How a soft roof is made. Do-it-yourself soft roof: installation technology for beginners

A soft roof, the installation instructions for which are described in this article, it is also a flexible roof, it is also a flexible tile, it is also a bituminous tile, is a modern roofing material characterized by high waterproofing characteristics, original external design, as well as the availability and ease of installation. Soft roofing, the manufacturing technology of which is based on the latest developments, has become quite widespread in our country.

The basis soft roof make up fiberglass sheets impregnated on both sides with rubber-bitumen, which provides this material with high tightness. Upper layer bituminous sheet covered with fine stone chips, in order to avoid mechanical damage, as well as to protect against ultraviolet radiation, to put it simply, from material burnout.

Containers for mastic and tools for roll roofing: a - tank for mastic; 6 - thermos for mastic; in-bucket for mastic; g-bucket; d - brush; e-stroke; .zh: - a comb with a rubber insert; z-awl; and - a spatula; k-knife; l-roller shears

The popularity of this material is also due to such a factor as the relatively low cost of installing a soft roof due to its simple installation. If available self-styling soft roof, the price for its installation will be much lower. An undeniable advantage this type of roof has a low amount of waste during the installation process. Meanwhile, the technology of covering a soft roof does not require any special skills, expensive equipment, and a home master will be able to cope with the laying of this material. The main thing is to have the desire and desire to comprehend something new. However, before covering the roof with soft tiles on your own, it is necessary to carefully prepare the tool and the base for installation. It will also be useful to familiarize yourself with the instructions for laying a soft roof, attached to each of the materials. Installation of a soft roof, video tutorials on which can be viewed online, implies that a person has initial skills in working with a home tool. In this article, we will try to describe as easily as possible how to cover a roof with a soft roof.

Tool for the installation of a soft roof

Before laying a soft roof, you need to immediately prepare all the necessary tools. Installation of this roofing material does not require "sophisticated" devices or expensive power tools. An ordinary hacksaw is enough, which everyone has home master, hammer, tape measure, sharp knife, sharpened pencil. You will also need a trowel to apply the bituminous adhesive mixture. A roll of chalk rope should be prepared for marking. Well, it will not be superfluous to remind you that the laying of a soft roof with your own hands should be done with work gloves, so you should immediately stock up on them.

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Preparation of the base

So, the instrument is prepared, the material is purchased. Next stage - preparatory work... The surface on which the shingles will be laid must be as cleaned as possible, leveled and dried. Installation of a soft roof on a damp surface is not permissible. And if a structure in the form of a crate is allowed under a slate, profile sheet or metal tile, then under a soft tile the surface should be solid. Experts recommend using OSB boards or moisture-resistant plywood as a material for shingles. It is important to make sure that the structure does not bend, otherwise, as a result, the roofing in the places of bending may be broken, creating water flow into the room. That is, it is obvious that a carefully prepared base for a soft roof provides a more durable reliability of the entire structure. By the way, such an option as a soft roof on corrugated board is also interesting.

One of important factors in preparation for laying, the corner of the soft roof is. Before making a soft roof, you should make sure that minimum slope soft roof is at least 11 degrees, in order to avoid heavy loads on the surface of the material with possible mechanical damage. If the angle of inclination does not meet the requirements, it is necessary to change the design to the required slope or more.

By the way, one should not think that with a greater slope it will be difficult to lift the sheets up, because each sheet soft tiles weighs an average of 1.5 kg, so there will be no difficulties in transporting it to the roof surface.

The next point to pay attention to when installing: in different packages the shades of the sheets may differ slightly, therefore, in order to avoid "variety" of shades on the roof, it is better to immediately mix sheets from different packages before installing a soft roof. Then these differences can be seen with the naked eye.

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Hydro and vapor barrier

Diagram of waterproofing and vapor barrier of a soft roof

In general, flexible shingles themselves are a pretty good waterproofing material, however, in order to be on the safe side, additional waterproofing of a soft roof is often used. As additional waterproofing experts recommend using roll-up self-adhesive materials, the base of which consists of anti-adhesive and polyethylene films impregnated with bitumen. These materials are laid in rows parallel to the eaves of the roof, while the vertical overlap should be at least 20 cm, and the horizontal overlap at least 10 cm.

It is customary to lay insulation under almost any type of roof these days. However, as a result of the ingress of steam and its subsequent condensation, moisture penetrates into the insulation, reducing its thermal insulation properties. Therefore, it is important to take care of a good vapor barrier of the roof right away. The vapor barrier of a soft roof implies the preliminary laying of a vapor-tight, diffusion film under the insulation, which effectively prevents moisture from entering the insulation, as a result of which its high thermal insulation characteristics... Unlike waterproofing materials, vapor barrier films are not laid across, but along the rafters, that is, their joints should be located along the rafters.

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Laying a soft roof

Due to the wide variety of modern materials, the technology for laying a soft roof may differ, depending on the properties of a particular material. Although, in general, it is recommended to install a roof from a soft roof in the hot season, since then the best adhesion of the material when it is heated is ensured.

Should be considered design features roofs, since for residential premises they differ from industrial ones. For example, the soft roof of garages will be laid in a slightly different way, since its design does not provide for a cornice or it is provided, but has its own characteristics. And in general, the soft roof of the garage requires a more serious approach to laying, due to the very small angle of inclination of the roof.

So, if everything is ready for styling, you can start. The installation scheme for a soft roof consists of three main stages:

Laying the first sheet and eaves row
Laying the rest of the rows
Installation of ridge sheets
As mentioned above, soft tile roofing technology is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. The most difficult thing is to correctly lay the bottom row, and the rest are much easier to lay. However, before you start laying the first sheet, you should take care of the best waterproofing of the entire structure by laying an end carpet along the ridge of the roof. The end carpet is made of a material that matches the color of the entire roof. Then you can start laying the cornice row. Installation of the first sheet should be started at the eaves. For this, the first sheet is laid along the eaves, from which the protective film is previously removed. Depending on what type of material is used for laying. self-adhesive or simple, mastic for soft roofing is used for gluing. The sheet is laid 1-2 cm higher from the eaves bend. Then the next sheet is mounted, joint to joint to the first, and each of them is nailed in the place of perforation. In this way, the entire cornice row fits.

Such is the material of a soft roof, the installation of the main rows of which starts from the center of the roof slope. Maybe, routing a soft roof seems a little complicated at first, but after laying one or two rows, you will undoubtedly get a taste and the next time you will not have a question: how to lay a soft roof? So, again, remove the protective film from the next sheet and glue it towards the end parts. Slightly above the groove, the sheet is nailed with 4 nails if the roof slope is less than 24 degrees, and 6 nails if the slope is higher than this value. Despite this type of fastening, dismantling the soft roof, if necessary, will not cause any trouble. It is necessary to ensure that the lower edge of the first row is at a distance of 10 mm from the lower edge of the eaves row. The next sheets of this row are stacked on one level with the petals of the first. The end edges of the tiles are cut and glued with mastic. All nodes of the soft roof should also be coated with mastic for better sealing.

After the last row has been laid, you can proceed to the installation of the ridge tiles. The installation instructions for soft roofing show that ridge shingles are obtained by dividing the eaves shingles into 3 parts. Next, stick the split sheet, while the short side of the sheet should be parallel to the ridge. Then the sheet is nailed on each side with 2 nails, while the nails should be located under the next sheet, which is overlapped. Again, it should be mentioned that the methods of installing a soft roof may differ slightly, depending on the characteristics of the material used.

As you can see, do-it-yourself soft roofing does not require supernatural capabilities and the process of laying it, with certain skills and the presence of "straight" hands, is quite simple.

It is possible to lay soft tiles on any type of roof, but it is especially suitable for use on roofs of complex configurations with joints and transitions. It is not difficult to install soft tiles with your own hands, but for high-quality work you need to know some features. We tried to talk about this in detail in this article.

What are soft tiles?

This elastic material is made using a special technology from fiberglass or polyester impregnated with bitumen. Externally, soft tiles are small plates of the most diverse shapes (rectangular or five-, hexagonal), made in the form of rhombuses or ovals, honeycombs, etc.

The use of special additives from styrene-butadiene styrene and polypropylene can significantly increase the strength, increase frost resistance and reduce the thermal conductivity of the tile. Colored stone chips applied to its front side serve not only decorative decoration, but also additional protection against mechanical damage and burnout.

Roofing device made of bituminous shingles

Installation procedure for soft tiles

1. This type of roof is mounted only on solid flooring (lathing)... Its thickness depends on the pitch of the rafters: the greater the distance between the rafter legs, the thicker the material from which the flooring is made. As it, you can use moisture-resistant plywood, grooved boards, chipboards, etc.

2. In order for the roofing to look aesthetically pleasing, it must be installed perfectly: at the slightest unevenness, the tiles will look sloppy.

Mounting wood flooring under shingles

Important! Since wooden sheets or boards can change in size when the temperature changes, it is imperative to leave deformation gaps of 3-5 mm between the boards or flooring slabs.

3. To extend the life of the roof, it should be provided with vapor and wind insulation and ventilation gaps.

4. The vapor barrier film is attached with inside lathing and is fixed with nails or a stapler, and then pressed with a wooden strip with a step of 60 cm. The overlap of the film is glued with double-sided tape.

Laying a vapor barrier layer

5. Residential attics should be pre-insulated. Slabs insulation laid staggered (staggered) over a layer of vapor barrier between wooden bars.

6. For additional waterproofing of the most problematic areas of the roof on the cornice, valley, ridge slope in the places of its break underlay carpet... If the roof slope is insufficient (up to 12-18 °), it should be rolled out over the entire roof surface. It is advisable to additionally process all joints with bituminous mastic.

Installation of underlay carpet

7. The underlay is mounted with an overlap 10-15 cm and fixed with roofing nails with a pitch of 15-20 cm. It is undesirable to bend this material. To create overlaps on roof slopes, it can be cut 10-15 cm.

Installation of the cornice strip

9. Installation of a soft roof begins from the cornices... For this, it is better to use a special cornice shingles, on which a self-adhesive layer is applied to strengthen the waterproofing. If it is absent, the tiles installed on the eaves should be thoroughly coated with mastic. Additionally, it is secured with wide-headed roofing nails.

Laying order of the first row

Advice. Tiles from the same batch should be used for installation. Otherwise, significant color variations may occur. To get an even pattern, it is better to alternately use shingles (tiles) from different packages.

10. When installing decorative tiles complex shape"Petals" should be laid out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended drawing scheme.

11. Cutting material it is more convenient to carry out with a special knife with a hook-shaped blade. To do this, you can use an ordinary hacksaw for wood. In order not to damage the soft tiles, it is better to cut on a special board.

12. In order for the roof to look neat, it is better to place on the slopes beacons made of durable threads, which will serve as guidelines when laying.

Installation of subsequent rows

13. Subsequent rows of shingles are also attached to the subfloor with roofing nails. Their caps are completely hidden behind the petals of the next row. The first row is laid, starting from the center of the ramp gradually moving to the sides. Tiles are trimmed along its edges if necessary.

14. When installing in the warm season for several days, the bitumen, which is part of shingles, melt, and the shingles will self-vulcanize. If the weather leaves much to be desired, to fuse the tiles together, they should be treated with a construction hairdryer.

Important! It is not recommended to install flexible roofs at low temperatures (not lower than + 5 ° С) - in the cold, the tiles become too fragile and may break in places of bends.

15. Aerators are installed to provide ventilation on skates or anywhere else on the roof. The places of their abutment should be protected with a lining carpet and smeared with a layer of mastic.

Roof fans

16. To protect the most vulnerable spots of the roof, additional components are used: ridge and valley (flexible strip or curved shingles laid at the junction of the roof planes). They fit simply: a piece of shingle is bent and then fixed with roofing nails in 10 cm increments. With the help of ridge shingles, it is possible to strengthen the bypasses of air ducts, communications output and antenna attachment points.

17. Since leaks are most common in valleys, it is advisable to lay two layers of shingles in such places.

Advice. When working at low temperatures, ridge shingles and valleys to increase flexibility, it is better to warm up a little on a warm metal pipe.

Valley laying

At the dawn of his history, man learned to cover the roof of a dwelling with various soft materials. Today there are many types of them. . The video of the installation of a soft roof shows how convenient it is to close housing with such flexible and pliable materials. What are the options for arranging a soft roof? What is the production technology for the installation of soft roofing? These questions are asked by everyone who is interested in the opportunity to equip the roof of their house with the help of modern and beautiful roofing materials.

As the name suggests, this type of roofing is flexible and resilient. You can only see and feel these qualities with your own eyes if you touch them with your hands or watch the video. Installation of a soft roof on complex roofs, thanks to these properties, often becomes the only possible option. Soft roofing materials have many other advantages.:

  • no difficulties in installation, no bulky equipment is needed and a large number of workers;
  • such a roof itself is a waterproofing material, so additional layers are not needed at all;

  • thanks to small specific gravity, the load on structural elements roofs, which makes it possible to save on other materials;
  • ease of repair. In case of damage, only a small area changes;
  • there is no strong noise during rain, which is important for residential premises located on the attic floor;
  • when installing a soft roof, the laying technology is such that almost no waste remains;
  • corrosion to such materials is not terrible, since there is no metal component in them;
  • the cost of some materials is not great.

This type of roof, like any other, has a number of disadvantages.:

  • fire resistance soft materials weak, since they are often based on bitumen. IN to a greater extent this is true for roofing material and roofing. Modern technologies have made it possible to increase the fire resistance to acceptable values;

  • under the soft roof, the installation of a continuous sheathing is required, which increases the total cost of the work. The exception is, which is somewhat stiffer than other materials, so it can be laid on a crate with small gaps;
  • weak thermal insulation properties, which makes necessary styling insulation.

All these pros and cons are to varying degrees inherent in one or another material for a soft roof. The styling technology is also different for everyone.

Installation of flexible shingles (video)

Types of materials for soft roofing

Materials for installing a soft roof are of the following main types:

  1. Bituminous mastics. They are rarely used in private construction, as they are mainly used to cover horizontal or slightly sloped surfaces.
  2. Polymer membranes. Made from PVC and other polymers. They are glued to the prepared screed with glues.
  3. Roll coverings. They are self-adhesive or require heating.
  4. Soft tiles. The most popular and expensive material. Due to the variety of shapes and colors, it has gained great popularity. It is a piece product.
  5. Ondulin. Slate-like, ribbed sheeting made of cellulose and bitumen. Has the properties of hard and soft roofing materials.

All these materials have absolutely different technology laying a soft roof. Roof construction requires careful selection of the most suitable one.

Installation of flexible shingles Shinglas (video)

Soft roof device: technology for laying roll materials

Roll roofing materials include: roofing material, roofing felt, glass-roofing material, glass melt, tekloizol and euroruberoid. They all have a similar production technology. A layer of bitumen mastic with polymer components is applied to the base made of cardboard or fiberglass. If ordinary roofing felt and roofing felt, belonging to the first generation of materials, are not very popular today due to their short (5 years) service life, then the rest are actively used in construction. Modern roll materials have several colors and 20 - summer term exploitation. This allows them to cover roofs. industrial buildings, hangars and outbuildings.

Roll materials are not very convenient when installing a soft roof. The laying technology is too complicated and time consuming. It is important to remember that this type of material can only be laid on a roof with a slight (up to 30 degrees) slope. Before starting the main work, leveling of the base, laying of waterproofing and vapor barrier, preparation of mastic and primer are performed.

Gluing starts from the farthest corner from the point of lifting to the roof. The material is glued to the base using mastic, which is heated by a burner. In the case of a self-adhesive coating, this condition is not necessary. Usually several layers are laid, so that the joints overlap with the next layer. Their number depends on the angle of inclination of the roof. If the roof is flat or tilted by no more than 5 degrees, then it is necessary to make 4 layers, up to 15 degrees - 3 layers, and over 2 layers are enough. Each layer of the glued material is rolled with a roller.

Useful advice! If air bubbles are found on the roof surface during operation, it is necessary to cut them with a knife. After that, press the place of the cut tightly until the mastic flows.

The use of roll materials is more justified in the construction of large industrial facilities or apartment buildings with flat roofs. For private housing construction better fit roofing made of soft tiles.

Soft roof device (video)

Installation of soft roof: the technology of stacking piece materials

Soft or bituminous shingles are small pieces of material. Its length is 1 m and width is 33 cm. Thanks to this, all installation work can be done by one person. Each canvas is divided into 4 parts in the form of different geometric shapes and resembles a classic roof tile.

Before laying the soft tiles, prepare the base. The lathing must be solid. It is often made from plywood or the like. sheet materials... If necessary, on the entire surface or in separate places requiring special attention, the underlay carpet is laid under the soft tiles. It is a special roll material that provides additional waterproofing.

Laying of sheets starts from the eaves. The main thing is to put the first row exactly, then it will be easier. The sheets are glued with mastic and pierced with nails at the perforation points. At the final stage, the ridge and wind sheets are installed. A typical representative of bituminous shingles is the shinglas soft roof, the installation video of which shows the simplicity of the work carried out, even on the complex roofs of private mansions.

Useful advice! To lay down bituminous shingles best in hot weather. This contributes to better adhesion of the material.

Whatever the soft roof made of piece materials, the use of a lining carpet for soft tiles, insulation and vapor barrier is an indispensable condition for its normal functioning.

DIY installation of bituminous tiles (video)

The technology for installing a soft roof is relatively simple, so it is easy to do it yourself. A soft roof is an excellent replacement traditional materials... It has many advantages: flexible, lightweight, easy to install, inexpensive. To lay a soft roof, you will need to understand some of the intricacies of installing this type of materials.

Soft roofs have replaced traditional coatings: slate, galvanized steel, tiles. Several people were required to lay such materials. Also, a lot of time was spent on work. In modern hardware stores there is a large assortment of goods, among which a soft roof also occupies a worthy place. It is presented both in piece material and in roll.

Features of a soft roof

Sometimes a soft roof is called bituminous shingles. This is due to its composition - it is made on the basis of bitumen. Do not immediately dismiss such material - it has little to do with roofing felt. Soft tiles are stronger and more durable than traditional roll roofing.

Through use in production bituminous roof modern technologies new material received many positive properties. It does not collapse under the influence of high temperatures, it is more durable in frost.

The Technonikol company is engaged in the production of Shinglas bitumen shingles, which can serve from 10 to 55 years. Modern roofing on a bituminous basis does not tear, does not lose its physical properties when the temperature rises and falls. Due to the addition of various modifiers to the material, the bending strength of the material has been increased.

Other features:

  • Bitumen during the production of shingles is melted with oxygen - due to this, the melting temperature has reached 110 degrees.
  • Fiberglass is used to reinforce the tiles, which increases the strength of the products.
  • The upper protective layer contains stone dressing, which performs both protective and decorative functions.

As you can see, modern soft tiles are quite durable and reliable. roofing... It is easy to install and does not require much maintenance during operation. In order to properly lay a soft roof, it is worth dealing with the main stages of work.

Dimensions and characteristics

Soft tile is a piece material that has a length of 1 meter and a width of 33 cm. Thanks to these dimensions, the installation can be carried out alone. Each canvas is divided into 4 parts in the form of geometric shapes. By its appearance, the bituminous tile resembles the classic one.

Before laying such a roof, it is necessary to prepare the base. The lathing is solid. It is often made from plywood sheets. To minimize the negative effects on the shingles, a so-called carpet is placed under it, which serves as additional waterproofing.


Installation of a layer of insulation is carried out from the outside. The first sheets are laid between the rafters. Before laying them, you will need to make a rough sheathing from the attic side. The most optimal thickness of the insulation layer is 20 cm (2 sheets). Then the counter-beam is installed and then the second layer of insulation.

The waterproofing must be laid parallel to the cornice with an overlap of 15 cm layers.In addition, about 15 cm should go beyond the insulation contour waterproofing membrane... Fasten it with a construction stapler. At the joints, it is connected with self-adhesive tape.


After the base is prepared, work begins with the underlay. Such roll material has become a mandatory part roofing cake... It greatly facilitates the installation of a soft roof.

Features of the work:

  • The underlay is attached to the sheathing with roofing nails. At the joints it is necessary to glue it with TechnoNIKOL mastic.
  • If the roof has a slope of less than 18 degrees, it must be fully covered with underlayment. If the slope is from 18 to 90 degrees, the roof is partially covered.
  • If the substrate does not fit over the entire roof area, cover the cornice, ridge and valley.
  • If the carpet is continuous, the rolls should be rolled horizontally. You need to start from the bottom. The horizontal overlap must be at least 15 cm.
  • The joint must be glued with mastic.

The lining will not only protect the roof from damage, but also the insulation and other elements of the roofing cake from getting wet. Care should be taken when installing the carpet.

Laying tiles

After completing the lining, you can start installing the soft roof with your own hands. A shingle is a small piece of roofing. There are self-adhesive areas on it, which are protected with a special film - it is removed before laying.

Installation begins with a cornice and a ridge. A universal ridge-eaves tile is laid over their entire length. The edges of each element are glued with mastic, and also attached to the crate with roofing nails. The latter should be located at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.

After that, it is necessary to beat off the guide lines with a coated cord to get guidelines. Shingles should be laid on them. So that the roof slopes do not differ from each other in color, it is worth opening each package before work and choosing one element from each in turn. In this case, the difference will not be noticeable.

Installation of a soft roof begins with laying the first row - it is mounted from the middle, gradually moving in both directions. Each of them must be glued with mastic.

For fastening the shingles, roofing nails with wide heads are used. For different types shingles are provided with their own nails. For this reason, it is necessary to read the instructions for the selected roof. When approaching the ridge, it is worth leaving a hole for the aerator.

When installing the shingles at the edges, it is necessary to adjust the size of the shingles. This is quite simple to do. The elements are very easy to cut with a knife. In the same way, the roofing material is cut off when bypassing the dormer windows, ventilation outlets. To make cutting the shingles convenient, it is better to put a sheet of plywood under the material.

For the installation of Katepal soft roofs, the same laying technology is used as for Shinglas bitumen shingles. The installation process is shown in the video:

The final stage

At this stage, aerators and a ridge are installed. Aerators are used for ventilation devices. The air flow is directed upwards from the eaves. For this reason, aerators must be installed as high as possible.

They are fastened in the same way as shingles. They are mounted with nails. After installation, they are covered with ridge tiles. To make it more comfortable on a steep roof, special scaffolding should be installed. They are not able to damage the roofing, but they are securely fixed and help the builders move around. Elements that adjoin the edges of the roof must be well glued with mastic.

Roll roofing

Also popular is roll material called euroruberoid. It is laid mainly on flat roofs. Installation is quite simple. The main thing is to follow the instructions:

  • After the roll is rolled out, the material must be stretched, all the folds must be aligned.
  • One side of the roofing material must be heated with a burner - until the special indicator melts.
  • As a result, the side easily adheres to the base. After the material has cooled down, the roll is rolled up to the place of fixation.
  • Fusion is carried out with gradual unrolling of the roll.

The overlap of the roofing material should be 5-10 cm in order not to make a mistake along the entire length of the roll, a special orientation strip is applied. The material must not be overheated - otherwise it will be unusable. A high-quality euroruberoid should be homogeneous and free of voids.

Particular attention should be paid to the adjoining of roofing material to the ventilation outlets and parameters. All problem areas should be treated with mastic. This will protect the roof from snow and rainwater. With a steep slope of the roof, it is worth equipping the snow holders, as well as correctly installing the drips and the drain, which will prevent icing of the roof.

When performing roofing felt roofs, it is worthwhile to understand that the installation technology is different from laying bituminous tiles. However, in both cases, you should make sure that the roof is clear of debris, sand, stones. Otherwise, the roof ahead of time will lose its functions.

The joints should be treated with mastic. After drying, it will have the same properties as a soft roof. When such rules are followed, even a non-specialist can install euroruberoid.


As you can see, you can install a roof made of soft tiles yourself. To complete all stages of work, you do not need to purchase expensive equipment for installation. You will need the standard builder inventory. Even when installing aerators, there are no difficulties.

If you follow the above rules, and with caution, everyone who knows how to handle a tape measure and a hammer will be able to achieve what they want when installing a soft roof.

It is better to lay bitumen shingles on a hot sunny day. This will allow the shingles to melt quickly and form a single surface. In order for the soft roof to function longer, it is worth taking care of the lining carpet, steam and waterproofing.

Soft roofing is a generic name for a whole class of flexible building materials. Their popularity among private developers is explained by both numerous operational advantages and the ability to build modern roof do it yourself. Of course, it will be possible to save on labor costs for roofing specialists only if you fully understand the specifics of materials and the technology of their installation. To do right choice and get a decent result, we suggest you understand the features of soft roofing and get acquainted with the rules for their installation.

What materials are suitable for arranging a soft roof

One of the advantages of a soft roof is that it can be built from any budget. Since, in a very rough approximation, such a covering is a conventional waterproofing carpet, the cost of its construction most of all depends on the roofing material. And here everyone can find what suits him in terms of functionality, durability, design and, most importantly, cost.

Roofing material is one of the cheapest and most popular materials obtained by impregnating roofing cardboard with bitumen. External protection and durability of waterproofing is ensured by an outer layer of hard resin with a mineral filler, which is additionally sprinkled with special crumbs after application. Ordinary roofing material is rarely used at capital facilities, since it is designed for no more than 5 years of service. By adding not only mineral chips to the resin, but also fiberglass, some manufacturers were able to almost double its service life. And yet, roofing material can be considered as the main roofing covering only for temporary objects.

Roofing material refers to roll waterproofing and allows you to create a roof for temporary undemanding structures

Rubemast differs from ordinary roofing material only in a thicker outer layer of bitumen. Thanks to him, the service life of such a soft roof can be more than 20 years, but there is one condition. The fact is that due to the low-temperature destruction of bitumen, it is required to use at least four layers of rubemast - only in this case the manufacturer guarantees its durability.

Being essentially the same roofing material, rubemast allows you to create more reliable and durable roofing

Already by the name it is clear that this roofing material is one of the subspecies of bituminous waterproofing. But unlike roll coatings, soft tiles are produced in the form of small sheets that have the shape of various geometric shapes - hexagon, rectangle, sinusoid, etc. The use of dyes and various dressings allows manufacturers to obtain bituminous tiles with interesting color and texture features - under natural ceramics, aged coating or roof overgrown with lichen. Soft tiles are interesting for their visual appeal, high noise absorption and the ability to be combined with other roofing materials. Its service life is at least 25 years.

Bituminous shingles are an excellent way to make a roof not only reliable, but also visually attractive.

Uniflex roll roofing material belongs to the class of weldable roofs. Being not the cheapest coating, it fully justifies its price. Unlike other types of waterproofing, uniflex is a membrane that can be used for the construction of a ventilated roof. For use in the bottom and top of the roofing cake, there are several varieties of this material separately. For this reason, when using Uniflex, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the technology provided by the manufacturer - then you can count on at least 25 years of roof life.

Like other roll materials, uniflex is most often used for arranging flat roofs.

The basis of technoelast is fiberglass reinforced, therefore such a soft roof has high strength, flexibility and resistance to high temperatures. In the trading network, you can find more than twenty options for this material that can be used for certain operating conditions. The outer layer of technoelast is sprinkled with basalt chips of red, blue, green or brown color, which allows you to choose the material in accordance with the style of the building. The service life of fiberglass waterproofing exceeds 30 years - it is no coincidence that builders attribute it to premium materials.

One of the advantages of technoelast is increased strength and soundproofing

Video: the process of fusing technoelast

How is a roof with a soft roof

Since a soft roof can be used to construct a cold and warm attic, its structure can be composed of several functional layers.

  1. The base, which includes the elements rafter system and solid flooring of OSB boards, plywood or boards.
  2. Lining carpet, which consists of several layers of hydro and thermal insulation. With one-layer insulation together with waterproofing material and for thermal insulation, builders use a vapor-tight PVC membrane. The difference between two-layer insulation lies only in the use of double thermal insulation, the layers of which are separated from each other waterproofing film... In this case, the thickness of the lower layer is from 7 to 17 cm, while the upper tier is made of denser insulation and has a thickness of no more than 3-5 cm.
  3. A layer of protective waterproofing that prevents moisture penetration into the underlay when the roofing material is damaged.
  4. End carpet, which performs the function of waterproofing and thermal insulation at the joints of adjacent roof slopes.
  5. Elements of ventilation and chimney passage units.
  6. Mounting accessories and fasteners.

When starting the construction of a soft roof, one must not forget about the need for ventilation of the under-roof space. Constant air circulation will prevent the formation of condensation and protect the underlay and wooden structures from putrefactive bacteria and fungi.

The durability of the soft roof is ensured not only due to modern materials, but also thanks to a carefully thought-out ventilation system

Calculation of materials

For the most part, materials for arranging a soft roof are an expensive pleasure. In order not to lament over the unused remnants of the roofing after installation work, or, conversely, not to waste time and nerves due to lack of material, it is necessary to carry out an accurate calculation.

Having thought logically, we can come to the conclusion that to determine the amount of building materials, it is enough to calculate the squaring of the roof slopes. And this would be correct, if not for one thing. The fact is that during installation soft coating some of the material will go to waste in one way or another. There is no escape from this, even if you need to hide gable roof, not to mention more complex structures with numerous turrets, valleys, roof windows and so on. Most often, manufacturers of soft tiles inform about what kind of tolerance should be given "for stock". However, this information concerns stingrays. geometric shape... In reality, you should take into account the complexity of your roof and, on the basis of this, make a decision on the proportion of waste.

To determine the amount of materials required for the construction of the roof of the hip roof, you will need to calculate the area of ​​two triangles and two trapezoids

Calculations start by finding a "clean" roof area. For gable structures, the square of a rectangle with sides equal to the width of the overhang and twice the length of the slope is calculated. Once you have a "clean" area, it should be easy to calculate the amount of materials for the underlay and subfloor.

  1. Since the waterproofing is overlapped, it is necessary to make a margin of 4–5%.
  2. Insulation, like plywood, can be calculated by the area obtained, however, if roll insulation can be joined in any way, then such a number will not work with slab materials. For them, it is necessary to make a calculation in such a way as to lay as many whole sheets as possible on the slope. In this case, a tolerance of 3-4% will suffice.
  3. The same stock is recommended when buying soft tiles.

The assurances of the manufacturers are good for ideal conditions, but completely inadequate in the case of real roofs and insufficient skills of novice roofers.

Before calculating materials for a roof of a complex profile, it is recommended to draw up a drawing indicating exact dimensions of each item. After that, the area of ​​all slopes is found and summed up. Due to the complex geometry, the overrun of plywood will be at least 10%. As for hydro and vapor barrier, it will not be required more than for simple roofs- stock in the same 4–5%. There will be no overspending of insulation. As in the previous case, it can be calculated by the “clean” area with a margin of 2-3%. But soft tiles should be purchased with a margin of at least 10%, since each joint of adjacent slopes is an additional cost for overlap.

To determine the amount of materials for a soft roof of a complex roof, you will need its drawing indicating the exact dimensions

Having calculated the amount of material for flat surfaces, they begin to determine the running footage of the valleys and ridge elements. At the same time, one should not forget that the latter will be needed not only at the top, but also for each external bend with an angle of up to 120 degrees.

Finally, the number of elements for wind protection and filing of the edges of the overhangs, if any, are provided for by the roof structure, is determined.

Bituminous tile laying technology

The process of laying the roofing cake takes place in several stages. Let us consider in detail the features of each stage and understand the differences in installation depending on the type of coating.

What is needed for roofing work

Such advantages of a soft roof, such as light weight and flexibility, make it possible to carry out installation, as they say, in one hand. In this case, you can get by with the tool that every masterful owner has in stock. Here is a list of what you might need in your work:

  • a hacksaw for wood or a jigsaw;
  • cutting knife;
  • spatula for applying mastic;
  • blowtorch or gas-burner(in cold weather);
  • a hammer.

We talked about the components of a soft coating in the previous paragraph of this article. Everyone decides what to use for a particular layer individually. We will only add that in addition to the materials required for the construction of the base and the roofing cake, you will need a suitable sealant (for example, liquid rubber), mastic and wooden planks for arranging the ends and eaves of the roof.

Preparatory activities

The base of the soft roof must be strong and rigid enough to exclude the slightest deflection of the multi-layer structure. These conditions are met by several materials that can be used for the construction of continuous flooring:

  • plywood;
  • OSB boards;
  • grooved board up to 25 mm thick.

Plated and planed lumber is laid directly on the battens of the sheathing and fastened with self-tapping screws (it is allowed to use nails for flooring from boards). If work is carried out in summer heat then stacking individual elements the base must be end-to-end. When installing in the cold season, it is necessary to make a correction for the thermal expansion of the wood, therefore plywood and OSB boards are laid with a gap of 2-3 mm. For grooved boards, gaps of 4–5 mm are left, and the lumber itself is oriented downward with annual rings.

For the construction of a solid roof base, panel materials such as OSB and plywood are best suited.

Experts recommend treating the base of the roofing cake and the wooden frame of the roof with an antiseptic, insecticide and fire retardant. This will make the structure more resistant to fire and protect it from attack by fungi and insects.

Ventilation gap arrangement

Laying the underlayment close to the roofing will make it impossible for air to circulate and will cause condensation to form on the back of the roofing cake. High humidity threatens with such problems:

  • the formation of ice and icicles in winter;
  • rotting elements of the rafter system;
  • wetting the seal, as a result of which it will lose most of its thermal insulation capabilities.

Avoiding all these troubles is easy - just leave a 5 cm gap between the underlay and the roofing. Air circulation is provided by air vents in the overhangs of the cornices and ventilation outlets along the entire length of the ridge.

The ventilation gap provides the air circulation necessary for the durable operation of the roofing cake and truss system

Bottom waterproofing layer (lining)

Roll is used as a lining layer. bituminous waterproofing, which is mounted over the entire surface of the base. Laying is carried out from the bottom up, with a minimum overlap in the longitudinal direction of 15 cm, and in the transverse direction - 10 cm. To fix the panels, nails or construction staples are used, hammered in with a step of 20-25 cm.

If the slope has an inclination of up to 18 degrees, then the lining layer is equipped only in the most difficult areas - the ends and overhangs of the cornices, abutments to vertical surfaces (wall, chimney or ventilation pipe), in the valley and at the ridge. At the same time, waterproofing is laid at the joints of adjacent slopes on both sides.

The underlay carpet can be positioned both horizontally and vertically - it is important to ensure the tightness of their joints

The width of the backing layer with incomplete waterproofing is:

  • for valleys - not less than 500 mm;
  • for skates - 250 mm or more;
  • along the eaves and at the ends - at least 400 mm.
Some "craftsmen" are trying to make the roof cheaper by abandoning the backing layer. It is certainly not worth underestimating the importance of waterproofing. So, a layer of bituminous material will protect the base not only during the operation of the roof, but also prevent moisture penetration if, for some reason, the installation of a soft roof has to be suspended.

Installation of planks and arrangement of valleys

Cornice and pediment strips, which are also called drippers, allow you to protect the crate from precipitation. The first ones are mounted on the eaves of the cornice directly on top of the lining layer and are fastened with a nail strike in 10 cm increments. To make the installation more reliable, you should choose nails with wide heads and arrange them in a zigzag manner. At the docking points cornice strips perform an overlap with a width of 30 to 50 mm.

Installation of pediment strips is carried out in the same way, with the only difference that they are attached to the end parts of the roofing structure.

Cornice and pediment planks are stacked on top of each other with an overlap of 3-5 cm

Immediately after installing the droppers, you can start laying the valley carpets. The overlap in the places of abutment of adjacent slopes is an additional protection of these places from precipitation. When choosing a material, they are guided by the color of the roof, and fixation is carried out with bituminous mastic and nails, which are located at a distance of 10-12 cm.

Cornice tiles are laid on top mounting plates installed to protect the roof overhangs. Fixation is carried out with galvanized nails, which are hammered into the coating at a distance of at least 25 mm from the upper and lower edges of the strip.

The eaves tile is laid with a slight indentation from the outer edge of the drip

By cutting off the petals from the shingles of ordinary tiles, you can get starting strips no worse than factory ones. Since soft roofing components are sold at unreasonably high prices, such a trick will help you save a little. We only note that in this case, the fastening must be performed end-to-end, departing from the eaves overhang of 15–20 mm.

In order for the soft roof to have an attractive appearance, horizontal marking lines are applied to each slope before installation. Guided by them in the future, it will be much easier to maintain the parallelism of each subsequent row of the roof.

It is recommended to mix the shingles from different packages when starting to install ordinary shingles. Since the shades of the material can differ even within the same batch, such a trick will allow you to get a coating without pronounced stripes and color deviations.

Installation of tiles on the main surface of the roof is carried out from the middle of the roof overhang towards the ends. For fastening, all the same galvanized nails are used, of which 4 pieces are enough under normal conditions. on the shingle. If the building is located in an area with strong, gusty winds or has ramps with a slope of more than 45 degrees, then it is recommended to add a couple more nails for more reliable fastening.

The shingles of the first row should overlap the joints of the eaves shingles

When laying the first row, it is necessary to indent from the edge of the eaves overhang of 10-15 mm. Installation must be carried out in such a way that the shingle petals overlap the joints of the cornice tiles. All subsequent shingles are mounted in the same way, with the difference that now the petals should cover the cutouts of the lower row. At the edges, the soft coating is cut along the edge and glued at least 10 cm in width.

When arranging the valleys, the tiles are cut off, receiving a 15-centimeter strip. After that, its edges are coated with glue to a width of at least 7–8 cm and additionally fixed with nails.

The layout of the soft tiles must be provided by the manufacturer of the roof covering.

Remove from soft tiles protective film should be done right before installation, and when cutting it in place, it is recommended to put a piece of OSB or plywood under the material. This will protect the already installed coating from damage.

Features of fastening ridge tiles

When starting to equip the ridge, it is necessary to cut the eaves shingles in the places of perforation. The resulting sheets are stacked with short sides along the ridge of the roof and nailed with four nails each. In this case, the overlap of the previous shingles should be at least 5 cm - among other things, this will protect the attachment points from moisture.

The best way to provide high-quality ventilation through the ridge is a specially shaped aerator

Arrangement of passages and junctions

To seal antennas and communication elements, the passages through the roof are protected with special pass-through elements, which are fixed with nails or self-tapping screws. At these points, the edges of the shingles are wound over the seals and trimmed in place. After that, the tiles are glued to the penetration with bitumen mastic.

For the arrangement of places of passage through the roof, special pass-through nodes are used

Places of abutment of the roof to vertical walls and brick chimneys settle down differently. In order to prevent moisture penetration under the soft coating, a triangular rail with a cross section of 50x50 mm is nailed at the junction of the slope and the vertical surface. To do this, you can use both a regular skirting board and a beam that is loose along the diagonal. The underlay carpet and the edges of the shingles are coated with mastic and wound over the lath. The final fixation of the shingles is carried out with nails, after which the abutment is protected with an end carpet and a special abutment strip.

In places of adjoining walls, an end carpet and a metal strip are used.

Video: instructions for installing a soft roof with your own hands

What you need to know about installing a roofing pie

The roofing cake owes its name to several layers that perform a number of important functions:

  • create the basis for the installation of all elements of the roofing structure;
  • increase the thermal insulation properties of a soft roof;
  • protect the under-roof space and the materials used from moisture.

Laminated structures are of two types - for cold and warm roofs... The first includes outbuildings and buildings that are not intended for year-round living. The roofing cake of residential buildings in which it is supposed to live in the cold season must necessarily be warm.

A minimum number of layers are used for the cold roofing cake

The difference between the roof of both types is the presence of insulation and layers that ensure its functioning. In general, the structure consists of the following elements:

  • vapor barrier membrane;
  • lathing and counter battens;
  • thermal insulation;
  • a layer of waterproofing or diffusion material;
  • ventilated gap;
  • solid base;
  • soft roof.

During installation, it is important not only to follow the established order, but also to orient individual materials in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. In particular, this applies to the vapor barrier and diffusion layer, the membrane materials of which allow air to pass through only in one direction.

The need for high-quality thermal insulation leads to a serious complication of the construction of the roofing pie

Lathing and counter-lathing

The battens of the battens and counter-battens are stuffed over the rafters, thanks to which it is possible to make the wooden frame more rigid and obtain the gap necessary for air circulation. The installation scheme for these elements when arranging a cold attic is extremely simple:

  • a 50x50 mm bar is used as a counter-lattice, which is fixed across roof beams with a step of 0.3 m (for a standard distance between rafters of 0.7–0.9 m);
  • a solid base is nailed to the counter beam, making sure that the edge of each slab rests on the beam. At the same time, cruciform joints are avoided by laying the plates apart and fixing them with nails.

When constructing a solid foundation from a grooved board, there is no need for a counter-lattice. In this case, the lumber is attached directly to the rafters.

The counter lattice performs several functions - from ensuring the rigidity of the rafter system to ventilation of the roofing cake

For an insulated roof, a multi-layer roofing cake is used, therefore, the installation of the battens and counter battens is carried out on separate stages installation works:

  • from the side of the attic, a vapor barrier membrane is attached over the rafters;
  • counter-bars are attached on top of the vapor barrier, the distance between which is chosen depending on the type and size facing material attic walls. So, for plasterboard structures the attachment pitch is 0.4 or 0.6 m;
  • outside the roof, spacers are attached to the rafters, which are necessary to hold the slab or roll thermal insulation;
  • insulation is placed in the resulting niches and an external counter-lattice is erected. To do this, the timber is nailed along the rafter legs in order to be able to form a ventilation gap;
  • across the counter-beam, crate slats are stuffed, which serve as a support for a solid base.

If it is necessary to install a thicker layer of thermal insulation (from 15 cm), use a two-tier counter-rack, nailing the bar first in the transverse and then in the longitudinal direction.

Video: Tegola roofing pie device

Repair and dismantling of soft roofs

If, during the operation of the soft roof, the coating was damaged for one reason or another, then it is repaired. To do this, they inspect the damage and decide on a way to eliminate them. Small holes can simply be filled with mastic, while tears and other defects require a more serious approach.

First of all, you should clean the damaged area from mineral chips. To do this, you can use anthracene or diesel oil, which is applied to the surface and sweep away the sprinkling with a rag or brush. Among other things, this will soften the material before repair work.

To avoid melting of the mastic and increased wear of the soft coating, it is necessary to restore the layer of dressing after each repair. For this, you can use a large river sand which can be sieved into a fine sieve. Excess sprinkles do not need to be removed - over time they will be washed away by rain and blown away by the wind.

It is not difficult to dismantle a soft roof that has served its time. To do this, choose a cool season with an outside temperature of no higher than 20 ° C - it is important that the mastic remains solid. The roofing material begins to be removed from the ridge, moving towards the eaves. After removing the tiles, the lining is separated from the base, after which the flooring is dismantled, as well as the layers of hydro and thermal insulation. As for the rolled soft-faced roofing, it is much more difficult to dismantle it - you will have to use a chasing cutter and cut out the layers of material with a roofing ax.

Knowing the main points of the technology, even a beginner can perform the installation of a soft roof. Of course, within the framework of one article it is impossible to tell about all the nuances and tricks of this work - experience is needed in any business. And nevertheless, observing the installation rules and listening to the recommendations of experienced roofers, it is quite possible to build a roof with your own hands.

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