The better to paint the tree: consumer test enamel. What paint is best to paint a tree how to paint wood

At first glance, such a simple and simple process, like painting of a tree, does not require any special knowledge and skills. However, this is not quite true. The abundance and variety of modern paints and varnishes (LKM) requires compliance with the rules and conditions for the performance of work.

All producers of paints accompany their products detailed instructions. But in some cases they are not enough to obtain a qualitatively painted surface. Therefore, newcomers in this matter are trying to focus on the advice and recommendations of specialists, the experience of which is purchased through perennial trials and errors.

Before choosing paint, you need to pay attention to the quality wooden surfaces. If the walls are erected from a log or bar, there is no need for their preliminary mechanical training To staining. In this case, it is sufficiently to choose a paint tool and LKM. Grinding of such walls will be difficult, especially if the old sawn timber.

Modern wooden elements Facing pass the grinding stage in the production process. But if necessary, perform additional mechanical processing Board. This will allow you to better paint the facade. After that, they start choosing paint. If you treat this case without proper attention, soon after its application, you can get so negative effects as the loss of color saturation, peeling and cracking of the protective layer. To prevent these troubles, no particular effort will be required. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the instructions for choosing paint and the technique of its application.

First of all, you need to assimilate the same rule: any wooden surface requires preparation for staining. It is impossible to just buy paint and apply it. It is necessary to give the surface certain properties. This can be done with special compositions, the purpose of which in ensuring wood protection and increase its moisture resistance. This is especially important for those elements that are on the street.

Types of wood for wood

The choice of the desired primer composition is easy. You just need to carefully read the manufacturer's instruction, which, as a rule, is on the label or directly on the surface of the container with the solution. There are several types of primers.

  1. On acrylic basis.
  2. On an alkyd basis.
  3. Based on acrylic and silicone.
  4. Based on epoxy resins.
  5. On the basis of shellac.

All of them perform several tasks: disinfection and degrease the wooden surface, give it resistance to moisture and protect against insect pests. The newcomer in the painting case may arise the question: why do you need such a variety of primers? Specialist will answer: in order to take into account all the features of different wood species and the purpose of painted surfaces.

Acrylic compositions are universal. They can be used to protect any wood, chipboard, fiberboard. Alkyd primers are needed in cases where the most thorough preparation of the surface to staining or sticking decorative elements is required. For example, these compositions are popular with those masters who are passionate about decoupage. Alkyd soils are able to fill the slightest pores of the tree, which makes the surface more even and smooth.

Soil "Tikkurila"

If it is necessary to treat the structure outside the street, prefer the compositions based on silicone and acrylic. They are able to provide the highest possible effect of water waterproofing. Sliced-based primers and epoxy resins are full-fledged paintworkwhich in addition to bioprotective surface treatment, stains it in that color, which is indicated on the container with the composition.

There is another graduation of primers: functional features. Composition is distinguished here deep penetration And with the effect of varnishing. Choose the one that is best suited in a particular case. In the production of finishing facade work The most claimed primer in deep penetration with the properties of biocoes and moisture protection.

Wood paint selection

All colors for wood are divided into two large groups: for internal and external work. The first is used to finish wooden surfaces indoors, the second - to cover those that are located on the street. For staining of facades, the composition is required for external work. This is the first stage of choosing paint.

The second is to choose its type. There are several:

  • oil;
  • alkyd;
  • acrylic;
  • latex;
  • pentaftali.

The first are not recommended for use for facade works. These paints (oil) have several drawbacks that will significantly complicate the production of external work. First of all, it is a long period of drying. On average, between the application of the first and second layers should be underway at least 48 hours at favorable weather conditions, and at least 72 hours with unfavorable. This is a rather significant break in work.

Another disadvantage oil colors In the fact that they quickly fade under the influence of the sun. In addition, prone to cracking. But they have special advantages: a small consumption provided by a high degree of viscosity of the composition.

Alkyd paints - Popular and fully acquitted choice in the production of facade works. These compositions are qualitatively protected and stained with wood of any breed. The condition of the surface may be the most difficult. But the wall or element of the fence must be necessarily primed. In this case, all roughness and small height differences will be smoothed. Therefore, the paint is easy and smoothly falling, which will ensure the quality of the coating.

Among the advantages alkyd enamels Resistance to ultraviolet, frost resistance, moisture resistance, crack resistance. But still the best choice For facade works - Silicone-based LKM. For high-quality protection of wood, it is enough to apply one layer of these enamels. Thanks to its composition, silicone is significantly increased by the strength ability. The coating is obtained lasting and maximally resistant to environmental impacts. Silicone enamel meet all the requirements for external work. Therefore, these paints are the most expensive.

No less high-quality strength ability possess latex paints. They have another important property for finishing the facades: a high degree of resistance to moisture. But acrylic paints are enjoyed significantly greater popularity. The main role in choosing these enamels is their low price.

If the question arose about what manufacturer to give preference, domestic or foreign, it is desirable to stop your choice in the first version. The fact is that european manufacturers Designed for operation in a softer climate than Russian. Products of Spanish, Italian, German, French enterprises are suitable for finishing facades in the southern regions of the Russian Federation. For the Northern it is recommended to use the products of domestic enterprises, which takes into account the features of the Russian climate.

Optimal choice for areas with cold winters - water soluble paints and lesing antiseptics. Here you can use the compositions of the Finnish and Swedish manufacturers. In these countries there is a more severe climate, therefore, the enamels produced there are necessary for facade works by frost resistance and moisture resistance. Excellent selection - Products of companies "Tikurilla" and "Sadolin".

A means of a new generation - "Vali Color". This is a lesing antiseptic, which can be applied on wood with the surface of any complexity. The experience of applying by Russian homeowners suggests that for 5-6 years, the coating formed by this composition does not lose its operational and aesthetic characteristics. Close in quality enamel - "Pinotex".

Characteristics of pentaftalia colors

BinderPentaftali varnish
Consumption per 1 m2100-180 g / m2
Drying periodAt least 24 hours
Adhesion1 score (good)
Lifetime4-5 years old
Interval between layers20-24 hours

Rules for choosing and applying paints that you need to know

If there is a need to completely close the wood texture and get a smooth smooth surface, it is recommended to use water-soluble enamels. For example, Aquatex. These compositions are more durable than oil and alkyd.

The technology of staining of wooden surfaces provides for a multiple uncomplicated rules. First of all, you need to know that houses that have not passed the shrinkage stage, it is impossible. It will be a waste of time and money, since the layer applied inevitably cracks and partially turns.

It is not recommended to paint a bar and a log that did not give moisture, that is, freshly treated. For the period of shrinkage of the house, they are covered with a special preservative on the basis of volatile solvents, which has the ability to deeply penetrate the pores of the tree and accelerate the output of moisture. Only after that you can start staining the facade.

If it is unknown, it was sufficient to dry a tree, it is recommended to abandon the use of film-forming materials, such as lesing antiseptics and alkyd paints. If the walls have an optimal level of humidity (10%), the best choice for their staining is the finish paint or a translucent lesing antiseptic. You can choose the composition of the observer or half-work type. Both types of these enamel will provide high-quality and aesthetically attractive protection of the walls.

If there is a desire to get on the facade texture of siding under the tree, use the paint "Vinha". After drying, it completely hides under the natural texture of the tree and forms a surface imitating the relief of vinyl siding.

A similar effect is given all structural paints. Otherwise, these enamels are called "textured". They are capable of forming a relief to 3 mm deep. They can be applied to any types of surfaces: concrete, brick, plastered. Average flow 700 \u003d 1500 g / m2.

Instructions for applying textured paint on the facade

The staining of the facade is performed at an air temperature not lower than + 5 ° C and not higher than + 25 ° C. Another important momentwhich you need to know: Works start not from early morning, and at 10-11 hours. By this time, the walls of the house dried away from the night moisture and morning dew.

For application ordinary paint can be used:

  • painting brush;
  • roller;
  • kraspopult.

For application of texture paint, other tools and materials will be required.

Step 1. Preparation of the surface of the walls to staining.

Remove the old finishing coating. The facade should be dry and clean. Dust and pollution remove dust and dirt. After that, give time to drying walls.

Step 2. Padding.

Recommended applying adhesive primer "TM" or "VGT". For applying, use a roller with a short handle or a wide painting brush. After that, the work is interrupted for 24 hours. During this time, the walls are completely dried.

Soil - Photo

Step 3. If it is decided to paint the facade with the "under the stone" effect, the paint is applied with the Kelma from of stainless steel. Metal spatula is gaining a layer of paint on the cell.

Step 4. The composition is evenly distributed on the surface of the wall by analogy with the spatlement.

Step 5. Not allowing paint to dry, rub it with plastic cells, periodically pressing one of its ribs (thus the relief will be formed).

Step 6. The work continues for 15 minutes, after which the paint will start glare and lose elasticity.

Step 7. Make a break in work for 24 hours.

Step 8. With the help of a foam sponge or painting tassels are applied tinting composition.

Step 9. Hold a break in 3 minutes.

Step 10. Wash the vehicle in the tank with water and remove the toning layer, seeking to get the shade of natural stone.

Step 11. Remove upper layer relief with the help of grinding and abrasive disk.

To create a drawing of another species, textured rollers or stencils can be used. Regardless of the type of the selected tool or device, the technology of obtaining the textured surface remains the same.

Effect "Travertine"

Technique "Tamponato"

Original pattern on green textural paint

Video - texture paint from the company VGT

Acrylic paints were presented on the market half a century ago. It is safe to say that this is a real breakthrough in the construction and repair sphere. To date, the majority of consumers prefer this type of coverage.

The composition of this material is simple. Consists of three elements: resin (binding element), water and coloring pigments. Those who are not familiar with this coverage are interested, and is it possible to paint the tree? The answer is undoubtedly positive. Moreover, this option has a mass gain among similar compounds. How to paint acrylic paint tree and how to choose a tool?

Features of acrylic paints

It is perfect for painting a wooden surface. Thanks to the huge selection of stem palette, everyone will be able to translate their designer ideas in life. The material is environmentally friendly, so it is possible to apply it to furniture, doors and windows, even in children's rooms.

After applying, the coating does not allocate toxic elements. In addition, paint does not have a sharp smell. Therefore, it can be operated with it in public places.

Another advantage of this material is rapid drying (1-2 hours). This is an unconditional plus for those who wish to work quickly and at the same time qualitatively.

In addition, to clean the tools used in the process of staining with solvents and other unpleasant compositions there is no need. It is enough to rinse them under running water.

One more an important feature Acrylic is its long service life, which varies within 10-12 years (depending on the manufacturer). The coating is sufficiently stable, which makes it possible to use cleaning agents on the painted surface.

Acrylic paint protects the wooden product from ultraviolet rays (Due to the resins contained in the composition), mechanical damage. It is water repellent, breathable, resistant under the influence of temperatures, high and low humidity.

Acrylic coatings confront the formation on the surface of cracks and bubbles, they have a high degree of covers, which makes it possible to apply a minimum layer.

One more a distinctive feature It is the ability to remove paint until it grabbed on a wooden surface. After drying on the painted products, a protective film is formed, which is removed only by using special solvents.

Important: After treating products acrylic paint, it literally breathes. At the same time ensures protection wooden products from pests.

Are there any deficiencies?

Despite the many advantages, acrylic has disadvantages:

  1. The price for the quality product is very high.
  2. If you store the paint for a long time, then it can burst.
  3. Too cheap acrylic paints can lose their color, especially under the influence of ultraviolet.

As can be seen, the number of minuses is very little and relate to them, mostly product quality. However, the existing shortcomings should still be considered if you want to paint the tree of acrylic paint.

Choice rules

The choice of high-quality composition depends on what product is planned to paint. If its location is indoors, it is recommended to select a coating intended for internal work. Such formulations create a smooth coating on furniture, interior doors and other decor elements.

They do not lose color for a long time and are considered absolutely harmless. In addition, acrylic coating for interior premises It dries quickly, it is easy to apply, does not have a sharp smell.

Another thing is, if you need to paint the items on the street - external doors, windows, facades, etc. It is recommended to choose a special coating made for external work. They differ both options with compositions. The latter includes special elements opposing atmospheric drops (consists of painting pigments, fillers, fixers).

Such a composition provides reliability and strength of coating, elasticity, protection against moisture and sun, rapid drying and high degree of vapor permeability.

This composition can be applied both on a new product and on old structures, made of wood (only before this surface is required to carefully polish).

Store acrylic paint preferably at a temperature not lower than 0 ͦ and not higher than 30 ͦ C.

Important! Before use, it should be mixed and diluted.

How to apply acrylic on a wooden surface?

Before using this material, wooden products should be prepared for the process. Especially if it comes to old surfaces. If the facade, window, door, new furniture, then for pre-processing there is no need. Acrylic can be applied immediately.

So, if there are cracks, deepening, irregularities in the product, then they should be sealed with a wipe, intended for wood. If it is planned to use the coating of light tones, then it is preferable to select the appropriate shade of the wrapper, otherwise you have to apply several layers of paint to disguise contrast.

After it gets dry, you should thoroughly pass the surface with a grinding machine or sandpaper. It is worth noting that in this case should be neat so as not to disturb the position of the fibers. Therefore, grinding is recommended along their direction.

Next, the product should be cleaned from dust. To do this, you can use a vacuum cleaner or a wet sponge. Then you need to apply soil. This will provide a little paint consumption and good clutch of the surface and the main layer.

Important: Do not use water-based primer for products located on the street. Better for these purposes to purchase oil based material.

After drying, the primer is applied with a decorative layer of acrylic paint. If you plan to paint the door, furniture or a window, it is better to use a natural-based brush. For volumetric work, it is recommended to purchase a roller.

It is important that the structures are on the street, after applying the primer, were painted quickly. This is due to the fact that some types of soil are not susceptible to ultraviolet high temperatures (You can read about this in the instructions for the use of primer).

Collect wooden products acrylic paint - the most the best way. Moreover, it concerns not only those that are indoors, but also arranged on the street. Here the main thing is to choose the appropriate and high-quality material.

The appearance of acrylic paints fifty years ago produced a mini-revolution in the sphere of construction and repair work. For such a small time interval, they won one of the leading positions in the market of paintwork products. Nowadays, they prefer a large number of consumers. Acrylic paint on wood, thanks to a significant number of advantages, is widely noted.

The structure of this material is simple. It consists of pigment, water and resin, which is a binding element. Many are interested in the question, it is possible to paint a tree with acrylic paint. The answer to it is positive, moreover, this option has a mass of qualities that put it in first place among similar materials.

Technical properties and features of acrylic paints

Acrylic water-based paint for wood is characterized by a wide range color solutions - Nowadays, their number has more than 15 thousand shades. Thanks to wide selectionEach designer will be able to realize all the largest, explosive ideas and bright projects into reality. Materials from which paint is made are environmental, which allows work in offices, children's rooms, apartments.

After applying, the acrylic paint on the tree does not emit harmful toxic substances. In the process of staining there is no odor selection. Increased safety indicates the fact of protection of material from fire. Therefore, acrylic wood paint can be safely applied not only in residential buildings, but also in public places.

Paints this type Quickly dry, which allows the applix of additional layers in a few hours. It does not have to clean the tools for a long time - they are laundered with conventional tap water.

Acrylic paints are characterized for a long time ministry. It depends on the manufacturer and averages 10-12 years. This material is stable, which makes it possible to purify the surface using conventional detergents.

Acrylic paint for wood does not change when contact with other external factors - water, water, high humiditystraight sunny rays. All listed indicators do not disturb the integrity of the structure, do not cause damage and cracks.

Distinctive properties of acrylic compositions:

  • synthesis of advantages of oil and watercolor materials providing versatility;
  • high lifting capacity, the saturation of the compositions with rapid drying;
  • the basis of the material is synthetic resins, which creates a double barrier of protection against sunlight;
  • resistance to air temperature drops, changes in humidity indicators, etc.

How to choose high-quality products?

The process of finishing and processing surfaces from wood is a whole complex of events. This contributes to the creation of heat and harmony in the house, converting the situation into a more cozy. The purpose of the color of the wood is to improve natural indicators, protecting it from the destructive effects of natural factors.

When choosing acrylic paints in the building materials market, it is necessary to take into account the subject or the area planned to be painted. The main criterion is its location, inside or outside the building. There are acrylic paints on wood for internal work, creating a smooth coating on various interior items, as well as furniture, semi and any wooden structures. They do not lose their brightness and saturation over a long period of time.

If a person needs to paint the items on the street, it is best to use acrylic wood paints for outdoor work. They are distinguished by the presence of special components that increase the weather resistance, and are suitable for facades, windows and doors.

When choosing the color of the colors of special problems should not occur because wide spectrum Shades will allow you to pick up exactly the one that will harmoniously fit into the overall concept of the interior.

Application technology on wooden surface

Acrylic paint is applied in most cases with two layers. Before starting the coating, the state of wood should be analyzed and determine the need for pre-processing by other substances. For example, if the surface is characterized by high absorption indicators, it should be coated with a pigmented primer. The material can be applied without processing, but in this case the consumption of paints will increase simultaneously with the reduction of the strength of its clutch with the base.

If there are cracks and recesses in the wood, they should be filled with a special putty, selected for the future color of the subject. The easiest option is a mixture of PVA and small sawdust. After the putty dried, the whole area should be stalled using sandpaper. The last step before painting is the applying of soil to the surface.

The first peel applied layer dries approximately 4-5 hours. It is best for working to use a brush with a natural pile or rollers. Their forms and parameters are determined by the challenge. The paint should be thoroughly mixed and, if necessary, diluted.

After checking the smoothness and uniformity of the coating, you can confidently proceed to re-painting, the final process. The time of the final drying of the second layer of paint is longer, up to several days. At the same time, it is important to monitor the drying process, so that in the painted Wednesday did not get additional elements. In addition to the fact that acrylic paints create a film, they also serve as an excellent antiseptic.

For the preservation of the materials remaining after staining, it is necessary to clean the neck from the remnants of the emulsion and close to the container. If such an action is not performed, the paint can dry or spoil. Painting tools must be washed immediately after the completion of the process.

Acrylic paints for external work

Acrylic paint for outdoor woodwork is used to form a protective layer and decorative coating on the outside building.

Its structure consists of:

  • film-forming substance;
  • painting pigment;
  • filler;
  • auxiliary elements.

Facade paints differ according to the type of dispersed medium, in which the binders, pigments and fillers are located. Water, acrylic copolymers or varnishes can be used as the latter.

The polymeric binder defines the properties, specifications Acrylic paint, which provide:

  • resistance and reliability finished coating;
  • vapor permeability;
  • protection against moisture and other atmospheric phenomena;
  • elasticity;
  • drying efficiency;
  • the possibility of applying on a porous basis.

Outdoor paints can be used as a primary coating that is applied to new facade For the first time, and as a secondary coating for restoring old wooden structures by hanging their resistance and elasticity. In addition to wood, paint is applied to almost any external detail of concrete, brick, stone, plaster, etc.

This products should be applied solely on the purified surface, polished if necessary to get rid of the previous layers. Acrylic paint storage temperature ranges from 0 to 30? P. Before starting the process, mix it and dilute. For an ideal suspension, a substance can be filtered using a grid or gauze.

Acrylic wood paint for internal repair and decorating work

Nowadays, the number of wooden houses is growing. Accordingly, the inner interior performed in rustic styleSimilarly stays at the peak of popularity. Thus, the details and elements of wood are present in almost every home.

Acrylic paint for internal woodwork is absolutely harmless.

The material under consideration has better qualities:

  • rapid drying after staining;
  • lack of unpleasant odor;
  • ease of applying to the floor, ceiling and walls;
  • the absence of special equipment and skills.

At the same time, the only drawback of the composition is the need to acquire at once the right amount of paint for the premises, since remedied materials may not coincide with shades.

The main difference of acrylic emulsions for internal work is the final type of surface. It can be a glossy or matte. Acrylic wood paint in most cases is selected by glossy, as well as for walls. The ceilings are decorated in a matte style, because when using this type of emulsion, a velvety plane is formed. It contributes to excellent masking of small defects. Glossy type, on the contrary, makes them noticeable.

Sure, great importance It should be given to choosing a paint manufacturer. When applied acrylic coating It is especially attentive to be in the bathroom and in the kitchen, since the specified rooms require more thorough treatment. Such paints can cover furniture, doors and others. wooden subjects in the House. For each there are the desired type, color and consistency, and appearance It will be brilliant for a long time.

Advantages of acrylic emulsions

The popularity of these paints is ensured by:

  • environmental cleanliness (in the manufacture of products are not used for human substances);
  • the convenience and simplicity of application (paints do not distinguish the smell, which makes it easier to work with them);
  • fire safety (especially relevant, because they are applied on a wooden basis, protecting it from ignition);
  • unlimited color palette (a large range of shades of acrylic paints provides the possibility of its use not only when painting structures from a tree, but also for artistic creativity);
  • drying velocities (is 2-4 hours, which is due to the thickness of the layer applied for the subject);
  • indicators of elasticity, fortress and reliability, ease of care, resistance to wiping;
  • repulsion of the dirt surface to which acrylic emulsion is applied, and air transmittance by film;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • duration of operation of painted objects (serve more than 10 years, without loss of aesthetic species);
  • broad area of \u200b\u200buse (primarily due to the resistance of materials to the influence of ultraviolet radiation, moisture, and mechanical damage, the ability to use indoors and outdoors);
  • versatility and versatility (the ability to combine acrylic emulsions other construction Materials and apply them for any types of surfaces).

Saving time and money

Acrylic paints are made according to the latest innovative technologies. Selecting the material to cover the tree, the user does not make a mistake, because not only will save time at the expense of the highest drying rate, but also the material resources at the expense of the elasticity of the emulsion.

With it, it is possible to embody any ideas, no matter how colorful and diverse they are - a large color palette will make any room or facade bright and saturated. And such a riot of paints will last for dozens of years. The coating is convenient to clean and wash, it partially repels dirt and dust.

Deciding to paint any surface with acrylic paint, you will not need the help of specialists and the use of professional equipment. Simple use of a brush or roller is available for each. In addition, the specified material does not affect the health status and is completely safe for internal use.

The popularity of acrylic colors - not an artificial or fictitious information, since the facts speak for themselves - about 80% of homes in Europe painted exactly this kind of emulsions, the importance of which is increasing every day, along with the improvement of production and structure.

Useful Error Video Tree Painting

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When painting, wood not only gains profitable physical propertiesBut also acquires a more pleasant appearance. So, inexpensive breeds after painting look like a noble tree.

Many do not know how to paint wooden products properly, but this is not a difficult process that is easily performed independently.

Selection of material

The compositions that are used for wood painting are divided into two types:

  • Enamel and varnish - Mixtures that have a practically transparent texture. It is used more to protect wood from environmental exposure. But, and the color after painting is replaced by a more advantageous tint.
  • Paints - also protect the stained material from the environment. Give wood clear color. However, there are also such materials, through the main shade of which the initial texture of the tree is visible a little.

Modern paints are not particularly toxic, but varnishes and enamels, even modern, distinguish dangerous smells - when applying, it is recommended to use a respirator.

According to the composition of the materials with which the painting of wooden products is carried out - you can classify on:

  • Alkyd paints - highlighted by the property to form a special film on its surface, which has protective properties. It is recommended for buildings, as the protective film does not differ in durability when used on the street.
  • Acrylic paints - create a stronger protective basis, which allows this material For painting products located on the street.

The variety of acrylic paint is the composition on a water-dispersed basis. Water is used as its basis, so the paint almost does not smell. Used, both internal and external work.

  • Paintwork materials - based on all compositions of this category (varnishes, verses), the component is required, the action of which is directed to protection against ultraviolet. Varnishes are used to protect and can be applied in external environment, .

Lucky carry protective properties, and the stain - do not, so, giving the wood the desired shade using stain, be sure to cover the product, the second layer - varnish.

A separate category is impregnated - compositions that not only give the product with a shade, but also have an antibacterial effect. Some formulations have refractory properties - these are flame retardant solutions for wood. By the way, there are also flame retardant paints for metal polystyl, which are used exclusively for metal products - resist with elevated temperatures.

Wood processing

In order for the paint to go to the product exactly, and after a while it was not manifested with flaws, before the painting it is necessary to carefully prepare.

The main thing is to completely remove the old paint layers and various contamination.

It is difficult to do this solely, so modern methods are applied:

  • Washing - materials that are applied to the old paint, after which it is quick and easy to remove. The composition has a toxic chemical formula, so it is necessary to work with washes.
  • Grinding machine - used special nozzle Wood, which removes the old paint, not hurt layers of wood.
  • Construction hairdryer - directs a warm jet of air to a layer removed layer, under the action of which he lags behind the wood.

After cleansing the surface from old compositions, wood needs to be cleaned of dust and fat - for this it is used a classic solvent - this item is important, and the price of the solvent is not high, so it is better not to neglect this procedure.

Favoring swirls and other flaws are embarrassed by a rope on a tree. Further, the putty is cleaned, and the product is cleaned again from dust.

The last stage of the wood is ground and dried well, and the paint will fall in an unetebled product.

Technology Painting

Working with each paint composition is carried out differently, so the instruction of painting in each case is individual.

Consider each option separately:

  • Morilka - for applying this composition, a classic brush is used or a tampon. It is applied on wood at least two layers. Each layer before applying the subsequent should be trimmed.

When using soluble powdered verses, after dilution, it is necessary to strain through gauze.
Applying a alcohol on an alcohol basis, the tree is recommended slightly wet so that the makeup makes it better.

  • Lucky - For application, a brush with soft bristles is used - with rigid bristle, small recesses remain over the entire surface of the surface. The product is varnished by several layers with a periodic drying.

Note! As the electrically conductive Zinga paint is used to protect metal from corrosion, so alcohol varnishes are used to protect wood from weather phenomena.

These varnishes are applied in four layers:

  1. the first two immediately with drying;
  2. then sweeping is carried out emery paper;
  3. next is applied the third layer and drying the product for several days;
  4. the fourth layer is finishing, it levels and finally tints the product.
  • Impregnation and enamel - for application it is better to use the paintopult, but the usual roller will also come true. Apply these compositions should be guided by the recommendations specified on the package.

When working with impregnation on the street, it is worth choosing a dry glad day - such compositions are caustic, and in the wind can get on the skin, which will inevitably cause irritation.

After covering any compositions, wood needs to be protected from external influences Until the moment of complete drying.

Decorative dyeing

Decorative painting includes work with paints and ink:

  • Paint is more often to give wood a more noble form, brown and red shades are used. either the paintopult. If, after painting, the initial texture of the tree is manifested through the applied layer - the second layer is laid after drying the first.
  • Mascara - work with carcasses begins with dilution of the composition of water. If this is not done, the product will cover a solid shiny crust. Application is carried out by ordinary brush.

Repeated coloring

If, after painting, various nuances are noticed (poorly stapled sites, flutters, etc.), you need to eliminate these defects. To do this, all areas with flaws are cleaned with shallow sandpaper, moistened in water. Stripping should be carried out until the moment when the problem areas do not disappear, and their surface will not become matte.

In the process of stripping, it is necessary to regularly change the water - otherwise color divorces will appear.

After the procedure described, the entire product is re-painting - you can not paint only problem areas - the product is covered in a completely one solid layer.


The process of painting wood does not represent complexity, if you qualitatively prepare the product. Otherwise, after painting, problems appear. But, this is not a catastrophe - any errors are corrected re-painting with preliminary removal of problem areas.

And the video in this article will show a clearer presentation of the process, see!

Acrylic or alkyd enamel - what is better? Does the quality of the product depend on the price? What are the compositions more convenient to paint the tree? To answer all these questions we spent a little test.

For the experiment, eight identical stools were acquired, four alkyd and four acrylic enamels of different price categories, tassels.

We decided that for the coloring of the toaster is unlikely anyone will be in addition to the enamel to buy a primer. We also did not do this, although for some formulations, according to the manufacturer's instructions, this is a violation of technology. So keep in mind if you need to decorate large wooden surfaces (for example, interior doors), the primer is very useful, and then its acquisition is economically justified.

Starting the stool conveniently below - the back side of the seat, legs and crossbars. Then you need to turn the stool, put on the legs and add the remaining areas on the crossbars and the upper side of the seat. In the same way, the subsequent layers were applied to the full painting of black squares.

Recently all more important attached to environmental protection and human health. That is why in a number of countries by 2010 paints and varnishes On solvents, including alkyd enamels, will be completely replaced with water-based compositions, in particular, acrylic enamels.

Enamels were evaluated in the following parameters: convenience in work (painting characteristics), smell, quality of the resulting coating. To determine the shelterness of the compositions, on the seats of stools, we drew a chess cage with a black felt-tip pen. And then consistently (giving driving) applied layers until the drawing was completely painted.

As a result of this improvised test, we were able to make expected, but not less interesting conclusions:

  • The price determines the quality of the material. Yes, for a good enamel will have to lay out 300-1000 rubles. But the quality of the coating (at least visible) will be much higher: the composition will show itself as more shelled, it will be easier to work with it and faster.
  • To obtain bright colors and accurate getting into the tone, you need to use the paint of the corresponding base. In addition, it is necessary to stick to the caloring system of the same manufacturer. There are BECKERS (Sweden), Dulux (United Kingdom), Caparol (Germany) in the market; Teknos, Tikkurila (Finland), etc.
  • If white-colored packaging is written on the packaging that he is touched by RAL, it does not mean that it is possible to achieve a bright color (it will be lighter). In some cases, after drying, the color of the coating becomes darker about a quarter of the tone. Therefore, it is preliminarily advisable to try paint on a small piece of organita or plywood.
  • The absence of smell greatly facilitates work, so it is much more convenient and more pleasant to use water-based materials (in our case - acrylic enamels).

Shelterness- This is the ability of paintwork with uniform applied to the monochrome surface to hide its original color.

Paint or enamel?

In general, this division conditionally. In Germany, for example, there is no word "enamel" - either "paint" (Farbe) or "Lac" (Lack).

When choosing a material with a high degree of gloss special attention It should be given to smoothness and purity of the treated surface, because all flaws will manifest.

  • Paint It consists of a film-forming substance (resin, latex or other), pigments, or mixtures thereof with fillers, solvent and additives. Pigments are mainly responsible for the shelterness of the material. Often, the titanium dioxide is used in this capacity. The film-forming substance basically determines the resistance to water and to abrasion.
  • Enamel Consists of the same set of components. But sometimes the film-forming substance in it is much larger, and the fillers are the minimum. After drying, it creates an opaque covering with varying degrees of gloss. As a rule, enamel exceeds paint on protective properties, hardness and elasticity.

Alkyd enamel

Consist of alkyd resins, pigments, various additives and solvents. They can be applied to almost any substrate. After drying, it creates a durable coating, reliably protecting the foundation from water exposure, alkalis and withstanding wet friction. However, this cover has low vapor permeability, which is critical for "breathable" wooden surfaces, from which it often peels. The disadvantages of alkyd enamel include toxicity and a very sharp smell of both when working and during drying (12 or more hours).

DULUX TRADE HIGH GLOSS (United Kingdom) Alkyd glossy paint

For RAL 2008 orange color using the appropriate base Extra Deep and zakolerovali twice: once with Tikkurila machine (which is the equipment has been in the shop), the second - "native» Dulux. The difference in the price turned out to be quite tangible - 40 and 555 rubles. respectively. Approximately the properties of two enamels also differed.

When a tinting on the "foreign" machine, a translucent composition of intensively orange-colored with liquid consistency was obtained. And although the coating came out smooth and mirror-glossy, each layer was thin and translucent - breaking the structure of the wood, the enamel did not paint the dark squares even in four layers.

Tinting on the Dulux car gave a completely different result. The thick thixotropic enamel was evenly distributed over the surface, spreading over it and almost immediately hiding traces from the brush. Even the smell when working was less than in the first case. Black squares were painted with two (!) Enamels. Coating smooth, mirror-glossy, without drowshes and traces from the brush.

  • Tinting: There are four databases (Light, Medium, Deep, Extra Deep), which allow you to more accurately get into the desired color. Separately enamel bright white and black colors.
  • Consumption: 1 l covers up to 18 m² in one layer.
  • Drying: before applying the next layer - 16-24 hours.
  • Packaging: Metal banks 1; 2.5 and 5 liters.
  • Price: from 286 rubles. For 1 liter of EXTRA DEEP (for obtaining saturated colors) up to 1716 rubles. For 5 liters of Light base (white, for pastel tones).

Dufa Hochglanzlack (Germany) Enamel glossy

Unfortunately, the base for a tinting to Russia is delivered only to the order, and we did not find the dufa cart. Therefore, chosen from the Assortment of the White (RAL 9010). Naturally, as a result of its tinting system using Tikkurila was received lighter shade RAL 2008. Moderately thick paint consistency reminiscent of a soft ice-cream sundae. The composition immediately put on the basis of a thick, shelter layer. However, it was necessary to work promptly, since the film quickly "grasped". The undeniable advantage of the product - in the absence of the composition of aromatic hydrocarbons and, therefore, a sharp odor, inherent to most alkyd enamels. In three layers, the enamel covered the surface completely by forming a semi-shy coating without drowshes, but with a slightly noticeable trace of the brush.

  • Tinting: 25 ready colors.
  • Consumption: about 1 l by 8-10 m² in one layer.
  • Drying: before applying the next layer - 12 hours
  • Packaging: Metal banks at 0.375; 0.75; 2.5 liters
  • Price: from 200 rubles. for 0.75 liters

"Oleet" (Russia) Enamel universal alkyd, glossy

Enamel has a strong specific smell, so it follows to work in a respirator in a well-ventilated room, and optimally on the street.

Since "halo" is released only in ready colorsWe took white for our dough and smoked it. It is quite natural that the color turned out not so rich as Ral 2008.

In the bank, the consistency composition resembled sour cream. As a result, a matte coating was obtained, a fully scrubbing wood texture, on which visible traces of the brush remained. Black squares were painted completely only four layers of enamel.

  • Tinting: 8 ready-made flowers - white, black, gray, blue, green, yellow, beige, red.
  • Consumption: for white - 1 kg per 8-10 m² in one layer.
  • Drying: Before applying the next layer - 24 hours.
  • Packaging: Metal banks 1; 2.2; 3 kg.
  • Price: about 100 rubles. For 1 kg.

Acrylic enamel

Consist of acrylic binder, pigment, water and additives. We practically do not smell, comfortable in operation, are easily washed off with the tool with water, quickly dry out. And if several years ago by properties, they were somewhat inferior to alkyd enamels, then modern formulations demonstrate the same high resistance to abrasion and water exposure. In addition, form a vapor-permeable film, which is especially important for wooden surfaces.

Beckers Elegant Aqua Lackfärg Halvblank (Sweden) Acrylic enamel paint, semi-shy

The color of the RAL 6018 were coated with two pots of paint required base (C - translucent). One - with the help of the beckers of Beckers (cost 120 rubles), the other is on the Tikkurila car (the cost of 40 rubles).

In both cases, the color of the finished coating coincided, but the difference in the recipes and the number of colorates was the cause of discrepancies in the painting properties of two products.

When using a "alien" system, it turned out too liquid enamel, which practically flowed on the surface. Each time it was necessary to apply a very thin layer. However, the result is not bad: black squares were painted in three layers. In the process, almost missing the smell that made komfortnoy.Kolerovka Beckers work on the machine structure provided a sufficiently dense consistency and thixotropy. Enamel well and tightly lay on the surface. Already after applying two (!) The layers of black squares were barely distinguishable. In both cases, a smooth coating with a noble brilliance and visible wood texture without flops was obtained.

  • Tinting: Base A (white) to obtain pastel tones and base with (translucent) - for saturated.
  • Consumption: 1 l by 8-10 m² in one layer.
  • Drying: before applying the next layer - 4 h.
  • Packaging: Metal cans of 0.9 and 2.8 liters.
  • Price: About 575 rubles. For 0.9 liters