How to grow earthen nut peanuts on a garden, in a greenhouse, on the windowsill. Plant peanuts independently situations on the landing site

The name of this nut happened from the Greek word "Arahana", which means "Spider". A somewhat unusual, isn't it? However, everything is very simple - a web-shaped pattern is clearly visible on its shell. Although it can be called very conditionally, since it belongs to the cultures of the maslores and

Where does peanuts grow?

The most valuable nuts are those who grew up in Argentina and the United States. Many grown in China. Significant plantations occupy this culture in southern Africa and in India.

Peanuts at home

It may seem amazing, but this nut does not apply to the group wild plants. Your homely greenhouse will very decorate peanuts. How to put it? Very simple, besides, this plant does not need special care. Landing peanuts and its cultivation is not harder than growing room violet, and the benefits are much more.

Peanut: landing, growing

The landing material can be ordinary nuts that are sold in abundance in all stores. It is not necessary to remove the shell. Soak nuts in the water, and then lay them on the tissue napkin and expect the appearance of sprouts. As soon as they appear, you can plant nuts into the soil. The planting of peanuts is produced in the moist, loose ground with a small content of sand. It is necessary to know that this plant is thermalized, so it is desirable to soak it in April. In this case, it will actively develop in the summer months. During this period, it grows most intensively. But if you risen to put it in a later dates, then you will need to carefully monitor the temperature and lighting.

Necessary care

We talked about the fact that the departure for the plant is not too complicated, but it does not mean at all that it is enough to put in a pot and put the peanuts on the balcony. How to put it so that as a result you got valuable fruits? During flowering, the plant needs abundant irrigation, and after its end of water, it will be necessary much less. During the flowering period, the plant can decorate any greenhouse - bright yellow-orange flowers appear on it. When they fall, they appear in their place. Ginofors appear - processes that grow up and then rushed to the ground. Entering into it, they form a ovary, of which, in the future, a nut is formed in the Earth.

Beginner flows and gardens should be aware that not always the genes are capable of achieving land themselves. Therefore, for Very high plants You can use conventional egg shells, filled with the Earth, which should be substituted under the genes. As soon as the leaves on the plant begin to turn yellow - it means that the nuts are completely ripe, and they can be taken out of the soil. Peanuts - Plant Annual, so, having received a harvest, you will have to part.

Growing in the open soil

Planting peanuts by panstone Low different from its cultivation at home. In the southern regions of our country, germinated kernels can be seated in the open ground in the middle or late May, when the air temperature is set at +20 - +25 degrees. For the summer months, the plant will well develop, and you will collect high-quality peanuts. How in more northern latitudes? In this case, it is more expedient to take advantage of the sedale, which we must begin to grow in early April, and in early June it can already be planted in an open ground.

Pay attention to the place where your peanuts will grow. How to plant it most successful? It should be open, well-lit bed, on which potatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, but in no case are not the other bean culture.


When the bushes begin to push, you can collect nuts. As a rule, this is happening in early October. On the day, when you start collecting, the weather should be solar and warm so that the soil is completely dry. By the way, a week before, watering plants should be completely stopped. In this case, the bush will come out easily. Pumping peanuts is more convenient with the help of forks - carefully approach rhizome so that the nuts remain on the bush.

Dugged plants Spread on 2 -3 days in a dry, well-ventilated room. Then the cocoons with nuts can be collected and leave them when room temperature until complete drying. You will learn about this by shaking the cocoon - the nuts must freely roll in it.

Using peanuts

Despite the fact that you now know how to plant peanuts, do not hope that you can grow a multi-kilogram crop on the windowsill or balcony, but ordinary person And no amount is required. Peanut is very calorie, there is a lot of fiber in its composition. Use it in large quantities nutritionists do not recommend. I found this nut wide application in cooking. It is used in the preparation of various sauces, meat dishes, confectionery.

How to store peanuts?

If you are collected big cropYou should take care of its storage. He must definitely stay in his peel. Place it in the air impenetrable container and put in the refrigerator. In this form, he can be stored for up to six months. You can leave the nut in a dry and dark place - it will be suitable for use within three months. But if you frozen it, then this term will increase to the year.

Peanuts: Benefit and harm

Justice for the sake of, it should be noted that this product is completely unpredictable - it can be extremely useful for the human body, and maybe seriously harm. There are still no disputes of scientists and nutritionists on these issues. So where is the truth?

The undoubted advantages of peanuts should include the following qualities:

Antioxidant properties;

Improves blood clotting;

Strengthens immunity;

Saturated with vitamins A and B, fats and proteins.

Negative properties:

Slows down blood flow, which negatively affects the vessels;

Is a fairly active allergen;

Contains a large amount of fats.

As you can see, pluses and minuses in this plant approximately equally, so remember that the measure is important, and in the use of peanuts too.

Many dacities love to experiment with the cultivation of new cultures. It's nice to surprise guests, putting something unusual on the table, proudly declare: "I grown on the garden." If you are from among these passionate people, try to grow peanuts. By the way, this is not such a difficult task, and in our article we will introduce you in detail with this culture and agrotechnology of cultivation.

Although peanuts and call nuts, but in fact he is a relative of ordinary beans, because Refers to the same family - legumes. This plant looks like this:

  1. Kostik has a height of 0.5-0.6 m.
  2. Stem - branched.
  3. Leaves - parsley, dark green.
  4. Flowers are yellow, small, sometimes their number reaches 2 hundred. Lower gradually falling to the ground, penetrate into it and turn into a bob, which is called nuts. Each shell forms from 1 to 4 seeds of light pink. 30-70 nuts are collected from one bustle.

About the benefits of peanuts

Of course, peanuts are delicious, especially toasted, but this is not all his advantages, because it contains that it is necessary for the body:

  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • linolenic acid, vitamins B, E, if the beans are recycled on the oil.

And from these tasty nuts make peanut pastewhich in its energy value is the same as meat, but more useful due to the content of folic acid in it.

We grow peanuts

To grow in our temperate climate this plant of the legume family, you should buy seeds of the following varieties:

  • Krasnodar 13;
  • Krasnodar 14;
  • Staplek;
  • Valencia 433;
  • Klinsky.

Be carefull: Check that you do not sell processed or fried beans, otherwise spend money, time, and shoots never wait.

To grow peanuts at home, you need to know what is needed for its growth.

Conditions for the development of the plant

  1. Since nuts can develop exclusively in the ground, a good crop is possible only in loose black erect, samp or neutral soil. Need magnesium and potassium, as well as humus in large quantities. Plugging bushes up to 3 times per season, we will increase the number of wounds.
  2. Since the birthplace of peanuts is South Americawhere it grows as a perennial, then the second condition for its successful development is the temperature. Optimal - 20-27 degrees C, and as soon as it rises above +30 or drops below +15 - bushes cease to grow.
  3. Third condition successful cultivation is good illumination. There is no presence near plants shading this culture near the plants.
  4. It is important that the Girling, on which this representative of the legumes is planted, was well ventilated.
  5. When the peanuts blooms and the formation of underground beans occurs, it requires a constant presence of moisture, but not stagnant water. In September, when the seeds ripen, excessive moisture capable of slowing down this process.
  6. The plant develops well on the beds, where they grown cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, cereals, but in no case the beans, peas, i.e. His relatives are legumes. But after the peanuts, any cultures feel well in bed.
  7. If you are going to grow it in a large number and get oil from it, then know that the color of the peanut depends on the soil. From beans grown on light soil, oil will be bright, and on dark - darker.

Important: If the conditions necessary for the growth and development of peanuts are broken, the plant begins to hurt - spots appear on the leaves, which indicates the presence of root rot.

How to grow peanuts: ways

Earthwoods are grown across seedlings and by sowing in open ground. how planting material Should take grains collected not more than 2 - 3 years ago, because Next, they lose their germination. In any case, the seeds first should be germinated. This is done at the end of April:

  1. We lower the seeds into a weak mortar solution for disinfection.
  2. We rinse and soaked for germination. After 10 days, sprouts will appear.
  3. We harde the sprouted seeds, withstanding within 2-3 days in the room at a temperature of about +3 degrees in the bright time of the day, and at night we carry them into such a place where the temperature is room.

Of the sprouted seeds they grow seedlings or sow them to the garden. First, consider how to grow peanuts sediate. So:

  • fill the cups with a light ground in the first days of April;
  • weaken the seeds into the ground centimeter at 3;
  • we place the cups on the sunny windowsill;
  • we water moderately;
  • we, meanwhile, the Grocery - Pumping it and remove weeds;
  • looking out the plants in early June with an interval of 15 - 20 cm from each other and 0.6 - 0.7 m row from the row.

If they decided to plant peanuts right into the ground, then as soon as the permanent temperature of the air is not less than 20 degrees C, and the land at a depth of 10 cm warms up to 15 degrees with, proceed to sowing sprouted seeds. The landing scheme is identical to the one that is used when disembarking seedlings, and the depth is 60 - 80 mm. Sing the sprouted seeds into the ground is not only in order to see the harvest faster, but also to protect them from damage to the bear.

Good to know : on the shell in which there are nuts, there are many useful microscopic mushrooms, so it is crushed and also thrown into the ground when landing.

Faced with Medveda

To destroy the Medvedka, make a bait:

  • we collect cleaning, grain;
  • cheat on the garden;
  • we take a piece of rubberoid and cover;
  • fall on top of the vegetable garbage, manure or humus;
  • periodically, we look at the bait and collect the polar.

For your information : as soon as germs appear, it is necessary to protect them from birds, as the sprouts can completely destroy crows and thrills.

Plugging, stealing peanuts

An important component of a good crop is a dip, which is held several times per season:

  1. Before the plants bloom, plunge bushes at a height of 50 to 70 mm.
  2. After 10 days after it bloom.
  3. Regularly with an interval of 10 days, gradually reducing the distance between the roots (hynoforas), formed after flowering, and soil. The last injection is performed in the first days of August.

Three times for the season, namely when real leaves begin to form, tie buds, and then fruit, introduce mineral fertilizers At the rate of 1 weaving:

  • nitrogen - from 0.45 to 0.6 kg;
  • phosphorus - from 0.5 to 0.6 kg;
  • potassium - up to 0.45 kg, but only in the suction ground.

Peanuts on warm bed

Asking how to grow peanuts in the country, consider this option as warm Groke. It is better to cook in autumn or very early in spring in extreme case:

  1. We highlight the place and proceed to digging the trench to the depth of the shone shone. Optimal width 1 m, and no length.
  2. The top layer of the soil we store on one side of the trench, and the lower - on the other.
  3. Dno assessed by plant residues, sprinkle their land. Top placing half the pumping compost.
  4. We hide everything top layer Earth.

If the soil is healthy, then after 60 days, the garden will be filled with warm nutritional soil, suitable for growing earthwood.

Grow peanuts in greenhouse

In the greenhouse, peanuts are comfortable, especially when cultivating it in a tandem with tomatoes, but provided that the latter are not very thickly located in order to the peanuts after all the light flowed. Beans are divided with nitrogen tomatoes, and often it is not necessary to extort the bushes - 2 times in June and enough. By September, the harvest is already enough.

How to grow peanuts at home on the windowsill

Arriving a peanut seedlings, you can leave some plants at home, and then collect harvest right on the windowsill. Make it simple:

  1. We take a wide container and fill it with the soil with a water added to it and sand.
  2. Look at the plant in it and place in the brighter place, watch there are no drafts.
  3. We are waiting until the flower appears, and the bob will be disposed of from it. It is important that the shoots do not hide beyond the container, otherwise the fetus does not get a development.
  4. Regularly pour, slightly loose soil.
  5. Putting the fruits when the bush stops growing, and the leaflets will begin shirt.


Peanut does not stand even small frosts, so cleaning should be performed before their offensive. Wherein:

  • we sort nuts into mature and not affected;
  • throw away very small;
  • we entered the ventilated, dry room for drying;
  • stored in fabric bags;
  • i dear as needed.

If we ensured proper care, we can count on a crop from 100 to 150 g of dry grains from 1 sq. m, and even higher.

Check out the video how to grow peanuts:

Peanut is a favorite delicacy of many people regardless of age. This type of walnut can be grown in open soilIf you know the rules for planting seeds, care and cultivation technology.

With the right compliance with all requirements, the cultivation of peanuts at home will not bring trouble. Before sowing, it is necessary to figure out which variety is better for the necessary conditions For its cultivation, when and how to plant peanuts.

Peanut Seeds for Planting

Experienced gardeners know when to plant peanuts. Best time For this - the middle of the spring, when the earth is not completely funded, which is an ideal condition. A good harvest will bring zoned varieties.

The most common on the territory of Russia is as follows:

  • Stepnyak;
  • Valencia 433;
  • Klinsky;
  • Krasnodar 14;
  • Virginia;
  • Ranner.

It is worth remembering that one variety of seeds is taken for roasting and eating food, and another one is taken to create peanut butter. First, we are determined to land the peanuts, then with the climatic features of each variety and only then stop the choice in the most appropriate version.

Choosing seeds for landing takes into account certain selection criteria:

  1. The kernels should be large or medium size (small may not be generous).
  2. Each of them should be a husk. It contains trace elements that do not give nuts to spoil. It is not recommended to shoot until the landing.
  3. The kernels need only raw (fried are not suitable).
  4. There should be no restricted, scorched or by other indicators of spoiled plants.

To get a high-quality harvest, it is necessary to stretch the peanuts for planting. To do this, in a container with water, pour the epina drip, put seeds in it and leave for the night. After the procedure, they softened and the roots will appear.

How to grow peanuts at home?

After seeds are selected and treated, it is necessary to prepare the soil. Peanut growing technologies at home are somewhat. It can be raised in the apartment, correctly equipped the rampant board and directly. In other conditions, nuts are planted only in the south of the country.

The cultivation of seedlings begins with the preparation of seeds. To do this, they are wrapped in a wet fabric and hold 10 days. Next, planting peanuts in open ground. The depth of the hole when landing 3 cm, 2-3 semen fall into one well.

If the peanuts fall into the open ground, the depth of the wells must be at least 10 cm, and the distance between them is at least 50 cm.

After sowing, the earth is abundant.

Preparation and selection of soil

It will be a good harvest if the neighborhood is growing. The place is selected solar and well ventilated. Peanut does not like blackout, although in the minimum quantities it tolerates it. Suitable option There will be a soil containing humus. If the soil is saline or contains acid, then when dripping.

Before planting the ground, it is necessary to get rid of weeds, switch and braid. A favorable time for sowing is the middle or end of spring. Ripens nuts quickly, the first fruits will already go in July, and therefore it is undesirable to tighten the landing times.

Flowers the plant is just a day, albeit abundantly. After that, fertilization is carried out and maritime appears. It must be buried, otherwise the harvest will die.

At home, peanuts landed from seeds into small containers, the soil regularly moistened and frills. There is a plant should be in a heated room and on good lighting. Peanuts in the entire period of cultivation should.

Peanut Care in Open Ground

The main mainstream of peanut care is its glue. The procedure must be carried out three times over the entire period.

Mineral complex is suitable from fertilizers. It must be added after the appearance of the first leaves.

It is necessary to water in such a way that the soil is all the time in a moistened state. Irrigation is perfect for this.

Collect peanut

Collection is carried out with dry ground and sunny day. A week before, it is necessary to stop watering.

The first sign of ripeness is the yellowed leaves. When growing in open ground, this happens in mid-September - then the collection process begins. They are neatly digging out of the ground and put for complete drying. Separate from a friend of nuts need dry. Full drying lasts about 10 days.

From one bush usually collects up to 50 beans. Peanuts are stored in tissue bags in a ventilated room at a temperature of at least 10 ° C. You can define ripeness if you slightly shake the nut. It is ready to use with easy toasting.

Video: Peanut Growing

As in practice, the cultivation of peanuts you can learn from this video:

And whether the peanuts in our own garden will grow! Great idea, After all, this culture does not require much care, but peanut nuts are tasty, useful and very satisfying. Many daches are not afraid to experiment with the cultivation of exotic cultures, especially when the place on the household site allows.

Earthwood Peanut raise easy

Buy nutritional, undoubtedly useful for the body, is currently not a problem. However, it is precisely this annual herb plant of a legume family perfectly feels in our conditions climatic zone And gives good crops, naturally, subject to all agrotechnical techniques.

Therefore, practically every garden, from the beginning, to the experienced professional, despite the fact that South America is, despite the fact that his homeland is South America. Peanuts is a bushes reaching high to 75 cm, with yellow flowers. When growing an earthen walnut in warm regions of the countries of the post-Soviet space, the plant gives a consistently good crop. In zones with a temperate climate, fruits grow smaller.

Peanuts got a name in the people peanut Due to the busy method of aging fruit. The development of beans occurs underground, approximately a ten-month depth. After fertilization, the planting of the plant grow up, and the flowerwater itself is inclined to the ground and grows into it. That is why the peanuts are so important soils. Like all legumes of crops, landing of the earth walnut enrich land with nitric compounds.

Selection of the area under peanuts

The plant is heat-loving, so the beds with peanuts are divided into a sunny plot without the slightest shading, protected from penetrating winds, with good moisture circulation. The best results Reach owners of vegetables having a loamy, sugal, chestnut or black earth soil. Heavy lands under peanuts pre-enrich river sand and humus. Unsuitable for growing Earthworm Heavy loams, saline, swimming and overwhelmed soils.

Planting material

The greatest yield is distinguished by the zoned varieties, since the seeds delivered from another terrain worse germinate and fruit. It is advisable to acquire seeds in proven horticultural stores or neighbors in the country. As a planting material, tipped seeds, and beans (integers or crushed) are used. As practice shows, a greater crop of culture is obtained from seeds.

Preparation of soil

The beds begin to cook from autumn. The best predecessors of peanuts, like the rest of the bean family plants, are considered: pumpkin (cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini), potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage. It is undesirable to grow peanuts after other crops of the bean family: beans, beans, lentils, peas.

The plot under the earthworm is hammered to the depth of the bayonet shovel and refuel the organicaic: humid, garden compost, woody ash. In the spring, in front of the landing, the beds are cultivated (depth up to 10 cm), removing weeds and their roots, harrow and make grooves at a distance of at least 70 cm apart.

Planting peanuts

For disinfection (etching), the seminal material is soaked before boarding in a slurozoic solution of potassium permanganizable by a quarter of an hour. Replacement is possible on saline (tablespoon table salt on a liter of warm water).

Eat method

In peat pots, filled with nutrient soil, seeds are planted at a depth of 2.5-3 cm. Since the transplant occurs when the soil is warmed up to + 13-14 ° C, then in conditions of temperate climate, the event is carried out in early April. Planting tanks Place on a well-lit windowel, regularly carrying out moderate watering. Seedlings are transplanting to beds together with pots at the age of 28-30 days (in warm regions) and up to 60 days in the area with a temperate climate. The distance between the plants in the row should be about 25 cm.


The thermal-loving peanuts are separated when the soil temperature becomes higher than + 14 ° C, and the average daily temperature is kept at about + 18 ° C and higher. The depth of planting is 10 cm. If the soil is not funded enough, the planting material rotates, not giving escapes. In each well lay 2-3 pcs. Beans to be guaranteed to get at least one sapling. Landing scheme is the same as when eat method Cultivation. At first, it is necessary to protect the beds from birds (frozard, crows, forty), which can destroy and seed material, and young shoots.

Landing care

In May, the soil is humidified enough teal watersTherefore, watering is carried out after the emergence of mass searches. Young shoots immediately give yellow. Three weeks after flowering, the bushes are plunged - it is during this period that the formation of fruits underground begins.

At the same time, the beds are performed, bringing complex mineral formulations containing potassium and phosphorus. The parcel of landings spend only until the leaves are closed, because then each bush itself copes with the suppression of the growth of weary herb.

Throughout the summer, watering the peanut bushes should be carried out only in conditions of severe drought and excessive temperatures. From the beginning of September, watering stops at all.

Cleaning and storage of harvest

Culture matures to the middle of autumn. In early October, when dry weather stands on the yard, the bushes are digging up using shovels. Each plant slightly shake off the soil, turn over and placed on the surface of the earth the root system upstairs so that the beans dried in the air. Next, they are transferred for drying under a canopy or dry room (shed, veranda, attic) at least 4 days.

Treatment of earthwoods start only after drying the stem naturally. Next, they are dried at room temperature and lay storage in carton boxes Or canvas bags in a dry place with good ventilation. You can speed up the process of drying beans using a brave cabinet or an electric dryer, however, the temperature in these devices should be maintained at a not higher than 40 ° C.

Earth nuts are used both in fried and cheese. Scientists have proven that the number of healing biologically active substances, including antioxidants, is even somewhat higher in the fried peanut than in the cheese.

Good yields of exotic crops!

Question: Where to get seeds?!

Answer - for sowing any peanuts from the store or from the market, but, of course, not fried, not salty, and naturally, not impacked and that is not processed. If you fall - in Bobah - the chances of success increase. In any case, it is necessary for the alleged seeds to germinate on the saucer (as in the lesson of the natural science - the seeds in a rag, a cloth in the driver, then everything is in a bag and put in a warm place - after a few days we look - if you have swollen and proceeded - it means fit). Well, if you're lucky to get from a seed store - here without questions.

On the page where will grow the conditions necessary for this culture are described quite detailed. But you can briefly say - peanut
We need: "Sun, air and water ...". Now more ...

First - the sun- Accordingly, choose the lightest, well-warmed place, preferably higher and sustain. Because in the spring it is necessary that the soil hate for sowing and dry from winter precipitation as soon as possible. And in the future, the garden got a lot of light and heat.

Second - air - Soil in the garden should be the most loose - this is also due to the peculiarities of the biology of the earthen walnut. We remember that a significant part of the barriers penetrates into the ground with the help of a hypotor, and the beans themselves are formed there.

Third - Peanuts plant moisture-loving. And watering, most likely, are inevitable ... Therefore, before sowing, it is necessary to solve - where are we taking water in the right amount.

As one of the variants of agrotechnology, I propose the next, based on the method described in the wonderful book of Tatiana Yuryevna, born "Family vegetable growing on narrow beds."

In the spring, as soon as the soil starts to crumble at the step - it is preferably not earlier and no later - proceed to the marking of the bed. Width 45 cm., Arbitrary length. But! Peanuts Culture, requiring 4-5 hypodes for the period of growth. The higher we can dip the bushes - the more tiers of nuts they will be able to lay.

Question: But this soil will need to take from somewhere?

Answer: To do this, you need to leave a wide aisle - at least 50 cm. On both sides. Thick in the ground four palsy. Pegs are preferably made of durable materialIn the future, they will remain in their places until the harvest is harvested. Then you need to take a durable, you can not very thick twine, and pull it, fixing on the spikes, along the perimeter of the ridge.

Now they are leaving, breaking the closure, all the reserved bed. Do not forget to choose the roots of perennial weeds and the wintering stages of pests - caterpillars and dolls.

Perepalic soil align. We introduce fertilizers - on alkaline soils mix the plaster (it is alabaster) -5 kg. +40 gr. boric acid, on sour - lime or chalk-5 kg \u200b\u200b+ 40 gr. Boric acid. I scroll uniformly on the garden area from the calculation of 100 grams. on the raman meter. We prepare the second helpful mixture - 3.5 kg of nitroammofoski + 1.1 kg of urea + 1.35 kg of calmagnezia + bag of a mixture of trace elements, for example Ryazan. Also evenly scatter on the surface of the calculation of 50 gr. On the trafficphone meter. Then, from the rifle, with a chopper or rakes, low-speed sides - 10 - 12 cm high. Inside the beds we go through rakes a couple of times to align the soil and mix it with fertilizers. The similarity of the soil bore must turn out, that is, a flat surface of the ridge itself, surrounded by a roller of dry soil from the rod. Everything. You can sow.

We make two grooves - centimeters of 10 depth - right along the sides and decay the seeds - centimetrics after 8-10. If all seeds come up - then you can break up to a distance of 15 cm between bushes. But part can be filmed, bear and even ants. Therefore, to get as a result uniform fit, it is better not to greed. The reverse side of the robber again smalle the surface, falling asleep seeds. After that, we wear a canister or on a watering hose, we put a special nozzle for irrigating the soul - so as not to blur the land - and slowly, carefully, with a weak water pressure, shed all the internal area of \u200b\u200bthe ridge. If possible, it is necessary to walk in bed 2-3 times - until the soil saturation with water, - that is, while the puddle is not formed on the surface. Perhaps due to the introduction of lime or gypsum, in a few hours the garden surface cracks. Do not be afraid, after one or two regular irons, everything will be corrected by itself. If necessary, install a suitable shelter.

Everything - we are waiting for shoots.

After designating rows of shoots, we solve the issue with the weeding. If it is time, he will first scrape all weeds from the surface of the rod, then we destroy the soil roller, scattering it towards the parties, then we pass the center of the garden from the beginning to the end in one movement of the chip or polol. Between the bush loosen the soil of a small pan. Having finished this work - we go to dry the chak. During this time, the trimmed seedlings of weeds must already get sick to death. It remains only to straighten the side of the side and pour the landing.

Two weeks after two plants have been reached 20-25 cm, the first yellow flowers will appear on them. We make a weeping. At this time, it is necessary to apply again in the same dose - 50 gr. / The phenomenon meter - a helpful mixture based on nitroammophos that we made during the crop. We introduce it a narrow strip in the center of the Grokery. Now it is necessary to carry out the first dipping - hend the land from the parties and distribute it inside the ridge. After this event, the height of the latter should increase by 5-7 cm. We again form flights. We pour out abundantly. If there is a water supply or a large water capacity on the plot - watering can be automated in some way. You can apply sleeves for drip watering, or use a piece of old hose for this purpose (especially good for this business is inexpensive plastic corrugated) along the length of the bed. One end is drunk and pierced with a very thin carnation a number of holes after 3-5 cm. We put this product along the central axis of the garden forever - it remains to connect the water to the free end - and let yourself get a quietly. Thus, the next care cycle is completed.

We repeat it every 10 days. But as the soil is drying, we definitely water.

When attacking Tley - we fight with ordinary methods.

If the garden rebuilds the mole - we just fix it.

If there are signs of a deficit of some element of the power supply - make a dose of the corresponding fertilizer.

Signs of some diseases can be viewed on the page.