How to make a wooden porch in the country. Porch for a private house - a beautiful and modern design (100 photos)

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Beautiful, reliable, comfortable, durable porch cannot be noticed. And enter the house, and get out of it is possible only along a stepwise extension outside. Porch is a homeowner business card. From stone, wood or metal - it complements the exterior of the house and gives the building a finished look. Providing a convenient passage to the dwelling, it is also intended for protection door Piece from sun ray, rainflows and abundant snowfall.

As a rule, when developing a project of a new country house or cottage, the construction of a porch is envisaged. But sometimes for any reason the building is erected without the improvement of the porch, and after some time there is a need to attach it with his own hands. At first glance, the extension of steps to the entrance door is a rather troublesome and complex occupation. However, it can even cope with the construction of the porch beginner Builder-Lover.

Preparation and selection of material

A beautiful and practical porch to the door is built of stone and brick, made of concrete and wood. Original combinations of any material with worn elements Harmoniously fit into the design of any country house. A novice builder or homeowner without construction skills is easier to build a porch in the country from the tree, as the wood is easily led by any processing, it costs relatively inexpensive and does not require complex skills and skills. Wooden railing and canopy if desired, you can decorate exclusive carved pattern. Correctly make a porch project For your home, recommendations and drawings from the Internet are helping.

Gallery: Wooden porch in a private house (25 photos)

Varieties of wooden structures

Starting the construction of a wooden porch, it is necessary to understand that the design should be durable and reliable. In the process of daily operation, the ladder to the entrance is exhausted much faster than the building itself. Most often for the construction of the porch use a timber and a plaque from larch, ate or wood of other conifers.

Constructively distinguish between several porch species:

Properly selected wooden porch design emphasizes integrity architectural style and attractiveness of a private building.

Bookmark Fundament

The laying of a solid and reliable foundation for any structure is required. Installed without quality base The design is thrown, cracks and destroys. The choice of foundation under the porch is caused by several factors: the depth of groundwater, soil density, climatic conditions. The main aspect is the size and weight of the design. The massive heavy porch of brick or stone involves the construction of a ribbon or tiled foundation, or a concrete pillow. Light wooden porch is enough to install on piles.

No problems arise when the foundation for the manufacture of the porch is cast simultaneously with the construction of the house. Otherwise, before building a porch, it is necessary to decide how to make the basis and to associate it with the house. When drawing up an extension project, its form is determined: trapezoidal, radial, triangular or rectangular. As well as direction of steps. Ladder march can be alone, taking off to the front door from two opposite or adjacent sides (angle) or have several spans.

Light wooden stairs from several steps enough to install on simple and inexpensive foundation column.For the manufacture of wooden support ladder march Used screw piles, concrete, monolithic or brick blocks, as well as asbestos-cement pipes, reinforced with reinforcement and poured concrete. Wooden piles, even soaked with oil and antiseptic, will serve much less. On any supports opened below the level of ground freezing, the horizontal strapping from the bar is mounted.

More complex and massive wooden porches are installed on concrete pillow. To do this, in size, the porch is digging with a depth of 30 to 40 cm and is installed wooden opal. The bottom falls asleep with a 10 centimeter layer of sand, gravel or broken brick and poured cement mortar 3 cm. then installed armature carcass And fills concrete mixture Of the 1 part of the cement and 4 pieces of sand and rubble. The formation of voids will prevent punishing a thin rod in several places. The surface is leveled and left until it is for 7-10 days.

Main elements

Today country houses Most often, it is erected from a bar, glued wood, a rounded log, boilers. Durable and durable porch to wooden house You can construct completely from wood or emphasize its naturalness of stone finish.

The porch of any design consists of a horizontal platform and stairs:

Staircases are installed on lateral oblique boards, taitives. Steps to assets are fastened with shoes, screws, studs or installed in specially cutting grooves. More durable and reliable structures with steps laid in special triangular drank on the sidewalls. Such a kind of theater, kosource, Used more often.

Kosur is simple and more durable with "lumps". All sizes of the Kooower must be measured with special care. For the correct cutting of this most complex design element, it is recommended to make a stencil from dense cardboard or plywood. Boards for the tents are taken without cracks and bitch not thinner than 60 mm, with a width of 30 cm. With a width of the span more than 1 meter, it is recommended to install 3 tents or a cowra.

Assembling the porch

The wooden porch will serve longer when complying with some rules:

  1. Wood must be properly sucked. After sawing, all design elements are recommended to polish or open;
  2. All parts before installation require impregnation with an antiseptic, protective agent on insects and moisture-repellent solution.

Ladder march can be open, without the installation of the riser, and closed. To flow off the rainwater, the sticking can be installed with a bias of 1-2 °. Kosur for a porch of timber can be made of metal.

Stairs assembly stages:

The assembly on the principle of "Ship-Groove" with the use of waterproof glue is considered the most reliable.

Regular update paint coating Keeps an attractive look.

Beginner builders, "kettles" it is easier to establish a sticking on the lining bars (sucking).

Roof a attached porch It can be installed as a canopy on the columns or attached a visor to the wall of the building.

The porch is the first thing to see guests, it can be considered a business card of any home. At the design of the porch there is an impression not only about the house, but also about his owner. And the more careful and attractive it looks, the better.

In decorative purposes, sculptures, flowers, columns, carved balusters are often used. But at the same time you need to take into account the overall stylist. Suppose, a chic stone porch is not suitable for a simple wooden house, and, on the contrary, for a huge brick structures A small porch of wood will look ridiculous.

The main components of the structure is:

  • Steps;
  • Railing;
  • Visor;
  • Playground.

Varieties of Kryground

There are many types of porks. They differ in size, materials from which they are made, additional elements and functionality.

To begin with, consider the most common. It will suit for small house or cottage. Build it easier.

Brick porch Will look organically next to the brick house. However, with proper decoration, it can be done for a wooden house and buildings, covered by other materials.

Porch with columns Not suitable for each house. First, because it is not easy to enter in common design. Secondly, not many style materials are combined with columns. The columns will fit well into the construction of brick or stone.

Glazed porch Especially relevant for the cold climate. Design it is more complicated than usual, but in its functionality, such a porch exceeds the main types.

Porch design

Before proceeding directly to construction, it is necessary to at least have a whole plan of the structure in the head. But it is better to portray him on paper and calculate all sizes, pay attention to all nuances.

For the project it is important to provide:

  • Area information adjacent parts (doors, tracks);
  • Building materials;
  • Instruments;

An example of a project is shown in the figure. This porch consists of:

  1. reference part;
  2. steps;
  3. handrail;
  4. side part in the form of a flower bed;
  5. cargo.

The porch is usually done so that it is on the same level with the 1st floor of the house, but it is necessary to take into account the supply for the front door, which should be at least 5 cm from the porch site (as in accordance with the technique fire safety The entrance door should open out).

When designing, you should consider the canopy or a full-fledged roof to protect against precipitation. Certainly you need to think about the fences, as in winter Stages are often ignited. Move on them without support at this time will be dangerous.

How to pick up materials for the porch

When choosing materials for the porch, it is best to rely on what the main building is made. As already mentioned, to a wooden house a tree is suitable, Brick - brick. At the same time, it is possible to choose compositions from different materials. But for this they need to be properly assembled and adjusted. So, for example, the porch from typical will fit harmoniously staircases In a spacious stone house, and cladding from ceramics will make such a construction original.

The construction of wood is elected easier, since it does not need a big support, which means that you can do without a foundation. But this material has obvious disadvantages - low strength.

how additional material Metal is quite good. It is usually mounted on a concrete base.

Important! Do not forget about waterproofing, in a wet and cold climate, it plays a big role.

How to calculate the size of the porch

It would seem that the dimensions can not be particularly bothering, but this is not the case, because the porch first should be safe. And besides convenient.

Area at the door. Let's start with the observation: to open the door, a person first approaches the door, turns, inserts the key, opens, and then takes a step back. To do all these actions, you need a certain space and left and right from the door, as well as before it.

There are construction norms that are regulated by the size of the porch. They differ depending on the single door or bivalve.

For the first depth should be at least one and a half meters, width from one and a half to one meter sixty centimeters. For the second at the same depth, the width should be over two meters. Of course, you do not need to take these parameters as an ideal. It will be better if they become a little exceeded. This is necessary to take care if the porch is high.

Stairs. Their width differs from structures inside buildings, external must be more comfortable and safe. It is recommended to make a commencement of at least 30 centimeters.

Moreover, often the number of steps is small, then their height, on the contrary, should be reduced compared to internal stairs. A good height in this case is in the range of 14 to 17 centimeters.

Railings and fences. If the porch is more than 3 steps with a height, then the fences do on it. The size of the rail is suitable standard - 80-90 centimeters.

Light. The lighting is important in the construction of the porch, since this is a place of particular trauma. Here there is the same rule of 3 steps, that is, if in the stairs 4 and more steps, then one lamp is not enough. You need to hang at least two so that they cover the porch from different sides. This is due to the fact that located above the door lighting Gives a large shadow, as a result of which the steps are not viewed properly.

Visor. What is it needed for? The first answer is the answer: hide from the rain. But, in addition, he is also intended to protect the steps from precipitation, which is especially important in winter. Therefore, the visor should be wider than the porch. It is recommended that it be at least 30 centimeters is longer than the porch from all sides.

Such a large visor reduces the amount of light, especially if windows are located under it. To solve this problem, a polycarbonate can be used for the purpose of building such a roof.

Build a porch for home with your own hands

Consider the option of building the porch, the price of which is most consistent with the quality. To do this, it is necessary to make the basis of the usual foundation with the strengthening of its reinforcement and in several layers of the cement-eyed.

Such a porch can be separated by tiles, a stone or any other suitable material.

Preparatory work

The construction of the porch, like any other object, begins with clearing the place and markup. This is done in order to save time in the future. Also purchased all required tool and material (fittings, sand and cement).

Foundation from concrete

It is easy to guess that everything starts with the creation of a foundation, under which the first thing you need to dig the pit (depth is equal to the size of the foundation of the house itself). Then, according to the rules, the gravel and sand pillow should be filled, and then pour concrete by setting the formwork.

Norms and rules should be followed so that in the next few years it has not had to restore the porch.

To base the foundation, there will be a broken brick, on top of which a grid is installed from ribbed reinforcement. It will strengthen the foundation and secures it with the foundation of the main building. Next you need to make fittings from the foundation of the structure, the future threshold will be poured over it. After it turned out the finished "floor" under the foundation, it should be driven into it still vertical pieces of reinforcement, which fill on top good mortar cement.

Foundation of the porch

After the foundation base is flooded, it's time to move to the formation of the base of the porch. For this purpose, a suction brick is suitable. They should lay out the basis of the design, given the necessary dimensions. At this stage, do not forget about waterproofing, since the brick is sensitive to high humidity. Need horizontal, and vertical types Waterproofing - base is cut off from the porch, the entire base is treated with aquazol or a double layer of rubberoid.

Laying Stepes

The moment of laying steps. It is useful for high-quality bricks, it is not recommended to take the ex-used. In principle, almost any type of brick is suitable. It is placed on a conventional solution, convenient for the builder. It is necessary to approach this stage with special accuracy, because the steps are the main part of this structure.

Finish and decoration

There is no big difference wooden one or a brick porch, because the main is ease of use, high quality, reliability and durability. But also not in the last place is the aesthetic component.

Therefore, it is necessary to decorate the porch of the house. To increase the service life stands with a metal corner to separate the edges of the steps.

For the integrity of the architectural ensemble you need to be carried out in the finish coordinated color solutions. So, if there are forging elements in the enclosing structures, it would be nice to use similar elements in the design of the railings and a pilaster for a canopy.

Different directions in the decoration of the porch

Examples of beautiful design can be viewed in video

Classic. In this case, a two-sheet canopy, accurate railing and round balusters are required. Like cladding sit is suitable or tile.

In the style of "Castle". Sufficiently massive design decorated natural stone. In decorative purposes, you can use lamps-torches, grilles, heavy furniture.

Old Russian epoch. In Russia, the front entrance of the traditional wooden house was high, on large heavy supports, and it was quite spacious at the same time. As decorations, it was customary to use patterns and carved elements in large quantities.

Porch patio. Such a structure looks like an outdoor terrace adjacent to the house. There are shops, tables, chairs on it. At the same time, it is not in all cases on the construction of the roof.

European style. For this design, discreet lines and correct features are characteristic. As a rule, such a porch is a low design. For cladding take ceramic tiles Or a suitable variety of stone.

French style. Special feature here is the "French window". Although in fact it is a door made with an openwork lattice. For supplement use flowers in suspended caspo, wicker and wooden furniture.

Whatever the design of the porch is chosen, it is important to remember the compliance with the construction technologies and the quality of the materials. Subject to the fulfillment of these requirements, the porch will last long. And finally, I want to post photos various design Porks for wooden, brick and other houses.

Any house cannot be built without a porch, because without it it is impossible to enter the premises of the house. Moreover, such a design contributes to the protection of the entrance door from snow and dust, as well as from the rain.

The porch can be built from different materials, for example, from wood, metal. Here about how to build a porch of metal with your own hands we will talk on.

Sketch and drawing of the porch

Measuring the size of the site, located on top, should be careful because they should be so that when the door opened, there were no obstacles.

The door should be located so that its lower part is to five centimeters above the porch area.

The foundation under the porch of metal do it yourself

Before starting the foundation, it is necessary to determine the depth of its placement. It should be below the soil freezing by thirty centimeters.

If you live in the house all the time, and the temperature in it will constantly hold at least ten degrees, then the foundation depth can be made a little less.

Stages of the Foundation

The design of the staircase from the metal should be a bit recessed in concrete.

When you fill the foundation you need to leave about thirty centimeters to the top.

When you set the stairs, then the concrete needs to be addressed to the top.

After the concrete flooded, you need to get rid of emptiness, for this use a special tool.

So bubbles of air from concrete are removed, and the concrete can be covered with a film to complete drying.

It takes about one week and after the expiration of this time the concrete cannot be touched.

Metallic porch has:

  1. Railing;
  2. Visor.

In the manufacture of the stairs use two chapellers, they are its basis.

Then the rental will be welded to them, which will act as steps.

The design of the steps may be different, and we will discern one of them further.

They are connected to the shelves inside, and the finished steps are connected to the shelves.

Steps fill in any suitable material.

In order to attach the material to metal design Apply screws and glue on silicone basis.

In the event that the staircase of the porch has more than three Steps, the staircase tools with handrails, they are needed to ensure safety.

If you have built a house house from a tree on your site, then an absolutely logical solution will build a porch to a wooden house with your own hands. Despite the seeming complexity, this task is by no means so impracticable, and it will be for almost every master with his head and hands.

In addition to aesthetic load than good porch It is noteworthy First of all, this element of the facade has specific functional purposes:

  • Protection of the entrance to the house from rainfall in the form of rain, snow and hail;
  • Creation of a canopy, creating a comfortable shadow, and protecting Songs from heat and heat in the warm season;
  • It is possible to create a recreation area, in the case of the arrangement of a large porch in the form of a veranda.
  • Well, the most important thing is the staircase for which we will climb into our cozy dwelling.

Consequently, before taking the hammer and the chisel to take a pretty thinking over the foregoing, and take into account all the nuances, making the necessary amendments to the construction plan.

Proportions and sizes

We think that it is not a secret to anyone that the people built residential buildings from the obikov of centuries, taking the size of the human body and its psychological perception of the surrounding space. An exception is not a porch, which should meet certain requirements of human physiology.

All the following dimensions are generally accepted, and are used in construction everywhere. You, if necessary, free to change the main proportions, according to your preference and requirements, but do not forget about the reliability of the design.

Now let's do more:

  • To create a free approach to the door, you need to provide an open space that will allow you to open the door without interfering with it, be in front of it worth a person;
  • If you focus on building rates, the width width in front of a single door should not be less than 1M 60 cm - this value is minimal;
  • For a two-dimensional version of the door leaf - the norm regulates the distance of 2 meters;
  • The distance from the doorway to the first stage starts from the mark of 1 meter: this value is worth adjusting, looking at the width of the doorway - the wider, the distance is more;
  • To protect the steps and the pad from the effects of direct sunlight and precipitation, the length of the visor at the porch should go beyond the boundaries of these items. Typically leave a protrusion of 30 centimeters.

Now, with regard to human physiology. There are also certain laws derived in specific formulas and values:

  • The average length of the step in an adult is about 63 cm. Based on this, the optimal values \u200b\u200bof the height and depth of the steps are derived. They constitute 16 -19 cm and 25 - 33 cm, respectively;
  • If nature has endowed you with non-standard dimensions, then when designing a porch, you can use the formula shown in the picture above. Its essence is that in the width of your step should be proportional to two heights and one step of steps. At the same time, the height should be less than the depth of one and a half - twice.
  • Running the cover of the step from the riser should not be more than five centimeters, otherwise you will constantly stumble about them, risking to get injured, especially in winter, when the surface of the staircase is covered with a layer of land or Inea.

Tip! Sure, the best way To protect yourself from the winter is to attach a closed porch to a wooden house, but it is not always done. Therefore, take care of the device for anti-slip coating in advance, and scroll on time with steps.

To ensure safe movement on the stairs in winter time years and not only, you need to equip the passages. The instruction regulates that any staircase, having from three or more steps, should possess this element.

The standard layout of the handrail varies in the limit of 80 to 90 centimeters.

The next requirement is mandatory in the design, but not always adopted in practice when erecting the porch with their own hands - a person moves in space so that when climbing the staircase march, he starts and finishes him from one foot. therefore right staircase should consist of an odd number of steps (in apartment houses From the height of the floor 2.5 meters, the number of stages in the march is 9).

What else should be considered before starting the construction of a wooden house porch?

The level of the site in front of the door should be located below the border of the door canvase on 5, or even 10 centimeters. IN otherwise You risk that as a result of the seasonal fluctuations in the soil, the raised porch blocked the door, and will not give her freely to turn off.

Foundation and place under it

Like any other construction, the construction of the porch begins with the foundation. All sizes and heights you must take back at the design stage - ideally, you have to have a full-fledged drawing. If you do not have enough skill in carrying out such works, we recommend attracting a third-party specialist who will cope with such a simple task for it for a very short time.

Tip! It is better to be a smartly serious builder, but with the correct drawing than the master for all hands, which is little representing the final result.

The designer will indicate in the drawings a complete porch circuit along with the foundation. It will determine the type of soil and issued the necessary recommendations to ensure that the design is reliable, and served as long as possible.

Among other data will also include the depth of the primer of the soil (this is extremely important information When the foundation device), below which you need to dig trenches under the foundation, or to bury well. If you abandoned the services of a professional, then these data will have to be sought in the "network", where limit values \u200b\u200bare posted for each of the regions of our vast homeland.

Foundation under wooden porch Maybe three types:

  • Wooden piles - The most common, inexpensive and simple solution for such purposes. It is it that we are writing in this article.

  • Metal piles - Form with horizontal jumpers durable and smooth frame, covered with wood outside. The price of such a solution will be higher, and besides, you will need to hire a master who securely strengthen and weld the frame into a single design. The minuses include the fact that the metal has a solid weight, and for work you will need at least three people, sometimes, with the involvement of lifting equipment.

This solution is better to use if you want to perform a synthetic terrace composite materialswhich are very demanding to the flatness of the base, and fit into special profiles, or, on the contrary, the size of the porch has small dimensions, and it consists only of steps that will contrast with the main facade of the building.

  • Concrete or block - It is the capital base under the porch, which requires compliance with certain norms when an extension to a wooden house. Types concrete foundations There is a great set, but the main requirement in their construction is that between it and the house, or rather its basis, must necessarily provide a deformation seam.

What is it needed for? During when seasonal soil movements occur, due to the difference in the loads that are experiencing structures, foundations in the places of their joints can crack.

The deformation seams are filled with elastic materials in order to prevent moisture from entering it. For these purposes, rubber gaskets are perfectly suitable, or mineral woolwhich are subsequently closed by a special nickname.

On this we will finish our preparations and begin to disassemble the construction process

Make yourself

As already mentioned, we build a porch to the wooden house we are only from the tree so that it is most harmonious fit into the overall picture of the facade. Next about everything in order.

The base under the porch

Well, now let's disassemble the construction of the foundation wooden bar. And we begin with the fact that we will place a plot with the help of the beans and roulette.

This is done approximately as shown in the photo above.

  • The wall and doorway are the main benchmarks that you need to measure all the necessary distances, not forgetting to observe direct angles in the places of crossing lines.
  • To do this, with an accuracy of a millimeter, unwind the lengths of the segments. Skobinte in the resulting rectangle both diagonals that should be equal to each other.
  • If you are alien to straight angles, and you have chosen the porch of an unusual form, for example, pentagrams, then focus on the geometric features of the figure, which you plan to revive.
  • Next, we determine the location of the piles - usually these corners of the terrace, including adjacent to the house, and the corners of the first stage. If the porch and the staircase have solid dimensions, then increase the amount of piles at the rate of 2 piles per 1 - 1.2 meters of free span. This value can vary greatly depending on the thickness of the bars of the lower strapping of the veranda, and reach 2.4 m with a cross section of 100 * 150 mm.
  • Now it is necessary to drill at these well points, a depth of 15 to 30 centimeters in excess of the depth of the soil freezing.
  • So that the moisture is better separated from wooden piles, you need to make a drainage pillow from river sand The average fraction and gravel, which fall asleep into the holes alternately, in small layers.

  • Next, the holes are installed in the holes, the filtered ends of which are pre-processed waterproofing material (bitumen), or burned on the fire for the same goals. Such processing will protect the tree from premature rotting and damage.
  • If the terrace size has impressive dimensions, or the piles will go up, forming the base for the porch visor, then asbestos-cement pipes are placed in the holes, the inside of which concrete is poured for three quarters from the depth of the well. But before they are exhibited by vertical, tram around with rubble and soil, and the reinforcing belt is made inside.
  • Such a design will continue to fix the pile and protect the wood.

  • Next are installed piles (in pits or asbestos-cement pipes, after solidification of concrete), which must be set strictly on the plane and vertical, and for a while firmly fix. Use the draft crate, stretching and wedges for this, exposing the design like a tent.
  • After fixing, fill the space around the concrete, mixed on the screening and fine crushed it - such a concrete will be much stronger. Do not forget that we have to make a rather impressive layer.
  • Piles, adjacent to the house, are attached to the wall with the help of long self-tapping screws, anchors or nails.

Everything further work Performed only after the complete pouring of the concrete.

Installation of Kosoury

Steps on the staircase march can be mounted in various ways, but most often the wizard use structures on assets. ATA is an inclined guide of a support that ensures reliable fixation of the steps.

You can attach the step to the tutor, inserting it into the groove, or using the screws, nails, studs, wanks, or special fasteners from steel for fixation. But most often used the testers that have cuts under steps, which are stacked on top. Such instruments are called Kosomers.

You can independently make Kosourk task not so complicated. It is enough just to accurately place the boards and make direct feeds on all tags, for which you will be very useful to pre-harvested the drawing of the stairs.

From the tools you will need:

  • A circular saw;
  • Cornel and pencil;
  • Meter;
  • Wooden hacksaw.

The number of bosom harvested, first of all, determines the shape of the stairs and its width. Sometimes you can meet options on one Kourow, but such work is the privilege of qualified specialists. We will also need a minimum of two supports, the number of which will grow depending on the width of the passage.

Kosomers can be divided into two main types that differ not only by the form, but also the complexity of the manufacture:

  1. Steps - we showed them in the photo above. They have triangular cuts placed at the same distance from each other along the entire length of the part. This design It has one disadvantage - the beam, after drinking in her body, the slots, thinning and loses greatly in strength.
  2. Kosomers with "lumps" - have smaller slits, and equipped additional elements, Actually, "lumps" and the wrenches for their fixation. Such a design is only an experienced carpenter, so we will not advise it beginners.

Kosomers are the most time-consuming and complex parts of the erected porch. Performing marking and sawing boards, show a special scrupulusity, often rechecking, and comparing the result with already drank items.

Tip! To make several cosoms of the same form, use a stencil that pre-cut out of plywood, dense cardboard or pieces of MDF.

  • If the width of the sticking in the Kourow can be less than the actual stage (styling with the release), then the height of the risk must accurately correspond to the height of the same name of the trim.
  • Do not forget to consider that the upper step of the Kouryer should be the continuation of the main platform of the porch. Consider this at the markup stage of this item.
  • So that the supports were durable and did not be bombed under the weight of people walking through the porch, should be used as a board with an end cross section of at least 60 * 300 mm. So you guarantee yourself the quality of the future product.
  • Use the boards for these purposes that do not have cracks and drop-down bumps. Beware and overwhelmed wood, which has greatly lost strength.
  • Since our construction is external, the contact of the staircase with moisture and ultraviolet is provided. Of course, you can buy boards cheaper, of soft rocks (pine, fir and so on), and process them special impregnationsbut it will be better to immediately take solid rocks, which are not only more resistant to the above-mentioned troubles, but also have good densitymaking them resistant to mechanical loads.

Leaders among such breeds are oak, Siberian larch, beech or maple. The price of lumber will be higher, but also serves such a porch much longer.

Before starting the assembly of all elements into a single design, it is necessary to treat wood with antibacterial impregnations and antipirens - substances that protect the tree from fire.

After complete drying, impregnations can be started:

  • Install on the strengthened pile bars of the bottom strapping - they are attached with outside On nails or long self-tapping screws.
  • Around the pile in the place of attachment you can lay waterproofing.
  • I cut the groove in the horizontal beam to lay the upper edge of the taper or cosomes in them.
  • The lower part of the rower is laid on the support horizontal overlay in the form of a bar. At the same time, it washed can be done both in the beam and in the Kosher. In the first case, it is better to connect the elements with steel corners, and in the second - studs.

  • Next, we establish lags, forming the basis of the future platform. They are put on the same level with lower strapping, and are attached with the help of special stainless steel brackets.

  • The thickness of the lags should not be less than 5 centimeters, as it should have been withstanding the weight of people walking through it without deflection.
  • Place them perpendicular to the direction of laying terraced boardwhich will cover the floor subsequently. The laying distance is 50 cm.
  • Next, the flooring flooring is performed, which is placed with the verified gap for the removal of water.
  • Staying steps begins with the bottom - first put the risers, then come off.
  • The mount is performed by galvanized self-drawing with a wide hat that you need to drown a little. To do this, drill first a narrow hole for the self-tapping screw, and expand its edge to a wider drill slightly, creating a tilt.
  • In the future, you will need to hide the holes using a wood putty.
  • To do this, you can purchase a special bracket, and use carpentry glue.

On this we will finish our review in which we disassemble the construction of a wooden porch to the house with your own hands. As you might make sure the process is very fascinating, and it will be under the power of many of us. For more information about it you can learn from the video in this article, where an experienced master Performs a similar job.

Before choosing, what kind of porch in appearance and style is suitable for your home or dacha, it is always worth learn more about how it is arranged, what is the features of the design, is it all difficult in fact, as it looks like in the drawing. After such a parse, all the advantages and disadvantages of each project are always obvious, and it is easier to conclude how much the option is approaching a specific home.

What porch designs are most popular

Almost always a house from a tree is a low-rise building, a maximum of two floors, but always with a big and open terrace and colorful color decor. The styling rule requires a developer for a wooden house to build a porch of wood. Moreover, it must match the style and the construction technique. But design modern approaches can easily violate all written and unwritten rules, leaving unshakable one - the design needs to be made safe, comfortable and beautiful with any angle. Before making a porch of wood, it is worth considering many years of experience Self different schemes and structures.

All projects of a tree porch can be divided into several categories:

How the porch is arranged, make a design from a tree right

There are many nuances in the porch device, which is difficult to see in the drawing or scheme, the failure of which can make the finished porch absolutely not convenient and impractical.

Easy Puffy Porch

For giving or small wooden house In 1-2 rooms, the most optimal will be the design of an appropriate wooden porch. The name itself speaks about the design, the porch is as if attached to the main wall with the front door.

The basis of the design is two or three, and sometimes four main beach beams, called kosomers. These are the main elements of the frame of the stairs, the upper part of them rest on the front-floor wall beam at the floor level of the first floor of the building, the lower part on the Maurylalat or the support plane of stone or concrete pillars, sealed to the ground to a depth of at least 70 cm, referred to as the bulls. Sometimes a thick bar of wood or cuts from a log can use as bulls. The sealing surface is treated with resin and waterproofing mastic.

For fastening the flooring steps in the cosos, oblique grooves are cut into which the steps are cut. The floor of the half is most often not plasted, it makes it less slippery. In the variants of better decoration, the surface of the steps of wood can be profiled, applying a special corrugated pattern.

The side walls of the stairs are recorded by vertical racks, which are attached to the handrails. Like bulls, the racks are processed by anti-naval mastic and bury in the ground to the depth of "oboroshoz".

Such a porch is convenient if the house has no wide belt Fundament And the construction itself is raised on piles or supports above the ground.

Classic porch with an entrance site

Entrance to the house and actually the porch made of wood is much more convenient in use if there is a small platform or even a tiny terrace. Make the most popular in the people the draft porch out of the tree is extremely harder than in the previous version. Moreover, the design of the staircase remains the same, but with a small addition. To build the site you will need to score several additional supportwhich, in fact, is based on a tree platform. Truck supports are definitely intimidated by a sandy-crushed stone mixture and concrete.

The frame and the supporting surface of the site can be made of lag pine boards, which are collected in one box. It will be more convenient if the upper supports of the staircase cosomes are made lower and opened onto the second carriage of the box. The top of the box can be made in the form of a lattice, this solution is popular for countryside and cottages, where dust and dirt with the sole of shoes have to be removed before entering the house more often than anywhere. IN standard variant The surface of the platform is sewn in a spike floorboard and processed by protective mastic.

Depending on the performance of the porch, the platform fence can be made of metal, for example, from the profile, or use forged metal racks. More simple option There will be a design of wood. In this case, the support can be simultaneously making fences racks. Around the perimeter of the handraille inner space Filled with bales of wood, which can be made with accurate or carved, as in the photo.

Tip! Places of attachment of the Kooowa on a lag or an outer beam made of wood can be made more durable, if not cut the grooves in the lag, and the steel corners №75 and bolted mounting are used as a connection node.

If the size of the hinged platform in the width is from one to two meters, it will be necessary to make an additional row of supports to increase the stiffness of the porch. A further increase in dimensions will require additional rows of support racks for each additional 70-80 cm.

More complex tree porch projects

According to the above design, almost all the most intricate projects of the porch are performed. Instead of one staircase, you can do two and breed them in opposite directions, as in the photo.

If the device of the house allows, it is possible to make a complex porch from several successively connected staircases with an intermediate platform instead of one long staircase march.

More complex design is an . Make a similar design with your own hands, most likely, it will not be possible due to the complexity of the transitions of each step and fastening the entire structure of the porch to the facade of the house.

Basic requirements for a wood porch device

The classic structure of the porch of the tree of any project should provide:

  1. The size of the entrance site before the door should provide enough space for movement open door With two adults in front of it. For example, with a door width of 70 cm, the size of the site in front of the entrance will be 120x100 cm;
  2. Typically, experts recommend to make a platform area of \u200b\u200b5-7 cm below the threshold. But such requirements are valid only for entrance doorsin which the frame plane coincides with the plane front Wall at home. For doors, "recessed" into the wall deployed at an angle, or if the porch is combined with a terrace, compliance with such requirements is optional;
  3. The slope of the staircase is not recommended to do with an angle to the horizon in more than 45 o. The main condition for the correct inclination is the ease of reading all the steps of the stairs, even people of small growth or children. The floorboards or boards of steps are performed from solid oak or deciduous boards, a thickness of at least 45-50 mm. Comfortable height steps no more than 200 mm;
  4. Boards from which the porch design is assembled, should not have cracks or chips. Wood before use is thoroughly grinding and treated with oil impregnation, olifa or soil, after final assembly Stairs to the procedure repeat.
  5. Handrails and railings are recommended to make high, above one meter, but two or three levels. On the appearance The wood porch does not affect this, but it will help to make the use of the staircase equally comfortable for both high and low-growth, especially children and the elderly.