Most varieties of wild primrose can be found in temperate latitudes. They gladly occupy meadow spaces and river banks. The rocky terrain is also suitable for primroses; more than 200 species of them live in the Himalayas.

The name of the genus comes from the word primus - in Latin the first. The vast majority of species are garden perennial plants, and only a few representatives belong to shrubs and evergreens... The cultural form of primrose has been mentioned for a long time, even in the Middle Ages it was widely used to decorate gardens. Some varieties (for example, P. vulgaris) have gained recognition in the culinary business.

Garden perennial primrose in floriculture

Any garden can boast of places where nothing grows normally. Such plots seem to be made for primroses. Having picked up varieties that are undemanding to the conditions, it is easy to refine problem areas. The most decorative among the unpretentious primroses are the following types: tall, Japanese, fine-toothed, ear. Primroses bloom from April to June, some varieties bloom throughout the summer season.

Primroses are simply irreplaceable for shady and boggy gardens. They are amazingly hardy, unpretentious, look spectacular both in single and in group plantings.

These perennials have found application not only in gardens, they are widely used to decorate city parks and squares, as well as to equip adjoining territories.

The main varieties and types of ordinary and decorative

Perennial primroses are very diverse, consider the most common of them.

1. Ear. They appeared as a result of crossing two other primroses: P. Hirsuta and P. Auricula. They are distinguished by shiny leathery evergreen leaves, above which an umbrella of beautiful flattened flowers rises. Three groups are distinguished among them:

  • alpine;


  • decorative;


  • curbs.


2. Candelabra. Tall, multi-tiered, up to 1m in height. The name of these primroses perfectly reflects them. appearance... They prefer damp, shady places; for the winter, many of them require shelter. The most famous are:

  • Japanese (P. japonica), one of those rare primroses that prefer the sun, height 45-50 cm.


  • Bulley (P. bulleyana).

  • P. pulverulenta. Differs in white bloom on the leaves.

  • Harlow Carr, are self-seeding, have bright juicy colors.

3. Fine-toothed (Denticulata). A low (about 30cm) Asian variety that tolerates Russian frosts well. The multi-colored flowers are collected in round inflorescences, crowning absolutely bare peduncles.

Plant propagation methods: by seeds and dividing the bush

Reproduction of garden primrose is carried out both by seeds and by dividing the bush. Seeds are sown in boxes at the end of February, wrapped in foil and placed in a cold place. At the end of March, the containers are transferred to heat and await germination. Young seedlings should be protected from the sun. In the ground, seedlings are planted with the appearance of two true leaves after 15-20 cm between the bushes.

Primrose seeds do not germinate well, so only a fresh crop of seeds is suitable for sowing.

The first flowers grown from primrose seeds will appear only after 1-2 years. To get early flowering, it is better to propagate primroses by dividing the bush. How it happens, you can find out from this article.

Features of planting and growing

Planting primrose is not difficult. She does not love bright sun and arid places. Florists are often interested in the question of when to plant a bush. Usually, after three years, the primrose grows strongly and loses its decorative properties: the inflorescences become small and lose their former splendor. The transplant is performed in early spring or in the second half of August by dividing the bush.

If you choose a cool day for work and evening time, then planting and transplanting primroses can be done during the entire growing season.


Primroses do not need special care if certain conditions are met. They love partial shade and thrive on fertile soils of weak acidity or neutral. In the fall, you should not cut off the leaves - with them, the plants tolerate wintering more easily, and evergreen varieties are perfectly preserved under the snow. In the spring, when young shoots appear, old leaves can be carefully trimmed.


In sunny places, primroses survive only in conditions of constant humidity. Even a short-term drying out of the soil can lead to a stop of flowering or the death of plants.

To retain moisture at the roots, leaf humus is added to the soil during planting. In this case, liquid stagnation is also undesirable. When watering plants, care must be taken that moisture does not get on the leaves. The least picky about soil moisture is the akaulis variety, and the most sensitive in this regard are candelabra primroses.


Heavy clay soils not suitable for growing primroses, they are diluted with sand - one bucket per sq / m. Also for these purposes, vermiculite, chopped sphagnum moss and complex organic fertilizers(up to 20 kg per sq / m.) If desired, the nutrient mixture can be completely replaced upper layer soil.

Organic fertilizer for the garden

In light poor soils, they must bring organic species fertilizers 15-20 kg per sq / m (5 kg of humus, 10 kg of leaf or compost soil, 5 kg of weathered peat). For abundant flowering you can add 20 g of potassium and phosphorus and 15 g nitrogen fertilizers... After such treatment, the soil will become sufficiently nutritious and retain the necessary moisture. What a Wisteria flower looks like can be seen in the photo in this


In more detail, the subtleties of caring for garden primrose are shown in the form below.

Disease and pest control

Primroses are quite hardy plants, but it cannot be said that they are not at all susceptible to disease. Most often, primroses are affected by the following diseases:

Downy mildew

On outside leaves form yellow-brown spots with a vague outline, and inner side covered with a spiderweb bloom. The temperate climate and high humidity create ideal conditions for the spread of infection. For the prevention of false powdery mildew it is necessary to systematically remove weeds.

If the disease has already appeared, then the heavily damaged plants are removed from the flower garden, and the leaves of healthy primroses are treated with copper oxychloride. Seed treatment and mandatory crop rotation are also practiced.

Gray rot

This disease affects not only the leaves of primroses, but also flowers. They are covered with a velvety gray coating. The disease occurs and progresses in conditions of excess nitrogen and moisture in the soil. The infection remains in the affected areas of plants and is carried by ants or water. To prevent the flower garden from becoming infected again, the affected parts are destroyed. And healthy flowers are periodically sprayed with a Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride. Places of the greatest accumulation of ants-carriers are watered with a solution of the drug "Anteater" - 1 ml per 10 liters of water.

Gray mold primrose

Powdery mildew

The outer side of the leaves is covered with a creamy white bloom, which is mycelium and spores. Gradually, the fruiting bodies of the mycelium are formed on the affected areas - black dots that can winter on plant debris. Against powdery mildew, flowers are sprayed with the drug "Cumulus" at the rate of 50-70 g per 10 liters of water. Alternatively, you can use a solution of colloidal sulfur - 50-100 g per 10 liters of water. Severely damaged plants are removed from the flower garden.

Leaf damage with powdery mildew


The disease manifests itself in the form of yellowish even spots on the leaves, which then change color to brownish-gray. Below, under the spots, a light bloom of the mycelium is formed. Control methods: damaged areas of the leaves are removed, the purified plant is treated with oxychloride.

Damage to the plant by ramularia


The main harm to primroses is caused by snails and slugs. There are special baits to get rid of them, but they are poisonous to pets and birds. If you have pets, it is better to collect pests by hand.

Garden slug

In the southern latitudes, primroses are threatened by another pest - the furrowed beetle, a representative of the family of weevils. Sexually mature individuals feed on leaves and lay larvae that live in the root system of the plant. Over time, the infected primrose dies. Harsh chemicals are used to combat this pest.

Furrowed beetle

Cold hardiness, unpretentiousness and long flowering period make primrose indispensable for cool and humid climates. A wide variety of perennial primroses will allow you to choose suitable grade for any corner of your garden. Primroses look spectacular in group plantings on lawns, in flower beds and garden vases, on rocky hills and in artificial reservoirs. Others can become good neighbors for cultural primroses shade-loving plants: hosta, hydrangea, geychera, badan, garden geranium, foxglove and other inhabitants of natural gardens.

Perennial primrose - garden culture characterized by diversity beautiful flowers, unpretentious nature and early flowering.

Due to the fact that the plant does not require special care and at the same time has outstanding aesthetic qualities, the primrose has gained immense popularity not only among landscape designers, but also among ordinary amateur gardeners. And how many affectionate names for this plant the people came up with - these are keys, and talismans of happiness, and Easter flowers, and lambs.

Perennial primrose flower description

Primrose, or primrose, belongs to the Primroses family. This is insane beautiful perennial flower blooming in early spring. In the wild, there are more than 500 species of primrose, common in Asia, America and Europe.

There is a plant in forests, mountainous areas and plains on moist, humus-rich soil. Some rare species primroses are included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. These include primrose primrose, Julia, Darial, Berengi.

Primrose advantages:

  • pleasant aroma;
  • early abundant and long flowering;
  • variety of shapes and colors;
  • winter hardiness;
  • fast reproduction;
  • decorative foliage (until late autumn).

If you collect in your collection different types primrose - flowers will delight with their beauty from early spring to late summer. There are varieties that bloom twice a season - in spring and autumn.

Early primroses bloom in spring almost immediately after the snow melts. Duration of flowering - until the end of May. Perennial primroses are used as decorative culture in any flower beds, borders, ridges, on alpine coaster.

From their group plantings, a picturesque, very bright carpet is formed. If you want a beautiful garden to appear on your windowsill in March, plant primrose in pots in the fall. Also, the flower is used to decorate flowerpots and containers.

Primrose - planting and care in the open field

Almost all primroses prefer fertile, humus-rich soils. Although primroses carry straight sunlight and drought, yet they grow and develop best at moderate humidity in the light partial shade of trees.

Although the flower makes some requirements for self-care, however, the plant cannot be called capricious. Moreover, among the variety of varieties, there are absolutely unpretentious varieties and hybrids... They are not striking in their brightness, but their delicate color is noticeable from any corner of the garden.

For example, this is a large-cup primrose, spring, ordinary. These varieties will grow even in cool and rather humid climates. The soil for planting should be good drained, nutritious and loose.

How primrose reproduces

Cuttings. Breeding method root cuttings suitable for most varieties of primrose. First, you need to make a longitudinal incision on top of the spine (up to 1.5 cm) in order for the kidneys to form.

Then plant the cuttings in light, loose soil, to a depth of 2.5-3 cm. Now you only need to provide the traditional flower care.

Seed propagation... This method is considered less effective, since primrose seeds ripening in July-August before sowing (until spring) lose their germination by about 30%.

Therefore, it is better to sow them immediately after ripening in containers or in open ground. When sowing in autumn, seedlings will appear after 2-3 weeks, while in spring germination of seeds will take much longer (up to 1 month).

If the cultivation of a flower is planned in a greenhouse, sowing is carried out at the beginning of February. Sprinkle the seeds on the surface of the soil (5 pieces are enough for 1 cm), lightly tamp the soil and cover with foil.

Seed germination can be accelerated by sprinkling snow on the crops for two days. After emergence, the film should be opened slightly. Flowers need to protect from direct sunlight. After 1.5 weeks, the film can be removed completely, but it is very important to keep the soil moist.

Since primrose seedlings grow very slowly, you will have to be patient. In addition, before sowing a primrose, you should familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of the variety: some should be germinated in the dark, others in the light.

After the formation of 2-3 true leaves, the seedlings dive or immediately transplanted into open ground... The distance between plants is determined by the size of a particular variety and varies from 10 to 30 cm. You need to calculate so that the rosettes of adult primroses do not come into contact with each other. Young plants bloom 2-3 years after planting.

Dividing the bush- a good way to rejuvenate the plant, otherwise the primrose will begin to weaken and lose the splendor of flowering. The procedure is best carried out for 3-5 years of plant life, when the bushes grow. This should be done immediately after flowering or in August.

First, you need to water the area with the plant, then dig out the bush, and carefully shaking off the roots from the ground, rinse them in water. Using a knife, divide the plant into several parts.

Be sure to leave the resume point! Sprinkle the cut with soil. So that the delenka does not dry out, you need to plant it as soon as possible. In the next 2 weeks, the transplanted plants need regular watering.

Perennial garden primrose care

When caring for a plant, the following rules must be observed:

Primroses in landscape design

The garden primrose is distinguished by a variety of species. And when a good combination different varieties, you will get a magnificent garden blooming from April to August. The plant looks great in a bed, it can be used for decorating rocky hills and corners, as well as plant colorful bushes on the lawn.

Small artificial reservoirs look gorgeous, near which fragrant Alpine and Sikkim primroses grow. Garden paths, along which a collection of brightly colored plants is placed, will give the plot an unusual flavor.

Tulips, low irises, muscari, thorn-shaped phlox, daffodils and soapwort are suitable as primrose "neighbors". Often, primroses are planted in garden containers and flowerpots. to decorate the surrounding area and at home.

Landing options

First option... The primrose will look good among the sparsely planted peonies, which will pick up the flowering baton from the primrose and hide its unattractive dried foliage.

Second option... Primroses feel good (especially with abundant moisture during dry periods) next to the snapdragon on the northern side of the alpine hill, where direct sun is only at noon.

The third option... A large amount of snow accumulated over the winter near clematis will "please" primrose very much in the spring, so both of these plants complement each other well.

Fourth option... Just next to the sorrel, in the garden, in a bunch.

So that after all the work in planting and caring for the primrose you will not be disappointed, try to first study all the features of a particular species, since the requirements for different varieties may differ significantly.

The primrose is the very first to bloom in your spring garden, therefore its name is translated from Latin as the first, early. If you decide to diversify your landscape design with primroses, first you will have to revise a lot of photos, because the primrose has more than 500 varieties. However, cultivation and reproduction in open ground most of them will only bring you pleasure.

Description of primrose: varieties and varieties

Primrose is prized for its vibrant colors. different shades, some varieties have a pleasant smell, and even primrose leaves can be eaten. Although primrose varieties are numerous, not all of them are grown in the gardens.

Garden types can be divided into:

  • umbrella;
  • cushion;
  • capitate;
  • tiered;
  • candelabra;
  • bell-shaped.

Any owner in the garden has a plot on which nothing can be planted. Nothing grows there. It is best to plant primroses on such sites, because among them there are such unpretentious varieties that they grow absolutely anywhere, wherever you plant them. And maybe they will not be the brightest flowers in your flower bed, but they will invariably delight you with fresh spring greenery. For this, spring primrose or common primrose is well suited. The same practically undemanding, but brighter and more spectacular are the fine-toothed and auricular primroses.

Primroses bloom early, in April, and bloom until July. And some of the varieties bloom again in late summer.

Planting a plant

In order to start breeding primrose seeds, you must first decide what time of year to plant. Three periods are suitable for this.

For sowing primrose seeds, it is better to select one that is protected from direct sunlight. Primrose though unpretentious plant but prefers light nutritious soils. Often seeds are sown in special beds, in which flowers receive more comfortable conditions growing before disembarking them in their permanent habitat.

Plant care

Primrose, planting and caring for which does not cause much trouble, will be grateful to you for simple loosening of the earth, timely removal of weeds and, of course, regular watering. If you want to extend the flowering period of primroses, cut off already faded flower stalks so that they do not take away nutrients at the plant. If you are planning to collect seeds, then a few peduncles will be enough.

Growing primrose is best done in shaded areas because the sun's rays will shorten the flowering time of the plant. In hot periods, primroses need active watering and shading. For the winter, primrose must be covered with a layer of dry leaves.

Fertilizing and feeding primrose

Despite all its unpretentiousness, primroses will react well to feeding with rotted organic matter. During flowering, just before the opening of the buds, you can use an aqueous 1% solution of complex fertilizer, but if you use it when the buds are not yet visible, all the power will go to the leaves.

After flowering, you can add mineral fertilizer as aqueous solution... This will help the flowers gain strength for the next year and create new flower buds.

Plant propagation

In addition to sowing with seeds, these flowers can be propagated by dividing the bush, cuttings and rooting shoots.

Division of the bush. Primrose bushes are divided for the third year, and some varieties are not earlier than the fifth year of growth. In the spring before flowering or in autumn, after the bloom has faded, the plant is dug up and the roots are completely cleared of the earth.

Advice. In order not to damage root system you can simply rinse the roots with water.

With a sharp knife, the root must be divided into several parts so that each division has a renewal bud, a sufficiently developed root system and a rosette of leaves. Places of cuts must be immediately sprinkled with ash, avoiding drying out, and planting the plant back into open ground or a pot as soon as possible. It is necessary to water the delenki daily for two weeks, and if the division was carried out in the fall, then better plants cover for the winter.

Propagation by cuttings. For this type of reproduction of primroses, it is necessary to choose the largest bushes and separate from them some of the already formed thick roots. On the separated cuttings, longitudinal cuts are made in the upper part. This will help the buds grow faster. Cuttings are planted 3-4 cm deep and cared for in the usual way.

Rooting. This method is perfect if the roots of the plant are still weak and the rosettes have not yet developed enough for division. The petiole with the bud must be removed at the very base of the root. In this case, the sheet plate itself is recommended to be reduced by a third. The separated petiole with a part of the shoot must be planted in a specially prepared mixture of sand and earth. A pot with a stem is placed in a bright, but protected from direct sunlight, and the ambient temperature is maintained at 16-18 degrees. When shoots appear from the bud, they must be planted in different pots and planted in open ground as soon as the weather conditions are suitable.

Diseases and pests

Primrose has a fairly strong immunity to all kinds of diseases. However, some of them can still infect your plant.

The most unpleasant for primrose is the fungus Ramularia cercosporella. This disease can be recognized by the spots on the leaves of the plant. They most often appear at the very end of spring. The spots that appear on the leaves have an angular or round shape and a pale color, but later they acquire a gray or brown color with a yellow border. In case of defeat by this disease, it is necessary to urgently remove the infected leaves, and treat the plants with Bordeaux liquid or specialized products from the store. For prophylaxis, plants can be sprayed with 1% nitrafen solution in the spring.

Pests such as slugs, nematodes and spider mites can grow in too dense primrose thickets.

Advice. Regularly inspect plants for pests and diseases in order to get rid of the problem in a timely manner, preventing infestation of a large number of adjacent flowers.

Primrose: combination with other plants

As neighbors, primroses are almost ideal, because for the most part these are delicate plants that are simply not able to crush a neighbor. They will grow where there is space without displacing other crops from the garden. It is necessary to choose neighbors for this flower from the same lovers of humid shaded places.

Primrose in landscape design

Since there are a lot of species and varieties of primrose, growing and caring for them is simple, this flower is a big favorite of landscape designers. Many consider primroses to be warmer and more attractive than the same tulips or daffodils. For the garden, primrose is just a godsend, because combining different types of these plants can be achieved in the garden continuous flowering from April to August.

Primrose looks very impressive when decorating artificial reservoirs against the background of purple leaves of water lilies. These flowers in various bright colors are placed along the borders and paths, giving them an unusual flavor. A frequent visitor is the primrose in the shaded corners of the garden, as well as on alpine slides and rockeries in the shade of coniferous trees.

Primroses are often grown in pots and vases to decorate terraces and houses. Some varieties are grown for cutting.

Primrose is the perfect flower for any garden. Ease of growing, unpretentious care, great amount species and varieties will allow anyone, even the most whimsical gardener, to choose a flower to their liking. A bright palette of all colors and shades will not allow your flower garden to look boring from mid-spring to autumn.

How to grow primrose in the garden: video

Primrose varieties: photo

- a welcome guest of many gardens. At correct fit, skillful cultivation, reproduction and care from early spring in the open field on your site will spread a bright carpet. Make it from varieties of different shades that this primrose is rich in.

Description of primrose: varieties and varieties

Herald of Spring, the first plant in the garden is the primrose. Planting and caring for it requires knowledge and skills, since different varieties the requirements are different. In total, primrose has about 500 species, not counting varieties and hybrids. They are classified in different ways, distinguishing sections and groups.

Of all the variety in landscape design, the following primroses are most often used:

  • high - grows up to 30 cm;
  • fine-toothed - with a ball-shaped inflorescence;
  • polyanthus - with corrugated leaves.

The palette of primrose shades is very diverse: white-yellow, blue-yellow, raspberry-yellow, etc.

Planting a plant

The best place for primroses is in a shady area. But some alpine species do well in the sun. The soil should be acidic or slightly alkaline. In heavy soil, you need to add sand and organic matter.

The well should be watered before planting. Depending on the size of the variety, the distance between the bushes is from 15 to 30 cm. There should be no gaps between the sockets. The soil near the plant is compacted and watered.

Advice. Plant primrose in cool, cloudy weather. The plant should not be in bloom.

Plant care

The soil around the primrose should be moist at all times. Watering frequency is 2 times a week, more on hot days. Avoid getting moisture on the leaves. Make sure that the water does not stagnate: primrose can rot.

The soil must be dry before wintering. The plant itself is covered with leaves in the fall, with a layer of at least 10 cm.If the primrose roots are slightly exposed, add earth. Remove weeds and loosen the soil regularly.

Attention! Study the properties of the species you want to grow. The peculiarities of planting and care will depend on this.

Fertilizing and feeding primrose

During the dormant period, when the primrose does not bloom, fertilization is not necessary. Feed the plants 2-3 times per season:

  1. In early spring - a mineral complex.
  2. Use organic in June.
  3. Add ammonium nitrate in August.

The last feeding can be replaced with superphosphate and potassium. They are believed to increase the winter hardiness of primroses. For 10 liters of water, take 20 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium. You can use these fertilizers during other dressings.

Reproduction of primrose

Usually this perennial primrose is bred using seeds, rosettes or dividing a bush.

Reproduction by rosettes(cuttings). In May-June, cut rosettes with pieces of root and plant in a shaded garden. Root them in a permanent location next spring.

Reproduction by dividing the bush. It is required in early spring or summer for 3-5 years of primrose life, since by this time the bush usually grows. The root must be divided into parts with rosettes or buds. Before transplanting, the bush needs watering. Do not let it dry out during the entire procedure.

Reproduction by seeds. The most difficult way that requires knowledge and skills. Primrose is sown in open ground:

  • in the spring. In February, seedlings are planted in a greenhouse, they are transferred to the site when the snow melts;
  • summer. The seeds are planted as soon as they ripen in capsules. When planting and nursing during this period, it is important to monitor a sufficient amount of moisture;
  • in October-December. Sowing in winter is considered the most effective.

Advice. If you are sowing primrose for seedlings, pre-soak the seeds in the cold. When sowing directly into open ground, you can often do without this, but it all depends on the variety.

Diseases and pests

One of the disadvantages of this primrose is its susceptibility to numerous diseases. Most often, primrose suffers from:

Of the pests, the primrose is annoyed:

Advice. If any diseases and pests are found, it is better not just to remove damaged plants, but to burn them. Preventive care of the rest of the bushes is to treat them with a solution copper sulfate or bordeaux liquid.

Perennial primrose: combination with other plants

This primrose looks good under tall bushes. Harmonious in combination with hosts, ferns, astilbe, geyher. Dwarf conifers make a good company to him. You can create a picturesque ensemble of primrose and irises, marigold, soapwort (saponaria), ornamental cereals.

This plant gets along well with other primroses. It gets along without any problems with daffodils, muscari, tulips. When landing, you can experiment with colors, for example, combine pink primrose with purple weigela or barberry leaves. Yellow or orange flowers it will well set off the nearby Heuchera, for example, the "Caramel" variety.

Perennial primrose in landscape design

Due to its brightness and color variety, perennial primrose is actively used in landscape design. By combining different varieties, you can create a beautiful bright flower bed... It will bloom from April until the end of summer. Decorate your lawn, rock garden or rockery with these primroses.

You can decorate ponds with primrose, creating small neat compositions. Landscaping experts recommend planting the plant along garden paths and in rabatkas (narrow flower beds rectangular), near fences and fences. Often this primrose is grown not only in the open field, but also in flowerpots or containers. They are placed near the gazebos, near the entrance, etc.

Having planted a primrose, you can no longer imagine your site without this magnificent primrose. A huge selection of varieties and colors will awaken your imagination and desire to create, inspiring you to create unique compositions in your garden.

Primrose in the garden: video

Varieties of perennial primrose: photo

Primula is a flower from the primroses family. it perennial blooming in early spring. More than 500 species of primroses are known, common in different areas: forests, plains, mountainous terrain, the main condition for distribution is moist, humus-rich soil.

Popular varieties of perennial primrose

More often grown in gardens hybrid varieties, sometimes bred wild. The most common of them are the following:

- grows in the Crimea and the Caucasus. Flowers yellow color with a purple center, large, light green leaves, short trunk. Blooms in late April.

- the flowers are bright, with an orange center in the center, the inflorescence is umbrella. Blooms during the month, from the end of April. The most common are hybrids with large, double flowers of different shades.

- loves partial shade. Varieties and its hybrids are grown, mainly two-colored. Umbellate inflorescence, blooms in May-June, blooms for less than a month.

- Auricula hybrid. The flowers are large, beautiful, color from milky white to dark brown.

- the inflorescence looks like a ball, the flowers are lilac, pink, purple, dark purple, rarely pure white. Blooms for a month in April. In summer, after flowering, it resembles a fern.

- flowers are pale yellow, with a dark middle. Blooms in April-May, blooms for more than a month. The tall primrose has many hybrids of different colors.

Primula cortex- flowers are pink, light purple, collected in an umbrella inflorescence. Leaves are ovoid, serrated, with a pile. It blooms twice - in May and August - September.

Primula Julia- a miniature species with a height of only 10 cm. In April, it blooms with pink-purple flowers, blooms until mid-May. It is one of the species that grows in open areas.

Planting and caring for primrose

Perennial primrose when planting requires compliance with several rules, the same applies to flower care.

Choosing a seat for landing

The right place for boarding - deposit successful flowering and longevity of primrose. This plant prefers slightly shaded areas, while well ventilated. You can put them under fruit tree or a shrub on which foliage blooms late.

In places open to the sun, the primrose in the garden feels uncomfortable. It blooms as usual, but by the middle of summer its leaves dry up, and by autumn the plant weakens and the next year it may not bloom.

Did you know? There is a legend about the origin of primrose. The Apostle Peter, having learned that the spirits excommunicated from paradise had forged the keys to the gates of paradise, dropped his bunch of keys. Flowers grew in the place of their fall. For a long time, the primrose has been called the Peter's Keys.

Watering and fertilizing the soil

Before planting, you need to add humus or compost, mineral fertilizer to the soil and dig up the soil to a depth of at least 30 cm.If you have loamy soil on your site, add sand to it.

It is important to know how to properly plant primroses. Medium-sized species should be planted at a distance of 30 cm, larger ones 40-50 cm. Watering is carried out regularly so that the soil is always moist. After watering, the soil must be loosened and mulched.

During development, primrose responds well to the introduction of bird droppings. During flowering, fertilizers for primrose are desirable from potash, phosphorus and nitrogen compounds. You need to feed it three times: in spring, at the beginning of summer and at the end.

Preparing plants for winter

Majority garden primroses do not need transplanting for the winter, but hybrid varieties are less frost-resistant. It is advisable to dig them up and remove them on winter storage into the room.

Frost-resistant plants are prepared as follows: at the end of autumn, add humus under the bushes. This will protect the plant root system from frost. If there is not enough snow in your area, the primrose should be covered with spruce branches.

Important! You can not trim the leaves of the plant in the fall: the leaves are the natural protection of the primrose from wind and frost. Pruning is recommended in early spring.

Primrose breeding options

Before propagating primrose, consider a couple of nuances. When propagated by seeds, wild flowers retain all their characteristics, and garden hybrids with this method do not inherit properties. Therefore, hybrid plant species are best propagated vegetatively.


Planting primrose seeds happens late autumn. Seeds are sown to a depth of half a centimeter in boxes or directly into the soil. On open ground can be sown in spring.

Seedlings with two or three leaves are planted at a distance of 15 cm. After a while, the grown plants are planted in a shady place for a permanent period.

Seedlings need regular watering.

Attention! Seed-grown primroses grow much slower and require more maintenance. This should be taken into account when starting seed reproduction primroses.


Let's figure out how to grow a primrose cuttings. At the base of the root collar, separate the part of the shoot with the petiole, leaf and bud. The leaf blade is cut in half. The stalk is planted in a prepared composition consisting of sheet soil and sand in equal parts.

Optimal conditions for rooting: temperature + 17 ° С, good lighting, but no direct sunlight, moderately moist soil. As soon as three leaves appear, the primrose is transplanted into a pot with a diameter of 10 cm.

If you don't know how to grow a primrose at home, as a flowerpot, use this method. The plant is planted in the garden with warming and the onset of conditions comfortable for primrose in open areas.

Dividing the bush

For division take an aged plant three years, not less. A well-grown bush gives up to six divisions, they should have well-developed roots and a couple of leaves. The separated sprouts are planted early autumn before the onset of the first frost. In intense heat, delenki require additional daily watering.

The use of primrose in landscape design

In every garden there is free place that can be decorated with a colored primroses rug. To decorate flower beds, hybrid types of primroses are used: common primrose, spring primrose, ear and fine-toothed primrose. These varieties are distinguished by a variety of shapes and colors, moreover, they bloom twice: in spring and summer.

To create beautiful and lush borders, polyanthus and tall primrose are suitable. These plants have large, beautiful inflorescences, but they need to be planted in a place protected from direct sunlight, preferably on the north side of the garden. Otherwise, the flowering period will be shortened, and the flowers will quickly lose their appearance.

If there is a body of water on your site, you can plant a primrose fence around it. You need to choose varieties that love high humidity, for example, Sikkim primrose.

The healing properties of primrose

Primrose contains a large number of ascorbic acid and carotene, which makes it valuable during the period of vitamin deficiency. Raw primrose leaves are crumbled into a salad, dry - added to soups and main courses as a seasoning. Just a couple of leaves can provide daily rate consumption of vitamin C for humans.

The plant is used in folk medicine as an analgesic, diuretic, healing and anti-inflammatory agent. Primrose is used in the treatment of many diseases such as.