Homemade ovens on spent oil drawings. Oil furnace: device manufacturing options with their own hands

Furnaces on the workout are distinguished by simple design and operate on cheap fuel - spent oil. The most stable and safe operation can be achieved if you construct the drip oil supply from the remote tank. Stove drip type Easy to make it yourself from the cast materials and scrap metal.

The furnace usually consists of a cylindrical body or has rectangular shape. Inside there is a flue chamber. In its lower part there is a container for spent oil and a hole for air supply.

When heated, the oil begins to evaporate, and its pairs are mixed with air located in the chamber. This mixture rises under the influence of convection up the furnace, where he burns with the release of a large number of thermal energy.

In the upper part of the case, you can embed an air or water heat exchanger, this will allow you to fully and evenly dry the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room or mount the contour of the hot water supply.
Drip feed is carried out on the metal tube, which was supplied to the oil evaporator. The other end of the tube is removed and connected with a flexible hose to Baku.

In the upper part of the furnace is a flue nozzle connected to chimney. The temperature at the top of the furnace, even equipped with a heat exchanger, is high, so it must be mounted with strict compliance with the rules fire safety.

It is not recommended to make a stove with a drip feed in an open version! Oil can ignite!

Drawings of the oven on working with drip irrigation are shown in the figure.

What can I do?

Due to the simple design, the oven on working with drip oil supply can be made with their own hands from almost any material: sheet iron, old barrelGas cylinder. The only condition - walls should not be thinner than 4 mm, in otherwise The case will behave when furnace.

Simple I. reliable way - Make it yourself. Its body is durable and able to withstand big Pressure and heating, and the dimensions are just suitable for the stove capable, workshop or small a private house. Such a stove on the workout, with a neat version, is safe, it is easy to clean and pull out. The work of the furnace is shown in the video.

Watch video: oven on the work

Necessary materials

    For the assembly of a drip-type furnace operating on the spent oil, you will need:
  • gas cylinder by 50 liters - used, but without damage to the case;
  • metal pipe Ø100, with a wall thickness of at least 3.5 m - about two meters;
  • trimming of a metallic escape corner 40-50 mm for heat exchanger, stands and other small parts;
  • listed steel 4 mm, also you can use trimming of a suitable size;
  • cast iron brake disc from a passenger car;
  • exhaust Balon from Freon standard size with a working needle valve;
  • metal tube ½ inches - about half a meter;
  • the hose of a suitable diameter that can be put on the pipe ½ inches and clamps;
  • ball valve on ½ inches;
  • door hinges and flake door valve.

For air heat exchanger, the channel fan and the pipes of the suitable diameter will also be required. You can use the corrugation or components for the chimney.

Preparation of the cylinder

A gas cylinder, even after long-term ventilation, contains gas condensate. To remove it, you must remove the gearbox from it and put on the fresh air for a couple of days.

After that, at the bottom of the cylinder, the hole is very neatly drilled. To avoid sparks, the drill need to moisten with oil. The hole in the thick metal is drilled badly, so it is better to start with the drill of a smaller diameter, and then drill it to the necessary one. As a result, a hole with a diameter of 10-16 mm should be obtained.

The drilled balloon is filled with water and, after exposure during the day, merge it. Condensate has a sharp and extremely nasty smell, Therefore, it is necessary to merge carefully and away from residential facilities. You can repeat the procedure to rinse the cylinder as it should.

Corps of the furnace

The balloon is conditionally divided into two unequal parts: the lower - by 1/3 height, and the top - by 2/3. In both parts, the pasists are cut, in the width of about a quarter of the circle. Execution of openings is shown in the photo.

Cut holes with the help of a grinder, trying to do a smooth slice - carved pieces of metal then will be used for the manufacture of doors.

Inner space The cylinder is washed again with water under pressure from the hose. This will help finally wash off the remains of the gas condensate.

The oven compartments must be divided with a metal insert. It is cut with their own hands from a sheet metal 4 mm in size of a cylinder.

This circle is formed bottom camera Combustion of vapor oil. The camera as a result is enough big sizeThat allows you to use oven for firewood or briquettes, as well as burn garbage in it. Sycultifying the bottom in place and if necessary, customize it.

Burner Make it yourself from the cut pipe Ø100 mm, length - 20 cm. In it. With drill and drill on metal. Make holes with a diameter of 10 mm.

The holes are located around the circumference in the chess order up to about the middle of the burner.
The inner part of the pipe after the holes are thoroughly grinding so that there are no burrs. In the process of operation, the stove will settle soot and soot.

The burner is installed in the previous part - the bottom of the upper chamber, after which the joint is cope with the welding machine.

The resulting part is installed in place - in the furnace housing between the cameras. Put it perforated part down. Holes are designed for free air supply.

Pallet To work, forming the bottom of the bottom chamber, perform with your own hands from the automotive brake disc of suitable diameter. You can take the used disk. The cast iron is the heat-resistant material, in addition, the design of the disk allows you to drag the lower part of the furnace and make it more stable.

To the bottom of the disk weld plug To close the holes. It is cut from a sheet metal 4 mm.

From it do upper cover with opening. The form of the opening should allow you to privacy the ruling part of the burner and leave free air access.

The bottom of the burner is welded to the lid - a piece of pipe Ø100 mm, length - 10 cm.

For docking parts, the burner uses a coupling. It can be made with his own hands from the pipe Ø100 mm, cut along and slightly dispened. Coupling Need to make the design of the burner design. Having lifted it, you can remove the pallet for the oil and clean it, and also remove the soot from the top of the chamber and the burner.

Oil supply system

In drip-type furnaces made by their own hands, oil supply is made from an external tank using a custom dropping drop. In the furnace design under consideration, the used cylinder from under freon is used as a dropper. The main condition is the serviceability of its needle valve.

At the bottom of the cylinder, the hole is cut out of this size so that it is convenient to pour through the canister or other containers. Can be installed on the plug hole grid, it will perform the filter function rough Cleaning. Tank for oil Must be located above the level of the furnace, so the body for suspension can be welded to the housing. A hose with a clamp is connected to the validity of the cylinder.

In the housing of the furnace make a hole, having it from the installation side of the oil tank. The diameter of the opening must allow the half-blood pipe to supply the oil.

From the pipe cut a piece of the desired length and the threads are cut on one end, and the other is cut at an angle so as to direct the oil in the pan in the pallet.

Pipe weld to the case. Seam cleaned.

On the other end of the pipe, equipped with threads, screw Sharovy valve. When assembling to the valve, a Sgon is connected to it with a free end of the oil hose.

Heat Exchanger

In this furnace, the heat exchanger is not a mandatory element. If you need to pull a small room without partitions, it will be enough heat from the furnace walls. But for greater efficiency, it is recommended to make an air or water heat exchanger located in the upper chamber.

As a heat exchanger, a segment of a pipe of Ø100 mm is used so that its ends go beyond the housing by 10-20 cm on both sides. In the housing, two holes are made from opposite sides in which this pipe is passed. Fasten it with welding.

Over the heat exchanger welded a flame divider from sheet iron. It will break the flame in languages, so that the heat transfer on the walls and the heat exchanger tube will increase.

Inside the air heat exchanger install a swirl. It is necessary to accelerate air flow and better heat supply. It is made from steel strip or corner, divided into bent blades.

Air ducts are connected to the heat exchanger pipe. They can be made from a dishwhelmed pipe of the chimney and the corresponding corner elements. On the one hand, the duct cut the channel fan. The fan can be included in the network directly or through the contacts of the thermal, by setting it onto the fan body and setting the temperature by the experimental way.

Doors and shock fittings

From sliced \u200b\u200bat the first stage of the fragments of the cylinder make doors, welding a loop and valve to them.

On the bottom door, the hole is performed to improve air supply. It is more convenient to make it at the bottom.

To seal the upper door, thrust plates made of steel strip. They are sled to rivets.

The door lock can have a completely any design, it can be done with your own hands, as they open the door infrequently, only for the removal of soot or when the furnace fired fuel.

Chimney and chimney

The flue pipe from the pipe cutting Ø100 mm is welded to the top of the gas cylinder, having pre-cut the hole of the suitable diameter. Interior surface The flue nozzle is cleaned by scale to avoid the deposition of soot.

Chimney make stainless sandwich pipes by collecting it from the necessary elements. It can be displayed both through overlaps and through the wall.

The flue gases in the ovens on the workshop have a high temperature, which is why the chimney pipe can fire! You can not use a uninsulated pipe and wall penetrations to avoid fire!

Video: Drop-type mini furnace

Video: Oven "Inferno", part 1 and part 2

Rosge and operation

Reliable a cold oven on working out - a difficult task. Couples of oil are burning only in the heated state. Therefore, it is necessary to infaminate it with the help of other combustible liquids - gasoline, alcohol. They are poured with a thin layer over the oil in the pallet and ignite.

When burning, they heat the top layer of working out, the evaporation of the oil begins, and the furnace starts in operation. After that, open the valve on the oil supply hose and adjust its entry into the oven. To stop the furnace, it is enough to overlap the valve. Fuel supply will stop and, as soon as oil in the pallet is prohibiting, the furnace will go out.

The cleaning of the furnace from the nagar and soot makes with a metal or small gravel, throwing it into smoky pipe. Passing along the walls of the chimney, gravel is beaten into the soot, and it falls inside the carriage chamber. Open the door and take a brush soot. Then remove the pallet, sulfice of the sediment and falling soot, gravel and other pollution from it.

For properly operation and compliance with fire safety The oven from the gas cylinder is capable of serving for many years. It is not recommended to put in a residential room due to unpleasant odoraccompanying the burning of testing, but you can install it in the boiler room and. In this case, the bake of the drip type can be used for the heating of a private house.

The desire to reduce the cost of heating residential or utility premises forcing their owners to look for the least costly options. At the same time, each barking owner seeks to use the most affordable and cheap fuel, achieving maximum heat transfer during its combustion. That is why the deterioration of the situation in the energy market has led to the emergence of many interesting and productive heating devices available for repetition at home. One such installations is a furnace using liquid fuel. The main advantage is that the heating does not have to use expensive diesel fuel - homemade aggregate Perfectly operates on used motor oil, which can be purchased for a penny in the nearest car service. A splash of interest in improvised furnaces of furnaces is usually increasing with the onset of cold weather. We recommend not to wait for frosts and make a furnace with their own hands working on working out right now.

Features of the device and the use of furnaces on liquid fuel. Advantages and disadvantages of aggregates

Overbilling oven is a compact and easy-to-manufacture heater

The fusion engine oil is a multicomponent substance contaminated by the combustion products of automotive fuel. It must be said that the testing is burning very badly, but the volatile components that are allocated during its heating are flammified easily and during oxidation of air oxygen highlights heat in large quantities. It must be said that the peculiarities of the combustion of the used machine oils in most cases and predetermine existing species Heating units:

  • furnaces with drip flow of liquid fuel;
  • models using reducing and spraying fuel;
  • two-chamber pyrolysis type aggregates.

In addition, there are furnaces with air and water heat exchangers, which allows you to install equipment of this type in both technical and residential premises. The scope of the use of bourgeokes using waste machine or automotive oil as fuel, extremely wide:

  • workshops and garages;
  • greenhouses;
  • vegetable stores;
  • production facilities and warehouses;
  • outbuildings;
  • residential buildings (subject to the placement of heating equipment in an extension).

The presence of free fuel is predetermined by the popularity of ovens on spent engine oil among owners of auto repair and maintenance stations

Of course, the installation of such furnaces is more expedient to fulfill everything in car services and in enterprises with its own fleet, which will not only dispose of unsafe combustible fluid, but also to save on heating.

Boilers and ovens with drip fuel oil

Models with open burning and drip feed are the most simple and accessible design for the manufacture at home. In addition, this method of delivery of liquid fuel in working area It makes it possible to translate any solid fuel furnace or a boiler.

Structurally, an installation with a drip feed consists of an oil tank, a hose for the transportation of fuel, locking-adjusting reinforcement, evaporator and nozzles. It works like such a furnace. Before the ignition, the oil supply is discovered, which comes from the tank and drips on the surface of the evaporator. The fuel is set up with the vehicle moistened in kerosene or solar. Output to the operating mode occurs only after the working bowl warms up to 350-400 ° C. In this case, the incoming fluid instantly transfers into the gas phase and combines high temperature. To increase the performance of the furnaces, they equip them channel fans. To ensure the completeness of the combustion of development is due to the survival of combustion products in the high-temperature zone with additional air supply.

Scheme of operation of furnaces with drip flow of liquid fuel

The advantages of the open combustion method include simplicity of design and the ability to adapt under the already installed heating equipment. As for the shortcomings, they are sufficiently weighty:

  • low efficiency of installations;
  • difficulty using low temperatures related to the deterioration of fuel fluidity;
  • high content harmful substances in flue gases;
  • complexity in adjusting the exact fuel supply;
  • fast ride formation on chimney.

Despite the minuses separate designs The drip feed furnaces are stable at homemade craftsmen, especially if we are talking about the alteration of solid fuel boilers to work with liquid fuel. One of these installations called the stove with flame bowlYou can see in the diagram.

Heating aggregates with burners

The use of nozzles for burning machine oil makes it possible to raise the efficiency of the aggregates, and accordingly them thermal power. The principle of operation of devices is borrowed from soldering lamps and Kerogazov, which were widely used in the 50-70 years of the last century for cooking. It consists in warming up liquid fuel to the evaporation temperature and its combustion in a separate chamber with a forced or atmospheric air supply. At the same time, part of the heat released during the burning of oil, diesel fuel or kerosene is used to heat the next portion of the fuel.

Since testing from the car service is most often used in the form of a mixture of oils with different viscosity, then before serving it to the nozzle, it should be heated and filter. Schemes of factory and homemade structures using both types of air supply are presented below.

Scheme of burner suitable for manufacture with your own hands

An interesting design has a babington burner without requiring pre-training Oil. In it, the testing of a thin layer flows around the round bowl. In the center of the sphere, a point opening is performed to which air is supplied under pressure. The principle of action lies in the fact that the air flow captures the smallest particles of oil from the surface. The dispersion that is formed at the output is easily flammable and lights up with a temperature of more than 1000 ° C.

Principle of Babington Burner

Note that in the most advanced burners there is a multistage burning of fuel, which includes the decay phases, combustion and producing products chemical reactions Directly in a torch.

The advantages of ovens with burners include:

  • Efficiency more than 90%, unattainable for other aggregates on working out;
  • high temperature flame allows to increase the power of heating installations;
  • burning of testing at 1000 ° C and more makes it possible to obtain exhaust with the minimum content of harmful impurities;
  • universality - the burner can be installed on the heating unit of any type.

In the cons of spraying devices, you can write:

  • complete design;
  • the need to use injection equipment;
  • high requirements for fuel purity, which forced to pre-filter the fusion engine oil;
  • the need for a heating device of liquid fuel.

Note that most of the noted deficiencies relate to the most high-tech burners. To simple homemade devices Lower requirements are imposed, however, while other disadvantages are manifested - the appearance of the smell of unburned fuel, its splashing during the ignition, a decrease in productivity, etc.

Heating devices with multiple cameras

In two-point structures, evaporation and burning processes occur in different cameras. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve high temperatures and completeness of combustion of fuel. In addition, a characteristic feature of the furnaces of this type is a very pure exhaust - in flue gases there are practically no harmful chemical compounds.

A constructive unit consists of two vertically installed containers, connected with each other using a perforated tube of increased diameter (injector). The bottom chamber is equipped with a hole for filling the oil. Thanks to the installed turning valve, this discovery also serves as a dispenser in the combustion of the primary air flowing into the chamber.

A two-tier heating device consists of only several parts

Despite simple designThe effectiveness of the exhaust oil burning is at the level of the best samples of industrial manufacture. Since this is laid out by the principle of the oven, consider the features of her work in more detail.

The oil is flooded into the lower chamber it is set up with a washesized rag. After the superficial layer of testing is lit, the air flow is reduced to give sustainable burning. The volatile hydrocarbons evaporate from the surface are burned in a vertical chamber with a high temperature, which is due to the influx of air through the injection perforation. The combustion rate in the upper chamber is reduced by a compulsory method, which is necessary for a more complete oxidation of the reaction products with nitrogen connections. In this zone, the so-called surgery of the released gases occurs, due to which they disintegrate into safe connections. The chimney embedded into the upper module provides the necessary traction and removes the residual gases outside.

Since the two-point furnace heat exchanger is the upper chamber, it is often equipped with a casing for a forced convection or a shirt for supplying a liquid coolant.

It must be said that by defining with the design for the manufacture of the stove into the garage, workshop or greenhouse, most often stop on a two-charge unit. It has the advantages of all furnaces described above, and practically devoid of flaws, especially if we are talking about using heating device in non-residential premises. As for the manufacture of the boiler to provide a warm country house, it is better to use one of the devices built according to a scheme with a flame bowl.

Bourgeitian scheme with flame bowl

Production of two-tier bourgearies on the workout

The furnace offered by us to manufacture consists of two round modules with a diameter of 350-400 mm, which are connected to each other with a segment metal pipe A diameter of at least 4 inches and a length of 400-450 mm. The side surface of the vertical chamber is covered with perforation in the form of holes with a diameter of 8-10 mm, made in a checker order. The internal space of the upper module shares the partition into which burning gases hit, so that their active mixing and the drop of burning speed is required to complete the pyrolysis processes. Chimney is cut into the space of the upper tank, which is located behind the partition. Its height should be at least 4 m, and a thick-walled steel pipe should be used at the point of join, otherwise the smoke canal may turn. At an altitude of 1 m from the furnace surface, the chimney is allowed to build a galvanized, tin or ceramic pipe.

The design of the liquid-fuel aggregate

The horizontal portion of the chimney installed on the outlet from the upper module will serve as an additional heat exchanger, so if possible, it is made of 0.5-0.8 m in size. Gaze has a sufficiently high heat capacity that will be selected by convection, and not to go into the atmosphere.

Photo Gallery: Drawings and Schemes

The presented schemes and drawings of the design described will help to understand the features of the manufacture and allow the amount of work and the amount of material. Note that there is no need to accurately copy all the sizes - it is enough to adhere to the main proportions and accurately comply with the mutual location of the details.

Scheme of a two-bit furnace with the main dimensions of the parts and nodes drawing a furnace designed to work on engine oil Drawing oven designed to work on engine oil Drawing oven designed to work on engine oil

What will be needed for the manufacture of a furnace operating on liquid fuel

As always, starting to work, it is required to prepare the materials necessary for the construction of the furnace. Having a complete set of blanks at hand, it will not have to spend time looking for the desired detail. This will give the opportunity to build a two-tier heating device in just one day. That's what you need:

  • sheet steel with a thickness of 6 mm;
  • metal sheet with a thickness of 4 mm;
  • steel pipe thick-walled (wall thickness of at least 4mm) - 1.5 m;
  • galvanized pipe for chimney - 4 m;
  • steel corners (shelf 40-50 mm) or a pipe profile 40 × 20 mm 8-1 m long.

You also need to prepare plumbing tools in advance. When everything you need will be at hand, work goes much faster. We present a list of the most necessary:

  • electric drill;
  • dried to work on metal Ø6 mm and Ø9 mm;
  • corner grinder (Simply put "Bulgarian");
  • cutting discs on metal;
  • ripping circle;
  • welding machine;
  • electrodes Ø3-4 mm;
  • autogen.

Note that the welding seams of the unit must provide its complete tightness - this is a necessary condition for the design of the design. If you are not confident in yourself, as in the welder, it is better to trust this part of the work professional.

What needs to be done before the start of the furnace assembly. Choosing installation site

On the preparatory Stage Embed to the cutting of the furnace details according to the pre-prepared drawing. Do it best on laser devices or plasma cuttingwhich can be found in metalworking enterprises. If there is no such possibility, you can get along and a simple gas cutter. Please note that the billets of cylindrical modules are cut from a metal-rolled 4mm thick, while the details of the bottom and top should be made of a thicker steel with a thickness of 6 mm.

In case of extreme necessity, you can use the corner grinding, only at the same time it will be necessary to process the edges of the parts with the help of a credit or the emery circle.

Choosing a pad to install the furnace, it is necessary to be guided not only by the issues of practicality, but also by safety standards. It should be not forgotten that the walls of the convection device during operation are hot, therefore, the place for its installation should meet several requirements:

  • around the furnace it is necessary to ensure at least 0.5 m of free space;
  • the room must be equipped with a supply and exhaust ventilation;
  • the installation site of the unit must be away from the zones with the intensive movement of the air masses (wind, a draft fan, and so on.);
  • shelves and niches should not be placed over the heating device;
  • finding next to the bourgeitogo flammable items and fuel and lubricants are excluded.

In addition, the oven on the workplace is set in such a way that the chimney mounting is not difficult, and the chimney itself provided safe operation Heating equipment.

Step-by-step instructions for assembling ovens for heating

  1. Prepared metal strips with a thickness of 4 mm, from which the side walls of the modules and the remote spacepank of the bottom capacity are bended into the rings. Of course, it is better to use a professional sheet bending machine for this, but you can use a suitable template. After that, the band boils on the joint is a solid seam. For the manufacture of a furnace on the development of 30 mm with a diameter of 30 mm, it is convenient to use a household gas cylinder, cutting off two sectors from it with a height of 80-100 mm.

    Details prepared for assembling

  2. To the lower module that performs the role of the combustion chamber and the oil tank, the bottom is welded.

    When mounting the bottom, the continuous seam pass both external and interior Capacity

  3. Similarly, the upper capacity is made using a metal strip for the side wall with a chimney opening.

    Assembling upper module

  4. In addition, the inside of the module is set a metal partition with a width of 70 mm. Dividing the circle into three equal parts, it is mounted on the border of the third, which is from the chimney side.

    Installation of the partition

  5. In the open chimney Round up the nozzle with a length of 130 mm, cut from a steel pipe with a diameter of 100 mm. In order to enter it the chimney, the pipe cut is pre-cut across, and the place of the cut is expanded by 3-4 mm. A piece of steel wire is installed in the resulting slot, after which the connection is baptized outside the solid seam.

    The chimney consisting of several parts is much easier to install. In addition, it is sooner or later to be cleaned. Here and use all the advantages of the design of the collapsible type.

  6. From the steel corner or profile pipe Cuts four blanks with a length of 20-25 cm. They are welded to the bottom plane of the oil tank. They are needed as the legs needed to safely install the heating device.
  7. After that, the inside of the lower module is set by a remote spacer, which will hold the cover with the refueling hole. The main thing is to ensure the dense adjacent of all the parts of the fuel tank. Of course, it can be done completely welded, however, sooner or later the lower module will have to be brushing from soot, and to do it, disagreeing the bourgeois on the part, it will be much easier.
  8. It is made by the injector pipe, for which with the help of the electric drill in it, 6 rows of holes are drilled, shifting each of them relative to the previous one to get the chess handling of perforation.
  9. On the hole for filling the oil, the sliding valve, which works as well as peephole with a rotating curtain.
  10. The top module of the furnace is welded with a lid of the oil tank by means of a perforated tube installed between them. At the same time, it is important to orient the parts not in the mirror image, but with a shift of the upper tank 180 °.

    Dependes on the accuracy of assembly proper work stove

    The installation of pipe-burner is carried out on a flat horizontal surface, when using a level. Remember: even a small deviation from the vertical position will lead to the fact that part of the gases will begin to leave the outside, the furnace will smoke and will not be able to enter optimal mode Work.

  11. From the steel pipe, the horizontal shoulder and vertical knee are welded, which attach to the outlet. After installing the unit, the chimney is mounted, a height of at least 4 m.

    View of the finished product. If desired, the design can be finalized by an additional capacity for testing as a communicating vessel.

To test the overall furnace in the lower capacity, 0.5-1 liters of spent oil are poured, fill fuel and conduct tests for performance and tightness of the installation.

Modernization of liquid fuel heating devices

The described above design of a two-axis oven is good for use in garages, greenhouses, workshops and buildings of household appointment, but not at home and at the cottages. In order for the unit to comply with the requirements of convenience and security, which makes it necessary to revise it, it must be finalized. The change in the design is primarily necessary to install the furnace in the extension. Most often, modernization concerns the transfer of the heating device from the discharge of convection in the class of water heating. For this, the upper furnace module is equipped with an external water jacket or built-in heat exchanger, which is transmitted by a coolant from the heating system of the country house or cottage. Of course, it is better to provide the possibility of connecting a water circuit even at the design stage, but it is possible to refine existing design. Everything that this will need is the same sheet steel and steel pipes with a diameter of 3 / 4˝-1˝. The effectiveness of the heating of the liquid thermal agent will increase if the external casing is equipped not only the upper heat exchanger of the furnace, but also the horizontal section of the chimney. Of course, before this should ensure its complete tightness.

Refinement of the heating unit for heat supply to several rooms requires the installation of a powerful channel fan

The furnaces defined in this way are not allowed to operate without the included fan or circulation pump. Failure to comply with this requirement can lead to boiling coolant, depressurization or external casing.

Features of the ignition and maintenance furnaces. Rules of safe operation

In front of the ignition of the furnace inspect the lower capacity for the presence of water in it. If necessary, moisture is removed, after which 1-2 liters of spent engine oil is poured through the refueling. Fighter fuel through the same hole with the help of wick from steel wire and washed wood. After the oil breaks up (usually leaves three to five minutes), the air supply hole is covered, leaving the clearance of 1-2 cm wide. The optimal adjustment is the state of the unit on the verge of liquid fuel boiling. In this case, there is an intensive evaporation of a combustible substance, so that the furnace operates at maximum power.

Periodically, the bottom of the oil tank, the pipe-burner and chimney is cleaned of combustion products, for which the long aquergu and various scrapers are used. The upper part of the design to remove the soot is simply cutting. Maintenance of the unit is carried out after a complete burnout of fuel from the bottom tank.

It should be remembered that the oil furnace, like the other heating equipment with an open flame, is a fire-hazard design. During the operation of liquid-fuel burzhuyki, the rules of safe operation should be followed:

  1. Furnace preparation to work must necessarily include checking for traction. To do this, a lit match is brought to one of the burner holes. If its flame deviates inside, then you can proceed to ignition. Otherwise, it will be necessary to clean the channels of the unit and chimney to ensure normal air loss.
  2. It is forbidden to shake through before refueling. Water or Tosol, which fall into the oil, lead to spraying fuel through the injective burner holes.
  3. The level of fuel should be no more than the height of the primary chamber. Follow the furnace is better than half. This will allow the oil to settle.
  4. Use gasoline, solvents and other flammable fluids for ignition is prohibited. It is better to use diesel or kerosene, which are wetted paper or rag.
  5. The oil is randomly spilled next to the heating device must be immediately removed from the floor.
  6. It is strictly forbidden to use water to reduce heating or stopping the oil burning.

We should not forget about the means of fire extinguishing. Next to the furnace must necessarily be a fire extinguisher and capacitance with sand.

Video: stove on working with your own hands in the garage

Burzhuyk, working on merged engine oil, is called a wonder-stove not by chance. The energy that is obtained with its help is in a penny, and the unit itself does not require special maintenance and care. Built with your own hands, the heating device will delight comfortable warmth more than one year. It is only important to observe accuracy and accuracy in its manufacture, and in the process of use, adhere to the rules of safe operation.

Thanks to the versatile hobbies, I write on different topics, but the most beloved - technique, technology and construction. Perhaps because I know many nuances in these areas not only theoretically, as a result of study at a technical university and graduate school, but also from the practical side, since I try to do everything with your own hands.

Oil testing from the engine and other devices is a very popular fuel for garages and even houses. The use of recyclable with benefit is always nice. And in the case when this question concerns energy resources for heating is also profitable. The role of the "first violin" in this situation performs the oven on working out with their own hands. Other names of this device - heat gun, heat generator and calorifer.

As a fuel, you can use any fuel oil. Diesel, machine, transmission, vegetable, confectionery. Absolutely any. The oven working on spent oil with water circuit is also made of recycling: metal pieces, an old oxygen or gas cylinder or trimming pipes of different diameters. The task of this article to tell about how such furnaces are arranged, and how to make a similar unit yourself.

Advantages of ovens on spent oil

Among motorists, the oven on the exhaust oil is rather popular. She is well heated with small rooms with minor requirements For aesthetics and purity. This unit is perfect for the garage, workshop, small dacha house and other similar buildings.

Homemade ovens on the workplace possess the following positive parties:

  • low cost and simplicity of design;
  • low requirements for the quality of combustible materials;
  • good heat transfer indicators;
  • periodic extras B. winter time in no way affect the aggregate itself;
  • compactness and mobility;
  • no need for a complex installation.

For reliable I. uninterrupted work Such an oven for the garage, only a good chimney is needed.

By cons of this device include low efficiency and unpleasant smell of vapor oils, which occurs during some modes of operation. It is worth mentioning about the appearance of spots on the floor or clothing, which appear during direct contact with the workplace. However, make a stove on working with a superior to more efficiently completely by any self-taught wizard, how to do it next.

Standard stove design is made in such a way as to warm air. In order to provide a warm home, the furnace in this version is rarely used: oxygen is burned from hot metal walls, air will be dried. But for heating technical or production premises this design It is perfect because of its ability to quickly raise the room temperature. Such furnaces can often be found in garages, car wash, greenhouses, warehouses and other industrial and technical premises.

Design and principle of oil furnace

The design looks like two tank, upper and lower, connected by a perforated pipe. They are shifted relative to the transverse axis of each other. Many believe that the tanks ideally should be a cylindrical form, but in practice it turned out that rectangular absolutely not inferior to them. In order that the design was installed on the floor, legs are provided in its device. The furnace device is shown in the diagram below:

The principle of the apparatus is the pyrolysis combustion of heavy fuel. Many know that the engine oil is flammable at sufficiently high temperatures, and for burning at home, you will need to turn it into pairs. To create this effect It will be necessary to fill the bottom tank through the hole somewhere by half, then to dry. But for this you need light fuel like a solvent or gasoline.

During the burning of gasoline, testing is heated and begins to evaporate, as a result of which the pairs are ignited and the furnace begins to "work". The lower tank is the primary combustion chamber, there the fuel is partially combined due to the supply through the air hole. To adjust the intensity of the process, a special damper serves, with which the air flow is partially overlapped. The maximum fuel consumption of 2 l / h, in the temperature support mode - 0.5 l / h.

The stove on working with its own hands is equipped with a vertical gas duct, on which there are a large number of holes for the passage of secondary air. The combustion products that fall into the perforated tube in the passage with pairs of testing well in it and inside the top tank are survived. After that, the flue gases come out of the furnace through the flock of the chimney, and the partition. Their temperature is quite high, and in order to protect most of the heat together with the gases, it is recommended to carry out the following actions:

  • chimney pave along the wall through the entire room, making a bias towards the furnace, this is a proven method, the walls of the pipeline have good heat transfer;
  • mount the water circuit, the economizer, immediately behind the nozzle, connecting a small tank, battery, and a pair of heating radiators.

With a water circuit, the oil furnace can only work in constant mode. If it is assumed to use it only periodically, then antifreeze is recommended as a coolant. Thus, it is possible to increase the efficiency with 40% as bourgeois, to quite serious 50-55%.

What materials and tools are needed?

Any master has the skills of working with the welding machine, can easily and quickly make a stove with their own hands. First you need to make the workpiece of materials. Checking with the drawings of the furnace on the exhaust oil.

Acting on such detailed instructionsHow to make the oven, it remains only to collect harvested details. To fulfill the work it will be necessary standard set Tools and devices:

  • welding machine;
  • bulgarian;
  • drill with a set of drills;
  • a plumbing tool kit;
  • measuring instruments.

After the assembly is over, it is necessary to check the tightness of both tanks and the quality of the welding seams, since over time, the development is capable of the smallest pores and defects. You can easily fulfill this operation quite easily, there are many methods. You can hide the joints, and the inside of the tanks are squeezed with compressed air, or to embroider seams kerosene and visually define defects.

For heating the room of the midline, the capacity of the oil furnace is required to increase, the designs described above will not be enough. Using a similar method, power cannot be increased infinitely, but still options exist. For example, a furnace equipped with two breathing chambers with a retractable fuel and a separate fuel tank, which is shown below:

How to make a furnace for burning through pipes?

If the housing is ready for the manufacture of the furnace simplifies. The principle of operation of this device is based on evaporation in a plasma bowl. It is able to give up to 15 kW of heat (gives heating area of \u200b\u200babout 150 m2). Increase the heat transfer by making any changes in the design (increase in air supply or the volume of the furnace), it is impossible to disrupt the heat mode, having received a larger child, instead more Heat, and it is unsafe.

In the presence of skills to work with welding, you can independently make a furnace with a tube working on spent oil. Instructions, how to make a stove on the spent oil:

We make housing:

  1. It will take a thick-walled pipe with a diameter of 210 mm, the thickness of the walls is 10 mm and a height of 780 mm.
  2. Of the 5 mm sheet steel, the bottom with a diameter of 219 mm is cut and weld it on one side.
  3. The legs are welded to the bottom (for their manufacture, bolts may come).
  4. From the bottom at a distance of about 70 mm, the viewing window is made. It will serve to track the burning and disperse the bowl on the "start". Dimensions are made on the basis of personal preferences. The door is made from a carved piece of pipe, welding before a thin bin. It should still be closed, it must be tightly, for this, the asbestos cord is laid around the perimeter of the door. You can also use the oven chimney, in this case the size of the window must be cut into it, it will be attached on the bolts directly to the body, the presence of asbestos cord necessarily and in this case.
  5. The pipe for removal of smoke is welded from the opposite side, retreating from the top 7-10 cm. It makes pipes with a diameter of 108 mm and the thickness of the walls of 4 mm.

Making a lid:

  1. Of the 5 mm metal sheet, a circle of 228 mm in diameter is cut.
  2. From a strip of 40 mm wide and a thickness of 3 mm on the edge, a side is welded.
  3. In the center of the lid, a hole with a diameter of 89 mm is made, another hole is made to the side of 18 mm, it will serve as another viewing window. For him
    The lid is made, which will simultaneously serve as a safety valve.
  4. Pipe is done to supply fuel and air.
  5. To do this, it will take a pipe with a diameter of 89 mm, with a thickness of the walls 3 mm and a height of 760 mm.
  6. 9 holes with a diameter of 5 mm are drilled around the circle, 50 mm from the edge.
  7. Two more rows of holes with a diameter of 4.2 mm are made by 50 mm above these holes, 8 holes of the row.
  8. Having retreated another 50 mm 4 row of 3 mm holes in diameter, amount of 9 pieces.
  9. With the help of the grinder, the slots with a thickness of 1.6 mm and a height of 30 mm, they should be located on the same side. In the circumference there should be 9 pieces.
  10. From the other end of the pipe, the hole is cut with a diameter of 10 mm, at a distance of 5-7 mm from the edge.
  11. A fuel supply pipe, a diameter of 10 mm and a wall thickness of 1 mm inserted into the resulting hole. It should end in one level with air supply pipe. From the location of the tank with fuel, the length and angle of bending are dependent.
  12. The finished pipe supply of air and fuel is welded to the lid. It is exhibited so that it does not take 120 mm to the bottom of the housing.
  1. A piece of 30 mm long from a pipe with a diameter of 133 mm and the thickness of the walls is 4mm.
  2. The circle with a diameter of 219 mm is cut from the steel sheet of 2 mm.
  3. It is welded to a piece of pipe, it will be a bowl for feeding fuel.
  4. Assembly.
  5. The bowl is mounted inside the housing at a distance of 70 mm from the bottom. Thus, it will be possible to observe and ignite it from the lower observation hatch.
  6. Install the cover with the fuel / air supply device.
  7. The chimney is mounted on the flue nozzle. It serves a pipe with a diameter of 114 mm, the thickness of the walls of 4 mm and a height of at least 4 meters. Part of the remaining indoors can not be isolated, and the part that will go outside the street better to insulate. Chimney must have a strictly vertical position, any inclined areas are excluded.
  8. Tests can be carried out after the oil-tank is installed. To do this, there is some paper that pours flammable and set fires. As soon as the paper almost finally burned, the oil supply is broken.

This drawing of the furnace operating on the development of nonsense is given detailed indication Materials. It is such details that need to be used. The result of such a furnace with fuel consumption of 1 - 1.5 l / h, you can heat the room with an area of \u200b\u200b150 m2.

Features of the oil furnace with superior

Dry a private house with an area of \u200b\u200b100 m2 will help an oven working on the development, in the design of which is built into a forced injection of air into the combustion zone. These benefits are obvious:

  • increased power;
  • high fuel combustion efficiency;
  • increase the efficiency of using heat using the device automation;
  • efficiency.

Make such a stove on the workout is somewhat more complicated, in addition, this design directly depends on the stability of the power supply. In areas where there are no disconnection cases of electricity, they will need special measures to ensure uninterrupted power supply using generators.

A homemade oven with a superfolder, which is a closed cylindrical vessel, inside which is located familiar to us afterburning, which looks like a pipe with holes. At the bottom of the design there is a door opening access to the furnace and ignition. To the top of the cylinder, the chimney nozzle is welded, and with the help of conventional inserts through the side wall or the upper cover, forced air supply in the form of a pipe with holes.

At the bottom of the vessel there is fuel (working out), which is supplied automatically as consumption. Feed methods can be the most diverse: with the help of a float mechanism or from a container using a submersible mechanism, it all depends on personal preferences. The figure shows a furnace diagram with air injection, a water jacket and fuel supplies using a float valve.

Using a small amount of solvent or gasoline, working out at the bottom of the tank, after the fan supercharger is turned on. As soon as the fuel warms up, it begins to distinguish pairs that are burned with an excess of oxygen. As a result, a powerful flame torch is formed, which applies in all directions as seen in the photo.

Council. This design is distinguished by one feature: due to a strong flame, the bottom of the vessel is very strong. In case of the need for heating of one room, an overwear fan is installed outside opposite this zone. In the case when it takes a whole house, the furnace is supplied with a water jacket.

The combustion products coming out of the furnace capacitance can reach quite high temperatures, about 400 0s. As in the previous design, in order to reduce heat loss, the chimney must be equipped with a heat exchanger connected to the heating system through a storage tank. This will help increase the oven efficiency up to 80 - 85%.

How to make a simple stove on the workout with supervision?

In order to make a baking oven with a superfluous, the old propane cylinder will be required. It cut holes for chimney and doors, and also need to embed the pipe for air supply, its diameter does not play a large role, but it will be perfect for us 50 mm.

The holes in the pipe are made with a diameter of 9 mm on the same principle as in a conventional stove. It will also be necessary to make a cover with a seal from asbestos cord. To do this, you will need to cut off the top of the cylinder, for convenience to the lid you can weld the handles.

In order for a homemade oven working on working out to function in different modes and could be adjusted with the necessary automatic. To do this, you will need to purchase a controller with temperature sensors that are associated according to the scheme with a fan. In this case, it is possible to control the temperature of heating reducing or increasing the performance of the supercharger.

Quite often a similar design is done without forced feed air. All work directly depends on the thrust in the chimney, and the regulation is carried out using the damper manually. Now, how to make a stove on working out with your own hands, having drawings, you know. And how it works in real conditions can be seen on the video:

Summer passed and cold winter comes and everything is asked about heating. And they must take care of this in advance. Oven on working out (Oil used) - residues of oil products. To date, the craftsmen apply this source to ensure high-quality heating of the building. The use of worked oil in the fuel property is economically cost-effective - the price of not filtered oil is much cheaper than baked oil.

Owlithium spent this fuel is used as in small chickens of the type "Bourgehog", so in the current boilers used for the purpose of heating rooms a very significant volume. Uniminary needlework stoves in the workshop are rapidly used to heal by roadgray, boxes and small studios. The attractiveness of such bourgeookes honors in size and width, but the principle of operation remains not nominated. Heated, the maslice, who stays in a pivot tank evaporates and stirring with the atmosphere in the main part of the stove - the burner is lit and gives a huge number of thermal energy into the top of the furnace. The brightness of the combustion of oil in the burner is possible to adjust the neck of the neck where the oil is refilled. Due to the account of the change of bright burning, it is possible to use a fuel carefully, or on the contrary - to warm the place is rapidly due to the use of a huge strength of the furnace. Consumption of accessed fuel in this case is consumed 0.7 up to 2 liters. at one o'clock.

Pluses in the overall

  • Make a stove own hands Very simply.
  • The unit is economical, as in operation, thus in providing gasoline, because Only remnants of mechanical oil are used.
  • It is practically no possible to break such a system, as it is welded with a welding machine.
  • Compact ovens and can fit even in the car trunk.
  • Permissible and combination of furnace in working with water heating. To do this, it is installed on the top of the buck of the tank.
  • On such a heater, it is possible to prepare food, if applying the upper plane.
  • With such a stove, you save electricity and gas.

Disadvantages of the furnace

The shortcoming can be attributed to the installation of the smoking industry. Long must be about 4 meters. In the smoking can not be horizontal sites.
The oven on the exhaust oil has the need for painstaking cleaning of the oil and smoking containers from the accumulated waste. Make cleaning need the minimum number of 1 times a week. But it can be avoided by making a removable smoke pipe for cleaning.
The main problem of heating personal dwellings on waste oil.

  • combustible can be taken somewhere;
  • furious is difficult to maintain (maintaining it is warm).

Capacity with combustible on fresh air It will not be possible to position, as it is freezing. To achieve the desired result, a tank is useful to roast into the depth of freezing or arrange a separate heated storage.

Tip: Agree with staff staff. They give the remnants of fuel for a certain fee.

Types of overseas

Pyrolysis oven.. Ordinary stoves are made from alloy sheets or ready-made capacities (pipes, barrels, cylinders). This is 2 closed containers connected by perforated pipe. In the lower tank, the oil is flooded, which decomposes during the lack of air numbers. In the upper capacity, his pair is intensively burned, emphasizing a lot of heat. The temperature is regulated by the growth route of either the air supply rehabilitation. The main defects of this furnace is the need for constant purification from the factions accumulating in the chamber, there is also no possibility of mechanical strengthening of a certain temperature.
Stove with ventilation. The fan integrated in the 2nd model ensures air supply to the second chamber. Burning goes more successful, and warm air It enters the room evenly.
The stove with a fuel drip. The mechanism of operation of a drip feed furnace is identical with diesel engines. It is economical, although it is difficult to make it with his own hands, they (factory apparatus are produced, it is recommended to take them, but do not try to arrange a device without the help of masters). It is necessary to take into account additionally, the actual drip models are picky about the quality of the oil, which must be warmed up before deploying for the boiler.
Stove with inflammatory. One of the effective stoves with a superior. It will become expensive, in comparison with the stove of the bourgear. In the addition of heat comes from fans by blowing. Advance is possible to create a motor with a car cooler, blowing the heater - 220V home propeller.

Location of oven

The furnace is obliged to be located in the area so that there would be a devastated place around it. Since the furnace will begin to crack a hot temperature, it is necessary to be careful that about it is located what kind of fires. Made stoves in working out with their own handles are obliged to be placed with special care. You can not put on the shelf or next to it, next to things that quickly light up.

It is important not to forget that it is not for the case that it is impossible to apply in the properties of fuel fuel, the solvent or other flammable element.

In addition, such elements are not required to be near the functioning furnace.
If unwanted ovens are used in the properties of fuel, in the case of permissible, the ignition of this fuel directly in the container is allowed, it will be plazy according to a whole chimney, then as a result will lead to an explosion. It is necessary to be vigilant so that there should be moisture in the oil containers. In the furnace will happen to ignition. If the emergency mode is happening to water too, it is not necessary to take advantage of the fire extinguisher.


Ventilation holes for the atmosphere hoods should not be fenced by anything. Or in the room will be the increase in carbon monoxide, the fact that it is able to serve as a reason for poisoning. The ovens are lit in the absence of soot and smoke, there is no aroma, in many respects more efficiently a wooden furnace. The heat oven up to 900Gradusov - rapid heating. Admissible an auxiliary special equipment with a fan, automatically supplying an oil, water tank, boiler, ate. Baked smoke rises warm feed air.
Rules of Escraluation
For the use of the furnace, at least some oil, artificial or mineral. It is possible to pour into the tank for no more than half of its size, because there should be a place for the formation of vapors. When you poured the oil, you need to understand explicit time, so that the pairs are enriched with oxygen, after that they are ignited with long-lasting matches. How to fire vapors, the damper must be closed halfway, the oven warm-up makes the damper in this position, so that in the central chamber of the flame gases moderately.

Furnaces on the workshop with their own hands

The stove is possible to arrange both of the cropped pipes of various dishes, and from iron sheets. When creating a furnace you need inventory and material. Such as: Bulgarian, welding machine, iron sheets or used gas cylinder, paint over the gland, metal corners. For the manufacture of heating from sheets of metal must have skills to work with welding. You will have to cook two chambers for fuel, to bottom to spend the legs, connect two cameras using a pipe with a hole, then install the pipe to exit smoke.
For the use of the stove from the cylinder, this method is simpler so walls are ready, before starting work it is necessary to check the cylon to be empty or release the remains of the gas. Then the water is poured into the hole and with the use of the grinder separated the highest part together with the hemisphere. Next, a similar method is cut off the lower part of the cylinder. Extremely subsequently, all of the above manipulations can be turned to cutting, with a different development of events, the cylinder, with a gas residue, is detonated, and will cause injury.

Depending on which stove you will choose from iron sheets or from a cylinder, you need to know some rules:

  • The air from the furnace should go even uniformly, the execution of this rule can be the setting of the damper by adjusting the thrust due to it.
  • The furnace should deal with it easier to clean.
  • The pipe for the exit of smoke must be made in a vertical position.
  • For thrust level, the pipe must be made long from 500 cm.

How to clean the oven on working out

Cleaning the furnace is difficult because it is mainly not to understand, only the cover from the bottom camera is cleaned. Here everyone shows a fantasy who falls asleep with sand, or hire a pounding. And who uses fireworks is a more efficient way, but it is necessary to be careful. The pipe for the exit of smoke is needed regularly from Nagara.

How to increase the kpd furnace

Subsequently, the smoke of the waste pipe came out of the top of the chamber, it is passed through the tank, it must be impenetrable because it will circulate water. 1 The fitting is placed in the upper part of the tank, the arrival of hot water happens. Plug to the lower fittings. There is another method to increase the return of such a furnace to achieve the desired result consume a fan that aggravates the air to the upper chamber, the system is overlapped with supervision.

Overbilling oven is not a replaceable thing for garage buildings, car boxes. But if you want to have a heating of such a furnace to enter the house, it is necessary to make an oven in the direction and stretch the water circuit. It is economical, on the surface of the lid, you can even warm up food. The furnace should be done with the observance of the recommended volumes and relations, and later the installation is to upset from the unspecified touch, and it will become non-safe.

The heating device using spent machine oil is an economical and simple solution to the problem of garage heating, workshop, greenhouses and even at home. In addition to low-cost fuel, in fact, waste, this furnace is distinguished by a high coefficient useful action. The stove on working out with your own hands, drawings, video and photo of which are presented in this article, can be quite made independently.

Oil stove can be made of gas cylinder

A device operating on machine oil is especially popular on car services where this raw material is always an excess.

Advantages of the heating device on working out:

  • as a result of the combustion of the engine oil, soot and nothing formed;
  • the device is fireproof, as it burns not oil itself, but its pairs;
  • the raw material for the work of the furnace is worth nothing, it can be freed on any hundred.
Helpful information! Many car services that use other types of heating are glad to get rid of exhaust reserves, as it is difficult to dispose of it.

Cons Using Treatment:

  • before using work, it is necessary to clean from water and alcohol impurities, otherwise the units can be closed;
  • working cannot be stored in the cold, so it will have to be kept in a warm garage or in a specially prepared bunker.

Species and drawings of the oven on the spent oil with their own hands

Homemade devices on working out several varieties:

  • designs made of metal pipe or gas cylinder;
  • devices with additional air supply;
  • heating devices with drip oil drip.

Most often you can meet heaters made from the body of a conventional gas cylinder.

Check-out stoves on spent oil:

Drip oil supply is a rather complicated process that is difficult to reproduce in handicraft conditions. Usually such furnaces are manufactured industrial manufacturers And you can buy them. The stove on the workout of the drip type capricious in the fuel purity plan, so only purified oil is suitable for it.

In such furnaces, a special filter is installed for cleaning. Some craftsmen use fuel filters for this purpose. The drip feed pump can also be taken from the car by making a return to eliminate overpressure. An ordinary medical dropper is used to adjust the oil supply.

Features of oil ovens

The oil tank cover and adjusting tools should be located in the free access area. To display the exhaust gases, the set of exhaust ventilation sleeves will be required. The internal dimmer of the sleeve should be at least ten centimeters. Well, if the exhaust pipe is easily disconnected from the stove, it will be easier to carry out regular cleaning of the aggregate.

Note! The end of the ventilation sleeve should be absolutely vertical, otherwise the wind will be able to poison into the pipe, and to clean the flame. The height of the vertical site is at least four meters.

Before starting the heating device, it is necessary to check the integrity of the ventilation and the absence of unnecessary items in the device. To accelerate the fraud procedure into the fuel compartment, you can add a little liquid for ignition or kerosene.

After five to ten minutes, the oven will begin to heal and boil the fuel. After starting the process, it is important to control the stove and periodically add fuel.

Note! The gap in the hole of the furnace should be no more than one and a half centimeters, so the room will not fall into the room.

To stop the device, it is enough to stop the oil supply. Fire extinguisher is used for urgent extinguishing. Water oil stove It is not recommended to stew.

How to rub the oven on working out, video:

The heating device on the workout must be cleaned at least once a month. For this purpose, the device is disassembled, remove the soot from the inner walls and chimney. After cleaning, all the joints are wicked by sealant.

Security measures

It is important to remember that the oven on the exhaust oil is a device that, in non-compliance with safety measures, can harm the property and human health. That is why it follows:

  • Do not use acetone, gasoline and other easily flammable liquids as fuel. Failure to follow this rule is fraught with an explosion of the device.
  • Remove all furniture objects from the furnace, textiles. In the meter's radius from the furnace there should be nothing to light up.
  • You can not use the stove without chimney, with closed air intakes and leave it unattended for a long time.
  • It is not recommended to fill the stove with water to repay the flame.
Helpful information!For independent emergency extinguishing of fire, you can prepare a solution of twenty-five liters of water, eight kilograms of salt and four and a half kilograms of the amazy. This mixture is stored in hermetically closed floor-liter bottles. In case of emergency fire, the bottle with force is thrown into the fire zone, so that they are crashed. The gas formed from the mixture will exhaust fire.

How to make a stove on working out with your own hands: drawings, video, photo

The heating device on the secondary machine oil has the following main elements of the design:

  • the first chamber with the air hole and fuel topping;
  • a second gas combustion chamber having numerous oxygen access holes;
  • third, upper chamber for smoking and afterburning gases.

Furnaces with water contour on spent oil

Oil stove can be made independently. For this purpose, a faulty gas cylinder with a solid body will be required.

For work it will be necessary:

  • welding apparatus for arc welding;
  • drill, roulette, building level, Bulgarian;
  • pipes for chimney and burner;
  • balon for fifty liters.

Article on the topic:

In a separate publication, we will talk about proper choice This device in its tasks and budget.

How to make a stove on working out:

  • Iron legs twenty-thirty centimeters are welded to the cylinder.
  • The housing is cut in accordance with the scheme.
  • The input for the radiator is dried, and the pipe is installed.
  • At the top of the tube cut a hole with a diameter of five centimeters for air movement.

The furnace is painted with a mixture of chalk, silicate glue and aluminum powder.

Video: stove on working with your own hands, drawings and assembly process

  • It is not necessary to install the oven on the workout in the premises where people are constantly being. The unit burns out oxygen, which can adversely affect the well-being of a person.
  • To enhance the efficiency of the device, you can organize an additional air supply using a fan.
  • Top part oil stove Heats greatly, you can warm the water or disperse food.

Heat from waste

After studying the drawings and the video of making the stove on working out with their own hands, it is safe to say that there is nothing impossible. Assembling the stove on oil fuel will not take much time.

Such a heating unit is an invaluable device for a garage or technical service station, where testing is a cast material. It is important only to follow security measures, and properly operate the device.

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