Maintenance instructions for heat generators. Operating instructions This diesel heat generator is intended for industrial use only.

during operation of the TPG-1 heat generator


This instruction was developed on the basis of the Interindustry rules on labor protection in road transport, approved by the decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 05.12.03, No. 28, taking into account the requirements of legislative acts and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation containing government regulatory requirements labor protection, "Operation Manual" and is intended for service personnel during the operation of the heat generator TGP-1.


Heatgenerator TGP - 1 is intended for thermal prestarting of road transport in case of garage-free storage in winter conditions, at negative ambient temperatures up to 233 K (-40 ° C).

1.1. For trouble-free operation of the heat generator, the following rules must be followed:

- before operating the heat generator, the operator of the heating system must study the passport of TGP 1. 00. 00. 000 PS, these instructions, undergo instructions on general rules industrial safety, safety measures when working at TGP - 1 and pass a practical test for admission to independent work for TGP - 1;

- on the site of the heat generator, in the immediate vicinity of it, a fire station must be installed, equipped with a hand fire tool, a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, a lockable box with dry sand and a metal box with a lid for oiled used rags;

- before each working season and before the first connection of TGP - 1 to the electrical network, it is necessary to check the reliability of grounding, grounding and comply with all electrical safety requirements;

- refuel only when the heat generator is not in operation. Spilled fuel and drips must be wiped dry with a cloth;

- all malfunctions occurring during operation must be eliminated only on the disconnected heat generator;

- the service area of ​​the heat generator must be sufficiently illuminated by a common light source.


1.2. The duty of workers to comply with the rules and regulations of labor protection is part of production discipline.

Persons who do not comply with the requirements of this instruction, violating production discipline, are brought to administrative responsibility in the prescribed manner.

Labor safety is largely dependent on the employee himself. You should know and clearly follow the requirements of this manual.


2.1. The heat generator is operated by one person - the operator of the heating system.

2.2. Before starting work, you must read this manual, the sequence of work, and if you do not understand something, then it is FORBIDDEN to start the heat generator.

2.3. The heat generator is a direct-flow combustion chamber, a fan and a fuel armature mounted on a metal welded frame.

Direct-flow combustion chamber made of pipes different diameters and length (stepped) with an increase in diameter and length towards the attenuation of the flame.


3.1. The fuel supply to the combustion chamber is regulated by a special device associated with the pump rail high pressure.

3.2. Diesel fuel is used for the operation of the TG. At an ambient temperature of -20 ° C and more, fuel of the corresponding brands (winter) is used.

3.3. The high-pressure pump delivers fuel through the injector into the combustion chamber. The nozzle atomizes the fuel in the air flow coming from the fan, forming an easily burning mixture, which is ignited by the pilot torch, after which combustion continues on its own.

Hot formed during combustion gas-air mixture enters through the air ducts to heat car engines.

3.4. Start up the heat generator:

- fill the tank with fuel;

- remove the fuel supply rail of the pump by 1/3 from the position of the minimum supply;

- moisten the ignition torch with diesel fuel, light it and insert it into the ignition pipe of the furnace;

- press the "start" button, while the fan and the fuel pump should start;

- make sure that the working mixture ignites in the combustion chamber through the sight glass;

- if the mixture does not ignite, press the "stop" button (turn off the heat generator) and repeat the operation with start.

3.5. Control over work:

- during normal operation of the TG, stable combustion (torch) is observed in the viewing window;

- readings of the pressure gauge should be in the range of 60-120 kgf / cm2, depending on the position of the fuel supply rail to the pump;

- the normal operation of the TG can be judged by the characteristic sound.

3.6. Maintenance:

- maintenance (TO) consists in the periodic performance of routine maintenance;

- before the first start of the season, check the reliability of grounding and grounding;

- before each start-up, check the fuel system for fuel leaks (if a leak is found, find out the cause and eliminate it, and wipe off the leaks with a rag), check that the firebox hatch is securely fastened;

- every 50 hours of work drain sediment from the fuel tank and the fine filter housing, rinse the filter housing with diesel fuel and replace the filter element; check the oil level in the fuel pump (in two places) and top up if necessary;

- after the winter season, completely drain the oil from the fuel pump, flush with diesel fuel and fill with fresh oil (about 150 ml), change the V-belt transmission mode and apply conservation oil to the pulleys and other unpainted surfaces of the product for storage.


3.7. When there is emergency which can lead to an accident - fire or breakdown of the main component parts TG, immediately disconnect the TG from the mains and stop with the "stop" button and inform the person in charge of the TG or the head of the RMM about this in order to take the necessary safety measures.


4.1. At the end of the work, turn off the heat generator with the "stop" button, make sure that the combustion (torch) has gone out.

Check the fuel system for leaks.

4.2. In the event of a malfunction, inform the person responsible for the safe production of work or the head of the RMM.

Heat generators (they are also heat guns), in principle, are not the most complicated technique. And it is relatively simple to heat a room with them. However, there are a number of rules for the operation of heat guns that ensure the safety of people, buildings and the long life of heating equipment.

Power supply

Power supply stability and fuel quality - essential conditions long service heat guns.
Diesel-fueled heat generators "eat" not much electricity - for ignition, fan and automation. Nevertheless, when the voltage is unstable, the electricity is periodically turned off - the control unit, wiring, thermostat, etc. in the heater may burn out.

If there are such "sins" behind your network, it makes sense to take care of voltage stabilizers and storage devices in advance. (And even if they are not found, why risk not the cheapest equipment?) Voltage stability should be at least 220 V.


Many models of heat generators allow the use of not only diesel fuel (diesel fuel), but also kerosene, fuel oil, waste oil. But information about this must necessarily be contained in the instructions. In addition, manufacturers provide detailed requirements for the fuel that can be used for a specific model of equipment. We recommend that you take these instructions seriously: low-quality fuel - with impurities, additives, third-party inclusions - is quite capable of disabling the device, and dubious savings will result in multiple costs for repairs or the purchase of a new heater.

Another pitfall in winter period- refueling a heat generator installed on the street (by the way, it is always done after switching off) with liquids that are not intended for use with large negative temperatures... In this case, the fuel freezes, clogging the channel system, filters, injectors. You literally have to defrost the equipment or clean it.

In order to maintain its properties, it is recommended to keep any fuel, even with antigel, in a warm room, warm it up before turning on the diesel heater.

Diesel heaters with all their power are one of the most economical types of heating (approximately five liters per hour; one refueling - 10-15 hours of operation), so there is no need to save on fuel quality or the absence of special additives when working in the cold.

Installation of diesel fuel heat generators

The requirements are mainly related to fire safety. The surface on which the heat generator is installed must be flat, without slopes - so that fuel cannot spill, the device does not tip over and work with maximum efficiency.

Care must be taken to maintain the minimum removal of equipment from other items:

  • from the sides and near the air intake - 0.6 m
  • top - 1.5 m
  • near the outlet of the heated air stream - 3 m.

Naturally, the air inlet and outlet must not be blocked by anything.

Even if you purchased heat gun indirect heating - when the combustion products are discharged outside through a special chimney - you need to take care of ventilation: oxygen is partially consumed for the combustion of fuel, not as much as in heating elements, but still. Taking into account ventilation, it will be necessary to slightly increase the maximum power of the heater when choosing - a little more than is needed for heating based on the area. In order for the resource of the equipment to be used with maximum efficiency, the specialist will help to calculate the most advantageous place for installing the heat generator in the room.

The increasing cost of energy resources used for heat supply poses a challenge for consumers to search for cheaper heat sources. Thermal installations ТС1 (disk vortex heat generators) are a heat source of the XXI century.
The release of thermal energy is based on the physical principle of converting one type of energy into another. The mechanical energy of rotation of the electric motor is transferred to the disk activator - the main working body of the heat generator. The liquid inside the activator cavity swirls, acquiring kinetic energy. Then, with a sharp deceleration of the liquid, cavitation occurs. Kinetic energy is converted into thermal energy, heating the liquid to a temperature of 95 degrees. WITH.

Thermal units ТС1 are intended for:

Autonomous heating of residential, office, industrial premises, greenhouses, other agricultural structures, etc .;
- heating water for domestic purposes, baths, laundries, swimming pools, etc.

Thermal units TS1 comply with TU 3113-001-45374583-2003, are certified. They do not require approvals for installation, because energy is used to rotate the electric motor, and not to heat the coolant. Operation of heat generators with electrical power up to 100 kW carried out without a license ( the federal law No. 28-ФЗ dated 03.04.96). They are fully prepared for connection to a new or the existing system heating, and the design and dimensions of the unit simplify its placement and installation. The required mains voltage is 380 V.
Thermal installations ТС1 are produced in the form of a model range with the installed power of the electric motor: 55; 75; 90; 110; 160; 250 and 400 kW.

Thermal installations ТС1 operate in automatic mode with any heat carrier in a given temperature range (pulse mode of operation). Depending on the outside temperature, the operating time ranges from 6 to 12 hours a day.
Heat installations ТС1 are reliable, explosion - fire - safe, environmentally friendly, compact and highly efficient in comparison with other heating devices. Comparative characteristics of devices for heating premises with an area of ​​1000 sq. M. are given in the table:

At present, thermal installations TS1 are operated in many regions of the Russian Federation, near and far abroad: in Moscow, cities of the Moscow region: in Domodedovo, Lytkarino, Noginsk, Roshal, Chekhov; in Lipetsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Tula, and other cities; in Kalmykia, Krasnoyarsk and Stavropol regions; in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, South Korea and China.

Together with partners, we provide a full cycle of services, starting from cleaning internal engineering systems and units from solid crystalline, corrosive and organic deposits without dismantling system elements at any time of the year. Further - the development of technical specifications (technical specifications for design), design, installation, commissioning, training of the customer's personnel and maintenance.

The supply of heating units based on our units can be carried out in a block-modular version. Automation of the building heat supply system, and internal engineering systems, can be brought by us to the level of IASUP (individual automatic system enterprise management).

If there is not enough space for placing a block heating unit inside the building, they are mounted in special containers, as is done in practice in the city of Klin, Moscow Region.
In order to increase the service life of electric motors, it is recommended to use systems for optimizing the operation of electric motors, which include a soft start system and which we also supply as agreed with the customer.

Benefits of using:

  • Simplicity of design and assembly, small dimensions and weight allow you to quickly install the unit mounted on one platform anywhere, as well as connect it directly to the existing heating circuit.
  • No water treatment required.
  • System application automatic control does not require the constant presence of service personnel.
  • Lack of heat losses in heating mains, when installing heat stations directly at heat consumers.
  • Work is not accompanied by emissions into the atmosphere of combustion products, other harmful substances, which makes it possible to use it in areas with limited MPE norms.
  • The payback period for the introduction of thermal power plants is from six to eighteen months.
  • If the power of the transformer is insufficient, it is possible to install an electric motor with a supply voltage of 6000-10000 volts (only for 250 and 400 kW).
  • In a double tariff system, when the unit heats up at night, a small amount of water is sufficient, it accumulates in the storage tank and is distributed by a low-power circulation pump during the day. This reduces heating costs by 40 to 60%.

    Generator NG pump; NS pumping station; ED-electric motor; DT temperature sensor;
    РД - pressure switch; GR - hydraulic valve; M - pressure gauge; RB - expansion tank;
    TO - heat exchanger; ShchU - control panel.

    Comparison of existing heating systems.

    The problem of cost-effective heating of water, which is used as a heat carrier in hot water heating and hot water supply systems, has been and remains relevant regardless of the way these processes are carried out, the design of the heating system and the sources of heat generation.

    There are four main types of heat sources for solving this problem:

    · physico-chemical(combustion of fossil fuels: oil products, gas, coal, firewood and the use of other exothermic chemical reactions);

    · electric power when heat is released on the elements included in the electric circuit, which have a sufficiently large ohmic resistance;

    · thermonuclear based on the use of heat arising from the decay of radioactive materials or the synthesis of heavy hydrogen nuclei, including those occurring in the sun and deep in the earth's crust;

    · mechanical when heat is generated by surface or internal friction of materials. It should be noted that the property of friction is inherent not only in solids, but also in liquid and gaseous ones.

    The rational choice of the heating system is influenced by many factors:

    Availability of a specific fuel type,

    Environmental aspects, design and architectural solutions,

    The volume of the object under construction,

    · Financial capabilities of a person and much more.

    1. Electric boiler- any heating electric boilers, due to heat loss, must be purchased with a power reserve (+ 20%). They are fairly easy to maintain, but require a decent amount of electrical power. This requires the installation of a powerful power cable, which is not always realistic to do outside the city.

    Electricity is an expensive fuel. The payment for electricity will very quickly (after one season) exceed the cost of the boiler itself.

    2. Electric heating elements (air, oil, etc.)- easy to maintain.

    Extremely uneven heating of the premises. Rapid cooling of the heated space. High power consumption. Constant presence of a person in an electric field, breathing in overheated air. Low service life. In a number of regions, payments for electricity used for heating are made with an increasing coefficient K = 1.7.

    3. Electric underfloor heating- the complexity and high cost of installation.

    Not enough to heat the room in cold weather. The use of a high-resistance heating element (nichrome, tungsten) in the cable provides for good heat dissipation. Simply put, the carpet on the floor will create the prerequisites for overheating and failure of this heating system. When using tiles on the floor, concrete screed should dry completely. In other words, the first trial safe switching on of the system is not less than 45 days later. Constant presence of a person in an electric and / or electromagnetic field. Significant energy consumption.

    4. Gas boiler- significant start-up costs. The project, permits, gas supply from the main to the house, a special room for the boiler, ventilation and many others. other. Low gas pressure in the mains has a negative effect on work. Poor quality liquid fuel leads to premature wear of the components and assemblies of the system. Pollution environment... High prices for service.

    5. Diesel boiler- have the most expensive installation. Additionally, installation of a tank for several tons of fuel is required. The presence of access roads for the tanker. Ecological problem. Unsafe. Expensive service.

    6. Electrode generators- highly professional installation is required. Extremely insecure. Mandatory grounding of all metal parts of the heating. High risk of electric shock to people in the event of the slightest malfunction. Require unpredictable addition of alkaline components to the system. There is no stability in work.

    The trend in the development of heat sources is towards a transition to environmentally friendly technologies, among which the most widespread at present are the electric power one.

    The history of the creation of a vortex heat generator

    The amazing properties of the vortex were noted and described 150 years ago by the English scientist George Stokes.

    While working on improving cyclones for cleaning gases from dust, the French engineer Joseph Ranke noticed that the gas jet leaving the center of the cyclone has more low temperature than the feed gas fed to the cyclone. Already at the end of 1931, Ranke applied for an invented device, which he called a "vortex tube". But he managed to get a patent only in 1934, and then not at home, but in America (US Patent No. 1952281).

    French scientists at that time reacted with distrust to this invention and ridiculed the report of J. Ranke, made in 1933 at a meeting of the French Physical Society. According to these scientists, the work of the vortex tube, in which the air supplied to it was divided into hot and cold streams, contradicted the laws of thermodynamics. However, the vortex tube worked and later found wide application in many areas of technology, mainly to obtain cold.

    Not knowing about Ranke's experiments, in 1937 the Soviet scientist K. Strakhovich, in a course of lectures on applied gas dynamics, theoretically proved that temperature differences should arise in rotating gas flows.

    Interesting are the works of the Leningrader V.E. Finko, who drew attention to a number of paradoxes of the vortex tube, developing a vortex gas cooler for obtaining ultra-low temperatures. He explained the process of gas heating in the near-wall region of a vortex tube by the "mechanism of wave expansion and contraction of gas" and discovered the infrared radiation of a gas from its axial region, which has a band spectrum.

    A complete and consistent theory of the vortex tube still does not exist, despite the simplicity of this device. On the other hand, they explain that when the gas unwinds in a vortex tube, it is compressed by centrifugal forces at the pipe walls, as a result of which it heats up here, as it heats up when compressed in a pump. And in the axial zone of the pipe, on the contrary, the gas undergoes a rarefaction, and here it cools down, expanding. By removing the gas from the near-wall zone through one hole, and from the axial through the other, the separation of the initial gas flow into hot and cold flows is achieved.

    Already after the Second World War - in 1946, the German physicist Robert Hilsch significantly improved the efficiency of the vortex "Rank tube". However, the impossibility of theoretical substantiation of vortex effects postponed technical application Rank-Hilsch discoveries for decades.

    The main contribution to the development of the foundations of the vortex theory in our country in the late 50s - early 60s of the last century was made by Professor Alexander Merkulov. It's a paradox, but before Merkulov it never entered anyone's head to run liquid into the "Rank's tube". And the following happened: when the liquid passed through the "snail", it quickly heated up with an abnormally high efficiency (the energy conversion coefficient was about 100%). And again, A. Merkulov could not give a complete theoretical foundation, and before practical application it didn’t come to pass. Only in the early 90s of the last century did the first Constructive decisions the use of a liquid heat generator operating on the basis of a vortex effect.

    Heat stations based on vortex heat generators

    Exploratory studies of the most economical sources of heat for heating water led to the idea of ​​using the viscosity (friction) properties of water to generate heat, characterizing its ability to interact with the surfaces of solids that make up the material in which it moves, and between the inner layers of the liquid.

    Like any material body, water experiences resistance to its movement as a result of friction against the walls of the guiding system (pipe), however, unlike a solid body, which heats up in the process of such interaction (friction) and partially begins to disintegrate, the near-surface layers of water slow down, reduce the speed surfaces and swirl. When sufficiently high vortex velocities of the liquid are reached along the wall of the guiding system (pipe), the heat of surface friction begins to evolve.

    The effect of cavitation arises, which consists in the formation of vapor bubbles, the surface of which rotates at high speed due to the kinetic energy of rotation. The internal vapor pressure and the kinetic energy of rotation are opposed by pressure in the body of water and surface tension forces. Thus, a state of equilibrium is created until the bubble collides with an obstacle when the flow moves or between itself. The process of elastic collision and destruction of the shell occurs with the release of an energy impulse. As you know, the magnitude of the power, the pulse energy is determined by the steepness of its front. Depending on the bubble diameter, the front of the energy pulse at the moment of bubble destruction will have a different steepness, and, consequently, a different distribution of the energy frequency spectrum. frequency.

    At a certain temperature and vortex speed, vapor bubbles appear, which, hitting obstacles, are destroyed with the release of an energy pulse in the low-frequency (sound), optical and infrared frequency range, while the pulse temperature in the infrared range during bubble destruction can be tens of thousands of degrees (оС). The size of the bubbles formed and the distribution of the density of the released energy over the frequency range sections is proportional to linear velocity interaction of rubbing surfaces of water and a solid and is inversely proportional to the pressure in the water. In the process of interaction of friction surfaces under conditions of strong turbulence, to obtain thermal energy concentrated in the infrared range, it is necessary to form vapor microbubbles with a size in the range of 500-1500 nm, which, when colliding with solid surfaces or in areas high blood pressure"Burst" creating the effect of microcavitation with the release of energy in the thermal infrared range.

    However, with the linear motion of water in the pipe interacting with the walls of the guiding system, the effect of converting friction energy into heat turns out to be small, and, although the temperature of the liquid is at outside the pipe turns out to be slightly higher than in the center of the pipe, no special heating effect is observed. Therefore, one of the rational ways to solve the problem of increasing the friction surface and the time of interaction of rubbing surfaces is to swirl the water in the transverse direction, i.e. artificial vortex in the transverse plane. In this case, additional turbulent friction arises between the layers of the liquid.

    The whole difficulty of exciting friction in a fluid is to keep the fluid in positions where the friction surface is greatest and to reach a state in which the pressure in the water mass, the friction time, the friction velocity and the friction surface were optimal for the given system design and the specified heating capacity.

    The physics of friction and the causes of the resulting heat release effect, especially between liquid layers or between the surface of a solid and the surface of a liquid, has not been sufficiently studied and there are various theories, however, this is the field of hypotheses and physical experiments.

    For more details on the theoretical substantiation of the effect of heat release in a heat generator, see the "Recommended Literature" section.

    The task of building liquid (water) heat generators is to find structures and ways to control the mass of the water carrier, in which it would be possible to obtain largest surfaces friction, hold the mass of fluid in the generator for a certain time in order to obtain required temperature and at the same time ensure sufficient system capacity.

    Taking into account these conditions, thermal stations are being built, which include: an engine (usually electric), which mechanically drives water in a heat generator, and a pump that provides the necessary pumping of water.

    Since the amount of heat in the process of mechanical friction is proportional to the speed of movement of the friction surfaces, then to increase the speed of interaction of the rubbing surfaces, acceleration of the liquid in the transverse direction perpendicular to the direction of the main movement with the help of special swirlers or disks rotating the fluid flow is used, i.e., the creation of a vortex process and implementation thus a vortex heat generator. However, the design of such systems is a complex technical problem, since it is necessary to find the optimal range of parameters of the linear velocity of motion, angular and linear velocity of rotation of the liquid, the coefficient of viscosity, thermal conductivity and to prevent a phase transition to a vapor state or boundary state when the range of energy release moves to optical or sound range, i.e. when the process of near-surface cavitation in the optical and low-frequency range becomes prevailing, which, as you know, destroys the surface on which cavitation bubbles are formed.

    A schematic block diagram of a thermal installation with a drive from an electric motor is shown in Figure 1. The calculation of the object's heating system is carried out by the design organization according to the customer's specifications. The selection of heating units is carried out on the basis of the project.

    Rice. 1. A schematic block diagram of a thermal installation.

    The thermal installation (TC1) includes: a vortex heat generator (activator), an electric motor (an electric motor and a heat generator are installed on a base frame and mechanically connected by a coupling) and automatic control equipment.

    Water from the pumping pump enters the inlet pipe of the heat generator and leaves the outlet pipe with a temperature of 70 to 95 C.

    Productivity of the pumping pump, providing required pressure in the system and pumping water through a heating installation, is calculated for a specific heat supply system of the facility. To ensure cooling of the end seals of the activator, the water pressure at the outlet of the activator must be at least 0.2 MPa (2 atm.).

    When the set maximum water temperature at the outlet pipe is reached, the heating unit is turned off by a command from the temperature sensor. When the water cools down until the preset minimum temperature is reached, the heating unit is switched on by a command from the temperature sensor. The difference between the set switch-on and switch-off temperatures must be at least 20 ° C.

    The installed capacity of the heating unit is selected based on peak loads (one decade of December). For selection the required amount of heating units, the peak power is divided by the power of heating units from the model range. In this case, it is better to install a larger number of less powerful installations. At peak loads and during the initial heating of the system, all units will operate, in the autumn - spring seasons, only a part of the units will operate. At the right choice the number and capacity of heating units, depending on the outside air temperature and heat loss of the facility, the units operate 8-12 hours a day.

    The heating installation is reliable in operation, ensures environmental friendliness in operation, is compact and highly efficient in comparison with any other heating devices, does not require approval from the power supply organization for the installation, is structurally simple and easy to install, does not require chemical water treatment, is suitable for use on any objects. The heating station is fully equipped with everything needed to connect to a new or existing heating system, and the design and dimensions simplify placement and installation. The station works automatically in the specified temperature range, does not require the attendant on duty.

    The heating station is certified and complies with TU 3113-001-45374583-2003.

    Soft starters (soft starters).

    Soft starters (soft starters) are designed for soft start and stop asynchronous electric motors 380 V (660, 1140, 3000 and 6000 V optional). Main areas of application: pumping, ventilation, smoke extraction equipment, etc.

    The use of soft starters allows you to reduce starting currents, reduce the likelihood of engine overheating, provide full engine protection, increase engine service life, eliminate jerks in the mechanical part of the drive or hydraulic shocks in pipes and valves at the time of starting and stopping engines.

    Microprocessor-based torque control with 32-character display

    Current limiting, inrush torque, double ramp slope

    Soft stop of the engine

    Electronic motor protection:

    Overload and short circuit

    Undervoltage and overvoltage

    Seized rotor, protection against prolonged start-up

    Loss and / or imbalance of phases

    Overheating of the device

    Diagnostics of status, errors and failures

    Remote control

    Models from 500 to 800 kW are available on request. The composition and terms of delivery are formed when agreeing on the terms of reference.

    Heat generators based on the "vortex tube".

    The vortex tube of the heat generator, the diagram of which is shown in Fig. 1, attach the injector nozzle 1 to the flange centrifugal pump(not shown in the figure), supplying water under a pressure of 4 - 6 atm. Getting into the snail 2, the water flow itself swirls in a vortex motion and enters the vortex tube 3, the length of which is 10 times its diameter. The swirling vortex flow in the pipe 3 moves along a helical spiral at the pipe walls to its opposite (hot) end, which ends in a bottom 4 with an opening in its center for the hot flow to exit. In front of the bottom 4, a braking device 5 is fixed - a flow straightener made in the form of several flat plates, radially welded to the central bushing, by a pine tree with a pipe 3. In top view, it resembles the plumage of an aerial bomb.

    When the vortex flow in the pipe 3 moves towards this straightener 5, a counterflow is formed in the axial zone of the pipe 3. In it, the water, too, rotating moves to the fitting 6, cut into the flat wall of the snail 2 coaxially with the pipe 3 and designed to release the "cold" flow. Another flow straightener 7 is installed in the fitting 6, similar to the braking device 5. It serves to partially convert the rotational energy of the "cold" flow into heat. Outgoing warm water is directed through the bypass 8 to the hot outlet branch pipe 9, where it mixes with the hot stream leaving the vortex tube through the straightener 5. From the branch pipe 9 the heated water enters either directly to the consumer or to a heat exchanger that transfers heat to the consumer circuit. In the latter case, the waste water of the primary circuit (already with a lower temperature) returns to the pump, which again feeds it into the vortex tube through the nozzle 1.

    Features of installation of heating systems using heat generators based on "vortex" pipes.

    A heat generator based on a "vortex" tube must be connected to the heating system only through a storage tank.

    When the heat generator is turned on for the first time, before it enters the operating mode, the direct line of the heating system must be closed, that is, the heat generator must operate along a "small circuit". The coolant in the storage tank is heated to a temperature of 50-55 ° C. Then the valve on the outlet line is periodically opened by ¼ of the stroke. When the temperature in the heating system line rises, the valve opens another ¼ stroke. If the temperature in the storage tank drops by 5 ° C, the tap is closed. Opening - closing the valve until the heating system is fully warmed up.

    This procedure is due to the fact that with a sharp feed cold water at the entrance of the "vortex" tube, due to its low power, a "breakdown" of the vortex and loss of efficiency of the heat installation can occur.

    From the experience of operating heat supply systems, the recommended temperatures are:

    In the output line 80 ° C,

    Answers to your questions

    1. What are the advantages of this heat generator over other heat sources?

    2. In what conditions can the heat generator work?

    3. Requirements for the coolant: hardness (for water), salt content, etc., that is, what can critically affect internal parts heat generator? Will limescale build up on the pipes?

    4. What is the installed motor power?

    5. How many heat generators should be installed in the heating unit?

    6. What is the performance of the heat generator?

    7. To what temperature can the heat carrier be heated?

    8. Is it possible to regulate the temperature regime by changing the number of revolutions of the electric motor?

    9. What alternative to water can be to protect the liquid from freezing in the event of an “emergency” with electricity?

    10. What is the operating pressure range of the coolant?

    11. Do I need a circulation pump and how to choose its power?

    12. What is included in the thermal installation kit?

    13. How reliable is the automation?

    14. How loud is the heat generator?

    15. Is it possible to use single-phase electric motors with a voltage of 220 V in a thermal installation?

    16. Can diesel engines or another drive be used to rotate the heat generator activator?

    17. How to choose the cross-section of the power supply cable of the heating installation?

    18. What approvals need to be carried out to obtain permission to install a heat generator?

    19. What are the main malfunctions during the operation of heat generators?

    20. Does cavitation destroy discs? What is the resource of the thermal installation?

    21. What are the differences between disc and tubular heat generators?

    22. What is the conversion factor (the ratio of the received thermal energy to the consumed electrical energy) and how is it determined?

    24. Are the developers ready to train the personnel to service the heat generator?

    25. Why is the thermal installation warranty 12 months?

    26. In which direction should the heat generator rotate?

    27. Where are the inlet and outlet pipes of the heat generator?

    28. How to set the on-off temperature of the heating unit?

    29. What requirements must the heating point, in which the heating units are installed, meet?

    30. At the facility of LLC "Rubezh" in Lytkarino, the temperature in the warehouse is maintained at 8-12 ° C. Is it possible to maintain a temperature of 20 ° C with such a thermal installation?

    Q1: What are the advantages of this heat generator over other heat sources?

    A: When compared with gas and liquid fuel boilers, the main advantage of a heat generator is the complete absence of a service infrastructure: no boiler room, maintenance personnel, chemical preparation and regular maintenance are needed. For example, in the event of a power outage, the heat generator will automatically turn on again, while the presence of a person is required to turn on oil boilers again. When compared with electric heating (heating elements, electric boilers), the heat generator wins both in service (no direct heating elements, water treatment), and in economic terms. When compared with a heating plant, a heat generator allows each building to be heated separately, which eliminates losses in the delivery of heat and eliminates the need for repairs of the heating network and its operation. (For more details, see the site section "Comparison of existing heating systems").

    Q2: In what conditions can the heat generator work?

    A: The operating conditions of the heat generator are determined by the technical conditions for its electric motor. Installation of electric motors in waterproof, dustproof, tropical design is possible.

    Q3: Requirements for the heat carrier: hardness (for water), salt content, etc., that is, what can critically affect the internal parts of the heat generator? Will limescale build up on the pipes?

    A: Water must meet the requirements of GOST R 51232-98. Additional water treatment is not required. A filter must be installed in front of the heat generator inlet. rough cleaning... Scale does not form during operation, previously existing scale is destroyed. It is not allowed to use water with increased content salts and quarry fluid.

    Q4: What is the installed motor power?

    O: Installed capacity the electric motor is the power required to spin up the heat generator activator at startup. After the engine reaches the operating mode, the power consumption drops by 30-50%.

    Q5: How many heat generators should be installed in the heating unit?

    О: The installed capacity of the heating unit is selected based on peak loads (- 260С one decade of December). To select the required number of heating units, the peak power is divided by the power of the heating units from the model range. In this case, it is better to install a larger number of less powerful installations. At peak loads and during the initial heating of the system, all units will operate, in the autumn - spring seasons, only a part of the units will operate. With the correct choice of the number and capacity of heating units, depending on the outside temperature and heat loss of the facility, the units operate 8-12 hours a day. If more powerful heating units are installed, they will work for a shorter time, less powerful ones - for a longer time, but the power consumption will be the same. For an aggregated calculation of the energy consumption of a heating installation for the heating season, a coefficient of 0.3 is applied. It is not recommended to use only one unit in a heating unit. When using one heating installation, it is necessary to have a backup heating device.

    Q6: What is the performance of the heat generator?

    A: In one pass, the water in the activator heats up by 14-20 ° C. Depending on the capacity, heat generators pump over: ТС1-055 - 5.5 m3 / h; TS1-075 - 7.8 m3 / hour; ТС1-090 - 8.0 m3 / h. The heating time depends on the volume of the heating system and its heat loss.

    Q7: To what temperature can the coolant be heated?

    О: The maximum heating temperature of the heat carrier is 95оС. This temperature is determined by the characteristics of the mechanical seals to be installed. It is theoretically possible to heat water up to 250 ° C, but to create a heat generator with such characteristics, it is necessary to carry out R&D.

    Q8: Is it possible to regulate the temperature regime by changing the speed?

    A: The design of the thermal installation is designed to operate at an engine speed of 2960 + 1.5%. At other engine speeds, the efficiency of the heat generator decreases. Regulation temperature regime carried out by turning on / off the electric motor. When the set maximum temperature is reached, the electric motor turns off, when the coolant cools down to the minimum set temperature, it turns on. The set temperature range must be at least 20 ° C

    Q9: What alternative to water can be to protect the liquid from freezing in the event of an emergency with electricity?

    A: Any liquid can be used as a heat carrier. The use of antifreeze is possible. It is not recommended to use only one unit in a heating unit. When using one heating installation, it is necessary to have a backup heating device.

    Q10: What is the operating pressure range of the coolant?

    A: The heat generator is designed to operate in the pressure range from 2 to 10 atm. The activator only swirls the water, the pressure in the heating system is created by the circulation pump.

    Q11: Do I need a circulation pump and how to choose its capacity?

    A: The capacity of the pumping pump, which provides the required pressure in the system and pumping water through the heating unit, is calculated for a specific heat supply system of the facility. To ensure cooling of the end seals of the activator, the water pressure at the outlet of the activator must be at least 0.2 MPa (2 atm.) Average pump capacity for: ТС1-055 - 5.5 m3 / h; TS1-075 - 7.8 m3 / hour; ТС1-090 - 8.0 m3 / h. The pump is a pressure pump installed before the heating installation. The pump is an accessory to the heat supply system of the facility and is not included in the delivery set of the TC1 heating unit.

    Q12: What is included in the thermal unit kit?

    A: The delivery set of the heating unit includes:

    1. Vortex heat generator TS1 -______ No. ______________
    1 PC

    2. Control panel ________ No. _______________
    1 PC

    3. Pressure hoses (flexible inserts) with DN25 fittings
    2 pcs

    4. Temperature sensor TCM 012-000.11.5 L = 120 cl. V
    1 PC

    5. Passport for the product
    1 PC

    Q13: How reliable is the automation?

    A: Automation is certified by the manufacturer and has a warranty period. It is possible to equip the thermal installation with a control panel or an asynchronous electric motor controller "EnergySaver".

    Q14: How loud is the heat generator?

    A: The activator of the heating installation itself practically does not make noise. Only the electric motor makes noise. In accordance with technical characteristics electric motors specified in their passports, The maximum permissible sound power level of an electric motor is 80-95 dB (A). To reduce the noise and vibration level, it is necessary to mount the heating unit on vibration-absorbing supports. The use of controllers for asynchronous electric motors "EnergySaver" allows one and a half times to reduce the noise level. V industrial buildings thermal installations are located in separate rooms, basements. In residential and administrative buildings the heating point can be located autonomously.

    Q15: Is it possible to use single-phase electric motors with a voltage of 220 V in a thermal installation?

    A: The models of thermal installations currently produced do not allow the use of single-phase electric motors with a voltage of 220 V.

    Q16: Can diesel engines or other drive be used to rotate the heat generator activator?

    A: The design of the TC1 type thermal installation is designed for standard asynchronous three-phase motors with a voltage of 380 V. with a rotation speed of 3000 rpm. In principle, the type of engine does not matter, necessary condition is only to provide a speed of 3000 rpm. However, for each such variant of the engine, the frame design of the thermal unit must be designed individually.

    Q17: How to choose the cross-section of the power supply cable of the heating installation?

    A: The cross-section and brand of cables must be selected in accordance with the PUE - 85 for the calculated current loads.

    Q18: What approvals need to be carried out to obtain permission to install a heat generator?

    A: Approvals for the installation are not required, because electricity is used to rotate the electric motor, and not to heat the coolant. The operation of heat generators with an electric power of up to 100 kW is carried out without a license (Federal Law No. 28-FZ of 03.04.96).

    Q19: What are the main malfunctions during the operation of heat generators?

    A: Most failures are due to improper operation. The operation of the activator at a pressure of less than 0.2 MPa leads to overheating and destruction of mechanical seals. Operation at pressures exceeding 1.0 MPa also leads to loss of tightness of mechanical seals. At wrong connection electric motor (star-delta) motor may burn out.

    Q20: Does cavitation destroy discs? What is the resource of the thermal installation?

    A: Four years of experience in the operation of vortex heat generators shows that the activator practically does not wear out. The electric motor, bearings and mechanical seals have a shorter resource. The service life of the components is indicated in their passports.

    Q21: What are the differences between disc and tubular heat generators?

    A: In disc heat generators, vortex flows are created due to the rotation of the discs. In tubular heat generators, it twists in a "snail" and then slows down in the pipe, releasing heat energy. At the same time, the efficiency of tubular heat generators is 30% lower than that of disc heat generators.

    Q22: What is the conversion factor (the ratio of the received thermal energy to the consumed electrical energy) and how is it determined?

    A: The answer to this question can be found in the Acts below.

    Act of results of operational tests vortex heat generator disk type brand TS1-075

    Certificate of testing the thermal installation TS-055

    A: These questions are reflected in the project for the object. When calculating the required power of the heat generator, our specialists, according to the customer's technical conditions, also calculate the heat output of the heating system, give recommendations on the optimal layout of the heating network in the building, as well as at the place of installation of the heat generator.

    Q24: Are the developers ready to train the personnel to service the heat generator?

    О: The operating time of the mechanical seal before replacement is 5000 hours of continuous operation (~ 3 years). Engine operating time before bearing replacement is 30,000 hours. However, it is recommended once a year at the end heating season carry out a routine inspection of the electric motor and automatic control system. Our specialists are ready to train the Customer's personnel to carry out all preventive and renovation works... (For more details, see the section of the website "Personnel training").

    Q25: Why is the thermal installation warranty 12 months?

    A: The warranty period of 12 months is one of the most common warranty periods. Manufacturers of heating unit components (control panels, connecting hoses, sensors, etc.) set a warranty period of 12 months on their products. The warranty period for the installation as a whole cannot be longer than the warranty period for its components, therefore, technical conditions for the manufacture of the heat installation ТС1, such a warranty period is set. The operating experience of thermal installations ТС1 shows that the resource of the activator can be at least 15 years. Having accumulated statistics and agreed with suppliers to increase the warranty period for components, we will be able to increase the warranty period of the thermal installation up to 3 years.

    Q26: Which way should the heat generator turn?

    A: The direction of rotation of the heat generator is set by an electric motor that rotates clockwise. During test runs, turning the activator counterclockwise will not damage it. Before the first starts, it is necessary to check the free movement of the rotors; for this, the heat generator is manually rotated one / half a turn.

    Q27: Where are the inlet and outlet pipes of the heat generator?

    О: The inlet pipe of the heat generator activator is located on the side of the electric motor, the outlet pipe is on the opposite side of the activator.

    Q28: How to set the on-off temperature of the heating unit?

    A: Instructions for setting the on-off temperature of the heating unit are given in the "Partners" / "Aries" section.

    Q29: What requirements must the heating point in which the heating units are installed meet?

    A: The substation where the heating units are installed must comply with the requirements of SP41-101-95. The text of the document can be downloaded from the site: "Information on heat supply",

    В30: At the facility of LLC "Rubezh" in Lytkarino, the temperature in the warehouse is maintained at 8-12 ° C. Is it possible to maintain a temperature of 20 ° C with such a thermal installation?

    A: In accordance with the requirements of SNiP, the thermal installation can heat the coolant up to a maximum temperature of 95 ° C. The temperature in the heated rooms is set by the consumer himself with the help of OVENA. One and the same thermal installation can maintain temperature ranges: for warehouses 5-12 ° C; for industrial 18-20 ° C; for residential and office 20-22 ° C.