Furnace drawing on working with a fiery bowl. Intruction on self-assembling furnace working on spent oil

In the vital activity of people there is a tendency to "return to the origins", due to the "reinforced economy" on anything.

Touched this disease and heating themes with heating.

And here, in the XXI century, we see the second birth of the homemade heating unit.

It's about the furnace, which uses the used oil as fuel.

The first oven on the workout appeared in the time of Khrushchev. Personality he was ambiguous. With the intensive growth of the mechanization of all sorts of production processes, with that new opportunity every citizen to acquire personal transport, with that enhanced distribution dacha plotsThe problem in heating was sharp.

At that time, the fuel was worth a penny, but also a penny at that time was called money. Yes, and little managed to get at that time without an application effort. About the cutting of the forest did not go and speech: for it put in prison, and gas in the cylinders was a kind of similarity to exotic. Therefore, it became necessary to create homemade ovenwhich would work on affordable and inexpensive fuel.

Folk craftsmen did not think about the principle of work for a long time: Kerogaz took as the basis, since he was in excess on dumart sites and in private houses. Couples of kerosene surrendered in a separate chamber, so the use of Kerogaz was more or less safe. Avoid an explosive situation helped a sharp smell of soot, appeared long to a possible accident.

The oven on the exhaust oil, behind a small share of exceptions, works on the same principle, the craftsmen remained only to come up with how to burn out to the end recycled fuel with the simplest ways.

Fuel and ecology

In the 60s, burning fuel to carbon dioxide was considered safer for health and ecology. Today, with the growing threat of a greenhouse effect, it is unacceptable. Burn fuel so that no harmful evaporation is impossible left, so unique environmental importance acquires the economy of the homemade furnace.

If you compare the quality of fuel Times of the USSR, then the XXI century is playing again. Machine oil of those years was a natural dusty of hydrocarbons. According to this reason, malicious evaporations were formed by a maximum of individual molecules in the stove.

The current fuel is much more harmful, and the stove of today is capable of throwing nitrogen oxides in hazardous and ecology of quantities.

Principle of operation

In the overalling stoves, incineration occurs in one, but in two stages. For this, organize two combustion chambers. In the first - slowly burning throughout; In the second, there are a couple with a working out, mixed with air. This combustible composition just highlights a large number of Heat.

To establish the necessary burning, establish a moderate air supply to the first chamber (in which testing is burning). This is implemented using an adjusting damper. In the second chamber, air is fed through a row of holes in a pipe connecting both chambers.


The oven on the workout is included in the class of simplest devices, does not require excessive care and any kind of service.. It is a one-piece design, which can be disassembled only at the bottom - especially for cleaning.

Current dimensions of standard stove:

  • 70x35x50 cm;
  • Oil consumption: from 0.5 to 1.5 liters per hour;
  • Net weight: 30 kg;
  • Sheet thickness: 4 mm;
  • Diameter of chimney: 10 cm;
  • KPD: 75%.

Drawings and assembly scheme

Making a furnace begins with a bottom chamber. It is combined in a stove with fuel tank, on the cover of which special holes for the bay of working out and for a pipe connecting the first chamber with the second.

In size, which are shown in the figure, cut parts of the primary combustion chamber, pollute the edges and weld them. Walls make from pipe blank.

They weld the corners that will become legs, the metal sheet is welded to the bottom. An opening of a size of 10 cm is cut into the center, and the other is 6 cm on the side, closer to the edge. If you wish, they make a removable lid - it is easier to clean the tank.

In a pipe, a length of 36 cm and a diameter of 10 cm is drilled to 50 holes with a diameter of 9 mm Uniformly throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe pipe so that the air flow is the same on each side.

The pipe with the velocked holes is welded perpendicular to the tank lid. On the bottom tank make air damper. Fix it bolted compound or rivet. Through this hole will be ignition the furnace and the bay of working out.

The upper tank is done as well as the bottom. In the plate, which is attached at the bottom of the tank, the hole is made with a diameter of 10 cm, shifted to one of the edges. The cutting pipe is welded down to the hole below large diameter From the opening is exactly so so that it is able to wear on the perforated top chamber of burning.

Since the top of the tank cover is exposed to the highest temperatures, it is recommended to be made from a metal, a minimum thickness of 6mm. At the top of the tank make a hole for the chimney, which is opposite to the hole in the day. Between them put the plate of thick metal - the cutter. It is inserted closer to the chimney hole.

Tube welded to the top coverwhich after joins the chimney. To improve the stability of the design, weld the strut from the pipe or angle. Painting the furnace can paint for metal withstanding high temperature modes.

Drip-type ovens with superimposure

Superior furnace is the same heating device only equipped with a fan. It is located closer to the second combustion chamber. Preparation provides uniform heated room.

Collect a drip oven is difficult. The same mechanism includes industrial heating devices. Models of this plan reduce the amount of fuel used.

Modern folk crafts We learned to combine the drip mechanism with a superposition. However, collecting such an aggregate without appropriate skills is urgently not recommended.

The finished furnace is installed on a flat surface - it is concreted or laid by brick. The minimum distance from flammable things is 1 m. It must stand exactly in terms of level and plumb. There should be no distortion. Hole a hole for the bay of testing under the angle so that it is convenient to get to it.

The chimney is best to have a vertical way, the minimum length of it is 4 m. The more, the better the traction will be. The outer part of the chimney must be insulated.

The installed furnace will work on any form of spent oil. Pour fuel need no more than half a tank. Raisigue occurs with the help of fireplace matches, lowered into the hole of the tank. After the ignition, the length of time with a semi-open damper is waiting for steam to stir with oxygen. It then regulates further air flow for stable burning.

The oven on working is good when heating the garage and their similar premises, but in residential buildings It is impossible to heal - oxygen in the room will learn due to heated metal surface stoves. Therefore, in such cases heating device Put in a separate room or boiler room.

Another way of improved efficiency of the heating unit is an oxygen convection. She is worn through the use of supervision. Save the same fuel will help drip system Use of working out.

The cost of materials and equipment for independent manufacture

Apart from the prices of equipment that has every good owner (Bulgarian and welding machine), costs for consumables Make 3,375 rubles in the area. Calculations were conducted on the basis of recent prices:

  • 4 mm sheet - from 1 thousand p.
  • Sheet 6 mm - from 1700 p.
  • Pipe is 100 mm - 350 p.
  • Corner - 150 r. / M. P.
  • Electrodes - 175r. / Kg

The oven on the exhaust oil is a great thing for garages, auto repair shops and other premises of a similar plan. The furnace is not just a heating device that does not require space costs for fuel, but the device, decisive environmental issues. In addition, it is used as a furnace for heating food (the upper cover is gaining sufficient temperature for this).

In conclusion, we propose to familiarize yourself with the video on the manufacture of an oven on the workout.

In garages or workshops, in order to save it, instead of an expensive boiler, the oven is installed: metal parts are treated with their own hands, weld them and get a model that resembles the "bourgeois". However, when choosing a design for manufacture, you can encounter difficulties. Agree?

We will tell how to choose optimum scheme and personally collect economical, but a very effective heating device. In the proposed article, the popular options are considered in detail, the action of which is verified in practice. Tips on the construction and subsequent operation of the stove are given.

Throughout or spent oil called the product, which remains as a result of the operation of the automotive engine. Motor, transmission or other industrial oil accumulates in large quantities At the station stations, in car workshops, as well as simple car owners.

In the process of using oil loses its useful qualities, accumulates salt, slags, resins, the smallest metal particles, however, people and such an illiquid product have been applied.

It is forbidden to drain through into the ground, since the most dangerous product is completely destroying all living things. Alternative - Delivery of the spent material in special reception points for further processing

In small quantities, it is used for household needs:

  • lubricate the working tool (for example, chainsaws);
  • impregnate wood (sleepers for railway highways);
  • lubricate fuel details of light vehicles (scooters, bicycles);
  • used as a liquid for burning a fire;
  • covered surfaces flooded by bitumen.

As at the end of the last century, the development is used as fuel for furnaces installed in conditionally residential premises - garages, subsidies, workshops. If the stove is constructed independently, then with constantly replenishing stocks of spent oil, the heating of the room will be almost free.

Others effective methods Organizations are presented in the article fully dedicated to this issue.

Why are the stoves on the exhaust oil?

The main cause of folk love for improvised furnaces is low (or zero) cost of the aggregate and fuel to it. Some homegrown masters crafts make such heating devices As an experiment and at the same time a useful device.

With the advent of the homemade oven on the exhaust oil, the issue of "attraction" of the redemption disappears.

For particularly advanced masters, the manufacture of garage ovens on the work has become another business option. They design models to order and sell them interested, but not so skillful garages owners

How does the aggregate act on the workout? The process consists in splitting heavy with fuel impurities having a rather complex composition. A different process in which the lack of oxygen and the burning of not fuel itself is observed, and its vapor is called pyrolysis. The principle of operation is described in the item recommended by us.

To run the process, it is necessary to produce fuel evaporation, then heat the received pairs to a temperature of about + 300-400 ºС, after which the burning will be made spontaneously. It will remain waiting for the full combustion of fuel.

There are 2 schemes that are used when independently manufacturing furnaces:

  • filling the oil tank and ignition it, as a result of which the pairs evaporate and begin to burn;
  • the use of the burner, in which three zones (pyrolysis, ignition and degree) combine and make the combustion process more efficient, adjustable and safe.

The second scheme is more complicated, requires serious fuel improvement and manufacturer accuracy, so consider more simple models From the first group.

Diagram of the device of a simple model of the furnace on the workout. The air required to support the combustion process comes through the neck with the flap. The same damper can partially adjust the power of burning.

Advantages of using a garage stove on oil workshop:

  • simplicity of device design and maintenance;
  • equity of fuel consumption is about 1.5-2 liters per hour;
  • lack of soot and nagar;
  • safety storage of exhaust reserves;
  • there is the possibility of connecting an air or water heating circuit;

The compactness of the aggregate is also extremely important for small premises.

Disadvantages also have:

  • the need for regular cleaning of the furnace and chimney;
  • mandatory element - vertically placed chimney with a height of at least 4 m;
  • for stoves with nozzles, only purified oil should be used ( approximate cost filtered product - 8-12 rubles / l);
  • one of the conditions for storing testing is a plus temperature, that is, it is necessary or heated in winter Premises, or burned tank in the ground.

Before making / acquisition finished furnace or it is necessary to consider all the pros and cons homemade devicesAnd then make a final decision.

Projects for self-making

Options for manufacturing furnaces on the development of a great set. They are made from metal blanks or used containers (cylinders), with pyrolysis and turbo burners, with drip feed or subdivination. We will focus on two popular models that more than Suitable for self-constructing and assembly.

Metal sheet model

In the garages and at the nearby territory, you can often find unnecessary metal parts, cast iron plates, steel sheets, pipes. Among them, there will be several items suitable for welding stoves.

For example, for the manufacture of a simple model, the following material will be required:

  • old steel sheet Thickness of 3.5 mm;
  • section steel pipe with a wall thickness of 4.5 mm;
  • tin tube for chimney with a diameter of 110 mm.

In addition, you will need a tool that is usually available at any garage owner: welding machine with electrodes, a circular saw With cutting and grinding discs, hammer, pliers. Be sure to - a set of working protective clothing for welding work With glasses and gloves.

Before the process of welding, we prepare part of the details.

Gallery of images

Any waste being for ordinary person Just the garbage from which it is necessary to get rid of the masters can bring tangible material benefits.

For example, trimming of solubular pipes, old gas cylinder And the other metal trimming will turn into the oven, and the waste oil is in fuel. It is not so difficult to organize heating on spent oil with your own hands.

We will tell you about the basic versions of the device of heating systems on the "thrust" of the fuel. In the proposed article describes in detail the ways of making proven in practice homemade devices. Taking into account our recommendations, you can achieve an optimal result.

If we want to get high-quality heat-based heating, oil can not be just taken and set fire because it will play and stink. Not to experience these unpleasant and dangerous to health side effects, It is necessary to heat the fuel so that it starts to evaporate.

The burning substances will be burned as a result of heating. This is the main principle of the operation of the heating unit on the workout.

Gallery of images

Stoves on the workplace of factory manufacture

A constant increase in prices for traditional blue fuel makes it look for alternative sources Heating heat. Rich on carbon and other combustible components, honestly spent their resource, machine oil is an excellent fuel and may well qualify for the role of replacing other sources of thermal energy.

Easy on the design and is quite accessible to create at home, oven on working out, will allow you to use, in fact, a darum product, saving a considerable amount. According to numerous reviews, such stoves work well with diesel and other hard-aggravated refineries, including liquid tar, solidol, etc.

Principle of operation of the furnace on the work

On the principle of operation, the oven on the spent oil is pyrolysis. Under the action of temperature, complex nitrogen-carbon chains of oil molecules first split into elementary chemical elements, then oxidized by air oxygen, and finally cooled, passing along the way into completely harmless nitrogen and water vapor.

The design of the furnace must strictly comply with the project.

Despite the fact that the furnace design is slightly complicated by the device of the pan, it occurs very difficult processes and violation of the conditions of their flow can easily lead to the appearance of very dangerous nitrogen oxides known as funny gas.

If all sizes and shape of the stove are withstanding correctly - the combustion of fuel will be very effective and clean the chimney from the soot and the soot will not have almost no.

Constructively, the stove includes three main zones:

  • the burning area of \u200b\u200bboiling oil vapor;
  • zone of high temperature burning of pyrolysis products;
  • locking the combustion chamber of combustible connections and a downhill temperature jump.

For a deeper understanding of work, consider a proven and very common design simple homemade stove.

The lower chamber is a flat container with pill oil. After the output of the stove in the working mode upper layer Oil boats, the resulting couple lights up. In the burning zone, many turbulent flows are formed, which play the role of choke, having a free flow of a burning mixture into the second zone. It turns out self-regulation. In addition, under the influence of Coriolis, it is turbulent flows that turn the last-minute gases into a vortex flow that plays a decisive role in subsequent physical processes.

The air required for the combustion of the oil enters the hole with the damper. Opening the flaps you can adjust the combustion rate and thermal power stoves. With full closing the flap, the furnace will gradually fade.

Screwed into the harness, the burning oil pairs fall into the second zone, where their high-temperature survival occurs. The chamber is a pipe, a certain diameter and height. For almost unlimited air access in the pipe, many holes are made. Rotating gases are actively mixed with oxygen, the oxidation process passes very violently and the temperature of this zone can easily rise to 800-900 and higher than degrees. At such a temperature, nitrogen activity exceeds the activity of oxygen and a large amount of harmful nitrogen and carbon oxides is formed in the upper part of the second zone.

Top camera stove on the workout performs two functions at once. First, there is a final oxygen afterburning of unburned pyrolysis residues. Secondly, the special design of the upper chamber provides a lower temperature leap, during which nitrogen loses its activity and is again displaced by oxygen. As a result, at the outlet of the stove, it turns out completely harmless gas nitrogen, hot water vapor and solid carbon oxide particles, separated into the chimney and partially settle on its walls in the form of soot.

So that all processes occur in strict accordance with the theory, and the combustion products did not imagine dangers - it is best to take advantage of the ready-made drawings of the proven design, the efficiency and safety of which is not confirmed by not one tenth of enthusiasts.

Design furnace on spent oil

Best Material For the housing of the stove - heat-resistant or refractory structural steel.

For the bottom chamber there will be enough steel width of 4 mm. And the upper and middle chamber, the heating temperature is much higher, the thickness of the material should be taken at least 5.5 mm. All items are welded with a solid seam. The chambers, both the upper and the bottom can be square, but the round cross section and the length of the chamber in the middle is the mandatory condition for the sustainable process of high-temperature oxygen combustion. Typically, it uses a segment of a thick-walled steel pipe of a suitable diameter.

To reliably remove the combustion products, you need a chimney with a height of at least 4 m. For greater efficiency of air heating in the room, the chimney can have inclined areas going at an angle of up to 45 degrees. But the more the slope of the chimney - the more soot settle in it. The design and dimensions of all elements are shown on a schematic drawing below.

For self-making, the stove will take:

  • welding machine;
  • bulgarian with cutting and grinding circles;
  • ready parts and prepared trimming of the pipes of the required diameter;
  • paint for finding the appearance of your stove.

The paint for the oven on the workout can be made independently. To do this mix half liters liquid glass (It is necessary to use a building silicate glue), 200 g of silver (aluminum powder), 20 g of ground chalk. The selection of the proportion of the chalk is asking for the desired paint consistency. Such paint will be heat-resistant, and is suitable for working with elevated temperature. You can also use heat-resistant silicon paints and enamels, such as Celsitis-500, CERT.

After dyeing, the stove on the exhaust oil gets an elegant, almost factory appearance.

Increased room heating efficiency

To enhance the efficiency of the heating of the room, more intensive selection of heat surplus stove is required. You can do this in two ways:

  • forced blowing a hot case - air heating;
  • heating of water with subsequent pumping it into the heating system - the radiator system of heating.

Heat selection is produced in the upper zone, where the temperature reaches the maximum. Both options have already been developed and below are the most successful and simple designs Such stoves.

The photo is clearly visible how an additional camera is organized for air heating. Partitions form a kind of labyrinth and lengthen the path of passing through the heated zone. Air blower camera is welded from above the top of the top of the combustion chamber. According to developers, the efficiency of the heating of the room increases more than twice.

Instead of air labyrinth, you can breed a water boiler. Heated water will have to drive into the radiators with the pump, but an increase in the effectiveness of the heating of the room is worth it.

Security Rules when using the stove

Considering the high openness of the flame and the high heating temperature - the stove on the workplace is a source of increased danger. Therefore, a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher near her - not a whim of a fire inspector, but a vital necessity.

To burn the oven over the oil, a slightly flammable liquid is poured, for example solvent or gasoline. It pours out quite a bit - so that the initial flame is enough to appear the water vapor.

It is very important to exclude water in the boiling oil. What it will lead to, easy to understand, remembering what is happening if a drop of water will accidentally fall into a frying pan with hot oil. The water source can be a pan or kettle on a stove accumulated on inland surfaces In the cold time, frost or condensate. It is not recommended to pour other combustible fluids of unknown origin instead of oil.


The simplicity of the design and operation of the furnace on the workout makes it unusually attractive for craftsmen, and the cheapness of fuel and its small consumption is very profitable and economically.

Subject to elementary rules safe operation This device may well become the main source of heat for attachments, economic premises, and even cottages for seasonal residence.

The stove working on the spent oil is convenient and economical option Heating industrial facilities and others non-residential premises. Any waste oils for such an oven can be fuel for such an oven, usually subject to disposal. Having done a stove on working out with your own hands, you can immediately solve two problems: get rid of oil waste and save on heating.

The overseas ovens are often used by car services, hangars, warehouses - those rooms, where there is an oil oil in delusional. The problems often arise with its disposal: to drain it into the sewer or in the ground is strictly prohibited. Use of oil as fuel is a great output.

The oven on the oil works as: quickly heats up to a high temperature and heats the air, but when the burning is stopped, it also boosts. Warming up the entire premises is carried out only by circulation of heated air, so such a stove is difficult to heat the garage or a workshop of a large area. You can solve this problem, equipping it with water contour and connecting heating radiators.

Design on the development and principle of operation

The stove consists of two chambers and connecting their perforated metal tubes. From the top chamber goes to the bottom there is a bowl where manually or automatically flows fuel - waste oil. Roach furnaces are produced using a small amount of gasoline, poured into the lower chamber over fuel.

When burning gasoline, the upper layer of oil heats up, starts to boil and evaporate. With a lack of oxygen, oil pairs are burning bad, so it is necessary to enrich their air mixture, which occurs in the perforated tube. At the same time, in the pipe itself and the upper chamber begins the active combustion of the oil-air mixture.

The temperature in the bottom chamber does not exceed 350 ° C, the upper chamber can heat up to 900ºС. When manual fuel supply at the bottom chamber make a hole for the bay of oil and the ignition of the furnace. For automatic oil supply to the lower chamber, a pipe connected to an external tank is introduced. Also in the bottom chamber you need to provide a hole with a damper - they can be adjusted to the air supply and, as a result, traction and temperature.

Water circuit is a tank located on the top chamber of the furnace or around the chimney. To the tank walls weld the fitting for the receipt and water outlet. The volume of water tank depends on the length of the heating system and the type of circulation.

For natural circulation The size of the water circuit makes somewhat large to avoid overheating. Forced circulation Using the pump allows you to reduce the size of the tank. It is recommended to equip the boiler with a thermometer and a pressure gauge to control the parameters of the network water.

Work oven on working out with water contours: video

Pros and cons of overseas

Advantages of the furnace:

  • the furnace of universal design can be used for any indoor rooms: garages, housekeeping, greenhouses, workshops;
  • simple design that allows you to make a furnace with your hands from inexpensive materials and scrap metal;
  • cheap affordable fuel;
  • efficient and fast heating;
  • small sizes.


  • the furnace and chimney are quickly covered from the inside layer of soot and require regular;
  • the furnace in the process of active burning creates noise and buzz.

Requirements for fuel

Any exhaust oil can serve as a fuel: motor, transmission or industrial. The only condition - it should not contain any impurities. The presence of even minor inclusions can lead to an explosion.

It is also unacceptable in water oil - it begins to boil much faster oil, its foaming, splash and sharp ignition. All this can lead to a fire.

Oil in front of the bay in the tank must be filtered! You can not use other combustible fluids! Gasoline is used only in small quantities for the ignition of a cold furnace!

Overlapping: sketches and drawings

Round Sheet Metal Oven

It consists of a fuel tank combined with the combustion chamber, afterburning chambers - pipes with perforation and upper chamber equipped with a splitting partition for flame dissection. On the lid of the bottom chamber there is a hole for the bay of fuel and air supply. The stronger the damper is open, the more intense will be burning.

Metal pipe with water contour

Consists of two barrels. The bottom is the oil tank with the fuel hole. The upper combustion chamber is a pipe passing through the upper barrel filled with water. The upper barrel must be equipped with fittings for water supply.

According to the design, such a furnace resembles a samovar, its walls are not repent to excessively high temperatures. Therefore, its installation is recommended for greenhouses, buildings for the content of animals and premises with small dimensions, in which a random touch and burn from a hot furnace is possible. Big sizes The tank makes it possible to create the effect of the heat accumulator.

From profiled pipe

For the manufacture of a furnace with their own hands, the profiled pipe of the square section 180x180 mm and 100x100 mm is used. Differs in compact sizes and ease of manufacture. The furnace surface can be used as a hob.

From the gas cylinder

Made of standard gas cylinder with cut riding. Equipped with automatic oil supply, and the oil pipeline is located inside the combustion chamber, which allows it to warm it efficiently.

Water circuit is performed as a boiler through which the chimney passes.

Another option of connecting the water circuit is a copper tube-heat exchanger, wrapped in several turns around the stove case. In this case, the heating will be weaker, but with this method of connecting the heat exchanger, the risk of water boiling in the system is reduced.

The dimensions presented furnaces can be changed slightly. The main thing is to comply with the location of the main elements and cameras.

Furnace manufacturing technology on spent oil

Below are the drawings of the most common oven on working out. It is made of Ø352 mm pipe residue, 4 mm sheet steel and 6 mm, also need trimming of a thick-walled pipe Ø100 mm and a corner for the legs.

Its dimensions will heat the room with standard height Ceilings with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 80 m2, with a larger area, increase the size of the furnace and the diameter of the chimney pipe.

Required tool:

  • welding machine;
  • bulgarian with cutting circle;
  • grinding wheel for stripping seams;
  • drill or drilling machine, drill;
  • roulette.

Also necessary solvent and silicone heat-resistant paint - it is usually sold in the canopy and is used for painting of strongly heated surfaces of the furnaces.

Production sequence with your own hands:

  1. Prepare billets according to drawings. All parts are cut out of the material indicated in the drawing and clean the slice locations to eliminate burrs.
  2. Connect the method of welding the details of the lower tank: the housing from the pipe Ø344 mm H \u003d 115 mm, the bottom of sheet metal 4 mm, as well as legs from an arbitrary size. Instead of corner, you can use trimming inch pipes.
  3. In the cut of the pipe Ø100 mm H \u003d 360 mm using a drill perforations perforations according to the sketch - 48 holes with a diameter of 9 mm.
  4. Connect the welding detail of the bottom tank cover: the workpiece from the pipe Ø352 mm H \u003d 60 mm, the lid of the sheet steel is 4 mm with two holes and the perforated tube.
  5. The damper for the air supply hole on the lid of the bottom tank is attached to the rivet.
  6. Connect the welding details of the upper chamber: the workpiece from the pipe Ø352 mm H \u003d 100 mm and the bottom of the sheet steel is 4 mm with a hole for the perforated pipe.
  7. To the lid of the upper chamber weld the smoke tube Ø100 mm H \u003d 130 mm, with inner The covers are a septum of 4 mm sheet steel with dimensions of 70x330 mm. The partition is designed to cut the flame and increase the efficiency of heating the upper chamber. Its positions closer to the smoke hole.
  8. Weld up the top chamber and a lid with a chimney.
  9. We weld the top chamber to the top of the perforated pipe, to increase the stiffness of the structure, you can make screeds from the rod between the lid of the lower tank and the top chamber.
  10. The upper part of the oven is put on the bottom tank of the dirty.
  11. The furnace to extend the service life is covered with silicone paint, after reading welds From scale, and metal from rust with a solvent.
  12. Connect the stove to chimney.
    Its height should be at least 4 meters to improve thrust. Since the chimney will have to be often cleaned from soot, it is necessary to make it as direct as possible, without bends.

A similar furnace can be made from sheet metal, in this case its cameras will be square form. Detailed technology Located on video.

Production of oven on the workout: video

How to connect to the oven on the development of water circuit

Water circuit is connected to the boiler mounted on the top chamber. It can be welded directly to the surface of the furnace, but more securely make a separate tank: in the event of a breakage of the bottom of the tank, water will fall into the combustion chamber, which can cause a splash of burning oil and sharp ignition.

The tank may be arbitrary shape and height, the main condition is a dense adjacent to the upper chamber and chimney pipe For more efficient heating. Two fittings are embedded in the tank walls: in the upper part for heated water, in the bottom - for the cooled repetition.

At the outlet from the tank, the thermometer and pressure gauge are installed. On the inverse tube in the immediate vicinity of the boiler put circulation pump and expansion tank.

Fire measures and operating rules

Oil furnace - increased source fire danger. It has open surfaces that are heated during operation to high temperatures.

To the room where the furnace is installed, and special requirements are presented to its operation:

  1. The floors should be made of non-aggravated materials: concrete, tiles, metal. Wooden floors in the installation site of the furnace need to be sewn sheet metal.
  2. If the stove is installed in close proximity to wooden or other non-flame resistant walls - they should also be sewed to metal or close asbestos sheets.
  3. It is forbidden to put the furnace in places where strong drafts are possible: the wind can endure the flame through perforation in the pipe.
  4. It is impossible to store in the immediate vicinity of easily combined materials, LVZ, washed rag. The stock of spent oil needs to be stored separately.
  5. It is forbidden to top up the oil into the working furnace.
  6. In the room there must be a powder or salt chemical fire extinguisher.
Burning oil is strictly forbidden to extinguish with water! This will lead to the spread of burning area.

The stove on the workout made by its own hands is an economical and efficient heating device, and the connection to it of the water circuit improves the heat distribution and improves the microclimate in the heated room. For properly operation The furnace is safe, takes a minimum of place - a real find for garages, workshops and industrial premises.