We make a sauna on the balcony with our own hands. Sauna on your own balcony: how to equip and what materials to use We carry out finishing work according to such instructions

Living at home, we want to make it as comfortable as possible for us. Home is the place to which we return after a difficult working day and for us it is a place where we can finally relax and feel calm and comfortable. And if just a relaxing bath does not help you, then the sauna on the balcony is perfect solution... When building this convenience it will not be easy, but how pleasant it will be to come later and warm up your blood after hard days. You can choose the time convenient for you and not worry about cleanliness.

Where to begin?

First of all, you have to determine for yourself whether you will equip the sauna yourself or buy it from the manufacturer. Both of these options each have their own advantages, so the decision here is entirely up to you. If you decide, at your own peril and risk, to make a sauna yourself, then at the very beginning you need to check the materials. They must be fireproof, especially those that will be in contact with the oven. They should also not emit toxic substances when the sauna is heated.

You also need to consider the severity. The sauna box should not be too heavy, otherwise the balcony may not support the entire weight.

Ideally, metal supports should be added under the balcony to support its weight.

And also, before starting work, it is worth slightly expanding the balcony so that more space... It doesn't take a lot of work to do this. It is necessary to make the walls absolutely deaf, do not forget about good glazing, thanks to which the level of thermal insulation will increase and high-quality double-glazed windows should be installed.

Even at the initial stage, you need to immediately determine where the ventilation hole will be located.

On the loggia, you can build a sauna in as soon as possible, if you follow all the recommendations of experts and take into account the law. The Finnish sauna has the most positive reviews.


The balcony must be insulated with mineral wool. If you insulate it from the inside, then there will be almost no room for the sauna itself, and it will be too small for the permitted standards. Therefore, it is better to upholster it outside. To do this, you need foam plates that will not let the cold inside, since they themselves have thermal insulation properties.

After the insulation on the outside is ready, you can start work inside the sauna, arranged on the balcony.

Internal arrangement

After insulating the balcony itself, we proceed to interior decoration floor covering... We make it around the perimeter of the balcony. In the steam room itself, it must be made 10-20 centimeters higher so that it is always dry in the cabin.

The arrangement of the sauna must be carried out in the correct sequence:

  • The first thing to do is to lay down waterproofing material... Next, lags are installed from the bars. It is about 5-8 centimeters high in 40-50 centimeters increments.
  • Then insulation is laid between them and another waterproofing layer is lined.

  • After that, the floorboards are nailed to the walls so as not to get burned during the sauna session. The ideal wood that will be suitable for a sauna is hardwood with a shrinkage of about 10%.
  • We nail bars with a cross section of 5 cm2 onto the wall. The walls inside the cab must be upholstered with plywood so that the insulation is completely adhered to inner surface and did not let the heat through.
  • A foil vapor barrier is carefully inserted into the openings between the beams. It must be laid with the reflective side out.

  • Minvata should be cut so that it is 4-5 centimeters wider in size. This will provide a more secure fit to the walls of the sauna.
  • Next, we lay out the insulation in the space between the beams.
  • In conclusion, they attach to the heat protection with nails aluminum foil so that the reflective surface is inside. The joints are connected with specialized tape using metal. And clapboard is used as cladding.

Ceiling creation

So that during the use of the bath there were no troubles, a lot of attention must be paid to vapor barrier. This is very important, because when you use the sauna, hot steam rises and settles on the ceiling in the form of water droplets. If you do not follow this moment, then soon the neighbors from above will begin to come and complain about dampness and mold.

In these works, it is important to do everything in stages:

  • First of all, we lay the bars 5 centimeters thick. Their step should be around 40 centimeters. The distance between them must be filled with waterproofing material.

Pick up only quality material from a trusted manufacturer.

  • Next, we equip the insulation: we press it to the ceiling with a wooden plank and nail it down. In some cases, it can be fixed with a stapler.
  • After that vapor barrier membrane it is necessary to fix it in two layers, at the end, revet the ceiling with clapboard, which must be of high quality and moisture resistant.

How to install electrical wiring?

In order for the electrical wiring in the bath to serve for a long time and efficiently, as well as to comply with all fire safety standards, you need to approach this very responsibly. You must have a cable that has heat-resistant insulation.

It is very important to prepare for this, because it is a very painstaking work, which cannot be mistaken. Therefore, it is important to follow the sequence of actions:

  • First of all, the switchboard is mounted.
  • After that, you need to check the power supply. It must be provided with an RCD (residual current device) without fail.

  • A separate socket must be made from the distribution board.
  • To connect, it is worth using a corrugated pipe. This will increase fire safety.

  • Next, the wire that is used for the lamp must be placed in a special metal hose and positioned above the ceiling. These lamps can withstand temperatures as high as 120 degrees, which is very convenient.

How to create a ventilation hole

Ventilation must be carried out from the outside so that odors from the inside do not pass. Sufficient size for ventilation window baths - 50x50 centimeters. A part is cut out that adjoins the walls. There should be no gaps between them. After that, the handle is glued where it will be convenient to use it.

We equip the bath frame

In order to make the sauna convenient, comfortable and, most importantly, safe, you need to correctly determine the size. Perfect option- width starting from 80 centimeters and in height from 210 centimeters.

Since the structure of the frame is a rather delicate and scrupulous work, you need to do it in steps:

  • First, bars 5 cm thick are attached vertically and horizontally to the floor. The step should be about 40 centimeters.
  • After that, the outer side is upholstered with plywood sheets, on which a waterproofing film is fixed.

  • Hydro and thermal protection is attached inside the cabin. In order for the material to completely adhere to the walls, the mineral wool is cut out wider by a few centimeters.
  • A vapor barrier membrane is laid on top.
  • All joints must be connected using special metal tape.

  • On both sides of the booth, a wooden lining must be mounted.
  • The result is the installation of a door that should open outward for convenience. This will help you save money anyway. small space saunas. In no case should you make a lock with inside.

We begin to install the oven

The safest and most convenient stove for a sauna on a balcony is a stove with a heating element (tubular electric heater). It has a power of 4000-4500 W, which is enough for a small sauna.

The heater itself should be connected to a separate outlet via an RCD. But also do not forget that the stove must fit all the parameters of the electrical wiring in the apartment itself, otherwise nothing will work.

It is best to consult a specialist in this matter. After all, the terminal boxes have good ovens are located at the back, and thanks to this, moisture cannot get there. Plus, a high-quality stove must have a fireproof steel grate and a water pan, which is also important.

Furnace parts are installed in a specific sequence:

  • You need to start with the heater. It must be installed on an electrically insulated stand. It should be placed inside the chamber, which is made of foam blocks or refractory bricks.
  • From above, the chamber remains open and a basket is placed on it, which is welded from a metal corner.
  • In order to maintain fire safety, the entire surface around the furnace should be finished with asbestos cardboard, because it is fire-resistant and heat-resistant.
  • And finally, stones for the oven are placed inside the basket: jadeite, quartzite and / or talcochlorite.

It is important that the weight of the stones does not exceed 15 kilograms, otherwise the room will not warm up well.

The balcony or loggia in our apartments can be used in different ways. Some, without painfully bothering themselves, turn this area into a storage of unnecessary things, others make from a balcony cozy room for relax. There are vegetable lovers who turn their balconies into a mini-vegetable garden or citrus garden, but there are also more exotic options, for example, how do you like a sauna on the balcony?

Such use of the balcony gives you the opportunity to have fun at any time convenient for you. Moreover, the free space is used very rationally. Is it possible to translate all this into reality? If so, what is needed for this?

Arrangement of a sauna on the balcony: what difficulties will you face?

If you want to make a sauna on your balcony, then you should think about how to do it correctly and what is needed for this. But first you need to understand whether it is possible to translate your plans into reality. It turns out that this is quite possible. You can order a design from the manufacturer, of course, the dimensions of such a sauna are very modest, but many companies are working with such orders. Some manufacturers offer ready-made mini saunas. The width of such structures does not exceed eighty centimeters, and the height is about two meters. These dimensions are quite suitable for any balcony or loggia.

There is also a second option - a sauna on the balcony can be done independently. Some skills are already needed here, but as a result you will get exactly what you intended. With your own hands, you will make your dreams come true. However, it should be noted that both the construction itself and the further operation of such a sauna will impose some restrictions. For example, when erecting a structure, you need to use only light building materials... A balcony is a place that is not designed for heavy loads, so you need to forget about concrete and brick.

Photo 2. Construction of a steam room made of wood

You will also need to restrict some of the functions of the sauna itself. It is difficult to conduct water and sewage onto the balcony, for this reason it will only be possible to steam in it. But if you want to plunge, you have to run to the bathroom. On the balcony water treatments contraindicated. You don't want to flood your downstairs neighbors, do you?

Where to begin

The very first thing is to prepare the balcony or loggia itself. It is necessary not only to make glazing and insulation, but also to carry out some other work. All this is for the sake of their neighbors, because if they constantly hear suspicious noise coming from the neighboring balcony, then they may not like it, which means they need to carry out soundproofing. If you insulated the balcony, then the thermal insulation material will already be able to drown out the noise, but it is still better to insure yourself.

Also, the neighbors below may not like the water drips coming from your mini-sauna, so waterproofing should be done especially carefully. It is not worth saving on this if you do not want to quarrel with your neighbors. Once the balcony is finished, you need to cook required material and equipment. Here is a short list of what you will definitely need:

  • wooden shields (they should be easily assembled and disassembled, because you will transfer them to the balcony with your own hands);
  • electric stove (it should be hot in the sauna, which means that you cannot do without a heat source);
  • a box with stones (no sauna can do without them).

TO wooden shields special requirements apply. The first thing you need is the type of wood. Spruce, pine, aspen or linden are suitable for the sauna. Also, all boards must be carefully prepared. The humidity in them should be no more than ten percent. The entire surface must be sanded. In addition, the boards must be coated with a special anti-fungal agent.

Then you can start building. You need to start from the floor. It is already insulated, so you need to do the finishing. For a sauna, the best floor is wooden, so it is advisable to cover the surface under the structure with floorboards.

When it comes to the walls, you need to assemble a box from a bar with your own hands. It should be installed close to the walls. The beam itself should be 50x50 mm in size. Outside, the box is upholstered with plywood, this must be done, since the walls in our houses do not differ correct geometry and it will also help to keep the heat inside the structure.

Photo 3. Installation of the box for the future steam room

The next step is to insulate the box from the inside. This can be done with mineral wool. The layer of such insulation should be thick enough, because the rate of heating of the air inside the steam room will depend on this. The choice of mineral wool is due to several parameters: firstly, such an insulating material is cheaper, and secondly, it is impossible to use foam or other unnatural insulation in a steam room, they do not tolerate strong heating well. Unnatural insulation will begin to melt and emit poisonous gases, as a result, instead of healing, you will receive harm to your health due to harmful gases.

Photo 4. Insulation of the box from the inside

Further, the entire inner area of ​​the future sauna must be sheathed with aluminum foil. This must be done everywhere, in otherwise heat will easily escape even through a thick layer of insulation. Such coverage is able to hold up to ninety-eight percent infrared heat... Secure the foil itself with aluminum tape.

Photo 5. Sheathing of the body with foil from the inside

The next step will be finishing interior space clapboard. It is not difficult to do this with your own hands, you just need to be careful, because the lining will lie on a layer of foil, and it is very easy to tear it. The lining itself should be made of hardwood, you can use coniferous boards devoid of resin. The latter breed has a very bad effect on the body when heated.

Photo 6. Sheathing of the sauna box with clapboard from the inside

In order not to burn yourself on heated nails while taking a steam bath, they need to be deepened into the lining, but it is better to close all the caps decorative panels which will improve appearance... After that, you can proceed to the shelf. This design must be able to support the weight of two people, so it is advisable to make separate shelf stands. Planks five centimeters thick are stuffed on them.

To ensure normal circulation of hot air in the sauna, the shelf itself must be made not solid. Leave a gap of one and a half centimeters between the boards. It is also advisable to round off the edges of the boards, it will still be safe, you will not hit the sharp edges.

As a material for the shelves, you need poplar, aspen or linden wood. But the most the best option- abashi. This African tree is ideal for bathing and is resin-free. Of course, such a tree is quite expensive, but its quality is also excellent.

Photo 7. Stages of construction of the bench in the sauna

Sauna arrangement

In principle, the design of the sauna itself is ready, only interior arrangement... Let's start, of course, with a heater. Here you need to take into account all the safety requirements. Firstly, it is electrical safety. Invite an electrician and run a separate 25 amp automatic outlet on the balcony. The cable itself to the stove must also be with good insulation, because the electrical equipment will be used during humid place, and, as you know, current and water are two things that are not compatible.

Secondly, all fire safety measures must be observed. When installing the stove, observe all the necessary indents from the walls. The walls of the sauna near heating element trim with an additional layer of asbestos cardboard. So they definitely won't light up.

Photo 8. Arrangement of a sauna on the balcony

In addition, you need to remember about one more security measure - the door in the steam room should open outward, into the adjacent room. Also, it should not be fitted with latches or hooks. Such a requirement is necessary to save a person in the steam room, if he suddenly becomes ill.

If you are not going to sit in the steam room in complete darkness, you should take care of an artificial light source. The lamp must be selected carefully, it must easily withstand high temperatures (and in the steam room they can reach one hundred and twenty degrees), and must also have good waterproofing. It is better to purchase special lamps for couples.

It is better to install the lamps themselves behind the shelf. So the light will not blind a person taking a steam bath. For beauty and light diffusion, you can cover the devices with wooden lampshades.

Don't forget about ventilation. The intake grill must be installed near the stove, and on the opposite side, mount the valve. This way the inflow can be easily regulated. fresh air... Well, of course, you can install a thermometer and a clock to observe how long and at what temperature you have been steaming. Sauna on own balcony- this is not a fantasy. It is quite possible to do it yourself, the main thing is to do everything according to the rules.

Having said that the bath is an inherent inalienable need of the Russian person, we are unlikely to sin against the truth, since the Russian bath is mentioned in documents dating from the 11th century. Is it possible to afford such a pleasure, a sauna on the balcony?

The very technology of arranging such a bath suggests that this is not a fantasy, but a reality, just not very often in demand.

What is the difference between a sauna and a steam bath?

Before equipping a sauna on the balcony, you should clearly understand the main differences between a Russian steam bath and a Finnish sauna.

If you look at the classic version of the steam room and the Finnish bath, then the differences can not be noticed at all, although many perceive this as completely different devices- this is not true.

Initially, the Finnish sauna, just like the Russian steam bath, was heated with wood in a stove. Some people mistakenly believe that they do not steam in the sauna with a broom, but this is a delusion, since massage with birch or oak brooms is possible in both cases.

The main differences appeared only in the XX century, when the sauna began to be heated with electric heating elements. This is where a significant difference appeared in the design of the two steam rooms.

If the private sector does not have of great importance how to heat the stove, then for multi-storey building this question is almost decisive, especially with such a device as a bath on the balcony.

For an ordinary Russian bath, a chimney is required, since it is heated by a stove. And this whole line fire safety measures, a whole folder of documents requiring signatures in different authorities, plus all this our age-old inclination to bureaucracy and bribery ...

A dry sauna, which is heated by electric heating elements, is another matter. In principle, such a bath can be built in any place where there is a sufficient supply of electricity. Balconies of our multi-storey buildings are no exception.

A dry sauna can be called a commercial product that arose out of the need to save time. Stones heated by electric heating elements very quickly raise the temperature in the room, and there is no need for space for the energy carrier (firewood and coal), and there is no need to clean the furnace from slag.

The only inconvenient moment in an electric sauna is the arrangement of ventilation.

The room is sheathed with wood (preferably linden), according to the previously arranged thermal insulation. We will talk about thermal insulation separately, since this is one of the main points on which the quality of a sauna and a bath in general depends. For lighting, it is better to use closed spotlights.

A warning. When arranging a sauna, the steam room should not be electrical outlets, switches and distribution doses. Lighting should be closed type.

How to make a sauna on the balcony yourself?

The easiest way to equip a balcony steam room is to buy a ready-made sauna, which is supplied unassembled, for one and a half to two thousand dollars.

The main thing is that this structure fits on the balcony in width, but the balcony can be expanded for such a thing. You can collect it yourself or ask a supplier who will allocate a specialist for this.

Preparing a balcony for a sauna

This is, of course, your own business, but if you decide to equip a sauna on the balcony, then it is better to expand it.

If a bath with a balcony will be done at the same time, then you will have the opportunity to take into account many nuances that cannot be foreseen if these structures are assembled separately.

  • When reconstructing or restoring a balcony, we immediately take into account the outer width of the sauna.
    It is desirable that the wall of the sauna does not border the street; it will be much better if the outer walls of the booth are adjacent to the insulated walls of the balcony.
  • Do not forget that the sauna needs ventilation, so you must immediately provide a duct for its construction.
  • Remember that, therefore, it is necessary to calculate the height of the balcony.
    If in interfloor apartments this is not an important issue, then on last floors(especially in buildings built during the time of N. S. Khrushchev) this is very important, since because of the brick cornice it is sometimes impossible to make the balcony higher.
  • In the place where the sauna is installed, the walls of the balcony must be deaf, that is, it is necessary to calculate the width of the windows to be installed.

When arranging walls, it is better to do with wood.

We mount the sauna on the balcony


You should remember this!

The amount of energy spent on heating the sauna and the time required to heat it depend on the thermal insulation layer.

  • The first step is to vertically install wooden blocks, which will be attached inner lining saunas.
    If, then for all walls, a beam width of 50 mm is sufficient, and you maintain a width of 40-50 cm between the beams.
  • Place mineral wool between the beams. When you cut the cotton wool for insulation, then cut the pieces 3-5 cm wider than the distance between the bars requires - the cotton wool will be more densely packed and will hold better during installation.
  • A wall insulated with mineral wool must be covered with foil. In order to fix it, nail the foil to the beams with a stapler, or even better, press it against the timber with wooden slats, as shown in the figure.
  • insulate in the same way, but before insulating the floor, it is necessary to make waterproofing so as not to flood the neighbors.
  • It is better to make the floor of the sauna a little higher than the floor of the balcony, so you can arrange a drain with waterproofing film and the sauna room can be kept dry.


Electric sauna heater, with a stone load up to 15 kg

When a sauna is mounted on a balcony with your own hands, it is better to buy a stove in a store, since such products have already been tested and approved by all GOSTs and SNiPs. The terminal boxes for such ovens are usually located on the back wall, which prevents accidental moisture from entering the terminals.

Such ovens are designed for long term operation, therefore their casing and grating are made of non-burning steel. At the bottom they are equipped with a tray for collecting water. These ovens can be wall-mounted.


For a comfortable pastime in the sauna, good ventilation is necessary, and it should be done with access to the street so that smells do not get into the apartment. As you can see in the photo, the ventilation duct is an opening with a solid plug.

When the ventilation is in a closed position, the wall should be a single whole, not allowing air to pass through and not allowing heat to leak, therefore, the ventilation plug must also be made with insulation. Mineral wool is not suitable for such a purpose, since it is too soft and after a while the cork will be strongly deformed and will allow heat to pass through. For this purpose, it is better to use thick foam covered with cellophane wrap.


The device of a bath on a balcony or loggia is quite possible, but it requires compliance with certain conditions associated with a specific location. Let's not forget that the sauna on the balcony is not designed for mass use and it is highly discouraged to connect water and sewerage, therefore, its use should be careful, with least use water.

A bath for a Russian person is an integral part of his life, and this is not an exaggeration at all. All our grandfathers and great-grandfathers knew a lot about a good Russian bath, where you can thoroughly warm your bones. In this post we will talk about how to make your own own bath on the balcony and loggia. Let's tell you what it is infrared sauna do it yourself, the worse the IR technology from the heating elements.

The device of the sauna and the difference from the steam room

To answer the question of difference, one should understand exactly what a Russian bath and a Finnish steam room are. In a classic sauna, heating takes place with the help of a stove, which is heated by burning wood. Thus, the temperature builds up into the room.

The Finnish steam room, in turn, uses electric heating elements, which have been used since the twentieth century. This difference does not significantly affect the bath in the private sector, but it has a significant weight, in the case when the bath is equipped on your loggia.

The device of a wood-fired bath is a very complicated matter, requiring a lot of permits and a lot extra costs for materials. Another thing is to use electric heating elements that produce dry heat, from the point of view of fire safety, it does not pose any threat and such heating elements are rather compact in size.

To install them, only a high-quality electricity supply is required, and in a residential building with a balcony this is not a problem. Therefore, you can safely use such heating elements so that the sauna on the balcony brings you joy and allows you to have a good rest.

Electric heating elements are very simple. They heat the stones, which bring up the required temperature in the room. Thus, you do not need to make additional energy carriers such as coal or firewood, and after each use of the steam room, clean the device.

The bath must have good ventilation and be as thermally insulated as possible. These are two components that are responsible for the quality and comfort of the entire device. Sheathe the walls, preferably with linden, it will give aroma and is well resistant to the conditions of the bath.

Lighting must be done only of a closed type, and the presence of sockets or any connections inside the room is categorically unacceptable and should be placed on the loggia.

How to make a steam room yourself

Very common and most simple method, is the purchase already finished structure... It will cost, of course, in the range of two to three thousand dollars, depending on the size and configuration. The manufacturers will provide you with it completely disassembled.

You can collect it yourself or using the services of specialists. They can be hired directly when purchasing from manufacturers.

When choosing the size, make sure that the sauna will be in width on your balcony, of course, in a pinch, it can be expanded. A do-it-yourself infrared sauna requires less insulation and insulation, so it can be installed more compactly.

Preparing the balcony

If you decide to combine a bath and a loggia, then you should expand the space. Thus, you will be able to better install and insulate the future steam room.

Scheme of sizes and placement of podiums

The walls of the steam room and balcony should not be adjacent. Ideally, when they are insulated and insulated each separately. It is necessary to insulate not only the walls, but also the floor with the ceiling. Plan to place the sauna door on the balcony to minimize fumes and odors in the room.

Do not forget to leave a hole to create ventilation, this is a very important component of the design. All adjacent walls must be blind, so when ordering, you should accurately calculate their dimensions. In order not to create additional load on the slab, use as walls wooden planks, they are much lighter than stone or brick partitions.

We insulate the room

The better the whole structure is insulated and insulated, the less unnecessary heat losses will be and, accordingly, the less waste of excess energy for heating. High-quality insulation also speed up the air warming up time to required temperature and will prevent climate change in the adjoining room.

Wall insulation scheme on the balcony

The first thing to do is to install vertical bars, 5 centimeters wide. Sheathing will then be installed on them. Fasten the bars in increments of forty to fifty centimeters. Insulate with mineral wool, which must be inserted into the cells formed.

The cotton wool should be cut a few centimeters wider than the required size. Then it will fit more tightly into the cells, and will perform its functions more efficiently.

On top of all this, foil is installed. It should be fixed with a stapler, or with locking bars. The floor is insulated according to the same technology and sequence.

detailed instructions for the construction of a bath

But first you need to lay the steam and waterproofing. So, you will protect yourself from flooding neighbors and moisture on their balcony.

We make heating

Heating in our sauna room will be done using heating elements or infrared heaters. It is best to purchase from a specialty store. Such devices are made specifically for bath conditions, from waterproof durable metal. All connections are on the back and protected from moisture ingress on the terminals and other electrical contacts. At the bottom, they are equipped with a special tray for collecting water, which is very convenient. If wall mounting is required, the stove is often equipped with special mounts.

IR heaters can also be used for heating. They heat the air using infrared radiation and are quite compact in size. The use of infrared technologies is not recommended by doctors, as infrared rays have a bad effect on the human body. Preference should be given to electric heating elements, which are of better quality than infrared heaters.

Ventilation arrangement

The ventilation is very important aspect comfortable stay in the steam room. The conclusion should be made on the street so that smells do not appear in the room, and in general, do not pass into the apartment. The device is a hole with a special plug. When the plug is closed, then the wall is a one-piece structure that does not allow air to pass through.

Ventilation Hole Locations

It should also be well insulated and insulated such a hole. To create a sealing plug, it is best to use dense foam that is well wrapped in foil.


A bath on the balcony or loggia is an accessible phenomenon, you only need to have the desire and the means to make an infrared sauna made with your own hands bring you pleasure. Of course, not only infrared technologies are able to create the necessary comfort, you can use heating elements, which are very effective and ideal for a sauna on the balcony.

You can enjoy bath procedures on your balcony. If you take into account all the nuances of laying electrical wiring, providing ventilation and arranging reliable steam, hydro, thermal protection, then you can build an excellent steam room with your own hands.


To equip your personal steam room on the balcony or loggia, you can purchase a ready-made mini-sauna from the manufacturer and install it according to the instructions. This option is the most convenient, but it will not be cheap either. Therefore, it is advisable to equip a sauna on the balcony with your own hands. This process will take a lot of time and effort, since ventilation must be provided in the steam room and many other factors must be taken into account. However, the result is a complete steam room with dry air.

Preparatory work on the balcony before the sauna

First you need to prepare a balcony. Expand it if necessary. Choose a place for setting up a sauna that is mainly adjacent to the walls of the house - for less heat loss.

In addition, you should take care of reliable glazing. The walls in the steam room should be completely deaf, and it is better to install high-quality double-glazed windows on the rest of the balcony. At this stage, you need to think about the place for the ventilation hole.

When all preparatory work completed, you need to stock up on building materials. To make a sauna on the balcony, we need mineral wool, Styrofoam, waterproofing membrane, wooden beams 5 cm thick, floorboards, wooden lining, foil vapor barrier, corrugated pipe, metal hose, asbestos cardboard.

Please note that using a brick or stone to equip a steam room on the balcony is prohibited. These are very heavy materials that will become an additional burden and can lead to negative consequences.

The specifics of the balcony equipment for a mini-sauna

Before erecting the frame, you need to think about complete insulation not only of the steam room compartment, but also of the entire balcony. Most suitable material for this, mineral wool is considered. Begin construction works with finishing the floor.

Technology for arranging the floor on the balcony for a sauna

We carry out the finishing of the floor around the entire perimeter of the balcony. However, in a steam room, it should be 10-20 cm higher than in the rest of the room. This is necessary to ensure drainage from the water-repellent film and dryness of the steam room.

We carry out the work in the following sequence:

  1. We lay a waterproofing layer.
  2. We stuff wooden logs with a height of about 5-8 cm and a step of 40-50 cm.
  3. We put insulation in the holes between the beams.
  4. We spread the second layer of waterproofing.
  5. We fix the floorboards with nails, nailing them against the walls. This is necessary so as not to burn yourself on the metal caps.
The floor in the sauna should be made with a slope towards the door, ensuring the unhindered drainage of excess moisture. For finishing in the steam room, use hardwood boards with a shrinkage of up to 10%. Coniferous wood can be used to arrange the floor on the rest of the balcony.

Rules for decorating walls on a balcony for a sauna

To save space on the balcony, you can insulate the outside walls with foam. Please note that the heating rate of the booth depends on the thickness of the insulation layer.

We carry out Finishing work according to this instruction:

  • We fill the walls with beams with a section of 5 cm 2 in increments of 0.5 m. At the location of the mini-sauna booth on the balcony, before that, you need to punch the walls with plywood so that the insulation fits as tightly as possible to the surface.
  • We attach a foil vapor barrier to the holes between the beams, with a reflective surface outward.
  • Cut out sheets of mineral wool 4-5 cm wider for a closer fit to the wall.
  • We put the insulation in the grooves between the beams.
  • We fix the aluminum foil on top of the heat insulator with the reflective surface inward. To do this, we use a stapler or nail the material with nails to wooden planks.
  • We glue the joints with metallized tape.
  • We carefully trim the surface with clapboard.
Please note that it is imperative to choose hardwood for the steam room. The rest of the balcony can be finished with any other material. However, it is desirable that it be made in the same style as the steam room.

Finishing the ceiling on the balcony for the sauna

When equipping the ceiling, it is necessary to pay Special attention vapor barrier, since in the sauna on the balcony the steam rises and can lead to dampness in neighbors.

We equip the ceiling in this order:

  1. We fill the bars with a thickness of 5 cm in increments of about 40 cm.
  2. We fix a waterproofing layer in the intervals between the beams.
  3. We lay the insulation, press the layer with a wooden plank and nail it down.
  4. We attach two layers of a vapor barrier membrane.
  5. We mount the lining.

To carry out work on insulation and finishing of the ceiling, it is better to take an assistant. It will be inconvenient for you to hold the insulation and fix it on your own.

Features of the arrangement of the sauna on the balcony of the apartment

When the balcony is completely ready for equipping a steam room in it, you need to think over the wiring, ventilation and heating. Each of these processes must be taken as seriously as possible, since it depends on Fire safety and performance characteristics saunas on the balcony.

Installation of electrical wiring on the balcony for the sauna

It is best to use a cable with good heat-resistant insulation.

We conduct electricity in this order:

  • We mount a separate automatic machine on the switchboard. For a stove with a power of 4500W, an automatic 25A machine is optimal.
  • We equip the RCD power supply network.
  • We install a separate socket from the distribution board on the balcony.
  • We use a corrugated pipe for connection.
  • We lay a wire to the lamp in a metal hose. It is more convenient to place it above the future shelf. For a sauna, it is better to use hermetically sealed thermal spotlights. They are capable of withstanding over 120 degrees and have an IP54 moisture resistance level.

Please note that it is forbidden to install switches, socket mechanisms and distribution boxes in the steam room itself.

Balcony ventilation equipment for sauna

The ventilation hole must face outward to prevent the ingress of foreign odors.

To make a tight and reliable plug, we adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Cutting out a piece of foam to size ventilation duct... The part must completely adhere to the walls, without forming gaps.
  2. We glue this part on one side. wood panel and a pen. It is desirable that they match in color with the finish of the bath. You can even use a piece of lining.
By opening the cover, you can ventilate the room as needed.

Construction of the sauna frame on the balcony

Please note that the width of the steam room should be from 0.8 meters, and the height - from 2.1 meters. Only if these standards are observed, you will get a comfortable and safe steam room.

We equip the partition in this order:

  • We attach vertically to the floor and ceiling beams with a section of 5 cm 2 with a step of about 40 cm.
  • We fix the same bars with the same pitch in a horizontal position.
  • WITH outside we stuff plywood sheets and attach a waterproofing film to them.
  • We put hydro and thermal insulation on the inside. Mineral wool insulation must be cut a few centimeters wider for a snug fit.
  • We cover with a vapor barrier membrane.
  • We glue the joints with metallized tape.
  • We mount the lining on both sides.
  • We install the door.

Please note that the door from the steam room must open outward. This will save space. Also, for security purposes, they do not need to be fitted with internal locks.

Features of installing a stove in a sauna on the balcony

The electric heater must correspond to the power of the electrical wiring of your house and be connected to a separate outlet, which we have previously conducted through the RCD. It is better to choose models specially adapted for the sauna. Terminal boxes they are located in the back, and therefore protected from moisture. They are also equipped with a non-combustible steel grate and a drip tray. For fire safety purposes, it is advisable to cover all surfaces around the stove with fire-resistant and heat-resistant asbestos cardboard. The mass of stones in the oven for quick heating should be no more than 15 kg.

Installation rules for the sauna shelf on the balcony

In order for the structure to be reliable and able to withstand two people, it is undesirable to attach it to the wall. It is better to equip the shelves on special racks.

We equip the steam room with a shelf in the following order:

  1. We attach beams with a cross section of about 8 cm 2 to the floor.
  2. We mount carefully polished boards on top of them, 5 cm thick, with rounded edges. We leave 1-1.5 cm gaps between them for free air circulation.
  3. We process the structure with special oil.
  4. If dimensions permit, you can also equip an upper shelf and mount a ladder to it.
The best option for equipping a shelf is considered to be linden, poplar and African abasha tree. Please note that all fasteners must be made of wood or galvanized metal. In the latter case, the heads of the nails must be deepened into the base of the tree, since when high temperatures you can burn yourself with them.

After the complete arrangement of the steam room, we install a thermometer and a clock inside a sealed and heat-resistant case. This way you can control the room temperature and the length of your stay.

See the video about the sauna on the balcony below:

Step-by-step instructions and photos for arranging a sauna on the balcony will help you master the whole technological process... Be sure to follow the instructions to keep your steam room safe and quality. Such a facility will cost you almost two times less than buying a production mini-sauna.