Suitcase for the tool with your own hands. Tool Box: Choosing and Manufacture With Your Hands For Whatever the toolbox

Each domestic master knows that it is more convenient to store and carry the tool in a special toolcase. If you do not have a separate workshop and workshop, it becomes generally the only possible option In order to collect the entire tool in one place.

It would seem: where even easier - the tool box that it can be special. However, this is only the initial impression of a person who has not come across this problem in real life.

The instrumental box should be not so spacious as practical, to provide convenient access, allow you to store not only the tools themselves, but also consumables or accessories that will help you need in everyday work.

Its design should be strong enough to serve faithfully for many years. In this article, we will focus on all implicit criteria for selecting a toolbox, consider issues related to design features and help you understand the variety of products presented in the market.

If you view the price lists of companies offering goods for masters, while paying attention to the presented photos of the toolboxes, even the most sophisticated master will mark the diversity of all kinds of designs different size, capacity and made of different material.

How not to get lost in this manifold and pick up exactly what you need to be careful family budget And get the optimal combination of price and quality - read about it in this article.

Modern tool box

If we use business papers and documents to store everyday life Organizer, then for the tool you need your Case - Special toolbox. You can divide the tool boxes for professional and universal, which are most often used in the household.

Our grandfathers generally did a drawer for instruments with their own hands, but today there is no need for this - you can always choose what you need and for a completely acceptable price. Naturally, the lovers of doing everything with their own hands remains right and here to express themselves and collect the original and meets all individual requirements of the case.

Professional drawers are made at all for specific sets of tools that depend on the type of activity.

Naturally, in this case, you can most optimally distribute the contents, provide everything that will be required: from special fixtures for specific fixtures and tools, to drawers under consumables and spare parts.

All instrumental boxes are divided into two types:

Cases. Such instrumental boxes are a flat suitcase, revealed design and compartments of a specific form for specific tools: drills, keys, screwdrivers, etc. There are structures with customized partitions that allow you to change the internal arrangement.

Container type box. This design, as a rule, has a top-up. Inside there are several compartments separated by partition. The design provides separate closing boxes.

Simple and small designs have a handle for transportation. More complex designs can be mounted on trolleys, have retractable drawersMultiple compartments and separate boxes collected in a single design.

Container structures are more versatile, spacious and easy to use, but they are inferior to the convenience of access to Case-type boxes.

Homemade structures

It is impossible to definitely answer the question: how to make a tool box with your own hands, since the options are huge, unlimited by anything other than your fantasy. I would like to note, you can use old casing for papers, bags, or to fully make a box yourself. Material use metal or wood.

Internal partitions are also made by wooden or plastic. The covers hang on the hinges, it is necessary to provide a castle that will protect from random opening.

The finished box is painted or crucified and suitable material, both outside and from the inside.

Not obvious aspects of choice

In the process of choice, first of all, look at the material from which the housing is made.

Plastic toolboxes have a small weight, easy to use and repair. With all that, they do not support mechanical exposure and loads very well.

Lower and durable metal boxes for tools made of aluminum, its alloys or steel. For greater massThey are durable, however require periodic service: recovery paint coatingCleaning from rust and corrosion traces. Among other things, metal boxes are more expensive.

If you need to transport a bulky and heavy tool, then it is better if it is a box for tools on wheels.

Homemade structures are most often a wooden tool box. Basic disadvantages: bulkiness, high weight. At the same time wooden structures Specific dignity is characteristic, namely: the tree well stores the metal tool, as absorbs moisture from the surrounding space.

Remember practicality: the box must provide free access to the entire tool. It must have a fairly reliable housing, protect the contents of moisture, dust and external influences.

It is not always convenient when too many compartments and drawers inside: you can get confused in them and long look for what is needed.

Pay attention to the hinges and the castle - as practice shows, it is these elements most often break.

Stock Foto Toolbox

Business card of the present wizard - a box in which it stores the tool.

It is impossible to do without this accessory if you need to do work quickly and efficiently, without spending time in search of drills and screws, testers, screwdrivers and dozens of other things you need.

Make-up box with handle, centuries serving storage hand toolToday you can meet except in the museum of wooden architecture.

She replaced the light and durable cases, suitcases and organizers, affecting the imagination with a variety of forms, volumes and sizes.

How not to drown in the sea of \u200b\u200boffers and choose a convenient, compact and reliable tool box, we will look at our article.

Why do you need a tool box?

It performs three main functions:

  • Optimizes storage space, allowing you to place the maximum number of desired devices in the minimum volume.
  • Facilitates and speeds up work, since all accessories in it are decomposed in a certain order, are clearly visible and easily accessible to use.
  • Simplifies the transportation of the tool due to the presence of pens, shoe belts or wheels.

It should be noted that the storage of tools is not the only function of such boxes. Since during operation, a small fastener is often required, then for it the most "honorable" place at the top level is given.

Tool storage boxes

Depending on the method of access to content, there are open and closed boxes.

The first remind the usual road bag. Their main plus is quick access to stored objects, and consumption - inconvenience during carrying (contents when tipping up) and low resistance.

Boxes are most popular - durable boxes with a tightly closing lid equipped with latches and locks.

Depending on the type of material used for manufacture, instrumental boxes are divided into metal, plastic and metal-plastic.

Steel box is hardy and reliable. However, you won't call it easy. Therefore, aluminum is often used in production - lightweight, durable and resistant to corrosion metal. If you need a big portable box To store tools revealing its contents in several levels, then preference is better to pay this material.

Plastic is another material widespread in the production of instrumental boxes. It is distinguished by the available price, sufficiently high strength and durability.

You should call two main disadvantages. this material - low strength of the compound of the "Corps-Castle" and fragility in the cold. Therefore, in the cold season, such a suitcase for tools from strong blows should be protected.

The search for a material that combines the ease of plastic with metal strength led to the creation of galvanized metalplastic. Boxes from it are obtained with a spacious, light enough and withstand very large loads.

Another distinctive feature Toolboxes refers to the method of use: professional and household. The first is distinguished by a large capacity, maximum reliability and high price. Household models have small dimensions, and for their manufacture use cheap Materials and accessories.

"Specialization" of instrumental boxes is also different that it is necessary to consider when buying. Box can be designed for storage only joiner's tool or plumbing accessories. Universal option combines a compartment intended for different species mounting equipment (screwdriver, drill, grinder, clamps, drills, tie, screws).

Often, all free space is given for convenient layout of hardware. Such boxes are called an organizer.

You can't make a lot of tool into it, but all the necessary for work small things will fit completely.

How to choose the appropriate option?

First you need to answer such questions:

  1. How many and what tool you are most often required to work.
  2. Whether for your needs a standard compartment for hardware (sampes, screws, screws and nuts) or it is better to buy a separate organizer box for them.
  3. Do you often move the tool for long distances (option with wheels, a shoe strap or a conventional handle).

Observing with your needs, you can start choosing a suitable model, focusing on the products famous companies. They are not very much on the "box" market.

Foreign brands enjoy the greatest popularity Stanley, Kroft, Keter, Fit, Blocker. Choosing a domestic instrumental box, it is worth paying attention to the products of the Bison.

The American firm Stanley (steel) produces professional and household instrumental cases. Its products are characterized by traditionally high quality, for which you have to lay out decent money. So for the standard 19-inch plastic box of this manufacturer (49x25x2xm) sellers are asked from 2,000 rubles.

The average cost of boxing made of metal plastic (20 inches size) is 2,900 rubles. Big boxes of this company, equipped with transporting wheels you can buy no cheaper than 8,000 rubles.

For household use, low-cost tool boxes produced by Fit, Keter, Kroft, Blocker are well-cost. Depending on the size and quality of material, the price tags on this product are in the range from 400 to 3,500 rubles. Models with wheels are usually a bit more expensive.

The company "ZUP" produces suitcases for the instrument in different cost categories (from 500 to 4,500 rubles) and virtually equal in equal to the products of foreign brands. Therefore, among its goods will find for themselves suitable option and an experienced master, and a simple lover of domestic crafts.

Choosing an instrumental case, pay attention to the quality of the plastic soldering, its thickness and reliability of the latch fastening. The last moment is especially important, since the case for instruments with spontaneous opening or broken constipation is extremely uncomfortable for carrying.

Those who use not only small hand, but also a larger electrified tool, probably like the model with removable partitions. Call them, you can significantly increase the internal size of boxing.

How to make a drawer for tools with your own hands?

There are no particularly complex elements in such a design, so it can be done on its own. Simplest homemade drawer For tools - an open box with a handle.

For its manufacture, you can use a thin board, plywood or OSB plate. Cutting onto the template two ends with holes for the handle, the side walls and bottom are screwed to them. After that, one or two partitions are placed inside. Their height must be chosen such that the place remains to be left to install a shallow wooden or metal drawer, in which the fine fastener will be stored.

Odja on such a drawer Case from durable artificial leather With the departments of pockets crawl into it, you can significantly increase the amount of stored tool.

Wooden handle can be replaced with stray, more comfortable in carrying.

A more difficult task is to make a drawer for tools with your own hands folding. It is very spacious and convenient for use.

SAMI interesting feature This design is a system of levers (metal or wooden), with the help of which it opens its branches on several levels.

By collecting the big lower and four top compartments, put them one on the other, as shown in the figure, after which there are places to fasten the rotary levers.

Before conspiring them finally, check the ease of the stroke and the accuracy of the disclosure of the entire design. On the side walls of the upper compartments, you need to fix two metal handles for carrying.

All the necessary fittings (constipation, locks and loops) on the homemade box can be purchased in specialized stores.

Tools should be in the house for everyone. When there are too many of them, you can make a drawer for tools with your own hands. This is an integral attribute for storing tools, because it is important that everything is in their places. In such a case, you can store tools. You can take them with you, if required.

Figure 1. Drawing of the toolbox.

Materials from which drawers make

Cases for storing tools can be made of various materials:

  • plastic (very convenient in transportation, light weight);
  • metallic (heavier, but differ with a solid design);
  • wooden (have a small weight, reliable design).

For the manufacture of a box with their own hands most often use Paneur. This is the easiest and affordable material.

The main stages of the manufacturer of the plywood box

For the manufacture of case, the following tools and materials will be required:

Figure 2. Build a drawer for tools.

  • circular saw;
  • hacksaw;
  • drill;
  • chisel;
  • roulette;
  • clamps;
  • plywood sheet;
  • loops;
  • screws;
  • glue joiner;
  • finished handle;
  • rubber strips needed for a screed;
  • self-adhesive velcro;

Before proceeding to work, you need to create a product project; The drawing can be made on paper or computer (Fig. 1). Calculations are made, the main dimensions are recorded. Further, all the measurements should be transferred to the plywood sheet. This can be done using a roulette, a conventional line, pencil or marker. Billets for future design are cut along the drawn lines. It is also necessary to note all the grooves, cut them on the blanks. All irregularities should be cleaned with the help of the chisel. Thanks to the groove, the design of the box will be stronger.

Figure 3. The handle for the toolbox is attached using glue or screws.

The next stage is a construction assembly. To glue the items, you need joiner glue. The main sides of the box are sampled among themselves. When gluing, they need to be kept very hard. It is best to pull the box with special strips of rubber and not to remove them until the glue is dry (Fig. 2). On the doors need to round the corners.

In addition, the handle can be made from MDF. The layout is drawn on the tree, then cuts out. After the handle is cut, it is necessary to handle the surface, and then with the help of glue and screws to attach the handle (Fig. 3). If there is no desire to cut a handle from plywood, you can buy ready-made in the store. The main selection criterion is strength.

The next stage is an assembly, fastening of the outer cover of the case, doors. You need to attach all the details, and then with the help of a pencil, mark the place for the loops, secure them.

To attach the outer cover, you need to prepare a hole for the screw.

To organize order in the box you need to make small compartments. Composite parts of the compartments are cut into the same principle as the box. Grooves are made, glued together. Place for screwdrivers, other tools can be made on one side of the case. To do this, you need to make an insert with plywood slots. Velcro can be glued to the other wall to attach the cable and extension. You can take special velcro on a self-adhesive basis or glue the usual with hot glue. The final stage is to fill the box tools.

Making a plastic canister drawer

Figure 4. For making a box instead of plywood, plastic canisters can be used.

If it is not possible to make a case for tools from plywood, you can use the usual plastic canister (Fig. 4).

Materials required for work:

  • plastic container;
  • hacksaw;
  • fastening elements.

The packaging should be rectangular and with a handle located in the center. In addition, there should be a wrapped lid that will serve as a lock.

The process of making a box is completely simple. With the help of the hacksaw, the canisters are made in several directions. The first cutter is performed in the center of the neck and the container of the container, the cork should be removed, and the upper wall is to cut through.

The second cutter is performed in a horizontal direction. It must be done at the top of the canister, on the end sides. The container must be cut from the upper wall at a distance of 3 cm, and on the sides - at a depth of 2 cm.

After cuts are made, the canister can be revealed. To do this, you need to bend the side parts of the top cover with halves of the handle. Here you can store a variety of materials for fasteners: nuts, nails, bolts, screws. The top cover must be closed, folding the handles together. Everything is fixed with the wrapped cover.

To the drawer is durable, additional constipation is made on the end walls. In the walls or lid, you need to drill holes, insert hooks in them, nuts with nuts.

Make a drawer for tools with your own hands is quite simple. The main thing is to comply with all stages of work so that the correct design is.

Making a case independently, you can significantly save money.

Many owners accumulate at home a large number of different toolsYou need to store somewhere. Slow them along different lockers and regiments is not an output, since at the right time the tool can not be found immediately. In order to fully store perfectly fit the tool keys with your own hands made. It certainly can be bought in the store. But it will require considerable cash costs, as a high-quality instrumental box is expensive, and cheap cases will not last long. But you can make the tool box you can just like in the farm. What, you can choose the design itself and the material, and the tools will be spent less. If you are a real owner, then you often have to do renovation. And how nice to do it when you know that required tool Always be at hand, which simplifies significantly this most repairs. See how to make a keys for tools with your own hands, which is suitable for their full storage and transportation.

From the training instructions you will learn:

1. What can make homemade tool keys.

2. How useful departments can be made in this case.

Video lesson: Case for tools with your own hands

Lada Kalina Sedan\u003e Logbook\u003e Suitcase with intrinsic hand

For a long time I thought about it. There were keys from old stocks, the heads as needed to be bribed and everything stopped to fit into the box from the first-aid kit, and the tool likes the order. A good set of rubles to 5 pulls at least the toad is stifling, especially when the part of the tool is available. And then the father presented me with a suitcase from someone SPI ... y (stolen) drings. Bribed the insulation at a slight database, Dermantin and on the road. The heads are stated in the lower part, etc. The bilateral tab with keys and the rest of the tool is inserted on top.
Some unsteady came out with Soviet keys. Our standards differed from foreign, as a result, some sizes are duplicated after the allowance of missing keys. The keys are separately precipitated and horn to in a situation where 2 identical key problems are required. Combined only 2 - 15 and 21.
The suitcase has the ability to expand and storing new heads (half of which has not yet bought). Another longer one extender for 1/2-250, a hinge cardan, a knot and a few screwdrivers, but there is a place under all this. I tried to guide the tool set necessary for viburnum + additional tools.

On this side, the extension can also fit the extension with the gate and try to place 4 screwdrivers.

Plans to buy a normal ratchet on 1/2. Although admitted to this Chinese as in the photo I folded the bolts on 8 easy.
The set, as is customary, if you stuff all that more than 80 items have intended, and this is already a decent set.
In short, we have a set of heads for 1/4 from 4 to 13, 2 extension cords, hinge, heads for 1/2 with 10 for what is suitable. Sets of bits of all types, pliers, cutter. Horn keys from 8 to 24, with the exception of non-indoor dimensions 16, 18, 20, 23, the keys are calcined from 10 to 24, combined 15 and 21.
In short, I am satisfied. It is quite convenient and cautious to store the main tool in one place. As for quality, part of the instrument soviet production And, appropriate, quality (most of the keys), part of Matrix (nothing), part of the Force (optimally price-quality), part of the Lux Tools (is done for the OBI network. If anyone is familiar, how is it?), Well, and the ratchet is Chinese No Name 1/2 and No Name1 / 4, and there is still Lux Tools 1/4 - which is more reliable I do not know, but the suite seems to be more convenient.

Suitcase with your own hand tools

thanks for watching. My affiliate program VSP GROUP. Connect! Tool cabinet with your own hands. Case for instruments with your own hands from an ordinary diplomat. Primpons for tools with their own hands. Box for trivia. Bags and Cases for Pro'skit Tools. Case-bag from China (Aliexpress) tools. Case-bag electrician. Box for tools from an old diplomat with their own hands. Suitcase, electric bag. How to make an organizer for tools. The place of storage of the instrument in the garage with your own hands. 9.Cress do it yourself. Bor machine. What is better to transfer tool (case or bag). Organizer in a bag or backpack with your own hands. We are going to Delfino Lido Beach in Italy. Comfortable drawers For the tool from plywood and Fiberboard with their own hands.

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Suitcase do it yourself

Make a suitcase with your own hands, as it turned out, very simple. It is much easier than the restoration of an old suitcase. For this, some "protected" elements and devices are not required, and all necessary materials Available and sold in stores by sufficiently low prices.


As often happens in creative practice, the necessary things are usually on the trash, as our Soviet times a suitcase size a little more diplomat. His dimensions were kept under storage heaps of jewelry and baubles, shilled, but smelting without a case. Stretched, dirty and inesthetical view useful in the farm. Things did not leave doubts: the restoration of the old suitcase is necessary.

Initially, fittings were carefully removed and placed in a gasoline jar. Then removed lining and ancient torn dermantine. It turned out that the side homes that constitute the frame, died, and the walls of the covers in general from dense cardboard, punched to huge holes in several places.

Cardboard twisted and thrown out. Instead of it, a plate of the desired size from an organity is peaked. Wooden frame It is stitched to white wood, the pair of walls are replaced with new ones and reinforced with glue and self-drawing. The caps of the organic are planted for glue and nailed with cloves.

So, it can be argued that we began to design a suitcase with our own hands from scratch.

Exterior finish

For decoration used Dermantin dark brown. Dermantin is marked strictly in size of each sash of the suitcase, taking into account the scenery on the walls of the internities.

Thoroughly cover the surface of the plow surface of the dermantine, and, accordingly, one of the lids of the suitcase. Glue material, diligently kicking out all air bubbles and excess adhesive liquid, smoothing irregularities. For this purpose, our felt rocket is seized.

Especially in good faith we press the material around the perimeter of the faces so that the suitcase, made by his own hands, looked aesthetic, as if yesterday came out from the factory conveyor.

The most difficult - pasting corners. Patterns intentionally do not give, because we assume that everyone homemade Masters There is a vision of the technology of high-quality trim in the restoration of the old suitcase. Here the main thing is accuracy, a lot of glue and diligence.

We will show a number of photos that hope will help clarify technological process Casting corners.

When Dermantin is tightened to the cable, it is recommended to walk with a warm iron to fasten the gluing (bake). Stroke necessarily through a rag, otherwise your synthetic material melted.

At this, the first stage of manufacturing a suitcase with their own hands, or the restoration of the old, we consider it complete. Therefore, let's put his accessories back.

Internal upholstery

For internal upholstery, we make pads on a synthetic tube, covered with synthetic velvet, or any other suitable textiles. The illustration shows the components of the "velvet" pillows and part of the procedure of their layer-by-layer formation.

By readiness of the pillows, the inner walls of the product are prettier and glue and insert the pillows inside.

So looks like our "new" suitcase made with your own hands.

Handle we did not attach. In the project to make our suitcase bears on the belt over the shoulder, like the sketch, but there is no time to search for suitable accessories and the options for its attachment.

So, we have created a functional thing, the practical applicability of which is not limited to the storage of jewelry or tools. The master class is not just clearly shows how to make a suitcase with your own hands, but it will be useful as an instruction on which the restoration of an old suitcase is feasible.

Materials and tools used in the workshop:

  • suitcase with accessories;
  • sandpaper, hammer, screwdriver, brush, scissors, mounting knife;
  • organic and wooden rails (optional);
  • pVA glue;
  • shoemal nails with a length of 10 mm;
  • dermantine, cardboard, synthetic, synthetic velvet.

The time spent on the restoration:

  • giving the product suitable for finishing, including grinding and putty - 2-3 days;
  • finish - 2-3 hours.

Toolbox do it yourself

Tools is an integral attribute of many who do of different kind homemade. When tools are going to many and debt on the service or hobbies take them outside the home, the case for storage becomes necessary attribute. Specify, portable case. For a person who is engaged in such work, make a box for tools with their own hands becomes hardly a matter of honor. We will help you in it. The result of painstaking work will be a box in which you will not just be able to organize all the tools, but also take them to the far path.

Step 1. The very first thing you should create a project box for tools. The author of this master class used the Sketchup program, you can also contact computer Programs Or draw the design of the box on paper. Implement all calculations and record the main measurements.

Step 2.. All measurements using roulette, ruler and chalk, transfer plywood to a sheet. Try to arrange them as compact as possible. According to the lines, cut out all the blanks for the future drawer.

Step 3.. Mark all the grooves with chalk, cut them out on the blanks. The chisel to work out all the irregularities. The grooves will allow your box to keep stronger.

Step 4.. Now the design must be glued. Take the glue for the main part of the box. While gluing the sides with force, compress them. Thread stripes you need to pull the box of the box and leave it in this form until the glue is completely drying.

Step 5.. On the drawer doors, rounded the angles.

Step 6.. From the MDF, it is necessary to make a solid handle. To do this, its layout should be sketched with a pencil on the tree and cut. After the handle is cut, processed its surface. At the box itself, attach with glue and screws. If you do not want to devote time to this process, get the handle separately. When buying, pay attention to its strength.

Step 7.. Now it has arrived a turn of assembly and attachment of the doors and an outer cover of the drawer. Pencil mark places for loops, secure them.

For mounting the outer cover, prepare a hole for the screw.

Step 8.. To inside the box all the tools lay in their places, compartments and departments should be made. On the principle of creating the box itself, the drawers should be built, cutting their components, making the grooves and gluing them. For screwdrivers and other things on one side of the case, make an insert with slots from plywood sheet. To secure other types of tools, cables and extension cables to another wall glue velcro. You can take self-adhesive velcro or put on hot glue ordinary.

To quickly access the toolkit, the storage system should be properly organized. Credit with this helps the organizer and the tool box. They are made of array of wood, plywood, chipboard, different species Plastic and tin.

The material is selected based on the size of the product and the skills of a carpenter, each have their advantages and disadvantages.

Homemade varieties

For stationary storage Tools will fit open or closed stands and spacious dresoms. In these options, it all depends on their location - a garage or apartment. In the first case it is more convenient to organize a stand on the wall of the desired sizeSo that everything is in the open and free access.

For apartments, structures with shelves or retractable plywood boxes, cabinets and even suitcase are suitable. They can accommodate organizers and cases for power tools and hardware. On the doors and side walls you can build small stands. The more correctly the filling is organized, the longer the order will be maintained.

To accommodate the main set of tools, spanic keys, heads, bolts and nuts as mobile options can be a small container with a handle. With large dimensions, it is possible to fasten the wheels. Then you should choose the material, calculate acceptable dimensions, select the model and the type of fastener, make a drawer to the toolbox with your own hands or take advantage of ready offers. After that, you can start making.

In addition to preservation, the instrumental drawer helps with their own hands when performing work. Its sorted filling, when each item is in its place, allows you to find everything you need over time, not even looking inside.

Standard placement of the hammer, keys and pliers takes one big compartment. Drops are inserted into the holes on horizontal planks.

Options of a classic drawer

This type of casing for the instrument with your own hands is easy to execute. The maintenance belongings lie in sight, each in its place. It will come in handy for transferred beyond the workshop. Instrumental carrying is heavy, so you should not make them big or completely from the board. Some details can be replaced by plywood.

Outdoor with partition

Before starting work, make sure that the material for billets is dried. For the manufacture of the first option the following materials and tools will be needed:

  • pine boards;
  • plywood;
  • thermal or PVA glue;
  • nails and screws;
  • hacksaw, jigsaw or bulgaria;
  • drill or Kollet and cooled on a tree;
  • a hammer;
  • chisel;
  • roulette or ruler;
  • pencil or marker.

Plywood or trimming of pine boards will suit the material. According to the drawing, marking is made and blanks for the housing are cut. Cut special grooves in which the partition will be standing. For their organization you will need a mill or hacksaw with a chisel.

The drawing presents classic dimensions that are optimally suitable for assembling the box. All billets are cut according to the scheme, if one parameter changes, you must proportionally take or add from the rest:

  • transverse walls - 2 pcs.;
  • sidewalls - 2 pcs.;
  • paz for partition.

All prepared elements are polished, collect a rectangular box. So that the design does not fall apart, the locations of the attachments and the ends of the blanks are labeled with glue. Additionally, the drawer is knocked down with small nails or twisted with screws.

In the upper part of the blank from plywood with a hacksaw, pubesy or a grinder pushed a pen. Prepared grooves are lubricated with glue. After that, the partition is installed in them.

From the brooms are made of pads for the handle. The corners of the blanks are processed by the plane and grinding skirt, are mounted with glue or cloves. Of wooden RequesCropped into partition size, you need to make holders that are placed horizontally on the partition. Suitable holes are drilled by drill. Pliers, pliers, etc. are placed in rectangular grooves.

The whole design should be covered protective composition. For this you can use varnish or paintwork with special additives.

Organizer in the stool

With this design of the organizer for tools, you can transfer the tool in your own hands right place And sit down and reach it to the place that is slightly higher than growth. Materials and tools are the same as in the previous case. From plywood peeling:

  1. Cover 550x380 mm with cutout centered 140x40 mm.
  2. Longitudinal Tsargi 470x150x540 mm and an angel of 75 °.
  3. Two sidewalls 306x380 mm.
  4. The legs and handle are performed from bars 385x40x50 mm. On the ends, sprink off at an angle of 15 °.

The assembly is made by screws. The sharp corners are twisted with a grinding skirt. The product is cleaned of dust and is covered with a protective composition.

View of homemade carrying

If you wish, make something more elegant with the embossed shapes of lateral racks. This homemade tool box is just suitable. First you need to take boards with a thickness of 16 mm. Of these, make parts, as in the diagram, and take a round stick from aluminum or another metal tube.

Through the lines parallel to the edges, on the side walls drilled holes for the tapping screw for fastening the structure. Grinding paper or electric machine burgers and smoothed sharp corners. After that, the assembly of prepared parts is made: the bottom and sidewalls are fastened with glue and screws.

The same method on the markup is installed vertical racks, between which the horizontal handle is fixed. Screwdriver holders are screwed screws. The entire surface is cleaned by excess glue and dust.

To protect the product is covered with varnish or paint. After drying, the box is ready for use.