What is common to all insects for preschoolers. Project "Mysterious World of Insects"

Analysis is directly organized educational activities In the second younger group "A" in cognitive development ( mathematical Development)

"Forest Guest"

Location:MDOU " Kindergarten №44 "

The date of the: May 2017

Educator: Atensheeva A.N.

Software content classes and volume educational material Corresponds to the level of development of children of this group. Working out this abstract, I first took into account age and mental individual characteristics of children second junior Group. Given all this, I set out the goal, tasks, content, identified the form, methods, techniques and means necessary for positive results.

The purpose of the lesson: to summarize the knowledge, skills and skills obtained during the year.

I got the following tasks:

Educational: continue to form elementary mathematical representations: - distinguish between the shape, color, size of objects and objects;

Mastering simple links and relationships: more (less) in size, the same, more (less) in terms of quantity, the same, the same and different in color and size;

Secure the ability to make an image of the object from parts;

Ability to navigate B. small space: Ahead (rear), on top (bottom), right (left).


Develop speech and cognitive activity, attention, memory, thinking, intelligence, imagination; Development of sensory culture.


Rail interest in occupation, hard work, accuracy, friendly relations.

Throughout the exercise, training built as fascinating game activities. Such activities created a positive, emotional background of the learning process, raised the cognitive activity of children and retained the interest throughout the exercise.

At the organizational stage, created a positive and favorable attitude in pupils to include them into educational activities, applying the psychological reception "smile."

By moving to the main stage of Node, I used a surprise moment - a letter from a squirrel that requested about help. In the activity introduced gaming situation: Children, calling geometric figures on tickets, find their places in the tracks. The content of the main part of educational activities corresponded to the age and knowledge of children of the second youngest group.

At the main stage, the following tasks were solved:

Tasks: "On the forest edge", "Three Bear", "Strawberry for Bear", "Teremok", were aimed at appealing to previously accumulated experience, the development of memory, intelligence, knowledge of mathematical concepts, ideas about geometric shapes.

During the occupation, children were engaged in productive activities, which was aimed at the ability to make an image of the object from parts. (Dominics for animals).

In order to strengthen the health of children applied gymnastics (Fizkultminutku).

Educational activities for 15 minutes was dynamic, provided for a quick change of childhood activities, which made it possible to avoid fatigue of children.

Children all tasks and exercises were performed with pleasure and interest, throughout the educational activity were active, inquisitive. The atmosphere in the lesson was friendly.

In the course of educational activities, I applied the method of control and stimulation in the form of approval, praise, promotion. Relations between me and children were built on the principle of cooperation.

In order to fasten the material on final stage Children were invited to remember what tasks were performed that they were interested and remembered most.

Include in directly organized educational activities for cognitive development: didactic games Or complicate tasks by offering children other ways to solve the problem.

We bring to your attention the scheme analysis node In Dow in the direction of children of the educational field "physical culture". The scheme developed by teachers of preschool educational institutions Orenburg in basic courses Raising qualifications.

Purpose: Ensuring the choice by each child of motor independent activities under the context-developing environment.


Educational: Rise emotionality, the ability to interact with peers and adults and the ability to manage their behavior.

Developing: Develop physical qualities (dexterity, coordination, jumping, eye and motion accuracy). Develop interest in toys and intellectual abilities with physical education.

Educational: Learn independent (free) motor activity in accordance with its interests, needs and abilities.

Analysis of the teacher's activities:

The educator is well prepared for the conduct of the Node, rationally placed the equipment (shells and simulators for children were located throughout the hall, are available for work on interests).

During the Node, such activities were prevailed: physical, knowledge, game, communicative, labor, musical.

The tutor was used to guide the activities of children:

1. Meetings of setting goals and motivation of children's activities: Show toys, how great you can do physical education!

2. Receptions to activate the activities of children in the process of NOD: Drawing up the word "toy", the game "on a roving track", the game "Who will faster coming forward with his toy!", "Does not happen."

3. Receptions of the organization of practical activities of children: independent training, the competition "Who will faster coming forward with his toy!" (Champion choices).

4. Meetings of maintaining interest in children: musical accompaniment, alternation of activities (drawing up the word, aerobics with fabulous heroes, exercise).

5. Receptions of assessment and self-assessment: Encouragement, mutual assistance of children, self-analysis of competitive results.

The teacher skillfully regulates the behavior of children throughout the occupation - training, while maintaining the interest and attention of children. It is individually working with children, fixes the earlier skills. Interact with the teacher of the group.

Analysis of children's activities in Node:

1. Activity: manifest independence in working with projectiles. Independence: Do physical exercises independently.

2. Interactions with peers and adults. Appeal for help to adults and agree with the peers about joint work with shells.

3. Acting. Support comrades when performing movements.

4. Emotionality. Surprise moment retained and raised emotional mood. Music support of competitive tasks increased the emotionality of children.

5. Manifestation of volitional effort. Despite the mistakes, they tried to correctly perform tasks.

6. Self-assessment. Children managed to adequately evaluate their own work.


  1. Nod meets the requirements of FGT and age of children.
  2. The goal and tasks assigned to the teacher are fully fulfilled.
  3. Children achieved planned results.

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Kristina Vershinina
Analysis of classes in the Dow on GEF to. Sample of self-analysis of occupations in Dow on GEF to

Analysis of classes in the Dow on GEF to


1. Topic classes.

2. Date and place of it. Who holds?

3. Group.

4. Goal:

To solve what tasks and the formation of what qualities of the Pupils is calculated by this occupation;


How concreteness is being implemented and the realism of the target (in terms of the sufficiency of the time for its implementation, the compliance of the preparedness of children to its solution, on the previous classes, opportunities and abilities of children);

How integration is being implemented educational regions in accordance with the age capabilities and features of pupils on classes.

5. Psychological justification for the choice of the form of conducting and maintenance activities:

Conformity classes general educational and correctional and educational purposes and objectives, level of development of pupils, their age characteristics;

Implementation of a comprehensive - thematic principle (the topic of a specific classes chosen in the context of the general theme studied);

In the course classes implemented team work Adult and children, the main component is interaction.

6. Surveillance classes

How convincing, clearly, emotionally disclosed before the pupils of the goal and the tasks of the upcoming activities?

What knowledge acquired pupils during classes:

what social installations were formed in pupils, to which social - useful

activated them occupation;

what vital values \u200b\u200bwere formed.

Controller classes:

As it is possible to assess intermediate and end results;

What conclusions made pupils along and at the end of work;

What results reached.

As the spent said occupation On the formation of a public opinion of the group and individual pupils on their relationships.

what could be the consequence of this classes For the development of the collective, to form its social orientation.

What is its impact on individual pupils:

Emotional-aesthetic responsiveness for excellent in art;

ethics of Labor, Action.

aesthetics of behavior

Methods of work, the nature of the relationship, their compliance with educational tasks, age and individual features, level of development of relationships in the group team.

7. Total assessment of the educational event

How much did the educational goals and tasks manage to achieve?

Causes of success, failures, errors?

The overall assessment of the educational value of the work carried out.

Psychological and pedagogical conclusions and suggestions to educators and pupils:

Performance classes in relation to each child;

analysis of children's activities(teacher) and self-analysis of your work;

The reflexive moment (the teacher encourages the child to express his attitude towards the situation, to its activities).

8. Analysis Activity teacher

What the character traits of the educator contributed to efficient work with pupils, which, on the contrary, interfered

The teacher encourages children to manifest initiatives and independence, encourages the manifestation of subjectivity;

The teacher stimulates and encourages individual achievements of children;

What pedagogical abilities were manifested when performing effective work with pupils?

The teacher takes into account the peculiarities of each child (the tempo of activity, emotional condition, level of development of mental processes, temperament)

Pedagogue "Sees" Each child nKA: helps, stimulates, encourages.

Sample of self-analysis of occupations in Dow on GEF to

purpose: To form in children interest in the knowledge of vegetables through integration educational regions : Cognition, Communication Socialization, artistic creativity, health.


Formation of the presentation of children about vegetables, about the place of germination and the workpiece for the winter;

Consolidate the ability of children to describe vegetables by characteristic featuresAccording to the scheme;

Improving the skill grammatically correctly, consistently build their statements;

Expand the active dictionary, intensify in the speech of children names of vegetables.

Continue to form in children the ability to distinguish and call colors, exercise in comparison of objects in color;

Protect children to answer questions, talking clearly.

Formation of the ability of children to coordinate movements with the text, understand and perform verbal instructions;

Development of visual perception and memory, motor imagination and coordination of movements;

The development is small and small motor hand brushes;

Upbringing benevolent attitude to peers;

Creating a favorable emotional atmosphere and conditions for active gaming activities of children.

Organizational activities, preparation for lesson

Occupation carried out in accordance with the abstract. Abstract compiled alone, in accordance with the tasks educational program corresponding to the child's age. To implement each task were chicken receptions, In an interesting and entertaining form.

For every moment classes There were visual benefits that stimulated and intensified children to mental activity. Assistance benefits are aesthetically decorated. Their placement and use was rational, thoughtful in the school and in classes.

On the classes Music used, which strengthened emotional perception. Organizational reception "Greeting" The poetic form "was aimed at developing communicative qualities, establishing friendly relationships as inside a children's team, so between guests and children.

Dynamic occupationIt includes techniques that provide for a quick change of activity. Conversation - Sitting on the chairs, moving around the group while finding a survival from a problem situation with a hare - a hike to a garden, work with a test. Development of shallow motility hands-sitting on chairs, search engines - standing, work with a cereal "Find a vegetable", logo exercise - "Walking to the garden". Fast replaceability of techniques and change poses classes allowed to avoid fatigue children.

Didactic activity of the teacher

All moments classes logical and consistent, subordinate to one topic. IN occupation were integrated moments from educational areas Knowledge: Fixed the ability to describe the vegetable on characteristic features, according to the scheme; formed the ability to distinguish and call color;

Communication: Children participated in the general conversation, listened not to interrupting their peers; Intensified the dictionary of children by words- the name of vegetables, exercised in coordinating nouns, adjectives; "Socialization" alone Express goodwill, empathize. Artistic creation: Improved the ability of children to roll plasticine between the palms of straight movements, fixed the administration of indulgence, developing a fine motility of hands. Physical education; Developed motor imagination and coordination of movements.

Health: formed the presentation of children about vitamins and their significance. Receptions classes They were gaming, were based on game training situations.

Using the model "Garden", helped in an interesting gaming form Implement the main training task - the formation of the presentation of children about vegetables and their place of growth. My role was reduced to learning to give deployed answers. It helped to achieve an optimal result.

In each moment classes I tried to send kids to find solutions to the problem, helped acquire new experience, activate independence and maintain a positive emotional attitude.

Creating search, problem situations has intensified the mental and speech activities of children,

Specifics working with children on classes Reflected in a personal-oriented approach. Robust children have encouraged, praised to consolidate the situation of success.

During classes tried to communicate with children at one level, tried to support children interest in children lesson Throughout the time.

Outcome classes was organized in the form of a gaming problem situation "Guess the treat?" So that in the course of it to check the quality of the material assimilation.

Due to the fact that children are small and there were many choral answers, I plan to pay special attention to individual answers. It is also necessary to achieve a clear pronunciation of words. Work on sound testing, replenish an active and passive dictionary. But, despite these difficulties, I believe that all software tasks set by me during classes were solved.

Map of Analysis

Node in accordance with GEF to.

Date: _________ 2016

methodist: Kolesova E.A.

  1. Types of childhood activities

(Muscular, Communicative, Game, Labor, Cognitive, Research, Music - Artistic, Productive, Reading Artistic Literature).

2 . Work space different form Organizations one

Mark used in the lesson:

(Affiliate form:

Adult - partner, next to children (together), in a circle

Free accommodation of children is allowed

Free movement of children in the process of activity is allowed

Free communication of children (working hum)

School-class form:

Adult - teacher, distant from children (over / mind)

For children, jobs are rigidly fixed

It is forbidden to move children

Free communication of children is prohibited; The disciplinary requirement of silence is introduced)

3. Form organization of training.

(individual, subgroup, frontal).

4. Goals directly educational activities.


Emphasize those used in the lesson:

(Traditional nodes: the accumulation of children of the necessary personal experience;

Educational Node: Independent Production of Knowledge, Use of Acquired Experience.)

5. Tasks directly educational activities.


Emphasize those used in the lesson:

(Educational: raise the level of development of the child.

Educational: form mathematical qualities Personality, views and beliefs.

Developing: when learning, develop informative interest in pupils, creative skills, will, emotions, cognitive abilities - speech, memory, attention, imagination, perception.)

6. Methods ___________________________________________________

Emphasize those used in the lesson:

(Practical methods: Exercise, Exercise, Experimentation, Modeling;

Visual methods: observation, demonstration of visual benefits;

Valid methods: Teacher's story, conversation, reading fiction;

Game methods: didactic game, imaginary situation in deployment.


Emphasize used in the lesson:

(Presence of game characters, stories, plots, travel, ICT, Problem Situation, I.T.D. game).

8. Remove the hygienic conditions of the organization of the group space, equipment and material

Emphasize the used in the lesson:

Combined Node

(combination different species activities or several didactic tasks that do not have logical links among themselves(After drawing there is a movable game).

Complex node

(realization of tasks with means of different activities in associative connections between them. In this case, one type of activity dominates, and the second complements it, creates an emotional attitude(conversation about the rules fire safety goes into drawing a poster on the topic).

Integrated node

(combine knowledge from different educational areas on an equal basis, complementing each other(considering such a thing as "mood" through works of music, literature, painting).

On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

Individual development map in accordance with GEF to

Individual child development map preschool age, designed in accordance with GEF to ....

Your attention was presented directly educational activities on the FMP, which is compiled in accordance with GEF.

Purpose: Consider counting skills within 5. Improve the experience of the allocation, comparing properties of objects in different signs.


1) train the skill classification of objects, the ability to compare items on various features (length, width, color, shape, size);

2) to actualize the ability of children to relate the number and the number of items within 5;

3) to develop attention, memory, connected speech, fine motor skills, form the experience of self-control and identify the cause of the error;

4) to educate cognitive interest and independence, quality of partnership and mutual assistance.

Tasks and types of children's activity are delivered taking into account the integration of educational areas and implemented in the "zone of the nearest development" of children, i.e. With my minimum help.

The form of conducting and the content of activities corresponds to educational and developing goals and objectives that underlie the educational programs DOU; The level of development of pupils, their age and individual peculiarities.

I used the following forms of children's organization:

* Group - D / Game "Split clothes", "Pass the machines in order and expand geometric shapes", fingering gymnastics "Open the store", dynamic pause "Bus".

* Subgroup of children - exercise "Pass along great and small figures."

* Individual-game "Find your place on the bus", d / game "Spread ribbons in length", "Collect a tea couple".

The structure and content of activity consists of 3 interconnected parts.

The first part is aimed at motivating children, encourage them to activities. In this case, the motive for children served to communicate with adults, the opportunity to get approval, as well as interest in sharing.

The second part was built on the use of the following methods: gaming, verbal, visual, practical, ICT.

Children, as a result of comparison, analyzes independently generalized the result. I, using the minimal principle, tried unnoticed by children to this result; Consider the individual pace of each child, stimulating, thereby, their imagination, memory, thinking and speech. This eliminates the overload, but the performance is not reduced.

In gaming activities, the differences in boys and girls are particularly noticeable, so when performing the exercise "Pass on big and small figures" took into account a gender approach in the education of preschoolers.

Special attention I paid a developing substantial environment, its diversity and variability, because It should maximize the possibility and joint communication with children, and their independent activities. I took advantage of the interactive board. She made it possible to make tasks more attractive and exciting, strengthened the motivation of children. Optimization motor activity made it possible to remove psycho-emotional tension.

The third part is the final. It summarizes the result as a generalizing conversation. I suffered with questions not only to consolidate the knowledge of children about signs of objects, but also continue to develop their communicative skills, the desire to engage in cooperation with adults and peers.

I think that I managed to realize the tasks. Children were happy to fulfill the tasks offered to them, were attentive and initiative. This approach to the conduct of educational activities has a positive effect on cognitive, speech development My pupils.