Wall in the living room (61 photos): Beautiful options for different interiors. We choose the wall for the living room - what is worth paying attention to the types of furniture walls

The living room is a place where the whole family is collected in her free time and it is very important which furniture here is installed. Therefore, the wall in the hall must be fully approached by your requests. If it is an ornament, then a lightweight version is installed with the filling of the shelves with decorative elements. Little apartments mount a wardrobe with drawers for storing all things.

Modern universal modular walls consist of different wardrobes in height, width and depth. Experimenting with modules, peculiar images are created, which will never be bored. Thanks to various combinations, the space in the living room can be made most comfortable. The kit includes racks, angular sections, a variety of dressers, servants and courses. Pluses of modular structures, it is:

  • Multifunctionality ergonomic, practicality.
  • Elegance style.
  • Utility.
  • Suitable for living rooms of various types.

Materials for manufacture

Different in the texture, headset for the hall, made in modern styleCombined metal, wood and glass that help improve design or additionally decorate the furniture. The unusual kind of furniture gives facades of different textures, ribbed and velvet drawings. The most popular options are glossy facades. When the sun's rays appear on them, the color of the wall becomes brighter and deeper. As a material for making a headset, a tree and chipboard use. Pros and cons of the material:

  • Wood. The most prestigious wall variant is models made of wood. Their disadvantage is high cost. Not everyone can afford it to buy, since the manufacturer of a natural tree stands several times more expensive than from LDSP. Pros - if you manage to care for furniture, it will last for many years, while maintaining a beautiful appearance.
  • Ledp.. Laminated furniture made of wood-chipboard is much cheaper, and is the most popular view. it a budget option Furniture for the living room, as the quality and life is less than the tree.
  • Combined. The models are very popular among young people, because they are made in the style of High-tech. Move from combined in equal parts of the material: plastic, metal, wood, glass and MDF.

Wall options for living room

All headsets differ among themselves and are divided into two types: modular and classic.

How best to put the wall in the hall?

There are several varieties of walls for the living room: mini-cabinets, modular designs, slides. Furniture in the hall is made depending on the parameters of the room. There are three main ways to arrange furniture: the letter P, corner and direct.

  • Location of the letter P.. Many people like universal designs with a P-shaped location. Models are installed in two corners and are superbly suitable for apartments with a large living room. Usually they include a huge number of lockers and a full wardrobe. By design, cabinets are divided into housing and modular. If desired, modular cabinets can be easily replaced by creating various combinations, and enclosed - only by individual sections.
  • Corner location. Compact angular models take up little space as they are their main advantage. They are also practical and spacious. With the right room design, in the overall interior, the angular wall will be invisible. Suitable for rooms with a small square area, but not for rectangular premises. The cabinet or the servant is placed in the corner of the room. In some models in the corner install niche under the TV. In the angular furniture includes: inclined shop windows, departments for equipment, bookshelves, drawers. It should be known that the sections for clothing and other elements, as in simple walls, are missing here.
  • Direct location. Furniture occupies a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe hall or installed along one wall. In most cases, this is a built-in furniture installed in the niche of the room. Suitable for middle-sized rooms, rectangular or straight shape.

Large furniture in the modern world gradually comes out of fashion, small ones come to her replacement. A mini-wall consists of separate segments And it is well suited for small living rooms equipped in the style of minimalism. This includes several open shelves, which are attached on the wall above the long bed. Sometimes shelf is replaced by a vertical or horizontal shelf.

The direction in minimalism calls for the abandon the details and show all the beauty of the product shape. Constructions with rounded edges look most interesting. All items are made of one material in one color (white and black, beige, gray, sometimes steel). Thanks to the small size in the room, much space is released. The advantages of small structures:

  • First, lettee lovers like small models, as they occupy a small area.
  • Secondly, if you compare the mini and the usual wall, then a little mobility. For change external view, it is enough to move to another place.
  • The space in the room is saved if you install the corner mini wall in the living room.
  • Magnificent suitable for small things.
  • Unlike ordinary models, these costs are much cheaper.

Disadvantages: In another room, you will have to install an additional wardrobe for big things, since they will not fit into the mini-wall.

Visually change the space In the room will help the built-in wall. In addition, due to its compactness, it will help to significantly save space in the hall. A design is installed in niches or along the wall and consists of blocks that are mounted on the floor to the ceiling. The kit includes:

  • Cabinets.
  • Cumbers.
  • Shelves (any number).
  • Table.

Pofantazing can be create a combination of several cabinets and Tumb With the doors opening in different directions, and a multitude of shelves. Unlike a simple modular design, the internal volume of the built-in several times more. It is convenient to care for such furniture, since the upper part of it is closed, and inaccessible places No missing.

Given all the subtleties and features of the room, you can create your own drawing of the built-in wall. If there is not enough time to occupy design, you can contact the factory. Designers offer their furniture design services and pick up the desired wall model, adhering to general interior Rooms.

Inexpensive wall in the living room

Walls made from chipboard and MDF - Environmentally friendly and are the most economical option. Different design and color, inexpensive option Furniture, which includes:

  • Two vertical cabinets.
  • Cumbers.
  • Location under the TV.
  • Top shelves.

Hand-made wall

A man without experience, make her hands a bedside table with a TV or any other wooden furniture, very difficult. The manufacture of complex veneered or laminated parts can be ordered from furniture manufacturers, and all other elements make it yourself. It is better to use plastic, MDF, metal and chipboard to work.

The cost of the wall depends on the dimensions, material and from the modules filling. Most more expensive, custom-made furniture.

Modern owners want to see their home not only cozy and comfortable. An important role is now playing interior. It must be exclusive and unique. Therefore, many masters seek to make furniture with their own hands. This allows not only to save money, but also to assemble such interior items that will satisfy the individual needs of households.

Furniture in the living room must be comfortable and stylish. In addition, it should be harmonized with all the interior of the premises.

Thanks to the abundance of materials and accessories, which can be found in stores selling goods for the manufacture and repair of furniture, develop and implement their own design of cabinets, Tumb and shelves are completely simple. It is forces even a novice master. It is only necessary to determine the upcoming front of work in advance.

Drawing up the furniture drawing

The assembly of any furniture should begin with the preparation of a detailed drawing of the future product. In the diagram, it is necessary to specify not only the general dimensions, but also the dimensions of each individual part. Only such a drawing will allow you to collect a wardrobe or an end without errors and annoying flaws. Especially since the shortcomings made during preparatory workSometimes it is quite difficult to eliminate when installing.

Figure 1. Wall drawing for the living room.

If you have some experience in the manufacture of interior items, it is wiser to immediately develop a whole furniture kit, not separate modules. This approach will provide a single interior design. In addition, you can immediately take into account the dimensions of the furniture and its location in the room.

The general drawing will be unlucky even if you are a beginner furnitureer. You can collect first only 1 end of a TV or a bookcover. And then return to a single scheme and mount the rack or wardrobe. In any case, the preparation of a preliminary drawing must be started with the removal of the measure. At the same time, it is necessary to consider the dimensions of the room itself.

Usually, the following dimensions are taken into account in the living room:

  1. The height of the modular design (first of all, the dimensions of the overall furniture are taken into account).
  2. Long headset (as a rule, it should be equal to the magnitude of the simpleness).
  3. Depth of storage locations.

The sizes of other parts depend on the depth of drawers. For example, the magnitude of the upper lids of cabinets and countertops. Typically, the lower tier of the kit is deeper, and the top is wider.

As an analog you can take the overall dimensions of the finished furniture module. They are indicated in manufacturers catalogs. Naturally, you can take into account your own sizes. But it is necessary to maintain the specified proportions. As a result, you should have a single scheme, an example of which is shown in Fig. one.

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General design module for living room

For independent installation The most convenient to collect symmetric structures. Moreover, the so-called wall perfectly fit into any living room. As a rule, such furniture consists of the following elements:

  • linen cabinet;
  • rack for books;
  • tUMBU under TV with shelves for video and audio equipment;
  • closed sections for storage (with shelves and boxes);
  • open sections (what was previously called a slide).

Their location depends only on your flavors, preferences and characteristics of the room. They can be lined up in 1 line or assembled at an angle. Part of the elements can be located on the floor, and the part is on the wall (hinged boxes). But remember that the modern living room should be comfortable, comfortable and safe. Therefore, it is not necessary to have furniture so that 1 elements lay on others. For example, antleesol boxes on the cabinets. Try to secure each separate item.

Figure 2. Wall drawing assembled from several parts, for the living room.

The wall, assembled from individual parts, is also convenient because the maximum length of the sheets of chipboard or plywood does not reach 3 m. Therefore, the basic modules usually consist of 2 or 3 parts. It is necessary to calculate common design So that the points of docking 2 modules have not broken the symmetry of the entire module. From this lack, you can easily get rid of if you provide for the presence of a single facade for neighboring Tumb. Or make 1 element much longer than others. An example of such a layout is shown in Fig. 2.

As a rule, long furniture items are located below. They can serve as not only a basic support for the entire design, but also visually combine the furniture module into a single stylistic solution.

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Construction of the module element

Each individual piece of furniture, of which one-piece design is going to be conditionally disassembled on the following details:

  • framework;
  • bottom (horizontal plane);
  • lid or countertop;
  • sidewalls;
  • facade.

The frame is usually the upper and lower frames, pulled by the longitudinal ribs of stiffness, for which the corners of the furniture occur. If the size of the cabinet or the cabinet is small, and for their manufacture it is used with a thickness of 25 mm (chipboard, chipboard or furniture Shield), then without a frame you can do. In this case, the necessary stiffness of the structure will be given the walls themselves.

The dimensions of each individual detail of the furniture in the living room must be calculated taking into account the legs or lower supports (wheels).

Figure 3. Scheme simpled Tumbler under the TV.

Need to take into account and protruding details decorative finish. For example, accessories. In general drawing, these sizes are not taken into account. But they are important when you think about the necessary depth of boxes.

After you take into account everything you need, you can proceed to the preparation of a detailed drawing of a separate furniture subject. In fig. 3 shows an example of the simplest stands for the TV.

If you lack experience in the manufacture of furniture with your own hands, then you should not take complex structures With curved facades and curly countertops. Strict geometric lines can look no worse. The main thing is to choose quality material.

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Selection of material for the manufacture of furniture

Many details for assembling furniture can now be purchased in the finished form. This may be, for example, the shelves of complex shape made of glass or chipboard. In profile stores sell ready-made facades and countertops, mirrors and other elements of structures, allowing you to mount exclusive interior items.

In addition, carpentry workshops offer cut the blanks of the size you need and forms. Therefore, it is not necessary to have a complex woodworking equipment to make furniture independently. Such a service will allow not only non-standard details, but also to provide reliable fastening Elements with each other.

The fact is that the durable way of connecting dimensional parts is the node of the type of spike groove. But for its manufacture need milling Machine or manual cutter. And also considerable experience of using them. But all the necessary nodes and details can execute the master for an additional fee. You will also remain collecting furniture.

Going to the workshop, prepare the drawing with all the necessary dimensions. In the perfect version, you must have a scheme in your hands each separate part with places of fasteners and their dimensions on it. If you want to order the manufacture of curly elements (lids or countertops), then you need to pre-make paper molds in full size.

For self-assembly Furniture Now usually use the following materials:

  • Chipboard or MDF - for side walls and frames of overall furniture;
  • LDSP - for facades, covers and countertops;
  • thin plywood or fiberboard - for the rear walls and bottoms of the boxes.

The thickness of the material depends on the design of the furniture. For the manufacture of furniture cases in the living room, MDF or furniture shield (massif of wood) are usually used. But 2 option will be much more expensive. The chipboard is considered to be more reliable and less susceptible to the change in temperature and the influence of moisture. Therefore, such material is more often taken in the manufacture of kitchen furniture.

Recently, the cabinet furniture has become a popular view of the home environment. This is due to the versatility of the design. There is no need to look for additional furniture components in the form of cabinets, tumb and dresser, because everything is already in the same assembly. You do not need to go shopping for days, looking for suitable furniture kits suitable for each other. it the best way unite in a residential harmonious design and excellent functionality.

There is no need to look for additional furniture components in the form of cabinets, tumb and dresser, because everything is already in the same assembly.

At this pluses of furniture such furniture does not end. It can combine both the served buffet and a bar, a bookcover, a telecommunication cabinet, a mirrored tremor and much more. Some options for such furniture are freely interconnected. They resemble a constructor, because you can arrange accessories as you think. There are also monoblock species that bring a pair of strict and conservative contribution to the interior of the room.

And its beauty is that, regardless of the apparent bulkness, it can complement the room with its ease, or vice versa, landing the interior of a hollow rigor. It all depends on the prosperity of the owner of the furniture product.

There are also monoblock species that bring a pair of strict and conservative contribution to the interior of the room.

The main compositional task is to connect to one semantic picture the interior of the room, collect together the scattered extinguishes for home utensils. The main thing in the choice and design of the room is a harmonious design and suitable dimensions of the room.

It all depends on the prosperity of the owner of the furniture product.

The furniture wall in the living room may consist of countless variations of individual components. But mainly it always has one structure.

Make a slide with your own hands will not be problems, because it is a combination of compact and harmonious elements.

The lower base most often make up the couch. They are made of durable and stable materials, as they support the weight of the whole design. They serve as a stand for televisions, decoders, music centers, flower compositions and other ornamental products. Boxes in the couches are most often made in folding or retractable versions. They will be perfectly located bed and underwear. It is important to understand that the lower tier is available for children and pets place. Do not place the bars in the cabinets with alcoholic beverages, aid kits, flammable substances and other dangerous items.

Some options for such furniture are freely interconnected.

In the middle part, racks, showcases, cabinets, shelves for dishes, books, jewelry are usually placed. On this tier just best place alcoholic beverages. Some structures provide for the presence of a mini refrigerator, stylized under a regular cabinet from standard material. In general, the walls can hone behind a simple device a lot of interesting and varied mechanisms that simplify life and storing things.

Replace all the old wiring and carefully insulating everything.

The upper area is usually occupied by mezzanine and eaves that serve as lighting conductors. There are lighting lamps and diode tapes. Often use multi-colored tapes, which gives the wall a new appearance, but such a color implementation is not suitable for classic and ancient designs. On the top tier sometimes embed columns or suspended video equipment.

The main compositional task is to combine the interior to one semantic picture, to collect together the scattered spacing for home utensils.

Living room and room - central place in the apartment and best place To install the furniture wall. Modern materials allow you to play fantasy designers. They create increasingly bizarre and elegant designs, use a combination newest technologies and materials. But this option is not suitable for everyone. What if the room in which it is planned to establish a product, has non-standard dimensions? Or is it not suitable for any of the options presented in the market? In such a situation, it is necessary to act independently and design the design individually. Big variety model Row Often causes many questions about the installation. It is not always clear how it is worth it to make and install the product, and in what sequence perform actions? But the installation of such fittings is the case, uncomplicated in the implementation.

The main thing in the choice and design of the room is a harmonious design and suitable dimensions of the room.

No need to overpay and call a specialist. It is necessary to understand that the equal principle of design and installation is linked for the abundance of forms and designs. Any little less understanding in a joinery business can make such a kind of furniture, adapting it for any room. No need to look for special rare and expensive tools. Everything you need can be purchased in every economic or construction store. It is only necessary to comply with the installation instructions, and the result of independent work will not be distinguished from professional execution.

Materials for the manufacture of walls with their own hands

The furniture wall in the living room may consist of countless variations of individual components.


Throughout history, the most popular material in the manufacture was a tree and its analogues in the form of fiberboard, chipboard and plywood of different thicknesses. This is a very universal way to make the walls of the hill of any complexity. The tree is remarkably combined with other materials, such as glossy and matte glass, chrome surfaces, metal, gold-plated and silver plated rates. This material looks wonderful as in modern designsand in classic and vintage style. Wood and DVP can be given almost any texture and color. You can do it even without professional machines - do it yourself. Also, the tree looks great if it is seized with plasterboard inserts. In this embodiment, the rear panels are not installed, or they are fixed as decorative element. The wall is hidden with their own hands and in unusual style. You can harmoniously dispose of the abundance of the shelves of lockers, building a whole labyrinth of them. The design looks very cozy. The tree is the most supportive option for the manufacture of the wall with your own hands.

The lower base most often make up the couch.


Suitable for facade species. The most economical and malleable material. Gorki from drywall is not allocated from the total massif of the wall, being a continuation. Suitable for minimalist design. Combined with large glass planes. The wall can take almost any design, so electronic devices can be built into it. different sizes. In the design of this type, most important is the correct design of the frame. It holds the entire array, so the frame must be durable and reliable in structure. It is necessary to draw accurate drawings of the location of the rail and frame profiles. Cons of this option - fragility of the material. It is necessary to approach the installation very carefully.

It is important to understand that the lower tier is available for children and pets place.


The most expensive, but durable way. These options are used in homes. Apply both sandstone and granite. Most often make up the frame base, and then literate a plasterboard array.

Material can be used as own productionAnd purchased.

The wall of the hill with their own hands will be better coming from the tree. A variety of this material will allow you to truly turn around your imagination, and many ways to process it guarantees you a quick and high-quality result.

In the middle part, racks, showcases, cabinets, shelves for dishes, books, jewelry are usually placed.

The process of manufacturing the wall includes:

  1. Creating a sketch.
  2. Calculation and purchase of materials and components.
  3. Preparation of electrical wiring behind the facade of the future wall.
  4. Assembly of the whole design.

We wish you a fruitful work!

Phased by following the list, you can implement a product of any style, reproducing all the intended details.

In general, the walls can hone behind a simple device a lot of interesting and varied mechanisms that simplify life and storing things.

Sketch Design from Scratch

It is the same as the drawing of the building in architecture. Counting and layout exact sizes The designs will affect the number of purchased wood blades, on the compatibility of different parts of the wall, on its durability and resistance to mechanical deformations. The drawing should be based on the maximum use of the material, because each centimeter of not used wood is thrown into the wind. Also, a pre-compiled drawing, which takes into account all the little things and the nuances, will relieve you from the need to redo or finish already during installation. It is necessary to measure the dimensions with careful accuracy, calculate the area required material. If you doubt your abilities for paper design - it is better to reassign this business to knowing people, because the drawing is the basis of the entire product.

The upper area is usually occupied by mezzanine and eaves that serve as lighting conductors.

Important! When measuring, it is necessary to take into account not only length, width and height. Very important parameter - thickness. If you forget about it, you will get a lot of problems with the "nonsense" of the drawings.

On the top tier sometimes embed columns or suspended video equipment.

Wall with your own hands - what materials and tools will be useful to you?

The main set tool is as follows.

  • Measurement tools - rules, roulettes, plumbers, levels, squares and much more.
  • Tools for installation - drill and drill to it, screwdriver, electric logsik, Perforator, mounting foam.
  • For stripping - grinding machines, emery, spatula, primer, epoxy glue.
  • Screws, bolts, nuts, seals of all kinds of species and sizes.

The living room and the hall is a central place in the apartment and the best place to install the furniture wall.

Material can be used both in its own production and purchased. With the first harder - it is necessary to understand the varieties wood breeds and methods of processing. If you plan to make a thorough-based furniture, it is best to use solid wood species. This is larch, birch, beech, oak, maple, elm and many others. Such rocks are expensive pleasure, but in proper processing is an ideal option for centuries. From oak and larch you can make a solid product in classic or country style. Dear rocks have a favorably affect human health, so if you are interested in a children's wall with your own hands - this is the best option. Also during the arrangement of a children's slide is not recommended to use a large number of The paints and varnishes of unfulfilled origin - your child will subsequently have to breathe toxic couples.

A wide variety of model range often causes many questions about the installation.

The second option is to order the desired sizes and forms in advance, and then only install them. This option is not so time-consuming on your part. However, in the end, you can get not what they expect. After all, good carpentry masters can be counted on the fingers. Therefore, contact your already proven furniture workshop. This option provides for the order of a variety of wall elements. They can be both from the Fiberboard and from the natural one-piece wooden bar. You can apply usual wooden bars, or replace them with special metal profiles. Also necessary platbands, loops and closers (optional).

It is only necessary to comply with the installation instructions, and the result of independent work will not be distinguished from professional execution.

We solve the issue with electrical wiring

Make places for outlets, in accordance with the electronics that set in the future. Replace all the old wiring and carefully insulating everything.

Throughout history, the most popular material in the manufacture was a tree and its analogues in the form of fiberboard, chipboard and plywood of different thicknesses.


The first thing in accordance with the drawings of the product is installed frame. He is the main support and basic structure Walls. Guides are attached to the walls from a bar to which shelves are attached. Then the wall is cured with decorative panels. They can be from any material to your choice. The cabinets are best made from the disadvantaged wide boobs. If the Fiberboard is used, the parts and items are better cut by the jigsaw.

Then proceed to the conclusion of the product. It is carefully grinding, smoothing all the irregularities and making transitions smooth and not intermittent. Optionally, you can make decorative cutting patterns on the tree. This option is remarkably suitable classical or ethnic style. For the classics, a restrained strict fittings in strict tones are best suitable. For the interior in the style of Provence, it is best to use light tones, right up to the snow-white. The paint and varnish on the tree play a big role, so before applying the helmets it is necessary to spend high quality and cubs furniture. You can make excellent carved flaps on the cabinets, hiding joints and design seams. All decorative products are best fastening with epoxy glue. For a noble decor, it is better to use wood red or black breeds - depending on the possible price tag.

You can harmoniously manage the abundance of cabinet shelves, building a whole labyrinth of them

The wall in the hallway, first of all, should be roomy. All elements must withstand the weight of both clothes - jackets, fur coats and coats and shoes. Most often, such furniture in the hallway makes the length in parallel one of the walls. Such a solution allows you to place as many things as possible. The main difference of the wall in the hallway from the analogue in the living room and the hall is a big practicality of the first. All items must be clearly debugged and do not take a lot of place. The design and mechanism for opening the doors of the lockers must be calculated so that they do not interfere and not blocked the passage. Doors moving along the door on a special roller guide are best suitable. Often, a wide mirror is installed on all the canvas. This is at times raising the convenience of using the hallway. It is best to install furniture in the entire height of the ceiling, because many unnecessary things can be placed on the upper shelves. Such a product will play the role of a peculiar warehouse in the apartment.

A pre-composed drawing, which takes into account all the little things and nuances, will relieve you from the need to redo or finish already during installation.

In turn, the slide is distinguished by the simplicity of production, functionality and the possible volume, which is placed in it. Make a slide with your own hands will not be problems, because it is a combination of compact and harmonious elements. Perfect option for small-sized apartmentsWhen on the account every centimeter of free space.

When measuring, it is necessary to take into account not only length, width and height.

Here are the basic rules and tips on setting the wall in their home. We wish you a fruitful work!

Video: Assembling a unique wall with your own hands for 3 minutes under TV 4K

From this article you will learn:

    What modern walls are made today for the living room

    What material

    To whom the mini wall is suitable for the living room

    What modular modern walls are better than cabinet furniture

    In what style to choose a modern wall for the living room

A few more than a few years ago, the furniture walls were an integral part of the interior of the living room in any apartment. Their acquisition was impossible without a Blat Station and for a long expectation. Wall holders proudly showed their guests. At that time, the appointment of the furniture wall was not so much storage of various things as a demonstration of family values: crystal dishes, books, televisions, video recorder. Currently buy sets for the living room is completely simple. IN furniture stores presented big choice Walls, from simple and inexpensive to elite. Modern walls for the living room from previous options are distinguished stylish design, ease of construction, greater functionality.

What modern walls for the living room are offered today (photo)

Modern walls for the living room and manufactured in the Soviet Union have significant differences. We note the main ones:

    First, modern furniture is a composition of several elements.which can replace each other. They can be grouped in any configuration. And the walls of Soviet times are a one-piece set of cabinets, the disconnection of which is impossible.

    Secondly, even if earlier the furniture was performed from individual modules, the exception of one of them was almost impossible, since some elements were support for others. You can buy a modern wall for the living room with completely autonomous modules rearranged without prejudice to the composition.

    Third, the composition modern furniture For the living room can include many sections of different formats: Outdoor and suspended, with open and closed facades, with folding, sliding and traditional swing doors. The height of the elements can also be different. By purchasing such a wall, in the future you can supplement it with new sections, that is, it is easily updated the interior of the living room.

For the right choice suitable for your living room, you first need to decide which configuration it will be. Modern compositions are most often performed in such three versions:

Linear walls for the living room

Linear walls are the traditional form of living room furniture, it is installed strictly along one wall. The method of placement, they resemble the walls of Soviet times, however, have significant differences: they do not have the whole wall and have a slightly smaller width, so there are not so many places for them. In addition, the category of linear living rooms include mini walls, which are linear compositions of 2-3 small elements and open shelves.

Corner walls for living room

Modern angular walls for the living room in the composition have a functional angular section, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of use of the useful space room. Mostly at the junction of two adjacent walls, there is a high closet, and on both sides of it - various dressers, cabinets, shelves. Such a configuration is distinguished by practicality, at the same time does not occupy a large area and therefore suitable for installation even in the living room of small square.

P-shaped walls

The dimensions of the P-shaped walls are quite impressive, therefore it is better to put them only in large rooms. The composition center is discharged for the TV, and from the side and on top there are lockers, racks, bedside tables and other functional components, depending on the wall model. If you have a big living room, and you think about acquiring furniture, which will contain all your things, the perfect option is a P-shaped living room.

Who will fit, and who does not have a mini wall for the living room

The view that mini-walls can be put only in small living rooms, erroneously. This option is acceptable and in the case of rooms with a large area made in the style of high-tech or minimalism. In this case, you can install several mini-songs in the room, for example, in different angles Either one opposite each other.

As a rule, mini-walls are purchased to place a TV, audio system and other multimedia devices. Since such furniture has small sizes, it will not work in it, but it is suitable for accommodating various items of decor.

The purpose of mini walls may be different. Classify them on this feature as follows:

    Mini walls to place multimedia devices. It is characterized by an abundance of glass elements, the presence of empty niches, where you can put the TV, DVD player, audio system.

    A task transformer walls - Save space to maximize the space, eliminating, for example, from the interior of individual tables and giving them directly to the mini-design of the living room.

    Corner mini-compositionsexcellent option For receiving and accommodating guests. Also this is a convenient reading area.

    Modular mini walls Include floor and wall blocks of elements, as a rule, separately. They also allow you to significantly save space.

At first glance, it may seem that mini-options of living rooms have more minuses than overall furniture. But it is worth digging deep, become the obvious advantages of small walls for the living room:

    small elements of the decor, characteristic of the style of minimalism, are better looking at small lockers, as they will not "lose";

    such walls are suitable for small or medium size living rooms; Those who prefer free space will appreciate the mini-options of the walls;

    the bulky furniture is not particularly mobile, and people who love to do the permutation themselves will not cope with this task, even if the wall is modular. The small walls are small. They can be disassembled and rearranged as it is convenient for you, without special efforts;

    the manufacture of furniture for the living room in the entire wall will cost very expensive, while small modern walls in the living room are distinguished by the available price.

However, it happens that the installation of a mini wall in the living room is inappropriate:

    if the purpose of the purchase of such furniture is to accommodate in it and storage of overall and heavy items, small lockers for this are not suitable, they simply do not need volumetric things;

    if the living room is large and spacious, the mini-wall is lost among other interior items. Furniture need to choose such so that it ergonomically looked with other overall objects in the room. If you are not satisfied with the option with a big wall, you can purchase several mini-songs (it will be more expensive).

What modern modular walls for living room is better than corpus

What are the advantages of modern modular walls for the living room?

Selection of cabinet or solid walls is carried out strictly in size. The set of furniture includes several sections settings installed close to each other. How much will be in the wall of such sections, depends on the purpose of its acquisition. Calculation of value is made after the preparation of the headset. Often, furniture manufacturers are developing several options for each model, which are characterized by elements and sizes.

Currently, the modular walls are the most popular among the others, since they are universal and mobile. Thanks to modular systems, there is the possibility of self-selection of the desired modules and layouts of them with a headset under a specific living room. The advantages of such ensembles are as follows:

    Wall elements can be changed in places, in a new way interior.

    Buy such compositions are convenient: If the money is missing for the entire ensemble you compound, you can purchase modules several times.

    Replace any element in case of damage or breakage just. No need to re-acquire all the headsets.

    Modular living rooms allow you to save space. You can choose the appropriate composition of the composition and rationally install them in a small room.

What materials make modern walls for the living room

  • MDF.

The MDF is made of wood dust, sprinkling it with vacuum. Such a stove does not contain harmful substances, and therefore furniture from it is safe and can be placed in rooms where people spend a lot of time. In addition, it is durable and durable. Covers such plates with varnishes, melamine, laminate.

The walls for the living room from MDF looks attractive, since their structure is homogeneous (decoration elements for furniture are also made of MDF). However, it's not so easy to care for the material. MDF - capricious material, for furniture from it is required supported at a certain level microclimate.

  • Chipboard.

The chipboard is most often used in the production of economy-class furniture. This material is obtained by fastening wood chips with formaldehyde resins. If the quality of the chipboard is high, the furniture will pleasantly smell like a tree and does not emit harmful substances. Unfortunately, not all chipboard manufacturers can guarantee the safety of their products.

When choosing a wall of the wall for the living room, pay attention, in which country the material was produced for it. Chipboard from Europe has the highest level of environmental safety.

Attention! To cover the chipboard, lamination and stitching technologies are used. For the price of the material it turns out the same, but the quality varies. If the panel is compatible, then the process of separating the film will begin faster.

  • DVP.

Warm plate is used to give the stiffness of the wall design, this material prevents the deformation of furniture during operation. Used fiberboard and for the manufacture of the lower parts of the internal boxes. Fiberboard is sheets, the formation of which is carried out by the method of hot pressing. Finished plates are covered with film, laminating or having embeed them. Dear models of walls for living rooms are made of plywood.

  • Wood.

Furniture made of natural wood - elite, its cost is very high. The walls are made of oak wood, cherries, nuts, etc. But, as a rule, wood is used only for the manufacture of facades, finishing elements. Everything else is done from MDF or chipboard. Wood expensive not only by itself, the processes of its processing, drying and storage are also quite cost.

It is impossible to make a beautiful modern wall for the living room without use and other materials: plastic, glass, metal. For example, glass facades framed by aluminum, very unusual and stylish.

What elements are composed roomy modern walls for the living room

How to choose a roomy wall for the living room? Modern modular designs - a good option. You can find the desired items in the required quantity. In addition, the arranged headset can be modified in the search for the ideal style stylist.

The standard ensemble, as a rule, includes:

Cabinet for equipment which usually place the TV, DVD player or satellite receiver, acoustic system etc. The couches are made both stationary and the possibility of movement (on wheels). In addition, they can be open and closed.

Showcase - medium or large wardrobe, the facades of which are made of glass. Usually in the showcase place expensive dishes, sets, figurines, memorable medals, cups. If you want to buy a showcase with glass shelves, then pay attention to which it is thick and how strong fittings are.

Glass is a heavy material if it is also loaded with porcelain and other values, it may not withstand. Polkteroors can also be submitted. The rule here: the more expensive, the more reliable.

Hinged cabinet. This module has a small size, something else is called Mezol. The mounting to the wall is carried out with the help of brackets, and with other modules the headset Thenezol is connected by screeds. It serves to store bedding or clothing.

Chest of drawers - Module of small sizes in which stored things. Unlike the cabinet, it is not so spacious. Chest - perfect place For storage of underwear, socks, towels, etc.

Wardrobe Designed for clothing storage. Since the style of modern living rooms choose mostly minimalistic, then the wardrobe is not necessarily included in the ensemble. Upper clothes, as a rule, stored in the cabinets of the hallways or bedrooms. If the room is only alone, you can order a headset with a wardrobe.

Bookshelf - small cabinet with many shelves and niches. The depth is small. It will greatly find a home library. For greater preservation of publications, you can perform such a cabinet with glass doors. They will protect books from dust.

Corner shelves - These are small end niches on which souvenirs are placed. Also this is a great place for photos within, magazines, newspapers and memorable souvenirs.

What style make modern walls for the living room

Modern walls for the living room are made in three main styles:

Classic Walls for Living Room

Classic in fashion is already several decades. Similar walls are complemented by baroque and rococo elements. Such cabinets are massive, the carving is exquisite, and the fittings are sophisticated. Showcases for dishes are made with glass doors, so that the entire ensemble looks more elegant. Each element has its own function, and they all harmonize with each other. In the manufacture of classic walls for living rooms, manufacturers take into account ideas about the style of their customers, as well as their tastes. The classic may be historical or in a modern interpretation.

In addition to sophistication and high-cost modern walls for the classic style living room have other advantages: they are practical and spacious. The composition includes many cabinets, in which all things will fit, showcases with glass for dishes and settings, a special bedside table.

For the manufacture of classic furniture apply various materials, from chipboard to rare wood breeds. But regardless of this, the classic walls should be high quality, massive and good, and the decoration of them is chic. You can achieve this, including through the use of expensive elite accessories.

Country style walls

For this style is characterized by liberalism. The living rooms in such a style look homely. There are several types of country-style varieties, which depends on the area (England, Mediterranean, Scandinavia).

Common for the walls in the country style are:

    facades decorated with natural or seamy tree;

    open shelves and racks for ethnic items;

    accessories that is harmonizing with a tone with a shared finish, and therefore imperceptible;

    use as decorations of threads, moldings, patterns on glass.

Walls in country style look natural and simple. They are impregnated with ethnic flavor.

Walls for the living room in the style of high-tech

Modern walls made in the style of high-tech are distinguished by conciseness. In addition, they are multifunctional and therefore quite popular. The furniture for the hall in such a style should consist of a small number of elements (for example, necessary for the placement of equipment). Such headsets are fashionable and do not occupy a lot of space.

Material for facades of walls in the living room is a chipboard, MDF, as well as plastic. Their color is often unusual for furniture (orange, green, blue). Decorative inclusions made of metals, leather, tinted or colored glass.

Fittings are used at a minimum, or it is not at all. For high-tech style, smooth modules are characterized by pressing the surface of the facade. Due to the fact that the decor is a bit, the walls look beautiful, sophisticated and seem to be air.

When choosing a wall for the living room, you must remember that the overall furniture is better suitable for other rooms. The hall should be spacious and light. IN otherwise It will seem uncomfortable and guests, and the owners.

5 nuances that should be considered by choosing a modern wall for the living room

  1. Size wall

You should know what height, length and width of the wall you need, what sizes will be optimal for everyone separate element. The roulette is useful here.

What sizes of the modules will be suitable, depends on their purpose. For example, the height of the window for dishes with glass shelves, as well as a book shelf can be 25-40 cm. But the cabinet for the outerwear should be at least 1.5 m height. Not at every end of the TV will be able to place a modern home theater, including speakers and DVDs.

The greater the height of the module that is not attached to anywhere, the more its depth and width should be. Otherwise, the section will be unstable.

If you make the wall shallow, then its capacity will significantly decrease, but the room will increase visually. More importantly for you - a large useful volume of cabinets or free space - decide for yourself.

For close rooms, the size of the door of the cabinets is very important. The most often walls for living rooms are made with swing doors. The more their width, the more places occupies a cabinet B. open video. Similar situation and drawers. If the box is a depth of 0.5 m, then the cabinet must be left for at least as much for ease of use.

  1. Functional wall

Determine in advance for what purposes you acquire the wall in the living room, you can even make a list.

For storage of dishes, souvenirs, other values \u200b\u200bare perfectly suitable cabinets with glass doors. For a minibar, transparent modules are not suitable.

TV, especially with a large screen, it is advisable to place in a large niche in the middle level of the wall. It can have an empty space, then the TV can be hung on the wall.

Books and souvenirs are well stored on low open or glazed shelves placed not lower than 1 m above the floor. And for bed linen, children's toys are more suitable drawers at the floor level.

It is clear that the advice on functionality is still a lot. If you decide in advance with the requirements for the wall, you can also save: the furniture salon consultant will only select the necessary wall modules for the living room.

  1. Wall style

Mandatory requirement - matching the color of the wall interior of the living room. Well, if the furniture will be combined with the design of the hall and style (classics, modern, high-tech, minimalism, provence, etc.). The choice of furniture for the hall is now huge. Even white and bright walls for the living room are made.

The advantages of online stores are that they allow you to choose furniture, nothing anywhere. If you use a laptop, you will not be difficult to see by opening the stable model, as it will be combined with the wallpaper of your living room, another furniture, outdoor coating, Curtains, doors.

Sometimes furniture for living rooms is made with backlight, allowing you to make the room lighter. These are more modern walls. They are, naturally, more expensive.

  1. Shape of the wall

The more spacious living room, the more options. In the big hall you can implement any designer idea: Put a straight, angular, P-shaped wall, including with different modules in height.

If the square is square, then the corner wall will fit the interior. If the room is long and narrow, then this option is also good: corner furniture Visually will make it wider. To do this, part of the wall with a greater width must be placed along the shorter side of the hall. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe living room is small, then it is necessary to purchase a straight wall, placing it along one of the walls.

In the studio, the wall can be used to separate different zones. In this case, the furniture should have a presentable look not only in front.

  1. Furniture supplier reliability

This item needs to be given attention when choosing not only the walls in the living room, but also any other furniture. If you make an order directly at the manufacturer, then you may face the lack of due service. In addition, shipping time can be broken, because in the priority of factories work with suppliers. Therefore, it is better to choose furniture from suppliers, for many years have developed their own business. We want to offer you a company Formula Furniture.

What is furniture formula? Reliability. Quality. Beauty. Universality. Low prices. Guarantee. Fast shipping. Lifting and assembly. Their amount is equal to a successful purchase.

This is a formula for how to make furniture available to everyone. Formula of furniture can be furnished with an apartment at an affordable price, but without loss of quality, quickly and with good service.

Our goal is to give people to buy good furniture At minimal prices, so that in any situation everyone can afford to buy a new sofa, hallway, the kitchen and everything he wants, everything you need to create comfort in his apartment. For this, you do not need to first collect money, you can just buy now, and if necessary, place installments without overpayments. And we do it.

We created a big, durable balloon From the flap happiness of our customers. At this ball we bring this opportunity to new places in new cities, new areas, so that all people can take advantage of our offer.

Now there are already 28 salons in 15 cities Perm regionAnd we will open yet, because people like our furniture and how we sell it.

Marina Chief Designer Heggi

And indeed, the walls are the most convenient, stylish and economical way to furnish the living room so that it is not only beautiful, but also functionally and suitable for each family member.

Three main rules for choosing the wall in the living room

In the living room, as none in any other room should be neat and harmoniously. This room is most often intended for receiving guests. Your guests should be able to freely move around the room, not bumping on the baffies, tables, children's toys and vases. Freedom of movement will give furniture wall , the correct layout of which will help free the space for a comfortable stay.

Rule 1. "Less is more"

Too many furniture items makes the room small, and if it is not possible to spend deep cleaning, it is untidy due to the accumulated dust. For a small living room, you should not buy overall cabinet furniture and on the contrary, if the living room is large, then the small wall will look in it as an incomplete item.

To properly decide on the size of the furniture wall Think what actions will occur in the living room.

For example, you will have such a list: watch TV, play, sleep. Or it can work out: there is, read, play or listen to music, take guests, do the needlework. In accordance with this list, define a place for each classes in the furniture wall so that everything is at hand and is securely stored.

If in the living room will not read, sleep, or play , I do not need book and wardrobes, shelves and niches for storing games and toys. Then you can pay more space to the convenient location of multimedia systems, music disks, tableware for serving the table, your hobby.

If you need it store bedding , tableware, clothes - then as part of the walls should be closed roomy cabinets.

Rule 2. Transform

it modern trend , relevant not only for small living rooms. There were a lot of various gadgets that I want to have and conveniently arrange, without breaking the harmony of the style.

Home collections, beautiful dishes also require space for storage and demonstration. therefore capacity and functionality Walls for the living room sometimes more important than its material or cost.

Being a room for adopting guests, the living room can simultaneously perform the role cabinet, Bedroom or Dining Room. In this case, the requirements for the functionality of the wall for the living room are increasing. That is why the most popular models became modular walls with transformable elements. For example, a wall with a built-in sleeping place, a writing desk or a secreter.

Modular walls give wide spacious To implement the fantasies of the owners of the living room, make it easy to make permutations.

Rule 3. Observe style

Cabinets with vensels or gloss and chrome? Closed wall made of wood array or light air racks from chipboard and metal? The number of the proposed models is so great that the buyer often it turns out in a difficult situation . Let's try to formulate fundamental rules, Which will help to navigate the sea of \u200b\u200bsentences.


Classic furniture requires space. For the wall made of natural wood or from chipboard, lined natural veneerSo that she looked in all its splendor, you need a review, a large space. Merchant massive furniture The small room looks unnatural. Classic Colors - natural, saturated, but neuropric. Furniture wall lines - smooth, strict, cabinets of the same height, simple facade decor In the form of embossing, chamfers.


Style more democraticThe proposed wall models can be and spacious, having in their composition cabinets, and can consist of just a few lockers and open shelves.

In this wall, it is not important - a tree, chipboard or MDF, and glass decoration, mirrors, metal. The form of the facade can be streamlined. For small rooms it is better to choose a low wall, modest colors, straight lines and matte glass.

The walls in which many open racks also increase the space.

Racks have become popular recently because of the ease of storage of numerous small volumes in them. The system of storage can be varied and easily updated, for example, purchasing decorative boxes.


This is a functional, light, practical wall consisting of small number of multiple modules , with the main wardrobe. Closet Contains numerous drawers, hangers of different levels, shelves and racks of different depths. Its capacity can be increased by removable wire baskets or pocket-sided cells. Glass and mirrors are missing here Or is in small quantities. Colors monochrome, most often - white, gray, sand, black.

High tech

Close minimalism on the main principle "nothing extra" . Simple lines forms are adjacent to a metal finish, chromium, gloss. Mirrors and glass here are more, the color scheme is also more diverse: besides the previously named colors, metallic color walls, light shades are often used in the wall facades. Forms are different: straight or corner options in the entire wall or, on the contrary, several small-sized modules like a niche.