Country house vegetable garden. Useful tips for giving and garden

Every summer cottage, every garden plot you can always decorate with improvised materials, of which there are a lot in the country. Extraordinary gizmos can be made from such materials, which will surely attract the attention of many. In this article, you will learn how to make your garden, vegetable garden and summer cottage beautiful. Here we have collected all the brightest and most interesting. And all this can be done by hand.

Garden decoration in winter

You can decorate the garden with your own hands with something interesting not only in summer, but also in winter. V winter time you can make sculptures out of cones. Cones for the sculpture are harvested in advance. Do it in the fall. Cones are used to create entire sculptures or individual elements.

If you take wire and rods, then you can make voluminous compositions from them. In this case, it is recommended to arm yourself with your imagination and create what your soul desires. In this case, the most important thing is not to limit yourself. At the same time, sculptures can be of absolutely any size.

Of course, snow is used to decorate a summer cottage in winter. You can create sculptures from snow on your own. different sizes... And to make them look even more beautiful, highlight them. The effect will be spectacular.

As a rule, it gets dark very early in winter. Therefore, luminous garlands and other elements will be a wonderful decoration in this case.

Various sculptures can be used to decorate the garden. You can buy them in the store or make them yourself.

An original idea. In winter, you can decorate the cottage with ice figures. To make them, you will need a beautiful form, in which they are laid out beautiful jewelry... It can be: rowan berries or cones. Fill these elements with water and leave in the cold. After a while everything will freeze and finished goods used in garden decoration. For greater originality, such products are tinted with food dyes.

In winter everything looks harmonious in the garden. The trees are covered with snow and everything looks beautiful. But the garden setting can be made even more attractive. Make voluminous compositions of wire and branches. Compositions can be in the form of animals or some kind of geometric shapes.

In this article, we will try to list bright garden crafts for you. However, if you do not know how to create something beautiful, then you do not need to worry. It is enough to arrange the correct consecration in the garden and the garden will be able to sparkle with new colors.

Vegetable garden decoration

The modern decoration of the garden is significantly different from the old years. Today, with some effort, the garden has become more convenient and practical. Making your garden more interesting is easy. Use the following guidelines.

Perform zoning. The garden should be divided into sections. In each section, it is recommended to grow those plant species that are able to get along well with each other. As a result, garden maintenance will be easier and your plants will grow better.

Take advantage of the fences. Experts recommend separating each section of the garden from others and raising it above the general ground level. As a result, you will be able to save time on weeding and the soil will not be oversaturated. You should come up with eye-catching bumpers. You can use wood or other materials. Make them above ground level. As a result, there will always be cleanliness and order between the beds. Below we have collected photographs of garden decoration for you. Each such decision will help save space in the garden. In addition, it will look very beautiful.

It is worth rationally using the space in the garden. Distribute the plants in the order you want. As a result of this action, the garden will look neat and care for it can be done faster and easier.

Good idea: Neat concrete or gravel paths can be laid between the beds in the garden. With the help of such paths, it will be possible to get rid of dirt, and it will be more convenient to work with the beds.

It is worth noting that the most interesting crafts for a summer residence that you can make with your own hands can make the country house very beautiful. At any cottage or in an ordinary country house, you can equip an imitation of an island of wildlife. Lay out the floor with a suitable covering. Simple lawn grass can act as such a covering. Arrange outdoor furniture. And be sure to arrange the plants. In such a zone, you can relax and enjoy the comfort.

You can decorate any garden area with a plant exhibition. To make it simple For this purpose, a rack is placed. And the plants are arranged on it in no particular order. The pots should be of the same style. In this case, it will be possible to emphasize the individuality of each flower. It is best to use pots from the store in creating the composition. The rack itself with flowers is installed in a neat place.


In general, in order to make your garden, vegetable garden or summer cottage more beautiful, we have offered you all the most interesting things for decorating these territories. We hope that our really great ideas can be useful to you.

The garden plot can be significantly transformed. Using available tools and your imagination, you can make a real place for relaxation out of your garden.

Each garden plot can become not only a place for growing your own fruits and vegetables, but also a place of rest. If you have a garden, a vegetable garden and a summer cottage, all the brightest and most interesting (photo) can be done on your own. This article describes examples of the most common and simple additions for your garden plot.

In the garden, you can give the beds familiar to the eye a new look. They can be broken down into small areas, by fencing which you can get separate places for the cultivation of garden plants.

This method of decorating plots has a number of positive aspects:

  • Ordinary beds take on an unusual look.
  • The convenience of processing such areas is increased. All garden crops are planted as close as possible, so there are places for weeds does not remain at all.
  • Irrigation efficiency is increased. Due to compact landings, water consumption is significantly reduced. This greatly saves finances in the face of constantly increasing tariffs.
  • Compact planting of plants significantly saves space on the garden plot.
  • Ease of manufacture. When creating such fenced beds, you can use the tools at hand.

However, there are also negative aspects:

  • Compliance with crop rotation. It is known that it is not recommended to constantly grow garden crops in one place. By splitting the site into separate beds, the area for changing the place of growing plants is reduced.
  • A garden, a vegetable garden and a dacha (all the brightest and most interesting with your own hands, photo), in which plants are grown in a compact method, often thicken. This creates conditions for the development of fungal diseases and pests that prefer moist and cool places.

Having decided to create such a decoration in the garden, before planting the plants, you should prepare a plan of which plants and in what quantity will grow there. Any basis can be made. For example, brick, slate or wood. Wooden base can be decorated with various patterns.


A garden path will be an excellent decoration for the garden. A garden path can be made of stone or wood. The log should be cut into small circles. It is from them that the garden path should be laid out.

Wooden paths will look unusual, it is recommended to use stone for its manufacture. Wood, even treated with special solutions, is highly susceptible to decay. To avoid the creep of such a path, you must first make a border.

Exists a budget option garden path from glass bottles... They are simply buried upside down, leaving only a small part of the bottom on the surface. Using this option, you can create unusual patterns. Use your imagination to non-standard options garden path decoration.

Place to rest

A garden, a vegetable garden and a dacha (all the brightest and most interesting in the photo) can be a great place to relax after working day... Using available tools, you can create comfortable conditions for this.

The easiest way to create a gazebo is to buy a ready-made version and install it in your garden. but ready-made options gazebos do not always suit the owners of the garden.

The gazebo can be made by hand. A simple option is to install a wooden or metal carcass and decorate it with a crate. Grapes or other plants can additionally decorate the gazebo by enveloping it with their vines. After a while, you will get a completely natural resting place.

More complex options gazebos will require some time and money from the gardener. Using your imagination, you can create unusual garden decorations.

For the rest of the children, you can build a small sandbox in which they can have fun while their parents work in the garden.

To create a simple sandbox, you need a few planks, from which you need to make a base.

  • The number of boards depends on the size and height of the sandbox.
  • Children should have enough space for entertainment, and they should also get there without hindrance.
  • It is better to take sea sand for a sandbox. It must be carefully sieved to prevent foreign objects from entering it.
  • It is recommended to provide a cover for the sandbox so that debris does not get there, and the animals do not bury the results of their life there.

A garden, a vegetable garden and a dacha (all the brightest and most interesting with your own hands in the photo) will be a great place for a children's sandbox.

Flower bed

For creating flower bed any hand-held means will do. Amazing flower bed options are obtained from car tire... The simplest flower bed can be made by filling interior earth. The car tire can be painted in different colors, increasing its level of attractiveness.

If you have a whole car wheel with a metal rim, then you can create a real flowerpot. In this case, you will need to tinker thoroughly. The tire is cut on one side and turned inside out. In this case, the metal disk becomes the base for the flowerpot and will keep it in balance.

A flower bed can be made from plastic bottles... They are filled with earth and dug into the ground a third with the neck down. The bottles installed around the perimeter will give the flower bed an unforgettable look.

Summer shower

It is always pleasant to take a refreshing shower in summer heat... So that you can do it on your summer cottage, you can create a shower stall from scrap materials.

You should choose a place and make a frame on which the sides will be attached. They can be made from slate, wood or opaque foil. It is recommended to use as a frame metal pipes that should be concreted. Wooden frame it is not recommended to use, as it is often prone to decay.

Designer outdoor shower

With the help of imagination, a garden, a vegetable garden and a summer cottage (all the brightest and most interesting, photo) can be significantly transformed. New decor elements will be able to visually change the garden area, and new places to relax will help you relax and gain strength.

Convert your land plot into a fabulous island to enjoy your time there. So, any work in the garden, vegetable garden or in the country will not tire you too much. Arranging for yourself small pauses in work, each time you will receive aesthetic pleasure from the contemplation of the beauty created by your own hands.

Today we will tell you about some of the design tricks and secrets of folk craftsmen in the design of land holdings. Our theme - garden, vegetable garden, dacha: all the brightest and interesting with your own hands. We intend to teach you how to combine benefits and beauty, create something out of nothing, awaken all your creativity in yourself.

Bright tire products

Do you have old car tires? Perfectly. Color them bright colors and create attractive single or multi-tiered flower beds. They look very elegant and fit almost any style of dacha or garden decoration. Everything is done very simply.

Or make some animals, interesting objects, a swing out of tires. You can use any exterior paints in the decoration. Connect your imagination and create!

Some craftsmen even managed to create garden furniture out of tires. There are many options, but you have the opportunity to create your own. The paint can be omitted.

Another use case is to bury the ramps halfway in a row to create a mini-fence. This is a well-known technique used in yards and schools, but rarely used in garden plots.

Interesting ideas for a garden made of wood, bottles and other materials

If you are a wood craftsman, then making beautiful garden furniture, a swing or a cute birdhouse with your own hands is not a problem for you. From a wooden log, you can create some intricate figures, cartoon characters and flowerpots. Pretty wooden gazebo- this is what you need for a pleasant rest with a cup of tea after hard work. Beautiful elements for decorating a fence are obtained from wood. Depending on your preferences and the general design of the site, you can cover the surface of the product with transparent varnish or bright paint.

But what about those who are deprived of such skill? The same, but in simplified versions. For example, you can make this kind of furniture out of pallets. They just need to be knocked together and - voila - a table and wonderful chairs are ready. All that remains is to choose stylish capes and pillows.

How do you like the idea of ​​such a pretty stump? It seems that even a child endowed with some kind of fantasy can cope with this.

Having collected a sufficient number of glass bottles, you can beautifully arrange a flower garden in the country or in the garden. You can make paths or railings for them. Fantasy to help you!

Many gardeners find it a good idea to create crafts from plastic bottles. We cannot recommend such decorative elements to you, as they very quickly lose their original attractiveness under the influence of the sun and precipitation. If you are not afraid of the quick failure of such crafts, then feel free to create!

We can also offer you the idea of ​​decorating a summer cottage or garden with the participation of a bicycle, a wheelbarrow, old galoshes, dishes and other unnecessary items as flower beds. The only advice is to consider the aggressive influence of external factors.

A beautiful and unusual flower garden will become an effective design of the site. About planting flowers in car tires, cars and logs we have already talked about. What else can you think of out of the ordinary? There are a lot of options.

Create a rock garden or rockery in your garden. These are such flower beds that look like a piece of mountainous terrain. Stones are the invariable attributes of such compositions. different sizes... A rock garden is a rocky hill in the garden, and a rockery is a plane.

Rock garden do it yourself
Rockery in the garden

Flower flow is a popular and very interesting landscape design technique. main idea- planting a garden or summer cottage area with weaving flowers in such a way that it resembles a water stream. The most interesting is the mono-flower garden. At the "source" of such a rivulet, you can put an inverted flowerpot or bucket. It will be much more interesting this way.

Bright design of the fence

The fence looks great, braided brightly flowering plants... So you can decorate even the most ordinary-looking fence.

You can make a green arch near a fence or building with your own hands. It's very romantic.

If an artist lives in you, be sure to use your talent. Paint all or some parts of the fence. The result can be a fun set of colorful elements or a complete picture that will be difficult to look away from.

With bright ideas in the garden, the situation is somewhat more complicated. This part of the dacha or personal plot strictly functional. But for the creative thinking people it's not a problem at all. They can even turn ordinary beds into a masterpiece with their own hands.

Do you want people to open their mouths in amazement as they walk by your land plot? It is possible. Our article on the topic “ Garden, vegetable garden, dacha: all the brightest and interesting with your own hands "will reveal to you better ways transform your possessions. We have selected the most effective and easy-to-implement ideas, thanks to which every hike on suburban area will make you happy.

Bright crafts for a garden, vegetable garden or dacha with your own hands: photo

A summer cottage, a garden or a vegetable garden will be decorated with bright crafts made from tires. And even if the idea is not new, the main thing is that it looks very interesting. By connecting all your creativity, you can create a real masterpiece. If imagination is lacking, here are some ideas that you can copy to make your garden, garden or bright and attractive.

Such interesting pebbles, decorated with do it yourself... For such crafts, it is better to use acrylic paints. Banks acrylic paint 200 ml should be enough for 60 large stones.

Interesting crafts from plastic bottles - a hot topic recent years for garden. You can easily find master classes for creating pigs, birds, bunnies, bees and other various living creatures from plastic containers... Here are the bright decorations for a garden, a summer residence or a vegetable garden, you can create it yourself.

To scare away birds in dachas and vegetable gardens, a do-it-yourself scarecrow is often installed. Why not make it not only useful, but also a pleasant element on the site, using a little imagination?

An interesting flower garden will decorate any garden, vegetable garden or cottage

Flowers framed by stones, logs or bottles look interesting in the country, in the garden or in the garden. They can be painted with bright colors or left as they are. The main thing is to carefully and tastefully arrange the territory with your own hands.

A flower stream is a great replacement for a banal flower bed. It is not difficult to create it at all. On an elevated place, you need to lay a flowerpot, bucket or other suitable container, and plant the flowers in such a way that they resemble a stream flowing out of it. To create a stream, creeping and ground-cover flowers are perfect: periwinkle, violet, carpet phlox, monetarious loosestrife. To make the "stream" uniform, plant the plants with seedlings, not seeds.

Wealth of imagination of the owners summer cottages especially noticeable in the variety of flower pots. What gardeners and gardeners do not plant flowers in! By the way, the results are quite interesting - you can take notes to reproduce with your own hands.

Do not forget the idea that is as old as the world, but has not lost its relevance - use in landscape design curly flowers (lianas). Ipomoea looks interesting, sweet pea, dolichos, kobea, nasturtium. Thanks to the widest assortment of vines, it will not be difficult to make a choice according to your taste. Plant them in a dacha, vegetable garden or garden so that they braid the fence, walls of the house and other buildings, columns or gates. Such bright design always attracts the eye of passers-by.

Original furniture for a summer cottage or garden with your own hands

Ideas for creating an interesting summer cottage or garden furniture there are many. This does not always require expensive materials or tools, so you can do without special financial costs. For example, such a compact table, chairs or a sofa for a summer cottage or garden can be built from pallets.

photo ideas of furniture from pallets

Hemp and beams are excellent materials for creating country furniture... Covering the stumps with soft harnesses, you can get comfortable stools for the garden.

In the "Garden and Gardens" section you will find many useful information about the intricacies of growing new and popular garden crops, learn about different ways arrangement of beds in the garden, and you can also chat on this topic with other users of the site.

The opinion that a summer residence and a vegetable garden is an occupation for pensioners has long been hopelessly outdated. Having a garden on the site and doing it is not boring at all, rather, on the contrary, it is exciting and useful. Especially today when there is mass different technologies and modern instruments, at times facilitating the work of a person.

Modern vegetable garden at the dacha is a truly unique opportunity to turn hard work into joy. To do this, it is enough to approach the matter correctly - to arm necessary tool, knowledge and, of course, invaluable experience of a whole army of gardeners. Successfully growing various vegetables and herbs in their garden, they will willingly teach you all the intricacies of this simple, very exciting and useful business. It was in order to share with each other the secrets of growing different crops in the garden that this section of the site was created.

The main purpose of this section is to help you create such beds in the garden that would be spent a minimum of effort, while they would bring you maximum benefit. In this section, you will learn how to properly plant the garden beds and increase yields with the least labor costs. How to deal with pests in the garden and what exactly to plant in the garden so that you always have excellent harvest, and one could proudly declare: "We are planting a vegetable garden correctly"!

In the section "Garden and Beds" you can not only discuss various vegetable crops and share the secrets of their cultivation, telling how to plant a vegetable garden correctly, but also to find out the opinions of experts. We will collect for you all the most valuable and useful advice and pass them through the prism of the knowledge of experienced people, real bison in agriculture, so that the garden in the country will bring you only benefit and pleasure. Let's talk about ways to protect plants from pests and diseases, find out what fertilizers are best to use in order to preserve the crop and not harm your health. We will hear the recommendations of experts not only on how to grow vegetables in the garden, but also on how to properly preserve them until next year.

Share your experience and opinion regarding the arrangement of a vegetable garden in the country, it will be truly invaluable for the rest of the site visitors.

For your entry to be included in the "Garden and Gardens" section, just add the section name to keywords when creating a record.

Let's plant a vegetable garden together, then we will definitely achieve success in this sometimes difficult, but such an exciting and useful business!