Ideas for repairing a small apartment (photo). Repair in a small room (36 photos): design, grinding agencies and hallway interesting ideas for a small apartment

Sydial repairs in a small apartment, the owners face the problem of lack of space. The struggle of the practicality and beautiful appearance of the interior, in which it is difficult to maintain equilibrium.

In this article we will tell you how to make a small apartment cozy and comfortable, and also show photos of finished projects.

The beginning of any repair should be a detailed plan-description of the entire process that everything must take into account necessary materials, Tools, as well as the required time.

In order to start repair, it is necessary to first clean the apartment from the "residues" of former repair. That is, clean the walls from wallpaper, the ceilings from whitewash, if it is available, throw away all unnecessary things, remove the mezzanine, plinth and so on.

In general, repair ideas for a small apartment can be reduced to one generalized plan, including the following steps: 1. Selection of design. Here we are talking about what result we want to achieve from aesthetic point of view. 2. Counting the required material. Note that this line includes the cost of the tools, and the time spent (including on the purchase and delivery). Little trick: everything is possible at once and not buy, it is best to engage in separately each specific stage. 3. Next, you need to make the repair of sewage in the house, heating system, wiring, plumbing system, replace windows. 4. Following the arrangement of the toilet and the bathroom. 5. Then the kitchen finish is performed. 6. Repair of the room. 7. The final stage is the repair of an entrance hall.

What should not save

The most important thing is in repair - quality base. This means that the floors should be smooth, the walls are smooth and too smooth, and the angles are strictly 90 degrees.

What threatens such disproportionateness? Everything knows in trifles. So if you have uneven wallsThis means that the plinth to them will not be tortured, the ugly gaps will appear, definitely spoiling an appearance. Next, problems with uneven angles will be shown when you install the case corner furniture. Well, on the crooked floor, the lockers will stand Shalko Valko. In general, if you decide to rely on independent forces in repair - your work should be perfect. Pour the floors, align and plastering the walls, study the walls of the walls, the installation of stretch ceilings - all this should make professionals. Believe me, saving on the database, you risks then lay out a much longer amount to correct errors. Do not forget that it is very important to properly pave the wires around the apartment, the pipes in the bathroom. Much also depends on the quality of the finishing, namely, its practicality and appearance. Even the most expensive ceramic tile, laid out crooked, or cut off unevenly will spoil the whole interior of the room.

Stylish kitchen repair in a small apartment

We increase space

IN last years Popular studio apartment. These are rooms with a minimum partition. Only the toilet with the bathroom remains allocated, sometimes a bedroom. All other walls are fully demolished (if they are not bearing) or partially.

TO positive sides Alterations ordinary apartment The studio apartment includes the following points: you get a spacious room instead of several rooms of small square. Increases effective area. It only seems that the walls take up little space. Consider: a wall of 3.5 m long and 20 cm wide (narrow simple) covers an area of \u200b\u200b3.5 * 0.2 \u003d 0.7 square meters. This is one very small wall. For a large room, you can choose any style, apply interesting ideas. In general, this repair in a small apartment will allow visually (and in fact) to make it more. Moreover, the functionality does not suffer at all, and it becomes more convenient to live.

Little Studio Apartment after repair

However, without flaws do not do. The first is the lack of opportunity to retire. If the apartment is intended for one person, he will feel comfortable in it. If there will be two live, you need to be ready for the fact that you are constantly each other in your eyes. The second is the spread of the smells of their kitchen. The absence of partitions leads to the fact that all aromas from the kitchen can be easily penetrated into all corners of the apartment. Save the position can correct ventilation system and powerful extract. The third is the need to maintain perfect order. Immediately, from the threshold you see all or almost all the space. So there can be no disorder.

The solution to turn an apartment in the studio is radical and comes far from all. Unusually for us the absence of individual rooms. But there are other ways to make repairs in a small apartment, improving its functionality.

We combine the bathroom

Most of the standard planning apartments suffers with one disadvantage: a very small area assigned to the bathroom - toilet and bathroom. Moreover, for some reason, these two separate rooms are originally. As a result, both the bathroom and the toilet do not turn around and accurately do not put anything else (washing machine and water heater, for example).

Union toilet
and bathroom

Correct the situation by removing the septum and making it together.
Plus: the dignity of the alteration of the bathroom in the combined is quite obvious. It increases its area, the number of doors is reduced. More functional becomes the room. About whether it is convenient or not, it is useless to argue. Someone is suitable for someone, there is no one.
Minus: They can manifest themselves in "densely populated" apartments when everyone is going to work at the same time. If one of the family members long takes the bathroom, the rest are nervous.

We combine the kitchen and loggia

The kitchen with access to a spacious loggia or a small balcony is a multifunction zone. The following options can be applied: Combine the kitchen and balcony under dining area, arrange on spacious loggia Corner for recreation or to equip the storage of things. If a balcony door will be removed, put dinner table away from drafts.

In any case, the balcony needs to be inspired. If the balcony door is removed, the walls and the ceiling of the balcony are insulated and make a warm floor.
It should be borne by the fact that the loggia or balcony is open areas outside the apartment, so let professionals make repair there. After all, the load on them, depending on the fact that there will be different from the furniture there may be different.

An example of kitchen uniting with loggia

We combine a room with a balcony

With this option, we do not touch the kitchen. We need to expand and insulate the balcony. If you expand the balcony by half the meter in each direction, we get the room approximately 1.35 × 4.1 meters. It is almost the same area as your kitchen!

Now you have to remove balcony block, disassemble a piece of the wall, on which the window stood and we will get very a large room. Balcony is separated by a large arch. For heating do not worry. One radiator remains on the territory of the room, and the other is installed under the window. The most important thing is that you are well insulated the floor and the balcony itself.

Bedroom union with balcony

In order for a beautiful renovation when combining a balcony and room, you will need to withdraw the floor of two rooms for one level. Only on the balcony is better not to fill the screed so as not to increase its weight. It fits perfectly here unedged board on lags, sheltered OSP. It can be insulated with foam or minvata. If you want to apply the "Warm floor" system in your apartment, then you do not need to hang radiators. And several turns of the pipe can be put on the balcony under the boards on the brackets, screwed into the stove. In this case, pay attention to the ceiling. In such a small room, it always is a nodal object for design.

Without alignment

Want to say that square meters In a small apartment you have enough? Perfectly! Beautiful repair is possible in this case.

In the room itself, of course, the main design of the design will be the interior, but again you can move with the ceilings. If the height allows - do suspended - multi-level plasterboard or stretch. If it does not allow - to fantasize with slices of drywall, cutting out the shapes and gluing them to the ceiling. In addition, you have the opportunity to play with light with a point lamp and split the figures with the corresponding colors.

Making repairs in an apartment with a small square, stick to light tones. This visually increases the size. Try to have more light in the apartment, it will also have an impact on the space.

Before the owners of small apartments, decisive to make repairs, the question arises: what needs to be done so that the small room is functional, compact and cozy. After all, I want B. small premises Equip the area for recreation and work, and at the same time the room should not seem too close and cluttered. Let's look at some ideas for repair in a small room.

Little Room Interior Design

Designers recommend making repairs in a small room, use light shades that visually expand small space premises. Many people like purely white color, but it can sometimes look overly sterile, so requires the neighborhood of several bright accents in the interior. It should be remembered that in a small apartment there will be inappropriate multi-level and, which "eat" and so a small height of the room.

Often, when designing the interior design of a small room in Khrushchev, it uses cold colors, but if you like warm tones more, it may be gentle and unshakful shades of red, orange, yellow and others.

So that the small room does not look like the Pestro, when choosing interior items, it is better to give preference to one color gamma. Heavy bulky cabinets, tables and chairs will be superfluous in a small room. Instead, it is better to choose furniture from light plastic or glass.

It will look good in a small room. Help save free space folding sofa and folding desktop. Furniture-transformer is especially popular in small rooms, such as a cabinet bed.

Instead of massive suspended chandelier For lighting a small room it is better to use spotlights. Spearly expand the room of the mirror, which can be mounted in a wardrobe.

Using ideas for repairing a small room, you can create a stylish and original interior premises.

Of course, the existing dimensions of the apartment can not be corrected, but making repairs in a small bedroom, taking into account the original design solutions and receptions can be obtained cozy and functional space Even in a small room. Now we will share with you designer secrets to repair and arrange small bedrooms.

Planning and creating design project

It is necessary to carefully consider the design project that will display your vision of the room after the end of the work. Repair of a small bedroom implies the exact location of the necessary items. So, what should be considered:

  • the location of the bed, which is the main element;
  • location of the cabinet for linen and clothing;
  • options for placement bedside tables, chest, shelves, etc.;
  • location of chandeliers, wall lamps;
  • thinking out options with curtains and other elements of a small bedroom decor.

It is better to perform a sketch on paper, but you can use modern computer Program. Thinking on design issues, it is necessary to take into account the humming of the room and its type - square, rectangular, narrow, etc.

Square bedroom planning option

Rectangular Bedroom Planning Option

Examples of the planning extended narrow bedroom

Most often, the bedroom is a room intended for rest and sleep, but sometimes in it masterfully equip the wardrobe or the working area. All these moments should be thought about the interior planning stage in a small bedroom.

By the way, you can see how to make a dressing room in the bedroom by reading.

Wall decoration

In the room of a country house for wall repair, it is possible to use wood material or decorative plaster. This technique will give the volume of the room, visually makes it spacious.

In the apartment itself suitable option Wallpapers will be provided with microclimate for residents. Conventional paper choplars, fliesline or textile are suitable.

About, we wrote here.


In modern designs, it is helped to increase the space glossy stretch ceiling. Here is the main task - right choice shade.

One more fashion trendcaissional ceiling with mirror elements.


The floor in a small room is better made light. The perfect option for the interior in the small bedroom is parquet or laminate. Making material is better to perform diagonally, which in itself will be the expansion of the interior. You can decorate the floor by carpet in the tone of the furniture.


When choosing doors, you should not forget that they should be close to the color of the floor or plinth. You can adjust the color of the bedroom decor, which will create the harmony of all accessories. For a small room fit sliding or rotary mechanismswho significantly save space.

How to choose a wallpaper for a small bedroom

Successful renovation in a small bedroom will directly depend on the wallpaper selected for these purposes. Among the large number of tricks, you can highlight a few basic rules for wall design with wallpaper, in accordance with the type of room.

  1. In the room C. low ceilings It is worth a preference light wallpaper With a vertical pattern. It is better not to use a wide range, as it will make the room even lower. If the ceilings are high, then it is better to retreat from the edge somewhere 15 cm. It will help make the room more proportional.
  2. If the bedroom is small and dark, you can beat it warm yellow color. At the same time, the wall that is highlighted worse than everything can be saved by strips of wallpaper lighter shade. This trick will help visually pull the square room.
  3. Using different wallpaper in one room. Thanks to this variant of visual adjustment of space, you can designate zones intended for recreation or work. It should be remembered that wallpaper should have general characteristicsmanifested in texture, drawing or shade.
  4. You can significantly revive the interior of a small room with the help of photo wallpapers. It is better to give its preference to 3D images that imitates the space that goes deep into. It can be a trail between trees, sea or spectacular skyscrapers. Modern wallpaper with realistic 3D effect will definitely become original decision For the room, slightly adjusted its dimensions.

For more information about the choice of wallpapers in the small bedroom, we told.

Secrets of the interior arrangement in a small bedroom

The choice should be done in favor of a favorable light interiorwhich affects visual perception. Not everyone to taste is fully white or a beige room. In this case, it is worth useing bright accents. Select textiles your favorite shade, take a bright and extraordinary lamp on the bedside end.

To move attention from a small space, you can hang a big picture that will become the main focusing element.

In design small bedrooms Along with the importance of color, the light also plays important role, so it should be selected good lighting. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the main sources of light - windows. Remove everything that you can clutch them, remove too tight curtains and replace them on more easy and compact. A good alternative here will serve light linen curtains or such an option as Roman curtains.

The chandelier for a small bedroom will serve as a source of light in the dark time. It can be a few small lamps on the ceiling, the light of which is directed up. They will help raise the ceiling and make the bedroom more spacious. In a small room, you can use compact bedside lamps, hidden backlight.

In a visual expansion of the mirror space, an important role is to be given. It can be attached to the wall or a wardrobe. Several mirrors are able to break the space, thereby expanding it. Sometimes the design does not imply the use of mirrors on the walls. In this case, you can use various mirror surfaces of furniture, for example, dressing table, trumma, etc.

Also in the interior can be present glass elements in furniture that will not clutch the space due to its ease and transparency.

Little Bedroom Furniture

Small rooms do not have a large resource of space, so it is necessary to approach the selection of storage systems with special attention, affecting compactness and functionality.

Standard bedroom set for a small room will not be quite relevant. In addition, it is not always used fully. The stands are better replaced by racks or use special wall shelves without visible mounting.

For the correct placement of the elements, you must try to prevent voids. There must be a minimum number of things, but necessarily involved. A large number of things, books and other elements will only interfere with your relaxation and full-fledged holiday.

About the placement of furniture in the bedroom read.

The bed can be used not only in direct appointment, but also become a kind of pencil case with storage boxes without a massive headboard. The optimal option can be considered a transforming bed - a folding sofa or a bed with a podium in which you can store things.

If you wish, you can put a bed diagonally, unless of course the entrance door will allow.

Bed with drawers - excellent option For small bedrooms.

In a room with low ceilings it is worth paying attention to bed options in japanese stylewhere the low platform makes the room more spacious.

Sometimes bunk options or attic beds, which are equipped with shelves and drawers are appropriate. Thanks to such products, you can properly dispose of precious meters.

In order for the bedroom to be half a work off, you can use several elements of furniture: table, chair, appliances. At the same time it is important to distribute the space correctly.

Good idea - make workplace, turning the windowsill in the worktop.

The surface of the windowsill can perform the role of the table, unless it allows its width, and you can use folding mechanism. The rack fixed on the wall will help to significantly save the place and organize a small but functional working area.

For a small bedroom built-in or corner cupboard One tone with walls will be the most rational choice. If the quadrature allows, it is desirable to give preference to the wardrobe with mirror doors. This option will be very appropriate in modern interior Small room.

It is necessary to carefully consider the options for the wardrobe. There must be shelves and hangers who contribute to the placement of the maximum number of things.

Very original in such a room will look at the designer move, where the bed is placed on a peculiar podium with backlit, to which joins working surface and cabinet. The result is the effect of lightness due to the "hanging" in the air of the bed.

Based on the above material, it can be concluded that the current repairs in a small bedroom, as well as numerous techniques that we told you will help you visually increase the space and maximize it to use it. One should only adapt the solutions to its accommodation and improve the idea for obtaining original and stylish design.

If you do not have a spacious apartment, then you probably think about how to equip a small room so that everything is compact, it is functionally and stood in your place. Today we will show photos of interesting ideas for small rooms. Of course, they are not used in the same interior, but you can borrow some of them when drawing up design for future repair.

Use wardrobes in full growth with mirror doors: they are spacious and occupy relatively little space. The wardrobe will allow you to fold all the necessary and unnecessary things. The main thing is to competently approach it: all shelves and hangers must be well thought out so that you compactly placed things. Recommendations for filling the cabinet coupe (see other):

Shelf location scheme in a wardrobe

More mirrors - another way to visually increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. But do not overdo it with glossy surfaces, they need to be very careful to use in a small space.

Use free place under the bed, sofa, above the door and on the walls. There may fit a lot of things that just lying around the room. You can use wall shelves without visible fastening to arrange part of things with outdoor bedside tables. Do not overload space, this is the main rule: as many unnecessary things as possible.

Furniture for small bedrooms

Often the big bed takes everything free space in the room. Such a problem solve french hanging beds under the ceiling and beds in the closet, which in the day are completely removed and freeing the space. Examples of such bedrooms in the photo below:

Many generally refuse beds and use sofas for a small room as a bed.

If you have a small room - how to equip it for a few people? You can use bunk beds and attic beds, they allow you to competently distribute free space.


Perhaps one of the most important elements Any interior is harmoniously selected lighting. Forget about old plates and chandeliers - create multi-level lighting for different zones. It will allow you to regulate the light in the room at will: When you need - bright, and when you decide to watch the movie in the evening, there will be enough and soft luminescence at the wall.

Based to the embedding of directional lamps, single and tension ceilings are used. Also, think about the option, it passes without problems in any place and allows you to "soar in the air" with your designs.

The photo includes examples of successfully selected lighting in small rooms:


Zoning can be done using lighting, wall decoration, floor or ceiling. In the role of "borders" can be a wardrobe or transparent curtain, separating the workplace from the recreation area.

Usually, the bedroom is placed in the same room, the living room, and sometimes the kitchen.


A great solution for saving space and zoning room is a multifunctional podium. Upstairs can be placed sleeping place, recreation area or workspace, and at the bottom spacious shelves or pull-out bed.
Look at the photo of finished frame podiums - in one corner all the necessary things are assembled, isn't it functional?

In this article, we touched upon many techniques to increase the space and the functionality of the room. When you hold repair in a small room, remember our recommendations. Adapt ready solutions Under your needs, modify ideas to get unusual and practical design Small room.

Articles on how little room to make seem more than it really is a great set. And, nevertheless, after reading many of them, I wanted to speak too much about this.

At the same time to get away from the standard cliché: "10 tips, how to change the room."

In general, for a start, it would be nice to decide what's speech! What room can be considered small?
Does your room really small, or is it just you think?

Consider an example.
Suppose we have a room with an area of \u200b\u200b9 sq.m.
Of course, this is very small if we want to place a bedroom or living room in it. For the room, the teenager is also closed.
But for the kitchen with a small dining area it is quite acceptable. Also, it is also quite realistic to accommodate the office or even a nursery for a child of preschool age using proportionate children's furniture.

And if these 9 meters got a bathroom, then unfortunate " Only 9 meters»Magically turn into luxury" As many as 9 meters».

Thus, a small can be any room that has the desired set of functions that this room should perform, disproportionately large in relation to its area.

In addition, additional factors will have to take into account: the configuration of the room, which is sometimes more important than the area, as well as the height of the ceiling and illumination.

Well, the last (but no less important) - the loss of the room.

Obviously, in the general case, the bedroom (without additional functions) has less permeability than the kitchen or children's, for example. But if it is in this room that the only balcony in the apartment, which is stored very necessary things in the household, then its passability increases significantly.

So, the first thing to do is:

1. Installation:
- It is originally most logical to distribute functions and offered areas in order to meet each other.
- Whenever possible, reduce the number of functions that dropped on one small room.

Unfortunately, this is not always possible, and yet before pouring tears, trying to "impack the insecious", think: is it possible to make a competent redevelopment of the apartment as a whole, in order to logically redistribute the area. Or maybe you should change the bedroom with places with a living room or children's bedroom? Or will it be possible to find the place of the wardrobe not in the tiny bedroom, but in the corridor, or in another room?

If the room is already chosen and no changes should be given special attention to the placement of furniture in it.

2. Alignment of furniture.
In mathematics, "the amount of the places of the terms does not change." But when planning the room - the other way around. Changes, yes, how!

The so-called perception is especially important "first impression".
That is what the first striking when we enter the room. And what do we see, first of all? That's right, the front wall (opposite the entrance) and the "red angle" (diagonally from the door). Accordingly, it is these zones that require a special relationship in the design.
Do not overload them with bulky objects and things that have lost aesthetic appeal, carefully also with small details (all sorts of open shelves with vases, photos, clarops ...)

But on both sides of the entrance there is a "dead zone" (especially from the door of the hinge). A massive wardrobe can be hidden without difficulty, and a terrible rack that for some reason you do not decide to send a landfill.
- zoning.Another disputed for small premises theme.

On the Internet there are many pictures, the room is divided into zones using a drywall partition, a rack or sofa, an across the room.

It should be remembered that these solutions are not suitable for small rooms and, not only make them even less visually, but often it makes great to the use of each of the zones by appointment.

An exception may be narrow, and at the same time disproportionately long room. But in this case, it is worth using only mobile furniture items, low dressers or through racks that transmit light to keep the total volume.

It will also be inappropriate to look in a small volume of different architectural excesses. Artificially created niche, arches, columns, multi-tiered ceilings of strange forms from drywall.

3. Style
First of all, we define with style.
With the "palace" styles spread better right away. Luxury Louis XIV Bed will lose all his gloss if you somehow managed to shove it into the tile of 3x3 m. And, alas, there will never create a feeling of the royal bedroom.
Of course, most of all for small rooms is suitable minimalism, with its laconic, ergonomic forms.

But not all are fans of this style. In this case, you can contact the universal and much more cozy style. contemporary.

or elegant Provence.

For the most brave, you can offer eclectic solutions. For example, a grandmother's table may well get along with glossy facades of cabinets.

4. Furniture
Equally important is the process of selecting certain models of furniture capable of reduced room load.

The general principle of choice is simple:
- Furniture should not be a lot. Leave only the most necessary.
Numerous, even minor items, are capable of hard to soar any room.
- It should be abandoned by massive products, in favor of lighter elegant models.
- In general, bright furniture looks easier than the dark.
- Numerous boxes of cabinets of different colors and size, and even with any drawings, patterns and sealers will not give beauty, and they will only crush your small room.
- Cabinets built-in or detached, but with smooth smooth facades that attract as much attention as possible.
- Bed choose without squatting.
- The sofa is simple form, low. The upholstery is preferably a monophonic, not bright, not stupid. It is advisable to abandon the combination of colors and wide wooden armrests.
- Choosing in favor of using non-standard furniture. Products made to order may be maximally adjusted in size and form to specified circumstances.
Special attention is paid different transformers.
- Folded bed.

- Podium bed.

- Retractable beds for children.

- bed sofa for the living room.

- Table transformer.

- Workplace - secreter.

They will help you save place in the room.
5. Color
After figured out furniture, we smoothly go to color decoration.
Here, I will probably not say a lot of new things. All articles are advised to use white color, light shades and cold tones.

And it really works!
White Color has a property to reflect light particles, so the room seems not only more, but also higher, and lighter.

Light cold tones Visually remove the surface from us, expand the boundaries of the room. While the warm surface tones approach.

"What do we now, do all the white, as in the hospital?"
- Well, first, the interior will not seem sterile boring, if using various textures on contrast. Brick, shabby to combine with lace and silk, and fur with glitter glass or glossy facades.

- Can be used various shades of neutral tones

- or make a small interior contrast notch.

But that's not all!
If you prefer saturated colors, you can use any of them. Even black. At the same time, walls and gender, as well as all major objects in the room must be one color. Different with shades, saturation and invoice.

You can use this technique, for example, if you need to place a large solid sofa in a small room, from which you can't refuse.
Because the color of the sofa will be close to the color of the walls, it will no longer look so cumbersome as before.

Now, what should be unambiguously avoided when designing:
1. sharp color contrast

2. Abundance of different colors.

6. Photo wallpaper
They are often advised to use to expand space.

In principle, it is. The prospect is best in this regard. That's just the majority do not even suspect how difficult it is to choose the right one, suitable to your interior image. One of yours: " i liked this picture so much"- obviously not enough.
It is necessary to take into account the plot, and the color solution, the size and geometry of the panel (square, rectangle (correct or highly elongated or high), the dimensionality of the pattern, the horizon line and the correct viewing view.

It may happen that the cherished picture will be alien to your interior.
You can spoil the impression
-English angle

-Hell to the case of the image or

- Excessively close-up.

7. Light
Of course, the better the room is illuminated, the more it seems spacious.
- Try not to heat the flow of lightHaving nearby high cabinets.
- Dense curtains replace the air, translucent curtains.
- if planning allows, opposite the windows you can hang the mirrorwhich will reflect the flow of light.
- Also, if the window sucks wide enough, they can also make mirrored.

In general, we will talk more about the mirrors later.

8. Electric lighting
One of the departments of success is uniform lighting.
The question is only in what way it is to achieve this.
Using built-in point lights It is not always justified on the ceiling, and not always appropriate.
First, it is still a type of technical lighting. Without restrictions, it can be used in the corridor, bathroom, dressing room and to illuminate the kitchen edge.
Beautiful stylish models are suitable for residential rooms in the style of minimalism, high-tech.

Secondly, it will be necessary to lower the ceiling.
The most win-win solution will add to the main lamp additional light scenarios.
- Bra, table lamps, lamps.
- Illuminated glass cabinets and paintings always creates intrigue in the room, and
- LED tape stretched around the perimeter and hidden by ceiling cornice, not only visually raises the ceiling, but also contributes to a soft intimate atmosphere.

9. Mirrors
Besides his direct function
- reflect Your person,
For him in the interior there may be some more roles:
- Mirrors reflect lightpositively affecting illumination.
- Magic reflections allows enlarge space .
- They themselves can serve element decor .

Therefore, weighing the mirror, or another, before decide which of these functions in priority.
1. In the first case, the mirror hangs so that you can use it as convenient as possible. If we are talking about a big mirror, it should be an approach to it to see yourself in full growth. In this case, the light should fall on the side or from above, but not because of the back.

And it will happen if the mirror hang on the opposite window of the wall.
2. But in the mirror will be reflected in the window, it will give you a beautiful perspective and a well-lit room.

For this purpose, if you for some reason are not very complaining of mirrors, you can use glass or glossy surfaces, metal or mirror mosaic instead of them.
Also, instead of one large mirror you can hang in a sufficient altitude somewhat small. They will also reflect the light, but you do not have to accumulate all the time to your image in full growth (for those who do not like it)
3. If there is a task with the help of mirrors to increase the space, think about and how your mirrors reflect. It is unlikely to solve the problem will help the reflection of the empty bare wall in a narrow corridor, or a mustache fell in the corner.

4. When you hang mirrors exclusively "for beauty", then the place for them needs to be chosen as if we hung the picture or another element of the wall decor. Considering the composition, style, shape and color.
- But it is not worth hanging on all walls and free corners on all walls and free corners and other decorations.
- Also, it is not worth hanging out open shelves with books and different "stuffs".
At the end, I wanted to summarize all of the above and focus on the main points.

- Properly distribute the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment.
- Do not overload small rooms with extra functions.
- Try to find the most rational alignment option.
- Discard the "extra" architectural elements.
- Choose a suitable style.
- Reduce the number of furniture.
- Avoid bulky models.
- Use non-standard furniture made according to your sizes, and various transformers.
- It is not necessary to crush the room with solubular furniture, facades of different colors and shapes, numerous shelves, paintings, etc.
- Make a choice in favor of homogeneous surfaces without patterns and patterns.
- Avoid harsh contrasts and multilateral.
- Try all the elements of the finish pick up in one color scheme, the difference can only be in shades and textures.
- Preference to give white color, light shades and cold colors.
- Try to fill the room with light.
- Organize uniform lighting and various light scripts.
- Competently use various design techniques aimed at visual expansion of space: Wall murals with perspective, mirrors, glass and glossy surfaces.
I will be glad if my article will help you.

Having your apartment, even if you even want to make something unusual from it. However, the small space often limits our opportunities in creating a special design. It is necessary to do in a small room not only aesthetically attractive, but also visually increasing space.

How to make repairs in a small bathroom

The repair of a small bathroom is to create a compact, functional room, which will carry not only the consumer function, but also aesthetically nice to look. There are several rules, following which you can create an elegant bathroom. First, the surfaces must have soft light tones. Secondly, the mandatory presence of a large number of mirror surfaces and mirrors themselves. Thirdly, storage space should not be bulky, voluminous, it is best to create a small niche in the wall.


What repair can be done in a small room

For a small room, the minimalism is most often choosing, combined with High Tek. This style will not only allow premises more comfort, but also create a modern design. Minimalism in the interior implies the use of minimum of funds.

Little rooms are almost in every home. They are always associated with cramped, discomfort, disadvantage of free space. If this is one of many rooms, then it is still Polwy (although it can be used effectively), and what to do the owners, for example, one-room apartments, which one room serves the bedroom, living room and dining room? In this case, the properly created interior will help. Ideas, how to equip small rooms, plentifully, you only need to dream a little bit and reincarnate in the designer.

Color decoration

Dark tones visually reduce space, light - increase. It is from this rule and should be repeated when choosing a color scheme. Professionals recommend the owners of small rooms to abandon too bright colors In large quantities. Not only will it look too rude, it will also be visually reduced the size of the room. Long stay in the motley room can cause headache. It is best to stop your choice on bright colors, for example, beige, white, salad, gray, light blue.

Wallpaper It is recommended to choose with a small pattern, a large ornament looks more appropriate in huge halls than in a small room. It can be played on the contrast of the ceiling, walls and gender. The latter should be much darker, but the main thing is not to overdo it. Small size involves compliance with monochromicity. It is possible to select the furniture of one color if possible, a slight variation of shades is allowed. This will allow you to visually increase the space.

Selection of curtains for room

Curtains also play a major role in the arrangement of small rooms. Ideas for small rooms involve the acquisition of light flower porks of light shades that would not lose space and did not attract unnecessary attention. Curtains should be combined with walls, they may even be made in one color scheme. Fabrics must be air, you can give preference to gas tulle. To visually enlarge the windows, you should hang in the edges. Curtains should be long, short options Do not even consider.

How to use free space?

Before equipping small rooms, it should be determined that they should be in them, for what purposes they are calculated. A small room does not tolerate disorder, scattered things immediately create a feeling of cramped, discomfort, so every dress, every cup, figurine, book, etc. should know their place. All free space needs to be used to the maximum. For example, why buy a chest of drawers, book and shelf, if all this can be replaced with a functional wall? So the place will be saved, and the room will become much careful and spacious.

Ideas for small rooms suggest a purchase multifunctional furniture. Many designers are recommended for one-bedroom apartments Acquire a bed that is transformed into the wall, but not all can afford such a purchase. But even people with an average income on the pocket to buy a sofa bed, in which two people can sleep at night, and during the day it acquires a neat look and is ready for reception. In addition, the bedding can be folded, pillows. Thus, not only free space is saved, but also money. Instead of a large table, it is desirable to purchase a folding coffee table or such that attached to the wall and descends, if necessary.

Visual increase in the room

Repair in a small room involves the establishment of large mirrors reflecting surfaces. Such accessories visually expand the room, make it lighter due to therefore professionals recommend installing mirrors opposite windows. Buying a wardrobe, it is worth preferring models with glass doors. Create an illusion of lightness will help chairs with transparent legs, glass countertop, transparent plastic furniture.

Zoning of the room

Many are interested in how to equip a small apartment to achieve its multifunctionality. Here only the right zoning will help. For example, one room can be divided into sleeping and workplace, the space can even be limited by shirms or curtains. At the same time, the use of different colors, light sources, - the illusion of two different premises should be created. Furniture should be placed in such a way that it does not interfere with anyone. The freely floor, the more crushing the room seems.

Rules of clarification

Before equipping small rooms, it is worth bothering about lighting, artificial or natural. The bright room visually seems much spacious than dark. If there is a big window, it is not necessary to close it with curtains, on the contrary, it should attract attention. You should use if the room is not located on the sunny side. The chandelier is best to choose transparent, small sizes.

For small rooms, you should buy dwarf furniture. Bulky chairs are discarded immediately; Now manufacturers produce many comfortable chairs of small sizes. You can purchase an angular sofa: in size it is greater, but there is much less space compared to the usual.

How to equip a small bathroom?

It is much more difficult to equip a small room than huge, because everything must be placed and at the same time leave free space. For a small bathroom, it is worth buying shallow lockers, pencils, because more bulky structures will take a lot of space. From the urinal and the bidet will have to abandon. You also need to choose between shower and bathroom. The first option is more practical and compact. If I want to occasionally treat yourself, soaring in the foam, you can buy an angular bathroom with a curtain.

In this room, you can also highlight the place for the home library, taking the wall with floor racks to the ceiling. In addition, the lower shelves can be used to store other things. If the Cabinet is used to receive business partners, then you need to take care of compact and comfortable chairs, if the place allows you to buy a small sofa, a table for drinks.

Adhering to simple in rules, you can even make a functional, bright and spacious living room, bedroom, bathroom or office.

Many residents of small-sized apartments dream of spacious rooms, but sometimes it is simply not possible. However, you can try to correct the situation what is called "on the spot." Namely, competently make repairs in a small room so as to visually increase its size, while the correct layout of a small room will help to use space as much as possible.

Of course, on an area of \u200b\u200b10 square meters (and less) it is quite difficult to place a living room, a bedroom, a working and / or children's corner. This task is sometimes impossible even for professional designers. But here to "squeeze all juices" from a small room for the improvement of residential premises, creating comfort and comfort in it, it is quite possible. It is necessary to know only a few rules, and in some questions and tricks, carrying out the repair of a "small scale".

Color decoration

Warm shades are not allowed: red, yellow, orange, peach, etc. But at the same time they should not be too saturated, otherwise it is easy to achieve effect on the contrary. Staying in such a room will be psychologically uncomfortable due to the feeling of constant pressure of the walls or the ceiling.

The maximum optimal variant of the color design of a small room will be monochrome when choosing colors in the interior. This applies not only to the shades of finishing materials, but also when choosing a color of curtains, furniture, textiles and other design elements.

Light in the room

If during the selection of the flavor there are limitations, then the options are a set. The exception is - large chandelier, which automatically "steals" half the ceiling. The main thing when choosing the geometry of their location take into account the light accents over the individual area zones. It is also not recommended to load the ceiling surface with a large number of light points, otherwise you can mistakenly achieve the effect of one solid chandelier. It is better to add lighting wall bras, outdoor lamp or a small floor lamp.

We decorate the ceiling

Do not use multi-level structuresEven if the ceiling height is suitable for this. The fact is that the multi-level ceiling will attract unnecessarily attention, thereby creating the impression of hanging and pressure. But if it was still a decision on the installation of just such a ceiling, it should be avoided wide or too long its elements. Because too the volume cascade of elements will not only visually expand the space, and on the contrary, visually turns the living room in the "matchbox".

To make the ceiling surface, it is better to use PVC film, simply speaking, stretch ceilings, while using light shades, in the perfect version - classic white color. But regardless of the film, it should be a glossy, and not matte. This will additionally "pull out" the room in height.

We make flooring

Many owners of small rooms do not pay enough attention to the floor decoration, explaining this by the fact that in a small room there are few "looks under the feet." However, this is not quite the right statement. Of course, it is not necessary to use dark or heavy materials for finishing, it is better to replace something "lightweight, light and homogeneous". At the same time, if the flooring is drawing, then it is advisable to have it diagonally, which visually increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Furnishing a small room

For furnishing, small size rooms should be selected compact furniture. This will help save space. There are several design techniques that help answer the question: "How to furnish a small room?":

    For example, the wardrobe will free valuable meters that would need to open ordinary doors.

    The transformer bed can easily turn into a comfortable sofa or an equally comfortable table or an end.

Nuances of interior

When making a window in a small room, you should remember transparent curtains From lightweight materials (textiles, tulle, chiffon, etc.) in the color of the walls. Then it will seem that the window merges with the walls, which will strengthen the spatial sensation. In no case cannot use such attachments such as lambrene. The rolled curtains are ideal, which will maximize the window opening.

Strictly speaking, the chosen style of a small room must be as close as possible to the Scandinavian style or, in perfect version- To minimalism.

Observing and applying these simple rules when repairing and creating an interior, it is easy to get rid of the stereotype that the small room is loaded and low-contactable room for housing. Even the smallest room can be turned from the "cheerlel" in a comfortable and cozy "nest".

Video Overview of Little Room Design Overview

Many residents small-sized apartments They dream of spacious rooms, but sometimes you just have no opportunity. However, you can try to correct the situation what is called "on the spot." Namely, competently make repairs in a small room so as to visually increase its size, while the correct layout of a small room will help to use space as much as possible.

Of course, on an area of \u200b\u200b10 square meters (and less) it is quite difficult to place a living room, a bedroom, a working and / or children's corner. This task is sometimes impossible even for professional designers. But here to "squeeze all juices" from a small room for the improvement of residential premises, creating comfort and comfort in it, it is quite possible. It is necessary to know only a few rules, and in some questions and tricks, carrying out the repair of a "small scale".

Color decoration

Designers are recommended for repairing light shades for design. It is possible to apply a cold line of colors, such as light green, light blue, light gray, pastel and others. In this case, the focus of color optical deception will work. Such colors seem to be visually distinguished from the wall or ceiling in such colors.

Warm shades are not allowed: red, yellow, orange, peach, etc. But at the same time they should not be too saturated, otherwise it is easy to achieve effect on the contrary. Staying in such a room will be psychologically uncomfortable due to the feeling of constant pressure of the walls or the ceiling.

Maximum optimal option The color decoration of a small room will be monochrome when choosing colors in the interior. This applies not only to shades. finishing materialsBut also when choosing a color of curtains, furniture, textiles and other design elements.

Light in the room

If during the selection of the flavor there are limitations, then the lighting options are a set. The exception is - large chandelier, which automatically "steals" half the ceiling. For registration it is preferable to select point lights of small diameter. The main thing when choosing the geometry of their location take into account the light accents over the individual area zones. It is also not recommended to load the ceiling surface. large quantity Light points, otherwise you can mistakenly achieve the effect of one solid chandelier. It is better to add lighting wall lighting, floor lamp or a small flying.

Features of making a small room lighting in the photo

We decorate the ceiling

The interior of the small size room does not imply the use of any major, even "protruding" design elements. It is indisputly concerned and the ceiling.

It is not necessary to use multi-level structures, even if the ceiling height is suitable for this. The fact is that multi-level ceiling It will attract excessive attention to themselves, thereby creating the impression of hanging and pressure. But if it was still a decision on the installation of just such a ceiling, it should be avoided wide or too long its elements. Because too voluminous cascade of elements ceiling construction not only visually will not expand the space, but by contrary, visually turns residential room In the "matchbox".

To make the ceiling surface, it is better to use PVC film, simply speaking, stretch ceilings, while using light shades, in the perfect version - classic white color. But regardless of the film, it should be a glossy, and not matte. This will additionally "pull out" the room in height.

By the way, most people feel calm and protected in the interior of a beige-white shade. The fact is that a couple of decades ago, astronomer scientists studied about two hundred galaxies and brought ... Average galactic color. Our universe is beige and white shade.

We make flooring

Many owners of small rooms do not pay enough attention to the floor decoration, explaining this by the fact that in a small room there are few "looks under the feet." However, this is not quite the right statement. Of course, it is not necessary to use dark or heavy materials for finishing, it is better to replace something "lightweight, light and homogeneous". At the same time, if the flooring is drawing, then it is advisable to have it diagonally, which visually increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

There is another trick. Gender in a small room can become a source of heat. It is the installation of a heating floor that will make rid of the heating radiator, which in turn will free part of the space under the window, which can be used differently.

Furnishing a small room

For furnishing, small size rooms should be selected compact furniture. This will help save space. There are some designer techniqueshelping to answer the question: "How to furnish a small room?":

    For example, a wardrobe will release valuable meters that would need to open the doors of an ordinary dressing cabinet.

    The transformer bed can easily turn into a comfortable sofa or an equally comfortable table or an end.

    You can also use the "multi-storey" furniture: a bubble bed will greatly release a place in a small nursery.

    Furniture facing elements must have a light texture, preferably glossy, mirror, glass or transparent plastic.

In general, furniture should be as small as possible. In this case, you should pay more attention to its functionality than for aesthetics.

Features of the setting of a small room in the photo

Nuances of interior

When placing the window in a small room, you should remember the transparent curtains from lightweight materials (textiles, tulle, chiffon, etc.) in the color of the walls. Then it will seem that the window merges with the walls, which will strengthen the spatial sensation. In no case cannot use such attachments such as lambrene. Ideal fit rolled curtainswhich will maximize the window opening.

When choosing all sorts of accessories, just asceticity should be shown. Because placed, where only you can, figures, photos, vases and souvenirs not only will not decorate the room, but on the contrary, they will create a feeling of load and litterness.

Strictly speaking, the selected style of a small room must be as close as possible to Japanese, scandinavian style Or, in the perfect version, - to minimalism.

Observing and applying these simple rules When repairing and creating an interior, you can easily get rid of the stereotype that the small room is loaded and low-contactable room for housing. Even the smallest room can be turned from the "cheerlel" in a comfortable and cozy "nest".