Light in the interior of the apartment. How to organize lighting design

When creating a stylish, living interior, the correct lighting plays a special role. The correct organization of light affects the visual perception of space, from which the comfort and comfort in the house depends. We will analyze some rules for organizing lighting in the apartment.

Living room

The living room is one of the most complex rooms in terms of lighting, as there are several somewhat here functional zones. The main goal is moderate background lighting, whose brightness can be changed depending on the situation.

Almost all lighting options can be used - desktop, wall, ceiling, with reflected or directional light.

In large living rooms, there are no volumetric luxury chandeliers, miniature wall lamps and built-in halogen lamps will be suitable for a smaller room.

It is recommended to have control lights for highlighting the main objects and secondary zones: workplace, mirror, shelves, etc. Try to avoid collecting shadows, as it is considered one of the most common design errors.


In the kitchen, the organization of light should be uniform and not very blinding. One general lighting in the center of the ceiling will not be enough. All functional zones should be covered, especially the main jobs of the hostess: a cutting table, a place near the sink and a stove.

In addition, the top (called background) lighting is necessary, the installation of lamps inside the shelves or lockers is also recommended. For the lighting of the workplace, which is located under the mounted wall cabinet, special ribbon lamps are best suited.

If the kitchen is used as a dining room, in this case, over the dining table, you need to place recessed lamps in the ceiling or suspend the original lifting lamp.

But, no matter how, no, in many kitchens and in our time the lamp remains the lamp, which is located in the center of the kitchen. Such a lamp encourages the hostess to work in a deep shadow.


It is very important to combine easily managed local lamps with muted background light. Lucky, a bright light source can be placed near the dressing table.

The use of control of two places is very common here, which allows you to use the light, simply without getting out of bed.

Children's room

Preschoolers are needed more high level Lighting, since during these years a lot of time is paid to moving games.

For safety and comfort in the rooms of children of the younger school age Install night lighting.

Older guys will need already high-quality table lamps or small portable lamps for the working area (place for execution homework etc.).

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to arrange the right and comfortable lighting in the house. Thanks to a wide range that offers a modern market, you can choose lamps for yourself, which will be perfect to the interior of the room.

New technologies offer an innovative approach when a spectacular design of the apartment lighting is required. Graceful plaffones and diodes on multi-level ceilings displacing bulky chandeliers without a hint of aesthetics. Modern decoration Lights of urban apartments can compete with the appearance of the opera theater, restaurant or office of a successful company with a magazine cover. With a thoughtful project, dark corners will remain in the rooms, even without table lamps and lamps, and electricity costs will decrease.

Lighting greatly affects the visual perception of space, from which the comfort and comfort of your home depends

In the design of housing there are its own rules that fully relate to the norms of general lighting. Important condition Comfort remains the degree of illumination. It should be favorable for vision and psychological state. This is a reasonable balance of the number of lighting devices of a certain power relative to the area of \u200b\u200bthe workspace.

  • Well lit cabinet holds mind in a tone.
  • In the living room with thoughtful design it is easy to create a special aura, emphasizing the stylistic solution.
  • If in an extravagant bathroom or bedroom twilight, then it is inevitably clone in sleep.
  • A competent approach in the design of lighting of the hallway will make an apartment hospitable in the perception of visitors.
  • In the kitchen with extra backlight working surface Nice to cook.
  • The soft light in the children's bedroom does not irritate the visual analyzers of the baby and makes it possible to calmly plunge into sleep.

For the work office perfectly suitable geometric lamps with clear lines

Important! If you allow errors in the design, you will need additional launching costs hidden wiring. It is better to immediately reduce or increase power than after repairing to pull the trim from natural tree, Stone and expensive wallpapers.

Additional light sources create a warm atmosphere and make space softer

Specialists are recommended for standard layout for every 5 "squares" of the floor area to use lamps with a total capacity of 50-75 kW. At high ceilings, it is possible and more. Standards are designed and recovered for a long time, but they adapt under modern technologies and lighting design in the apartment. They help independently find optimal modeBut the total capacity needs to be divided into the total number of luminous points.

Mirrors create more reflective surfaces, which significantly adds the amount of light in the room and reduces the number of lamps and electricity bills

  • in 1-room apartment up to 30-40 sq.m. 7-8 lighting devices (3 ceiling, allege chandelier, 2-3 sheds, table lamp and floor lamp);
  • in 2-room, enough 8-9 lamps;
  • in 3-room - 10-11 points;
  • if you have a 4-bedroom apartment, it is enough 11-12.

The chandelier can be used for major lighting.

Modern apartment in which stretch ceilings with spot backlight and diode ribbon - Other rules. You can do without a chandelier, but its absence compensate for the score, furniture illumination and other types of local (local) lighting of functional zones.

Power point lamps Easily adjust, they can be used as the main light or as a background backlight

General Rules for Designer Concept

  1. The correct lighting design in the residential room is a multifaceted concept.
  2. The illumination is selected taking into account health benefits, it will emphasize the aesthetics of the stylistics, at the same time performing the functional requirements.
  3. A competent solution - an alternative to the decor of the city apartment in a minimalist style, emphasizing the delicate taste and bright personality of the owner.

Lamps with directional light are used to illuminate a particular place or to adjust the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

The concept implies several components.

1. General lighting (artificial) Physiologically sound background, the basis that is represented by different types of lamps.
2. Limodizign interior Like an approach in choosing furnishings and textiles for general aesthetics, reflects the tastes of the owner, the method of self-expression through the habitat. It assumes the movable objects that highlight objects for the review.
3. Light architecture Inappropriate the concept of illumination of the room, divided into interior, inner and external light architecture in the implementation of stylish design.
4. Natural illumination An important component, it can be varied by time of day, seasonality and location of the rooms. The rays from the window muffle the blinds, scatters tulle and shadow the curtains. It is enhanced by light walls, mirror and glossy surfaces, chrome.
5. Directional artificial light Rotating projectors and ceiling plaffones, table lamps, flooring on a tripod or bending a spiral basis.
6. Decorative supplement Convenient to use B. work zone, for aquariums, unusual furniture and the expositions of artistic works of guests.

Emphasis on a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe room is easy to do with a local lamp

Important! Various lighting devices are used in organizing modern lighting design in the room. These are "halogens", incandescent lamps, fluorescent tubes, point and tape diodes, fiber optic cords.

Lighting is often used to separate space, especially these are relevant small apartments.

The general light in each room is a natural component, without it it is impossible to consider the design concept. Color solution The walls compensates for lack sun ray Or absorbs their excess.

Lighting in the design of the apartment is like directed and decorating decorations, but for this we need certain tools that are used by any director-illuminator. Light can be:

  • natural;
  • scattered;
  • reflected;
  • reinforced;
  • mitigated.

Transparent plaffones do not "eat" light in contrast to matte, and color lampsaws can be used to create the desired effects

Typology lighting

  1. Multi-level lighting - an alternative to the LED without a chandelier. The zoning and functionality of each site, angle or zone is taken into account. This is an opportunity to evil the necessary places and do without the cost of overall lighting. Additional adjustment Used to turn on / off based on "smart" options and remote (display) remote control.
  2. All sorts of walls are used for the walls of the walls. It is economical and convenient when it takes to light the mirror, a niche of the wardrobe, turn a long corridor or the beginning of the descent from the stairs in a private house.
  3. Bottom light is rarely used in residential circuits, but this is not a whim or extravagant solution. Additional study of the floor area is balanced by the distribution of the rays. Often, the LED ribbon or neon tube at the plinth is mounted. In the bathroom and the hallway there is an original walkway from glass tiles with lamps inserted under them, including when they step on them.
  4. To change the vector, as necessary, turning, movable and movable lamps and diodes are applied. it track systems, swivel scaves and chandeliers with rotating horns, as in the photo.

For local lighting, it is convenient to use controlled lamps with muffled background light

Attention! As good combination All varieties are compensated for lack of light with minimal vision load.

Mixed lighting from various types of lamps literally transforms the room, turning it into the radiance of lights

  • Plafones for general light correction are located under the ceiling in the center of the room (for uniform dispersion). Instead of chandeliers it is easy to distribute the backlight on 4 walls and multi-level ceilings.
  • Working areas should be evenly covered, it is undesirable to leave dark corners and deep shadow areas, even if they are rarely visited. The working light is better combined - white with a yellow spectrum (specify when buying in the store).
  • For decorative lighting, color illumination is suitable, for example, LED ribbon or cords that you can lay out inscriptions or shapes on the walls.
  • Houseplants for full development need special phytolamba, especially if it is the inhabitants of the tropics and southern latitudes.
  • Aquarium hydrophitis highlights "white" or universal fluorescent lamps on a special cover, in combination with diodes and incandescent lamps with soft yellow light. They heat the surface of the decorative lid, so they are placed at a distance, and the bottom is lined with foil.
  • With the help of perforated brass and ceiling lamps, you can get a beautiful openwork shadow pattern. But pick the finish smooth and monophonic so that the texture does not distort the intricate image.
  • Local or local glow must benefitly emphasize certain objects and details of the interior, to a certain extent reinforcing or replacing the decor.
  • In the working area, where they read, prepare food or are engaged in a computer, you need a local backlight. The intensity should be favorable for the eyes, the case when you should not save on health.

Plain floor lampbut as suitable for the survey

Important! When arranging any point, remember some of the amount of heat released - the facing should not overheat before ignition. Take into account the physiological norms - the lack of illumination depresses working activity and relaxes the visual nerve.

For stretch ceilings The built-in lamps on LED lamps are optimally suitable.

Many resignation of modern solutions in the LED

In any room, general lighting should be correctly combined with the working and accent, local and combined. They have their own subtypes and varieties. If the general must, let's say, get rid of the darkness as a whole, then the rest of the instruments the function is to highlight individual elements. This is achieved with various light sources in the room, regardless of the overall design.

LED lighting in the interior of the living room

Species of sources of artificial light:

  1. LED lamps are a modern alternative to the classic "Ilyich light bulb", the use of which is expensive today.
  2. Incandescent bulbs are considered archaic, but they give the minimum load on sight, and their spectrum simulates the sun's rays as much as possible.
  3. Energy-saving - quite economical lamps, but their frequent flicker tires vision, offered with a "warm" and "cold" spectrum.
  4. Luminescent is most often used for commercial and industrial space, but also in the "studios" without walls, these lamps find decent use (imitation of daylight).
  5. Duralight light-emitting cords based on LEDs - a great way to decorate individual elements Interior I. external lighting, Fare original design Light in the apartment.
  6. Bright halogens have different shades Lights, these lamps are widely used in decorating space.

LED tapes allow you to organize any options decorative backlight Ceiling, walls and furniture items

When calculating the total intensity, the solution of stretch ceilings is taken into account. The lighting design in the bedroom and the living room using multi-level structures is self-sufficient, with the exception of adding devices for local zones.

Design illumination of individual rooms: simple and difficult

Light is not only functional, but also beautiful. Eminent designers and architects will necessarily take into account this important component, holding a new project. A competent project will make a comfortable stay in the house, will help visual correction of space.

Each lamp in the room should be a destination

Some elements can be sharpened, others - to highlight and attract maximum attention to them, a defined vector is set to "push" or "closer" an object in the interior. Soft neon light creates an unusual effect when turning on the head of the bed, the back soft furniture, plasma panel or around the perimeter "steaming" ceiling. In this case, you can not use the chandelier or other "classic" source of general light.

Light in the hallway is usually completely artificial, in the apartment entrance door removed from all windows. It can be limited to one luminous point at the ceiling, if it is a tiny room. In the hallway, combined with the corridor, make 3-4 non-lamp lamps or sconce throughout the passage. In decorative purposes, you can arrange a LED tape plinth and ceiling cornice. It is advisable to equip the mirror and inner space Cabinet for clothes. IN long corridor A luminous path on the floor will be appropriate, and in a spacious room - a stretch ceiling with a beautiful LED.

To shorten the elongated hallway, you can place the built-in fixtures on the ceiling and send the light down

The bedroom is a special room, where an intimate atmosphere is relevant, which, to the most, creates a game of light and shadow. Design depends on the size of the bedroom, interior stylistics and furniture configuration. The classic version uses an elegant ceiling chandelier and 2 sheds (on both sides of the bed), in the modern - diversity of stretch ceilings and diode backlight (at the mirror and the head of the bed). Often combine the ceiling with the Effect of the "Star Sky" and perforated score with openwork otlings on the wall. Some in the bedroom like the twilight. But it is not necessary to be limited to these ideas, the solution depends on the stylistics and the overall design concept, as in the photo.

In the bedroom appropriate light

In modern living room, the main design of the apartment lighting is taped tension or multi-level ceilings. If the classic version of the ceiling color and chandel form are being played, then new decisions in the eyelids high technologies Not limited. Buy a relative simple lamp switched from the remote control, or select a combined lighting with the bottom backlight of the furniture.

The living room uses several types of lamps in accordance with the style of the premises.

Bathroom and bathroom - a special room where you can experiment with lighting, which is unacceptable in the residential room. Try gradually turning and extinguishing lamps, inclusion from cotton and other. It is important to consider that this place with high humidity, wiring, lamps and ceiling should be maximally sealed. Request diodes at the mirror and bathroom. At expensive jacuzzi, this is the default option.

In the bathroom you need a fairly bright light, but not sharp. Matte lamps built into the ceiling and a pair of devices for the mirror illumination

Light in the kitchen involves several zones that have an economical local backlight. This is a working plane, and the place of food, in addition to general light. Some like large plaffones, descending from the ceiling to dining table. IN modern kitchen You can make a frame at the ceiling with directional vectors. Look original gas stove With an ovens having a backlight - can be observed with the process of frying chicken rotating on the grill. Additionally appropriate diodes in the bar stand and over the sink.

In the kitchen, the directional illumination of working areas is combined with scattered light over common space.

Soft light in the children's bedroom - the basis of the design for this room. Too bright rays sharp for sight of the baby, annoy the psyche. And the lack can provoke myopia if children love to write, read and draw in the evenings. In places where there are lessons or are engaged in a computer, be sure to organize local backlight. The original night light on the children's themes to get rid of fear of darkness in the night hours, but it does not interfere with sleep, if you place the kid from the opposite side.

In the children's room you need a high level of lighting, but without bright rays

In the apartment-studio all depends on local zones, but better, if it is reflected in the design ceiling construction. The highlight of the concept can be steel any emphasis, but do not forget that each functional zone should have a controlled power and intensity of the rays. With a large area, switches from different points on the overall light or remote control are appropriate.

Additional highlighting of individual zones is added to the main light

Finally, another one important moment - No matter how perfectly organized artificial lighting, do not forget about the natural light, playing a significant role in the design of residential premises.

The proposed examples in the photo will help to adopt ideas used by professionals.

Large chandelier under the ceiling, a few bedside or wall lamps - traditional scheme Lighting characteristic of most apartments. For some reason, the illumination is conceived by almost the last. And very in vain. After all non-standard scheme Lighting is able to transform even the most ordinary interior. Delimia original ideas Placement of lighting devices that radically change the situation in the house.

1. Shelves where it is easy to find the necessary even in the dark

Light shelves are able to replace ordinary wall lamps. They will be especially appropriate in the bathroom or in the kitchen.

2. Light horizontally

Fluorescent lamps with white or multicolored glow in the interior of the apartment look very original. They can be hung on the wall strictly perpendicular to the floor or in chaotic order.

3. Elegant mini spotlights

So-called string lamps look much more elegant than similar models Loft style. Therefore, they will fit almost any interior.

4. Breaks ... Luminaires

Several concrete luminaires collected together will decorate any interior. Additionally wires can be decorated with plastic or wooden elements.

5. Light bulb Ilyich

As it is not paradoxically, but the only incandescent lamp on a long wire can also successfully revive the interior. Such a lamp attracts attention due to its conciseness.

6. Furning furniture

LED tape, attached to the bottom of the furniture along its perimeter, creates the effect of a walker over the floor. Light similarly space by bed, chairs or sofas - choose to you.

7. Volumetric light

Assortment of 3D panels from different materials Pretty wide. Therefore, to choose the one under which it may be possible to place light sources, quite real.

8. Extravagant excesses

Who said that only one chandelier should be in the room? Instead of one bright lighting device, hang a few small and less powerful. Impressive effect of garage!

9. Light lubricant

Most often in the bathroom you can see lamps hanging above the mirror or located along its external perimeter. But lED Strip Light Between the mirror and the wall looks much more original.

10. Attention to art

Illuminated picture can be a real interior highlight. But in order for the paints not tustling due to the light flux directed on them, it is necessary to choose special LED lamps.

11. Glowing cabinets

When the top-level illumination is turned off, the glowing lockers may well replace it. In addition, such lamps in the kitchen will help to draw attention to beautiful dishes standing on the shelves.

12. Lee chandelier, or last

One of the common and popular models of lamps is a large lampshade on the curved leg, as if leaning over the floor. Thanks to mine large sizes It may well replace not only the floor lamp, but also a chandelier.

13. Holiday every day

Tangibly diversified the lighting scheme in the house at the expense of festive garlands. Their tangible advantage compared to other lighting devices is universality in terms of accommodation. The garland can be like hanging on the wall or headboard, so chip a large vase.

14. Light panels

Light panels are made under the order in many advertising agencies. The principle of their work is similar to advertising Lightboxam, which can be seen almost everywhere. The image for panel selects the customer.

Lighting in the interior is important, but the room makes a really bright impression, it is necessary to take care of the other components. For example, think about

Organization of lighting in the apartment is one of the paramount tasks that needs to be addressed at the interior planning stage. When choosing lighting devices, you need to think not only about aesthetic attractiveness. Remember that the state of health of people, pets and even flowers depends on the level of housing illumination.

Proper lighting

Two factors affect the efficiency of lighting:

  • Power lamps
  • Number of light sources

Variating the number of lamps, you can successfully reflect the luminous scenario of the room.

For the arrangement of functional zones, for example, for recreation, food, work, games, etc., combine the lighting devices of different brightness. The skillful use of light and shadow emphasizes all the advantages and hides the seizure of the room.

Living room

This room requires a bright overall light (200-250 W). Based on the area, the number of local sources determine. For example, if the living room also includes a workplace, then it is additionally highlighted desktop lamp.


It is appropriate to use a lamp with a matte flange or short chandelier (100-150 W). The head of the bed on both sides place the sconium (60-100 watts).

On the contrary, you can put an outdoor lamp or a couple of less powerful lamps (40-60 W). This combination contributes to creating a relaxing situation.


If the size of the room is small, then the overall lighting is not necessary. The lamp is recommended to shift closer to the dining table. LEDs can additionally highlight the kitchen headset.


Necessary lighting is necessary. Local source can be hung over the mirror. As it is a room with high humidity, Luminaires must be with plafoughs.


In this room, the lighting is best created using multipoint lamps. They do not emit a bright directional light, which avoids negative impact On vision.

Educational or computer desk Equip the desktop lamp. Place for handicrafts, drawing or reading, highlighting with a sconting or floor lamp.

Corridor and parishion

Since it is often small and narrow premises, Light is needed bright and multilateral. On the perimeter of the walls, install the lamps. An additional soft natural light can highlight the mirror.

For modern lighting apartments, it is important to take into account the color reproduction of sources. This will make it comfortably to equip all rooms and will not allow the color distortion of the interior items. Optimally use lamps with index RA-100. This light allows you to most accurately display colors. The lower the value of the indicator, the worse the color rendering.

If you have not decided how to make lighting in the apartment, browse the photo on the network and for sure you will have ideas. In the opposite case, you can hire a designer, and it will solve this problem.

In the event of problems with the light circuit, you can seek a consultation to lighting, it will tell how to correctly calculate the lighting and will give seld advice. Remember that with the help of light you can make a masterpiece from an inconspicuous home. Do not be afraid to experiment!

Photo lighting in the apartment

Beauty and comfort of the interior depends largely on its right lighting. Any designer project begins with a phase of selection of lighting devices and studying their location, since in the process of designing an apartment, these parts will be fixed.

The concept of "light design" is much more complicated and multifaceted than it may seem at first glance. It must be exposed in the advantageous light of the dignity of the room and hide its flaws, to make it cozy and comfortable, to emphasize the individuality of the owner.

The light design is customary to divide into three components, each of which is given a special role in creating stylish and harmonious interior lighting.

  • General design - is a background from which it is worth repelled when the location of other light sources is processed.
  • Light architecture - divided into inner, outer and interior. Determines the overall stylistics, makes light design more individual and expressive.
  • Lightsign is all that can be changed in places and move. The most plastic lighting element expressing the personality of the owner.

Usually, the competent project includes all three elements, because only their skillful combination can create an interesting and stylish interior.

Beautiful design largely depends on the lighting

Think over the light design you need carefully

With the help of light, you can highlight or hide interior elements

There are several types of lighting, each of which has its own functions and rules of execution:

Properly selected lighting can change the interior beyond recognition.

There are several types of lighting

Effect of lighting on emotional state

Not only depends on the selection of lamps appearance your apartment, but also mental and emotional condition Her inhabitants. Scientists have found that the lighting affecting us has a multitude of properties that can bring both benefit and harm.

    Yellow light is a classic option from which people are unlikely to ever refuse. This color creates the atmosphere of comfort and is useful for the eyes.

    Due to white lighting, human health is improved. But with too high sharpness of this light, rapid fatigue occurs.

    Red charges energy and vigor, increases pressure.

    Orange color provokes an improvement in appetite and an increase in the pulse.

    Blue radiance acts relaxing, and the pressure is lowered.

    Green lighting is used in bedrooms and children's rooms. It calms down and relaxes, and also very comfortable for the eyes.

    Violet and blue light is not used for residential premises and rooms with a long stay. These colors depress and act annoyingly.

Blue light will help relax

Each color has its effect on man

Emotional state may depend on lighting

How to regulate natural light

When passing through glasses and reflection from mirrors, natural lighting becomes too hard and sharp. It is possible to smooth this light effect with the help of translucent and openwork barriers - Tulle and Organza. Scattering light, they make natural lighting smooth and comfortable.

Another way to control the light flow, pouring out of the windows - vertical blinds. They make it less rigid, and at a certain turn, they ask him the necessary direction. With their help, the level of illumination of the room is regulated by just a few hand movements.

The light can highlight the necessary items in the interior.

In some cases, you can do without natural light

Principles of artificial lighting

A lot of sanitary and hygienic requirements defined by various gtales and standards are imposed on the illumination of any space. You can study them for a long time and stubbornly, but it will be more convenient to familiarize themselves with the most important of them.

All values \u200b\u200bin this table are only necessary minimum, upper boundary values \u200b\u200bno rules are installed.

The concepts of CEO and UGR are familiar not every reader. Let's try to figure out what it is and what they differ from each other.

In the bedroom you can do without strong light sources. Enough will be several lamps

For each design, lighting should be selected individually

Sign Some Normas for Lighting Different Rooms


The natural light coefficient is the ratio of natural illumination to the common. The parameter determines the proportion of natural light that falls into the room space. We give the simplest example.

Let we measured the illumination in the middle of the living room, and it was 300 lux. Let's go on an open balcony adjacent to this room, and measure the level of illumination there. Suppose it amounted to 500 LCs. Then the Keo will be calculated as 300/500 \u003d 0.6. Comparing this indicator with a table value, we come to the conclusion that the normal light corresponds.


The discomfort coefficient is determined international standards and serves as the stringency light. It is measured in the range from 1 to 100 and is determined by polarization, coherence and spectrum of the light flux.

Speaking simple wordsThis value shows how soft and favorable light in the human eye.

Lighting You can select some items in the interior.

If there is a lot of natural light in the room, you can do the chandelier

Fundamental rules

Having understood with the norms, it is worth talking about the basic rules that answer no longer harm to human health, but for the harmonious aesthetic design of the interior.

    Light design must be necessarily coordinated with the color of the interior.

    The flow of light visually stretches the room, lengthening it towards his direction.

    Light rooms illuminate uniformly, made in dark colors - each zone separately.

    The work area is the perfect light - white.

    Light items are better to highlight with color light, and for bright parts you choose bright local lighting.

    Saturated shadows and lack of light in separate zones are better to avoid.

The flow of light visually stretches the room, lengthening it towards its direction

In the bedroom you can do the chandelier and several lamps

Light solution must be combined with the interior of the room

Pros and cons chandom

The most common type of lamps, which is used in the interior of any room and stylistics - suspended and ceiling chandeliers. They are used different types LAMP, they differ in style and design, but the most important parameter when choosing is a material from which the chandelier is made.


    Strength, durability

    Easily devastable to cleaning

    Because of the large mass, the chandelier requires a more durable attachment to the ceiling.

    High price

    Variety of forms and colors

    No deformations

    Easy cleaning



    Harmonious combination with wooden furniture

    Care of care

    Instability to moisture

    Exposure to light



    Luxurious presentable view

    Creating a game of light

    High price


    Minimum cost


    It has the property burning into the light



    Moderate price



    Instability to fires

Chandeliers unequivocally look quite stylishly and beat the overall stylistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe interior, creating around itself the atmosphere of heat and comfort, but they have cons:

  • Difficult installation.
  • Difficulties in cleaning. In order to clean the chandelier well, you will first have to unscrew the plaffones, and then screw them into place.
  • High cost compared to conventional lamps.
  • Do not suitable for rooms with low ceiling.
  • Chance. Decorative chandeliers, located under the ceiling, collect a lot of dust due to the abundance of suspended elements.

Despite your beauty they are very difficult in assembly and care

Chandeliers are always very stylish.

Pros and cons of lamps

The last generation of lamps, using great popularity - LED or LED lamps. Their success in the market is explained by many advantages of this lighting:

    Durability. Service life more than 50 thousand hours.

    Energy saving.


    High efficiency.

    Ability to change the color, brightness and lighting temperature.

    Compact and flexible modules that allow you to implement many designer ideas.



    Safety. Such lamps have an extremely low risk of fire.

Regarding minuses lED lighting It is worth saying the following:

    High cost may first scare, however it is completely compensated for a long time Services and the efficiency of such devices.

    A LED driver is required to power the instrument.

    LEDs have a property of lose brightness, and their light becomes more dull.

    Replace the distilled LED is problematic.

With the help of lamps, you can highlight specific zones

LED lamps are very popular at the moment.

Sometimes lamps are used as a decor element

Street lighting

Outdoor house lighting is performed with a decorative, security or functional purpose.

Functional illumination It is customary to pay special attention in the project, since it is exactly what is responsible for a safe movement in the yard. The main objects are garden paths, steps and porch, and the most popular solution is small lamps on short legs. They will fit perfectly in any landscape design And they will not take a lot of space, and in the dark, the day will perfectly cope with their task.

Council for the most economical owners - use lamps on solar panelsTheir choice is also huge.

For savings you can use solar panel lamps

Outdoor lighting of the house is performed with a decorative, security or functional purpose

Decorative illumination is designed to emphasize attention to the most attractive details of your garden. It can be installed at the fountain, reservoir, recreation areas or garden sculpture.

Properly organized light design of the interior is able to create real miracles, converting space, changing the direction of light flow and beneficially affecting the human psyche. The main thing in pursuit of a stylish and modern interior project is to comply with the rules of coverage and not forget about their own comfort and health.