What are the water heating systems. What are the heating systems: water, air, underfloor heating and infrared

Own house Is not only a personal fortress, but also a place where it is cozy and warm. For this to always be so, a prudent owner must provide for an uninterrupted supply of heat. The easiest way to do this is if you can connect to a centralized system.

However, this does not always happen, and many do not want to connect an expensive service. In this case, it remains to consider the types of heating systems suitable for autonomous arrangement, and then choose the best way... And we will try to help you in this matter - our article discusses the features of a water, air and infrared heating system, lists their main pros and cons.

There are many heating systems. All of them have attractive aspects and significant disadvantages. It is rather difficult for an untrained person to navigate in them and implement right choice... In order not to be mistaken, you need to know exactly what points you should pay attention to.

The first is the availability of fuel and its cost. This can be considered a key point. No matter how you like the system, but if the fuel for it is difficult to access, is supplied to the region with interruptions or is too expensive, it is worth considering another option. Otherwise, the heating of the house will cost a pretty penny and will be ineffective.

According to statistics, most owners of private houses choose heating systems with a liquid heat carrier. This is a practical, reliable and reasonably economical option.

The second point is the possibility of combining heating systems. In some cases, it can be very practical to use the main system and the additional system. This gives confidence that in case of possible interruptions in the supply of energy, the house will not be left without heat.

In addition, there is an opportunity to save money, since you can use the most economical heating method at the moment.

And finally, the financial side of the issue. It is necessary to determine how much the consumer can allocate for the purchase of equipment, its competent installation and subsequent regular maintenance.

Features of the system with a liquid heat carrier

Heat generators also differ. They can operate on a wide variety of fuels, which determines their performance characteristics... Most of all, gas, electrical and solid fuel devices are in demand. Their disadvantages and advantages are close to similar boilers for water heating.

The circulation of air masses inside the building can be carried out different ways... It can be a closed cycle without adding air from the street. In this case, the indoor air quality is poor.

The best option is circulation with the addition of air masses from the outside. Undeniable dignity air heating is considered to be the absence of a coolant. Thanks to this, it is possible to save the energy needed to heat it.

In addition, the installation of a complex system of pipes and radiators is not required, which undoubtedly also increases the efficiency of the system. The system has no risk of leaks and freezing, like its water counterpart. It is ready to work at any temperature. The living space heats up extremely quickly: it literally takes about half an hour from starting the heat generator to the temperature rise in the premises.

A gas heat generator is one of the possible solutions for the implementation of an air heating project for a private house. But in practice, such systems are rarely used.

Another significant plus is the ability to combine air heating with ventilation and air conditioning. This opens up the widest possibilities for realizing the most comfortable microclimate in the building.

Duct system in summer time can be successfully used for air conditioning. Installation of additional equipment will make it possible to humidify, purify and even disinfect the air.

Air heating equipment lends itself well to automation. Intelligent control removes burdensome control over appliances from the homeowner. In addition, the system will independently select the most economical operating mode. Air heating is very easy to install and durable. Its average service life is about 25 years.

Air ducts can be installed during the construction phase of the building and hidden under ceiling covering... To install such systems, high ceilings are required.

The advantages include the absence of pipes and radiators, which gives room for the imagination of designers decorating the interior. The cost of such a system is quite affordable for most homeowners. Moreover, it pays off quickly enough, so its demand is growing.

Air heating also has disadvantages. These include a significant difference between the temperatures in the lower and upper parts of the room. On average, it is 10 ° С, but in rooms with high ceilings it can reach up to 20 ° С. Thus, in the cold season, it will be necessary to increase the power of the heat generator.

Another disadvantage is the rather noisy operation of the equipment. True, this can be neutralized by the selection of special "quiet" devices. In the absence of a filtration system at the outlet openings, a large number dust in the air.

Infrared heating system

It is relative new method heating of residential buildings. It is based on the use of infrared radiation. Scientists have found that infrared rays can have different lengths... Long-wave radiation, similar to what we receive from the Sun, is safe and even beneficial for humans. It is it that is used in heating devices operating in the infrared range.

Infrared film heaters can be ceiling mounted. Then the radiation will go down and reach the floor, which will begin to heat up

A special infrared film is used for space heating. A thin layer of carbon paste is applied to the non-woven base, which, under the influence of current, is activated and emits infrared waves. The resulting emitter is laminated on both sides with a film, which gives it strength and extends its service life.

The principle of operation of infrared heating is as follows. The film is placed on the floor or on the ceiling. When the system is turned on, a current is applied to the emitter, it produces infrared waves. They move and reach the first massive obstacle. It can be large furniture, Appliances, and most often the floor. Such objects are impervious to infrared rays, they are retained and accumulated in them.

It must be admitted that this type of heating is the most comfortable. Due to the fact that the floor is heated, the temperature distribution is as pleasant and beneficial for a person as possible. The lower part of the room is about 2-3 ° C warmer than the upper one.

In addition, the natural humidity and the amount of oxygen are completely preserved, there are no convection currents that carry dust. There are no drafts either. Film heaters work absolutely silently, they are safe for humans.

If infrared heaters are installed under floor covering, the radiation rises up, reaches the floor and heats its surface, and then the air in the room

Another advantage is fully automated system management. This allows her to work in the most economical mode and at the same time provide the owner with complete comfort. Thanks to this, the film system has no heat losses, its efficiency is almost 100%.

The minimum service life of the equipment is 25 years, and the resource of use is twice as long. In this case, the system does not require maintenance.

The next advantage is compactness. The film is very thin and does not “eat up” the free space. No additional room is required for the heating unit, there are no batteries and air ducts. The film is very easy to install and connect. Dismantling and reuse is possible if necessary.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting that when the voltage drops, the amount of heat generated by the film decreases. In this case, the operating time of the heater increases, which leads to greater energy consumption. The film can be covered with a wide variety of topcoats, except for putty, wallpaper and paint. The cost of equipment for arranging infrared heating is quite high.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

To heat a private house, use different types heating, and sometimes combine several. How heating is done can be found in the following videos.

Pros and cons of air heating:

What users say about infrared heating:

Features of arranging water heating with your own hands:

In a private house, it is technically possible to equip almost any heating system. Therefore, the owner must choose the most practical and most suitable option for the conditions existing in his house. When making a choice, you should listen to the opinion of experts, correctly calculate your heating system. Then it will be very warm in your house, even if it is a fierce winter outside.

What heating system do you use? What advantages and disadvantages have you noticed while operating your heating system? Or are you still looking closely, choosing the best option? Do you have any questions after reading this article? Please ask them below - our experts and other site visitors will try to help you.

Heating system

The heating system is perhaps the most complex engineering project in the structure of a house. And the main indicator of the effectiveness of its work is the stability of the temperature, which is comfortable for human living. Constantly improving, different types of heating are replenished with new options for heating rooms.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. But only a well-designed and impeccably executed heat supply system creates a favorable microclimate in the dwelling, which does not depend on the weather conditions outside its walls.

Let's look at what types of heating exist and how they differ from each other.

Radiator heating

This is one of the very first options that people began to use for heating. apartment buildings and private buildings. At the dawn of the 21st century, many predicted his departure into oblivion. However, having undergone innovative transformations and modernization, the system continues to function properly not only in old houses, but also in new buildings. Replacing cast iron with aluminum, steel and bimetal saved this type of heating from inertia.

Now the temperature in each room can be adjusted to your liking. Thermostats and thermostats came to the rescue of the person, which quickly respond to changes temperature conditions in the room. Thanks to this, these types of heating systems began to function much more efficiently, and energy consumption for heat production decreased. It is also important that the improved radiators have attractive design, and this allows them to be used in modern interiors.

The battery heating method is, of course, not ideal. And its main disadvantage is the uneven distribution of heat in the room. There is a decent heat near the radiator itself, while in a distant corner there is clearly not enough heat. This is due to the physical laws of the circulation of convection flows.

Warm air rises upward and is distributed throughout the dwelling. Having cooled down, it sinks to the level of human growth and, having given up the last degrees, returns to the source of heat. This cycle is characterized by a tangible demarcation of warm and cold zones. The contrast can be leveled by raising the temperature of the batteries to 75-85 degrees Celsius, which entails unnecessary consumption of coolants. Nevertheless, while remaining affordable, radiator heating is actively used by the overwhelming majority of consumers.

"Warm floor"

Water heat-insulated floor

For a long period of time, the “warm floor” was used as an additional source of heat. In fact, he represented electrical circuit heat generation and was installed mainly in bathrooms.

Over the past decade, this trend has changed, and now the "warm floor", like other types of heating systems, is used independently. In addition, its popularity has increased along with the construction of cottage and luxury apartment buildings.

"Warm" floor has gained its popularity due to many advantages:

  1. An even distribution of temperature throughout the entire volume of the room. It became possible to step on the floor with bare feet, and the warm air, flowing from the bottom up, leaves no room for cold zones. Studies have shown that at floor level the air warms up to 25 degrees, at the height of human growth its temperature becomes 23 degrees, and under the ceiling it drops to 20 degrees.
  2. Rational temperature distribution does not cause overheating headaches. The legs are constantly warm, and the head is in a zone of moderate temperature. The coldest place is the ceiling - it is not necessary to warm it at all.
  3. Uniformly heated rooms without cold zones do not create conditions for the growth of mold and mildew.
  4. The hidden heating system allows you to freely implement different design ideas... The area of ​​the house can be used more rationally in terms of placing furniture and other interior items.
  5. There is no risk of burns. This is especially true for families with small children.
  6. The high energy efficiency of the system is due to the low temperature of the coolant. To ensure a comfortable temperature in the house, it is enough to heat the coolant to 40 degrees Celsius.

In addition, the warm floor is characterized by a high degree of process automation. It can be made not only electric, but also water. Having analyzed the needs of homeowners, manufacturers have proposed new materials and technologies that can work without repairs for a very long period of time.

Convection heating

Convection heating radiators

The main element of such a system is a convector, which looks like a conventional radiator. It consists of copper tubes and metal bridges made of aluminum (or copper). It has a fan for forced air circulation.

According to the principle of operation, the convector is no different from other devices. It also heats cold air masses and moves warm ones into the interior of the house.

There are three types of such equipment:

  • wall
  • outdoor
  • built-in

Convection systems are rarely installed in residential areas, but they are ubiquitous in public places. They can be found in large stores, schools, and stairwells. This equipment is of considerable size and requires natural ventilation premises. This makes it attractive for installation in large public buildings and unsuitable for the housing stock.

Air heater

Hot air heating has been used since time immemorial. In Russia, the source of heat was the legendary Russian stove.

Today the method has undergone changes, and hot air is supplied to separate rooms through specially equipped ducts. Air heating is widespread in the United States. And this is not surprising, because the efficiency of heating with hot air reaches 90%. For comparison, in water systems this figure is 75%.

It is not so easy to get an air heating system. It requires multiple airflow channels that can be positioned under the floor or inside the ceiling. This is best done during the design phase or during the renovation of buildings. Sometimes it is possible to achieve good result and at overhaul premises.

The air system has several advantages:

  • She has a high heat dissipation. For example, it takes only 30-40 minutes to raise the temperature in the house by 30 degrees (from minus 10 to plus 20).
  • Air ducts in summer can be used as components of ventilation and air conditioning systems.
  • There is no threat of defrosting of the mains.
  • The scheme can be performed with natural and forced circulation air.

Among the shortcomings, it should be noted:

  • Poor "handling". A sharp loss of temperature balance leads to a violation of the system regulation.
  • Uneven heating of the room. There is always the possibility of hot and cold zones in the house.

This heating method is ideal for industrial premises, swimming pools, gyms and other public areas with large areas and high ceilings. If you choose a heating system for your own residential building or apartment, then it is wiser to dwell on its other varieties.

Few question the fact that the price of energy will rise over time. According to analysts' forecasts, tariffs can be expected to rise to European levels in the coming years. In this regard, the question of choosing the most economical option heat supply is becoming more and more relevant. And if you consider that heating system should not only be financially affordable, but also correspond as much as possible to modern ideas about comfortable housing, there are few alternatives.

Warm floor.

The most proven solution is underfloor heating. Warm floor is not a modern invention. Also in Ancient rome ducts were laid in the floors of the palaces for the passage of hot air from the furnaces. In the first half of the 19th century, hot water heating systems began to be used. Well, today, underfloor heating systems are used in many buildings, especially in private houses and apartments. Warm floors are most often installed in bathrooms, kitchens, hallways, where they are usually installed ceramic tile- material with good thermal conductivity. Also, warm floors can be laid under parquet or laminate, but all these materials are worse than tiles to let heat through, respectively, the efficiency of the heating system will be lower. In addition, parquet can dry out, and linoleum or other polymer coatings wear out faster under the influence of the increased temperature of the warm floor.

Now there are two main ways to install a warm floor - using pipes with a heating medium or electric heating cables. Each method has advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of electric underfloor heating are fast and inexpensive installation, which can be carried out by any builder, small thickness of the floor "pie" (1-3 cm) during installation. However, the savings in installation will quickly disappear due to the expensive operation. Electricity consumption of one square meter underfloor heating 0.15 kW / h. This is not so small considering the almost round-the-clock and year-round operation.

Water heated floors are economical, but require more complex installation, additional equipment and increase the floor screed by about 7-10 centimeters. The installation should be entrusted to professionals who will test and commission the system. In country houses, where underfloor heating can be used over large areas, it has a huge monetary advantage over electric.

To simplify everything, the choice between a water and an electric underfloor heating depends on the heating area: if you need to heat a small area, it is better and easier to use an electric floor, and if you need to heat the whole house with underfloor heating, then the choice is for economical water underfloor heating.

With cable heating, the "warm floor" is converted into heat Electric Energy... Conventional wires made of copper or aluminum serve to transmit electricity, while there is a certain (very small) heating coefficient, and in a "warm floor" cable, on the contrary, the heating core is made of high-resistance alloys and its main function is when passing through less electricity - to heat up.

When heated with a water underfloor heating, the heat source is a heated coolant, as a rule, this is water from a hot riser or from a heating system that passes through pipes in the floor.

All other things being equal, in the choice between a warm floor, a water floor and a warm floor, the following argument is used to protect the electric floor: it is not necessary to install a water pump for forced circulation of water through pipes in the floor. Indeed, in order to obtain a relatively low floor temperature during the operation of a water-heated floor, you need mixing unit and it cannot function without a water pump. It is quite problematic to mount a water-heated floor with natural (gravitational) circulation of the coolant, besides, the area of ​​a warm floor with such a design will be small.

There is also a curious opinion of doctors on the problem of a too warm water floor: due to the high heat transfer, such a warm floor in the kitchen can "outweigh" all the heating in the apartment. As a result, it is too warm and, what is much worse, too dry. Humidity can drop to 10-15% in winter. And this is fraught with drying out of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and unambiguous acute respiratory infections. “Everything is good, which is in moderation,” the doctors say.

However, with all the obvious advantages, the electric warm floor is not without its disadvantages, namely:

Increased electricity bills;

Presence of negligible electromagnetic radiation.

As for electromagnetic radiation, they really are. The only question is their quantity. A two-core heat-insulated floor emits much less radiation than a single-core heat-insulated floor.

The reduction of radiation occurs due to the fact that a second supply conductor passes in a two-core heating cable and electric flows, going as if towards each other, dampen counter oscillations. In a thin warm floor (heating mat), counter oscillations are damped due to the close arrangement of adjacent turns (step 5 cm).

Thus, all of the above can be summarized as follows:

The main advantages of a water-heated floor:

The ability to heat large areas with small means;

One-time installation costs and significant savings in electricity bills in the future.

The main disadvantages of a water-heated floor:

Structural difficulties during installation;

The need to use a water pump;

Difficulty controlling floor temperature;

Reducing the pressure in the riser;

Some likelihood of a leak and the difficulty of finding it;

Administrative difficulties and prohibitions.

The main advantages of an electric floor heating:

Visual absence heating appliances;

Possibility to install in typical apartments without the use of special equipment;

Uniform heating of the floor over the entire area;

Easily controlled and physiologically optimal heating of the room;

Simplicity and low cost of floor temperature control;

Possibility of local troubleshooting and repair.

The main disadvantages of an electric floor heating:

High electricity bills;

The presence of a certain amount of electromagnetic radiation.

Radiator heating systems.

Basic diagrams of radiator heating systems.

Water radiator heating is currently the most widespread. The operating experience of water radiator systems has shown their high hygienic and operational performance. Radiator water heating systems are highly reliable, quiet, simple and convenient to operate, and can be of considerable length. The vertical range of the system is determined by the hydrostatic pressure. Water heating has gained particular importance with the development of district heating and district heating.

Water heating systems with radiators are classified according to several criteria. According to the method of creating circulation, water radiator systems are divided into systems with natural circulation ( gravitational) and with artificial circulation (pumping). In systems with natural circulation, the movement of water is carried out due to the difference in density hot water entering the system and chilled water after the heaters.

Fig. 1. Water heating system with natural circulation.

2 - expansion tank;

3 - heating devices.

In systems with artificial circulation, the movement of water occurs due to the pressure drop generated by the pump.

Depending on the connection diagram of pipes with heating devices, hot water heating systems are divided into two-pipe and one-pipe... In a two-pipe system (Fig. 2, 3), each heating device is connected to two pipes: one is supplied with hot water, and the other is cooled water, while all heating devices are fundamentally parallel and equal in relation to each other. In one-pipe heating systems (Fig. 4, 5), heating devices of one branch are connected by one pipe so that water flows sequentially from one device to another.

Depending on the place of laying the main pipelines, the systems are subdivided into systems with top wiring(see fig. 2), if the hot line is laid above the heating devices, and systems with bottom wiring (see Fig. 3) when the hot and return lines are below the instruments.

Fig. 2. Two-pipe vertical system water heating with top wiring.

1 - supply line;

2 - supply riser;

3 - return line riser;

4 - control valve.

Figure 2 shows a diagram of a vertical two-pipe heating system with top distribution with one-sided and two-sided connection of heating devices. Hot water from heat point it is fed into the main riser, then it is divorced along the horizontal line to the risers and from them to the heating devices. The cooled water from the heating devices is collected in a common return riser and then through the return line it enters the heating point. Horizontal lines are laid with a slope of 0.002. Slopes horizontal pipes must provide air from the system to the upper points, where it will be removed through the air vent.

By the location of the pipes connecting the heating devices, the systems are divided into vertical when appliances are connected to vertical riser(fig. 3), and horizontal(fig. 6, 7) when the devices are connected to horizontally located pipelines.

Fig. 3 Two-pipe vertical hot water heating system with bottom piping.

1 - supply line;

2 - supply riser;

3 - return line riser;

4 - taps at the devices;

5 - heating devices;

6 - air release;

7 - return line.

In a bottom wired system, the trunk line is located at the bottom of the system. The movement of water along the risers occurs from the bottom to the top. Air removal from the system is carried out through air valves installed on the upper heaters, or with the help of automatic air vents installed on risers or special air lines.

Fig. 4. Diagram of a one-pipe heating system with top wiring.

Fig. 5. Diagram of a one-pipe heating system with bottom wiring and U-shaped risers.

1 - supply line;

2 - heating device;

3 - three-way valve;

4 - air release;

5 - control valve;

6 - return line.

Fig. 6. Diagram of a horizontal one-pipe heating system.

2 - heating devices;

3 - control valve;

4 - air release;

5 - return line.

One-pipe systems are currently used quite widely, especially in high-rise buildings. Compared to two-pipe systems, the pipe length of a single-pipe system is 70-75%. One-pipe systems are available with top and bottom piping. In addition, they are divided into three types depending on the method of connecting the devices: flow-through, flow-through with an unregulated bypass and flow-through with an adjustable bypass. Air is released at the upper points of the system through automatic air vents or manual valves.

Fig. 7. Diagram of a horizontal two-pipe heating system.

2 - heating devices;

3 - control valve;

4 - air release;

5 - regulating fittings;

6 - return line.

Horizontal schemes are used in buildings of great length. Highways horizontal schemes are laid in convenient places, usually in auxiliary premises... Horizontal systems are one-pipe and two-pipe.

Fig. 8. Scheme of horizontal two-pipe collector system heating.

Systems with artificial circulation can be performed according to several schemes, depending on the source of heat supply.

The design temperature of hot water in heating systems of residential, public and administrative premises is taken equal to 95 ° C, in children's and medical institutions 85 ° C. Temperature return water usually taken 700C.

Depending on the source of heat supply, the system can be with an individual boiler room with general heat supply. When supplying heat from a common boiler room or CHP, three schemes are used: independent with a heating unit, with water mixing, dependent direct-flow.

Fig. 9. Diagram of a heating system with an individual boiler room.

2 - circulation pump;

3 - heater;

4 - air outlet.

Fig. 10. Scheme independent system heating with a heating unit.

1 - thermal unit;

2 - circulation pump;

3 - heating devices;

4 - air outlet.

In an independent scheme, instead of a hot water boiler, a heat exchanger is installed, heated by primary water from the heating network.

Fig. 11. Diagram of a dependent heating system with water mixing.

1 - supply and return lines;

2 - mix from the return line;

3 - heating devices;

4 - air outlet.

The dependent water mixing scheme is used when it is necessary to limit the temperature in the heating system, but there is no need to limit the pressure.

Fig. 12. Diagram of a dependent direct-flow heating system.

2 - air outlet;

3 - heating devices.

The dependent circuit is used when there is no need to limit either temperature or pressure. Dependent schemes are simpler, however, the regulation of the heating system is determined by the regulation of heating networks. Therefore, it is preferable to have a system with an individual boiler room or with an individual heating point.

When choosing a system scheme, preference is given to collector floor wiring, as well as its combinations with one-pipe (less often two-pipe). It is practically mandatory to create forced circulation in the system, which is achieved by installing one or more circulation pumps... This makes it possible to reduce the temperature difference of the coolant at the inlet and outlet of the system network and thereby increase the efficiency and controllability of heating, as well as avoid unnecessary consumption of materials, simplify the system, and make it more compact.

When calculating heating devices, it must be remembered that the use of decorative shields reduces the effective heat transfer by an average of 10%.

When installing equipment for heating, water supply and sewerage systems in rooms, it is necessary to observe the correct arrangement of elements in space. There are generally accepted standards governing the appropriate sizes. It is preferable to follow them in all cases when special conditions are not stipulated in advance, usually associated with original design solutions or the persistent desire of the customer.

Heating system control cabinets are usually located at the floor level of the corresponding floor (bottom edge) - with the exception of the cabinet installed in the boiler room, which most often rises above the boiler level.

Water supply schemes for individual houses.

There are two groups of water supply schemes for individual residential buildings:

Water supply when connected to centralized water systems;

Creation of a local (decentralized) water supply system.

Naturally, the first version is simpler, more reliable, but there is a small hitch: not very often we can meet up close country house centralized water supply with all attributes (treatment facilities, pumping station, etc.). But if you're in luck, consider this case as well. But pay attention even to one the most important detail: the main condition under which a water supply can be installed in your country house is the availability of an opportunity for discharge and disinfection Wastewater: water supply and sewerage are inseparable (in general, there should be complete comfort).

Heating systems can be divided and classified in different ways, but it is most likely best to start with the heat source, or more precisely, the type of fuel used. So, heating systems, depending on the type of energy carrier, can be:

  • Gas... Gas is a relatively inexpensive source of energy (I mean main gas, since liquefied gas is already comparable in cost to other energy sources). On its basis, it is possible to implement almost any heating scheme, from a burner in a furnace to gas convectors and infrared heaters. The main disadvantage of gas is that it is not always available, or rather, it is not always possible to carry it out for an acceptable amount. Another disadvantage gas heating there is a need to coordinate the project with gas services.
  • Electrical... Electricity also allows you to realize great amount options and heating schemes. From similar gas schemes electrical options are easy to install (compare the installation of a water and electric underfloor heating) and, accordingly, lower investment costs. The disadvantage of electric heating is the price of electricity. For country houses, a significant factor will be a limitation on electricity consumption, usually 10-15 kW (sometimes less) and low quality of power supply (power surges, short-term outages, etc.).
  • Solid fuel(pellet, wood, coal). Where there is no main gas, and there are problems with electricity, solid fuel options heating will be an excellent solution to the issue. Modern equipment for automation and dosing greatly simplifies the combustion process. A common disadvantage for solid and liquid fuel, as well as for liquefied gas - that the fuel will have to be transported and stored. And the price, in relation to the main gas, for these energy carriers is high.
  • Liquid fuel(diesel fuel, diesel fuel, light grades of fuel oil). Another option for autonomous heating... Modern equipment operating on liquid fuel has a fairly high efficiency, and automation systems simplify control and reduce fuel consumption. However, an oil burner is a complex and expensive device, which increases capital investment. The disadvantages also include the high price of liquid fuel and the need for its transportation and storage.
  • Combined- systems in which different types of fuel are used to heat the room. For example, a radiator water system with gas boiler can be supplemented with electric underfloor heating or infrared heaters. It all depends on the specific conditions, the required microclimate parameters and, of course, imagination.

    This also includes systems with combined (multi-fuel) boilers. Such boilers can operate on two, three or even four types of fuel. Obviously, such a boiler increases the continuity and autonomy of the system. It is also obvious that the cost of such units (and their repair) will be significantly higher, and the more options for fuel that such a boiler can "eat", the higher the price.

  • Alternative systems use energy from the earth and / or the sun. It is almost self-contained, very eco-friendly and economical systems heating. The main disadvantages of such systems are the complexity and high cost of design and installation.

Convective and radiant heating

It includes all types of heating in which thermal energy transmitted due to the movement of volumes of hot and cold air. Warm air flow rushes up, cold / cooled air goes down. Hence, the main disadvantage of convective heating is the large temperature difference in the room, i.e. heat air under the ceiling and low near the floor. The most striking example is heating with heat guns and fan heaters.

Infrared (radiant) heating- type of heating in which heat is transferred by radiation. A sort of indoor sun. The heaters are placed directly above or below the heated area. Infrared heaters are the most "" radiant "type of heating. The main disadvantage is that with incorrect calculation (installation) and operation (long-term use), you can get overheating of objects and the human body.

Convective radiant... Most heating devices (radiators, convectors, warm floors and walls) are convective - radiant, but the ratio of convection and radiation is different for everyone.

When choosing a heating method, it is important to take into account that an approximately equal (50/50) ratio of convective and radiant heat is considered optimal and most comfortable.

Heating medium for heating systems

Heat carrier- a substance used to transfer thermal energy. By the type of coolant, heating systems can be divided into water (liquid), steam, air and combined. In some cases, there is no coolant, for example infrared heating.

Hot water heating systems

The most common, at the moment, type of heating systems. Hence such a number of options, schemes, materials and methods of execution. Let us give a short summary of the main classification and move on to "special cases".

Classification of types of water heating systems:

  • By the way of creating circulation:
    • With natural circulation / gravitational (due to the pressure difference in the circuit).
    • Forced circulation / pumping (using a circulation pump).
  • Types of heating systems wiring:
    • Upper
    • Lower
    • Combined
    • Horizontal
    • Vertical;
  • Types of pipes for heating distribution:
    • Steel tubes
    • Polypropylene pipes
    • Reinforced-plastic pipes
    • Corrugated stainless pipe
    • Copper pipes
    • PEX pipe (cross-linked polyethylene).
  • In the direction of movement of the coolant in the main pipelines:
    • Dead end
    • Passing;
  • By the method of connecting heating devices:
    • Single pipe
    • Two-pipe
    • Collector
    • Combined;
  • By the way the system is connected to the heating network:
    • Independent
    • Dependent.

So we're done with the Wikipedia-style classification. Let's move on to a simpler and more understandable division.

Hot water heating devices

A heater is a device for heating a room by transferring heat from a coolant coming from a heat source to environment... (Wiki)

By the type of these "devices" we get the most common division of hot water heating systems:

  • radiator heating;
  • system "warm floor (walls)";
  • baseboard heating;
  • infrared water heating;
  • combined systems.

It should be noted that this classification is applicable to electrical systems without coolant. But, for now, let's take a closer look at water systems.

Radiator water heating

The first thing everyone pays attention to is the type of heating radiators (batteries). We will not compare them in this article, just list them:

  • Cast iron radiators
  • Aluminum radiators (solid and sectional)
  • Bimetal radiators
  • Steel (panel and sectional) radiators
  • Stone and ceramic radiators
  • Smooth pipe devices - one or more steel pipes connected together.
  • Convectors

Perhaps, radiator water heating is the most common type of heating on the territory. the former USSR... Most of the centralized heating systems are designed as radiator heating... In a private (autonomous) version, such a system can be implemented on any energy carrier, although the use of alternative energy sources is not always advisable.

Warm water floor

This system continues to gain in popularity, although it is more difficult to calculate and install than the same radiator system. In fact, a warm floor is one large heating device. Qualitative advantages underfloor heating are: uniform temperature distribution (we do not heat the ceiling, plus warmth for the feet), walls free from radiators and a close to optimal ratio of radiant and convective heat.

Warm walls arranged according to the same principle as underfloor heating, with some technical features... This system has its advantages and is designed to solve specific structural and technical problems.

Skirting heating

A relatively new heating system in Russia. According to manufacturers, heat transfer goes to both the side of the floor and the side of the walls. There is also a statement that this is a radiant heating system. This is not entirely true, because the walls are heated due to warm air rising from the plinth, i.e. due to convection. Each section warm skirting board Is a small convector with a casing. The installation of the section is similar to the installation of a conventional radiator.

Water infrared heating and warm ceiling

Another option for infrared heating of the room. Typically, such systems are implemented using water-based infrared heaters. Warm water ceiling- a large infrared panel, realized as a mirror image of the underfloor heating system. The advantage is that such a system can be used for heating in winter and for cooling in summer.

Steam heating

Now steam heating in residential and public buildings is not used, due to the risk of injury (steam temperature 130C?). It is most often found in enterprises where steam is used for production needs or is a by-product of production. Although, there is no ban on the use of steam heating in private houses. For steam heating, you can use all types of energy sources, except for alternative ones (at least for now). Radiators, convectors or pipes are used as heating devices. With the advent of infrared panels perhaps steam heating will find new uses.

Air heating systems

Air systems include systems in which heated air is the coolant. They are divided into centralized systems and local (local).

Local air heating systems

In local systems, heating and air supply is carried out directly in the heated room using heating and heating and ventilation devices.

In fact, most local air systems the coolant is absent (there is no transfer of thermal energy from the heat source), therefore, they can be attributed to systems with an air coolant only conditionally. An example of a local air heating system are fan heaters installed in each room. This also applies thermal curtains, heat guns and heaters.

Central air heating systems

In centralized systems, the air is heated in an air heating unit and is fed through ducts to the premises. All types of energy sources can be used as fuel in such systems. Alternative sources energy is used as an additional source of heat in order to save on heating (especially in the off-season), because their capacity is not enough for full heating.

Classification of central air heating systems:

By the way of air circulation:

  • Central air heating system with full recirculation
  • Central air heating system with partial recirculation and ventilation
  • Direct-flow central system air heating

The last two can be:

  • Without recuperation
  • With recuperation

By air heating method:

  • Direct heating air heating systems
  • Air heating systems of indirect heating.

Dignity centralized system air heating is that heating, ventilation, air conditioning, purification and humidification of air can be realized in one system.

Air heating systems "warm floor" and "warm walls"

The principle of operation of such systems is very similar to water heated floors (walls), only the coolant is air. Such systems are quite exotic and rare. But there is something in this idea :)

Fire air heating

This type of heating includes stove and fireplace heating. In such heating, the coolant is either practically absent, or it is hot flue gases. Examples of heating units are various types of brick (Russian, Swedish, Dutch, etc.) and metal ovens(potbelly stoves, Buleryan, Professor Butakov, "bubafonya", stove for working off, etc.), open and closed fireplaces. Depending on the design of the unit, you can heat with almost anything, as long as it burns.

Heating systems without coolant

Electric heating systems

Most systems without a coolant are electrical. In such systems, electrical energy, being converted into heat, heats the room, and not the coolant. These systems include fan heaters and electric convectors, but above we referred them to the local air heating... More illustrative examples would be electric underfloor heating, panel infrared heaters, infrared emitters and infrared film heaters (PLEH).

Electric underfloor heating

A warm electric floor differs from a water one in that its heating elements are two-layer, shielded single-core or double-core cables. Compared to water-based, electric heated floors are easier (and cheaper) to install, do not require additional equipment, and are easy to operate.

Film infrared heaters (PLEH)

Their operation is based on the principle of heating elements made of carbon, which are sealed in polymer film... The characteristics of such a film include: strength, moisture resistance and heat resistance. The main advantages are quick installation, no additional equipment and communications (only electricity) and easy adjustment.

Gas infrared heaters and convectors

In these devices, heat is generated by the combustion of a gas-air mixture. Therefore, they can be classified as fire-air heating without a coolant (heat is transferred through the solid medium of the device body). Convectors, due to the method of heat exchange (convection), also refer to air heating. Here's a cross-classification.

Infrared gas heaters

"Light" The combustion process of light emitters occurs directly on the emitting surface, i.e. open. Usually used in large ventilated rooms or in open spaces.

"Dark" The combustion process of dark emitters takes place in a completely enclosed space. The principle of such emitters is that high-temperature gas combustion products pass inside the heat-emitting pipes. The average temperature on the pipe surface is 450 - 500 ° C.